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M1 Connected Particles

Specimen Qu 6 A particle of mass m rests on a rough plane inclined at an angle to the horizontal, where tan = . The particle is attached to one end of a light inextensible string which lies in a line of greatest slope of the plane and passes over a small light smooth pulley P fixed at the top of the plane. The other end of the string is attached to a particle B of mass m, and B hangs freely below P, as shown in the figure. The particles are released from rest A !m" with the string taut. The particle B moves down with acceleration of magnitude # g. $ind a" the tension in the string %&' b" the coefficient of friction between A and the plane. January 2001 qu 3 Two particles A and B have masses m and km, where k ) . They are connected by a light inextensible string which passes over a smooth fixed pulley. The system is released from rest with the string taut and the hanging parts of the string vertical, as shown in the diagram. *hile the particles are moving freely, A has an acceleration of magnitude +,-g. a" $ind, in terms of m and g, the tension in the string. % . b" /tate why B also has an acceleration of magnitude +,-g. %0' c" $ind the value of k. %&' d" /tate how you have used the fact that the string is light. %0' January 2002 qu 8 P ! m" Two particles P and Q have masses m and -m 1espectively. They are connected by a light inextensible string which passes over a small smooth light pulley Q !-m" fixed at the edge of a rough horizontal table. 2article P lies on the table and particle Q hangs freely below the pulley as shown in the diagram. The coefficient of friction between 2 and the table is 3.4. The system is released from rest with the string taut. $or the period before Q hits the floor or P reaches the pulley, a" write down an e5uation of motion for each particle separately, %&' b" find, in terms of g, the acceleration of Q, %&' c" find, in terms of m and g, the tension in the string. %+' *hen Q has moved a distance h, it hits the floor and the string becomes slac6. 7iven that P remains on the table during the subse5uent motion and does not reach the pulley, d" find, in terms of h, the distance moved by P after the string becomes slac6 until P comes to rest. %4' May 2002 qu 7 2articles A and B, of mass +m and m respectively, A !m " are attached to the ends of a light inextensible string. The string passes over a small smooth pulley fixed at the edge of a rough horizontal table. 2article A is held B ! m" on the table, while B rests on a smooth plane inclined at 3o to the horizontal, as shown in the diagram . 3o The string is in the same vertical plane as a line of greatest slope of the inclined plane. The coefficient of friction between A and the table is 8. The particle A is released from rest and begins to move. 9y writing down an e5uation of motion for each particle, P

B ! m"


B !km" A ! m"

a" show that, while both particles move with the string taut, each particle has an acceleration of 0,4!0 : &8"g. %;' *hen each particle has moved a distance h, the string brea6s. The particle A comes to rest before reaching the pulley. 7iven that 8 = 3.+, b" find, in terms of h, the total distance moved by A. %4' $or the model described above, c" state two physical factors, apart from air resistance, which could be ta6en into account to ma6e the model more realistic. %+' o!em"er 2002 qu 8 Two particles A and B, of mass m 6g and 6g respectively, P are connected by a light inextensible string. The particle A is held resting on a smooth fixed plane inclined at 3o to the horizontal. The string passes over a small smooth B pulley P fixed at the top of the plane. A The portion AP of the string lies along a line 3.+-m of greatest slope of the plane and B hangs 3o freely from the pulley, as shown in the diagram. The system is released from rest with B at a height of 3.+- m above horizontal ground. <mmediately after release, B descends with an acceleration of !+,-"g. 7iven that A does not reach P, calculate a" the tension in the string while B is descending, b" the value of m. The particle B stri6es the ground and does not rebound. $ind c" the magnitude of the impulse exerted by B on the ground, % ' %&' % '

d" the time between the instant when B stri6es the ground and the instant when A reaches its highest point. %&' January 2003 qu 8 A P A particle A of mass 3.= 6g rests on a horizontal table and is attached to one end of a light inextensible string. The string passes over a small smooth pulley P fixed at the edge of the B table. The other end of the string is attached to a particle B of mass 0.+ 6g which hangs freely below the pulley as shown in figure. The system is released from rest with the string taut and with B at a height of 3.4 m above the ground. <n an initial model of the situation, the table is assumed to be smooth. >sing this model, find a" the tension in the string before B reaches the ground, b" the time ta6en by B to reach the ground. %-' % '

<n a refinement of the model, it is assumed that the table is rough and that the coefficient of friction between A and the table is 0,-. >sing this refined model, c" find the time ta6en by B to reach the ground. %='

May 2003 qu 8 A car which has run out of petrol is being towed by a brea6down truc6 along a straight horizontal road. The truc6 has mass 0+33 6g and the car has mass =33 6g. The truc6 is connected to the car by a horizontal rope which is modelled as light and inextensible. The truc6?s engine provides a constant driving force of +&33 @. The resistances to motion of the truc6 and the car are modelled as constant and of magnitude 433 @ and &33 @ respectively. $indA

a" the acceleration of the truc6 and the car, % ' b" the tension in the rope. % ' *hen the truc6 and car are moving at +3 ms:0, the rope brea6s. The engine of the truc6 provides the same driving force as before. The magnitude of ther esistances to the motion of the truc6 remains 433 @. c" /how that the truc6 reaches a speed of += ms:0 approximately 4 s earlier than it would have done if the rope had not bro6en. %;' o!em"er 2003 qu 7 P 0.& m B !3.& 6g" A !m 6g" 0m 3 $igure shows two particles A and B, of mass m 6g and 3.& 6g respectively, connected by a light inextensible string. <nitially A is held at rest on a fixed smooth plane inclined at 3 to the horizontal. The string passes over a small light smooth pulley P fixed at the top of the plane. The section of the string from A to P is parallel to a line of greatest slope of the plane. The particle B hangs freely below P. The system is released from rest with the string taut and B descends with acceleration 0 - g. !a" *rite down an e5uation of motion for B. %+' !b" $ind the tension in the string. %+' 04 !c" 2rove that m = - . %&' !d" /tate where in the calculations you have used the information that P is a light smooth pulley.%0' Bn release, B is at a height of one metre above the ground and AP = 0.& m. The particle B stri6es the ground and does not rebound. !e" Calculate the speed of B as it reaches the ground. %+' !f" /how that A comes to rest as it reaches P. %-'

January 200# qu $

B ! 6g" A !& 6g"

A particle of mass & 6g moves on the inclined face of a smooth wedge. This face is inclined at 3 o to the horizontal. The wedge is fixed on horizontal ground. 2article A is connected to a particle B, of mass 6g, by a light inextensible string. The string passes over a small light smooth pulley which is fixed at the top of the plane. The section of the string from A to the pulley lies in the line of the greatest slope of the wedge. The particle B hangs freely below the pulley, as shown in the figure. The system is released from rest with the string taut. $or the motion before A reaches the pulley and before B hits the ground, find a" the tension in the string, %4' b" the magnitude of the resultant force exerted by the string on the pulley. % ' c" the string in this 5uestion is described as being Dlight?. i" *rite down what you understand by this description. ii" /tate how you have used the fact that the string is light in your answer to part a" %+'

May 200# qu 7
P !& 6g" Q!4 6g" &3 @

Two particles P and Q, of mass & 6g and 4 6g respectively, are Eoined by a light inextensible string. <nitially the particles are at rest on a rough horizontal plane with the string taut. The coefficient of + friction between each particle and the plane is ; . A constant force of magnitude &3 @ is then applied to Q in the direction PQ, as shown in figure !a" /how that the acceleration of Q is 0.+ m s+. !b" Calculate the tension in the string when the system is moving. !c" /tate how you have used the information that the string is inextensible. %#& %3& %1&

After the particles have been moving for ; s, the string brea6s. The particle Q remains under the action of the force of magnitude &3 @. !d" /how that P continues to move for %$& !e" Calculate the speed of Q at the instant when P comes to rest. Jan 200$ qu $ A !3.- 6g" P 'i(ure # a further seconds. %#&

B !3.= 6g"

A bloc6 of wood A of mass 3.- 6g rests on a rough horizontal table and is attached to one end of a light inextensible string. The string passes over a small smooth pulley P fixed at the edge of the

table. The other end of the string is attached to a ball B of mass 3.= 6g which hangs freely below the pulley, as shown in $igure &. The coefficient of friction between A and the table is . The system is released from rest with the string taut. After release, B descends a distance of 3.& m in 3.- s. Fodelling A and B as particles, calculate !a" !b" !c " !d" the acceleration of B, the tension in the string, the value of . /tate how in your calculations you have used the information that the string is inextensible. % ' %&' %-' %0'

June 200$ qu6.

0-G This figure shows a lorry of mass 0433 6g towing a car of mass (33 6g along a straight horizontal road. The two vehicles are Eoined by a light towbar which is at an angle of 0- to the road. The lorry and the car experience constant resistances to motion of magnitude 433 @ and 33 @ respectively. The lorry?s engine produces a constant horizontal force on the lorry of magnitude 0-33 @. $ind !a" !b" the acceleration of the lorry and the car,

the tension in the towbar.


*hen the speed of the vehicles is 4 m s , the towbar brea6s. Assuming that the resistance to the motion of the car remains of constant magnitude 33 @, !c" find the distance moved by the car from the moment the towbar brea6s to the moment when the car comes to rest.


/tate whether, when the towbar brea6s, the normal reaction of the road on the car is increased, decreased or remains constant. 7ive a reason for your answer.
%2& %)otal 13 mar*s&

M1 Moments
Specimen qu 3 A I +m 4m A non:uniform plan6 of wood AB has length 4 m and mass (3 6g. The plan6 is smoothly supported at its two ends A and B, with A and B at the same horizontal level. A woman of mass 43 6g stands on the plan6 at the point C, where AC = + m, as shown in the diagram. The plan6 is in e5uilibrium and the magnitudes of the reactions on the plan6 at A and B are e5ual. The plan6 is modelled as a non:uniform rod and the woman as a particle. $ind a" the magnitude of the reaction on the plan6 at B, %+' b" the distance of the centre of mass of the plan6 from A. %-' c" /tate briefly how you have used the modelling assumption that i" the plan6 is a rod, ii" the woman is a particle. %+' Moc* qu # A C B B I


A plan6 AB has length & m. <t lies on a horizontal platform, with the end A lying on the platform and the end B proEecting over the edge, as shown in the figure. The edge of the platform is at the point C. Kac6 and Kill are experimenting with the plan6. Kac6 has a mass &3 6g and Kill has mass +- 6g. They discover that, if Kac6 stands at B and Kill at A and BC = 0.4 m, the plan6 is in e5uilibrium and on the point of tilting about C. 9y modelling the plan6 as a uniform rod, and Kac6 and Kill as particles, a" find the mass of the plan6. % ' They now alter the position of the plan6 in relation to the platform so that, when Kill stands at B and Kac6 stands at A, the plan6 is again in e5uilibrium and on the point of tilting about C. b" $ind the distance BC in this position. %-' c" /tate how you have used the modelling assumptions that i" the plan6 is uniform, ii" the plan6 is a rod, iii" Kac6 and Kill are particles. % ' January 2001 qu 1 A P I m A uniform rod AB has weight ;3 @ and length m. <t rests in a horizontal position on two smooth supports placed at P and Q, where AP = 3.- m, as shown in the diagram. The reaction on the rod at P has magnitude +3 @. $ind a" the magnitude of the reaction on the rod at Q, %+' b" the distance AQ. %&' June 2001 qu $ A 0m 4m C I D I 0m B Q I B

3.- m

A large log AB is 4 m long. <t rests in a horizontal position on two smooth supports C and D, where AC = 0 m and BD = 0 m, as shown in the figure. Lavid needs an estimate of the weight of the log, but the log is too heavy to lift off both supports. *hen Lavid applies a force of magnitude 0-33 @ vertically upwards to the log at A, the log is about to tilt about D. a" /tate the value of the reaction on the log at C for this case. %0' Lavid initially models the log as a uniform rod. >sing this model, b" estimate the weight of the log. % ' The shape of the log convinces Lavid that his initial modelling assumption is too simple. Me removes the force at A and applies a force acting vertically upwards at B. Me finds that the log is about to tilt about C when this force has magnitude 0333 @. Lavid now models the log as a non: uniform rod, with the distance of the centre of mass of the log from C as x metres. >sing this model, find c" a new estimate for the weight of the log, %4' d" the value of x. %+' e" /tate how you have used the modelling assumption that the log is a rod. %0' January 2002 qu $ A 0m 03 m A heavy uniform steel girder AB has length 03 m. A load of weight 0-3 @ is attached to the girder at A and a load if weight +-3 @ is attached to the girder at B. The loaded girder hangs in e5uilibrium in a horizontal position, held by two vertical steel cables attached to the girder at the points C and D, where AC = 0 m and DB = m, as shown in the diagram. The girder is modelled as a uniform rod, the loads as particles and the cables as light inextensible strings. The tension in the cable at D is three times the tension in the cable at C. a" Lraw a diagram showing all the forces acting on the girder. %+' $ind b" the tension in the cable at C, %-' c" the weight of the girder. %+' d" Nxplain how you have usd the fact that the girder is uniform. %0' May 2002 qu 3 A I B C D m B

A uniform rod AB has length 033 cm. Two light pans are suspended, one from each end of the rod, by two strings which are assumed to be light and inextensible. The system forms a balance with the rod resting horizontally on a smooth pivot, as shown in the diagram. A particle of weight 04 @ is placed in the pan at A and a particle of weight - @ is placed in the pan at B. The rod rests horizontally in e5uilibrium when the pivot is at the point C on the rod, where AC = 3 cm. a" $ind the weight of the rod. % ' The particle in the pan at A is replaced by a particle of weight .- @. The particle of weight - @ remains in the pan at B. The rod now rests horizontally in e5uilibrium when the pivot is moved to the point D. b" $ind the distance AD. %&' c" Nxplain briefly where the assumption that the strings are light has been used in your answer to part a". %0'

o!em"er 2002 qu # x A I +m A uniform plan6 AB has weight =3 @ and length x metres. The plan6 rests in e5uilibrium horizontally on two smooth supports at A and C, where AC = + m, as shown in the diagram. A roc6 of weight +3 @ is placed at B and the plan6 remains in e5uilibrium. The reaction on the plan6 at C has magnitude (3 @. The plan6 is modelled as a rod and the roc6 as a particle. a" $ind the value of x. %&' b" /tate how you have used the model of the roc6 as a particle. %0' The support at A is now moved to a point D on the plan6 and the plan6 remains in e5uilibrium with the roc6 at B. The reaction on the plan6 at C is now three times the reaction at D. c" $ind the distance AD. %&' January 2003 qu 6 m A C I 3.- m +m A uniform rod AB has length m and weight 0+3 @. the rod rests in e5uilibrium in a horizontal position, smoothly supported at points C and D, where AC = 3.- m and AD = +m as shown in the diagram. A particle of weight W newtons is attached to the rod at a point E where AE = x metres. The rod remains in e5uilibrium and the magnitude of the reaction at C is now twice the magnitude of the reaction at D. a" /how that W = 43 . %=' 0x b" Mence deduce the range of possible values of x. %+' May 2003 qu 1 &m m A C B A uniform plan6 AB has mass &3 6g and length & m. <t is supported in a horizontal position by two smooth pivots, one at the end A, the other at the point C of the plan6 where AC = m, as shown in the diagram. A man of mass =3 6g stands on the plan6 which remains in e5uilibrium. The magnitudes of the reactions at the two pivots are each e5ual to R newtons. 9y modelling the plan6 as a rod and the man as a particle, find a" the value of R, %+' b" the distance of the man from A. %&' D I B C I B

o!em"er 2003 qu 6 0.- m A C -m D

0m B

A non:uniform rod AB has length - m and weight +33 @. The rod rests horizontally in e5uilibrium on two smooth supports C and D, where AC = 0.- m and DB = 0 m, as shown in diagram. The centre of mass of AB is x metres from A. A particle of weight W newtons is placed on the rod at A. The rod remains in e5uilibrium and the magnitude of the reaction of C on the rod is 043 @. !a" /how that -3x W = 033. %-' The particle is now removed from A and placed on the rod at B. The rod remains in e5uilibrium and the reaction of C on the rod now has magnitude -3 @. !b" Bbtain another e5uation connecting W and x. % ' !c" Calculate the value of x and the value of W. %&' January 200# qu 2 A lever consists of a uniform steel rod AB, +m of weight 033 @ and length + m, which is rests on C a small smooth pivot at C of the rod. A load of A B weight ++33 @ is suspended from the end B of the rod by a rope. The lever is held in e5uilibrium in a horizontal position by a vertical force applied at the end A, as shown in the figure. The rope is modelled as a light string. 7iven that BC = 3.+ m, a" find the magnitude of the force applied at A. %&' The position of the pivot is changed so that the rod remains in e5uilibrium when the force at A has magnitude 0+3 @. b" $ind, to the nearest cm, the new distance of the pivot from B. %-' May 200# qu #

+ 0m

, C

+m 4m

A plan6 AE, of length 4 m and mass 03 6g, rests in a horizontal position on supports at B and D, where AB = 0 m and DE = + m. A child of mass +3 6g stands at C, the mid:point of BD, as shown in $ig. +. The child is modelled as a particle and the plan6 as a uniform rod. The child and the plan6 are in e5uilibrium. Calculate !a" the magnitude of the force exerted by the support on the plan6 at B, !b" the magnitude of the force exerted by the support on the plan6 at D. %#& %3&

The child now stands at a point F on the plan6. The plan6 is in e5uilibrium and on the point of tilting about D. !c" Calculate the distance DF. Jan 200$ qu 2 'i(ure 1 %#&

A m

A plan6 AB has mass &3 6g and length m. A load of mass +3 6g is attached to the plan6 at B. The loaded plan6 is held in e5uilibrium, with AB horizontal, by two vertical ropes attached at A and C, as shown in $igure 0. The plan6 is modelled as a uniform rod and the load as a particle. 7iven that the tension in the rope at C is three times the tension in the rope at A, calculate !a" the tension in the rope at C, !b" the distance CB. June 200$ qu $.
A C 0 m m A uniform beam AB has mass 0+ 6g and length m. The beam rests in e5uilibrium in a horizontal position, resting on two smooth supports. Bne support is at end A, the other at a point C on the beam, where BC = 0 m, as shown in the diagram. The beam is modelled as a uniform rod. !a" $ind the reaction on the beam at C.

%+' %-'

A woman of mass &= 6g stands on the beam at the point D. The beam remains in e5uilibrium. The reactions on the beam at A and C are now e5ual. !b" $ind the distance AD.
%7& %)otal 10 mar*s&

M1 /ectors
Specimen qu 7 Two cars A and B are moving on straight horizontal roads with constant velocities. The velocity of A is +3 ms:0 due east, and the velocity of B is !03i O 030" ms:0, where i and 0 are unit vectors directed due east and due north respectively. <nitially A is at the fixed origin O, and the position vector of B is 33i m relative to O. At time t seconds, the position vectors of A and B are r and s metres respectively. a" $ind expressions for r and s in terms of t. % ' b" Mence write down an expression for AB in terms of t. %0' c" $ind the time when the bearing of B from A is 3&-o. %-' d" $ind the time when the cars are again 33 m apart. %4' Moc* qu 6 A coastguard station O monitors the movements of ships in a channel. At noon, the station?s radar records two ships moving with constant speed. /hip A is at the point with position vector !-i O 030" 6m relative to O and has velocity !+i O +0" 6m h:0. /hip B is at the point with position vector ! i O &0" 6m and has velocity !+i O -0" 6m h:0. a" 7iven that the two ships maintain these velocities, show that they collide. %4' The coast guard radios ship A and orders it to reduce its speed to move with velocity !i O 0" 6m h:0. 7iven that A obeys this order and maintains a constant velocity,

b" find an expression for the vector AB at time t hours after noon. c" find, to significant figures, the distance between A and B at 0&33 hours, d" find the time at which B will be due north of A.

%+' % ' %+'

January 2001 qu # A particle P moves in a straight line with constant velocity. <nitially P is at the point A with position vector !+i 0" m relative to a fixed origin O, and + s later it is at the point B with position vector !4i O 0" m. a" $ind the velocity of P. % ' b" $ind, in degrees to one decimal place, the size of the angle between the direction of motion of P and the vector i. %+' Three seconds after it passes B the particle P reaches the point C. c" $ind, in m to one decimal place, the distance OC. %&'

June 2001 qu7 A mountain rescue post O receives a distress call via a mobile phone from a wal6er who has bro6en a leg and cannot move. The wal6er says that he is by a pipeline and he can see a radio mast which he believes to be south:west of him. The pipeline is 6nown to run north:south for a long distance through the point with position vector 4i 6m, relative to O. The radio mast is 6nown to be at the point with position vector +0 6m, relative to O. a" >sing the information supplied by the wal6er, write down his position vector in the form !ai O b0". %+' The rescue party moves at a horizontal speed of - 6m h:0. The leader of the party wants to give the wal6er an idea of how long it will ta6e for the rescue party to arrive. b" Calculate how long it will ta6e for the rescue party to reach the wal6er?s estimated position. % ' The rescue party sets out and wal6s straight towards the wal6er?s estimated position at a constant horizontal speed of - 6m h:0. After the party has travelled for one hour, the wal6er rings again. Me is very apologetic and says that he now realises that the radio mast is in fact north:west of his position. c" $ind the position vector of the wal6er. % ' d" $ind, in degrees to one decimal place, the bearing on which the rescue party should now travel in order to reach the wal6er. %;' January 2002 qu 6 A particle P, of mass 6g, moves under the action of two forces !4i O +0" @ and ! i -0" @. a" $ind, in the form !ai O b0" @, the resultant force ' acting on P. %0' b" $ind, in degrees to one decimal place, the angle between ' and 0. % ' c" $ind the acceleration of P, giving your answer as a vector. %+' The initial velocity of P is !+i O 0" m s:0. d" $ind, to significant figures, the speed of P after + s. %-'

May 2002 qu $ A particle of mass + 6g moves in a plane under the action of a single constant force ' newtons. At time t seconds, the velocity of P is ! m s:0. *hen t = 3, ! = !-i O ;0" and when t = , ! = !i +0". a" $ind in degrees the angle between the direction of motion of P when t = and the vector 0. % ' b" $ind the acceleration of P. %+' c" The magnitude of '. % ' d" $ind in terms of t the velocity of P. %+' e" $ind the time at which P is moving parallel to the vector i O 0. % ' o!em"er 2002 qu 2

A particle P of mass 0.- 6g is moving under the action of a constant force ! i 7.-0" @. <nitially P has velocity !+i O 0" m s:0. $ind a" the magnitude of the acceleration of P, %&' b" the velocity of P, in terms of i and 0, when P has been moving for & seconds. % ' qu 7 Two helicopters P and Q are moving in the same horizontal plane. They are modelled as particles moving in straight lines with constant speeds. At noon P is at the point with position vector !+3i O -0" 6m with respect to a fixed origin O. At time t hours after noon the position vector of P is p 6m. *hen t = # the position vector of P is !-3i +-0" 6m. $ind a" the velocity of P in the form !ai O b0" 6m h:0, %+' b" an expression for p in terms of t. %+' At noon Q is at O and at time t hours after noon the position vector of Q is q 6m. The velocity of Q has magnitude 0+3 6m h:0 in the direction of &i 0. $ind c" an expression for q in terms of t, d" the distance, to the nearest 6m, between P and Q when t = +. %&'

January 2003 qu 3 A particle P of mass 3.& 6g is moving under the action of a constant force ' newtons. <nitially the velocity of P is !4i +;0" ms:0 and &s later the velocity of P is !0&i O +00" m s:0. a" $ind, in terms of i and 01 the acceleration of P. % ' b" Calculate the magnitude of '. % '

qu # Two ships P and Q are moving along straight lines with constant velocities. <nitially P is at a point O and the position vector of Q relative to O is !4i O 0+0" 6m, where i and 0 are unit vectors directed due east and due north respectively. The ship P is moving with velocity 030 6m h:0 and Q is moving with velocity !=i O 40" 6m h:0. At time t hours the position vectors of P and Q relative to O are p 6m and q 6m respectively. a" $ind p and q in terms of t. % ' b" Calculate the distance of Q from P when t = . % '

c" Calculate the value of t when Q is due north of P. %+' May 2003 qu $ A particle P moves with constant acceleration !+i H 0" ms:+. At time t seconds, its velocity is ! ms:0. *hen t = 3, ! = :+i O ;0. a" $ind the value of t when P is moving parallel to the vector i. %&' b" $ind the speed of P when t = . % ' c" $ind the angle between the vector 0 and the direction of motion of P when t = . % ' o! 2003 qu $ A particle P of mass 6g is moving under the action of a constant force ' newtons. At t = 3, P has velocity ! i H -0" m sH0. At t = & s, the velocity of P is !H-i O 000" m sH0. $ind !a" the acceleration of P, in terms of i and 0. %+' !b" the magnitude of '. %&' At t = 4 s, P is at the point A with position vector !4i H +(0" m relative to a fixed origin O. At this instant the force ' newtons is removed and P then moves with constant velocity. Three seconds after the force has been removed, P is at the point B. !c" Calculate the distance of B from O. %4'

January 200# qu 7 Two boats A and B are moving with constant velocities. 9oat A moves with velocity (0 6m h:0. 9oat B moves with velocity ! i O -0" 6m h:0. a" $ind the bearing on which B is moving. %+' At noon, A is at the point O, and B is 03 6m due west of O. At time t hours after noon, the position vectors of A and B relative to O are a 6m and b 6m respectively. b" $ind expressions for a and b in terms of t, giving your answer in the form of i ! "0. % ' c" $ind the time when B is due south of A. %+' At time t hours after noon, the distance between A and B is d 6m. 9y finding an expression for AB, d" show that d+ = +-t+ 43t O 033. %&' At noon, the boats are 03 6m apart. e" $ind the time after noon at which the boats are again 03 6m apart. % ' May 200# qu 6 A small boat #, drifting in the sea, is modelled as a particle moving in a straight line at constant speed. *hen first sighted at 3(33, # is at a point with position vector !& i H 40" 6m relative to a fixed origin O, where i and 0 are unit vectors due east and due north respectively. At 3(&-, # is at the point with position vector !;i H ;.-0" 6m. At time t hours after 3(33, # is at the point with position vector s 6m. !a" Calculate the bearing on which # is drifting. !b" $ind an expression for s in terms of t. !&" ! "

At 0333 a motor boat $ leaves O and travels with constant velocity ! i O "0" 6m h0. 7iven that $ intercepts # at 030-, !c" calculate the value of and the value of ". !4"

Jan 200$ qu 7 Two ships P and Q are travelling at night with constant velocities. At midnight, P is at the point with position vector !+3i O 030" 6m relative to a fixed origin O. At the same time, Q is at the point with position vector !0&i H 40" 6m. Three hours later, P is at the point with position vector !+( i O &0" 6m. The ship Q travels with velocity 0+0 6m hH0. At time t hours after midnight, the position vectors of P and Q are p 6m and q 6m respectively. $ind !a" the velocity of P, in terms of i and 0, !b" expressions for p and q, in terms of t, i and 0. At time t hours after midnight, the distance between P and Q is d 6m. !c" 9y finding an expression for
PQ ,

%+' %&'

show that %-'

d + = +-t+ H (+t O +(+.

*eather conditions are such that an observer on P can only see the lights on Q when the distance between P and Q is 0- 6m or less. 7iven that when t = 0, the lights on Q move into sight of the observer, !d" find the time, to the nearest minute, at which the lights on Q move out of sight of the observer. %-' June 200$ qu 7. %<n this 5uestion, the unit vectors i and 0 are horizontal vectors due east and north respectively.'
At time t = 3, a football player 6ic6s a ball from the point A with position vector !+i O 0" m on a

horizontal football field. The motion of the ball is modelled as that of a particle moving H0 horizontally with constant velocity !-i O =0" m s . $ind !a" !b" the speed of the ball,

the position vector of the ball after t seconds.


The point B on the field has position vector !03i O ;0" m. !c" $ind the time when the ball is due north of B.

At time t = 3, another player starts running due north from B and moves with constant speed H0 % m s . 7iven that he intercepts the ball, !d" !e" find the value of %.

/tate one physical factor, other than air resistance, which would be needed in a refinement of the model of the ball?s motion to ma6e the model more realistic.

!Total 0 mar6s"

M1 'orces in equili"rium 2 3esultant 4orce

Specimen qu 1 A tennis ball is attached to one end of a light inextensible string, the other end of the string being attached to the top of a fixed vertical pole. A girl applies a horizontal force of magnitude -3 @ to P, and P is in e5uilibrium under gravity with the string ma6ing an angle of &3o with the pole, as in the diagram. 9y modelling the ball as a particle find, to significant figures a" the tension in the string, % ' b" the weight of P. %&'

&3o P -3 @

Moc* qu 2 A particle has a mass of + 6g. <t is attached at B to the ends of A two light inextensible strings AB and BC. *hen the particle hangs in e5uilibrium, AB ma6es an angle of 3o with the vertical, as shown in the figure. The magnitude of the tension in BC is twice the tension in AB. a" $ind in degrees to one decimal place, the size of the angle that BC ma6es with the vertical. %&' b" Mence find, to significant figures, the magnitude of the tension in AB. %&' January 2001 Qu 2 A particle P of mass + 6g is held in e5uilibrium under gravity by two light inextensible strings. Bne string is horizontal and the other is inclined at an angle to the horizontal, as shown in the figure. The tension in the horizontal string is 0- @. The tension in the other string is & newtons. a" $ind the size of angle . %4' b" $ind the value of &. %+' June 2001 Qu 2 Two forces P and Q, act on a particle. The force P has a magnitude - @ and the force Q has magnitude @. The angle between the directions & @

C 3o B

0- @

of P and Q is &3o, as shown in the diagram. The resultant of P and Q is '. a" $ind the magnitude of ' to significant figures. %-' b" $ind, in degrees to one decimal place, the angle between the directions of ' and P. % ' January 2002 Qu 7 A ring of mass 3. 6g is threaded on a fixed, rough horizontal curtain pole. A light inextensible string is attached to the ring. The string and the pole lie in the same vertical plane. The ring is pulled downwards by the strong which ma6es an angle to the horizontal, where tan = , as shown in the diagram. The tension in the string is +.- @. 7iven that, in this position, the ring is in limiting e5uilibrium a" find the coefficient of friction between the ring and the pole. %='


+.- @

+.- @ The direction of the string is now altered so that the ring is pulled upwards. The string lies in the same vertical plane as before and again ma6es an angle with the horizontal, as shown in the figure. The tension in the string is again +.- @. b" $ind the normal reaction exerted by the pole on the ring. %+' c" /tate whether the ring is in e5uilibrium in the position shown in the diagram, giving a brief Eustification for your answer. Pou need to ma6e no further detailed calculation of the forces acting. %+' o!em"er 2002 Qu 1 A particle of weight 4 @ is attached to one end of a light inextensible string. O The other end of the string is attached to a fixed point O. A horizontal force of magnitude F newtons is applied to P. The particle P is in e5uilibrium under 3o gravity with the string ma6ing an angle of 3o with the vertical, as shown in the figure. $ind, to significant figures a" the tension in the string % ' b" the value of F. % ' P January 2003 Qu 2 <n the figure angle A'C = (3o and angle B'C = ( o. B A particle at O is in e5uilibrium under the action of three coplanar forces. The three forces have magnitudes = @, 0+ @ and ) @ and act along OA, OB and OC respectively. Calculate a" the value of ( to one decimal place, % ' b" the value, to + decimal places, of ). % ' o! 2003 qu 3 P@ # F@

0+ @ ( O =@ )

A heavy suitcase # of mass -3 6g is moving along a horizontal floor under the action of a force of magnitude P newtons. The force acts at 3 to the floor, as shown in figure, and # moves in a straight line at constant speed. The suitcase is modelled as a particle and the floor as a rough horizontal plane. The coefficient of friction between # and the floor is - . Calculate the value of P. %('

January 200# qu # Two small rings, A and B, each of mass +m, are threaded on a rough horizontal pole. The coefficient of friction between each ring and the pole is . The rings are attached to the ends of a light inextensible string. A smooth ring C, of mass m, is threaded on the string and hangs in e5uilibrium below the pole. The rings A and B are in limiting e5uilibrium on the pole, with BAC = ABC = , where tan = , as shown in the figure. a" /how that the tension in the string is -mg,+. % ' b" $ind the value of . %;' . May 200# qu 1

A !+m"

B !+m"

C ! m"

3 C


A particle of weight W newtons is attached at C to the ends of two light inextensible strings AC and BC. The other ends of the strings are attached to two fixed points A and B on a horizontal ceiling. The particle hangs in e5uilibrium with AC and BC inclined to the horizontal at 3 and 43 respectively, as shown in $ig.0. 7iven the tension in AC is -3 @, calculate *a+ the tension in BC, to !b" the value of W. significant figures, ! " ! "

June 200$ qu 2. A C

4 @

A smooth bead B is threaded on a light inextensible string. The ends of the string are attached to two fixed points A and C on the same horizontal level. The bead is held in e5uilibrium by a horizontal force of magnitude 4 @ acting parallel to AC. The bead B is vertically below C and BAC = , as shown in the diagram. 7iven that tan = & , find !a" !b" the tension in the string, the weight of the bead. ! " !&"

M1 5nclined plane
Moc* qu 7 A small parcel of mass + 6g moves on a rough plane inclined at an angle 3o to the horizontal. The parcel is pulled up a line of greatest slope of the plane by means of a light rope which is attached 3o to it. The rope ma6es an angle of 3o with the plane, as shown in the diagram. The coefficient of friction between the parcel and the plane is 3.&. 3o 7iven that the tension in the rope is +& @, a" find, to + significant figures, the acceleration of the parcel. %=' The rope now brea6s. The parcel slows down and comes to rest. b" /how that, when the parcel comes to this position of rest, it immediately starts to move down the slope again. %&' c" $ind, to + significant figures, the acceleration of the parcel as it moves down the plane after it has comes to instantaneous rest. % ' January 2001 qu 7 A sledge of mass ;= 6g is pulled up a slope by means of a rope. The slope is modelled as a rough plane inclined at an angle to the horizontal, where tan = -,0+. The rope is modelled as light and inextensible and is in a line of greatest slope of the plane. The coefficient of friction between the sledge and the slope is 3.+-. 7iven that the sledge is accelerating up the slope with acceleration, a" find the tension in the rope. %(' The rope suddenly brea6s. /ubse5uently the sledge comes to instantaneous rest and then starts sliding down the slope. b" $ind the acceleration of the sledge down the slope. %4' June 2001 qu # A small parcel of mass 6g is held in e5uilibrium on a rough plane by the action of a horizontal force of magnitude 3 @ acting in a vertical plane through the line of greatest slope. The plane is inclined at an angle of 3o to the horizontal, as shown in the figure. The parcel is modelled as a particle. The parcel is on the point of moving , the slope. a" Lraw a diagram showing all the forces acting on the parcel. %+' b" $ind the normal reaction on the parcel. c" $ind the coefficient of friction between the parcel and the plane.


%&' %-'

June 2001 qu 6 A brea6down van of mass +333 6g is towing a car of mass 0+33 6g along a straight horizontal road. The two vehicles are Eoined by a tow bar which remains parallel to the road. The van and the car experience constant resistances to motion of magnitudes =33 @ and +&3 @ respectively. There is a constant driving force acting on the van of + +3 @. $ind a" the magnitude of the acceleration of the van and the car, % ' b" the tension in the tow bar. %&' The two vehicles come to a hill inclined at an angle of to the horizontal, where sin = 0,+3. The driving force and the resistances to motion are unchanged. c" $ind the magnitude of the acceleration of the van and the car as they move up the hill and state whether their speed increases or decreases. %4' May 2002 qu # A box of mass 4 6g lies on a rough plane inclined at an angle of 3o to the horizontal. The box is held in e5uilibrium by means of a horizontal force of magnitude P newtons, as shown in the diagram. The line of action of the force is in the same vertical plane as a

P@ 3o

line of greatest slope of the plane. The coefficient of friction between the box and the plane is 3.&. The box is modelled as a particle. 7iven that the box is on the point of moving up the plane, find a" the normal reaction exerted on the box by the plane, %&' b" the value of P. % ' The horizontal force is removed. c" /how that the box will now start to move down the plane. %-' o!em"er 2002 qu $ A suitcase of mass 03 6g slides down a A o ramp which is inclined at an angle of +3 to the horizontal. The suitcase is modelled as a particle -m and the ramp as a rough plane. The top of the plane B is A. The bottom of the plane is C and AC is a line of greatest slope, as shown in the diagram. +3o C The point B is on AC with AB = - m. The suitcase leaves A with a speed of 03 ms:0 and passes B with a speed of = ms:0. $ind a" the deceleration of the suitcase, %+' b" the coefficient of friction between the suitcase and the ramp. %4' The suitcase reaches the bottom of the ramp. c" $ind the greatest possible length of AC. January 2003 qu $ A box of mass 0.- 6g is placed on a plane which is inclined at an angle of 3o to the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between the box and the plane is Q. The box is 6ept in e5uilibrium by a light string which lies in a vertical plane containing a line of greatest slope of the plane. The string ma6es an angle of +3o with the plane, as shown in the diagram. The box is in limiting e5uilibrium and is about to move up the plane. The tension in the string is & newtons. The box is modelled as a particle. $ind the value of &.



+3o 3o %03'

May 2003 qu # A parcel of mass - 6g lies on a rough plane inclined at an angle to the horizontal, where tan = . The parcel is held in e5uilibrium by the action of a horizontal force of magnitude +3 @, as shown in the figure. +3 @ The force acts in a vertical plane through the line of greatest slope. The parcel is on the point of sliding down the plane. $ind the coefficient of friction between the parcel and the plane. %=' Qu 6 A particle of mass 6g is proEected up a line of greatest slope of a rough inclined plane at an angle of 3o to the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between P and the plane is 3.&. The initial speed of P is 4 ms:0. $ind a" The frictional force acting on P as it moves up the plane, %&' b" The distance moved by P up the plane before P comes to instantaneous rest. %;' January 200# qu 3 The tile on a roof becomes loose and slides from rest down a roof. The roof is modelled as a plane surface inclined a 3o to the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between the tile and the roof is 3.&. The tile is modelled as a particle of mass m 6g. a" $ind the acceleration of the tile as it slides down the roof. %;' The tile moves a distance m before reaching the edge of the roof. b" $ind the speed of the tile as it reaches the edge of the roof. %+' c" *rite down the answer to part a" if the tile had a mass +m 6g. %0'

May 200# qu # B -3 m

0- $igure shows a boat B of mass &33 6g held at rest on a slipway by a rope. The boat is modelled as a particle and the slipway as a rough plane inclined at 0- to the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between B and the slipway is 3.+. The rope is modelled as a light, inextensible string, parallel to a line of greatest slope of the plane. The boat is in e5uilibrium and on the point of sliding down the slipway. !a" Calculate the tension in the rope. %6&

The boat is -3 m from the bottom of the slipway. The rope is detached from the boat and the boat slides down the slipway. !b" Calculate the time ta6en for the boat to slide to the bottom of the slipway. Jan 200$ qu # 'i(ure 3 %6&

)@ +3 A particle P of mass +.- 6g rests in e5uilibrium on a rough plane under the action of a force of magnitude ) newtons acting up a line of greatest slope of the plane, as shown in $igure . The plane is inclined at +3 to the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between P and the plane is 3.&. The particle is in limiting e5uilibrium and is on the point of moving up the plane. Calculate !a" the normal reaction of the plane on P, !b" the value of ). The force of magnitude ) newtons is now removed. !c" /how that P remains in e5uilibrium on the plane.
Kune +33- 5u 8.

%+' %&'


0= @

+3G A box of mass + 6g is pulled up a rough plane face by means of a light rope. The plane is inclined at an angle of +3 to the horizontal, as shown in the diagram. The rope is parallel to a line of greatest slope of the plane. The tension in the rope is 0= @. The coefficient of friction between the box and the plane is 3.4. 9y modelling the box as a particle, find !a" !b" the normal reaction of the plane on the box, the acceleration of the box. ! " !-"

-irect 5mpact
Specimen qu $ A truc6 of mass tonnes moves on straight horizontal rails. <t collides with truc6 9 of mass 0 tonne, which is moving on the same rails. <mmediately before collision, the speed of A is ms:0 and the speed of 9 is & ms:0 and they are moving towards one another. <n the collision, the truc6s couple to form a single body C, which continues to move on the rails. a" $ind the speed and direction of C after the collision. %&' b" $ind, in @s, the magnitude of the impulse exerted by 9 on A in the collision. % ' c" /tate a modelling assumption which you have made about the truc6s in your solution. %0' <mmediately after the collision, a constant bra6ing force of magnitude +-3 @ is applied to C. <t comes to rest in a distance d metres. d" $ind the value of d. %&' Moc* qu $ A post is driven into the ground by means of a blow from a pile:driver. The pile:driver falls from rest from a height of 0.4 m above the top of the post. a" /how that the speed of the pile:driver Eust before it hits the post is -.4 ms:0. %+' The post has mass 4 6g and the pile driver has a mass of ;= 6g. *hen the pile:driver hits the top of the post, it is assumed that there is no rebound and that both then move together with the same speed. b" $ind the speed of the pile:driver and the post immediately after the pile:driver has hit the post. The post is brought to rest by the action of a resistive force from the ground acting for 3.34 seconds. 9y modelling this force as constant throughout this time, c" find the magnitude of the resistive force, %&' d" find, to + significant figures, the distance travelled by the post and the pile:driver before they come to rest. January 2001 qu $ Two small balls A and B have masses 3.4 6g and 3.+ 6g respectively. They are moving towards each other in opposite directions on a horizontal table when they collide directly. <mmediately before the collision, the speed of A is &.- ms:0 and the speed of B is ms:0. <mmediately after the collision, A and B move in the same direction and the speed of B is twice the sped of A. 9y modelling the balls as particles, find a" the speed of B immediately after the collision, %&' b" the magnitude of the impulse exerted on B in the collision, stating the units in which your answer is given. The table is rough. After the collision, B moves a distance of + m on the table before coming to rest. c" $ind the coefficient of friction between B and the table. %4' June 2001 qu 1

Two small balls A and B have masses 3.- 6g and 3.+ 6g respectively. They are moving towards each other in opposite directions on a smooth horizontal table when they collide directly. <mmediately before the collision, the speed of A is ms:0 and the speed of B is + ms:0. The speed of A immediately after the collision is 0.- ms:0. The direction of motion of A is unchanged as a result of the collision. 9y modelling the balls as particles, find a" the speed of B immediately after the collision, % ' b" the magnitude of the impulse exerted on B in the collision. % ' January 2002 qu 1 A ball of mass 3. 6g is moving vertically downwards with speed = ms:0 when it hits the floor which is smooth and horizontal. <t rebounds vertically from the floor with speed 4 ms:0. $ind the magnitude of the impulse exerted by the floor on the ball. % ' January 2002 qu 2 A railway truc6 A of mass 0=33 6g is moving along a straight horizontal trac6 with a speed of & ms:0. <t collides directly with a stationary truc6 B of mass 0+33 6g on the same trac6. <n the collision, A and B are coupled and move off together. a" $ind the speed of the truc6s immediately after the collision. % ' After the collision, the truc6s experience a constant resistive force of magnitude R newtons. They come to rest = seconds after the collision. b" $ind R. % ' May 2002 qu 2 The masses of two particles A and B are 3.- 6g and m 6g respectively. The particles are moving on a smooth horizontal table in opposite directions and collide directly. <mmediately before the collision the speed of A is - ms:0 and the speed of B is ms:0. <n the collision, the magnitude of the impulse exerted by B on A is .4 @s. As a result of the collision the direction of motion of A is reversed. a" $ind the speed of A immediately after the collision. % ' The speed of B immediately after the collision is 0 ms:0. b" $ind the two possible values of m. %&' o!em"er 2002 qu 6 A railway truc6 P of mass 0-33 6g is moving on a straight horizontal trac6. The truc6 P collides with a truc6 Q of mass +-33 6g at a point A. <mmediately before the collision, P and Q are moving in the same direction with speeds 03ms:0 and - ms:0 respectively. <mmediately after the collision, the direction of motion of P is unchanged and its speed is & ms:0. 9y modelling the truc6s as particles, a" show that the speed of Q immediately after the collision is =.4 ms:0. % ' After the collision at A, the truc6 P is acted upon by a constant brea6ing force of magnitude -33 @. The truc6 P comes to rest at the point B. b" $ind the distance AB. % ' After the collision Q continues to move with constant speed =.4 ms:0. c" $ind the distance between P and Q at the instant when P comes to rest. %-' January 2003 qu 1 A railway truc6 P of mass +333 6g is moving on a straight horizontal trac6 with speed 03 ms:0. The truc6 P collides with a truc6 Q of mass 333 6g, which is at rest on the same trac6. <mmediately after the collision Q moves with speed - ms:0. Calculate a" the speed of P immediately after the collision, % ' b" the magnitude of the impulse exerted by P on Q during the collision. %+' May 2003 qu 2 Two particles A and B have masses 3.0+ 6g and 3.3= 6g respectively. They are initially at rest on a smooth horizontal table. 2article A is then given an impulse in the direction AB so that it moves with speed ms:0 directly towards B. a" $ind the magnitude of the impulse, stating clearly the units in which your answer is given. %+'

<mmediately after the particles collide, the speed of A is 0.+ ms:0, its direction of motion being unchanged. b" $ind the speed of B immediately after the collision. c" $ind the magnitude of the impulse exerted on A in the collision.

% ' %+'

o! 2003 qu 2 A railway truc6 # of mass +333 6g is travelling due east along a straight horizontal trac6 with constant speed 0+ m sH0. The truc6 # collides with a truc6 & which is travelling due west along the same trac6 as # with constant speed 4 m sH0. The magnitude of the impulse of & on # is += =33 @s. !a" Calculate the speed of # immediately after the collision. % ' !b" /tate the direction of motion of # immediately after the collision. %0' 7iven that, immediately after the collision, the speed of & is .4 m sH0, and that & and # are moving in opposite directions, c" calculate the mass of &. January 200# qu 1 Two truc6s A and B, moving in opposite direction on the same horizontal railway trac6, collide. The mass of A is 433 6g. The mass of B is m 6g. <mmediately before the collision, the speed of A is & ms:0 and the speed of B is + ms:0. <mmediately after the collision, the truc6s are Eoined together and move with the same speed 3.- ms:0. The direction of motion of A is unchanged by the collision. $ind a" the value of m, %&' b" the magnitude of the impulse exerted on A in the collision. % ' May 200# qu 3 A particle P of mass + 6g is moving with speed , m s0 in a straight line on a smooth horizontal plane. The particle P collides directly with a particle Q of mass & 6g which is at rest on the same horizontal plane. <mmediately after the collision, P and Q are moving in opposite directions and the speed of P is one:third the speed of Q. !a" /how that the speed of P immediately after the collision is !&"
0 -

, m s0.

After the collision P continues to move in the same straight line and is brought to rest by a constant resistive force of magnitude 03 @. The distance between the point of collision and the point where P comes to rest is 0.4 m. !b" Calculate the value of ,. !-"

Jan 200$ qu 1 A particle P of mass 0.- 6g is moving along a straight horizontal line with speed m s H0. Another particle Q of mass +.- 6g is moving, in the opposite direction, along the same straight line with speed & m sH0. The particles collide. <mmediately after the collision the direction of motion of P is reversed and its speed is +.- m sH0. !a" Calculate the speed of Q immediately after the impact. !b" /tate whether or not the direction of motion of Q is changed by the collision. !c" Calculate the magnitude of the impulse exerted by Q on P, giving the units of your answer. % ' %0' % '

Jan 200$ qu 6 A stone # is sliding on ice. The stone is moving along a straight line ABC, where AB = +& m and AC = 3 m. The stone is subEect to a constant resistance to motion of magnitude 3. @. At A the speed of # is +3 m sH0, and at B the speed of # is 04 m sH0. Calculate !a" the deceleration of #, %+'

!b" the speed of # at C. !c" /how that the mass of # is 3.0 6g.

% ' %+'

At C, the stone # hits a vertical wall, rebounds from the wall and then slides bac6 along the line CA. The magnitude of the impulse of the wall on # is +.& @ s and the stone continues to move against a constant resistance of 3. @. !d" Calculate the time between the instant that # rebounds from the wall and the instant that # comes to rest. %4'
June 200$ qu 1. Two small steel balls A and B have mass 3.4 6g and 3.+ 6g respectively. They are moving towards each other in opposite directions on a smooth horizontal table when they collide directly. <mmediately before the collision, the speed of A is = m s and the speed of B is + m s . <mmediately after the collision, the direction of motion of A is unchanged and the speed of B is twice the speed of A. $ind !a" !b" the speed of A immediately after the collision, the magnitude of the impulse exerted on B in the collision. ! " !-"
H0 H0

M1 Constant +cceleration
Specimen qu 2 A car starts from rest at a point O and moves in a straight line. The car moves with constant acceleration & ms:+ until it passes the point A when it is moving with a speed 03 ms:0. <t then moves with constant acceleration ms:+ for 4 s until it reaches the point B. $ind a" the speed of the car at B, %+' b" the distance OB. %-' qu # A train &, moves from rest at /tation A with constant acceleration + ms:+ until it reaches a speed of 4 ms:0. <t maintains this constant speed for (3 s before the brea6s rae applied, which produce a constant retardation ms:+. The train &- comes to rest at station B. a" /6etch the speed:time graph to illustrate the Eourney of &- from A to B. % ' b" /how that the distance between A and B is ;=3 6m. %-' A second train &. ta6es 0-3 s to move from rest at A to rest at B. The figure shows the speed:time graph illustrating the Eourney. c" Nxplain briefly one way in which &-?s Eourney differs from &.?s Eourney. d" $ind the greatest speed, in ms:0, attained by &. during the Eourney. Moc* Qu 1 speed !ms:0"

%0' % ' Time !s"

An aircraft moves along a straight horizontal runway with constant acceleration. <t passes a point on the runway with speed 04 ms:0. <t then passes the point B on the runway with speed & ms:0. The distance from A to B is 0-3 m. a" $ind the acceleration of the aircraft. % ' b" $ind the time ta6en by the aircraft in moving from A to B. %+' c" $ind, to significant figures, the speed of the aircraft when it passes the point mid:way between A and B. %+' Qu 3 A racing car is travelling on a straight horizontal road. <ts initial speed is +- ms:0 and it accelerates for & s to reach a speed of / ms:0. <t then travels at a constant speed of / ms:0 for a further = s. The total distance travelled by the car during this 0+ s period is 433m. a" /6etch a speed:time graph to illustrate the motion of the car during this 0+ s period. %+' b" $ind the value of /. %&' c" $ind the acceleration of the car during the & s period. %+' January 2001 qu 6 A parachutist drops from a helicopter 0 and falls vertically from rest towards the ground. Mer parachute opens + s after she leaves 0 and her speed then reduces to & ms:0. $or the first + s her motion is modelled as that of a particle falling freely under gravity. $or the next - s the model is motion with constant deceleration, so that her speed is & ms:0 at the end of this period. $or the rest of the time before she reaches the ground, the model is motion with constant speed & ms:0. a" /6etch a speed:time graph to illustrate her motion from 0 to the ground. % ' b" $ind the speed when the parachute opens. %+' A safety rule states that the helicopter must be high enough to allow the parachute to open for the speed of the parachutist to reduce to & ms:0 before reaching the ground. >sing the assumptions made in the above model, c" find the minimum height of 0 for which the woman can ma6e a drop without brea6ing this safety rule. %-' 7iven that 0 is 0+- m above the ground when the woman starts her drop, d" find the total time ta6en for her to reach the ground. %&' e" /tate one way in which the model could be refined to ma6e it more realistic. %0' June 2001 qu 3 A car of mass 0+33 6g moves along a straight speed !ms:0" horizontal road. <n order to obey a speed restriction 3 the bra6es of the car are applied for s, reducing the car?s speed from 3 ms:0 to 0; ms:0. The bra6es are then released and the car continues 0; at a constant speed of 0; ms:0 for a further & s. The figure shows a s6etch of a speed:time graph of the car during this ; s interval. The graph consists O of two straight line segments. ; Time !s" a" $ind the total distance moved by the car during this ; s interval. %&' b" Nxplain briefly how the speed:time graph shows that, when the bra6es are applied, the car experiences a constant retarding force. %+' c" $ind the magnitude of this retarding force. % ' January 2002 qu 3 A racing car moves with constant acceleration along a straight horizontal road. <t passes the point O with speed 0+ ms:0. <t passes the point A & s later with speed 43 ms:0. a" /how that the acceleration of the car is 0+ ms:+. %+' b" $ind the distance OA. % ' The point B is the mid:point of OA. c" $ind, to significant figures, the speed of the car when it passes B. % '

qu # A motor scooter and a van set off along a straight road. They both start from rest at the same time and level with each other. The scooter accelerates with constant acceleration until it reaches its top speed of +3 ms:0. <t then maintains a constant speed of +3 ms:0. The van accelerates with constant acceleration for 03 s until it reaches its top speed / ms:0, / ) +3. <t then maintains a constant speed of / ms:0. The van draws level with the scooter when the scooter has been travelling for &3 s at its top speed. The total distance travelled by each vehicle is then =-3 m. a" /6etch on the same diagram the speed:time graphs of both vehicles to illustrate their motion from the time when they start to the time when the van overta6es the scooter. % ' b" $ind the time for which the scooter is accelerating. % ' c" $ind the top speed of the van. % ' May 2002 qu 1 A car moves with constant acceleration along a straight road. The car passes the point A with speed - ms:0 and & s later it passes the point B, where AB = -3 m. a" $ind the acceleration of the car. % ' *hen the car passes the point C, it has a speed 3 ms:0. b" $ind the distance AC. %&' qu 6 A man travels in a lift to the top of a tall office bloc6. The lift starts from rest on the ground floor and moves vertically. <t comes to rest again at the top floor, having moved a vertical distance of +; m. The lift initially accelerates with a constant acceleration of + ms:+ until it reaches a speed of ms:0. <t then moves with a constant speed of ms:0 for & seconds. $inally it decelerates with constant deceleration for +.- s before coming to rest at the top floor. a" /6etch a speed:time graph for the motion of the lift. %+' b" Mence, or otherwise, find the value of &. % ' c" /6etch an acceleration:time graph for the motion of the lift. % ' The mass of the man is =3 6g and the mass of the lift is 0+3 6g. The lift is pulled up by means of a vertical cable attached to the top of the lift. 9y modelling the cable as light and inextensible, find d" the tension in the cable when the lift is accelerating, % ' e" the magnitude of the force exerted by the lift on the man during the last +.- s of the motion. % ' o!em"er 2002 qu 3 A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of +3 ms:0 in & s. The car then travels at a constant speed of +3 ms:0 for && seconds and finally decelerates uniformly to rest in a further -3 s. a" /6etch a speed:time graph to show the motion of the car. %+' The total distance travelled by the car is 0++3 m. $ind b" the value of &, % ' c" the initial acceleration of the car. %+' January 2003 qu 7 A ball is proEected vertically upwards with speed , ms:0 from a point A which is 0.- m above the ground. The ball moves freely under gravity until it reaches the ground. The greatest height attained by the ball is +-.4 m above A. a" /how that , = ++.&. % ' The ball reaches the ground & seconds after it has been proEected from A. b" $ind, to + decimal places, the value of &. %&' The ground is soft and the ball sin6s +.- cm into the ground before coming to rest. The mass of the ball is 3.4 6g. The ground is assumed to exert a constant resistive force of magnitude F newtons. c" $ind, to significant figures, the value of F. %4' d" /tate one physical factor which could be ta6en into account to ma6e the model used in this 5uestion more realistic. %0' May 2003 qu 3 A competitor ma6es a dive from a high springboard into a diving pool. /he leaves the springboard vertically with a speed of & ms:0 upwards. *hen she leaves the springboard, she is - m above the

surface of the pool. The diver is modelled as a particle moving vertically under gravity alone and it is assumed that she does not hit the springboard as she descends. $ind a" her speed when she reaches the surface of the pool, % ' b" the time ta6en to reach the surface of the pool. % ' c" /tate two physical factors which have been ignored in the model. %+' o! 2003 qu 1 A small ball is proEected vertically upwards from a point A. The greatest height reached by the ball is &3 m above A. Calculate !a" the speed of proEection, % ' !b" the time between the instant that the ball is proEected and the instant it returns to A. % ' qu # A car starts from rest at a point # on a straight racetrac6. The car moves with constant acceleration for +3 s, reaching a speed of +- m s H0. The car then travels at a constant speed of +- m s H0 for 0+3 s. $inally it moves with constant deceleration, coming to rest at a point F. !a" <n the space below, s6etch a speed:time graph to illustrate the motion of the car. %+' The distance between # and F is & 6m. !b" Calculate the total time the car ta6es to travel from # to F. % '

A motorcycle starts at #, 03 s after the car has left #. The motorcycle moves with constant acceleration from rest and passes the car at a point P which is 0.- 6m from #. *hen the motorcycle passes the car, the motorcycle is still accelerating and the car is moving at a constant speed. Calculate !c" the time the motorcycle ta6es to travel from # to P, %-' !d" the speed of the motorcycle at P. %+' January 200# qu 6 A train starts from rest at a station A and moves along a staright horizontal trac6. $or the first 03 s, the train moves with constant acceleration 0.+ ms:+. $or the next +& s it moves at a constant acceleration 3.;- ms:+. <t then moves with constant speed for & seconds. $inally it slows down with constant deceleration ms:+ until it comes to rest at station B. a" /how that, & s after leaving A, the speed of the train is 3 ms:0. % ' b" /6etch a speed:time graph to illustrate the motion of the train as it moves from A to B. % ' c" $ind the distance moved by the train during the first & s of its Eourney from A. %&' The distance from A to B is 6m. d" $ind the value of &. %&' May 200# qu 2 A particle P is moving with constant acceleration along a straight horizontal line ABC, where AC = +& m. <nitially P is at A and is moving with speed - m s 0 in the direction AB. After 0.- s, the direction of motion of P is unchanged and P is at B with speed (.- m s0. !a" /how that the speed of P at C is 0 m s0. %#&

The mass of P is + 6g. *hen P reaches C, an impulse of magnitude 3 @s is applied to P in the direction CB. !b" $ind the velocity of P immediately after the impulse has been applied, stating clearly the direction of motion of P at this instant. %3& A man is driving a car on a straight horizontal road. Me sees a Eunction # ahead, at which he must stop. *hen the car is at the point P, 33 m from #, its speed is 3 m sH0. The car continues at this constant speed for + s after passing P. The man then applies the bra6es so that the car has constant deceleration and comes to rest at #.


!a" /6etch, in the space below, a speed:time graph to illustrate the motion of the car in moving from P to #. %2& !b" $ind the time ta6en by the car to travel from P to #. %3& Jan 200$ qu 3 speed !m sH0" ( , 'i(ure 2




time !s"

A sprinter runs a race of +33 m. Mer total time for running the race is +- s. $igure + is a s6etch of the speed:time graph for the motion of the sprinter. /he starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to a speed of ( m sH0 in & s. The speed of ( m sH0 is maintained for 04 s and she then decelerates uniformly to a speed of , m sH0 at the end of the race. Calculate !a" the distance covered by the sprinter in the first +3 s of the race, %2& !b" the value of ,, %#& !c" the deceleration of the sprinter in the last - s of the race. %3&
June 200$ qu 3. <n ta6ing off, an aircraft moves on a straight runway AB of length 0.+ 6m. The aircraft moves from A with initial speed + m s . <t moves with constant acceleration and +3 s later it leaves the runway at C with speed ;& m s . $ind !a" !b" the acceleration of the aircraft, the distance BC. !+" !&"
H0 H0

June 200$ qu #. H0 A train is travelling at 03 m s on a straight horizontal trac6. The driver sees a red signal 0 - m ahead and immediately applies the bra6es. The train immediately decelerates with constant deceleration for

0+ s, reducing its speed to m s . The driver then releases the bra6es and allows the train to travel at H0 a constant speed of m s for a further 0- s. Me then applies the bra6es again and the train slows down with constant deceleration, coming to rest as it reaches the signal. !a" !b" /6etch a speed:time graph to show the motion of the train. ! " $ind the distance travelled by the train from the moment when the bra6es are first applied H0 to the moment when its speed first reaches m s . !+" $ind the total time from the moment when the bra6es are first applied to the moment when the train comes to rest. !-"




'i(ure 1


m 6g

The particles have mass 6g and m 6g, where m R . They are attached to the ends of a light inextensible string. The string passes over a smooth fixed pulley. The particles are held in position with the string taut and the hanging parts of the string vertical, as shown in $igure 0. The particles are then released from rest. The initial acceleration of each particle has magnitude ; g. $ind !a" the tension in the string immediately after the particles are released, %3& !b" the value of m. %#&

3. A

'i(ure 2 C 3.& m &m A plan6 of wood AB has mass 03 6g and length & m. <t rests in a horizontal position on two smooth supports. Bne support is at the end A. The other is at the point C, 3.& m from B, as shown in $igure +. A girl of mass 3 6g stands at B with the plan6 in e5uilibrium. 9y modelling the plan6 as a uniform rod and the girl as a particle, !a" find the reaction on the plan6 at A. %#& The girl gets off the plan6. A boulder of mass m 6g is placed on the plan6 at A and a man of mass =3 6g stands on the plan6 at B. The plan6 remains in e5uilibrium and is on the point of tilting about C. 9y modelling the plan6 again as a uniform rod, and the man and the boulder as particles, !b" find the value of m. %#& B


A tent peg is driven into soft ground by a blow from a hammer. The tent peg has mass 3.+ 6g and the hammer has mass 6g. The hammer stri6es the peg vertically. <mmediately before the impact, the speed of the hammer is 04 m sH0. <t is assumed that, immediately after the impact, the hammer and the peg move together vertically downwards. !a" $ind the common speed of the peg and the hammer immediately after the impact. %3& >ntil the peg and hammer come to rest, the resistance exerted by the ground is assumed to be constant and of magnitude R newtons. The hammer and peg are brought to rest 3.3- s after the impact. !b" $ind, to significant figures, the value of R. %$& $. A particle P moves in a horizontal plane. The acceleration of P is !Hi O +0" m sH+. At time t = 3, the velocity of P is !+i H 0" m sH0. !a" $ind, to the nearest degree, the angle between the vector 0 and the direction of motion of P when t = 3. %3& At time t seconds, the velocity of P is ! m sH0. $ind !b" an expression for ! in terms of t, in the form ai O b0, %2& !c" the speed of P when t = , %3&

!d" the time when P is moving parallel to i. %2&


Two cars A and B are moving in the same direction along a straight horizontal road. At time t = 3, they are side by side, passing a point O on the road. Car A travels at a constant speed of 3 m sH0. Car B passes O with a speed of +3 m sH0, and has constant acceleration of & m sH+. $ind !a" the speed of B when it has travelled ;= m from O, %2& !b" the distance from O of A when B is ;= m from O, %#& !c" the time when B overta6es A. %$&


'i(ure 3


A sledge has mass 3 6g. The sledge is pulled in a straight line along horizontal ground by means of a rope. The rope ma6es an angle +3 with the horizontal, as shown in $igure . The coefficient of friction between the sledge and the ground is 3.+. The sledge is modelled as a particle and the rope as a light inextensible string. The tension in the rope is 0-3 @. $ind, to significant figures, !a" the normal reaction of the ground on the sledge, %3& !b" the acceleration of the sledge. %3& *hen the sledge is moving at 0+ m sH0, the rope is released from the sledge. !c" $ind, to significant figures, the distance travelled by the sledge from the moment when the rope is released to the moment when the sledge comes to rest. %6& 8. 'i(ure #


A heavy pac6age is held in e5uilibrium on a slope by a rope. The pac6age is attached to one end of the rope, the other end being held by a man standing at the top of the slope. The pac6age is modelled as a particle of mass +3 6g. The slope is modelled as a rough plane inclined at 43 to the horizontal and the rope as a light inextensible string. The string is assumed to be parallel to a line of greatest slope of the plane, as shown in $igure &. At the contact between the pac6age and the slope, the coefficient of friction is 3.&. !a" $ind the minimum tension in the rope for the pac6age to stay in e5uilibrium on the slope. %8& The man now pulls the pac6age up the slope. 7iven that the pac6age moves at constant speed, !b" find the tension in the rope. %#& !c" /tate how you have used, in your answer to part !b", the fact that the pac6age moves !i" up the slope, %2&

!ii" at constant speed.

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