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How to install MYSQL

The way to install MySQL as following: 1. Double-click your mouse on application you want to install.

. !lick "

#to go to ne$t step as following picture.

%. Select "Typical& an' click "


(. !lick ")nstall# to start installation

*. +fter installation, there will be an interface which intro'uces MySQL in brief.

-. !lick "

#to go to ne$t step as following.

.. !lick "


/. !hoose "Configure the MySQL Server now# with checkmark "0#an' click "1inish# to enter the MySQL Ser2er instance configuration as follow picture shows.

3. !lick "

14. Select "Detail !onfiguration# as abo2e picture an' click "

11.!lick "Ser2er Machine# as abo2e picture an' click "


enter following picture.

1 . !lick "Multifunction Database# as abo2e picture an' click " #to enter following picture.

1%. !lick "

# to go to follow picture.

1(. !hoose "Manual Setting# an' choose /44 in concurrent connections as abo2e picture, then click " # to go to follow picture.

1*. Select options as abo2e picture an' click " picture

# to go to follow

1-. Select options as abo2e picture an' click " picture

# to go to follow

1.. Select options as abo2e picture an' click " picture

# to go to follow

1/. Select options as abo2e picture an' fill your new root passwor' in the two e'it bars. The confirm passwor' must be the same as the new passwor' which you fille' in first e'it bar. Select "5nable root access from remote machines# as abo2e picture .6ou shoul' remember the new passwor' because the passwor' shoul' be the same as the passwor' which you ha' to use when install 78MS.

13. !lick "5$ecute# to begin to e$ecute rele2ant configuration. )f it faile' to e$ecute as follow picture shows.

)t means the MySQL which you ha' installe' ha' not been 'elete' clearly, you can follow this steps to sol2e this problems. 91:;ninstall the MySQL you ha' installe' <ust now. 9 :Delete e2ery thing in the route of " !:=Documents an' Settings=+ll

;sers=+pplication Data=MySQL " 9%:)nstall MySQL again )f it e$ecute success, it will be showe' as follow picture.

How to install NVMS?

1. +fter installing Mys>l, you shoul' install 78MS There are two kin's of styles. !ustom. ;sers can select ser2er an' client which he nee'. !omplete. )nstall all of the ser2er an' client. 6ou can select any style accor'ing to your 'eman' an' select " #. )n the following section, "!ustomi?ation# will be taken as an e$ample to intro'uce how to install 78MS.

. Select any function you nee' to install an' click "

# to start

copy files. )f you select "MySQL Database#, there will be a 'ialog which remin' you to install @DA! 'ri2er, click " # 'irectly until finishe'.

%. 6ou will begin to configure parameters after copying files.

(. !lick "

# to start configuring rele2ant parameters for !MS

ser2er. 1irstly please configure )B, port, username an' passwor' for Mys>l 'atabase. 9The passwor' shoul' be the same as foregone passwor' in configuration 'atabase:

)n this interface, you can configure connection information for !MS 'atabase, inclu'ing: )B a''ress for 'atabase, set name for 'atabase, username an' passwor'. )f a 'atabase is use' in 'ifferent system, you shoul' set 'ifferent name for 'atabase. 6ou can fill in 'ifferent name 'irectly. )f the 'efaulte' port %%4- for Mys>l ha' been occupie', you shoul' change the port. 6ou can fill in )B an' change' port, for e$ample 1. .1.1(.3.:%%/-. )f you install other ser2er, you shoul' also take attention to the problem whether the connection port ha' been change', if it ha' been change' you shoul' fill in your )B an' change' port. *. +fter configuring parameters, click# to configure ports. # to enter follow picture

)ntro'uction for !MS port Listen mi''leware ser2er port

Bort that mi''leware 'e2ice use to enroll to !MS such as CD, TD;, 7E; an' Matri$ Message port Bort that !; login !MS shoul' use. The 'efault is /444. Maintenance port Bort use to maintenance system for !MS. The 'efault is /441. Listen 'e2ice port Bort that D8EFS enroll to !MS shoul' use. The 'efault is /44%. Blease run !MD before installation to a2oi' port conflict with e$iting program an' !MS. 6ou can input netstart-na to look up all the ports whether ha' been occupie'. )n the following picture, the contents in re' case are the ports you nee' check. )f the ports ha' been occupie' by other program, you shoul' input 'ifferent port to a2oi' conflict. Dhen you install other ser2er, you shoul' pay attention to it, too.

-. +fter configuring port click "

#. )n this interface, you can

configure a uni>ue i'entification for S7 which can not be the same as other interme'iate layer 'e2ice. 7oteThe i'entification is the uni>ue i'entify car' to i'entify so that it can not be repeate' with others. 6ou shoul' be careful 'uring setting.

.. Blease click "

" to enter !onfiguration of !MS ser2ice after

completion of the configuration of !MS uni>ue i'entifier. +fter configuration, the configuration information will be written to the configuration file. +n' then the !MS configuration information will be store' in the installation 'irectory 9'efault !: = Brogram 1iles = 78MS = 78MS(.* = Ser2ices = bin: un'er the cms.cfg file. 7e$t you nee' to configure other ser2ices, the content of configuration is similar with others, +n' also nee' to fill Mys>l 'ata connecte' )B, port, user name, passwor', an' relati2e ser2ices, S7. Multiple ser2ices within a local area network can be connecte' with a Mys>l 'atabase. Select the pro<ect starte' imme'iately after installation is completes

/. Select !MS an' 7E; ser2ice, then click finish button, The !MS an' 7E; ser2ice will be starte' automatically an' then there will be two running tray on the taskbar lower right corner, )t is to control !MS an' 7E; ser2ices, The mouse will stop at a ser2ice Tooltips an' 'isplay the name of ser2ice, please refer below graphic for reference:

Eight G click mouse on a try can stop or start this ser2iceH !lick e$it button can e$it the tray. )f we nee' use the full function of 78MS, Then we nee' to obtain a copy of registration 'ocument name' cms.lic. Blease sen' the cms.lic info file from installation 'irectory to pro'uct pro2i'er. The pro'uct pro2i'er will sen' registere' 'ocument cms.lic an' to users, Blease copy the registere' file to installation 'irectory an' then can en<oy !MS ser2ice by normal operation. +t this point, please use the tray of !MS an' restart using !MS ser2ice .

Description for configuration

1. !onnect 'atabase information

Database )B an' port

Database 7ame

Database username Database Basswor' . !MS interface an' S7 'escription +utomatic-log port

)f the ser2ice with Mys>l in same B! then can fill in )B a''ress 1 ..4.4.1 9 Default port is %%4-: . Der2ice was starte' I create' 'atabase name in Mys>l, Database name can not be repeate' when the multiple ser2ice connect with same Mys>l, suggest that 'atabase name shoul' be in consistent with S7 Default to root Default to 7ull

BST7 interface Snoop 'e2ice port

Mi''leware 'e2ice, Such as CD 8TD; 7E; Matri$ to !MS registere' port, The 'efault is /44 . !; sign-in !MS nee'e' port. The 'efault is /444. D8ES 'e2ice to !MS registere' interface, The 'efault is /44%.

Maintains interface

!arries on the maintenance to !MS port, The 'efault is /441. S7 The i'entification is the uni>ue i'entify car' to i'entify so that it can not be repeate' with others. 6ou shoul' be careful 'uring setting. Default is cmsJ4441, 7ee' to make sure the uni>ueness of S7 an' can not be repeate'. Dhen create the 7E; e>uipment nee' to fill in this S7. Blease run !MD before installation to a2oi' port conflict with e$iting program an' !MS. 6ou can input netstart-na to look up all the ports whether ha' been occupie'. )n the following picture, the contents in re' case are the ports you nee' check. )f the ports ha' been occupie' by other program, you shoul' input 'ifferent port to a2oi' conflict. Dhen you install other ser2er, you shoul' pay attention to it, too.

%. 8TD; )nterface an' S7 'escription Message port

Data stream port

Maintains port

Monitor port


Bort that use' to connect !MS an' 8TD; can be use' when create' the 8TD; 'e2ice. The 'efault is .444. The port is use' to transfer the 'istribution class me'ia 'ate, Default is .44 The port is use' to connect 8TD; to Telnet to maintenance. The 'efault is .441. )f using passi2e mo'e CD, )t nee's to configure 8TD; monitor port such as ((**, So long as this port not inconsistent with other ser2ice port conflict then will be ok. Default is 2t'uJ4441. 6ou shoul' make sure the uni>ueness of S7 an' can not be repeate' with other S7. Dhen create the 8TD; e>uipment nee' to fill in this S7.

(. 7E; port an' S7 'escription Message port

Data stream port

Bort that use' to connect !MS an' 7E; can be use' when create' the 7E; 'e2ice. The 'efault is 14444. 7E; transfer the 'istribution class me'ia 'ate port, Default is 1444 . !arries on the maintenance to 7E; port, The 'efault is 1441 . Default is nruJ441, 7ee' to make sure the uni>ueness of S7 an' can not be repeate'. Dhen create the 7E; e>uipment nee' to fill in this S7

Maintains port S7

*. CD port an' S7 'escription +utomatic login port

Message port

Data stream port

Monitor port

CD automatic log-on port, Dhen !MS carries on the casca'e through CD port subor'inate !MS to the CD registration&s port, The 'efault is 344 . Bort that use' to connect !MS an' CD can be use' when create' the CD 'e2ice. The 'efault is 3444. CD transfer the 'istribution class me'ia 'ate port, The 'afault is 344%. DVRS equipment to CD registration
port , The default is 3335

Maintains port S7

Bassi2e connection configuration

!arries on the maintenance to CD port, The 'efault is 3441. The 'efault is gw44, )t can be amen'e' but nee' to make sure the uni>ueness of S7 +n' can not be repeate'. Dhen create the CD e>uipment nee' to fill in this S7. )f the CD can not be accesse' by outsi'e, it nee' configure passi2e connection information. Select passi2e connection, input )B a''ress or 'omain for !MS, message port for !MS9The 'efault is /444: an'

automatic login port9The 'efault is /44 :. -. DMS port an' S7 'escription Message port Bort that use' to connect !MS an' DMS can be use' when create' the DMS 'e2ice. The 'efault is -444. !arries on the maintenance to DMS B@ET, The 'efault is -441. The 'efault is 'msJ4441, )t can be amen'e' but nee' to make sure the uni>ueness of S7 an' can not be repeate'. Dhen create the DMS e>uipment nee' to fill in this S7 .

Maintains port S7

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