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Project Risk Register

Risk Identification Risk Risk Category Probability

Qualitative Rating Impact Risk Risk Score Ranking

Risk Response Risk Response Risk Owner

Affecting performance of other projects

Organisational Risks/Internal Risks

Contractor is Moderate responsible for ensuring they have adequate resources available Contractor

Low Incompetent Organisational staff assigned Risks/Internal to project Risks

Staff without enough experience to work in the project

Lack of Experts staff

Organisational Risks/Internal Risks

Low 1 2 2

Not enough knowledgeable and experience staff

Approval and decision Organisational processes Risks/Internal cause delays Risks

Have effective project management Moderate processes

Unanticipate d noise impacts

Environmental Risks/External Risks


Unforeseen affects on resources

Environmental Risks/External Risks

Contractor assumes Moderate responsibility


Air pollution

Environmental Risks/External Risks


Can cause damage and harmful to environment and living things

Environmental Contaminatio Risks/External n of water Risks



Provide back up system for temporary treatment Contractor

Unidentified utility impacts

Construction Risks/External Risks




Variations during construction

Construction Risks /External Risks



Ensure all project requirements identified prior to construction Keadew

Site is unsafe

Construction Risks/External Risks


Ensure site is safe to build on

Delays due to traffic management Construction and lane Risks/External closures Risks

This would delay Moderate the project

Changes to brief and / or Construction scope of Risks/External works Risks

Focus on firming up scope in the Moderate planning process

Differing site conditions

Construction Risks/External Risks

Moderate Site Investigation Contractor

Supplied of Materials to site

Construction Risks/External Risks



Controlling material in and out of site

Supplier/Con tractor

Incomplete / Inadequate quantity estimates

Design Risks/Internal Risks


Insufficient design analysis and data

Design Risks/Internal Risks


Consulting engineer is responsible for ensuring that an adequate design is completed

Hydraulic features

Design Risks/Internal Risks



Ensure comprehensive hydraulic analysis is completed.

Inaccurate assumptions during the design phase

Design Risks/Internal Risks

Consulting engineer is responsible for ensuring that an adequate design Moderate is completed

Project not fully funded Externally driven accelerated schedule

External Risks


Ensure funding is obtained and available Keadew

External Risks




County Council actions cause unexpected delays External Risks


Public objections

External Risks

Adequately identify and monitor stakeholder Moderate requirements


Inflation and other market forces

External Risks

1 3

2 2

2 6

Low Moderate Contractor

Permits delay External Risks

Inadequate project scoping

Project Management Risks/Internal Risks


Consultant and contractor delays

Project Management Risks/Internal Risks


Estimating and / or scheduling errors Lack of coordination and communicati on

Project Management Risks/Internal Risks


Project Management Risks/Internal Risks


Unforeseen agreements required

Project Management Risks/Internal Risks


Key Terms
Risk: The risk stated in a complete sentence which states the cause of the risk, the risk, and the effect that the risk causes to the project. Risk Category: Categorization of risks by area of project affected, source of risk or other useful category. Probability: The likelihood that a risk or opportunity will occur (on a scale from 0 to 5 with 5 being the highest). Impact: The impact of the risk on the project if the risk occurs (scale from 0 to 5 with 5 being the highest). Risk Score: Determined by multiplying probability and impact (scale from 0 to 100). Risk Ranking: A priority list which is determined by the relative ranking of the risks (by their scores) within the project. Risk Response: The action which is to be taken if this risk occurs. Risk Owner: The person who the project manager assigns to watch for triggers, and manage the risk response if the risk occurs.

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