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1. ?Abhina Bharat? was or!

ani"ed by (a) Bhai Parmanand (b) Khudiram Bose (c) Vir Savarkar (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) Vir Savarkar

Railway Recruitment Board Examination Question paper 2006

2. #n 22nd $ecember% which o& the &ollowin! places has the lar!est day and shortest ni!ht ? (a) Melbourne (b) Mosco (c) Madrid (d) !hennai Ans: ( a ) Melbourne '. (i!h pressure subtropical calm belts )nown as ?(orse *atitudes? lies between (a) "" and #$" (b) %"" and %$" (c) &"" and &$" (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) &"" and &$" +. ,imbobwe was &ormerly )nown as (a) 'hodesia (b) Mali (c) Namibia (d) (an)ibar Ans: ( a ) 'hodesia -. .hich o& the &ollowin! pairs is correct ? (a) Bonn * +anube (b) Ba,hdad * -i,ris (c) 'ome * Seice (d) Paris * -iber Ans: ( b ) Ba,hdad * -i,ris 6. /he canal 0oinin! Baltic 1ea to 2orth 1ea is (a) Kiel !anal (b) Sue) !anal (c) Panama !anal (d) None of these Ans: ( a ) Kiel !anal 3. .hich o& the &ollowin! ri ers does not &orm any delta at its mouth ? (a) !auver. (b) Mahanadi (c) /odavari (d) -a0ti

Ans: ( d ) -a0ti 4. 1rina!ar is situated on the ban) o& the ri er (a) 'avi (b) Sutle1 (c) 2helum (d) !henab Ans: ( c ) 2helum
5. /he 1hompens are the tribal people o& (a) Andaman (b) Nicobar (c) 3akshad ee0 (d) None of these Ans: ( b ) Nicobar 10. 6atch the &ollowin! A4 Manas 54 6an,ul B4 +achi,am 554 7le0hant !4 Mudumalai 5554 -i,er +4 Ka)iran,a 5V4 'hinoceros AB!+ (a) 5 55 555 5V (b) 555 5 55 5V (c) 55 5V 555 5 (d) 5 555 5V 55 Ans: ( b ) 555 5 55 5V 11. 7n 7ndia% 8lan holiday was a&ter (a) !hina*5ndia ar of #89% (b) +rau,ht of #899 (c) Pakistan ar of #8:# (d) Pakistan ar of #89$ Ans: ( b ) +rau,ht of #899 12. .hich o& the &ollowin! is not a ?9ree /rade ,one? (a) Kandla (b) Mumbai (c) Visakha0atnam (d) -rivandrum Ans: ( d ) -rivandrum 1'. /he least per&ect s:uare number which is di isible by '% ;< $< 9 and = is (a) 8"" (b) #9"" (c) %$"" (d) &9"" Ans: ( d ) &9""

12. A man has Rs. +40 in the denominations o& one;rupee notes% &i e;rupee notes and ten;rupee notes. /he number o& notes are e:ual. .hat is the total number o& notes ? (a) 9" (b) 8" (c) :$ (d) ;$ Ans: ( b ) 8" 1'. 7n an or!ani"ation% +0< o& the employees are matriculates% -0< o& the remainin! are !raduates and remainin! 140 are post;!raduates. (ow many employees are !raduates ? (a) &9" (b) %;" (c) #=" (d) &"" Ans: ( c ) #=" 1+. .hich o& the &ollowin! writs may be issued to en&orce a 9undamental Ri!ht ? (a) 6abeas !or0us (b) Mandamus (c) Prohibition (d) !ertiorari Ans: ( a ) 6abeas !or0us 1-. A common (i!h =ourt &or two or more 1tates and>or ?nion /erritories may be established by the (a) President (b) Parliament b. makin, la (c) /overnor of State (d) !hief 2ustice of 5ndia Ans: ( b ) Parliament b. makin, la 16. .ho amon! the &ollowin! was the =onstitutional ad iser to the =onstituent Assembly o& 7ndia ? (a) M4 !4 Setalvad (b) K4 M4 Munshi (c) 2a aharlal Nehru (d) B4 N4 'au Ans: ( d ) B4 N4 'au 13. $urin! the period o& Renaissance% the new style o& architecture &irst de eloped in (a) 5tal. (b) >rance (c) 7n,land (d) /erman. Ans: ( a ) 5tal.

14. /he Barrah dacoity was the &irst ma0or enture o& the re olutionary terrorists o& the &reedom mo ement in (a) -he Madras Presidenc. (b) Pun1ab (c) Bomba.*Karnataka (d) 7ast Ben,al Ans: ( d ) 7ast Ben,al 15. .ho amon! the &ollowin! were popularly )nown as Red 1hirts ? (a) !on,ress Socialists (b) Members of A)ad 6ind >au1 (c) Khudai Khidmat,ars (d) Peo0le led b. 'ani /aidinliu Ans: ( c ) Khudai Khidmat,ars 20. /he 1tate in 7ndia ha in! dry season &or only ' to + months e ery year is (a) ?est Ben,al (b) Kerala (c) Mi)oram (d) 6imachal Pradesh Ans: ( c ) Mi)oram 21. .hich o& the &ollowin! is correctly matched ? (a) /ulbar,a * Karnataka (b) Midna0ur * /u1arat (c) ?ardha * Madh.a Pradesh (d) !ochin * -amil Nadu Ans: ( a ) /ulbar,a * Karnataka 22. ? /hant Award is !i en &or (a) !ontribution to east* est understandin, (b) !ommunit. leadershi0 (c) Social service (d) 2ournalism Ans: ( c ) Social service 2'. Bishop $esmond /utu is the nati e o& (a) South Africa (b) !uba (c) -an)ania (d) (ambia Ans: ( a ) South Africa 2+. /he &irst electric railway was opened in (a) #=$& (b) #==$ (c) #8"$ (d) #8%$ Ans: ( d ) #8%$

2-. 6achael 9erreira is associated with which o& the &ollowin! !ames ? (a) !hess (b) Snooker (c) /olf (d) None of these Ans: ( b ) Snooker 26. ?/he *ord o& Rin!s @ /he Return o& the Ain!? won #scar award in how many cate!ories ? (a) #" (b) 8 (c) ## (d) #% Ans: ( c ) ## 23. As per =ensus 2001% which o& the &ollowin! 1tates has the lowest density o& population ? (a) Mani0ur (b) Me,hala.a (c) Na,aland (d) Mi)oram Ans: ( d ) Mi)oram 24. .hich o& the &ollowin! is the latest /an) ? (a) Akash (b) Prithvi (c) Ar1un (d) Bhim Ans: ( c ) Ar1un 25. .hich o& the &ollowin! pairs is incorrectly matched ? (a) 7nce0halitis * Brain (b) !olitis * !olon (c) 6e0atitis * 3iver (d) 2aundice * -hroat Ans: ( d ) 2aundice * -hroat '0. .hich o& the &ollowin! type o& clothes is manu&actured by usin! petroleum products ? (a) ' Silk (b) (c) N.lon (d) !otton Ans: ( c ) N.lon '1. /he &unction o& haemo!lobin in the body is (a) -rans0ort of o@.,en (b) +estruction of bacteria (c) Prevention of anemia (d) Atili)ation of iron Ans: ( a ) -rans0ort of o@.,en

'2. .hich disease is more common amon! a!ricultural wor)ers as compared to urban population ? (a) 3un,?s disease (b) !irrhasis of liver (c) 6ook orm infection (d) !ancer Ans: ( c ) 6ook orm infection ''. Biolo!ical &ixation o& nitro!en occurs most commonly in which o& the &ollowin! crops ? (a) Pulses (b) 'ice (c) ?heat (d) None of these Ans: ( d ) None of these '+. .hich one o& the &ollowin! !rows under the tree ? (a) !abba,e (b) Ben,al ,ram (c) Peanuts (d) !astor Ans: ( c ) Peanuts '-. .hich o& the &ollowin! is an example o& a plant that bears seeds but not &ruits ? (a) !otton Plant (b) Pee0al tree (c) 7ucal.0tus tree (d) Pine tree Ans: ( c ) 7ucal.0tus tree '6. Radioacti e element which has been &ound to ha e lar!e reser es in 7ndia is (a) Aranium (b) -horium (c) 'adium (d) Plutonium Ans: ( b ) -horium '3. /he ima!e &ormed on the retina o& a human eye is (a) 'eal and u0ri,ht (b) 'eal and inverted (c) 5ma,inar. and u0ri,ht (d) 5ma,inar. and inverted Ans: ( b ) 'eal and inverted '4. 7n increasin! se:uence% the ma0or elements present in the human body are (a) !alcium< iron< sodium< 0hos0horus (b) !alcium< 0hos0horus< 0otassium< sul0hur (c) !alcium< iron< sodium< sul0hur (d) !alcium< 0otassium< 0hos0horus< iron

Ans: ( a ) !alcium< iron< sodium< 0hos0horus '5. A li!ht sensiti e compound used in photo!raphy is (a) Silver chloride (b) Silver sul0hide (c) Silver bromide (d) Silver o@ide Ans: ( c ) Silver bromide +0. 8rotecti e &oods in our diet are (a) >ats and vitamins (b) !arboh.drates and minerals (c) Vitamins and minerals (d) Proteins and carboh.drates Ans: ( d ) Proteins and carboh.drates +1. /he ancient name o& Ben!al was (a) Kamru0a (b) Vasta (c) /auda (d) Vallabhi Ans: ( c ) /auda +2. Ahilyabai was the :ueen o& (a) / aliar (b) Mal a (c) 2ai0ur (d) Bi1a0ur Ans: ( a ) / aliar +'. 6orish tra eler% 7bn Batutah% came to 7ndia durin! the time o& (a) Ala*ud*din Khal1i (b) >iru) Shah -u,hluB (c) Balban (d) Muhammed*bin*-u,hluB Ans: ( d ) Muhammed*bin*-u,hluB ++. /he relics o& 7ndus Balley =i ilisation indicates that the main occupation o& the people was (a) A,riculture (b) !attle rearin, (c) !ommerce (d) 6untin, Ans: ( c ) !ommerce +-. /he 6ahabalipuram temples were built by the )in! o& ????????. $ynasty (a) /u0ta (b) !hola (c) Pallava (d) Kushana

Ans: ( c ) Pallava +6. /he &irst tele!raph line between =alcutta and A!ra was opened in (a) #=$% (b) #=$& (c) #=$; (d) #=$$ Ans: ( b ) #=$& +3. /he &irst discourse o& Buddha in 1arnath is called (a) Mahabhiniskraman (b) Maha0arinirvana (c) Mahamastakabhisheka (d) +harmachakra0ravartan Ans: ( d ) +harmachakra0ravartan +4. /he political and cultural center o& the 8andyas was (a) Ven,i (b) Madurai (c) Kanchi0uram (d) Mahabali0uram Ans: ( b ) Madurai +5. .hat is the correct chronolo!ical order o& the dynasties in which they in aded 7ndia ? #4 6uns %4 Kushanas &4 Ar.ans ;4 /reeks (a) ;< &< %< # (b) &< ;< %< # (c) ;< %< &< # (d) &< ;< #< % Ans: ( b ) &< ;< %< # -0. .ho wrote 6ita)shara% a boo) on (indu law ? (a) Na.achandra (b) Amo,hvarsa (c) Vi1nanes ara (d) Kumban Ans: ( c ) Vi1nanes ara -1. Cupta empire declined in the &i&th century A.$. as a conse:uence o& (a) !haluk.a raids (b) /reek invasion (c) 6un invasion (d) Pallava raids Ans: ( c ) 6un invasion -2. .ho &ounded the (indu 1hahi dynasty o& 8un0ab ? (a) Vasumitra (b) Kallar

(c) 2a.a0ala (d) Mahi0ala Ans: ( c ) 2a.a0ala -'. /he main external threat to the 1ultanate o& $elhi was posed by the (a) Mu,hals (b) Af,hans (c) 5ranians (d) None of these Ans: ( d ) None of these -+. .ho amon! the &ollowin! was a leadin! exponent o& Candhian thou!hts ? (a) 24 34 Nehru (b) M4 N4 'o. (c) Vinoba Bhave (d) 2a.a0rakash Ans: ( c ) Vinoba Bhave --. .ho were the immediate successors o& the 7mperial 6auryas in 6a!adha ? (a) Kushanas (b) (c) Satvahanas (d) Sun,as Ans: ( d ) Sun,as -6. Both 6aha ira and Buddha preached durin! the rei!n o& (a) A1atashatru (b) Bimbisara (c) Nandivardhan (d) Ada. Ans: ( b ) Bimbisara -3. Dahan!iri 6ahal is located in (a) +elhi (b) >ateh0ur Sikri (c) A,ra >ort (d) Sikandara Ans: ( c ) A,ra >ort -4. /he percenta!e o& !lucose present in the normal urine is (a) "4#C (b) %C (c) 84$C (d) "C Ans: ( a ) "4#C -5. /he ma!netic e&&ect o& electric current was &irst obser ed by (a) 6enr. (b) Dersted

(c) >arada. (d) Volta Ans: ( b ) Dersted 60. #& the total water on the earth% &resh water reser es constitute approximately (a) ;4$C (b) %4:C (c) #4%C (d) $4=C Ans: ( b ) %4:C 61. /he blac) hole theory was disco ered by (a) S4 !handrasekhar (b) 6ar /obind Khorana (c) !4V4 'aman (d) S4 'amanu1an Ans: ( a ) S4 !handrasekhar 62. /he main contribution o& the =hola dynasty in the &ield o& administration lies in (a) S.stematic 0rovincial administration (b) A ell 0lanned revenue s.stem (c) A ell or,ani)ed central ,overnment (d) An or,ani)ed local self ,overnment Ans: ( d ) An or,ani)ed local self ,overnment 6'. .ho &ounded the philosophy o& 8ustimar!a ? (a) !haitan.a (b) Nanak (c) Surdas (d) Ballabhachar.a Ans: ( d ) Ballabhachar.a 6+. .hich o& the &ollowin! battles chan!ed the destiny o& a 6u!hal ruler o& 7ndia ? (a) 6aldi,hati (b) Pani0at 55 (c) Khanua (d) !hausa Ans: ( b ) Pani0at 55 6-. ?/he Bedas contain all the truth? was interpreted by (a) S ami Vivekanand (b) S ami +a.anand (c) S ami Shraddhanand (d) S4 'adhakrishnan Ans: ( b ) S ami +a.anand 66. Babur entered 7ndia &or the &irst time &rom the west throu!h (a) Kashmir (b) Sind

(c) Pun1ab (d) 'a1asthan Ans: ( b ) Sind 63. .hich was the &irst amon! the &ollowin! ? (a) +octrine of 3a0se (b) Subsidiar. Alliance (c) Permanent Settlement (d) +ouble /overnment Ans: ( d ) +ouble /overnment 64. /he name o& *ord =ornwallis is associated with the (a) +ual ,overnment (b) Maratha ars (c) S.stem of subsidiar. (d) Permanent settlement Ans: ( d ) Permanent settlement 65. 1ir =harles .ood?s $espatch o& 14-+ delat with (a) Administrative reforms (b) Social reforms (c) 7conomic reforms (d) 7ducational reforms Ans: ( d ) 7ducational reforms 30. /he sea route to 7ndia was disco ered by the (a) +utch (b) 7n,lish (c) Portu,uese (d) >rench Ans: ( c ) Portu,uese 31. .hich o& the &ollowin! pairs is correct ? (a) Ashva,hosa * Vikramadit.a (b) Banabhatta * 6arshvardhan (c) 6arisena * Kanishka (d) Kalidasa * Samudra,u0ta Ans: ( b ) Banabhatta * 6arshvardhan 32. +th Duly% 1336 is important in world history because (a) Battle of Plasse. started (b) Sea route to 5ndia as discovered (c) 7n,lish Kin, !harles 55 as e@ecuted (d) American !on,ress ado0ted the +eclaration of 5nde0endence Ans: ( d ) American !on,ress ado0ted the +eclaration of 5nde0endence 3'. Rowlatt Act was passed in the year (a) #8#:

(b) #8#8 (c) #8% (d) #8%& Ans: ( b ) #8#8 3+. =ommunal electorate in 7ndia was introduced throu!h which o& the &ollowin! acts ? (a) #8"8 (b) #8#8 (c) #8&$ (d) None of these Ans: ( a ) #8"8

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