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National Residence Hall Honorary Falcon Chapter Bowling Green State University Last Updated: April 24th, 2014

Article I. Name The name of this organization shall be the Falcon Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary of Bowling Green State University (BGSU), which shall hereafter be referred to as NRHH. Article II. Affiliation Section 1. Local NRHH is an affiliate of the Resident Student Association, hereafter referred to as RSA. Section 2. Regional NRHH is an affiliate of the Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls, hereafter referred to as CAACURH. Section 3. National NRHH is a university affiliate of the NRHH of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Incorporated, hereafter referred to as NACURH, Inc. This chapter follows all guidelines and rules of the constitution of the national office. Article III. Purpose The purpose of NRHH is to work to provide opportunities and growth within the pillars of leadership, recognition, scholarship, and service. We will accomplish this by collaborating with campus and community partners to provide programs to build and retain active membership. In these actions we, the members of NRHH, hope to make the residence halls more than just a dorm. Article IV. Diversity Statement The Falcon Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary values and recognizes our responsibility to foster and inclusive, safe, and respectful community for our members. We are committed to building an 1

awareness of diverse thoughts, ideas, and experiences within our organization in which members are empowered to use their voices and be heard. Article V. Membership Section 1. Qualifications for Membership 1.1 Applicants for active membership must: a. Have resided in residence halls for at least one semester prior to the semester of selection. b. Reside in residence halls during the semester of selection. c. Be in good standing with BGSU and the Office of Residence Life. d. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00. i. In the event that a members GPA drops below a 3.00: The member will be placed on probation for the semester they are below a 3.00. The member will meet with the President or an NRHH advisor at least once to discuss ways to improve their academics. In the event that the members GPA does not rise above a 3.00 after one semester of probation, they will lose their voting rights. e. Have demonstrated outstanding service, leadership, academics, and recognition in the residence halls at BGSU. f. Membership in NRHH shall be open to students of BGSU without regard to sex, gender identity, genetic information, gender expression, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, age, or status as a Special Disabled or Vietnam-era veteran. Section 2 Types of Membership 2.1 Membership in NRHH is life-long and shall consist of four types of memberships Active, Early Alumni, Alumni, and Honorary. a. Active An active member of an NRHH Chapter is one that has been inducted into the chapter and is currently living in on-campus housing. Active members are the only members with voting privileges. These members will count 2

toward our 1% cap. i. Active members are expected to maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA during their membership. ii. Active members shall serve on a standing committee. b. Early Alumni An early alumni member of NRHH is a member that is still living on campus but can no longer meet the chapter membership expectations. These members do not count towards the 1% membership cap. i. The following guidelines apply to the procedure of applying for early alumni membership status: The member and/or chapter must complete the early alumni membership application which shall include the signature of: Chapter President, a Chapter Advisor, and the chapter member for whom the form is being completed. The completed early alumni membership application shall be submitted to the regions Associate Director for NRHH, hereafter referred to as AD-NRHH, for approval. ii. The number of early alumni members a chapter shall be granted per academic year will not exceed fifteen percent of the chapters membership cap. iii. It is the right of the regions AD-NRHH to deny requests for reasons including, but not limited to: The application form is incomplete. The regions AD-NRHH does not believe that sufficient measures were taken by the chapter to address the members inactivity with chapter business before submitting the application. The chapter has exceeded its allotted early alumni membership approvals for the year. iv. If the member and/or chapter wish to appeal the decision of the regions AD-NRHH, they may appeal to the entire NRHH National Board, hereafter referred to as the NNB. The decision of the NNB shall be final. Each AD-NRHH shall have one vote. A simple majority shall be necessary, with the NACURH Associate for NRHH, hereafter referred to as the NAN, casting the tiebreaking vote when necessary. c. Alumni An alumni member of NRHH is a member that 3

has moved off campus or is no longer a student. These members do not count towards the 1% cap. i. Exceptions include temporary leaves such as, but not limited to, co-ops, internships, or study abroad. ii. When members leave the on-campus community, they must submit a letter to the chapter stating whether the leave is temporary or permanent. When members submit a notice of temporary leave, they must indicate the duration of their leave to the chapter. iii. If a member who has submitted a notice of permanent leave returns to the residence halls and the chapter membership cap has been reached, the chapter shall contact the NAN to request a temporary increase in their capacity until the next membership drive, at which time the chapter size must return to its correct membership capacity. In this case the returning member will not receive voting rights until a position becomes available within the chapter. d. Honorary An honorary membership is designed to recognize people including, but not limited to, housing personnel, instructors, college or university staff, and those who have demonstrated outstanding support and service to the residence hall students. Individuals who could qualify for active membership, with the exception of graduating seniors, cannot be inducted as an honorary member. The number of honorary members a chapter shall be able to induct per academic year will not exceed ten percent of the chapters membership cap. These members do not count towards the 1% cap. e. Transferring Membership- Members of other NRHH chapters may transfer their membership to the Falcon Chapter of NRHH if the following requirements are met: i. The student applying to transfer their membership must be fully matriculated at the new institution. ii. The member must complete the membership transfer application, obtained from the AD-NRHH. iii. The membership transfer application shall include signatures from following individuals: a) The President of the chapter to which the member is transferring b) The Advisor(s) of the chapter to which the member is transferring c) The NRHH member who is seeking to transfer their membership 4

iv. The completed application shall be submitted to the AD-NRHH for approval. v. It is the right of the regions AD-NRHH to deny requests for reasons including, but not limited to: a) The application form is incomplete b) Adding new member(s) puts the chapter over its member cap vi. If the member and/or chapter wish to appeal the decision of the regions AD-NRHH, they may appeal to the entire NNB. The decision of the NNB shall be final. Section 3. Nomination 3.1 Nominations for membership to NRHH may be made by any of the following: a. Members of NRHH. b. Executive Board and General Assembly members of RSA. c. Members of SMART, the French House, Panhellenic Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Multicultual Greek Council, and Interfraternity Council. d. Resident Advisors, Hall Directors, House Staff, and other Residence Life staff. e. Members of Hall Councils. f. Presidents of other BGSU organizations. g. A student may not nominate themselves. 3.2 Only students receiving nominations for membership into NRHH may submit applications for membership. Section 4 Selection of New Members 4.1 Recruitment Committee a. The Recruitment Committee shall consist of two or more NRHH members. b. The chairperson of the committee shall be the Vice President of Leadership. c. The Recruitment Committee shall review all applications to ensure requirements are met. d. The Recruitment Committee shall coordinate how interviews are conducted. 4.2 Selection Standards 5

a. At no time shall the active membership exceed one percent (1%) of the total residence hall population. b. Applicants will be selected by a simple majority of the voting members present. c. The Falcon Chapter shall determine the method of voting for new member selection. d. All active members in good standing may vote, except for the Vice President of Leadership and the President. 4.2 Inductions a. Inductions shall occur a minimum of once per year. b. New inductees shall be inducted before March 31st of each year. Section 5 Attendance Policy for Members 5.1 Attendance a. Members are expected to attend all General Assembly meetings. b. Excused absences must be submitted to the Vice President of Scholarship for approval. c. Voting privileges shall be revoke after three unexcused absences from General Assembly meetings in one semester or failing to uphold committee requirements. d. Voting privileges may be regained by attending two consecutive General Assembly Meetings during the semester. e. If a member loses voting rights, the Executive Board reserves the right to discuss early alumni status with that member. f. Graduation cords will be awarded to active members, including active alumni members, at the last meeting of their graduating semester. i. If a graduating member does not meet the requirements to be awarded the cords, they may appeal to the Executive Board, providing an explanation as to why cords should be awarded. ii. The Executive Board will review the members appeal and make a final decision on the awarding of cords. The decision shall be final. 5.2 The Point System a. The Vice President of Scholarship shall oversee the point 6

system. b. The point system will be used to determine whether or not a member is considered active. c. On-campus members must have a minimum of eight points to be considered active. d. Off campus members must have a minimum of four points to be considered active. e. Ways to earn points include, but are not limited to: i. Attending General Assembly meetings. ii. Writing a quality OTM as determined by the Executive Board and/or OTM Committee. iii. Participating on a standing committee. iv. Attending inductions. v. Helping sort and distribute care packages. vi. Participating in applicant interviews. vii. Participating in NRHHs activity at RSAs Halloween Fun Fest and Sibs N Kids Weekend. viii. Other activities approved by the Executive Board and Advisor(s). Article VI. Executive Structure Section 1. Executive Board Membership 1.1 The officer structure shall consist of President, Vice President of Scholarship, Vice President of Leadership, Vice President of Recognition, and Vice President of Service. 1.2 All Executive Board officers, excluding the President, may vote. 1.3 All Executive Board officers may only hold one position. Section 2. Qualifications of Officers 2.1 Officer candidates must be active members of NRHH during their entire candidacy. 2.2 Officer candidates must be in good standing with BGSU and have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher. Section 3. Officer Responsibilities 3.1 The President shall: a. Preside over all meetings. b. Submit organization renewal and end of the semester 7

reports to the Office of Campus Activities. c. Oversee all chapter operations. d. Formulate an agenda before meetings. e. Work closely with the advisor(s) to improve and build the chapter. f. Attend NACURH, Inc. conferences in conjunction with RSA. g. Review the budget with the Vice President of Scholarship and advisor(s). h. Formulate a written account of all chapter activities for the year. i. Work with the National Communications Coordinator of RSA to affiliate NRHH with NACURH, Inc. j. Attend Executive Board meetings and General Assembly meetings. k. Have monthly meetings with the RSA President. l. Create a transition binder for future Presidents. m. Maintain relevant information on the NRHH website. n. May call for ad-hoc functional positions such as the Code of Conduct committee member, Constitutional Committee member, and other positions that are needed. o. The President shall coordinate the selection of the NRHH/RSA Liaison. The NRHH/RSA Liaison shall: i. Be a current RSA member in good standing as outlined in sections 220, 230, and 250 of the RSA Constitution. ii. Be an active member of NRHH in good standing. iii. Attend all RSA general assembly meetings and any other meetings called by RSA. iv. Attend all NRHH general assembly meetings. v. Attend a minimum of 1 NRHH executive board meeting per month, which will be coordinated with the NRHH President. vi. Meet with the NRHH President once a month to discuss position updates and responsibilities. vii. Announce NRHH activities to RSA and assess RSA needs that NRHH can address. viii. Bring important issues discussed in RSA meetings back to NRHH for discussion. ix. Provide opportunities for the NRHH and RSA executive boards to meet and discuss ways to strengthen the relationship between the organizations. 3.2 The Vice President of Scholarship shall: 8

a. Take minutes and conduct roll call at all meetings. b. Formulate budget. c. Manage all financial transactions. d. Send meeting minutes via e-mail to all members after meetings. e. Maintain all organization listservs. f. Track voting rights of members. g. Attend Executive Board meetings and General Assembly meetings. h. Generate opportunities for academic success and development. i. Create a transition binder for future Vice Presidents of Scholarship. j. Maintain relevant information on the NRHH website. k. Oversee the NRHH Scholarship process and award the scholarship every spring semester. 3.3 The Vice President of Leadership shall: a. Chair the Recruitment Committee. b. Be responsible for planning the NRHH Induction Banquet. c. Create and maintain all recruitment resources for NRHH. d. Attend Executive Board meetings and General Assembly meetings. e. Plan and execute a Leadership Conference. f. Generate leadership initiatives within NRHH. g. Create a transition binder for future Vice Presidents of Leadership. h. Maintain relevant information on the NRHH website. 3.4 The Vice President of Recognition shall: a. Be the campus administrator of Of the Month (OTM) operations. b. Coordinate other recognition services as deemed necessary. c. Attend RSA General Assembly meetings monthly to distribute OTMs and award the Fishbowl. d. Coordinate the end of the year banquet with the Vice President of Hall Council Affairs and Recognition from RSA. e. Chair the OTM Committee. i. The Vice President of Recognition only votes in a tie between two or more OTMs. ii. All votes by the OTM Committee must be in to the Vice President of Recognition by the date and time 9

required by NRHH. f. Attend Executive Board meetings and General Assembly meetings. g. Coordinate the Fish Tank Award at the end of the academic year. h. Plan and execute Pride Week around inductions. i. Create a transition binder for future Vice Presidents of Recognition. j. Maintain relevant information on the NRHH website. 3.5 The Vice President of Service shall: a. Serve as the chair for St. Baldricks. b. Implement at least one service project each semester. c. Work with the Vice President of Recognition to create a service project during Pride Week. d. Work with the Vice President of Leadership to create a service project during the Leadership Conference. e. Attend Executive Board meetings and General Assembly meetings. f. Create a transition binder for future Vice Presidents of Service. g. Maintain relevant information on the NRHH website. Section 4. Election and Term of Office 4.1 Election of Executive Board members will be completed before the End of the Year banquet. i. The election of President shall occur before March 1st each year. 4.2 Officers shall be elected by a simple majority (1/2+1) of all active voting members present at the time elections are held. 4.3 The term of office starts at the end of the last regularly scheduled meeting of the academic year. 4.4 In the event of a resignation of an officer, an election will be held to fill the vacancy. 4.5 The responsibilities of the vacant position will be disbursed among the officers until the vacancy is filled. 4.6 Individuals can apply for multiple positions. Once elected into a position, the individuals name will be removed from other applied positions. 10

4.7 During elections, candidates will be given a period of three minutes to give a speech, followed by three minutes of question and answer. After all of the candidates have finished, there will be five minutes for discussion to be followed immediately by a vote. All times may be extended. 4.8 If no candidate is able to obtain a (1/2+1) majority, then a runoff election will be held. In the event that more than two candidates were running, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes will be dropped, and a new vote will be taken. If only two candidates remain, each candidate will be given two minutes of question and answer, followed by another three minutes of discussion before another vote is taken. Section 5 Advisor(s) 5.1 The chapter shall be advised by a full-time professional from the Office of Residence Life staff. 5.2 At least one advisor shall attend General Assembly meetings. 5.3 At least one advisor shall attend Executive Board meetings. 5.4 Advisor(s) shall hold 1 on 1 meetings with Executive Board members. Section 6 Meetings 6.1 Chapter meetings will be held biweekly at minimum. The President and Advisor(s) may call special meetings, a minimum of 48 hours in advance. 6.2 All members will be held to the attendance policy. 6.3 Roberts Rules of Order shall serve as a guideline for business proceedings at all meetings. Section 7 Impeachment 7.1 Ground for removal shall include, but are not limited to: a. Failure to execute responsibilities of a position as stated within the NRHH Constitution. b. Failure to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00, in accordance to chapter standards. 11

c. Actions unbecoming of the position including but not limited to: being found guilty of a criminal act or any other action that will undermine the integrity of NRHH. d. Two or more unexcused absences General Assembly meetings or Executive Board meetings per semester. Cases will be reviewed by the General Assembly if deemed necessary by the President and/or Advisor(s). e. Failure to uphold the mission statement of NRHH. 7.2 The General Assembly must agree to hear the case by a simple majority of voting members present. 7.3 The General Assembly reserves the right to remove any member of the Executive Board by a 2/3 ballot vote of voting members present. 7.4 All accused individuals shall have the right to present their defense to the General Assembly.

Section 8 Resignation 8.1 Any Executive Board Member may resign from their position at any time. 8.2 The resignation will take place immediately after being reported to the President and/or Advisor(s). Article VII. Voting Section 1. Elections of Officers 1.1 A simple majority vote of all active voting members present is required for all elections. 1.2 The secret ballots will be tallied by the President and Advisor(s) unless the President is running in said election. The secret ballots will be tallied by the next person listed in the executive structure as stated in Article VI. Section 1.1 that is not running for that position and shall not vote. 1.4 In the event of a tie, the President will have the deciding vote, unless the President is running in said election. Then, the deciding vote will be cast by the next person listed in the executive structure as stated in Article VI Section 1.1 that is not running in said election. 12

Article VIII. National and Regional Conferences Section 1. Attendance 1.1 The President is required to attend all conferences. 1.2 If the President cannot attend, they have the power to select a proxy delegate through an application or appointment process. Section 2. Delegation 2.1 The number of delegates from NRHH, excluding the President, allowed to attend national and regional conferences shall be determined by the National Communications Coordinator of RSA. Section 3. Conference Meetings 3.1 Upon arrival to the location of the conference, the President shall attend NRHH meetings as stated on the conference schedules. Article IX. Finances Section 1. Finances 1.1 The budget will be presented by the Vice President of Scholarship to the General Assembly at the beginning of each semester with monthly updates. 1.2 The budget will be approved by a 2/3 majority of the active voting members present at the meeting. 1.3 Reallocation of the budget must be approved by a simple majority of active voting members present. 1.4 NRHH will maintain good standing with CAACURH and NACURH, Inc. offices. 1.5 NRHH shall be directly financed by the Office of Residence Life at BGSU. 1.6 In the event that registration of NRHH should lapse for 6 or more consecutive months, all debts and assets of NRHH will be managed and maintained by the Office of 13

Residence Life at BGSU. Article X. OTMs Section 1 1.1 OTM awards are given for displaying outstanding efforts in service and leadership to better residence life. 1.2 NRHH shall, on a monthly basis, recognize at least one person or program in categories offered by the National Board. 1.3 The application for nominations for the award must be turned in by the fourth day of the following month by 11:59pm. 1.4 An individual cannot be recognized for a personal OTM award more than once per month. 1.5 All active NRHH members are encouraged to submit at least one OTM per month. a. In the case of an inability to submit one OTM per month, members should contact the Vice President of Recognition. 1.6 The Vice President of Recognition has all discretion concerning the OTM selection process, awards process, submission process, and committee selection. Article XI. Amendments Section 1. Amendments 1.1 Amendments must be submitted to the President by the time and date decided upon by the President and/or Advisor(s). 1.2 Amendments to this constitution may be adopted by a 2/3 vote of active voting members present. 1.3 All members shall receive proposed amendments from the Vice President of Scholarship prior to the meeting on which it will be voted. 1.4 All amendments will take effect the semester after the amendment has been approved. 14

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