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DeloitteNet > About Deloitte > Policies > Administrative Policies (APRs) > 213 Harassment

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Human Resource Policy Administrative Policy Release213 (IND) Harassment Applicability: This Administrative Policy Release (APR) is in effect for Deloitte LLP's subsidiaries located in India. APR 213 (U.S.) is in effect for Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries located in the U.S. APR 213 (MEX) is in effect for Deloitte LLP's subsidiaries located in Mexico. Date: August 2013 Supersedes: Administrative Policy Release 213, issued May 2013
Notice: This Administrative Policy Release ("APR") is in effect for Deloitte LLP and each of its subsidiaries located in the U.S. (collectively referred to as the " U.S.-based Firms" and individually referred to as a U.S.-based Firm"), in India (collectively referred to as the India Subsidiaries and individually referred to as an India Subsidiary) and in Mexico (collectively referred to as the Mexico Subsidiaries and individually referred to as a Mexico Subsidiary), to the extent this APR is applicable. Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries located in the U.S., India and Mexico will be referred to collectively as the U.S. Firms and individually as a U.S. Firm. Unless the context requires a different meaning, references to "we," "our," or "the organization" are references to the applicable U.S. Firm(s) and its (or their) personnel. Each applicable U.S. Firm reserves the right to adopt, amend, or discontinue this APR as it may deem appropriate, at any time, in whole or in part, for any reason or in the absence of a particular reason, and without prior notice, consent, or approval. This APR also may apply to individuals who are not personnel of any U.S. Firm. Failure to comply with this APR may subject (i) personnel of the applicable U.S. Firm(s) to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or severance of association, as the case may be, and (ii) individuals who are not personnel of any U.S. Firm, to appropriate action. This APR contains proprietary and confidential information of the applicable U.S. Firm(s). It is solely for use by and distribution to the individuals who are subject to this APR. Each applicable U.S. Firm has absolute discretion to make the sole and final determination as to any and all issues arising out of this APR, including, without limitation, issues pertaining to the personnel of such U.S. Firm. This APR is to be applied in accordance with U.S. and/or Mexico federal laws, India government laws, as well as state and local laws in the U.S., India, and/or Mexico, as appropriate. If you have any questions about this APR, including, without limitation, its applicability, please contact National Policy Development of Deloitte Services LP at US Policy (APRs). Additional Notice for U.S.-based Firms' personnel: This APR is not intended to, nor does it, constitute or create a contract or an enforceable promise of any kind on the part of any U.S.-based Firm. Nothing in this APR is intended to alter or affect the basis of employment with any U.S.-based Firm, which is employment at will.

.001 Introduction
This policy is divided into the following sections: .001 .002 .003 .004 Introduction Harassment-free Working Environment Complaint Procedure Talent Relations Representatives

For the purposes of this policy the following is defined: Personnel - all employees and directors of Deloitte LLP's subsidiaries located in India (India Subsidiaries) This policy covers the commitment of Deloitte LLP's subsidiaries located in India (India 12/18/2013

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Subsidiaries) to providing a workplace free from harassment based on legally protected categories and details the procedures to report a harassment complaint.

.002 Harassment-free Working Environment

The India Subsidiaries are committed to providing a working environment that is free from harassment based on caste, place of birth, race, religion, creed, color, citizenship, national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information or any legally protected basis, in accordance with applicable Indian central, state or local law. Expressly forbidden are unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Depending on the circumstances, such harassment may also include conduct such as stereotyped or demeaning remarks or gestures or the display or circulation, whether in writing or electronically, of materials or pictures offensive to persons because of their caste, place of birth, race, religion, creed, color, citizenship, national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information or any legally protected basis, in accordance with applicable Indian central, state or local law. Submission to or rejection of such conduct will in no way be considered a term or condition of employment with or admission to one of the India Subsidiaries, nor will it be used as a basis for decisions related to Personnel.

.003 Complaint Procedure

The India Subsidiaries want every individual to know that the following procedures exist to report any harassment complaint. These procedures should be followed whenever an individual believes that he or she has been the subject of harassment or observes or has knowledge of an actual or potential violation of the India Subsidiaries' policy on harassment. Report the incident or conduct in question to a supervisor or manager, a Talent representative, the office managing principal/director, the Integrity Helpline or a Talent Relations representative of Deloitte Services LP (see section .004). The individual reporting the incident or conduct may choose the one he or she is most comfortable withthe choice is strictly up to the individual. All allegations of sexual harassment will be referred to and investigated by the Complaints Committee. The Complaints Committee is comprised of representatives from the Office of General Counsel of Deloitte LLP, the Talent organization in the India Subsidiaries, Talent Relations representative, and a representative of the Women's Initiative (WIN) for the India Subsidiaries. The Complaints Committee is led by a woman, and women comprise at least 50% of the Complaints Committee members. Anyone in a supervisory or management position who observes or has knowledge of an actual or potential violation of the India Subsidiaries policy on harassment (whether or not a complaint has been filed) has an obligation to report the situation to a Talent representative, the office managing principal/director, or a Talent Relations representative (see section .004). Report the offending incident or conduct promptly. The individual making the complaint should also feel free to report the incident or conduct even if in the past it was not reported, or if he or she has taken some time to decide to make the complaint. The individual also has the option of addressing the incident or conduct in question directly with the individual(s) responsible for the offending incident or conduct if he or she is comfortable in doing so. The India Subsidiaries have no requirement for the form or content of a harassment complaint, only that it be made in good faith. The complaint may be verbal or written. It is suggested that the individual making the complaint provide as much information as possible regarding the offending incident or conduct, such as what happened or is continuing to happen, the person or persons causing the harassment, and the time(s) and place(s) the incident or conduct occurred. If available, the names of witnesses should be provided, but an individual should not hesitate to report harassment merely because there are no witnesses or because he or she cannot identify the witnesses. The India Subsidiaries are committed to prompt examination of any harassment complaint received from any of their Personnel and will take whatever action is 12/18/2013

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appropriate under the circumstances, up to and including termination of employment. Confidentiality for all parties involved will be respected to the utmost extent possible. APR 228 Non-Retaliation (U.S., IND & MEX) prohibits retaliation against individuals who in good faith have filed complaints of harassment, even if insufficient evidence is found to support the complaint. Moreover, if an individual believes that in connection with work for the India Subsidiaries, a client or an employee or agent of a client is subjecting him or her to harassment, these same procedures to report the harassment should be followed. Although the India Subsidiaries may not have the same control over outside persons causing harassment as it does over their own Personnel, the India Subsidiaries will still examine the harassment complaint promptly and take whatever action is appropriate under the circumstances.

.004 Talent Relations Representatives

Swapna Allapur (primary contact) Eddie Mangahas (secondary contact) Additional Contacts Leslie Berry Alisa Brussel Alicia Carberry Teresa Freeman Eddie Mangahas Lee Pochyly Pamela Seats (619) 237-6556 (212) 492-4548 (571) 882-8942 (703) 424-1735 (617) 437-2658 (312) 486-3054 (615) 259-1845 (678) 299-1173 (617) 437-2658

Feel free to contact any member of Talent Relations if the primary or the secondary contacts are not available.

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