Soal Mid ING VIII 2

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Jl. Citandui Raya III Semarang, Telp./Faks. (024) 3561855


: Bhs. Inggris
: VIII (Delapan)



A. Speaking Skill
Complete the dialogue with a suitable word!
: Do you like listening music?
: No, (1) .
: Do you love watching movie?


: Yes, (2)................ it is my hobby

: What kind of a movie do you like?
: I like a horror movie


: What do you think about Indonesia horror

: (3) is excellent?
Can I borrow your money, please!
: (4) .., Im using it
: Thanks a lot
: (5) ..


B. Reading Skill

Cats and Roosters

Once upon a time in Africa, roosters
ruled cats. The cats worked hard all
day and at night they had to bring
all they had gathered for the
roosters. The king of the roosters
would take all the food for himself
and for the other roosters.
The roosters loved to eat ants. Thus, every cat had
a purse hung round its neck, which it filled with
ants for the king of the roosters.
The cats did not like the situation. They wanted to
rid themselves of the king so that the food they
gathered through hard work and great difficulty
would be their own. But they were afraid of the
The roosters had told the cats that rooster's combs
were made out of fire and that the fire of their
combs would burn anyone who disobeyed them!
The cats believed them and therefore worked from
early morning until night for the roosters.
One night, the fire on the house of Mrs. Cat went
out. She told her kitten, Fluffy, to bring some fire
from Mr. Rooster's house.
When Fluffy went into the house of the rooster, she
saw that Mr. Rooster was fast asleep, his stomach
swollen with the ants he had eaten. The kitten was
afraid to wake the rooster, so she returned home
empty handed and told her mother what had
Mrs. Cat said, "Now that the rooster is asleep,
gather some dry twigs and place them near his
comb. As soon as the twigs catch fire, bring them
Fluffy gathered some dry twigs and took them to
the rooster's house. He was still asleep. Fluffy
fearfully put the dry twigs near the rooster's comb


but it was no use, the twigs did not catch fire. Fluffy
rubbed the twigs against the rooster's comb again
but it was no use they would not catch fire. Fluffy
returned home without any fire and told her
mother, "The roost's comb does not set twigs on
Mrs. Cat answered "Why can't you
do anything right! Come with me I'll
show you how to make fire with the
rooster's comb." So together they
went to the house of Mr. Rooster.
He was still asleep. Mrs. Cat put
the twigs as near to the rooster's comb as she
could. But the twigs did not catch fire. Then,
shaking with fear, she put her paw near the
rooster's comb and gently touched it. To her
surprise, the comb was not hot, it was very cold,
and it was just red colored.
As soon as Mrs. Cat realized that the roosters had
lied to the cats about their combs, she joyfully went
out and told the other cats about the rooster's
tricks. From that day on, the cats no longer worked
for the roosters.
At first, the king of the roosters became very angry
and said to the cats; "I will burn all of your houses
if you do not work for me!"
But the cats said, "Your comb is not made of fire. It
is just the color of fire. We touched it when you
were sleep. You lied to us.
When the king of the roosters found out that
the cats knew that he had lied to them, he ran
away. Now, whenever roosters see a cat, they
scurry away, because to this very day they are
afraid of cats.
Answer based on the text above!
1. What is the kind of the text?
2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. Where did the story happen?
4. Who were the figures of the story?
5. What was the character of the roosters?
6. Why were the cats afraid of the roosters?
7. What did Fluffy tell to her mother after
returned home without any fire?
8. Why did now, whenever roosters see a cat,
they scurry away?
9. Mrs. Cat answered "Why can't you do
anything right! Come with me I'll show you
how to make fire with the rooster's comb."
So together they went to the house of Mr.
What does the word they refers to?
10. she joyfully went out and told the other
cats about the rooster's tricks

What is the synonym of the underlined


My fathers name is Mr. Awang. He is a

C. Writing Skill

doctor and my (18) name is Mrs. Awang.

a) Write the time!!

She is a teacher. I have a (19) his name is

03: 15
09: 40


It is twelve past ten


Kristanto. He is a student of SMA Hidayatulloh and I

have a (20) .. Her name Is Ika. She is a student of
MTs Negeri 02 SMG.

My Family tree

Mr. Awang


Mrs. Awang

Good luck


b) Complete the following paragraph based on the diagram

of family tree above!


: ................................................................

Class/Student number : ........................../......................

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