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MATRIC NUMBER : M20131000603

Profesor Sugata Mitra, Chief Scientist at NIIT, is credited with the discovery of Hole-in-
the-Wall. As early as 1982, he had been toying with the idea of unsupervised learning and
computers. Finally, in 1999, he decided to test his ideas in the field. On 26th January, Mitra's
team carved a "hole in the wall" that separated the NIIT premises from the adjoining slum in
Kalkaji, New Delhi. Through this hole, a freely accessible computer was put up for use. With no
prior experience, the children learnt to use the computer on their own. Prof. Sugata Mitra has
won the $1 million 2013 TED Prize. He said he will use the prize, awarded for high-impact
projects, to launch a global initiative for self-directed learning that builds on his discovery. His
discovery immediately challenged the traditional view that children need to be taught in a
structured classroom setting by a teacher. Mitra, an education technology professor at
Newcastle University in the United Kingdom, extrapolated his research to eventually show
children can learn how to operate computers, understand research and even learn new
languages. Hes now expanded that theory into the development a cloud-based schooling
system of what he calls self-organized learning environments . From this experiment , we can
conclude that children can drive their own education if provided access to the internet.
Nowadays, our education system is out of date. The fact children can drive their own
education if provided access to the internet and need to be implement towards future learning
of our generations. The School in The Cloud, a learning lab in India, where children can embark
on intellectual adventures by engaging and connecting with information and mentoring online.
This is an interesting new concept in education and is certainly admirable. However, this system
of education depends on having the infrastructure to work with these remote and hands-off
teachers, or to work with the technology that facilitates learning. The iconic symbols of
education hard cover textbooks, chalkboards and wooden desks it may soon become
historical representations of the way we once taught our children to transform to the new way
approached . Technology is now an essential part of our daily life and educators are creatively
using it and reinventing the classroom for the internet generations .

Cloud learning will be an interesting experience to democratize education. Cloud
learning is starting to be looked at seriously by many educational institutions as a replacement
or supplement to their old and traditional teaching. Cloud learning is that it allows for new
generations to have more ability and be valuable future generations in so many aspects.

Communicative and collaborative Learning
By applying the cloud learning the users is able to take this information to personalize and
customize their learning experience to meet their own personal needs. The users is able to
increase connections, interactions and sharing in a cloud learning environment which allows for
effective and excellent learning techniques .Future learning required a fundamental
transformation of education or training need to address new skills a competence. That is why,
nowadays educators must determine how education or training policy as we applied today can
prepare learners for life in the future society

. Todays generation had familiarise themselves
with technology. For them, everything is easy. Once they were born, the flat screen television
and computer has already being invented. For example, if you want to look for something to
read about, you do not have to trouble yourself by going to library, just browse through the
internet. That is way future learning is importance since our world has been overtake
technology. We cannot compare children nowadays with the generation from 30 years ago.
Even today, a lot of new kind of jobs had existed depend to our environment . These advances
make life easier in many ways. They can also be extremely helpful to another students. In order
to establish the school in the cloud, of course internet based learning is needed. The basic
things are computer and internet access and with one click, all information beyond our
imagination is in front of our eyes. So, learning process could happen anywhere and anytime.

Virtual learning
One way is using virtual learning system as the platform. Virtual learning is an e-learning
education system based on the web that models conventional real-world education by providing
equivalent virtual access to classes, class content, tests, homework, grades, assessments, and
other external resources such as academic or museum website links . Virtual learning
environment are the basic components of contemporary distance learning, but also be
integrated with a physical learning environment which may be referred to as blended learning.
Such as students can communicate with their teachers through a microphone, chat rights, or
writing on the board. Students are expected to complete lessons and assignments
independently through ICT system. Teachers also can present lessons through videos,
powerpoint, or chatting. In other words or in short we can say that virtual learning environment is
a medium of learning and teaching tools that can help students get to gain knowledge through
internet. Even classes that meet in person are making greater use of the web in delivering
course content. Students set up web pages and use web services to communicate with each
other. Most classes have course web sites that contain lectures, assignments and other
resource . In fact, the very prospect of self-guided learning will place an enormous burden on
the security and integrity of our online learning technologies. For parents and teachers to feel
comfortable with children guiding themselves through an Internet-based curriculum, the trust in
those online systems has to be ironclad.
Self-organized and peer-learning environment
We need to design the new future of learning and it will become emerges by
approaching SOLE concept that is self-organized learning environment. Students can be
more creative , high curiosity to find any knowledge and be able to survive from any type of
conditions even in difficulty situation. in the absence of supervision or formal teaching, children can
teach themselves and each other. We believed that students have ability to find out the knowledge
by themselves. Students might learn more from their peers than from their teachers especially if
the teachers do not motivate students to learn or else do not provide the necessary attitude
towards the students learning. Therefore the attitude needs to be positive, caring. These points
could be kept in mind during our teaching sessions as they have easily been proven to have
positive learning outcomes. He also believes that education is a self-organising system where
learning is an emergent phenomenon and that learning is a question of attitude not
technology. Therefore as teachers, we must promote the right environment, attitude and
material in order to captivate the student in a more self-learning environment. This would not
only aid the student in carrying out his or her education at primary and secondary level but
sustaining his or her ability to self-learn beyond their official education and also promoting the
concept of life-long-learning. During conducting peer-learning ,not only have information media
changed, while they enjoy and use live interaction with teachers, it no longer holds the
monopoly position it once held.

Interesting and Creative Learning
We already know that when learning is fun, and seems like a game, people are self-
motivated to do it by themselves. When it seems like work, the opposite happens when we say
to our children need to perform and forcing them to do something so, that is not naturally come
from their soul. Freedom can be an amazing force for creativity and rapid learning, however, if it
is unsupported by the ready availability of good information or exercised by unmotivated
students, then it can also lead to the intellectual backwaters of self perpetuating ignorance.
Modern day cloud applications and technique can learn anything they want. We just have to
create an environment for them. It's time for a change in the way we teach kids, or rather, the
way we might "allow" kids to learn. This cloud learning make the students having fun in learning
and totally will make them like to learn any lessons and to do all the school assignments. We
can see education has been confused with testing and so students are influenced by the fear of
tests and exams more than they are thrilled just to know to expand their minds. There is very
little imagination if any at all, only cognitive retention. Leadership is influence and if that
influence comes from fear of teachers, or the system then creativity is impossible and education
is not useful. Todays world requires creativity as a prerequisite to excel, not just a cognitive
retention of facts from a textbook. People have blamed teachers, facebook, TV, parents, the
government and even the children themselves. Our approach to learn is what is wrong with
education. The school system we are currently operate is extremely useless in the context of
the way the world works, our children are very aware of this and so are not interested, even
teachers are beginning to lose interest.
As Galileo Galilei, put it:
You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself
The question which we need to reflect upon is this: Is our educational system providing the right
opportunities for the students to feel motivated and interested to learn? Is it allowing for our
students to be responsible for their own learning? Are we assessing students in the right way?

Teachers as moderators and facilitators
Learning process is carried out together in a conducive classroom with presence of a
teacher which play role more as a facilitator. We need to stop spoon feeding our students and
start motivating them to learn by presenting material and situations which are relevant to their
lives. The successful experiments in this video prove the importance of giving students the
opportunity to learn through discovery and eradicate the idea that learning is simply the
memorizing of facts, theories and concepts. Educators, should never underestimate the
students potential to learn. School is also a place to learn norm and value of society. The face
to face interaction that children will with each other, the teacher and other school community
likely to be critical component in this process. Indeed, school is the place where children can
learn about humanistic value. Just before you understand a Windows Vista, a Windows 7 is in
your face, you hardly settle and Windows 8 is on your screen. You hardly settle into a work-role
and another is before you. Creativity is the currency of functionality and we must equip our kids
by helping them stay in touch with their creative selves. Of course we still need Mathematics,
English, Chemistry and all the other subjects but now we must introduce these concepts to our
children by waking their innate sense of wonder. We began to realize that learning is when we
went to search in library for books regarding the subject or when weI browsed for information
regarding the subject. Therefore, we really agree with the statement that education should be a
self- organising system. Teachers should teach them the basic concepts of the subject and then
leave their students by themselves to open more on the subject.
In Malaysia, there is a large segment of the population that is computer illiterate. This is
especially in the rural areas . In many if not most cases, when designing e-learning approaches
in school , we must consider students technical limitations . Technical infrastructure deficiencies
on the student side can impede learning sources activity especially in an online distance-
learning environment. Other than that, engaging content requires a rich combination of
multimedia components. However, due to bandwidth and connectivity limitations, downloading
the contents to the students will be slow rate. This creates frustration and boredom among
students and teachers and will affect the ease of cloud learning.
One disadvantage that could be in this method of teaching is that; the information they find
on the internet could be misleading. So as teachers we do not agree that the machine should
replace the teacher because we need to monitor them on the information they find. This is why
technology cannot just replace a teacher but should be used in conjunction with traditional
teaching methods. Awareness from parents feel the traditional learning mode is better than
cloud learning. Students also find it difficult and less confident to migrate from the traditional
learning method to the cloud learning because always hoping teachers give them everything
like spoon-feedings.
Apart from that, there is a lot of discussion in implementation of school in the cloud
education about rising costs and a hope that technology could be used to make education more
efficient and effective. Distance learning and digital education is the latest fashion in education.
A large sum of cost is needed to spend especially in poor country. It will be healthy if teachers
promote this type of learning, first of all because children will develop problem solving skills and
critical thinking on their own. In other words, children are capable of learning on their own,
especially when the teacher integrates these main ingredients in her teaching recipe: curiosity,
exploration, discovery, motivation, interactive content and fun. Children dont need only the
basic education but also they need to know how to convey meaning and deal with the
complicated world in which we are living, even without the presence of any other person.
In the other hand, there are many subjects that can't be studied without personal access
to real-life equipment and experience. However, there are also some subjects where you can
complete part of your studies through virtual school and the rest in the classroom, allowing you
to reap the many benefits of virtual schooling for a good portion of your experience. In science
field especially, in order to understand certain process, children to do experiment, observe with
very own eyes, feel and smell the product. With these, the will understand better and will have
long memory about it. When come to sport, school in the cloud could not go against it, sport is
important. For example, is it possible for students learn the technique to throw a ball when
playing basketball by just viewing on the screen.
People learn differently, we all do, and therefore what makes us believe children learn in
the same manner? Teachers must explore each teaching method and tries to investigate which
method the student can learn from. Collaborating learning is one way that seems to show
positive results, we must understand our students, give them a voice in class cause we can
learn a lot from them. we can learn to become better teachers, a teacher who cares for her
students. This could be very beneficial for the students as it ensures a learning environment but
also this method also helps students with challenging behaviour and learning difficulties .
Government and publics need to come together to apply cloud learning in school for our new
generations. Some of the recommendations are listed below:-
Blended Approach in cloud learning
Realizing that we are in the transition period between old and new generations ,we propose that
a blended approach be adopted. This blended approach is the combination of several delivery
lessons method such as face-to-face interactions, self-paced and individualized learning and
online interactions. This has been popularity among our learners in delivering lessons.
Improving Accessibility and Connectivity
Accessibility and connectivity needs to be improved . This can be achieved through the
upgrading of technological infrastructure as well as the lowering of the access fees to a more
affordable level .
Mobile Learning Initiatives
Nowadays, the use of mobiles devices are widespread in Malaysia . One of the effective ways
to improve the acceptance of cloud learning Is to leverage on the use of mobile technology that
will facilitate mobile learning that will help overcome the problem of accessibility and
Set-up National E-content development centre
Malaysian government need to set up a national content development centre to serve such as
coordinate content development, train and develop e-content experts, monitor e-content
standards, promoting knowledge sharing among e-learning providers and promote international
collaborations in cloud learning. Other than that, national e-learning council needs to be set up
to champion e-learning. The establishment of the council will spur the growth of cloud learning
in the country

From my point of view, future learning is we shape today learning process as to prepare
students nowadays for the challenge they might encounter in the future. Especially, when they
look for jobs. Today older generation should carry the responsibility to educate children to face
the things perhaps we could not imagine. Internet based learning is the latest and the most
appropriate approach and tools in helping us to catalysed the future learning. Since technology
has changing our concept in learning, training and educating. Older generation has to accept
the fact that children of today cannot be compared to their time. Old method of teaching in
school is obsolete. We cannot deny the importance of a teacher but we have to alter their
function. A teacher may only facilitate or monitor them during learning process take place by
creating a self-organized learning environment. Our purpose for education is lead the children to
develop skill and attitude that are appropriate for critical thinkings and problem solving that
might help them to survive the tough world of tomorrow. Let us embrace Sugatas idea, by
learning modern methods of teaching we should keep in mind to be innovative, to let our
students appreciate that we plan for them and our role here is to guide them to reach a good
level of maturity so as to believe in themselves that in reality they can teach themselves. We
need cooperation form teachers, parent, educational staff and nation itself in order to make sure
whatever change we made today will benefit the generation of future.

1. Abdullah Sanusi Ahmad(2003). Addressing e-learning Challenges via Blended Learning: The Open
University Malaysia Approach, presented at Mansura, Egypt.
3. Measuring the Efficiency of Cloud Computing for E-learning SystemsPAUL POCATILU,
FELICIAN ALECU, MARIUS VETRIC issue1,Vol.9, January2010





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