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Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 History ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................................................... 5 a. b. c. d. Strength............................................................................................................................................. 5 Weakness .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Opportunity....................................................................................................................................... 6 Threat ................................................................................................................................................

Marketing & Branding Strategic Objective ................................................................................................... 6 1. 2. 3. 4. Identifying and Establishing Brand Positioning................................................................................. 7 Planning and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs ................................................................. 7 Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance ............................................................................. 8 Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity............................................................................................... 8

Branding Strategy.......................................................................................................................................... 9 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................... 10 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 10 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 11


Perfection was the watchword we had in our mind when we started working on this case-study. However people generally agree that man can only strive to approach excellence but never actually achieve it. Exquisite perfection is rather a trait of God, and by his grace, we have tried very hard to make this report an excellent one.

We would like to thank Sir M. A. BUTT for his instructions which he gave to us, which could not have been successful without his dedicated attention & guidance.

We are grateful to our teacher for providing us such a meaningful oriented chance to explore new dimensions.

Our Company is the worlds largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 400 brands. Globally it is the No.1 provider of sparkling beverages, juices and juice drinks and ready-to-drink teas and coffees. Through the worlds largest beverage distribution system, consumers in more than 200 countries enjoy the companys beverages at a rate of 1.5 billion servings per day. In order to achieve mission, we must create value for all the constraints we serve, including our consumers, our customers, our bottlers, and our communities. Our Company creates value by executing comprehensive business strategy guided by six key beliefs: 1. Consumer demand drives everything we do. 2. Brand Coca Cola is the core of our business. 3. We will serve consumers a broad selection of the non-alcoholic ready-todrink beverages they want to drink throughout the day. 4. We will be the best marketers in the world. 5. We will think and act locally. 6. We will lead as a model corporate citizen. The ultimate objectives of our business strategy are to increase volume, expand our share of worldwide nonalcoholic ready to drink beverages sales, maximize our long-term cash flows, and create economic value added by improving economic profit. Our system has more than 16 million customers around the world that sells or serves our products directly to consumers. We keenly focus on enhancing value for these customers and helping them grow their beverage businesses. We strive to understand each customers business and needs, whether that customer is a sophisticated retailer in a developed market a kiosk owner in an emerging market. There are nearly 6 million people in the world who are potential consumers of our companys product. Ultimately, our success in achieving our mission depends on our ability to satisfy more of their beverage consumption demands and our ability to add value for customers. We achieve this when we place the right products in the right markets at the right time.

Our brand name in the world got its starts in an Atlanta Pharmacy, where it sold for 5 cents a glass. On January 31st, 1893; the name Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark. In 1895; our company had established syrup plants in Chicago, Dallas and Los-Angeles. In the 1920s; we pursued aggressive global branding, finding such creative placement for its logo as on dogsleds in Canada & on the walls of bullfighting arenas in Spain . Our companys popularity was fueled by colorful & persuasive advertising that cemented our company image

as All American beverage. After Vietnam War, we developed more globally aware advertising. Our companys early moves in restricted market such as China in 1978 & Soviet Un ion in 1979, bolstered our company image as global company image. We were voted the best-known and most admired brand in the world. We didnt institute a uniform marketing program in each of its global markets we only often tailored flavor, packaging, price & advertising in specific market. We hired local managers for sales and distribution of our companys products. To make our company products more relevant and well-positioned against the competitors, we uses different agencies in different company in order to make our brand local free. Moreover the marketing-mix is designed in each country to stress that coke is positioned positively on attributes relevant to local competitive products. Hence, our brand looks similar across the globe. In the year of 2000, we adopt the new-mantra; think local, act local, the results of this hyperlocal focus were missed the sales targets. So, in 2002, we formed 100-persons team on the request of the local managers, which were the centerpiece of the global marketing groups, setting strategies, hiring agencies and sharing best practice among the local managers.

SWOT Analysis
a. Strength Coca-Cola is enjoying formative position vis--vis competitors. Company is maintaining good company relationship with suppliers. Company relationships with CBA are condyle & based on mutual understanding. Company is financial strong. Company is enjoying brand loyalty. Company production process, operation research & procedure are consistent with recruit high standards.

b. Weakness
Strategic thinking are desired to reinvent & improvise the vision, mission and

strategic objective Company needs significantly improvement in marketing strategy more importantly designing, formulating and managing brands in the global markets. Company needs more improvement in HRM.

c. Opportunity An economics condition of USA is moderately poised. Company is equipped to intern the social shift. Company is implementing all the industry related. Govt. policies related to beverage industry apparently seem consistent and continued. Company is equipped with contemporary technology related to beverage industry. Company has global presence at this globally admired.

d. Threat
USA is experience social style related to beverage industry. In beverage industry more independently locally as well international soft drinks industries are working. There are also indirect threats in shape of future upcoming beverage industry. Managing global arena seem difficult and daunting challenges. Market internationally as beverage to Americans.

Marketing & Branding Strategic Objective

Our local marketing strategy enables Coke to listen to all the voices around the world asking for beverages that span the entire spectrum of tastes and occasions. What people want in a beverage is a reflection of who they are, where they live, how they work and play, and how they relax and recharge. Whether you're a student in the United States enjoying a refreshing Coca-Cola, a woman in Italy taking a tea break, a child in Peru asking for a juice drink, or a couple in Korea buying bottled water after a run together, we're there for you. We are determined not only to make great drinks, but also to contribute to communities around the world through our commitments to education, health, wellness, and diversity.

Here are following steps with which we can make our brand stronger.

1. Identifying and Establishing Brand Positioning

Company must have to understand of what our brand is to represent and how it should be positioned with respect to competitors.

2. Planning and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs

2.1. Choosing Brand Elements. The most common brand elements are brand names, URLS, logos, symbols, characters, packaging, and slogans. A number of options and criteria are relevant for choosing them to enhance brand awareness or facilitate the formation of strong, favorable, and unique brand associations.

2.2. Integrating the Brand into Marketing Activities and the Supporting Programs. Although the judicious choice of brand elements can make some contribution to building brand equity, the biggest contribution comes from marketing activities related to the brand. Marketing programs can create strong, favorable, and unique brand associations in a variety of different ways.

2.3. Leveraging Secondary Associations. The third and final way to build brand equity is to leverage our secondary associations. Brand associations may themselves be linked to other entities that have their own associations, creating secondary associations.

3. Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance

3.1. Brand audit which can help our brand to assess its health, uncover its sources of equity, and suggest ways to improve and leverage that equity.

3.2. Brand value chain means to trace the value creation process for our brands, to better understand the financial impact of our brand marketing expenditures and investments.

3.3. Brand equity measurement system such type of research procedures must be designed to provide timely, accurate, and actionable information for our marketers so that they can make the best possible tactical decisions in the short run and the best strategic decisions in the long run.

4. Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity

4.1. Defining the Branding Strategy

4.1.1. Brand-product matrix must have to develop for last 5 year data of all the brands and products sold by the company so we can analysis up and down turn of our sales. 4.1.2. Brand hierarchy displays the number and nature of common and distinctive brand components across the firms products.

4.1.3. Brand portfolio must have to increase so that our company can offers for sale to buyers in a particular category.


Managing Brand Equity Over Time

Effective brand management also requires taking a long-term view of marketing decisions.

4.2.1. Managing Brand Equity over Geographic Boundaries, Cultures, and Market Segments. Another important consideration in managing brand equity is recognizing and accounting for different types of consumers in developing branding and marketing programs.

Branding Strategy
It is necessary to build our brands strong so, we have to block pyramid, which are as follows;

Brand salience. Our Brand is one that has both depth and breadth of brand awareness, such that customers always make sufficient purchases as well as always think of the brand across a variety of settings in which it could possibly be employed or consumed.

Brand Associations. A number of different types of associations related to either performance (Primary ingredients & Supplementary, our product reliability & serviceability, Style & design, prices) and imagery (user profile, purchase, values, history & experiences) become linked to the brand. We can characterize our brand association with image & meaning according to strength, favorability and uniqueness. Brand Judgment & Feeling. Although all types of customer responses are possible ultimately what matters is how positive they are. So we build our brand as positive because it affects the consumer response. Brand Resonance customers purchase our brand repeat on several occasions which shows a strong attachment with our brand. We take a broader meaning to the customer through sense of community

After thorough research, we come to the conclusion that the marketing strategy of our company is working and the product is gaining popularity among youth day by day.

After completing our project we have concluded some recommendation for the company, which are following.

Company should try to emphasis more on providing their infrastructure in the market to facilitate their customers. Company must think local act local. Marketing team should try to increase the availability of Coke in all areas. They should also focus the all type of generations.


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