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Please read this carefully. If you don't understand any of the information provided in this disclosure or if you have any questions, please contact me The National Futures Association NFA! and "FT" "ommodity Futures Tradin# "ommission!, the re#ulatory a#encies for the F$%&' and futures mar(et in the )nited *tates, require that customers +e informed a+out potential ris(s in the F$%&' mar(et see the information +elow!. "FT" %),& -.-. / 01P$T0&TI"A, $% *I2),AT&3 P&%F$%2AN"& %&*),T* 0A4& "&%TAIN ,I2ITATI$N*. )N,I5& AN A"T)A, P&%F$%2AN"& %&"$%3, *I2),AT&3 %&*),T* 3$ N$T %&P%&*&NT A"T)A, T%A3IN6. A,*$, *IN"& T0& T%A3&* 0A4& N$T 7&&N &'&")T&3, T0& %&*),T* 2A1 0A4& )N3&%/$%/$4&% "$2P&N*AT&3 F$% T0& I2PA"T, IF AN1, $F "&%TAIN 2A%5&T FA"T$%*, *)"0 A* ,A"5 $F ,I8)I3IT1. *I2),AT&3 T%A3IN6 P%$6%A2* IN 6&N&%A, A%& A,*$ *)79&"T T$ T0& FA"T T0AT T0&1 A%& 3&*I6N&3 :IT0 T0& 7&N&FIT $F 0IN3*I60T. N$ %&P%&*&NTATI$N I* 7&IN6 2A3& T0AT AN1 A""$)NT :I,, $% I* ,I5&,1 T$ A"0I&4& P%$FIT $% ,$**&* *I2I,A% T$ T0$*& *0$:N. No representation is +ein# made that any account will or is li(ely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences +etween hypothetical performance results and the actual results su+sequently achieved +y any particular tradin# pro#ram. 0ypothetical tradin# does not involve financial ris(, and no hypothetical tradin# record can completely account for the impact of financial ris( in actual
Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

tradin#. All information on;< or any e/+oo( purchased from this we+site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice. Any statements a+out profits or income, e=pressed or implied, do not represent a #uarantee. 1our actual tradin# may result in losses as no tradin# system is #uaranteed. 1ou accept full responsi+ilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and a#ree to hold Profita+le Trend Fore= *ystem and any authori>ed distri+utors of this information harmless in any and all ways.


Tradin# forei#n currencies is a challen#in# and potentially profita+le opportunity for educated and e=perienced investors. 0owever, +efore decidin# to participate in the F$%&' mar(et, you should carefully consider your investment o+?ectives, level of e=perience and ris( appetite. 2ost importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. There is considera+le e=posure to ris( in any forei#n e=chan#e transaction. Any transaction involvin# currencies involves ris(s includin#, +ut not limited to, the potential for chan#in# political and@or economic conditions that may su+stantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency.
Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

2oreover, the levera#ed nature of F$%&' tradin# means that any mar(et movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may wor( a#ainst you as well as for you. The possi+ility e=ists that you could sustain a total loss of initial mar#in funds and +e required to deposit additional funds to maintain your position. If you fail to meet any mar#in call within the time prescri+ed, your position will +e liquidated and you will +e responsi+le for any resultin# losses. Investors may lower their e=posure to ris( +y employin# ris(/reducin# strate#ies such as 'stop/loss' or 'limit' orders. There are also ris(s associated with utili>in# an internet/+ased deal e=ecution software application includin#, +ut not limited, to the failure of hardware and software. Tradin# forei#n e=chan#e on mar#in carries a hi#h level of ris(, and may not +e suita+le for all investors. The hi#h de#ree of levera#e can wor( a#ainst you as well as for you. 7efore decidin# to invest in forei#n e=chan#e you should carefully consider your investment o+?ectives, level of e=perience, and ris( appetite. The possi+ility e=ists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. 1ou should +e aware of all the ris(s associated with forei#n e=chan#e tradin#, and see( advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any dou+ts.

A B<.< +y FA*T ;< PIP* P%$FIT. All ri#hts reserved. No part of this +oo( may +e reproduced or transmitted in any form or +y any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopyin#, recordin#, or otherwise, without prior written permission of FA*T ;< PIP* P%$FIT. The copy of this +oo( is limited to your personal use.
Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'


Tradin# Fore= +rea(outs is one of the more +asic tradin# strate#ies, +ut nevertheless it can deliver e=cellent profits. 9ust +ecause a system is easy to follow does not mean it cannot produce consistent profits as +rea(out tradin# is a method used +y some of the most successful Fore= traders around. It's +ased around the whole premise that if a currency pair is tradin# in a very ti#ht ran#e for a sustained period of time, then eventually it will +rea( out of that ran#e and more often than not it will continue movin# in the direction of the +rea(out. This means that to ma(e consistent profits you need to firstly identify instances where a currency pair is tradin# in a narrow ran#e, and then place +uy and sell orders at or sli#htly outside the current ran#e to catch the +rea(out when it happens. :hen the price starts tradin# in a narrow ran#e and all three of these &2A's have flattened out and also currently lie within this ran#e, then this to me is the perfect +rea(out set/up. :hyC :ell +ecause with all three &2A's flat, somethin#'s #ot to #ive. It's li(e a volcano waitin# to erupt. $nce the +rea(out occurs, you could #et a very +i# movement +ecause the lon#er term &2A .<<! can trend for a very lon# time so you could #et a +i# points haul if this &2A follows the price and moves outside of the current tradin# ran#e.

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'


3ear traders, I appreciate this chance to share my favorite and the most profita+le +rea(out strate#y with you. There are several characteristics I am loo(in# for in any strate#y I am dealin# with. :hy I love this +rea(out strate#y is +ecause it is very easy and simple to understand and use and it is wor(in# on daily +asis. 1our personal strate#y that is #oin# to +rin# you everyday profit without any Fore= s(ills or e=perience required. &ven thou#h this strate#y is simple to understand and use, I still su##est tryin# it on your demo account +efore #oin# live. This is a hi#hly profita+le tradin# system +ased on a very stron# +rea(out si#nal of four candles. Pair to wor( with is 67P@6P1 *ee it yourself and you will understand how simple and #reat it is. 1ou donDt need any deep Fore= tradin# (nowled#e as this system is .<<E mechanical +ased. The only needed tool is your chartin# software in your tradin# platform. It wor(s with any platform. No indicators needed.

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

Step-b -Step G!"#e$

Step %& $pen 67P@6P1 chart with . hour time frameF

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

Step '& ,ocate four hourly candles from <<F<< to <GF<< "hec( this sample +elowF

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

Step (& Find the hi#hest hi#h and lowest low of these candles. 0ere is a sampleF

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

Step )& 7uild two parallel hori>ontal lines throu#h those e=tremes li(e it is shown on the chart +elow. In this e=ample the hi#hest hi#h is .G;.H< and the lowest low is .G;.-I. As you can see these lines are formin# a tunnel. 7oth sides of it will +e our +rea(out point. 0ere is a sampleF

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

Step 5& The idea of the system is J tradin# a valid +rea(out of one of the lines hi#h or low!. &nter with a +uy order as soon as the price +rea(s out G pips a+ove the +rea( point. In this case enter with a +uy order at .G;.H< K G L .G;.HG *ee e=ample for hi#h +rea(outF

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

Step *& Incase the low +rea(out occurs, enter with a sell order as soon as the price drops G pips lower than the lowest low. In the e=ample +elow the lowest low is .G;.MB, *o enter with a sell order at .G;.MB J G L .G;.IN 0ere is a sampleF

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

Step +& *top lossF there are two options for the stop loss orderF a! Place the stop loss on the other side of the <<F<</<GF<< candle tunnel. *ee sample for stop loss incase of a low +rea(out +elowF

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

*ee sample for stop loss incase of a hi#h +rea(out +elowF

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

+! Place a stop loss order . pip a+ove or +elow of the previous one hour candle +efore the +rea(out occurs. *ee sample #raphic +elowF

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

Step ,& Ta(e profitF there are two options for ta(in# the profitF a! 1our tar#et is B< pips, close your trade as soon as your profit reaches B< pips, see sample +elowF

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

a! )se trailin# stopO to ma=imi>e your profit. &nter the trade with +uy at .G;.HG and +y usin# ; pips trailin# stop you can sell at .GI.;M, which will #ive you a #ood profit of M- pips. *ee the sample +elowF

OTrailin# stop J is a stop/loss order set at a percenta#e level +elow the mar(et price / for a lon# position. The trailin# stop price is ad?usted as the price fluctuates. The trailin# stop order can +e placed as a trailin# stop limit order, or a trailin# stop mar(et order.

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

Step -& 0ow to automate this system. 0ere is a simple solution for those who donDt have time to sit in front of your monitor (eepin# an eye on the pips price / +y usin# the various limit orders you can easily automate this system. For e=ampleF place +uy limit order G pips a+ove the hi#hest hi#h and place sell limit order G pips +elow the lowest low of our hours period. Step %0& %emove all pendin# orders I hours +efore the end of the current tradin# day.

HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE TRUE BREAKOUT FROM FALSE BREAKOUT 7rea(out tradin# is hi#hly profita+le. 7rea(out tradin# profita+ility depends on itDs correct identification. 1ou need to (now the difference +etween a rally and a +rea(out. A rally may turn into a +rea(out. &ven e=perienced traders ma(e mista(es in identifyin# a true +rea(out. *o, identifyin# a rally from a +rea(out is real hard. )nderstandin# this difference is important as a +rea(out si#nals the start or +e#innin# of a new trend that mi#ht last for sometime. Now, what is a rallyC A rally is a short term price action in which the price of the stoc( increases. 0owever, in a downtrend, a rally mi#ht +e desperate attempt to stop the downward slide in the stoc( price and it is soon overwhelmed +y the sellers who are not duped +y a short term rally. The fundamentals are more in favor of a downtrend. Now rallies are short and are mostly caused +y some +rea(in# news with no fundamental si#nificance that mi#ht
Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

e=cite the mar(et for sometime or rumor that mi#ht cause the stoc( price to #o hi#her. 2any ine=perienced traders often mista(e a rally with a +rea(out. It is true that +rea(out rallies are difficult to identify +y even e=perienced traders. Now, many traders ?ust trade rallies. These rally traders are not frustrated trend traders, they are content with the limited profit potential of a rally and trade in accordance. *ome traders read a+out rallies in the financial sections of the newspapers or hear a+out them on "N7" or 7loom+er# and try to trade rallies. These traders are least effective in tradin# rallies. In actual reality, rally tradin# is short term tradin# havin# fi=ed price tar#ets. *ome rallies are immediate candidates of a downtrend reversal. These rallies #et traded in the e=pectation of a new uptrend developin#. If you can #et the entry ri#ht is such rallies, you can ma(e su+stantial profit. 0ow do you identify a rallyC *ome of the indicators that are used in identifyin# a rally is the identification of the resistance levels and their stren#ths, price and volume searches, confirmation with volume +ehavior. &=perienced traders also use some rally search formulas. 7rea(out rallies at the end of a downtrend are found with price and volume searches, confirmed +rea( of the down trend lines, confirmed volume +ehavior on failure and re/test. A .< day and G< day movin# avera#e com+ination is also used to identify the trend chan#e. "hart reversal patterns li(e the ascendin# trian#les, descendin# trian#les, rectan#le, fla#s, wed#es and parallelo#rams. As said earlier, +rea(out tradin# is hi#hly profita+le and if you can identify a true +rea(out, you can ma(e a lot of profit. 7rea(out traders are always loo(in# for new +rea(outs. 7ut, the pro+lem is
Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

how to identify a rally or as some call false +rea(out from a true +rea(out. )sin# the chart patterns can +e one of the most effective methods to confirm whether a +rea(out is a+out to ta(e place or notP Than(s for readin# and happy tradin#P ( Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

Copyright 2010 by FAST 50 PIPS PROFIT By Austin Winston http!""### $%st50pipspro$it &o'

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