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12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Chapter - 1 The Solid State

1. Classification of solids on the basis of arrangement of atoms in the lattice

It can be of two types:A. Amorphous B. Crystalline

Crystalline Solids 1. Definite and regular arrangement of constituent particles.

Amorphous Solids Irregular or random arrangement of the constituent particles.

2. They have definite and regular shape. They have irregular shape. 3. Sharp (at a particular sudden melting point). 4. Undergo clean cleavage(regular).[cut is regular] 5. They are true solids. 6. Have a definite heat of fusion.(solid liquids) 7. They are anisotropic in nature. i.e. the properties like electrical conductivity, the molar conductivity refractive index are different in different direction because of their regular arrangement Ex ZnS (Zn blend) NaCl, LiCl. They melt over a certain range of temperature. Undergo irregular cleavage. Cut in to piece with irregular surface. They are super cooled liquids or cooled liquids or pseudo-solids. Indefinite heat of fusion. They are isotropic in nature. (Same prop due to random arrangement i.e. Show similar properties in diff. direction. Ex glass, rubber polymer etc.


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

2. Classification based on the nature of force binding the constituent particles -> A. Ionic B. Covalent C. Molecular D. Metallic Ionic Solids: 1) Constituent particle are ions 2) They have 3-D arrangement of cations and anions. 3) Strong electrostatic forces of attraction. 4) High melting and boiling points due to strong forces binding then. 5) They are insulators in solid state but good conductors in molten or aqueous state.(dissociation) 6) They have high enthalpies of fusion.(NaCl, ZnS, CaF 2 ,Na 2 O) Covalent Solids (Network solids) 1) Constituent particle are covalently bonded molecules (atoms) 2) High melting point, comparatively lower than ionic solids. 3) They are insulators, except-graphite (one e- is left, sp2-hyb.) 4) High enthalpy of fusion. 5) They are hard because of 3-D Network, ex-Diamond, Graphite.
Molecular Solids They are of three types 1) Non polar 2) Polar 3) Hydrogen


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Their properties are as follows:

1) Constituent particles are molecule. 2) Further categorized into non-polar, polar and H- bonded molecular solids
Non-Polar:1) Comprise of atoms or molecules formed by non-polar covalent bond. Ex-CCl 4 , CO 2 2) They have weak dispersion forces (Vanderwaal/London force) 3) They are soft & non-conductors of electricity. 4) Exist as gases or liquids at room temperature.

Polar molecular Solids:1) Formed by polar- covalent bonds.

Difference in electronegativity Non-Polar

Difference in elecronegativity value Polar

2) Dipole -Dipole interactions. (Due to electronegative charge separation charged separations) [Nature of Force] 3) They are soft & non- conductors of electricity. 4) They are gases or liquids at room temp. Ex.-HCl, NH 3 , SO 2 H-Bonded Molecular Solids;1) Contain Polar-Covalent molecular having elements F,O, N and Hydrogen.(free) 2) Non-conductors of electricity. 3) Generally exist as volatile liquids or soft solids. Ex. -ice. Metallic Solids:1) Contain positive kernels hold by a sea of free electrons.


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

2) Malleable & ductile 3) Good conductors of electricity. 4) Can conduct electricity in all states (As here free electrons are present) Ex.-All metals, Cu, Fe, Ag, Al.

CRYSTAL LATTICE: A regular 3-D Repetitive arrangement of the constituent particles in which, each particle is represented as a point also known as (lattice point/lattice site) is known as a crystal lattice/ Space Lattice. Small- unit of lattice-Unit Cell UNIT CELL:The smallest but complete unit in the space lattice which when repeated over & over again in 3-Ds, generates the crystal of a given substance. Types of Unit Cell:1) Simple cubic/Primitive unit Cell.

8 Lattice points

Each particle shares (1/8) of space 1/8 (8 shaving) =1. (Rank of Unit Cell) 1 is the no. of atoms contributing the simple cubic.


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

2) Body centered cubic unit cell (BCC) Corners are shared by 1/88=1 And 1 in the center. 1+1=2 (Body Centre) Z=2 Z= Rank (no. of atoms cont. a particular cell)

3) Face-Centred Cubic arrangement. (FCC) 1/88=1 1/26=3(face center)


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

4) End Centered: -

1/88=1(we take any 2 faces) 1/22=1 So 1/22 Z=2 Q.1 Calculate the no. of atoms, in a cubic based unit cell having 1atom on each corner and 2 atoms of on each body diagonal.

Ans. Body diagonal =4 1/88=1

Q.2 Ans.

A Unit Cell consists of a cube in which there are A atoms in the corner & B atoms at the face-centre. What would be its formula? 1/88(A) =1A 1/26 (B) =3 2 A atoms are missing from 2 corner of the unit cell 1/86 (A)


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

A3/4, B 3 1/26 (B) = 3 3/4 AB 4 Q.3 Ans. If 3 elements P,Q,& R Crystalline in a unit cell with P-comes, Q-Body center &R atom at the phase center. P1/88=1 Q1 R1/26=3 PQR3.

CLOSED PACKING IN 2 DIMESION:1. Here, each sphere is below the other

Such alt. arrang.

Coordination no. 4 (no. of atoms sphere touching a sphere)


(Square Close Packaging)


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

2. Here the spheres are below the void.

C. N. = 6

Hexagonal Close Packing

CLOSE PACKING IN3-DIMENSION: One layer is A another B is placed over it. Over the voids of small layer B, newly developed voids are C, old were a & b, 2 options-3rd layer, so layer will become ABABAB. This is called Hexagonal-Close Packing. If C is placed on voids of A then it will form ABCABC-cubical close packing.





12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Types of Voids:Depending upon arrangement of spheres & voids, there are 2 types of voids. Voids are due to sphere arrangement, 1. Tetrahedral void 2. Octahedral void Tetrahedral: It is triangular, but when another sphere is placed to make it tetrahedral.


Tetrahedral Void

Octahedral: Equilateral , opposite to each other. The no. of octahedral voids is equal to the no. of atoms per unit cell, Where as the no. of tetrahedral voids is twice the no. of atoms of present in a unit cell.

Octahedral Void


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Octahedral Void

PACKING EFFICIENCY:Closeness between spheres in lattice. The % of the total space which is occupied by particles in a certain packing is said to be packing efficiency. 1. Simple Cubic:The distance between the centre of the spheres present on the corner of the edges of the cube is called edge length. (a).
Edge length

Distance between the center of the 2 nearest sphere is called the nearest neighbor distance d & is equal to r + r = 2r, where r= radius of the sphere.



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

% free volume =Volume of sphere/volume of cube 100 Edge length = a=2r=d (here) Volume of cube = 3 =(2)3 =8 3
4 4 3 4 3

Volume of sphere = 3 3 /8 3 100 8 1/8 =/6100 1/6 3.14 100 52.00 =52.4%

2. FCC: D B C



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State


= + (4)2 = 2 2 R= 2 2 A=2r 2

=2 +2

3. BCC: -


B 12


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State


2 = 2 + 2

B2 = B 2 + 2

2 = 2 + 2 + 2 16 2 = 32 2 =
16 2 3

(4)2 = 2 + 2 + 2

A=16/3 2 A=4r/3 Packing efficiency= 24/3 3 (4 )3 100 =24/3 3 64 =68%

Calculation of Density of unit cell:Density of unit cell= Mass of unit cell/Volume of unit cell Volume of unit cell= (a1010 )3 Let the edge length be a pm. Edge of (length) a pm= a1010cm

Mass of unit cell =Rank of crystal * Mass of one atom Rank of crystal atoms Present in a particular unit cell

Mass =


6.023 1023


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State


() = 3 1030 Z = 1

0 ( )


Simple cubic BCC

Q. Ans.

Question on finding N0 Can be asked it should always be calculated. An element crystallizes in a FCC unit cell with edge length of 200pm.Cal.its density if 400g of this element contains 48 1023 atoms. 1 mole= 6.022 1023 atoms

400g 48 10^23 atoms

1 atom=481023 =50 at. Mass Q. Ans.

A metal of atomic mass 50 has BCC structure density= 5.96g/cc. Calculate the volume 5.96 =
6.0231023 502

5.96 6.023 1023 =

100 31.04 1023 =



Imperfection/Defects in solids:Ideal crystal a crystal is said to be ideal if the entropy of its constituents at absolute zero temperature is 0.

= 3.1 10 23





12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Any disordered arrangement or dislocation of the constituent particles from these normal positions gives rise to certain defects or imperfections in solids.

There are of 2 types:1. Electronic imperfection 2. Atomic imperfection (point defects).

Electronic defects:These defects arise due to irregularity in the arrangement of e-s, as the e-s are free to move in the crystal lattice, and are responsible for electrical conductivity. The points from where they move become e- deficient and are called holes Electrical conductivity also arises due to movement of these hole from one place to another. Si (4 e-s in valance shell) (Tetrahedral) Addition of impurities to said either of group 13 or group 14 or group 15. When group 13 is impurities, 1 space is left as group 14 is tetrahedral. This is a hole. It is ptype semi-conductor. If group 15 (1 free );-pentagonal e- conductivity =n-type of semi- conductor.
P-type semi-conductor (. , )


N-type semi-conductor (, , )



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Atomic defects:Ions dislocate, occupy some other place. [Arises due to dislocation of the ions from their original site]

Atomic Defects
STOICHIIOMETRIC DEFECTS (Arise in crystals in which no. of cat ions & no. of anions) NON-STOICHIOMETRIC DEFECTS (No. of cations is not equal to no. of anions)


STOICHIOMETRIC DEFECTS Vacancy defects Interstitial defects Schottkey defects Frenkel defects Vacancy defects (as a result of heating) When some lattice site in the crystalline solids are vacant in gives rise to vacancy defects. ex..-


This defects is arises as a result of heating & it lowers the density of the crystal.



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Interstitial defects:-


Constituent in interstitial sites

When some constituent particle in a solid occupy interstitial sites, then this defects is created and it increases the density of the crystal. Schottkey Defects:Equal no. of cations & anions are missing
+ + + + +

+ move to defiant

More specifically Vacancy defects

When Equal no. of cations and anions are missing from the lattice then this defect is created which result in formation of vacancies or holes, these by lowering the density of the crystal.



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

The lattice crystal or the solid remains electrically neutral due to equal no. of positive or negative charges.

Condition for Schottkey defects: This defect is shown by the ionic compounds with high coordination numbers. In which the cations & anions are of same size. Example - Alkali metal halides such as-NaCl, KCl, KB 4 etc. CONSEQUENCES: The density of crystal is lowered. Due to presence of holes. Migration: - this defect increases the electrical conductivity due to movement of ions & holes from one place to another. Due to presence of holes, stability is less. Lattice energy is low ( as energy required to break bonds in ions and hole is lower) FRENKEL DEFECTS: (Types- Interstitial)

+ +

+ +

+ move to defiant


Cation leaves its initial site but not lattice. Only for cation


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Size of cation < size of anion shown where cation is smaller than anions.(all cations are of same size) It results when certain cations leave their normal sites and due to which holes are created in the crystal. CONDITION FAVOURING FRENKEL DEFECTS: 1. It is found in ionic compounds with low coordination no. 2. In which the size of cat ions < size of anions Example - Silver halides like AgCl, AgBr, AgI where size of Ag+ ion is very less then halides ion. Consequences: 1. The electrical conductivity of the crystal increase. 2. The stability of the crystal decrease. 3. Density remains unaltered since no. of ions/volume is same. This defect is also known as Dislocation Defect.

NON- STOICHIOMETRIC CRYSTAL:Points defects in non- stoichiometric crystal.

Metal Excess Defect (+ > )

Metal Deficiency Defect (+ < )

Metal Excess Defects: 1) By anion-vacancies 2) By extra- Cation occupying the interstitial site.



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

By Anion Vacancies: -

+ +

+ +


trapped in anion vacancy (F-centre) F +

Absorb energy Release after led chip a level impacts colour to crystal.

Here no. of metal ions > no. of halides ions (-ve) This defect arises when anion is missing from its original site creating an anion vacancy in which an e-is trapped and is referred to as F-centre. Example - In NaCl when its crystal is heated in the atm. Of Na vapours, the Na atoms get deposited on the surface and ionize to from Na+ ion. The ion leaves it original site and combines with Na+ ions and the e- lost by sodium atoms accommodate in the anion vacancies maintaining the electrical neutrality of the crystal.



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Consequences:1) It imparts color to the crystal. 2) It is paramagnetic due to presence crystal of unpaired electrons. 3) The crystal is able to conduct electricity. (Vibrationstableimparts colour)

Q. Ans.

Discuss why the vapors of Li will be imparts pink color to LiCl crystal white K vapors will impart violet colour to the crystal (KCl). =Due to F-Center. (diff.) When they ionize. e- lost trapped. = specific color imparted.

By Extra cations Occurrence: -

+ +

+ +

Extra cation occupying interstitial site

trapped in interstitial site


Zn oxide crystal exhibit yellow colour on standing? = +2 + 2 2 + 2


(Electrical neutrality remains)



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Consequences of Metal Excess DEFECTS: (For extra cation occurrence) 1. They are generally coloured. 2. Paramagnetic in nature 3. They are conducting due to presence of free e-s.

Metal Deficiency Defects:Created by:1. Cation vacancy 2. Extra anion occupying interstitial site

Cation Vacancy:+ Cation acquiring extra + charge 2+ + + +

Shown by elements Variable oxidization state due to 1 vacant I cation (metal ion) will increaseoxidized state. This defect is generally shown by transition metals which have a tendency to show variable oxidation state.


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

For Example - In FeS or iron pyride crystal some +2 ions may be missing from the lattice & there the change is balanced by extra +ve charge on neighbouring ions. Ions acquire +3 oxidation state.

Extra anion occupying interstitial site:-

+ +2

+ +

Anion in interstitial site

Cation acquiring extra the charge

An extra so to compare extra +

Consequences of Metal Deficient:1. They conduct electricity.(Present of hole) 2. The density increases. in( b),but in (a) it ) Density of the crystal change. IMPURITY DEFECT

In Co-valent solids (Group 14 doped with group 13 hole conduction (So ptype group 14, group 15) (extra )

In Ionic solids



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

In Co-valent solids: -

1) p- Type 2) n-Type

The introduction of defects in a particular crystalline solid by addition of impurities of other elements is termed as Doping and result (gp.13,15) in the formation of 2 types of semiConductors. P-Type & n- Type. Such type of semi Conductor are called extrinsic semi conductor. In ionic solids: The electrical conductivity of ionic solids can be increased by adding impurities of other metal ions. For Example

If we mix a small amount of molten 2 (strontium chloride) to the crystal of Nacl then some Na+ ions will leave the crystal and are the replaced by +2 ions.

+ +2

Hole (covalent . )

So electrical neutrality is maintained as +2 16 compensates loss of cation Impurities of 2 is doped.

For the two Na+ ions one +2 is replaced.



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State




Gap (forbidden zone/ energy) (In metals)

For: Conductors Semi Conductors Insulators

Conduction band

No energy difference

Valence band (outer most energy shell exited state)

CONDUCTORS No energy difference



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

C. B.

Forbidden Zone

V. B.


C. B.

V. B.

For insulators

No conduction in insulators due to high energy difference Exited do not ablate move
C. B. Overlap V. B.




12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State


Electrical Properties (Solids conductors, semi-conductors, insulators)


Electrical Properties: In terms of capacity to conduct electricity, solids are of three types:1. Conductors 2. Semi-conductors 3. Insulators Conduction of electricity in Semi- Conductors:-

Intrinsic Extrinsic (P-type & n-type imp. cond.) (Doping)

When heated they become free & conduct electricity.



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Intrinsic Semi Conductors:A semi- conductor when heated to a high temp. acts as intrinsic- semi- conductor. This happens because certain co-valent bonds are broken due to energy supplied & the e-s are set free to conduct electricity. Same For Extrinsic Magnetic prop. Of Solids: Magnetic properties of the substance because of magnetic moments associated with the e-s present in third atoms. The magnetic moment in a e- is from 2 source 1. Orbital motion around the nucleus 2. Spin of the e- around its axis

On the basis of the influence of the external magnetic field solids are classified as under:1) Paramagnetic Substance: Attracted towards electrical field .

Substance which are attracted by the magnetic fields are said to be paramagnetic in nature and the atoms of the element present have certain unpaired e-s , but these substance lose their magnetic character, once the magnetic field is removed i.e, their magnetic character is temporary. Magnetic moment 0. Example: - Co, Ni, Fe, No (Nitric oxide) n0

2) Diamagnetic Substance:Those substances which have all paired e-s and are repelled under the influence of magnetic field. The resultant magnetic moment aligned in opposite direction cancel each other on account of pairing. Example: - 2 , 2 ,Nacl,etc.



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

3) Ferromagnetic Substance:Certain paramagnetic substance generally transition elements like Co, Ni, Fe. Become paramagnetic under the influence of magnetic field i.e they do not lose their magnetic character even if, they are not in contact with magnet. They have magnetic moment aligned in the same direction. Ex. 2 used in magnetic tapes for audio recording. e- rotate around axis & revolve. All ferromagnetic paramagnetic but not vice versa

4) Anti- Ferromagnetic Substance:Certain paramagnetic substances align the magnetic moment in such a way that they mutually cancel out each other and thus posses O magnetic moment. =0 Opp.dir. equal no.

5) Ferri magnetic Substance:Certain paramagnetic substances have the magnetic moment aligned in parallel and anti parallel direction in unequal numbers. So that they have net magnetic moment but ferri magnetic Substance are less magnetic than ferromagnetic Substance. 0 Magnetic 3 4

Ex..Magnetic oxide of Fe Ferri-Ferro oxide


(. 2 3)


12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

Dielectric properties of Solids: - Depending upon the alignment of electric dipole the solids have following character. 1. Piezo Electricity:A di- electric crystal which has resultant dipole movement and can product electricity when external pressure is applied such as crystal is called piezo electric crystal and the prop. is termed as piero electricity. Such crystal are used in ultrasonic generators and solar detectors. Ex. Lead Zirconate (2)

Ammonium, di- hydrogen phosphate (4 2 4 )

2. Pyro electricity (heat pyro): Certain crystals on heating produce electric current this phenomena is called pyro electricity. 3. Ferro Electricity (Sam to ferromagnetic substance): In such crystals dipole are permanently polarized even in the absence of electric field. Example: - (Sodium Potassium Tatarate (Rochelles Salt)) 2, 3 di-hydroxy COOH




COOH Sodium salt



12 Chemistry Ch-1 The Solid State

COONa (Rochelles alt) H





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