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Escalation Campaign Rulebook v2.

This campaign is designed for at least 4 players, but can support any number of players. The Campaign begins at 500pts and increased by 250 points each month; it is designed to be played for 13 months for a point total of 3,500pts. Although the game must always have 4 players, new players may be added and current players can leave at any time during the campaign. A player cannot lose or be taken out of the campaign regardless of how poorly they are doing. These rules are written with escalation in mind, so it will tailor more toward that experience than the campaign experience. A Maximum of two games will occur per month which will be categorized as an attack game and a defense game. This will prevent one player from getting ganged up on by several players and also prevents a player from getting an unfair advantage over other players that may not be able to play as often. At the start of the campaign, players will give a name to their kingdom and will roll off for initiative which will establish turn order. A turn includes decisions that need to be made, such as which kingdom to attack, how to spend ingame Power Points on upgrades, and the games that need to be played; thus a turn lasts one month. After each month, initiative is decided upon by in-game mechanics, not luck, so players will have the opportunity to adjust their standing.


In addition to initiative order, there will be Power Points which can be spent on certain upgrades. Power Points will also decide the winner of the entire campaign; the player with the most Power Points at the end of the campaign wins the game. The Power Point system will fluctuate greatly during the course of the campaign as players spend it, steal it, and earn more. Do not feel bad if you are in last place for several months, likewise, do not feel like you cant be defeated if you are in 1st. All of the rules in this rulebook, as well as the special rules for each month, will be public knowledge to give players a heads up as to some of the new rules that will be established in future turns during the campaign. Some of these rules are very important to be aware of, such as the Painted Units special rule (an out of the game rule that rewards players for having completed a certain Paint Requirement) and the Mysterious Traveling Merchant special rule (Which rewards players for buying new models from their local hobby store that is hosting the campaign).


Once there are enough players to support turn 1 and after kingdom names are selected, randomly determine Turn 1 Initiative. This can be done by writing all the names on pieces of paper and drawing them or by having players roll d20s. Regardless, each player must have an initiative ranking for turn one. One person must be nominated to be the Record Keeper and someone has to be the Judge. The Record Keeper and the Judge may be the same person and can also be a player within the game. The Record keeper makes sure that all Kingdom Upgrades are done fairly and accurately while maintaining the Current Standing Sheet (which has the turns initiative order and the Power Rankings). The Judge will make any decisions regarding rules or rule discrepancies that are bound to occur. Now that all players have been assigned an initiative ranking and the Record Keeper and Judge selected, the campaign is ready to be set up for Turn 1. First the Record Keeper makes sure that they have all the Kingdom names in order on the Current Standing Sheet. Then each player is given a Kingdom Sheet and will need to record the following: 1) Player Name, Kingdom Name and Army 2) 0 Power Points 3) 3 Core slots and 1 Hero slot The Kingdom Sheet is updated at the end of every turn with the player that you attacked and with the Record Keeper. Furthermore, your Kingdom Sheet is public to all players who wish to see it.


Next, each player will create their first army list with the following restrictions and special rules: 1) A maximum of 500pts will allowed 2) You must conform to your current Army Slots a. In this case 3 Core Slots and 1 hero slot means you may have up to 1 hero and up to 3 units from the Core Selection. b. You do not have to bring 3 separate Core units, but at least 1 c. You do not have to bring a hero at all 3) If you decide to bring a hero, your hero may account for up to 160pts and must be your general 4) This game will follow the Battleline scenario special rules, but deployment zones will follow Meeting Engagement At this point, each player should know what position they are with initiative, should have their Kingdom Sheet filled out and their first Army List for Turn 1. Each turn brings with it important decisions that need to be made, which although vary from turn-to-turn, will always include one important decision. Because of this, each player should be present at the start of each new turn (including turn 1) and the start of turn process should be done as a group. Starting with the player in the first initiative slot, each person will decide and must declare who they are attacking. Once a player has been attacked, no other player may attack that same player and must choose someone else. The decision of who to attack continues down the initiative track until all players have decided who to attack. Note that because a player cannot be attacked twice, the last player on the initiative track will not be able to choose who they want to pick; they will be left with whichever player wasnt attacked.

Now that each player has chosen someone to attack, players can take this time to discuss when and where to have each of their games. Remember, a player will have 2 games per turn, one that is considered an Attacking Game and one that is considered a Defending Game and can take place with up to two different players. If each of the players wanted to, all games could be concluded same day, however, a game turn still lasts 1 full month as this is an Escalation Campaign; players need time to purchase, assemble, and paint their army! Players should take a quick glance at the End of Turn 1 section as it may affect how they play their game!


The end of a turn has less group impactful decisions to be made and unlike the start of turn, does not require everyone to be present. As stated before, each player will speak with the Record Keeper about the result of their games. The end of each turn will have different decisions to be made, but this is turn 1 and its meant to be simple. Follow the below steps after each turn. Round Rewards: Each player can choose from one of the following rewards for completing turn 1 +1 Hero Slot +200 Initiative (one round bonus) +2 Power Points Initiative Points: Each player takes their remaining Attacking Force army points + any initiative bonuses they have to determine their initiative points. Power Points Earned: Follow Power Points Earned Win both Attack and Defense Win either an Attack or Defense Lose both games the chart below to determine +6 Power +4 Power +2 Power

Update the Records: Each player will do the above steps with the record keeper to make sure those selections and calculations are done correctly and fairly. Then after they are tallied and documented on the players Kingdom Sheet, the Record Keeper will notate the change on the Current Standings Sheet. After the record keeper has collected all players changes, the record keeper will create a final version of the Current Standings Sheet and post it publically for all players to see/review.


After turn one is complete, each turn after it follows the same structure as summarized below: 1) Turn Rules associated to the turn: Each turn will have its own Turn Rules that will affect the game and can be found at the back of the book in the Turn Section. These rules are public information and should be available to all players to review. The Turn Rules take place BEFORE any other actions are taken during the turn and can affect the The Market, Review & Prepare, and The Meet steps of each turn. So take note and plan accordingly. 2) The Market: Each turn players can spend Power Points on a variety of things at The Market. Players may take this time to make any purchases they would like from this non-player vendor. Anything that players buy can be used during the Review and Prepare step. 3) Review and Prepare: Each turn players will review the Current Standings Sheet to see their initiative and their power rankings; doing this will help them decide what kind of opportunities, or obstacles, they will have when The Meet step happens. If a player is very high on the initiative track, they can tailor a list vs a specific army since they will have first choice; the opposite will hold true for the last player on the initiative. Then they will create their new Army List to prepare for what may come. Remember, each turn players get +250pts 4) The Meet: Each turn players will meet on a day that is predetermined to complete all of the Start-of-Turn rules. The player with the highest initiative will decide who to attack. Then the player with the second highest initiative will do the same until all players have made their decision as to who to attack (remember a player may not be attacked twice).

This section details the special rules associated with each turn. Turn 2: Leader Among Men **Mysterious Merchant** 1) Players must have a general 2) Players must have a least one unit. If they have more than one unit, at least one of them must be a Core Selection. 3) A single unit within 3 of the general may add D3 to their Ballistic Skill or Weapon skill (players choice) for one turn during the entire game. 4) This game will follow the Battleline scenario special rules, but deployment zones will follow Meeting Engagement Round Rewards: **If you made a purchase of $20 or more from the local store, pick 2 rewards** +1 Lord Slot +150 Initiative (one round bonus) +2 Power Points


Turn 3: Hoist the Colors **Painted Special Rule** 1) Players must conform to their Escalation Campaign Army Slots such as if they have 1 hero slot, they cannot have more than 1 hero and if they have 3 core slots they cannot have more than 3 core units and so on. Players must also conform to the Warhammer Fantasy Rules when making an army list. a. Players must have a general b. Players must bring three (3) or more units 2) A Painted BSB allows one unit of your choice to automatically pass a single leadership or break test of your choice even if the BSB is out of range or has died earlier in the turn (Decide before rolling). 3) This game will follow the Battleline scenario special rules, but deployment zones will follow Meeting Engagement Round Rewards: **If you have 250points of core painted and based, double the reward chosen** +1 Special Slot +200 Initiative (one round bonus) +2 Power Points

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Turn 4: Magic Brewing 1) All players get +60 Magic Points 2) If your army contains a caster, your caster miscasts on any double (but only irresistible on double 6s) 3) If your army does not have a caster, your opponent receives +1 Power Dice during their turn 4) If neither army has a caster, place a Sorcerous Portal in the center of the table and follow the rules according to page 125 in the Rule Book 5) This game will follow the Battleline scenario special rules, but deployment zones will follow Meeting Engagement Round Rewards: +1 Rare Slot +300 Initiative (one round Bonus) +2 Power Points

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Turn 5: Winter is Coming **Painted Special Rule** 1) Players may spend 1 Power Point for an additional 50 army points on their Army List. These are strictly bonus points and the army list must conform to the standard limitations for 1750 point list. 2) Players that do not spend Power in this manner gain +1 Power Point from the round (regardless of the outcome) 3) This game will follow the Battleline scenario special rules, but deployment zones will follow Meeting Engagement Round Rewards: **If you have 1,000+ points painted double the reward chosen** +1 Special Slot +1 Rare Slot +350 Initiative (one round Bonus) +2 Power Points and based,

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Turn 6: WAR is upon us **Mysterious Merchant** 1) The players in the top half of the initiative track (rounded down) will pick who they will attack and will declare another player as routed. A routed player must be in the bottom half of the initiative track (rounded up) 2) This game will follow the Dawn Attack engagement, except when rolling on the Deployment Table, routed players subtract 1 from their roll (to a minimum of 1) and non-routed players add 2 to their rolls. Round Rewards: ** If you made a purchase of $30 or more from the local store, pick 2 rewards ** +1 Core Slot +1 Lord Choice +2 Power Points +400 Initiative (one round Bonus)

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Turn 7: Land Grab **Mysterious Merchant** 1) This game will follow the Battle for the Pass engagement, except victory will be based on Objectives. 2) Each table will be divided into six quadrants with a Land Objective in the center of each one. The player closest to the Land Objective and within 3 inches is said to be in control of the entire and all units within that are considered to be behind Defended obstacle with soft cover. 3) A unit in a that is being Defended is -1 to hit in the first round of close combat if from the front (not the flanks) and always -1 to hit from ranged attacks (as from soft cover). 4) The player who owns the most s at the end wins. In case of a tie, count up victory points as normal. Round Rewards: **If you made a purchase of $30 or more from the local store, pick 2 rewards** +1 Rare Slot +250 Initiative (one round bonus) +2 Power Points

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Turn 8: Autumn Winds **Painted Special Rule** 1) There are no special rules for this round 2) This game will follow the Battleline scenario including deployment. Round Rewards: **If you have 1,500+ points painted and based, you may pick 2 rewards** +1 Special Slot If you won your Attack: +5 Power If you won your Defense: +5 Power -450 Initiative (one Round Bonus) Turn 9: Winter Storages 1) Players declare their attacks in reverse Initiative Track order 2) Players in the bottom half of the Power Ranking (rounded up) get the following special rules: a. Lord and Hero Selections may account for up to 50% of your army each instead of the normal 25% each (This means your entire army can be Lords and Heroes) b. Core is not required 3) All players convert 1% of their End-of-Turn Initiative as Power Points and will have zero initiative 4) This game will follow the Dawn Attack scenario Round Rewards: If you won your Attack: Steal 5 Power from your attacker If you won your Defense: the Attacker loses -10 Power Points +1 Hero and Named Character Slot +4 Power Points
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Turn 10: Winter is here **Mysterious Merchant** 1) Power Rankings determine the Initiative (Not Initiative) 2) Players must spend 1 Power Point for each of their units or the unit has the Cold as Ice special rule 3) This game will follow the Meeting Engagement scenario, except any unit with the Cold as Ice special rule automatically rolls a 1 when determining if it is held in reserve. Round Rewards: ** If you made a purchase of $30 or more from the local store, pick 2 rewards ** If you won your Defense: Steal 5 Power from your attacker +5 Power Points +550 Initiative (one round bonus) +1 Lord and Rare Choice

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Turn 11: Desperate times 1) All players may pick one: Lord, Hero, Special, or Rare a. Lord: Players may spend unlimited magical/power points on one Lord Selection (But must still be under 750points) b. Hero: Players may duplicate any magical items or powers on Heroes c. Special: A single unit may take any two of the Ogre Kingdom Maneaters Been There Done That special rule. d. Rare: You may spend 50% of your armies special points on rare (instead of the normal 25%) 2) Players must spend 1 Power Point for every 100 points spent in the category picked above. If the player does not, their army has the Famished special rule. 3) This game will follow the Blood and Glory scenario. Any army that is Famished has their breaking point increased to 4 (instead of 3) Round Rewards: Special: If you spent 4 or more points to prevent your army from being famished and you lost one or both games, gain 6 power points. Special: If your army was famished and you won both games, gain 10 power +1 Lord and Named Character slot +650 Initiative (one round bonus)

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Turn 12: Spring Time **Painted Special Rule** 1) Players may trade a single slot of any kind for 3 power point 2) Players may trade 30 magic points for 1 power point 3) Players may trade a Common Resource for 2 power points 4) Players may trade a Rare Resource for 5 power points 5) If you did not trade anything, gain 10 power points and their army has the Prepared and Ready special rule 6) This game will follow the Battle for the Pass scenario. An army with the Prepared and Ready special rule can choose to [take the first or second turn] or can [force your opponent to deploy their entire army at the same time before you] Round Rewards: **If you have 3,000+ points painted and based double your reward** If you won both your games: +15 Power Points If you won one of your games: +5 Power Points If you lost both your games: +4 Power Points

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Turn 13: WAAAGH 1) All Escalation Campaign rules are no longer available or in use 2) This final bloody fight will follow all of the standard rules for Warhammer Fantasy outlined in the Rule Book for a Grand Army of 3,500 points and using the Battle line Engagement 3) Players will have one single game (instead of the normal two) determined by the Power Ranking Chart. 1st place will fight 2nd place. 3rd place will fight 4th place. And so on. 4) Players take 1% of their remaining Army Points at the end of the game and add it to their Power Points. 5) This game will follow the Battleline scenario.

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Resources represent the world that the armies are all fighting in. The environment can be used to help your army and thus give bonuses. Common Resources represent common parts of the world and give a Special Rule to a unit in your army. These bonuses can apply to a unit that accounts for a maximum of 20% of your army. So if you were playing a 2,000 point game, the bonus could be spent on a unit worth up to 400 points (but no more than 400 points). You can purchase up to 4 Common Resources, however, each type can be purchased up to 4 times for additional affects or bonuses. Rare Resources represent very rare parts of the world and give a Special Power or Bonus. This power or bonus is a flat special rule and cannot increase. A player can only ever own a single Rare Resource and once that resource is purchased, it cannot be purchased by anyone else. Rare Resources can be given up, but there is no power point refund.

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Common Resource

Bonus list

Mountains: A player gets the following bonus for owning up to 4 Mountains. The following is the chart for owning 1 to 4 mountains. 1. Any one unit gains the fear special rule 2. Any one unit can have Armor Piercing or Fear 3. Any one unit can have Armor piercing or Terror 4. Close combat unit gains +1 Strength on first round of close combat or a ranged unit gets +1 strength the first time it shoots (One use only) Open Field: A player gets the following bonus for owning up to 4 Open Fields. The following is the chart for owning 1 to 4 Open Fields. 1. A single Core unit gains Vanguard 2. A single Core or Special unit gains Vanguard 3. A single Core, Special, or Rare unit Gains Vanguard 4. A single Lord or Hero may join the chosen unit River: A player gets the following bonus for owning up to 4 Rivers. The following is the chart for owning 1 to 4 Rivers. 1. A single Core unit gains Ambush 2. A single Core or Special unit gains Ambush 3. A single Core, Special, or Rare unit Gains Ambush 4. A single Hero may join the chosen unit Forest: A player gets the following bonus for owning up to 4 Forests. The following is the chart for owning 1 to 4 Forests. 1. A single Core unit gains Scout 2. A single Core or Special unit gains Scout 3. A single Core, Special, or Rare unit Gains Scout 4. A single Hero may join the chosen unit
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Rare Resource

Bonus List:

The Great Monster: A player who owns the The Great Monster resource is allowed to place a single monster from any Rare Selection Section of any Army Book and place it onto the table after terrain is placed, but before any units are deployed. It can must be placed at least 1 away from either players deployment zone. This monster moves every movement phase 2d6 inches in a random direction. It does not declare charges, but if it contacts any unit, it counts as a charge and the unit it made contact with must declare a hold reaction. This Power can only be used on or after turn 5, as the defense only, and costs 3 power points each time you want to use it. The Arena: A player who owns the Arena resource may select a single Lord Choice to have +3 Weapon Skill, +2 Ballistic Skill, +3 Initiative, and +1 Attack to a maximum of 10. If this bonus causes one or more attributes to reach 10, the character can also gains +1 wound. Fortified City: A player who owns the Fortified City may set up all of the terrain for their defense games, but generates d3+2 pieces of terrain instead of 2d3+2. One piece of terrain is automatically generated as a 3 story building. Outskirts: A player who owns the Outskirts may get a bonus of +10% army points for their Attacking Army at the cost of 2 power points Paradise Lands: A player who owns the Paradise Lands has +1 Leadership to all his lords and heroes (to a maximum of 10). If the General of the Army already has leadership 10, then the player may choose one game (attack or defense) where the General can use the BSBs
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Hold your ground special rule and the BSB can use the Generals Inspiring Prescience special rule. No-Mans Land: A player who owns No-Mans Land may take a penalty of -10% army points for their Attacking army, but also gets +1 Weapon skill and +1 Initiative for all Core and Special Units. Furthermore, any unit that can shoot can move and shoot (even if they cannot normally) and also do not take a penalty for move and shoot. Coast Line: A Player who owns the Coast Line resource may call in a special cannon artillery support from nearby oceanic ships to Bombard the battlefield. The player may call in a Bombardment during their own shooting phase as the defense. The player must place 3 small round templates at least 18 inches apart from each other across the center line that divides the two deployment zones, and then roll the artillery dice and the scatter dice. On a direct hit, the player may move the small template anywhere within 12 inches; on a misfire, the opponent gets to move the template anywhere within 12 inches. Otherwise, simply move the template the amount shown and resolve using the following rules: Any unit partially touching the template must take D3 strength 10 hits with the multiple wounds (d3) special rule. If a unit suffers any wounds, a leadership test must be taken. If it fails, immediately move the unit d6 inches directly backwards

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New players entering the game: If a new player enters into the Campaign while a campaign is in progress, following each of the steps below: First the player receives an immediate amount of Power Points equal to the average Power Points of all players. Then figure out what turn it is and give the player the following Army Slots: Turn 2-4: +1 Lord and +1 Hero Choice Turn 5-7: All above, +2 Special and +1 Rare Turn 8-10: All above, +1 Lord, Hero, Core, Special, Rare Turn 11-13: All Above, +2 Named Character, unlimited core, +1 Special, +1 Rare

The Market +1 Named Character Slot +1 Lord slot +1 Hero slot Unlimited Core +1 Special slot +1 Rare slot +30 Magic Points Common Resource Rare Resource 7 5 4 4 4 6 2 PP PP PP PP PP PP PP 4 Power Points 10 Power Points

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