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Tonya Lathrop Lesson plan #2 tiered by product EXED 510 Unit essential questions: What are Cells?

? How do cells aid in the life functions of an organism? What are the functions of cell organelles and how they work together? What role do the cell wall and cell membrane play in the cell? How are cells organized in many celled organisms? Lesson question: Where cell organelles are located and what is the function of each organelle ? NYS or other appropriate standard(s) addressed: 2. Standard 4: Key Idea 1: Performance indicator 1.2g each cell is covered by a membrane that performs a number of important functions for the cell 4. Standard 4: Key Idea 1: Performance indicator 1.2i inside the cell there are a variety of specialized structures, formed from many different molecules, carry out transportation (cytoplasm), extraction of energy (mitochondria), protein building (Ribosomes), waster disposal (cell membrane), storage (vacuole), and information storage (nucleus) Lesson objective: Students will identify and describe the function of cell organelles Assessments: Students individual projects will be graded as a formative assessment using a rubric Opening: 1. Introduce students to the three authentic products they are allowed to choose from. Remind them that they can help each other in the groups BUT are turning in their own individual projects for a grade. The pink group will create a cell brochure, the blue group will create a cell rap, and the green group will create an edible cell model. Together as a class go over the rubric, so they know what is expected from them when creating their projects. 2. Allow students to quickly choose which project they would like to do and have them go to the pink, blue, or green centers in the classroom. Each center has materials and directions laid out for them to review and utilize. Procedure: 3. The pink group will sit down together at the pink center and look at examples of amusement park brochures to get ideas how to create a brochure, the cell is the amusement park and all the cell organelles are main attractions (see example below). They can create their brochure using the word brochure template on the

computer or by printing pictures and text from a word document and cutting and pasting their work on a separate tri folded paper. They must also follow rubric while creating brochures

4. The Blue group: will sit down together and watch the cell rap on the computer. After they watch the rap video clip they are to individually brainstorm and create their own raps; making sure to follow all guidelines on the rubric. Students can use a melody of a song they all ready know by recreating the lyrics or they can create their very own original rap. Raps must be typed in a word document.

5. The green group: will sit down together and watch How to create an edible cell on the computer. After they watch the demonstrating video they are to look over the rubric and start creating their own edible cell. They must correctly provide a key labeling what each ingredient represents and what the function of that cell organelle is by filling out the following chart to hand in with their labeled edible cell. Candy Organelle Ex. Round Angel food cake Cell membrane Function Controlling barrier

Tiered by Product Each product will be graded on the following rubric Grade: ________ out of 25 Rubric points = __________ %
Model Criteria Creativity & Design Excellent (5) Project is imaginative, is neat easy to read or make out labels All required organelles shown (at least 8) PLUS plant cell organelles ARE included too! Excellent (5) All organelle functions are correct for cell model and include plant cell organelles too! All organelles are correctly identified in some way including plant cell organelles too! Excellent (5) Discusses all cell parts and functions. Explains what was used for each organelle. Great (4) Project is sufficient, easy to identify or read All 8 organelles are included Good (3) Project lacks some creativity but has all components Missing one or two essential cell organelle Fair (2) Project is mostly completed missing one or two components Missing three or four essential cell organelles Poor (1) Project is not completed and missing over three components Missing over four cell organelles


Key Criteria Functions

Great (4) One organelle function missing or incorrect. Extra organelle function added All 8 essential organelles are correctly identified

Good (3) Missing two organelle functions.

Fair (2) Missing three organelle functions.

Poor (1) Missing four or more organelle functions.


Most organelles are correctly identified missing one or two essential organelles Good (3) Does not explain two organelles or their functions.

Presentation Part & Function

Great (4) Does not explain one organelle or its function.

Most organelles are NOT correctly identified and do NOT have correct function Fair (2) Does not explain three organelles or their functions

Organelles are not identified in any way

Poor (1) Does not explain four or more organelles or their functions. Does not present project.


Closure: 6. After the entire class has presented their individual projects in class to each other and is graded for presentations they are to complete the following mini quiz to formally assess what they have learned Name:____________________ Date:______________________ Mini cell quiz Part A Multiple choice ___________1. In many cells, the structure that controls the cells activities is the a. Cell membrane b. Organelle c. Nucleolus d. Nucleus ___________2. Despite differences in cell shape all cells have cytoplasm and a a. Cell wall b. Cell membrane c. Mitochondria d. Nucleus ____________3. Which organelle converts the chemical energy in food into a form that cells can use? a. Nucleolus b. Chromosome c. Mitochondria d. Chloroplast _____________4. Cell membranes are composed mostly of? a. Lipid bilayers b. Protein bumps c. Carbohydrate gates d. Free-moving protein ______________5. Which of the following is NOT a part of the cell theory a. Cells are the basic unit of structure of living things b. Cells are the basic function of living things c. Cell parts such as chloroplast as self-replicating d. Cells come from preexisting cells _______________6. Every single-celled organism is able to survive because it carries out a. Metabolic activities b. Autotrophic nutrition c. Heterotrophic nutrition d. Sexual reproduction _______________7. Which organelle is associated with protein synthesis? a. Cell wall b. Mitochondria

c. Chloroplast d. Ribosome _______________8. Which cell helps during photosynthesis in plants? a. Part B Label an animal cell b. c. d.

a. ____________ b. ____________ c. ____________ d. ____________ e. ____________ f. _____________

F Bonus: ????????? Draw the level of organization diagram that shows how a cell becomes an organism

Materials: The pink group Rubric Amusement brochure examples Computer with word Scissors Colored construction paper Glue Mini cell quiz The Blue group: Rubric Computer to watch cell rap video Computer with word Scrap paper for brainstorming Mini cell quiz The green group: Quiz Computer to watch how to create an edible cell video Labeling chart Cell ingredients (parenthesize indicates how students could use the following ingredients but they are open to create it anyway they wish as long as labels and functions match ): Skittles (vacuoles), angel food cake (membrane), whipped cream (cytoplasm), tootsie pop (nucleus), mike ikes (mitochondria), candy worms (Golgi body), nerds (ribosomes), tape gum (ER) Toothpicks with little flags for identification Mini cell quiz

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