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SENTENCE CONNECTORS There are two types of sentence connectors which are SEQUENCE connectors and LOGICAL connectors.

A. SEQUENCE CONNECTORS Sequence connectors are used to oin words and sentences which fo!!ow a sequence of e"ents. Nor#a!!y they are used to $i"e instructions% directions or e&p!anations.

Sequence Connectors 'irst% ne&t% then% after that% fina!!y% su(sequent!y% (efore % after% etc

Example )y sister wants to (a*e a ca*e. First% she #i&es (utter and su$ar and (eats the #i&ture unti! it turns !i$ht. Next% she pours the s!i$ht!y (eaten e$$s into the #i&ture. Then% she s!ow!y adds so#e f!our and (!ends into the #i&ture.

B. LO !CAL CONNECTORS Lo$ica! connectors are used to connect words% phrases and ideas in sentences.

Lo"ical Connectors +hi!e As +hen

Functions E&press two actions $oin$ on the sa#e ti#e.

Examples ,. #hile I was (athin$% I heard a noise in the *itchen. -. As she was ta!*in$ to her friend% her #other ca!!ed .. #hen it rains% the s*y turns $rey. ,. The !itt!e $ir! is cryin$ $ecause she is hun$ry. -. Since the teacher is not here% we shou!d do our own wor* quiet!y. .. 3e did not co#e to schoo! %or he had hi$h fe"er. 4. As she was "ery !a5y% she fai!ed her 6)7. 8. )y father canned #y (rother o&in" to his nau$htiness. 9. The foot(a!! #atch was postponed 'ue to hea"y rain. ,. Althou"h the candidate was !ate% he was a!!owed to sit for the test. -. Thou"h he co#es fro# a poor fa#i!y% he is

/ecause 0of1 Since 'or As Owin$ to 2ue to

Show reason

A!thou$h Thou$h 3owe"er

Show contrast

In spite of Ne"erthe!ess Sti!!

So that So as not to In order to

If Un!ess As a resu!t Consequent!y Therefore So

As thou$h As if In addition to )oreo"er 'urther#ore /esides

!o"ed (y his friends. .. She studied hard. (o&e)er% she did not pass the e&a#. 4. !n spite o% the hot weather% they wa!*ed to the town. 8. I hate $oin$ to parties. Ne)ertheless% I accepted her in"itation. 9. )y sister did "ery (ad!y in her fina! e&a#ination. Still% she spends #ost of her ti#e watchin$ te!e"ision. ,. The ta(!e tennis p!ayers practiced "ery hard so that they cou!d win the tourna#ent. -. The #an tiptoed into the (edroo# so as not Show purpose to distur( his s!eepin$ parents. .. The fire#en (ro*e the door in or'er to sa"e the trapped "icti#s. ,. I:!! $i"e hi# this (oo* i% I see hi#. Show condition -. The c!er* cannot he!p you unless you (rin$ a!on$ the for#. ,. 'i*ri #ade his youn$er (rother cry. As a result% he was sco!ded (y his #other. -. 3e has (een wor*in$ day and ni$ht. Consequentl*% he is sufferin$ fro# Show resu!t inso#nia. .. It is rainin$ cats and do$s% there%ore% we ha"e to stay at ho#e. 4. They !i*ed to create pro(!e#s where"er they are. So% they were sent to the principa!. ,. 3e (eha"es as thou"h he were s#arter than a!! of us. Show co#parison -. The sin$er went on sin$in$ as i% nothin$ had happened. Introduce or oin ,. Su +en has a !aw de$ree. !n a''ition to ideas that add to the that% she has a !iterature de$ree. #ain state#ent -. The house was too e&pensi"e. +oreo)er% it was !ocated too far fro# the town. .. +e ha"e to he!p 6uan Lee!a. Furthermore% we ha"e to decorate our c!assroo#. 4. Se"era! youn$sters were detained in the operation. Besi'es% .*$ of canna(is were a!so found.

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