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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) The Amazing Power of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) The Amazing Power of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT Or The Emotional Freedom Technique Has Become A orldwide Phenomenon! "t Has Been #sed To Treat "llnesses$ Both Ph%sical And &ental$ And 'reate Positi(e 'hange ith &assi(e )uccess!

"n This *e+ort " ill *e(iew )ome Of The or,ings Behind EFT$ Along ith E(idence Of "t-s )uccess And a%s "n hich .ou 'an #se "t "n .our /ife!

By Rishan B.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) The Amazing Power of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

The Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short, has gained massive popularity over the past few years. The technique was developed by Gary Craig, and was build upon the wor of !r "oger Callahan called Thought #ield Therapy $T#T%. T#T was formed by combining ideas of quantum theory, inesiology and acupuncture to create a modern healing technology.

Proof That the Emotional Freedom Technique


#or all the logical brains out there &'ve compiled a short list of peer reviewed studies which prove the effects of (#T) (lder, at al., *++, proved the effects of (#T on maintaining weight loss-

.orber, at al., *+* proved the effects of (#T on an/iety, pain and elevated heart rate following in0ury 1ells, et al., *++2 proved the effects of (#T on phobias.

A simple search on Google will also reveal a bunch of studies & missed out. The point is this) (#T wor s3 And, it's scientifically proven. &n my personal e/perience it's helped me tremendously with everything from a fear of heights to removing the thoughts and beliefs that bloc abundance. & can still remember the first time & used (#T. & was about 42 years old $well over a decade ago% and & had 0ust downloaded a free (#T manual. 5omeone & respected highly had recommended & try it out. 5o & stepped outside, read the manual, and did my first tapping round. &t must have ta en less than 46 minutes in total to learn and do the procedure. & tapped on a severe discomfort & had around lotion of all things. &t used to ma e me feel the same way most people feel when someone runs their nails down a chal board. 7ust really, really uncomfortable. After one single tapping round, & ran inside to test it out. & put lotion all over my hands and the discomfort was almost non8e/istent. &t was an ama9ing result for me. 5ince then &'ve applied (#T in every area of my life from health, to academics, to sports performance, to personal finance: and it 0ust eeps wor ing.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) The Amazing Power of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

How EFT wor,s

The verdict on exactly how (#T wor s is still out. The current theory is that perturbations in the energy field cause negative emotions which can lead to negative physical side effects. ;y tapping on various points throughout the body, you can reset these fields, fi/ the energy disturbance and remove the negative emotions. The points used are typically the end points of various meridians as taught in Chinese medicine.

#ses for EFT

(#T has been proven to be successful at treating a wide range of problems, from physical to mental issues as well as more intangible issues such as harmful beliefs and thoughts. <y personal favorite use for (#T is to remove bloc s to achieving goals and attracting abundance. &t wor s li e magic in that respect3 &n order to wor on physical issues, one would need to elicit the underlying psychological issues behind the physical symptom. This often involves as ing questions such as) =&f & new what this bac pain was related to, what would it be>? @ou're loo ing for an emotional reason behind the physical symptom. That's where you can put (#T to wor and create impressive improvements. &n terms of using the (motional #reedom Technique to create abundance, one would pic a goal and use (#T to remove the charge behind the negative thoughts and beliefs that come up. "emoving the emotional charge from these thoughts renders them powerless. To go even deeper, one could investigate their deservingness and capability beliefs behind the goal. #or e/ample) =1hy don't & deserve to have />? could be used to elicit deservingness issues that could bloc abundance. The same could be said for beliefs around capability.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) The Amazing Power of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

#rom what &'ve seen in most of my clients, all it ta es is two to three smaller successes before they develop a very strong belief in the process:and can move on to tac ling those bigger goals. Those are by far and away the two biggest and most harmful myths when it comes to creating abundance. As always, ta e any advice that sounds good, implement it, and 0udge the results for yourself. @our ne/t step after reading this report is to become aware of how you're creating resistance when you automatically thin negative thoughts. Then decide to let go of that resistance. Creating abundance is your God given right, and with the help of this report you should be on your way to attracting anything you desire.

How To 2o EFT
Anfortunately, (#T is much more effectively taught by demonstration, rather than e/planation. &n order to learn it as easily as possible, go to) http)BBattractingabundancehq.comBhow8to8do8eft8a8video8tutorialB (#T is an ama9ing tool for dealing with all inds of problems from the physical to the psychological to the mental. &t is my hope that this article has empowered you to use the (motional #reedom Technique to improve your life.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) The Amazing Power of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

&% e0site

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