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Strength Training BasicsW/ Ben Rice

Generalized strength vs. Sports specific strength What is the difference? What does this mean in terms of programming?

Why program for strength? Foundational to any athletic pursuit Without a plan you plan to fail Impossible to predict success without trying

Main Components of training programs Volume (Number of lifts or total weight lifted) Intensity (Percentage, RPE, i.e. heavy & light) Frequency (How often something is done)

Secondary components of training programs Specificity Exercise selection Time frame

Block methodology Conjugate/complex training Key Aspects 1. Exercise rotation 2. Max effort & dynamic effort 3. Accommodating resistance

Block Periodization Key Aspects 1. Accumulation 2. Transmutation 3. Realization

Macro vs. Micro cycles and goals Building vs. testing (PRs and the grind) Overtraining, over-reaching, & deloads

A few popular strength training templates: Starting strength Madcow PHAT Westside Barbell 5/3/1 Cube Sheiko RTS Block building German volume training Bulgarian Broz Lift specific programs 1. Smolov & Jr 2. Coan/Phillipi 3. Critical Bench

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