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Focus Areas


Olam Livelihood Charter Principle Finance & Market Access

Global concerns Poverty & liquidity Lack of funds for investing in farms Farmers not sharing in the global prot pool

Olams response Micro-nancing & advances for crop production and purchase at 0% interest Long-term nance for asset investments at 0% interest Transparent and fair daily market prices at farm gate Facilitating Certication schemes for premium payment Empowering farmers through mobile phone pricing and payment Organising farmers into selling groups for logistics (also enables price negotiation) Integrating farmers into our processing plants Participating in commercial markets lifts farmers out of poverty Provision of training & inputs for food crops Linking famers to global markets Training through Olam outreach & technical partners; model farms & eld schools GPS farmer mapping Incentivising through Certication schemes Business skill training Payment of premiums for quality

Lack of infrastructure/ high transport costs Role of cash crops vs subsistence food crops Trade barriers Improved Yield & Quality Poor knowledge

Land Water

Limited access to inputs Lack of adequate storage

Provision of seedlings, fertiliser, crop protection products Infrastructure programmes for grading roads, building warehouses, solar driers, nurseries Supporting farmers to organise into groups No child labour on Olam supported farms Collective action through trade bodies to lobby for legislation & transparency on child labour (ICI, WCF, ACME) Fair Labor Association membership

Labour Practices

Child and forced labour

Climate Change

Gender inequality Hazardous work Traceability Supply chain integrity and provenance

Promoting female training including quota setting Olams Supplier Code (applies to all in this category) Operating close to farm gate visible chain of custody Olam farmer database, individual farmer record keeping, enabling establishment of farmer groups Independent auditing through Certication programmes and Bureau Veritas

Food safety Social Investment Inadequate health provision Substandard education Access to energy and clean water

Covered in Focus Area: Food Safety & Security section Identifying lack of services via mapping and surveying Community level engagement to identify priorities Building health centres, medical labs, maternity units & schools HIV/AIDS activities reached 185,000 people Providing school materials and scholarships Bore holes Solar lighting


Environmental Impact

Deforestation and biodiversity loss Natural capital scarcity Soil erosion and degradation Climate change impacts

Reinforcing sustainable agricultural practices Working with farmers to maximise production on existing farms to reduce deforestation Water management training Appropriate use of pesticide and fertiliser training Mitigation and adaptation activities. Piloting - eg Climate-friendly cocoa programme in Ghana with RA*

Food Safety & Security

* FAO ** Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development *** World Bank

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