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INDEX + Definitions, Laws,… *acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.

8 m/s2 treated as a constant

and other things; on my screen they are all one-liners for most purposes

Below, look things up alphabetically. If you want to begin achromatic lens: a lens without chromatic aberration
studying physics, go here, where my e-book starts in
mechanics. Or if you already know about forces and motion,
*action-reaction: forces always occur in equal & opposite
you may want to go to fluids, heat, electricity and
pairs so the sum of all = 0 in universe.
magnetism, or waves or quantum effects.

adiabatic process: no heat transfer

Page down a few times, or choose the first letter of the word
you are looking for: Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Iiii Jj Kk Ll Mm
Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww xyz. If you look aerogel: least dense solid; best thermal insulator; fairly
something up here, you will find a very brief line about the transparent; too expensive now
topic, just enough to get you started (or to turn you off, I
hope not). In many cases, a link is provided to more stuff I
age of the universe: 13.7 billion years or so (billion = 109 or
have written about the topic.

See if ctrl-home gets you back to the top.

air: about 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen
Here and there in this document, a single letter is linked to its
alphabetical home, if you know what I mean.
air resistance: we neglect it in elementary physics, but it can
be important
Note: Your browser might show capital delta as D, pi as p,
etc. If α , β look like a, b, then your browser does not
recognize Greek letters, and this could cause confusion. albedo: the fraction of incident sunlight that a planet reflects

An asterisk (*) in front of a line means you probably need algorithm: an exact step by step plan to get a result
to know it well.
alkali metal: one more electron than a noble gas. Sodium,...
*a: symbol for acceleration, the rate of change of velocity, ∆
v/∆t or dv/dt alpha decay: all nuclei heavier than bismuth could emit α

a: also the symbol for the semimajor axis of an ellipse alpha particle: same as helium nucleus, 2 protons & 2
a: atto: 10-18
alternating current: goes back and forth; in USA the standard
A = area is 60 Hz (see Hertz)

A = amplitude, height of a wave from the equilibrium point alternative fuels: hydrogen, ethanol, methanol, biodiesel...
(Fossil fuels will be depleted.)
aberration: distortion of image because lenses are not perfect
aluminium: aluminum in British-English-speak
A-bomb: neutron induces U nucleus to split, releasing more
neutrons, splitting more U nuclei aluminum: element with lucky atomic number 13; see
absolute pressure P: the zero pt is the unattainable perfect
vacuum; see gauge pressure AM: amplitude modulation, usually in radio

*absolute temperature T: the zero point is the unattainable ammeter measures amperes, but do not say amp-meter
absolute zero; see Celsius
*ampere (A): unit of current, 1 A = 1 coulomb/second
absolute zero unattainable? Can we be certain of anything?
-273.15 oC *Ampere's law: (not discovered by Ampere) magnetic field
due to a current
ac: alternating current; in the US, power companies use 60
Hz frequency amplifier: circuit to increase amplitude of a signal

*acceleration: rate of change of velocity v; if constant rate of *amplitude: maximum wave height measured from
change, click linear equilibrium or maximum voltage

amplitude in quantum mechanics is the square root of the B due to a segment of current is proportional to the sum of
probability the cosines of the angles

angstrom: unit of length = 10-10 m, atom size B due to a coil anywhere on the axis: inside or outside a long
or short coil
*angular acceleration α = a/r in radian/s2 where
a=acceleration and r=radius barn: 10-28 m2, =100 fm2, about the cross-sectional area of a
*angular frequency ω = 2π f in radian/s if f is frequency in
Hz. baryon is made of 3 quarks; neutron and proton are examples

*angular impulse τ ∆ t = change of angular momentum beard-second: length a beard grows in a second, 1 bs ≈ 10-8 m

*angular momentum L = Iω or rx(mv): total is conserved if BE condensate: Bose-Einstein condensate = atoms in one
no external torque acts quantum state, like 1 atom

*angular speed or angular velocity ω = v/r in radian/s *beat frequency = ∆ f when two frequencies mix

antiparticles: same mass, opposite in other properties; every Bernoulli's principle: higher v means lower P under the right
particle has an anti conditions

API: application programming interface beta decay: electron or positron emitted from nucleus

*Archimedes' principle: buoyant force = weight of fluid Bethe cycle (stars): overall, 4p forms 1 He + 2e+ + 2ν +
displaced energy

area of circle: π r2; ellipse: π ab=π a2(1-e2)1/2; surface of Betz coefficient: 16/27, the maximum fraction of wind power
that one can capture. Derive
sphere: 4π r2

big bang: about 13.7 billion years ago, all matter and energy
Aristotle's physics (by thought, not experiment) set back
created and Universe began
progress for many centuries. Great philosopher but..

big crunch: universe collapses? The evidence says no, it will

ASCII silly question and you'll get a silly ANSI
keep expanding.

asteroids: mostly between Mars & Jupiter; broken-up planet?

billion: 109 or giga in US and France; 1012 in UK and
Germany; thus avoid the term
astrology: total nonsense; see Elvis sightings
binding energy per nucleon: iron nucleus has about the
atmosphere as a pressure unit: 1 atmos = P at sea level maximum

*atmospheric pressure = 1.01 x 105 Pa (pascal = Pa = N/m2), Biot & Savart law for calculating magnetic field from charge,
see newton (N) velocity & distance

atomic mass unit: 1 amu or u = 1.66x10-27 kg, m of carbon 12 bit: 0 or 1 in a computer; byte = 8 bits
atom divided by 12
black body radiation: intensity is σ T4, where σ is 5.67x10-8
atto (a): 10-18 W/(m2⋅ K4)

aura surrounding a person: total nonsense; see Elvis sightings black radiates more and absorbs more

*average velocity = distance/time [=(vo + v)/2 if acceleration black hole: g super large-- light cannot escape; would be a
is constant] handy trash can

Avogadro's number = number in a mole = 6.022137 x blog = web log

Bohr-de Broglie hydrogen atom model: circular electron
*B = symbol for magnetic field or flux density or magnetic orbits quantized
induction (see tesla)

Bohr magneton: 9.2740154 x 10-24 J/T calculus deals with infinitesimal quantities

Bohr radius, H atom, 1st orbit: 5.3 x 10-11 m *calorie: heat energy to raise temp. of a gram of water 1oC; 1
cal = 4.186 joule
*boil: liquid to vapor- heat required is Lv m; m = mass
vaporized, Lv=constant *Calorie (diet) = kilocalorie, 4186 J. 2000 diet Cal/day = 97
Boltzmann's constant k = gas law constant R divided by
Avogadro's number candela (cd): SI unit of luminous intensity, 1 cd = 1
Boltzmann's constant k = 1.380658 x 10-23 J/K
*capacitance C= q/V, unit: farad = coulomb/volt, see
Boolean algebra: uses 0 & 1 only: 1+1=1; all other operations
are as expected
capacitive reactance, Xc = 1/(ω C), opposition to AC in Ohms
Bose-Einstein condensation: gas of bosons all go into the
lowest energy state *capacitor stores electric charge (batteries keep constant V,
capacitors don't)
boson: particle with integral spin quantum number
carbon cycle: see Bethe cycle
*Boyle's law was first discovered by Towneley and Powers
carbon dating: radioactive C created from regular C in
Bq (becquerel) unit = 1 disintegration/second. 1 curie atmosphere, used to find age of formerly living
(Ci)=3.7x1010 Bq
carbon dioxide, atmospheric: 315 ppm in 1958, 377 ppm in
Bragg equation is for x-rays reflected off a crystal, 2dsinθ =
mλ for maxima
carbon nanotubes: lots of future technology waiting to be
238 239
breeder reactor: unfissionable U converted to Pu, which
is fissionable
Casimir effect: two uncharged plates in a vacuum attract each
other due to vacuum polarization
bremsstrahlung: braking radiation; electron hits target,
radiates electromagnetic waves
caterpallor: color of your face after seeing half a worm in
your apple
Brewster's law: tanθ p = n, where θ p = angle such that
reflection is totally polarized
*Celsius temperature scale: water freezes at 0o C = 273.15 K,
boils at 100o C=373.15 K.
brewster's law: keep air away from the fermenting beer
C = 5/9(oF + 40) - 40 and oF = 9/5(oC + 40) - 40
British units: we blame the Brits for pound, slug, foot
(sounds like martial arts)
center of buoyancy: buoyant force acts like one force at this
Brownian motion: random motion of a particle in a fluid
caused by molecules bumping it
center of gravity is center of mass for all practical purposes;
weight is like one force
buckyball (buckminsterfullerene): C60, molecule of C atoms
shaped like a soccer ball
*center of mass xcm = Σ mx/mtotal
bulk modulus B: pressurize something and it shrinks in
volume: ∆ P = -B∆ V/V *centrifugal force: for this you need an accelerated reference
frame; avoid it

*buoyant force = weight of fluid displaced (Archimedes'

principle) *centripetal acceleration ac = v2/r = ω 2r

buoyant force experiment *centripetal force: avoid the term; no new force is present in
circular motion
c = speed of light, nature's speed limit, 299,792,458 m/s ~
3.00 x 108 m/s chaos: herding cats, for example

charge: the "stuff" of electricity, it is what is flowing in an conduction or flow of fluid: fluid flows toward lower
electric current pressure region

charge of the electron: 1.6 x 10-19 coulomb conductivity = inverse of resistivity. see resistivity

chemical reaction: it's all in the electron configurations conic section = intersection of plane & cone: point, ellipse,
(nuclei do not change) parabola, hyperbola, straight line

*circular motion: Σ Fc = mv2/r consciousness: that annoying time between naps

circular reasoning: see reasoning, circular conservation laws: in physics they are about quantities that
are constant (see below)
clairvoyance: total nonsense; see Elvis sightings
*conservation of angular momentum (if no net external
torque acts)
cm: centimeter, CM: center of mass

*conservation of charge (if no charge enters or leaves)

CO2, atmospheric: 315 ppm in 1958, 377 ppm in 2004;
causes global warming
*conservation of energy (if no energy enters or leaves)
*coefficient of friction µ : friction force = µ times the normal
force *conservation of momentum (if no net external force acts)

cogeneration: produce electricity and instead of throwing out conserving energy resources: we're addicted to fossil fuels;
waste heat, use it will suffer withdrawal

*coil, magnetic field of, or to find inductance of a coil, see conspiracy, Federal Government, 9/11/01: See Elvis sightings
inductance and get over it.

cold fusion: maybe something, but not fusion; see Elvis *constant acceleration problems: equations and how to use
sightings them

*collisions: apply conservation of momentum and sometimes conundrum: use for safe lex
*converging lenses, mirrors: convex lens, concave mirror,
color magnify the white on the computer screen and you will positive f, converging type
see red, green and blue
*convex mirror, concave lens: negative f; diverging type:
*components of a vector: vector = hypotenuse of right parallel rays diverge after
triangle, comps = other sides
Copernicus theory (1543): planets orbit the sun
Compton effect: a photon bounces off an electron; Compton
derived the change of λ Coriolis effect makes a cannon shot go a little to the right in
N. hemisphere, although…
*concave mirror & convex lens: positive f; one equation is
used for these and for …Coriolis force is a fictitious force on the cannonball. The
effect is due to Earth's rotation.
*concave lens & convex mirror: negative f
*cosine: (side adjacent)/(hypotenuse) in a right triangle
condensation: opposite of evaporation; same amount of heat
transfer occurs cosine law can be used to add vectors

conductance: inverse of resistance; 1/ohm = mho cosmic rays: particles from space, mostly from sun

*conduction of heat: heat energy flows toward the lower cosmic background radiation: microwave radiation from the
temperature big bang

*conduction of current: electric charge flows toward the cosmology: evolution of the universe; cosmetology:
lower voltage evolution of hairdos

cosmos: the whole shebang *deceleration: slowing down; negative acceleration if
velocity is positive
*coulomb unit of charge: 1 C = 6.25 x 1018 e (e = absolute
value of electron charge) delusions of adequacy: thinking you can get along without
*Coulomb's law F = kq1q2/r2 with k = 8.987552 x 109 N⋅
m2/C2 *density ρ = mass/volume

cracker: criminal hacker destructive interference: occurs where waves are out of phase

crap game quantum mechanics: to illustrate some of the ideas diamagnetism: weak repulsion of a substance from a magnet,
and notation an electron orbit effect

creationism: total nonsense; see Elvis sightings (paramagnetism is a weak attraction to a magnet, an electron
spin effect)
critical angle: sinθ c = 1/n, where n = index of refraction (see
Snell's law) diameter of proton: 2 x 10-15 m

crop circle hoax: people believed aliens landed; see Elvis diameter of iron nucleus: 8 x 10-15 m
diameter of typical atom: 1 x 10-10 m
Curie, Marie: Nobel Prizes in both chem and phys.
diameter of red blood cell: 7.5 x 10-6 m
curie: (abbreviated Ci) Unit representing 3.7 x 10
disintegrations per second, see Bq diameter of Earth: 1.27 x 107 m

*current (electric) I = q/t =charge which moves past a point diameter of our galaxy: 7.6 x 1020 m
in time t divided by t, see Ohm’s law

*dielectric constant and its effect on capacitance

current events: lightning, for example

*diffraction: through a double slit, grating, or a single slit

curve ball, due to Bernoulli effect?

diode: one-way valve for electric current; pair of n&p-type

curved space: the cause of gravity (in Einstein's general semiconductors
relativity theory)

diopter: meter-1 If a lens has focal length f meters, then 1/f is

d: small ∆ ; dx means small ∆ x, so dx/dt is instantaneous the "strength" of the lens in diopters.

dipole: electric, magnetic (a pair of equal & opposite charges

dark energy: unknown cause of expansion of universe or poles)
speeding up

Dirac delta "function" δ(x) such that ∫f(x)δ(x)dx = f(0). δ

dark matter: Not visible, what is it? 95% of mass in the (x)=zero everywhere except =1/dx at x=0.
universe is unknown stuff

*direct current: I = q/t =charge which moves past a point in

Darrieus wind machine: eggbeater-like blades, vertical axis time t divided by t

daughter nucleus: after a radioactive decay dispersion or why there are rainbows

DC: direct current goes one way (alternating current goes *diverging lens (concave lens) like convex mirror, both have
back & forth). negative focal length

de Broglie theory: particle of momentum p has wavelength Doppler effect: higher frequency if source is moving toward
h/p; (see h, see p=mv) you or you toward source

decay of a radioactive nucleus: start with number No, then N double refraction: some crystals split a light beam into two,
= Noe-t/τ ,τ =mean life polarized ⊥

*double slit: Interference maxima: dsinθ = mλ is a good *efficiency e of an engine: work output divided by fuel
approximation, click here for exact equation energy input; see heat engine

down (quark, d): rest energy = 360 MeV, charge -1/3e Ehrenfest's theorem in quantum mechanics is the Newton's
2nd law equivalent
dowsing to find water: total nonsense; see Elvis sightings
eigenvalue: characteristic value.
dud: neutron is a dud, two down quarks and one up
Einstein: special relativity, general relativity, photoelectric
effect (and many others)
*dynamics: applying Newton's laws

*elastic collision, the ideal case, no loss of KE in the

dynamo: produces electric current via Faraday's law collision

*1 dyne = the weight of a mosquito; dyn is the abbreviation, elastic potential energy: deform something that "wants" to
a great space saver return to normal

e: 2.7182818284…, the base of the natural logarithm (ln); electret is to electric field as permanent magnet is to
ln(ex) = x, elnx = x magnetic field

e: absolute value of the electron charge, e=1.602 x 10-19 electret example: melt carnauba wax, let it cool in an electric
Coulomb field

e: eccentricity of an ellipse- circle has e=0, long thin ellipse *electric charge: the "stuff" of electricity, + or -
has e close to 1

*electric circuits: series and parallel and beyond

e: efficiency of an engine: work out/fuel energy used

*electric current I = charge passing a point divided by time of

e: emissivity. blackest black e=1, absorbs all light, emits passage
maximum infrared

electric dipole: a pair of equal and opposite charges

E: electric field, (electric force vector on a small q) divided
by q
*electric field E = force on a small test charge divided by its
E: energy, ability to do work (oversimplified definition)

*electric potential = voltage V, the potential energy of q

E=mc2 : mass-energy equivalence; i.e. mass is energy, energy divided by q
is mass, but units differ. Derive it.

*electric potential energy = Vq (see electric potential, then

e/m: charge to mass ratio of the electron, 1.76 x 1011 C/kg see circular reasoning)

Earth: Rorb=1.496x1011m, rE=6.371x106 m, mass=5.974x1024 *electric power = VI = I2R = V2/R, watt = joule/second
kg, I=8.021x1037 kg⋅m2

electric vehicle: a green choice

Earth: age 4.6 billion years, axis precesses with period about
26,000 years
*electromagnetic waves (radio, microwave, infra red, light,
ultraviolet, x-ray, γ ray)
Earth's period of rotation (day) increases 1.5 ms/century due
to tides
electron: charge = -1.602177x10-19 Coulomb, mass =
9.109390 x10-31 kg
eccentricity e of an ellipse: zero for a circle, almost 1 for a
long, thin ellipse
*electron-volt: unit of energy = 1.602177x10-19 J (see electric
potential energy)
eccentricity e of a hyperbola: e>1

electron wavelength = h/momentum, h = Planck's constant,

eccentricity e of a parabola: e=1 6.626 x 10-34 J⋅ s

eddy current: usually unwanted, but can be used to test for

electrostatics: static cling and all that
cracks in metals

electroweak force: unification of the weak nuclear and fermion: particle with spin half h-bar (boson has integral spin
electromagnetic forces number)

elliptical orbit of a satellite, and more than you wanted to final theory: (dream on, Steve) if we find one we can't be
know about it certain that it's right, so…

Elvis sightings: believing in a falsehood because you want to fine structure constant = e2/(2ε o hc) ≈ 1/137
believe it
*first law of thermodynamics is the conservation of energy
emissivity: e=0 to 1, measure of radiation emission (and principle
fish eyes have spherical lenses
*energy: ability to do work is the oversimplified statement of
what it is
fission, nuclear: split a big nucleus and energy is released;
see fusion
entropy: a measure of disorder; when things are a real mess,
call it high entropy
flow of fluid, heat, charge: one equation fits all

*equilibrium: zero acceleration, so Σ F=0; zero angular

*fluids main page includes heat and electricity which are like
acceleration so Σ τ =0
fluids in some ways

equipartition of energy: for example in a solid, atoms have flux of a field: field times perpendicular area

forces of nature: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong &

*erg: work done by mosquito doing a push-up, a dyn⋅ cm weak nuclear

escape speed: (2GM/r)1/2 = speed needed to escape a planet forces, contin.: electromagnetic and weak nuclear unified=
(not orbit) electroweak force

*eV: electron-volt, PE change of electron moved through one *force vectors: the vector sum of all ∝ ma (Σ F = ma for
volt, 1.6x10-19 J certain units)

evaporation: fast molecules escape, reducing the average v of fossil fuels are being used up. We will convert to solar energy
liquid molecules, lowering the temperature of the liquid dependence eventually

evolution "just a theory" is an admission of ignorance. A *free fall: acceleration g = 9.8 m/s2 = 32ft/s2 on Earth
theory is well-verified, the highest ideas of science.

*friction, static (no slide) and kinetic (sliding)

exponential decay: capacitor voltage for example, V=V∞
+(Vo-V∞ )e-t/RC
fuel cells will probably replace most batteries some day

f: symbol for force, frequency, farad; the context tells you

which fuse: (old word for melt) electrical safety device melts due to
excessive current

factorial: 5!=5 factorial = 5x4x3x2x1=120. 0! is defined = 1

*fusion, latent heat of: constant Lf in equation ∆ Q=Lf m
when m melts
Fahrenheit temperature scale: freeze water at 32 & boil at
212o F
fusion, nuclear: take little nuclei, stick 'em together to form
larger; energy is released
*farad (f): unit of capacitance; most capacitors are in the µf
or pf range
fusion in music: take different kinds and stick 'em together

*Faraday's law: induced voltage = rate of change of flux

furlong = 1/8 mile = 220 yards
femto (f): 10
furlong/fortnight = 1.66 x 10-4 m/s

Fermi: should be pronounced fair-me (lots of people say fur-

me) *g: acceleration due to gravity or gravitational field; g =
GM/r2; weight is mg

*G: universal gravitation constant, 6.6726 x10-11 Nm2/kg2 , *grating: dsinθ = mλ is equation for a maximum, m=0,1,2,…
*gravitation: You are attracted to your physics book.
Galileo did experiments and found that Aristotle had wrong
ideas about physics
Gravitation is just a theory, not fact, so keep an open mind
about it.
gamma: factor in relativity theory, γ = (1 - v2/c2)-1/2
*gravitational potential energy: mgy (y small compared to R
gamma ray: electromagnetic wave from nucleus of Earth) or -GMm/r

gamma ray bursts: said to be the most energetic events in the *gravity: force = mg = GMm/r2 , G = 6.6726 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2
universe; unknown origin
gray (Gy): unit for absorbed radiation per mass; 1 Gy = 1
gas: molecules relatively far apart J/kg. Rad = 0.01 Gy.

*gas law about P, V and T (PV=nRT) or a more theoretical greenhouse effect: why a car in sunlight gets warm inside
approach to the gas law
greenhouse gases: CO2, CH4, etc. cause global warming
gasoline: energy content 132 MJ/gallon
*ground: how electric power companies use it
gates: and, nand, or, xor, nor, Bill. Certain inputs yield a
certain output
ground-fault interrupter (GFI) turns off electric power if
hotwire current is not = neutral wire current
*gauge pressure: difference between absolute P and
atmospheric P
ground state: lowest energy state

gauss: 10-4 tesla, magnetic field unit

growth, hair: several nm/s, so if you were atom sized, it
would look like a train coming out of a tunnel
Gaussian surface: imaginary surface around charge(s); elec
flux thru it prop. to q inside
GUI = graphic user interface, dialog boxes, menus...

generator: application of Faraday's law

Gunn diode has negative dV/dI over a small range, useful for
radar gun oscillators
geosynchronous orbit: ω of satellite = ω of Earth's spin, 2π
rad/24hr, altitude 22 k mi h = Planck's constant, 6.626 x 10-34 Joule second

geomagnetism must be due to two competing effects because h = height or depth

sometimes fields reverse

H = Hubble constant, 2.3 x 10-18 s-1 H x distance to galaxy =

*geometric optics: thin lenses, flat and curved mirrors, one its speed
equation fits all

h-bar = h/2π, written with a bar through the upper stem of the
geysers work like coffee percolators

gibbous moon: between half & full

hc = 1240 electron volt-nanometer

*gigahertz: 109 Hz, the "speed" of new computers exceeds a

hadron: heavy particles that contain quarks; mesons have 2
quarks, baryons have 3

GIGO: garbage in, garbage out

half life: time it takes for half to decay

global warming: we are the cause, and we will pay the price
hand = 4 inches (unit used in measuring horse height)
gradian (grad): angle measure, 100 of them in 90
healing touch: placebo effect at its finest hour

gradient (another grad): change of something per distance

*heat energy Q: ∆ Q means heat energy added to a body

gram: unit of mass; the mass of 1 cm3 (1 ml) of water

*heat engine: highest, lowest temps TH and TL, e < 1-TL/TH incompetence: what we strive to achieve- keep getting
(never = in reality) promoted until you have it

Heisenberg uncertainty principle, ∆ p∆ x > h? I'm not sure. index of refraction: speed of light in vacuum/speed of light in
Also ∆ E∆ t > h? a medium

helium was discovered on the Sun before on Earth (helio = *inductance: L = Σ φ /i or Nφ av/i where N=loops in coil,
prefix meaning sun) current i causes flux φ

Helmholtz resonator: when you whistle, your mouth is one inductive reactance: XL = ω L, opposition to AC in Ohms; ω
in rad/s, L in henrys
Hertz: a car rental company
inductive time constant = L/R, so 1 minute is 60 henry/ohm
*hertz (Hz): a cycle per second
inertia: difficulty to change the motion of a body. Mass is a
Higgs boson: undiscovered particle, thought to give other measure of inertia for non-rotationals.
particles mass
inertia, rotational, or moment of inertia, I = ∫ r2dm, used in Σ
hire education: today's higher education τ =Iα

holes in semiconductors (electron vacancies) act like positive inertia of Earth: I = 8.021 x 1037 kg m2
inertial reference frame has zero acceleration. Earth reference
horsepower: 746 W or 550 ft-lb/s. You do a hp running up frame: not quite inertial, but close.
stairs? Almost.
inflationary universe: about 10-35 s after the big bang, brief
Hubble constant: H = 1/age of universe = 2.3 x 10 -18 -1
s . rapid expansion
(speed = H times dist.)
insulators or dielectrics: electrons are stuck to the atoms
Huygens' principle: Each point in a wave front is a source of
semi-spherical waves. intaxication: euphoria due to tax refund

hydrogen atom: En = -13.6 eV/n2 = energy of electron, n = integral of d(cabin)/cabin = natural log cabin
1,2,3,… normal is n=1

intelligent design is neither: total nonsense; see Elvis

hydrogen economy: when we convert to solar, use hydrogen sightings
for fueling cars, etc

intensity of light: the average Poynting vector, ExB/µο

I or i: symbol for electric current, = charge/time; also I =
inertia in mechanics
interference of waves: they add; see phasors for a way of
i: unit vector in x direction

inverse square law and its abuse

image: in optics, the image looks like a replica of an object
(but could be larger or smaller)
ion: charged atom. Two atoms walking together. "Oops, lost
an electron." "Are U sure?" "I'm positive."
image, real: would show on a screen if a screen is placed
irreversible process in thermodynamics: cannot reverse it by
making small changes
image, virtual: looks real, but would not show up on a screen.
Look at a plane mirror.
iso prefix means constant, isochoric = isovolumetric,
isothermal = const. temp
impedance of a series RCL circuit: Z=(R2+[XL-XC]2)1/2 see
ind. & cap. reactance
isotope: same atomic number, hence same chemical
properties, but different mass.
*inclined plane problems if you are so inclined

j: unit vector in y direction

incoherent light: all but laser. Phase at one location is not
related to phase elsewhere.

Jar file: Java archive file *laws of motion: Newton's 1st, 2nd, 3rd ΣF=ma and action-
reaction forces
jet engine thrust: see rocket thrust, but include a negative
term for the intake LC oscillations (coil and capacitor): ω = (LC)-1/2

*joule (J), energy unit, a newton⋅ meter (N⋅ m), also = watt⋅ leap second: in most years they put an extra second in the last
second (W⋅s) minute

K: kelvin, a unit of temperature; oC+273; see kelvin LED: light emitting diode

k: Boltzmann's constant, gas law constant R divided by *lenses and mirrors: one equation fits all
Avogadro's number
lepton = light mass particle; hadron = heavy particle
k: spring constant; spring force = -kx, where x = stretch
lepton: lightweights electron, muon and tau and the 3
corresponding neutrinos
k: unit vector in z direction
lever: bar that pivots at point called the fulcrum
*kelvin temperature scale: based on Celsius, but zero is really
light: derive the wave equation from electricity and
Kepler's laws (planets): elliptical orbits, equal areas in equal
time, T2 ∝ a3
light emitting diode (LED): a diode that emits (guess what)

kilogram (kg): SI mass unit. It weighs about 2.2 lb on Earth. light speed: about 3 x 108 m/s

kilowatt hour: energy = 3.6x106 J; E in kwh = power in kW x light-year: unit of distance, the distance light travels in a year,
time in hours 9.46 x 1015 m

*kinematics: distance, velocity, acceleration and time *linear motion (straight line motion with constant
relationships; see linear motion acceleration)

kinetic friction: sliding friction, f = µN, where µ is liquid: molecules packed close together, but are not stuck in
coefficient of kinetic fric, N=normal f. position. In a solid they are locked in place.

*kinetic energy: 1/2mv2 ; if v is near the speed limit c, KE = (γ logarithm of x is the power that the base needs to be raised to
-1)mc2 ; see gamma get x

*kinetic theory of gases : pressure law found by Newton's logarithm of base 10: log(1000) = 3, because 103 = 1000
logarithm of base e: natural log or ln. ln(e2) = 2
Kirchhoff's rules: current toward junction = current away;
sum of ∆V around loop = 0
*loop equation (Kirchhoff 's): Σ ∆ V around circuit loop = 0

L: latent heat, angular momentum, inductance

Lorentz factor γ = (1-v2/c2)-1/2 (see relativity, special)

laser: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

Emits coherent light. lottery: a tax on people who are bad at math

latent heat of fusion, vaporization, Lf, Lv: heat required per love wave: transverse surface earthquake wave with vibration
mass for melting, boiling parallel to the surface

law = old theory. Gas “laws” are approximations “Theory” of luck: the harder you work, the more you get
relativity seems exact. (Another usage is that a law is a
specific relationship and a theory is a collection of related lucky: if you feel lucky your chances are the same

lumen: 1/680 watt at 555 nm (peak eye sensitivity); other

law of cosines is Pythagorean theorem with an extra term colors need higher power
when the angle ≠ 90o

lumens/watt: incandescent bulb, 15. fluorescent, 50. firefly, mass-energy equivalence: E = mc2 , E and m are two forms
650. Ideal = 680 of the same thing

luminous intensity: 1 candela = 1 lumen/sr (sr = steradian, mass of: Earth, 5.975 x 1026 kg, Moon, 7.35 x 1022 kg, Sun,
solid angle) 1.987 x 1030 kg

luminous intensity, an odd name for it; usually intensity is mass of: electron, 9.1094x10-31 kg, proton, 1.6726x10-27 kg,
something per area neutron, 1.6749x10-27

lunar gravity: gmoon = 1.62 m/s2 at moon's surface masses in E/c2 units: elec 0.511 MeV/c2 , proton 938 MeV/c2
, neutron 939 MeV/c2
lux: lumen/m2
mean life: Al Capone's for example. In radioactivity it is half-
m: symbol for mass; abbreviation of meter, milli-

*mechanics main page: stuff you need to know first

M: mega- (million); (but M = 1000 as a Roman numeral)

mega (M): one million, 106

magnetic dipole: north & south pair of magnetic poles, equal
in strength
megahertz: a million hertz, each trying to rent you a car (see
*magnetic field B: moving charge q has force on it, F=qvxB

meltdown: nuclear reactor disaster, Chernobyl reactor had a

magnetic flux: B times perpendicular area, tesla⋅meter2 meltdown.

magnetic flux quantum: h/(2e) = 2.068 x 10-15 T⋅m2 MEMS: micro electro-mechanical system

magnetic force of attraction between magnets meson: quark-antiquark pair

magnetic monopole: it would be nice if it existed Metabolism rate/mass: you, ~2 W/kg. Sun, ~2x10-4 W/kg

magnetic monopole derivation of the Biot-Savart law meter: SI unit of length. 1 inch = 2.54 cm = 0.0254 m

magnetic Pole: someone from Poland with a nice personality micro (µ): 10-6

magnetic N and S poles of a magnet do not exist in isolation Microsoft: 10-6 soft

*magnetism milli (m): 10-3

magnets for healing: total nonsense; see Elvis sightings molecule: two or more atoms bonded together

magnets for improved gas mileage: total nonsense; see Elvis moment of inertia: I = mass times square of distance from
sightings axis, I = ∫ r2dm

magnets for relieving pain: total nonsense; see Elvis sightings

*momentum = mv; collision problems, etc.; conserved if Σ F
=0 on system
magnets for water purification: total nonsense; see Elvis
Moon is receding 3.8 cm/y due to gaining energy from Earth
magnets for $: that explains the above four
Moore’s law: computer speed doubles every 1.5 year or so;
*mass: toe-stubbing property of matter; kick a brick in outer cannot last.
space and you will see
mu (µ) micro, 10-6
mass defined: apply same force to different objects, then
muon, tau & electron: leptons (each has a corresponding
neutrino, also leptons
mass measured: use a balance

Murphy's laws apply to all of this stuff, to tell you the truth obfuscation: like a pride of lions, an obfuscation of
n: symbol for index of refraction in optics; principal
quantum number in atom physics, nano objective lens: the lens on telescope or microscope nearest
the object viewed
*N: symbol for newton, the SI unit of force; sometimes N=
normal force *ohm, abbreviated Ω : unit of resistance defined by Ohm's
nano (n): 10-9
ohm⋅ farad (Ω ⋅ f): time of 1 second, as in "I'll be ready in a
n-type semiconductor has free electrons due to being doped few ohm⋅ farads"
with valence 5 element
*Ohm's law: V = IR, voltage across resistance R carrying
neutrino has very tiny mass; oscillates between types current I

neutron is a dud (up quark and two downs, see quark); can one size gives fits to all
pair up into 2(dud)
optical fibers depend on total internal reflection
*newton = unit of force, approximately 0.225 lb, named after
a fig-filled cookie optical computers: someday…

*Newton's law of gravitation and how Sir Isaac found it *optics: when you read this, you are using optics, your eyes'
lenses focus on retina
Newton's laws: even the worst criminals obey them: Fnet =
ma, action-reaction: F & -F *orbit of a satellite, circular or elliptical

*Newton's laws of motion finally put Aristotle's mistaken overtones: usually multiples of the fundamental frequency
views to rest (musical instruments)

*newton-meter = joule (J), energy unit; J = watt⋅ second (W⋅ p is symbol for momentum; p = mv or

p = object distance in optics

NIMBY: not in my back yard

P = pressure = force/area
*node: stationary point in a standing wave

p-type semiconductor has free holes due to being doped with

*normal force is ⊥ to a surface; if m is on a surface tilted θ valence 3 element
from horiz, N is mgcosθ
pair production: a photon disappears and a particle-
north pole of a magnet is north-seeking pole; hung by a antiparticle pair is born
thread, it points north.
parabolic mirror concentrates sunlight at its focus
nuclear fission: splitting large nuclei gives off energy- the
fragments repel each other A LOT.
parabolic path of *projectile

nuclear fusion: (in stars, H bomb) Nuclei merged, energy

parallax: apparent motion of something caused by motion of
given off if they are small nuclei
the observer

nuclear power: fission. radioactive waste problem, but no

parallel axis theorem: I = Icm+mh2 (=inertia; h is distance
greenhouse gases
from axis to center of mass)

nucleon: proton or neutron, each containing 3 quarks

paramagnetism: weak attraction to magnet, an electron spin
effect, see diamagnetism
nucleus of atom = manic-depressive :) swarm of up and down
quarks (see quark)
parsec (pc): 3.26 light years or 206,000 astronomical units

nucular: Dubya's pronunciation of nuclear

*pascal (Pa): SI unit of pressure, N/m2; see absolute P, gauge
P, and pressure

Pauli principle: no two electrons in an atom can have the PIN diode: has intrinsic (undoped) layer between P and N
same state layers

pendulum: ω = (g/L)1/2 pion: unstable because it's made of only two quarks

penumbra: partial shadow next to umbra, the full shadow pitch (sound): frequency. If mixed frequencies, the ear judges
perigee: (Greek ge = earth) low point in orbit about Earth
(apogee is high pt) plagiarism: copying the work of one person; see research

perihelion: (Helios = Greek God of Sun) low point in orbit Planck's constant h = 6.62606876 x 10-34 J⋅ s
about Sun
Planck length LP = [hG/(2π c3)]1/2 = 1.62 x 10-35 m (some
period T: time of a complete cycle or 2π radians; T=1/f where think it might be important)
f = frequency in Hz
Planck mass MP = [hc/(2π G)]1/2 = 2.18 x 10-8 kg (this is huge
permanent magnet motors got a boost when they found compared to atom masses)
magnets that can take high temp
Planck time TP = [hG/(2π c5)]1/2 = 5.39 x 10-44 s (note that c =
permeability constant µ o = 4π x 10-7 T⋅ m/A for empty space LP/TP)

permittivity constant ε o = 8.85418781762 x 10-12 F/m for *plane wave of light: E = Emsin(kx - ω t) goes toward +x,
empty space speed =
c=ω /k =(ε o µ o)-1/2
perturbation: small deviation from normal
plasma: gas of charged particles
petroleum: will become too expensive for routine use in
about 20 to 50 years PM motor: permanent magnet motor. Can be used as
phasors: rotating vectors, useful in AC and in theory of
gratings p-n junction: millions of them are serving you right now in
your computer
photocopier: selenium becomes a conductor when
illuminated polarized light: E field in a plane (and B field ⊥)

photon: minimum energy pulse of light, energy = hf, Planck's pole of magnet: N named because it points north (hence
const. times frequency Earth has S near the North Pole)

photon momentum = h/λ *potential energy: stored energy

photonics: light + electronics *power: rate of doing work; SI unit is watt (W) = J/s (see
work, energy, joule)
photovoltaic cells or solar cells: they will replace fossil fuels
power, typical person's daily average ~100 W, or ~2 W/kg.
physical pendulum: any pendulum, really; ω = (mgh/ I)1/2, h Sun, ~2x10-4 W/kg
distance from pivot to CM
Poynting vector: S = ExB/µ o = power/area in light wave,
physics: everything real intensity vector

pi (π ): half a pie, a 180o portion (π radians = 180o) precession: conical motion of axis of spinning top,
gyroscope, Earth, etc.

pie: 2π (full circle is angle 360o or 2π radians)

precession of Earth's axis has a period of about 26,000 years

pico (p): 10-12

*pressure: ⊥ force on surface divided by the area; see
absolute P, gauge P, pascal
piezoelectricity: squeeze a crystal and a voltage is produced
pressure vs depth h in a fluid: P=Po+ρgh

primary colors: red green blue; get a powerful magnifier and quantum theory: waves are particles and particles are waves
look at your screen
quantum vectors: a little on the symbolism and a few
primary colors in art are the complements of the above; operations
pigments subtract light
quark: in normal matter, two types named up and down,
*prism: usually triangular chunk of glass charges 2/3e and -1/3e

*projectile motion: vx = constant and vy changes at the rate of quarks in protons, neutrons: udu, dud.
g, the free fall rate
quark masses: u, 4 MeV/c2; d, 7 MeV/c2 ; see Mega, eV, c, E
projectile, initial angle to maximize x: tanθ = vo/vf = mc2

proper length ∆ Lo = length as measured by instrument at rest R: radius; resistance; resolving power; gas law constant
with respect to the thing R=8.31 Joule/(mole⋅ Kelvin)

proper time ∆ to : time interval between two events measured rad: radiation dose, 0.01 Joule of radiation energy per kg of
by clock located there material, see rem, see gray

proton: two up quarks and a down, see quark rad: abbreviation of radian, see below

psycho-kinesis: total nonsense; see Elvis sightings. All who radian: dimensionless angle measure, arc length divided by
believe it, please raise my hand. radius; 1 rad=180o/π

psychic mind readers: total nonsense; see Elvis sightings radiation, thermal: eσT4 is the power/area; emissivity Stefan-
Boltzmann const. temp4
psychic predictions of future events: total nonsense; see Elvis
sightings radio waves: electromagnetic, like light. speed = c = 3.00 x
108 m/s
psychro- prefix meaning cold
radioactive dating: if she is radioactive, don't date her
psychrometer: measures humidity by evaporative cooling
radiocarbon dating: 14C is produced in atmosphere, half life
5730 years; plants get it
Ptolemy theory: Earth centered theory, a reasonable idea at
the time
radon: a radioactive gas; can seep into your basement
pyramid power: total nonsense; see Elvis sightings
Rankine temperature scale (an absolute scale): add 460 to
2 2 2 Fahrenheit temperature
*Pythagorean theorem: h = a + b , h=hypotenuse of right
triangle, a&b=other 2 sides
ratio of specific heats: Cp/Cv = 5/3 for monatomic, 7/5 for
diatomic gas
*q: symbol for charge or for heat energy

ray diagrams work for mirrors and thin lenses

quanta: plural of quantum

RC circuit: V = V∞ +(Vo-V∞ )e-t/RC , & many things follow

quantized: something that comes in steps, not a continuous
change, is said to be quantized. same equation

quantum: smallest unit. quantum of light is photon, q of reactance: two types, capacitive and inductive, XC and XL in
charge is electron or quark Ohms

quantum computers: some day… *real image: the light is really there (as opposed to virtual
image); go optics

quantum mechanics of a crap game showing some of the

lingo reasoning, circular: see circular reasoning

quantum phenomena: discontinuous steps with no in-between red: longest wavelength light your eye can detect

red giant: when our Sun becomes one (in a few billion years), *rotational acceleration α = rate of change of spin ω; α =dω
Earth will be vaporized /dt

reflection: light bounces off, sort of; equal angles from mirror rotational inertia I = mass times square of distance to axis of
rotation; I =∫ r2dm
refraction: bending of light entering a material (unless light is
⊥ to surface) see Snell rotational speed or velocity ω can be considered vector

*relative velocity: all velocities. If unstated, it is usually v s: second

relative to Earth

S: entropy; here we deal only with ∆ S, heat added divided by

relative v example: You are going 50 mph; a 60 mph car absolute temp.
passing you has v=10 mph relative to you.

sanity: a productive form of madness (from Santayana, I

relative v example 2: This time the 60 mph is going the think)
opposite direction. Then v=110 mph rel. to you.

*satellite orbits: circular or elliptical; the physics behind

relativity: special (constant v) and general (accelerated Kepler's empirical laws
frames and gravitation)

Saturn's rings: dust, rock and ice in orbit

rem: rad adjusted for mammals. 1 rad α 's = 10 to 20 rem; for
others rad ≈ rem
Savonius wind machine: vertical axis with two half-cylinder
blades: ( )
research: copying the works of many people; see plagiarism
*scalar: a non-vector quantity such as time, mass, work,
*resistance R: series, Rs = Σ R; parallel Rp=1/Σ (1/R); Rp= energy, temperature…
product/sum for two.
*scalar product: non-vector multiplication of vectors, aka dot
resistivity ρ : inverse of conductivity; R=ρ L/A is R of product of 2 vectors
uniform wire or....
*scalar product of 2 vectors= maximum + if vectors are
resonance: frequency match up causes high amplitude parallel, - if antiparallel

*resultant = vector sum scaling: effect of size. An elephant-size mouse's leg bones
would break.
Richter scale for earthquakes is like the bel scale for sound
(but we use decibels) Schrodinger's equation is to quantum mechanics as Newton's
laws is to classical mech.
*right-hand rule for rotations: r.h. fingers curl in rotation
direction, thumb=vector Schwarzchild radius: 2GM/c2 , something with smaller radius
is a black hole.
*rh rule for magnetic field of current: thumb in I direction,
fingers in B direction scientific method: any reasonable method that would
convince a skeptic
rms: root-mean-square, the square root of the average of the
squares scientific notation: (number between 1 and 10) x 10whole number ,
6.02x1023 for example
rms voltage of sinusoidal AC: Vrms=Vpeak/21/2
SCR: silicon controlled rectifier
robots: big future- farming, manufacturing, exploring,
rescuing, .... seasons: N hemisphere farther from sun in summer! Angle of
sunlight is the key
rocket thrust: force is relative velocity of the exhaust times
the mass rate, dm/dt second law of thermodynamics: total entropy cannot decrease

Roentgen: 1 R produces ions of charge 2.58x10-4 C in 1 kg of second law, another version: heat energy cannot flow by
dry air at STP conduction to the warmer body

self inductance (or inductance): L in henrys as in ε = -Ldi/dt *sound waves in air, velocity is a function of temperature

semiconductors: diamond, germanium and silicon, for *sound waves, standing, inside horns and woodwinds, for
example example

semiconductor physics & lasers: try space exploration: use robotics, stupid (good phys, no joke)
space: particle-antiparticle pairs pop into existence, then
*series and parallel circuits and beyond s&p disappear

SETI: search for extraterrestrial intelligence *specific heat capacity C in the equation ∆ Q = Cm∆ T

shock wave: sonic boom for example, when plane travels spectrometer, spectroscope: separates light into its
faster than sound component wavelengths

SI units: kilogram, meter, second, Ampere, Kelvin, mole, spectrum: rainbow is an example
candela are the base units
*speed and velocity: velocity is a vector, speed is magnitude
sidereal: measured with respect to distant star, not the Sun of v.

*simple harmonic motion (SHM): x = Asinωt when force speed limit in nature is the speed of light- that seems like
toward center prop. dist. nonsense but it is true

*sine of θ (sinθ ) = side opposite/hypotenuse in a right speed of dark = speed of light

speed of light, c: see c, si? (sigh) 29,979,458 m/s ≈ 3.00 x 108
*single slit of width a: light thru it has minima where asinθ = m/s
mλ m=1,2,3,...
speed of molecules in a gas: average kinetic energy of one is
siphon, more than you wanted to know about it /2kT

speed of sound in air, a function of temperature

slug: unit of mass in British system (for Σ F=ma); 1 slug
weighs 32 lb
spider hole: Saddam was found in an Iraqnid hole
slug: snail-like critter without shell; weighs about 0.0032 lb
and is delicious spin up and spin down (viewed from above, clockwise is
*Snell's law shows how light bends when it goes from one
material to another *spring: f = -kx and PE = 1/2kx2 for linear spring such as a
coil spring
soh cah toa: sine=opp/hyp, cosine=adj/hyp, tangent=opp/adj
*spring constant: the k in the above equations, force per
stretch distance
solar cells: price dropping, fossil energy prices rising;
eventually solar will be king
*standing waves: sum of two running waves moving in
opposite directions
solar constant: power/area of sunlight just above atmosphere,
1.37 kW/m2
*standing waves: node to node distance is λ /2
solar energy is the energy of the future; fossil fuels will be
too expensive *standing waves on a string: plunk a guitar

solution: if you are not part of the solution, you are part of *standing waves, sound: toot a flute
the precipitate
states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, liquid crystal, supercooled
sonic boom: shock wave from something going faster than liquid, superfluid, plasma,
sound states of matter, continued: Bose-Einstein condensate,
neutron star, black hole,…
*sound waves and the theory behind it

*static friction: we would not exist without it Tera: THz = 1012 Hz, for example

statics: Σ F = 0 and Σ τ = 0 → zero acceleration, zero angular terminal velocity: v when falling body has air drag = weight
*Tesla, SI unit of magnetic flux density B (some people
Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ = 5.67x10-8 W⋅ m-2⋅ K-4 (see object to calling B mag. field)
blackbody radiation)
theory usually means a well-verified collection of laws and
steradian: unit of solid angle, area as "seen" by a point principles about an aspect of nature
divided by distance squared
thermal refers to heat. thermal conduction, thermal energy....
strong force: one of two nuclear forces, the other is the weak
force thermionic emission: heating a filament causes electrons to
"boil" off
Sun: 1.50x1011 m from Earth, "metabolic" rate = 2x10-4W/kg,
about 1/5000 of yours thermistor: semiconductor; it drops in resistance with rise of
Sun's energy source: very slow fusion of hydrogen into
helium, see above thermocouple: electricity from heat with no moving parts, but
very inefficient
superconductivity: resistance exactly zero caused by a
quantum effect *thermodynamics: work output from heat energy

supercool: cool a liquid and it can dip below its freezing thermodynamics, laws of: You 1) can't win. 2) can't break
point before freezing even. 3) must play the game.

supernova: star blow-up; those C, O and N atoms in your thermodynamics: 1) conservation of energy 2) heat
body came from supernovas conduction toward cooler, or total entropy cannot decrease

*superposition of waves: fancy term for addition of waves thermopile: a bunch of thermocouples

superstring theory: elementary particles are strings? Thevenin's theorem: replace a complex network of resistors
maybe…. and batteries with 1 battery and 1 resistor

surface tension: water molecules attract each other, so surface thick lenses: don't click on it, it won't tell anything about
layer is more dense them

sustainability: capable of continuing forever, unlike modern *thin lenses click it. one equation fits all mirrors and thin
agriculture etc. in US. lenses if you get signs right

t: time thyristor: SCR, triac: transistor-like components for dimmers

and other controls
T: absolute temperature; period of an oscillator (time of one
cycle) tides transfer energy from Earth to Moon, causing Moon to
move farther away
*tangent of θ (tanθ ) = side opposite/side adjacent in a right
triangle time: that which I don't have enough of (besides brains) to
explain much about
tangent to a circle: straight line touching circle at one point,
perpendicular to the radius time constants: for capacitors, RC and for inductors, L/R.

tau, muon & electron and their corresponding neutrinos are time dilation: time slows down as v approaches c. t = γ to
the lightweights: leptons (see gamma)

telescope and microscope formula for building the simplest ton = 2000 pounds
lens types

tonne (metric ton) = 1000 kg = 2200 lb

*temperature: absolute T is proportional to average kinetic
energy of a molecule

ton of TNT has energy 4.1 GJ unit vectors: i, j, k magnitude = one; direction in x,y,z
directions, respectively
*torque τ = rxF twists things; Σ τ = Iα, see inertia I, ang.
accel. α and vector prod. universal gravitational constant G = 6.6726 x 10-11 N⋅ m2/kg2

torr: unit of pressure = 1 mm of mercury measured by a universe: as far as we know there is only one, but we cannot
mercury barometer know for certain

Torricelli's theorem: Water squirting out hole in open tank at up (quark, u): rest energy 360 MeV, charge 2/3 e; proton is
depth h has v = (2gh)1/2 uud

torsion pendulum, twisting back and forth uranium 235 is fissionable, 238 is not, but 238 can be
converted to plutonium
total internal reflection: if your calculator says ERROR when
you calculate refraction vacuum: no perfect one is possible (but we cannot be
absolutely certain of anything)
*transformer: changes the voltage of AC; voltage ratio =
turns ratio vacuum polarization: particle-antiparticle pairs pop in and out
of existence
transistor: current regulator made of semiconductors; like a
faucet controls water flow van de Graaff generator: carry charge on a belt to the inside
of hollow sphere
*transverse waves: vibrations ⊥ to the wave velocity
*vaporization: heat energy required = Lvm (Lv = constant,
latent heat of vaporization)
*trigonometry: see sine, cosine and tangent, then memorize
those definitions
*vector addition: usually add corresponding components, but
there are other ways
triple point, water (3 phases in equilibrium): 0.01 oC and P =
4.62 torr.
vector product or cross product: AxB is ⊥ to the AB plane
Tropic of Cancer, Capricorn: Sun is straight above 6/20+,
12/20+ (23.5o N, S latitude) *vectors: in mechanics and in quantum mechanics

tunneling: electron or other particle disappears and reappears *velocity: average v = distance traveled/time, instantaneous v
elsewhere! = dx/dt (d = small ∆ )

turbulence: in flowing fluid, random swirls *vibrations: we deal only with the simple harmonic motion
type here
ultrasound: frequency too high for the ear-brain system to
detect *virtual focus: parallel light thru concave lens diverges; trace
it back to a point
ultrasound: defined as f >20 kHz, but you probably can't hear
15 kHz *virtual image: at its location the light is not really there; see
real image
ultraviolet light: frequency too high for the eye-brain system
to detect viscosity η : resistance to flow of a fluid is proportional to η

uncertainty principle: I dunno, maybe check out Heisenberg visible light wavelengths = about 400 to 700 nm, due to eye,
not property of light
unified field theory: maybe in 20 years we will have one
super theory of everything *volt: unit of electrical potential energy per charge. 1 V = 1
*uniform circular motion: constant α , so easy equations
apply *voltage acts like electrical pressure; I = ∆ V/R, like vol flow
rate below
*units: conversions, and you should know the SI electrical
units volume flow rate dQ/dt = ∆ P/R, pressure difference divided
by resistance

volumes: Ah if constant area A such as cylinder, πr2h. Others: *work: component of force in direction of motion times
sphere, (4/3)πr3 distance moved

volume, contin. pyramid and cone, (1/3)Ah *work and energy: work is energy transfer; SI unit is N⋅
volume, contin. torus (donut), area of circular part times
circumference of center-line *work done by expanding gas is average pressure times
change of volume
W: watt
*work-energy theorem: total work by all forces = change of
kinetic energy
waist: a terrible thing to mind

world problems we can't solve: global warming,

waste: a terrible thing, mind you overpopulation, fossil fuel depletion

*watt (W): SI unit of power, watt = joule/second (W = J/s); WYSIWYG: what you see is what you get
James Watt, James Joule

x,y,z unit vectors i, j, k

wave equations: plane wave and a differential equation for
strings, sound, light
x component of acceleration of a projectile: zero (if no air
*wavelength λ : distance between identical parts of wave;
crest to crest, for example
x component of velocity of a projectile: constant (if no air
*waves, longitudinal: on a spring and sound- vibrations
parallel to wave v
x direction unit vector i = magnitude 1 in x direction

*waves, main page

xor gate: exclusive or gate. 1&1--> 0. (In a regular or gate,
1&1--> 1)
waves, transverse: on a string and light waves derived using a
differential equation
x-ray: f > ultraviolet frequency; fuzzy border between them
around 1017 Hz
*wave velocity v = f λ , frequency times wavelength
x-ray diffraction is something to Bragg about
weber: magnetic flux unit in SI (flux is BA ⊥ ) weber = tesla
y component of acceleration of a projectile: g straight down

weak force: one of two nuclear forces, see electroweak

y component of velocity of a projectile: changes as in free
*weight: w= force of gravity mg; some define it as a scale
reading, the normal force
y direction unit vector = j, dimensionless, magnitude = 1

weightless: in free fall ref. frame, it is as if gravity doesn't

yocto- (y): 10-24
exist. See general relativity

Yotta- (Y): 1024

white light: mixture of all colors; white people are colored
You are exchanging virtual gravitons with planet Earth.
white on your computer screen = red, green and blue dots
(get a powerful magnifier) You are unique, just like everyone else.

WiFi: wireless fidelity You will obey Newton's laws.

wind power: 1/2 ρ Av3 , 0.59 (= Betz coefficient) of this is Young's elastic modulus E: F/A = -E∆ L/L ; see also bulk
max possible to capture modulus B

wind power output of wind machine ≈ 0.2ρ Av3 (ρ density, A *Young's experiment: the double slit experiment with light
area, v speed of wind)
z axis unit vector: k, dimensionless, with magnitude = 1

zed = zero in British-English-speak; sum of all forces in the
universe = zed

zepto- (z) = 10-21

zero, absolute: -273.15 oC

zero electric field inside a conductor with no current

zeroth law of thermodynamics: equilibrium temperature


zetta- (Z) = 1021


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