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Diversity Dance Division Student and Parents, We are beyond thrilled to have you as one of the founding members

of Diversity! Diversity is the competition division of The Turning Point Dance Studio. The Turning Point has remained a recreational studio partly due to the bad reputation that competition dancing has been given over the years. There have been many dancers who want to further their dance training, but do not want all that comes with competition dancing. That, my friends, is where Diversity Dance comes in; we re here to sha!e things up. We re going into this with the mindset of being diverse; bringing something new to the table. We do not want our students to go into competition dancing only with the mindset of winning or to compare their value to a scoring sheet. We want to teach our students that competitions are performance opportunities, an opportunity for growth, a place to get to !now other dancers who share the same passion for dance as they do, and a time to ma!e lasting memories with their teammates. Diversity is for the dance student who wants to be challenged to become the best dancer they can be, while still having time to en"oy other hobbies, school activities, friends and family. Diversity believes time spent at the studio should be !ept modest# as well as music, costumes, and money spent. We want to help create fabulous dancers and incredible, well#rounded people. We strongly believe in teaching our students to be !ind, humble, brave, honest, hardwor!ing, uni$ue, and open and accepting of others and their differences. We believe in embracing every student%s uni$ueness and diversity. We all come from different bac!grounds with different stories, and different strengths and wea!nesses. We believe that all of those differences are to be embraced, and going to be the perfect ingredients for a successful team! Than! you for coming along with us on this "ourney! &et s get started on this fabulous year together! 'ennifer (urd +o#Director "dh, ,/0#110#1-12 )le* Sorensen +o#Director ale* ,/0.110.3324

SUMMER CLASSES BEGIN TUES. JUNE 10TH! Mini's (ages 5-8) Tuesdays 8:30-10:00 Seniors (ages 12 and up) Wednesdays 8:30-10:00 Juniors (ages 8-11) Wednesdays 10:00-11:30 Fees
This is a list of tentati e fees fo! the "01#$"01% &i e!sit' tea(s. )e *ill sen+ e(ails an+ notes ho(e *hen ea,h of these ite(s a!e +-e. The (onthl' +an,e fee is +-e the 1st ,lass of ea,h (onth. The!e is a .10.00 late fee a++e+ to an' -n/ai+ +an,e a,,o-nts if not /ai+ 0' the 1 th of ea,h (onth. )e a!e *illin2 to *o!3 *ith an'one on 'o-! +an,e /a'(ents if *e 3no* in a+ an,e the ,i!,-(stan,es. If the!e a!e an' !et-!ne+ ,he,3s the!e *ill 0e a .40.00 !et-!n ,he,3 fee. )e also offe! f-n+!aise!s th!o-2ho-t the 'ea! to hel/ *ith e5/enses. Re2ist!ation6 ."0.00 non$!ef-n+a0le fee /e! fa(il'. 7lease t-!n in *ith 'o-! !e2ist!ation fo!(. S-((e! +an,e fees6 $30 a month (1 hours once a week) Monthl' +an,e fees 0e2innin2 in Se/te(0e!6 J-nio!s an+ Senio!s6 # h!s. a *ee3 .80.00 (onth 9" ho-!s t*i,e a *ee3: Mini;s6 " h!s. a *ee3 .%0.00 a (onth 9" ho-!s on,e a *ee3: T-ition *ill not 0e !ef-n+e+ fo! an' (isse+ ,lasses. The!e is a +is,o-nt 2i en fo! (-lti/le st-+ents *ithin one fa(il'. The fi!st ,hil+ is f-ll /!i,e< the se,on+ !e,ei es a .%.00 +is,o-nt an+ the thi!+ !e,ei es a .10.00 +is,o-nt= an+ so on. Cost-(e fee6 " +an,es6 .1%0.00 /e! 'ea!. >-! ,ost-(es a!e ,-sto( (a+e fo! the /e!fe,t fit.

Shoe Fee6 " /ai!s of +an,e shoes !e?-i!e+ .#0.00 9e5a,t st'le !e?-i!e+ to /-!,hase *ill 0e sent ho(e in a note the fi!st *ee3 of ,lass 1 /ai! of hi/ ho/ shoes .#0.00

Co(/etition Fees6 Ea,h tea( *ill ,o(/ete *ith " +an,es at 4 to # ,o(/etitions this 'ea! fo! .1"0.00 /e! 'ea! Re,ital fee6 )e +o " !e,itals a 'ea! an+ the !e,ital fee fo! ea,h is ."0.00 /e! fa(il'

>/tional Ite(s6 Tea( *a!( -/s. Ja,3et .#%.00= /ants .4%.00= shi!t .1%= Ba2 .4%.00 These a!e o/tional 0-t *e *o-l+ li3e e e!'one to at least ha e a shi!t to *ea! to ,o(/etitions.

Class !!ire 5The assigned foot paws will be re$uired for techni$ue class and 'a66 and +ontemporary teams 5The assigned hip hop shoes will be re$uired for (ip (op teams 5(air must be pulled bac! out of the face. 7f students hair is too short to wear up, please pin bangs bac! 58o "ewelry in class. 59orm fitted dance clothes, no loose, baggy, or street clothing. Class regula!ions 5)ll students are to be respectful to the coaches and team members. 5)s part of a team, we e*pect you to commit to coming to class. This is an e*pected courtesy and is beneficial for you, your teammates, and your coach. 7f you are involved in other teams or e*tra# curricular activities that re$uire you to miss dance often, you should not be on the competition team. 57f a student is unable to attend class, please call and leave a message to let us !now they will be absent. 5Students should arrive and be ready to dance 0 minutes prior to their class. While waiting, students are e*pected to be $uiet and courteous. 5Parents should arrive :8 T7;< to pic! up their students. Students are 8:T to wait out in the par!ing lot. =our students safety is important to us! 58o gum. <ver. 5Students are to bring a large water bottle to class. 5Please mar! all belonging with student s name# <SP<+7)&&= S(:<S. 5<very student is e*pected to clean up after themselves and leave the studio +&<)8. 5When entering the studio, street shoes come off and dance shoes go on. When leaving the studio, dance shoes come off, street shoes go on. This will !eep our studio clean and prevent students from ruining their dance shoes. "#ser$a!ion o% &lasses 5We will have observation the last wee! of every month where you will be able to watch your students progress. Please feel free to call at any time for your child s progress.

201'-2015 (egis!ra!ion )or* +lease lis! all dan&er's regis!ering ,ere: 8ame> ?irthday> )ge> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Parent s 8ames>@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ <mail )ddress>@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 9ull )ddress> +ity> Aip>@@@@@@@@@ Phone 8umber> +ell>@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ <mergency +ontact> Phone> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ +lease lis! !,e oldes! &,ild %irs!- T,ere is dis&oun! gi$en %or *ul!iple s!uden!s .i!,in one %a*ilyT,e %irs! &,ild is %ull pri&e/ !,e se&ond re&ie$es a 05 dis&oun!/ !,e !,ird re&ie$es a 010 dis&oun! and so on- T,ere is a 020-00 regis!ra!ion %ee per %a*ily1a*e: Tea*23rs: Cos!: To!al: 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Su#!o!al: 04444444444 (egis!ra!ion )ee: 0444444444 T"T 5 678: 04444444444 T,ere .ill #e no re%unds %or &lasses *issed #y s!uden!s&iability Belease :n behalf of my child and myself, 7 assume the ris!s associated with dance training and the associated athletic e*ercise and agree Diversity Dance Division management, and faculty shall not be liable in any way for personal in"uries or loss of, or damage to personal property sustained during attendance at Diversity Dance Division facility, or any related performances, demonstrations, competitions, recitals, or events. Publicity Belease 7 hearby authori6e Diversity Dance Divsion to record my child s picture on photographs, films, or tapes; and to incorporate these recordings into material to be used for promotion, media, and advertising. 7 also ac!nowledge that no promise of compensation will be made by Diversity Dance Division for such use. ;edical Belease 7n the event 7 cannot be reached, 7 hereby give my permission to the management, faculty, andCor chaperones of Diversity Dance Division to authori6e any emergency medical care that may be re$uired for my child during participation in classes, performances, recitals, competitions, or any other realted events. 7 understand that 7 am responsible for any and all charges as a result of such care or medical treatment. ?y signing below, 7 ac!nowledge that 7 have read and agree to abide by all Diversity Dance Division guidelines. Signature of parent or guardian>@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Date> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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