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Test #2

Problem # 0: Please write your name under this line


Problem 1: For the following situations, answer the questions below:

a) A region is filled with a B-field coming out of the page. A circuit is completed by a sliding contact bar, which is mo ing to the right with a elocity . !hat direction do the electrons flow: "! or ""!#

b) A loop of wire is placed in the $-y plane where there is a constant magnetic field in the %&-direction. 's there a current in the wire# 'f so, what direction does it flow# c) (egardless of your answer abo e, if the wire does ha e a current and it was not made of a perfect conductor, would the current flow be transitory due to resisti e losses# 'f not, what is doing the wor) required to maintain the current flow# d) !hy is copper paramagnetic and &inc diamagnetic# e) 'f ' place a thin pool of mercury *+g ,-) on the $-y plane and sub.ect it to a strong magnetic field in the %&-direction it circulates, forming a whirlpool li)e structure. !hy does this happen# !hat direction does it swirl#

Problem 2: A long straight line of charge, with linear charge density /, e$ists on the &a$is. 0hree materials wrap around the wire in a concentric fashion: i) the inner cylinder e$tends out to the radius A is filled with a linear diamagnetic material with a relati e permitti ity of 1. ii) the middle cylinder has an inner radius of A and an outer radius B, which consists of a linear-paramagnetic2linear-dielectric with fi$ed charge density 3 at radius A. iii) 0he outer cylinder e$tends from radius B to " and is made of a perfect grounded conductor *assume Au45). 0he whole configuration is rotating at an angular frequency of 6. Find E, D, P, 7, 3B, 8B, B, H, M, , !B, and "B e erywhere.

Problem #: A 9" circuit is created using a parallel plate capacitor and a solenoidal
inductor. 0he capacitor starts with an initial potential difference built up on it of 1-7 and is filled with a linear dielectric with a dielectric constant of :-- and a resisti ity of 1,--;<m. Assume the radius of the circular plates is 1- cm and the separation is 1mm. 0he inductor starts fully discharged and consists of a wire wrapped around a paramagnetic 1mm radius cylinder with relati e permeability of 1--, length of 1cm, and 1-- turns of wire per millimeter. Assume the resistance in all the wires is negligible. At t=- the switch is closed. i) >ol e for and plot the current in this circuit as a function of time. 9abel the current?s magnitude for the first ma$imum. ii) !hat are the @-field and B-field between the capacitors plates as a function of time# iii) !hat is the B-field in the solenoid as a function of time# i ) !hat is the ratio of conduction current to displacement current in the capacitor# ) !hat is the alue of the Aoynting 7ector between the capacitor plates and inside the solenoid#

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