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Teacher: Matt Arentz

Date: April 2014

Grade: 9



Content Area: TOB

PA Standard(s): 10.1.9ADE, 10.2.9BE Lesson Title: Every Day Tobacco Objectives: Student will Cognitive: identify and explain internal and external influence on tobacco use. Cognitive: identify and explain tobaccos effect on the body and personal health. Affective: work collaboratively in small groups to answer and share answers related to the video. Equipment/Materials: power point, internet access, 1-2 straws Set Induction: Do you know anyone that smokes? Parents, other family members, friends, boss, etc? Today we are going to talk about influences on our decisions to use/not use tobacco and also discuss h ow the body is effected by tobacco products. Lets begin with a bell ringer, please pull out a piece of notebook paper. Intro, Content, Activities, Closure Bell Ringer: Who Do you know? Have students pull out a piece of paper to answer the following questions. How many people over the age of 18 do you know that use tobacco products? How many people your age do you know that use tobacco products? Do you know anyone younger than you who uses or has tried tobacco products? What/who is your biggest influence when deciding whether or not to use tobacco products? Explain your answer. Content/Activity: Video Trivia In groups of 2-4, students will work to answer questions when prompted by the instructor and video. Groups may write their answers on a piece of notebook paper (will need to delegate a Have students get into groups of 2-4 depending on class size. Each group will need one sheet of paper, a recorder to write the Classroom Management, Transitions, Assessment Set up power point presentation immediately upon entering classroom. Have students pull out a piece of paper to complete the bell ringer. Students will hold on to the bell ringer when they are done. Assessment: Is the BR completed and handed in?

recorder) before sharing with the class (will need to delegate a reporter). The link to the video can be found on the attached power point presentation. To prompt groups with questions, stop the video at the following times: 0:27 (How many Americans have been diagnosed with emphysema as of 2011?) 4 million

answers and a reporter to share answers with the class. As students are getting situated, open the link to the video. The top of each groups paper MUST have all members names on it or those missing will not receive points.

0:34 (How many puffs of a cigarette does the average smoker take in 5 minutes?) 10. This means they will smoke about 30 cigarettes a day (1.5 packs) and get about 300 hits of nicotine in a day). What is nicotine? (the addictive substance in tobacco)

Verbal check for understanding.

0:48 (How much money does the average smoker spend on cigarettes in one year?) $3,558.75 which may be higher now with raised taxes ($7+ per pack)

1:00 (How many deaths are associated with smoking each year?) * This does not account for other forms of tobacco, just smoking. 1:55 400,000+ Activity: Straw Burpees This activity will help show the effect smoking can have on your ability to train for Improved fitness health and fitness skill components, especially CV fitness. Select one volunteer to complete 15 burpees or 40 jumping jacks as fast as possible. While they are doing this, have them breathe through a straw which is in their mouth. Their lips must stay sealed tightly around the straw. This will simulate the difficulty the lungs have to take in oxygen when the cardiovascular system has been negatively affected by tobacco smoke. You may want to have the student or students take their resting HR, then do the exercises without the straw, then take their HR again and then have them rest until the end of class and repeat the process with the straw (to hopefully show an increased HR) Ask for a volunteer to come to the side of the room (wherever there is space). Hand them a plastic drinking straw before they begin the activity. Safety: Monitor student to make sure they are not getting close to passing out/getting sick. Do not have them participate near any potentially dangerous objects.

1:57 (As of 2011, how many adults in the US smoked?) 44.5 million (does not include those under 18)

3:00 (Open ended question/debate: In your life now, what are the greatest internal and external factors that influence your decision to use/not use tobacco?) *After the video Discuss Debi Austins story. Have you noticed the ceremony of any smokers around you? How does having a ceremony internally influence tobacco use? Why does it make it so much harder to quit? Are students participating/engaged in group discussion?

Video 2: Whats In a Cigarette? Play video detailing what all goes in to the finished product of a cigarette. The link to the video can be found on the power point. *Note: mother-licker is a term used in the video so you may need to alert students beforehand so they can get whatever laughs out of the way if they feel the need to*

At the end of the discussion, open the link to video 2. Make sure all students are back in their seats.

Discussion: Tobacco Around You Points of discussion: For people your age, what form of tobacco is most common? Why do you think this is? Verbal check for understanding. Are smokers/dippers looked upon as cool, older, more mature? Why/why not?

Second hand smoke. What is it and are you exposed to it? What can you do to try and prevent it? Whether you use tobacco products or not, how can you be a positive influence to those around you?

Closure: Review/Preview What are some of the effects of tobacco products on the body? How can they be avoided? How does the use of tobacco affect your ability to achieve and maintain fitness goals? What are some of the major influences on your decision to smoke or not smoke? Great job today, and tomorrow we will be getting together with assigned partners to begin work on our AOD unit projects.

Before closure, have all students pass their bellringer/group answer sheet up to the front of the room.

Video links in order:

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