SPT Group - Process Engineering Tools

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Study Title Supplier Profiles

SPT Group (Formerly Scandpower)

Key Products

OLGA, Drillbench, MEPO, edpm


North Americ ! Europe, Middle E st " A#ric ! Asi ! L tin Americ


$P% Group is n intern tion l comp n& he d'u rtered in Oslo, Norw &, with o##ices in (ergen, ) iro, Dub i, * mburg, *ouston, +u l Lumpur, London, Me,ico )it&, Mil n, Moscow, -io de . neiro, nd Perth, nd represented through gents in numerous other rele/ nt m r0ets. $P% Group pro/ides engineering. combin tion o# so#tw re nd consulting ser/ices within multiph se #low, drilling, nd reser/oir 1n e ch o# these re s the comp n& h s e,tensi/e e,perience. %he comp n&2s business nd technolog& #ocus nd pplic tions include: -eser/oir %echnolog& Drilling Engineering 3ell D&n mics 4low Assur nce Process D&n mics Production M n gement $&stems 4ield De/elopment Process %echnolog& E,tended Li#e o# E,isting 4ields nd 1n#r structure M rgin l 4ield De/elopment )omple, 4ield De/elopment Pipeline M n gement nd Monitoring

$P% Group2s products nd ser/ices ssist comp nies in optimi5ing oil nd g s production in reser/oir nd production s&stems. $P% Group h s ne rl& 67 &e rs o# e,perience in bridging the g p between the reser/oir nd pl nt. so#tw re products re OLGA, Drillbench, MEPO, nd edpm. %heir m in

Copyright " ARC Advisory Group ARCweb.com or !"ter"#l $se %"ly 5-1

Study Title Supplier Profiles

%he initi l de/elopment o# OLGA d tes b c0 to the two Norwegi n rese rch institutes, 14E nd $1N%E4, in the e rl& eighties. $1N%E4 h d oper ted #ield sc le high pressure loop, essenti l #or de/elopment nd support nd /eri#ic tion o# the OLGA model. $P% Group w s gi/en the responsibilit& o# enh ncing nd commerci li5ing OLGA in 89:9. OLGA, $P% Group2s #l gship product, is simul tion so#tw re #or tr nsient multiph se #low o# oil, w ter, nd g s in wells nd pipelines. OLGA is OLGA is used #or #e sibilit& studies, design, oper tion l d&n mic so#tw re tool #or engineering nd oper tion o# multiph se production s&stems. n l&sis, on;line simul tors, nd modi#ic tions o# # cilities, procedures, nd controllers. OLGA is used #or the e/ lu tion o# pipeline networ0s nd well lloc tion, pipe si5ing nd routes, #low r tes nd pressure constr ints, #luids nd w ter content, slug c tcher si5es, g s li#ting c p cit&, controller p r meter settings, deposition o# solids, etc. OLGA c n model oil nd n tur l g s #lowlines, wet g s or condens te #lowlines, LNG/LPG/NGL pipelines, dense ph se pipelines, nd single ph se g s or li'uid pipelines. 1n ddition, with incre sed #ocus on #low ssur nce, OLGA is #inding widespre d use b& the industr& to ensure technic l nd oper tion l integrit& o# production s&stems throughout the entire p rts o# the s&stem. OLGA c n lso be connected online to re l;time d t b ses, $)ADA s&stems, nd d&n mic process simul tors such s A$$E%, D;$P1)E, *<$<$, 1ND1$$, nd =ni$im. %o e,tend the #unction lit& o# OLGA, $P% h s se/er l modules / il ble such s 3 ter>%hree Ph se, $lug%r c0ing, )omposition l %r c0ing, MEG %r c0ing, 3 , Deposition, etc. Drillbench is so#tw re suite #or engineering nd #ollow;up o# ll drilling sset li#ec&cle. 4low ssur nce is ll bout identi#&ing nd pre/enting #luid rel ted problems #rom in#luencing production in ll

oper tions. 1t is b sed on more th n 8? &e rs o# drilling rese rch #rom -og l nd -ese rch nd cont ins both d&n mic @tr nsientA nd ste d&;st te models to #ill the need #or so#tw re o# di##erent comple,it& throughout the drilling proBect #rom pl nning nd engineering to oper tion l #ollow;up. eD&n mic Production nd Pressure M n gement @edpmA is d&n mic nd on;line

re l;time production support s&stem, &ielding the underst nding o# #low th t en bles sust ined cost e##ecti/e oper tions. edpm uses OLGA d&n mic multiph se #low simul tor to model #low in the sset. A web b sed G=1 gi/es oper tion l crews nd engineers 'uic0 ccess to import nt #low ssur nce d t to # cilit te re l;


Copyright " ARC Advisory Group ARCweb.com or !"ter"#l $se %"ly

Study Title Supplier Profiles

time decision m 0ing. 1mport nt oper tion l ch llenges re supported, such s h&dr te monitoring nd inhibitor m n gement, le 0 detection, slug mitig tion nd control, g s nd li'uid m n gement, g s li#t optimi5 tion, nd m n ged pressure drilling.
Partners!ips and "c#uisitions

Partnerships: $P% Group h s numerous lli nces with so#tw re nd utom tion suppliers including Aspen%ech, *one&well, 1n/ens&s, nd -$1. Acquisitions: None to report.
Strengt!s and $!allenges

Strengths: *igh dom in e,pertise in de/eloping so#tw re #or reser/oir simul tion nd multiph se #low. $P% h s l rge inst lled b se o# users. $trong integr tion c p bilit& to de/elop nd implement online optimi5 tion solutions. Challenges: E,p nding product port#olio
Key %ndustries

Oil " G s! Oil " G s Pipelines! Oil " G s Production

Copyright " ARC Advisory Group ARCweb.com or !"ter"#l $se %"ly 5-&

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