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Agent Commission Rules Matrix analysis Dated: 08/07/2013 Explanation as to contract wording around the Commission Rules: 1.

POS English Language programmes. a. What programmes are considered English Language programme? Diploma in English Language; Certificate in English for Academic Study and Certificate in English Language (Academic 1 and 2). 2. Full degree programmes a. What is considered a full degree and what is not a full degree? Full degree and Degree programmes represent the same thing. 3. Study Abroad Students. Study Abroad Students only ever do AKCOP programmes. SA student is recognised by their enrolment type (+-I- study Abroad Students). a. What is a Study Abroad student? Student who enrols to do AKCOP only. AKCOP are papers where the student gains a certificate of proficiency rather than a complete qualification. Can enrol for one semester or two. The fee for two semesters will be twice the one semester fee. b. AKCOP could be either UG or PG? Yes c. Study Abroad students may do one semester only. Different commission rate exists depending on 1 semester only or full year. One semester Fee on Fees list but not full year Fee? Contract states SA one semester and SA full year. SA full year fee is twice the one semester fee. d. Do (SA) and (SA plus internship) have different commission rates? No, and the tuition fee is the same. On the fee list the additional stated as part of the SA and internship is an admin fee. The additional admin fee is not commissionable. 4. DAAD Scholarships apply to German students only. Not all German students will have a DAAD Scholarship. a. DAAD Scholarships apply to SA students only? No, all German students can apply for the DAAD Scholarship, so SA and full degree students. b. How can we tell if someone has a DAAD Scholarship? The only indication in Arion is via a contact note. Student pays in full and then a refund is issued when the scholarship is granted. (up to 10 a semester) Arion cannot determine a student with a DAAD Scholarship so these will not be handled any differently to SA students without a DAAD Scholarship. 5. Do contracts roll over? Definite start and end dates? Definite start/end dates. However, see contracts rolling over in the future. 6. International students studying p/t are not eligible for commission. They will receive an IOOP which will match a payment with the tuition fee. How do we prevent Agents claiming commission on these? International students cannot do p/t study. Immigration does not allow Visa for p/t study. 7. Contract terminology? a. Or part thereof? Full time study is 8 papers however Immigration rule is minimum of 7 papers so sometimes a student will enrol and pay for 7 papers. Commission is only paid on the amount received. Not many of these type of students. 1|Page

b. Full course of study? PhD can take 4,5,6 years to complete. c. Academic programmes? Means the same as degree programmes d. Full fee? Relates to MBA programmes only as they are an 18month long programme. e. Full degree programmes vs Degree programmes? Mean the same. 8. Is German the only nationality singled out? See Contract example 1. Isnt it saying the same thing for German students as it is other nationalities? Yes, German is the only nationality as a contract condition. Contract 1. Example there is a difference. Other Nationalities = 15% for all degree programmes and SA. German Nationality = flat fee for PG degree programmes. This will probably change with new agent agreement being created in the next couple of months. 9. MBA programmes will be mismatched. This is because $42,910.00 will be on the IOOP and student only needs to pay the first year for Visa requirements. Generally the student will make two payments, 2nd payment will be in semester one of 2nd year. The full payment is being made more regularly. Conditions Summary 1. A semester is a condition. However, semesters affect Study Abroad students only where commission rates can be different depending on whether student enrols for one or two semesters. Two semesters constitute a full year. Semester can be determined from the AFE Teaching Period. (Approx. 80 students per semester). SA commission payments can be 10% or 15%. Scholarship student fee payments are paid per semester. 2. German Nationality is a condition. Currently the only nationality singled out is German. 3. Change: I dont believe Study Abroad Students is now a condition. This is because SA can be identified by the programme. These students are identifiable by their Enrolment Type (+-I-Study Abroad Students). However, a SA student will only ever do AKCOP programmes. Enrolling for AKCOP means you are a SA student. Note: The commission % is calculated on the annual NZD tuition fee. The annual tuition fee varies per programme and is stated on the IOOP. The fees differ and are not grouped by Qualification Type. The matrix will need to calculate commission on the programme tuition fee. Example Matrix: Start Date 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 End Date Qualification 31/12/2012 PhD 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 Programme AKCOP AKCOP All degree programmes AK3309, AK1237, GA1237, GB1237 Condition 1 1,2 2 Commission Rate NZD1000.00 15% NZD500.00 15% 20%


Dated 01/10/2013: Updated information due to recent ISC contract changes. Conditions Summary 1. A semester is no longer a condition. This is because differing commission rates will no longer apply to Study Abroad students depending on whether they study single semester or full year. This was due to an arrangement between our government and the German government creating a Euro flat fee structure over semesters. This arrangement no longer applicable. 2. German Nationality is no longer a condition. This contract commission condition applied to one particular Agent only and is being phased out.


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