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Masterminds behind massive Indo Lanka joint kidney racket exposed : Arrest Dr. Monik and Dr.

. Paadeniya immediately !
y an Le! special correspondent "#ranslated by $e%%

&Lanka"e" !e's"().April.(*+,- +.,.PM/ It has come to li0ht that Dr. Monik - is the mastermind behind the sinister ille0al h1man kidney b1siness that is bein0 carried on bet'een India and 2ri Lanka 'ith the participation o% several 0overnment service doctors incl1din0 the local 3M4A &3overnment medical o%%icers association / President Dr. Paadeniya %rom behind the scenes- accordin0 to in%ormation reachin0 Lanka e ne's inside in%ormation division. #his joint Indo "Lanka kidney sales illicit b1siness had been exposed these days by the international media &specially in India/. In 2L o% co1rse 'ith a media sector comprisin0 media coolies -0overnment lickspittles and lackeys - these 0rave malpractices and rackets & in the same 'ay as the 0overnment corr1ption and crimes are concealed / are bein0 revealed 'ith least details and treated li0htly. ased on the in%ormation that had been 0arnered by the Indian police - this kidney racket brie%ly is as %ollo's : #hose 'ho are ready to donate kidneys in India and the kidney patients in need o% kidneys are dispatched to 2L. #he coordinatin0 activities to'ards this is orchestrated by several 'ealthy Indian b1siness philanthropists and several doctors. #he patients are 0iven an ass1rance that the s1r0ery in this re0ard is done m1ch cheaper in 2L- and hi0her prices are paid to the donors on acco1nt o% their donation. Accordin0ly - these patients and donors o% kidneys are admitted to leadin0 private hospitals and the s1r0ery carried o1t. It is 2L5s health Ministry Director 3eneral o% health services Dr. Palitha Mahipala

'ho had 0iven permission %or these activities. #he Doctor by the name o% Monik has ne0otiated the deals 'ith the health Ministry and the private hospitals - and carried o1t this racket 'ithin 2L. #his racket had been camo1%la0ed to look a most meritorio1s and c1rative e%%ort 'hile in %act - it is a dan0ero1s sinister kidney b1siness racket that had been takin0 place behind this meritorio1s %a6ade. #his racket 0ot exposed 'hen recently - an Indian 'ho 'as s1bjected to s1ch a s1r0ery at the Lanka private hospital &%ormer Apollo hospital/ died s1ddenly.

7ollo'in0 the death o% this patient - the relatives o% the deceased had claimed compensation %rom the 2L private hospital . In the ens1in0 disp1te it had come to li0ht that the amo1nt payable to the donor a%ter de%rayin0 the %1ll s1r0ery expendit1re is over 8s. . million .- and an intermediary has in the process cheated the donor in this cash transaction . mean'hile the Indian police had discovered that it is none other than Dr. Monik 'ho is at the bottom o% this deceit. Lanka e ne's had been able to 1nearth details o% Dr. Monik 'ho is the mastermind o% this racket. 9is %1ll name : Ambepitiya Arachchi0e Don Monik #ervin 2anjee'a . Academic attainments : M. . .2 . he has ac:1ired the medical de0ree in the year (*** %rom the M.2. 8amiah medical ;olle0e o% the <niversity o% an0alore - India . 9is re0istration n1mber in the 2L medical co1ncil &2LM;/ is +=,>, dated (**?"+*"(* & More details abo1t him can be obtained by re%erence to 2LM;.or0 re0ister in line ?) /. 9e is re0istered 'ith the Indian medical co1ncil. 1t 'hat 'e are revealin0 herein is in%ormation hitherto 1nkno'n to the p1blic abo1t this deadly racket and its most dan0ero1s aspects. In 2L there are la's 0overnin0 the transplant o% h1man or0ans - and is kno'n as the #iss1e Act. Prior to any s1ch transplant in 2L - it is mandatory that permission is obtained %rom the 9ealth Ministry speciali@ed ;ommittee. #hese transplants orchestrated by these racketeers had taken place at all leadin0 private hospitals Lanka - Asiri- !a'aloka- 9emas - D1rdans and many others. #he 9ealth Ministry had 0iven permission to them in respect o% re:1ests separately by letters individ1ally and these letters o% approval had been si0ned by the Director 3eneral o% health services - Dr. Palitha Mahipal. Dr. Monik is a po'er%1l member o% the 3M4A - and has been actin0 as a very close private secretary &on an 1no%%icial level / o% Dr. An1r1dha Paadeniya 'ho is the President o% the 3M4A. Monik %re:1ently travels 'ith Dr. Paadeniya. 2ometime a0o he had been actin0 even as a cha1%%e1r %or Dr. Paadeniya. It 'as Monik 'ho mediated in the joint b1siness operations bet'een the 3M4A and

vario1s b1sinessmen. 9e has also %acilitated the import o% mobile phones- comp1ters - l1x1ry vehicles at cheap rates %or his close Doctor %riends - as a representative o% the 3M4A. Dr. Monik 'as the one 'ho moved in and arran0ed the import o% the s1per l1x1ry 7ord Averest model jeep %or Dr. An1r1dha Paadeniya. Indeed - even the connection %or Mobitel mobile phone c1rrently 1sed by Dr. Paadeniya has been sec1red in the name o% Dr. Monik. Aven 'hen the Laptops 'ere bein0 provided to members o% the 3M4A in (*+( at concessionary rates it 'as Dr. Monik 'ho 'as the middle man in the a0reement si0ned 'ith Abans Ltd. Dr. Monik &broker - racketeer and 'hat not / 'as the individ1al 'ho arran0ed a s1mpt1o1s party at a most s1per l1x1ry hotel in ;olombo %or the 7inance Ministry secretary - and 0overnment5s bi0'i0s &Mor1 sharks/ prior to Dr. Paadeniya Bs depart1re %or America in (*+( on a t'o month s1per to1r. At the 3M4A elections on three occasions - it 'as Dr. Monik 'ho spent lavishly on behal% o% Dr. Paadeniya - a contestant . Axpendit1re in respect o% posters - handbills etc C s1pply o% li:1or incl1din0 'hisky and brandy as 'ell as meals 'ere met by Dr. Monik and Dr Priyantha andara & abo1t 'hose p1trid b1siness rami%ications Lanka e ne's had already reported in an earlier article/ In addition Dr. Monik had sponsored a n1mber o% %orei0n to1rs o% Dr. Paadeniya. ased on in%ormation received so %ar- Dr. Monik had amassed these lar0e s1ms o% monies to spend this lavishly by cheatin0 on the poor hapless and helpless kidney patients o% India. It is none other than Dr. Paadeniya 'ho had bartered his pro%essional ethics and prostit1ted his o%%icial position most dis0race%1lly to s1pport this massive sinister and sin%1l or0an transplant racket thro10h the trade 1nion . Perhaps - it is all beca1se o% his inordinate love o% %ilthy l1cre even compromisin0 the lives o% the destit1te and those in despair and his o'n pro%essional scr1ples. 7ollo'in0 in the %ootsteps o% the Medam1lana land crocodiles 'ho are never short o% crocodile tears Dr. Paadeniya 'hile sheddin0 crocodile tears be%ore the media on behal% o% the kidney patients o% 8ajarata - had been enjoyin0 a li%e o% op1lence incl1idin0 l1x1ry %orei0n to1rs and exc1rsions on the monies amassed via the %ra1ds committed on the poor kidney patients thro10h the most sinister kidney b1siness . Like ho' the r1lers o% the co1ntry are 1nder the 01ise o% makin0 2L BAsia5s miracle5 are ind1l0in0 in the most corr1pt and deadly B0ames5 via the la'less climate they have themselves created -and thro10h their so called B%eats5 'ittin0ly or 1n'ittin0ly seekin0 a place in the 31iness book o% Bi0nominio1s records5 - Dr. Paddeniya the President o% the 3M4A too by ind1l0in0 in this colossal racket most 1nconscionably and 1nscr1p1lo1sly had be%ore the 'orld created an i0nominio1s record sacri%icin0 the lo%ty medical pro%essional ethics at the altar o% %ilthy l1cre. . 4% co1rse he had bro10ht international Bhonor5 to this co1ntry toein0 the line o% the r1lers to 'hom vices - crimes and corr1ption are honorable .

2L is presently like a co1ntry 'here n1dity is honorable . 9ence in s1ch a co1ntry it is di%%ic1lt to prove n1dity is dishonorable. #here%ore honorable pro%essionals and people have no place in the s1n.. 2o - it is in every sphere o% activity . !o 'onder in every department the hi0her 1ps appointed alon0side the politici@ation o% the 0overnment sectors -are takin0 advanta0e o% this climate and environment to commit the 'orst crimes - rackets and corr1ption 'ith imp1nity . #hese are 'hat are exalted and enco1ra0ed 1nder the prevailin0 j1n0le la's. #he most l1dicro1s and ridic1lo1s part o% this most dan0ero1s and portento1s drama is - 'hile the Indian police had 1nearthed a 'ealth o% in%ormation in connection 'ith this most heino1s colossal h1man or0an racket - the 2L police has done nothin0 abo1t it and anno1nced that nobody in 2L is implicated in this. #he 2L o%%icials obvio1sly are as al'ays in keepin0 'ith the ra0in0 corr1ption are tryin0 to s1ppress this crime . 4n the contrary - India had exposed this and delved into its details. I% the 0overnment has the honest need to 0et to the root o% this cr1el deadly racket o% h1man or0ans most detrimental to h1man lives - the %irst step it sho1ld take is immediately %ree@e the local and %orei0n bank acco1nts o% Dr. Paadeniya and Dr. Monik o% the 3M4A - and probe into this. #heir assets and liabilities shall also be s1bjected to an a1dit investi0ation. #hese t'o doctors sho1ld be arrested at once - interro0ated and the involvements o% Dr. Palitha Mahipala and other hi0h r1n0 o%%icials in this racket-as 'ell as the names o% those 'ho provided the 1mbrella politically to protect and promote this 0i0antic inh1man and sordid racket m1st be made kno'n to the p1blic. Incidentally - the appointment o% Dr. Mahipala the acc1sed in this massive scam to in:1ire into the very racket o% 'hich he is the architect is the bi00est joke o% the cent1ry. Mi0ht 'e emphatically reiterate and sternly 'arn as 1nrelentin0 champions o% the ca1se o% tr1th ri0hteo1sness - ethical and scr1p1lo1s cond1ct that this scar that has dis%i01red the ima0e o% 2L internationally cannot be 'iped o1t by s1ppressin0 the episode and concealin0 the c1lprits no matter ho' hi0h their positions are in the 0overnment- politically or other'ise. y an Le! special correspondent "#ranslated by $e%%

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