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Pow Coca-cola Co. LargeL Lhelr webslLe aL parLlcular markeLs.
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The companies existing nowadays have to manage theirs marketing to the
information age. Thats mean the sources available to get in touch with the customers
are wide more open than a century a go. The Internet immediately makes a company a
global business, a small company based in Nottingham (UK), can easily reach
customers in Brazil with the click of a mouse. However (Jobber, 2007) the business
need to shape theirs behaviour to accommodate the expectations of customers abroad
(973). To become a global company using the Internet is beyond to just do marketing
over the globe, consisting to establish relationship through a huge scale of needs and
traditions. This work makes clear how the Coca-Cola Corporations use this strategy
of a worldwide company targeting at particular markets and still guaranteeing the
success of the brand and product.

The website of the Coca-Cola Corp., known as the worlds largest soft-drink
company ( seams to involve a very simple scheme, to sell the
product to everyone in the world, with small changes that will suit the need of all the
places without losing the labels effect.

Therefore in the below frame
(figure n1)
Coca-Cola have classic main page, in English,
with the well-known bottles brand sequenced of list of countries they have particular
webpages for, finally, when clicked at the country wanted the link guides to a brand
new website
(figure n2)
showing the product and promotion targeted for the place

(figure n1)

(figure n2)

The particular market website shows strong cultural markers as distinguished
characters; as native language
(figure n3)
, the news reported, the models used, the way
the information is given and the music played, these design elements can be easily
identified differently of one country to other.
T228S249 Paiva, B.

(figure n3)

The project Cultuiability: The meiging of cultuie anu usability" by Barber, W.,
& Badre, A.N. (2007) describes and analyses exactly the behaviour of consumes
when they have to deal with worldwide companies websites, claiming that:
". The inteiface uesign, inteiactivity, anu content ieflect a cultuial sensitivity
anu unueistanuing of the taigeteu auuience; (.) Although cultuial biases anu
piefeiences aie pait of the useis' chaiacteiistics, we believe that these take on a
special impoitance as ueteimining factois foi usability uesign foi inteinational
auuience." (http:zing.ncsl.nist.govhfwebatt4pioceeuingsbaibei)

The argument of the authors shapes perfectly when observed the Coca-cola website
with the Valentines Day sign (, fitting totally correct in the
UK website
(figure n1)
, but it would be quite nonsense in Brazil because this celebration
is in a different season.

(figure n1)

Concluuing that the Coca-Cola Coip. invests on theii website foi all types of
customeis to feel comfoitable anu satisfieu by the piouuct offeieu. The cultuial
maikeis aie inseiteu on the uay-to-uay maiketing of the bianu.
!""#$"%& ()*+), -.


Bakei, N. }. & Bait, S. (2uu7). !"# %&'(#)*+, -..(/ Butteiwoith: Beinemann

Baibei, W., & Bauie, A.N. (2uu1). 012)1'&-*2*)34 !"# %#',*+, .5 612)1'# &+7
18&-*2*)3/ Retiiveu on http:zing.ncsl.nist.govhfwebatt4pioceeuingsbaibei

}obbei, B. (2uu7) 9'*+6*:2#8 &+7 :'&6)*6# .5 %&'(#)*+,. Naiuenheau: Ncuiaw-Bill
Euucation p.497-Suu, 722-7S8, 9S8 anu 97S.

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