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Key Points

THE LAST GREAT ONSHOREOIL FIELD IN AMERICA MAY LIEBENEATH THE NATIONS LAST GREAT COASTAL WILDERNESS PRESERVE. Prudhoe Bay, discovered in 1968 and uncorked in 1977 to send its oil down the TransAlaska Pipeline to the ice-free port at Valdez Prudhoe, Kuparuk has grown since its opening in 1981 into a scattershot of gravel well pads connected over 800 square miles by a web of roads and pipes to giant processing plants, camp buildings, vehicle lots, and dark pits full of rock and mud drilled from the deep. February, Alpines production had already hit the plants maximum output of almost 90,000 barrels a day. But the pipe to Dead horse can carry much more When its valves opened in November 2000, crude oil flowed the 50 miles back to Pump Station Soaring gas prices spurred North Slope companies last year to commit $75 million to plan a $10-billion natural gas pipeline that would open some 35 trillion cubic feet of untapped reserves to the lower American states by the end of the decade Beyond 2010, Phillips, BP and the other Alaskan oil producers look toward the east for new opportunities the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 that set aside 1.5 million acres of federal property in deference to geologists guesses that the region entombs billions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of gas

Authors Summary
The author was telling you about the history of the Alaska oil mining company. Also how they produced so much oil and natural gas and made a lot of money. However as the years went by the oil and natural gas that they were draining went way quicker and quicker, but then they found out that Northern Slope infrastructure lie the coastal plain and tussock tundra of the so called 1002 Area. Which have a huge amount of oil and natural gas underneath

them but there unable to drill there because of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980.

I believe that yes area 1002 as a large amount of untapped oil and natural gas which would be very good for America to use. However area 1003 is protected by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 because it is our largest wildlife national park. I honestly think that we shouldnt drill there because when you look at it outside the box, its like your left with two questions. Protect the animals that have always been here and are used to the way things are or drill there which will last America maybe 100 years but selling it to different countries may be left us with 25-50 years. What after that we took all the oil and we killed the animals because they had nowhere to go during the winter season so there all dead now. This is what you have to look at when you decide to drill someone the long term causes and will it be worth it in the long run or will be another mess to clean up when were done with it.

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