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Let me clarify some words with their definitions.

Child,a young human being below the age of full physical development. Ban,officially or legally prohibited. The term child performer includes young singers, actors, dancers, gymnasts. These children are exceptions to the 1973 Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, and so may be paid for their work, as long as they have permits that limit the number of hours during which and prescribe the conditions in which employment or work is allowed Currently, child performers are protected by various laws, for example laws which dictate how many hours the child may work and how much education they must receive (both of which vary by country), or how much of their pay must be reserved for the child themselves (e.g., Canadas Coogan Law). Yet some believe these laws do not provide adequate protection, and that these child performers represent a group (and a group which is on the increase)

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Points for proposing: -Limitations of education Spending so much time either performing or training limits the amount of formal education the child can receive. For example, in the UK and other countries, child performers are only required to be educated for three hours each day

-Exploitation Children are generally considered to be too young to make important decisions for themselves, and so decision-making falls to parents, teachers, etc. For child performers, there are additional decision-makers: their agents. Since agents benefit financially from the childs getting a role or doing well in a sporting event, there is a definite risk of exploitation. Exploitation can also come from parents, as in the famous case of American television child stars Jackie Coogan and Gary Coleman, who both sued their parents for spending the money they had earned as children or of Macaulay Culkin, who blocked his parents from having access to his earnings.

-Pressure Even experienced adults can find it difficult to deal with stage fright or performance anxiety. Children, more emotionally vulnerable than adults by

nature, should not be exposed to this sort of pressure. This is especially true in situations where the child is being paid for their performance, since the added necessity to perform well can lead to even more pressure. Although suicide among children is rare, it is believed often to occur as a result of the child feeling like she is under too much pressure, or failing to meet the expectations of others.

-Physical Vulnerable Children involved at a professional level in sports are at a higher risk than their peers of physical problems like breaking bones. In some cases, these physical problems can be fatal; e.g., Julissa Gomez, who died from complications of a vaulting injury contracted when she was 15 in warm-ups for a gymnastics competition.

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Points for opposing -Needed in films In some films or television shows, child actors are absolutely necessary in order to realistically portray society and the roles children play. The incredibly popular Harry Potter films, for example, would not have been half as convincing without the large cast of actors under the age of 18 playing the schoolchildren.

Rebuttal for education It is entirely possible for child performers to achieve high grades. For example, Jodie Foster graduated magna cum laude from Yale University, despite having been a child star.Child performers who spend a lot of hours on-set will also have access to a certified teacher who acts as their personal tutor during that time.

-If they were to be banned, Illegal performances While being a child performer is legal, these childrens working circumstances are under the protection of the law and monitored by government departments such as the Inland Revenue, Health and Safety, etc. Were child performers to be banned, it is certain that some children would still perform, but would not be thus protected. This has already happened in certain professional sports where

athletes can benefit by lying about their age. For example, it is easier for Latin American baseball players to sign with U.S. Major League teams if the teams think they are young. As a result, countless players have lied about their age, including a number of high-profile cases, such as Miguel Tejada who was named Most Valuable Player in 2002.Many of these young players, however, have been less successful.

Rebuttal for exploitation With the number of child performers on the increase,parents are becoming more aware of what to expect from their childs agent, and thus less likely to unwittingly allow exploitation. Additionally, laws exist to prevent parents from spending their childs wages; for example, the Coogan Law dictates that parents in California must open a trust account for their child in which 15% of that childs earnings must be put aside.

-Government has no right to prevent what they enjoy and good at. Many child performers would undoubtedly protest if their right to perform were taken away from them, and justly so. This can be seen in quotes from the likes of Roddy McDowall, who said in an interview in 1963 that he had a particularly wonderful time as a child actor,and would presumably have been quite upset had a ban been enforced in his lifetime. It is beyond the rights of the government to make illegal an opportunity that allows those talented on the stage, in front of a camera, on the pitch, etc. (who might well not be so strong in other, e.g., academic, areas) to make a living from doing what they do best.

Rebuttal for pressure Children will always feel pressure in certain areas of their lives, whether with exams or school plays. It may be true that pressure is greater for child performers, but children who perform at a professional level are generally more skilled, and so they are often better at dealing with this pressure. At the very least, they gain enough experience at a young age, that they learn the skills needed to succeed, even in high-pressure situations.

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