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understanding my degree project problem. and later my solution.

If we turn back time to about six months ago i was presenting on an first idea for my future. nervously i was babbling on about how there is this community i am apart of that doesn't have a voice.

The community is about cars & design

or really design & Cars. the thought was that there is a group of people, that have two similar passions. Their love for Design and Automobiles.

no this is not a community of one, this is a vast community of multi generations.

when i say group i mean like more than just 5-6 people im talking a large community of creatives, aka designers, videographers, animators, industrial designers, you name it. People who want this type of community. When reaching out i had over a hundred messages on fb from people who want this in their life. One of my messages that affirmed the need was this designer out of atlanta, he said as creatives we are always creating an image for others, it is surprising to me that no one has yet to take the time to create such a group. If i had had a group like this growing up getting to know people and feeling like my true loves are combined, I couldn't imagine the kind of place i would be now. So it just goes to show that these people want something more. People Whom are already quite active in many groups such as AIGA, IDSA, AD, or they are Jelops, speed hunters, so on. You can imagine if they had a club how fantastic it would be for them. That have two specific loves but dont have a place that they can come to that unifies their passions.

There are many clicks within creative culture. Whether it is foodies, print lovers, etc. It is sometimes hard to have a unified voice. There are already groups on both sides of the line, but neither really get to the point in which we really care about. There is sites like Jalopnik and speed hunters which highlights news and projects that are appealing, but we have no true community in that. We don't physically get to meet others and have that interaction. Then on the design side we have groups like AIGA where we can meet designers and thats great but it doesn't really go further than that.

And my question was How can this be, in this day and age with all the internets and forums how can there not be a voice for a group of such creative people?

So my question was How can I create unity or facilitate the growth of this community through using design practices such as a Design system and Multi- media experiences?

a community thriving under these two passions.

The Main goal? To strike the fact that there isn't a community voice, to create a identity in which these people and myself can rally under.

A Identity that we can proudly call our own! One that can bring recognition to our passions. A place that we can meet others, gain knowledge, highlight those around us that are doing dope things, and really in the end to just geek out. man.

insert lame car joke that nobody will understand. I doubt most of you get this but its funny alright, at least to those who are in this community.

This is my solution, Trad, an community for these people. an image of hope for those who love what we love. Trad is the new organization that these people can rally under. It is a organization both national and locally that provides a way for this community of automotive enthusiasts and designers to come together.

Functioning on two levels, Nationally and Locally. Trad would provide the close knit community we all want along with a national voice that can really represent us. Carrying the authority to prove that we are something, that we are not just some weirdos huddled in a 3 story parking garage.

The designation of Trads Local to National identity is simply put clear. Using the Area Code you first are speaking directly about where the local crew is at but also the physiological backing is the fact that when you join you recognize that you are apart of something large but still relatable enough to have the needed sense of community.

Silver is for Solidarity, The silver stands for the unity in which the members of trad would rally under. The Sense of community.

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Red is for the passion, because all those who are apart of this community are very passionate about what they do. Blue is the calm and collected nature of the two worlds. Even though we outwardly see the excitement of the product in both cultures, as designers and automotive enthusiasts there is always the level of creation and detail. Details that requires the focus of a collected mind.

Curvy like a track, trad in its simplicity allows for multi generational designers to come together. Without using any noise to the logo it expresses that reach and goes out of its way not to step on others toes.

A carried pattern for the brand that identifies the tools in which we all use. mouses, rulers, compasss, wrenches, bolts, you name it.

So where would Trad reside within this complex world of ours? The idea is unity. The presence of how it should function should be about what can create more unity.

So these people like events, places in which we can all gather and have fun. So Having a space at an autoshow or design event would be pertinent to this community. Not only to gain new members but also to get the word out.

From smaller banners That can be seen at both smaller events

To larger event setups

a place to take a photo at, like a winning circle.

We like showing our pride in our group. Whether it is a locally designed t-shirt for the local chapter or the Vinyl sticker on the boot. There are plenty of ways that Trad could be visibly gain recognition within each chapter city.

Maybe you pick up your own locally designed trad t-shirt

maybe you show your pride in trad with a vinyl sticker on your boot.

Mobile presence is important. flexible, both work and garage.

Trad is more than just a group that goes to local car shows or design lectures. The experience of Trad is unified on the mobile platform. The Mobile platform allows the user to access both national and local design/automotive news. With plugins for Groups such as AIGA, AD, IDSA each member can stay plugged into the information they really want.

Mobile devices such as phones and tablets are direct and flexible to the users position. This is needed because Trad looks to both inform and teach its members. Highlighting Skill Learning both For Design and automotive practices. Whether you are taking a break in studio or watching a how to while in the garage. The purpose is to provide members an easy way to get what they want when they want.

With the ability to highlight local and nationally relevant designers or firms members will be able to see what kind of work is really impacting the community. The platform is also utilized to create events or buzz for events coming up.

A Website to use while on break at the work place.

in the end its about creating a community. a place for a group of people to be able to come together enjoy what they love in a way that is easy and enjoyable to participate in.

That is Trad, an identy for a rad group of design and car lovers. The place where designers and creatives can learn and share. A group they can meet up with and enjoy building new friendships.

So Trad will be in a video for the show.

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