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The Feeling Low Workshop

And more importantly, how to get yourself back to your bright, shining self

By Suky Bansal Jan 2014

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6-7 8-9 10 11-12 13. 14. Introduction - The Feeling Whats going on and how to get yourself out of this and back to you The Timetable Appendix 1) sample Appendix 1) your template Affirmations including work from Louise Hay Tapping/EFT with Brad Yates Guided Meditation by Anne Jones Meditation - Various External Conclusion

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Introduction - The Feeling:

Every now and again I, like many other people, go through a bout of feeling low. My motivation levels dip, my moods take a turn for the worst and I generally feel awful. In this mode, its a real challenge to do anything. My mind is the one in control as opposed to my heart - which is where I usually live from. My mind is great at manifesting and creating self-sabotage. If Im honest, at this time, a part of me likes it because it gives me the reason to lack compassion. Being a very compassionate person normally, it feels like Im rebelling against my true self like a boisterous teenager. I tend to bring an I dont care about anything or I give up type of attitude to this period of time. In this place, my intuition stops working, I become increasingly negative, angry, upset, emotional etc. Scenarios that I would normally deal with like water off a ducks back suddenly latch on to me and contribute to me feeling low. For example, if I'm driving and someone commits some driving offence directly against me, normally, I let that go with compassion for them. But when I'm in this state, it angers me and I go through an angry process in my mind which in hindsight is totally unnecessary but I still do it. I become lazy and unmotivated. I dont want to do anything unless I really have to. My thoughts shift from the usual thoughts of love, happiness, confidence, empowerment etc to self-sabotage, feeling not good enough and criticising myself, others and generally anything. I also become feistier, which again isnt my normal behaviour. Its a feeling of being sucked in to the daily story of doom and gloom. My nature is to be positive, happy and friendly. At least thats what Ive spent years re-training myself to be. That is my innate nature. But when I feel like this, I forget all of this and make a shift from positive to negative. I am also often surprised at just how quickly I can make this shift. In this space, all of my usual activities go out of the window as my mind talks me out of doing things that I know are good for me i.e. the things I like doing. This in turn brings me to a lower ebb because I am fully aware of what makes me happy and that is being proactive. I have to do things to push forward. I cannot be a static person because if I was, I would feel like this all the time. So in these times, I can plummet lower and lower and very easily get myself into depression if I dont control it. Over the years I have learned to recognise the signs. I know when to act and when Im going too far. That took a lot of discovery in itself! You have to know your limits.

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What is going on? So I can feel like this or alternatively, I can create the momentum I need to be the catalyst to get myself out of what I have got myself into. I know Im responsible for my own actions. I know I have a choice in how I feel every day of my life. This is a fact. Bear with me I will explain. So with a catalyst and momentum, when you think of a machine, in order for it to work, you have to put some energy into it whether that is electricity, human energy or some other force. For example, when you ride a bicycle, you have to get on and push before it will do anything. You have to create your energy and put it into the bicycle. The bicycle then uses this energy to move hence the momentum being the catalyst that gets the bicycle moving. Now the outcome is fully dependent on how much momentum you put into your catalyst stay with me here! If you halfheartedly push the pedals, you will only go so fast. But if you put some tough, hard work/energy into it, you will speed off. Well its the same in life. When you feel low, its really at that point where you have to dig deep and pick up your energies and fully utilise them to get yourself out of this. How? So when I had this feeling low recently, I did the following things, which I recommend for you also. Look at this as a To-Do list for you as a form of help to get you back to your shining, bright self. I personally recommend doing every task in this workshop but you can select which parts suit you better if you like. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else and you know what will hold your interest or not. Allow yourself some time every day to follow this program. Commit to at least an hour a day for this purpose. You have 24 hours in the day. Find some time slots and stick to them. These dont have to be the same times every day, you can be flexible. It is important to make this commitment to yourself. We can all lie to anyone and everyone but we cant lie to ourselves. So know that when you are making this commitment, it is borne out of wanting change in your life. Keep that thought on the forefront of your mind and it will naturally motivate you and give you some strength. In this program, I will show you 5 simple tasks to help you pull yourself out of this feeling low by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Creating your weekly timetable Doing daily affirmations Working on yourself using Tapping/Emotional Freedom Technique Meditation Attending some talks

(All of the videos in this document are hyperlinked so you should be able to access them by clicking on the screen. If you have any problems, the URLs are listed below each one. These will work equally well.)

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Create a Timetable:
Create a timetable that accounts for every hour of every day in a week. Fill this in with the things that you need to do to get yourself out of this. Add the things that make you happy, uplift you and energise you as much as possible. Only you know what these things are. Allocate time for washing, sleeping, working, traveling, chores, exercise, reading, meditating, resting, preparing food and eating it etc. Every hour in the 24 hours per day should be allocated to something. Include spending time in silence and solitude to quieten the mind and tune into your inner thoughts and intuition. By this I dont mean from your mind, I mean from your soul. This is very important. Tune into your soul. When you do this, your infinite wisdom comes up and advises you or points you in the right direction or guides you. This information can be valuable to help you see further into how go get yourself out of this. To Do: Fill your timetable with the things that make you happy and balance them with the things you have to do during your week. Add as many colours as you can to make it bright! Benefits: This helps you keep busy and prevents you from having vast amounts of time where you can dig yourself deeper into the whole of feeling low. It also helps you look at what you have achieved in a week and gives you some motivation when you see how proactive you have been. You have not just sat there and thought about how bad your life is. You have lots of things to look back on and feel proud about. This helps your self-esteem and confidence. See Appendix 1 for a sample version prepopulated to illustrate it further and Appendix 2 for your own template to complete.

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Appendix 1
MONDAY Meditate Get ready for work 7AM Travel to work. Listen to something uplifting on the way. Work 9AM Work 10AM Work 11AM Work 12PM Lunch - and then do some light breathing exercises 1PM Work 2PM Work 3PM Work 4PM Work 5PM Travel home and listen to something positive on the way 6PM 7PM Exercise Eat 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am Do something creative Meditate Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Do something creative Meditate sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep Do something creative Meditate sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep Do something creative Meditate sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep Do something creative Meditate sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep Free time Meditate sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep Free time Meditate sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep Travel home and listen to something positive on the way Exercise Have dinner with friends Travel home and listen to something positive on the way Travel home and listen to something positive on the way Travel home and listen to something positive on the way Free time Work Work Work Work Free time Work Work Work Work Free time Work Work Work Work Lunch - and then do some light breathing exercises Work Lunch - and then do some light breathing exercises Work Lunch - and then do some light breathing exercises Work Lunch - and then do some light breathing exercises Work Work Work Work Work Read a healing book Read a healing book Free time Free time Work Work Work Work Do something on personal growth Do something on personal growth Work Work Work Work Do something on personal growth Do something on personal growth TUESDAY Meditate Get ready for work Travel to work. Listen to something uplifting on the way. Work WEDNESDAY Meditate Get ready for work Travel to work. Listen to something uplifting on the way. THURSDAY Meditate Get ready for work Travel to work. Listen to something uplifting on the way. FRIDAY Meditate Get ready for work Travel to work. Listen to something uplifting on the way. SATURDAY Lie in Lie in Lie in SUNDAY Lie in Lie in Lie in






Do something on personal growth

Do something on personal growth

Read a healing book Free time

Free time Take a walk in nature Take a walk in nature Take a walk in nature Free time

Exercise Eat

Exercise Have dinner with friends

Exercise Eat

Free time Free time

Free time Free time

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Appendix 2

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Definition by Louise Hay Doing affirmations is consciously choosing to think certain thoughts that will create positive results in the future. It is a focal point to begin changing your thinking. Affirmative statements are going beyond the reality of the present into the creation of the future by the words you use in the now. Affirmations have been used for many years now and are becoming more and more popular all over the world. Louise Hay is a serious advocate of affirmations. She has written many books and created audios about them throughout her career. She cured herself of cancer using affirmations and positive thoughts. I personally have also benefitted many times in my life from using them. I have this one written by Louise Hay on my wall. It is truly beautiful. I read it as often as I can: In the infinity of life where I am all is perfect, whole and complete I accept health as the natural state of my being I now consciously release any mental patterns within me that could express as dis-ease in any way I love and approve of myself I love and approve of my body I feed it nourishing foods and beverages I exercise in ways that are fun I recognise my body as a wondrous and magnificent machine and I feel privileged to live in it I love lots of energy All is well in my world If you like it, print it off and put it somewhere you can see it and start repeating it. Even if you dont do all of those things or feel this, I still recommend doing this because you are placing your energy and intent on doing this in your unconscious mind. Slowly but surely, it will come into your conciseness and you will be doing all of this naturally. (Deepak Chopra is person talks a lot about intentions. He even has a website dedicated to it which is worth a look See for further information. She has an abundance of tools and resources to help you learn, grow and progress. Its also worth watching her many YouTube videos.

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To Do: 1) Louise Hays book I Can Do It is worth reading and really explains affirmations further. I highly recommend it as it explains a deeper meaning of affirmations, thought patterns and behaviours. It is available as an audiobook here. Take some time out and listen to this in a quiet place. What is said here in this audiobook is life changing - if you choose to take this on board:

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2) Write these affirmations or any others you prefer down and put them up in a place that is highly visible to you. As mentioned, I have mine on my bedroom wall. I also have written them in the Notes section of my smartphone so I can refer to them and repeat them whenever I am bored or remember to look at them. Its not enough to just read them. You need to actually feel the words and be in the moment of what you are saying. This is where the power lies and you will be able to make the changes you need. I'm ready for change I love and approve of myself (a Louise Hay one) I am magnificent in every way I accept perfect health now (a Louise Hay one) My body heals quickly and easily My relationships are now loving and harmonious I deserve love and happiness I have abundance in my life

Benefits: Affirmations help you to grasp and maintain a more positive outlook. They take you into your future and where you want to be. As you leave the present moment behind you begin to see hope. Its this which gets you out of this state. Louise Hay says Affirmations are solutions that will replace whatever problem you might have. Whenever you have a problem, repeat over and over all is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation, only good will come and I am safe.

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Tapping (EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique):

Tapping is a fantastic healing method. It is basically where you tap certain meridian points/energy centres on your body to clear energy blockages. Its like reprogramming yourself and your behaviours. I personally find Brad Yates great at this. I like the way he delivers his videos and look forward to doing them on a regular basis. I choose what I am feeling at that time or what I need to clear and then select the video closest to that. As of June 2013, Brad has 369 videos predominantly around using tapping to clear certain things. Anyone can do these. If you are new to tapping, watch this to prepare you for your first session. Brad explains it all here

If you have trouble viewing this video, click on this link. It will take you straight there. Z5mcU

To Do: This one is called Being Self Destructive. It is recommended as part of this program.

If you have trouble viewing this video, click on this link. It will take you straight there.

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There are several other titles to help you with pretty much any problem. I have included a few here just to give you an idea of the kind of issues Brads work can help you with. Take a look at the full list on his YouTube page and work through the ones you need to. Here are some examples to get you started: Allowing Miracles Im not ready Clearing Resentment Nothing Works For Me Be True To Yourself Handling Information Bad News, Criticism etc Releasing Emotional Pain Be Super The Benefits: This will clear your energies and thought patterns. If you practice it often, it will change your thought patterns from self-destructive to ones of self-love. Remember momentum and catalyst. Try to do this video at least once a day. Feel the words. Listen to them carefully. Spend five minutes after the video thinking about this and acknowledging that you are aware of the problem and that you care enough about yourself to do something about it. Give yourself a pat on the back each time because you did something good for yourself. Brads website Success Beyond Belief is great. There are many things to read and do on there. He has included a Free Gifts section which has some great tools and resources to help you enhance yourself. I personally love the I Am posters. These are definitely worth looking at further.

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Guided Meditation:
When you are doing emotional work on yourself, I have personally always found that it is at that time that I need some love and affection, something for me. I love Anne Jones work. I have read her books The Ripple Effect, Heal Yourself and The Power of You. I have done many of her meditations. I can proudly say that she has had a direct effect on my life. I let go of a lot of anger that was stored up inside me, thanks to her. I would describe her as a wonderful Healer who exudes love and compassion with kindness. This is exactly why I recommend this as something you need at this stage of the workshop. Benefits: This will help you reconnect with the energy of love. This is free to all of us. Its when we dont fully feel love in our hearts that we feel low and destructive. When you have true love within yourself and problems or issues come along, you are not so connected or attached to them. The love acts as a buffer or a protection for you. The problems can come but you have the love in your heart to be able to not let them take over. You can deal with situations accordingly with rational. This video will explain more about love and how to open your heart centre to receive love. Its also about you manifesting love for yourself. This is very important and we often just rely on the love from others. But intrinsically we need to create our own love before we can truly love anyone else. Anne takes us through an explanation of love and the different types of love. Then she takes us through a guided meditation on Unconditional Love where you just close your eyes and follow her words. Do your best to do this one every day too. Its only 10:19 in length. You may need to feel lots of love. If this is the case, focus more of your time on this meditation. Fill yourself up with love until it oozes out of you. You can learn all about Anne Jones on her website and see more videos on her YouTube Channel - To Do: Sit or lie comfortably in a quiet place. Listen to this guided meditation called Healing and Opening your Heart to Love, absorb the words and replenish the love you have for yourself.

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As and when you have some spare time, listen to this music or something similar, because this kind of music can have a directly calming effect on you. There are no lyrics, just lovely music. By meditating, you are simply giving your mind a rest. It is the art of relaxing the mind from the busy chatter. No matter how it is defined, at its essence, thats what it is. All you have to be is comfortable and relaxed and then just tune into the music. If your mind wonders off, as it will, just gently bring it back to the music as soon as you realise. So here is a selection to get you started: 1) This is a piece by Moody Field called Meditation Music - Relaxing Music, Spa Music, Calm Music. Its gentle with subtle sounds that can just sooth you into a totally different space. On their YouTube channel, Moody Field have some great tracks for youngsters and adults to help you to relax, heal, meditate and to help you sleep.

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2) The Chill Out Channel has a few really good tracks to get you relaxed.

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3) RelaxDaily have some great short tracks with some great videos to help you if you dont have much time. It is also great to listen to at least one of these daily to help you maintain a good mood. Having said that, the one Ive chosen to list here is one just over two hours. It has a beautiful video to accompany this easy listening music. This is great to have in the background whilst you are cooking, cleaning etc or just when you want some quiet time.

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There are plenty more of these on YouTube if these dont hit the mark. Listening to the first few minutes of a track help to determine whether you like the music or not and if the visuals are appealing. It needs to correspond with the mood youre in or want to be in. If it fits that, then you should listen to the full track. If not, then keep searching until find another suitable one. Its a great discovery project to find out what sounds you like and what you dont like. 12

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Look up the Braham Kumaris World Spiritual University - and see if there is a centre close to where you are. If there is, go on some talks. These are donation dependent so are accessible for anyone and everyone . The titles include - Being Stable On The Tightrope Of Life, Positive Thinking, Rajas Yoga Meditation, Overcoming Anger, Reframe Problems Into Possibilities etc. If there isnt a centre near you or in addition to attending some talks, spend some time on the site. There are meditations, advice, information, books, CDs and lots more. I highly recommend that you sign up to receive daily so that you have a positive shot every day to remind yourself that you are on a journey to a more positive you. Its important for you to do a lot of the work yourself but it helps greatly if you are open to some external help. That is why I recommend going to some talks. They give you the opportunity to meet other people in similar situations. I have personally attended many talks in many centres, attended some courses and read a few of their books. All of these have had a positive effect on my wellbeing. I still get their Daily Inspiration and have been getting them for years now. They always give me a good message or something to ponder on for the day. Its always a positive one and often makes me smile. There are many other organisations who offer similar services: either paid for or free. My only note of caution is to trust your instinct. There are unfortunately companies and individuals out there who are well aware that you are in a vulnerable position and will be ready to take you for a long ride. This happened to me when I joined what I thought was a simple yoga centre that turned out to be an organised cult with a history of brainwashing and taking advantage of people. It took about 6 weeks of me feeling wrong and confused for me to realise what they were doing. So my point is just be careful and have your wits about you. Think carefully about the value of what you are receiving before handing over any cash. On the whole, these organisations are great and it is a shame that the few let the industry down. Dont be afraid, be empowered and make wise decisions. Others I have experienced and ones that I would recommend are: There are many others that I have experienced but would not recommend.


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Conclusion and final bits of advice

Finally, there are a few other things that I do when I am in this space of feeling low. Setting your alarm in the morning for an hour earlier to when you usually get up, helps you to focus on your soul with the aim of nourishing it back to its normal shining self. For me personally, this was used for personal quiet time and to do the things mentioned above. Consciously try in this hour to bring yourself closer to your true nature which resides in your soul. Its also good to use this time to forgive yourself for being in this space. Be extra kind to yourself as opposed to punishing yourself. Try not to be judgemental towards yourself. Understand that this was something you had to go through to get to the next stage of your personal evolution. You will be wiser and more in control after this process. In hindsight, when you look back, you will understand the situation or circumstances better. In addition, make sure you are eating properly and getting all of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients your body needs to function to its optimum peak. This could mean drinking lots of fruit and vegetable juices, eating fresh foods and raw foods. You get in what you put out. So invest in quality foods that make you feel great, especially during this period. And drink plenty of water. Spend some time in solitude. Personally I like to take long walks. So Ill walk for three hours or so. Sometimes slowly, sometimes fast. For me this is the best time for my intuition to flow at its strongest. It maybe something else for you if so, do that. I just know this works for me. When youre not at my strongest, it is better not to see or talk to people who are negative or will drag you down further. I find that if I do see these kinds people, I get into confrontations, I vent my anger on situations, etc so I choose to see those who will uplift me and help me get back to my normal space of strength only. I also suggest you keep everything you are doing here to yourself for the initial period. It prevents people who know you from putting you down, or saying something negative about what you are doing. You need all the positivity you can get in this period of time. Once you are stronger and feeling much better on a daily basis, then yes, feel free to share what is going on. I see this as protecting yourself and your best interests. I would also recommend keeping a journal at this time to record your thoughts, feelings, achievements, improvements and changes. This can be a great tool to refer back to from time to time to see how far you have come. So I had been doing all of this for a week when I started writing this. I started to notice a difference on the first day. I slowly built myself back up to my former self the person that I'm proud of and the one who I like to lead my life. I say this because we all have different personalities within ourselves. You are the one who chooses who will be in the forefront today. For me it usually takes around 10 days to fully get back to normal. But then having said that it also depends on how long I let myself plummet for. If its longer, my recovery is longer. I go through periods of many years where I'm strong and nothing gets to me. But then I go through periods where I feel like this and I accept that. I am empowered now and I know how to get myself out of this. This is empowerment in itself. Dont forget, be kind to yourself. With Love and Kindness from me, Suky 14

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