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Simulation and Modeling IV Information Technology


3.1 Simple Queuing Mo el Simulation is often used in the analysis of queuing models. In a simple typical queuing model, shown in fig 1, customers arrive from time to time and join a queue or waiting line, are eventually served, and finally leave the system.

The term "customer" refers to any type of entity that can be viewed as requesting "service" from a system. 3.! C"#$#%&e$i'&i%' o( Queuing S)'&em' The ey elements, of a queuing system are the customers and servers. The term *%u'&ome$* can refer to people, machines, truc s, mechanics, patients!anything that arrives at a facility and requires service. The term *'e$+e$* might refer to receptionists, repairpersons, "#$s in a computer, or washing machines%. any resource &person, machine, etc. which provides the requested service. T#,le 1 li'&' # num,e$ o( i((e$en& -ueuing ')'&em'..E/#mple o( Queuing S)'&em'
System 'eception des 'epair facility )arage "omputer +ospital Telephone /irport Tic et office 1arehouse 'oad networ )rocery Customers #eople (achines Truc s *obs #atients "alls /irplanes 0ootball fans 2rders "ars Shoppers Server(s) 'eceptionist 'epairperson (echanic "#$, dis , tapes ,urses -.change 'unway "ler 2rder pic er Traffic light "hec out station

Chapter 3 Queuing Model ------HARAMAYA !IV"RSITY

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Simulation and Modeling IV Information Technology

T"e elemen&' o( # -ueuing ')'&em #$e0. The Calling Population:The population of potential customers, referred to as the calling population, may be assumed to be finite or infinite. 0or e.ample, consider a ban of 3 machines that are curing tires. /fter an interval of time, a machine automatically opens and must be attended by a wor er who removes the tire and puts an uncured tire into the machine. The machines are the *%u'&ome$'*1 who "arrive" at the instant they automatically open. The wor er is the *'e$+e$*1 who "serves" an open machine as soon as possible. The calling population is finite, and consists of the five machines. In systems with a large population of potential customers, the calling population is usually assumed to be finite or infinite. -.amples of infinite populations include the potential customers of a restaurant, ban , etc. The main difference between finite and infinite population models is how the arrival rate is defined. In an infinite4population model, the arrival rate is not affected by the number of customers who have left the calling population and joined the queuing system. 2n the other hand, for finite calling population models, the arrival rate to the queuing system does depend on the number of customers being served and waiting. System Capacity:In many queuing systems there is a limit to the number of customers that may be in the waiting line or system. 0or e.ample, an automatic car wash may have room for only 15 cars to wait in line to enter the mechanism. /n arriving customer who finds the system full does not enter but returns immediately to the calling population. Some systems, such as concert tic et sales for students, may be considered as having unlimited capacity. There are no limits on the number of students allowed to wait to purchase tic ets. 1hen a system has limited capacity, a distinction is made between the arrival rate &i.e., the number of arrivals per time unit6 and the effective arrival rate &i.e., the number who arrive and enter the system per time unit6. The Arrival Process:/rrival process for infinite4population models is usually characteri7ed in terms of inter arrival times of successive customers. /rrivals may occur at scheduled times or at random times. 1hen at random times, the inter arrival times are usually characteri7ed by a probability distribution.

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Queue Behavior and Queue Discipline:Queue ,e"#+io$ refers to customer actions while in a queue waiting for service to begin. In some situations, there is a possibility that incoming customers may bal &leave when they see that the line is too long6, renege &leave after being in the line when they see that the line is moving too slowly6, or joc ey &move from one line to another if they thin they have chosen a slow line6. Queue i'%ipline refers to the logical ordering of customers in a queue and determines which customer will be chosen for service when a server becomes free. "ommon queue disciplines include (i$'&.in1 (i$'&.ou& 23I3O45 l#'&.in (i$'& ou& 2LI3O45 'e$+i%e in $#n om o$ e$ 2SIRO45 '"o$&e'& p$o%e''ing &ime (i$'& 62SPT4 and 'e$+i%e #%%o$ ing &o p$io$i&) 2PR4. In a job shop, queue disciplines are sometimes based on due dates and on e.pected processing time for a given i type of job. ,otice that a 0I02 queue discipline implies that services begin in the same order as arrivals, but that customers may leave the system in a different order because of different length service times. 3.3 Queuing No&#&ion0.

'ecogni7ing the diversity of queuing systems, 8endall 91:3;< proposed a notational system for parallel server systems which has been widely adopted. /n abridged version of this convention is based on the format A /B / c / N / K. These letters represent the following system characteristics= A represents the inter arrival time distribution. B represents the service4time distribution. 9"ommon symbols for A and B include M &e.ponential or (ar ov6, D &constant or deterministic6, Ek &-rlang of order k), PH &phase4type6, H &hyper e.ponential6, ) &arbitrary or general6, and GI &)eneral independent6.< c represents the number of parallel servers. N represents the system capacity. K represents the si7e of the calling population 0or e.ample, M / M / 1 > ? > ? indicates a single4server system that has unlimited queue capacity and an infinite population of potential arrivals. The inter arrival times and service times are e.ponentially distributed. 1hen N and K are infinite, they may be dropped from the notation. 0or e.ample, ( > ( > 1 > ? > ? is often shortened to M/M/l. /dditional notation used for parallel server systems is listed in Table 1 given below. The meanings may vary slightly from system to system. /ll systems will be assumed to have a 0I02 queue discipline.

Chapter 3 Queuing Model ------HARAMAYA !IV"RSITY

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Simulation and Modeling IV Information Technology

T#,le 1 Queuing No&#&ion (o$ P#$#llel Se$+e$ S)'&em'
#n Steady4state probability of having n customers in system Pn,(t) #robability of n customers in system at time t @ /rrival rate @e -ffective arrival rate Service rate of one server A Server utili7ation An Inter arrival time between customers n 1 and n Sn, Service time of the nth arriving customer Wn Total time spent in system by the nth arriving customer WnQ Total time spent in the waiting line by customer n. B&t6 The number of customers in system at time > L Q(t6 The number of customers in queue at time t L Bong4run time4average number of customers in system LQ Bong4run time4average number of customers in queue

Chapter 3 Queuing Model ------HARAMAYA !IV"RSITY

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3.7 S&e# ) '&#&e ,e"#+io$ o( In(ini&e.Popul#&ion Mo el' #n 3ini&e.Popul#&ion Mo el'

Chapter 3 Queuing Model ------HARAMAYA !IV"RSITY

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Chapter 3 Queuing Model ------HARAMAYA !IV"RSITY

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Simulation and Modeling IV Information Technology

Popul#&ion Me#n #n S#mple Me#n The arithmetic mean is the average of a group of numbers and is computed by summing all numbers and dividing by the number of numbers. The arithmetic mean is also usually just called the mean. / population is a collection of persons, objects or items of interest. / sample is a portion of the whole and, if properly ta en, is representative of the whole. T"e popul#&ion me#n is represented by the )ree letter mu . It is given by the formula

The capital )ree letter sigma is commonly used in mathematics to represent a summation of all the numbers in a grouping. N is the number of terms in the population.

T"e '#mple me#n is represented by

. It is given by the formula

n is the number of terms in the sample.

Chapter 3 Queuing Model ------HARAMAYA !IV"RSITY

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Simulation and Modeling IV Information Technology

Basic e amples
"onsider a popul#&ion consisting of the following eight values=

These eight data points have the me#n &average6 of 3=

To calculate the popul#&ion '&#n #$ e+i#&ion, first compute the difference of each data point from the mean, and square the result of each=

,e.t, compute the average of these values, and ta e the square root=

This quantity is the popul#&ion '&#n #$ e+i#&ionC it is equal to the square root of the variance. The formula is valid only if the eight values we began with form the complete population. If they instead were a random sample, drawn from some larger, "parent" population, then we should have divided by D &which is n E 16 instead of F &which is n6 in the denominator of the last formula, and then the quantity thus obtained would have been called the '#mple '&#n #$ e+i#&ion. See the section -stimation below for more details.

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3.8 S&u en& In u'&$i#l T$#ining Pe$(o$m#n%e Mo el

0or engineering students, si. months training in industry is a part of their course curriculum and is compulsory. It has been observed that training mar s allotted to students from industrial Institutions, vary drastically, irrespective of the academic record of the student. ,ature of project offered and standard of training institutions pay a very dominating role in these criteria. Gue to this sometimes, very good students, who are supposed to top the $niversity, can suffer with no fault on their part. / model to optimi7e the industrial mar s which are about H5I of total mar s is presented below. Bet M be the mar s allotted by industry and M the optimi7ed mar s.

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Chapter 3 Queuing Model ------HARAMAYA !IV"RSITY

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Simulation and Modeling IV Information Technology

Chapter 3 Queuing Model ------HARAMAYA !IV"RSITY

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