Headquarters: 137 Tara Road, Bluff, Durban Postal: P.O. Box 21759, Bluff, Durban, 4036

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Classic Motorcycle Club of Natal Headquarters: 137 Tara Road, Bluff, Durban Postal: P.O.

Box 21759, Bluff, Durban, 4036 Web Site: www.ncmc.org.za

Affiliated to SAVVA Affiliated to The Vintage Motor Cycle Club - UK

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Date: 25 July 2013

Your Committee: Position Patron Chairman Vice Chairman Clubhouse Manager Treasurer Secretary Club Registrar Outings Coordinator Dating Officer Show Manager Spares Manager Asst. Spares Manager Regalia Officer Rally Manager Librarian & 100 Club SAVVA Club Rep Editor Name Alan Young Rod Thomas Theo Alberda Mike Mathews Aubrey Cilliers Salome van Niekerk Andrew Mather Vacant Rod Thomas Barbara Sink Eugene Watson Kevin Tebutt Jill Alberda Thomas Schubert Dave Stone Ken Sink Thomas Schubert BANKING DETAILS Bank: Branch: Branch Code: Account Number: Announcements: Chairmans Chatter Recently I attended the 1000 Bike Show held in Germiston and it was quite something to see so many bikes parked in an area the size of a rugby field and this applied to both days that the show was on. There was something for everyone: whatever your taste in bikes was, it was there. Will Mac Gibbon took eight bikes up and walked away with three trophy's with yours truly getting best on show Ladies Choice with my OK Supreme. By the time you get this newsletter the Scottburgh Car & Bike Show will be a thing of the past so if you didn't make the show then join us on the run to the VSCC Bike Day on the 10th August in Pietermaritzburg. Remember the words of the late Jim Cramer " Ride em, Don't hide em" Safe riding. Rod Thomas --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Email address
youngjay@telkomsa.net rodthomas@telkomsa.net mjalberda@gmail.com --salaub@telkomsa.net salaub@telkomsa.net mathera@durban.gov.za --rodthomas@telkomsa.net ------mjalberda@gmail.com twowheel@lantic.net ----twowheel@lantic.net

Telephone numbers
Home: (031) 467-7294 Cell: 082-465-8273 Home: (031) 762-1509 Cell: 073-365-6494 Home: (031) 262-9953 Home: (031) 467-8648 Cell: 082-377-8580 Home: (031) 708-5934 Cell: 083 922-0133 Home: (031) 465-5831 Cell: 072-040-9000 Home: (031) 563-7986 Cell: 083-309-0233 --Home: (031) 762-1509 Cell: 076-686-4194 Home: (031) 776 3648 Cell: 074-471-3407 --Home: (031) 262-9953 Cell: 083-627-4220 Home: (031) 564-5506 Cell: 078-679-5000 Cell: 083-627-4220

Standard Bank Bluff 057527 05-155-629-4

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Date: 25 July 2013

Appointment of CMCN committee members for 2014 The 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Classic Motorcycle Club Natal will be held on the 7th December 2013. The present committee believes strongly that its time to bring in some ne w blood into the administrative side of our clubs committee. We are therefore calling for nominations from our members for the following positions for 2014. Chairman Vice Chairman Clubhouse manager Treasurer Secretary Regalia officer Clerk of the course Editor We would greatly appreciate any nominations before 31st October 2013. Please discuss your nomination with your prospective nominee in good time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Declining participation in club breakfast runs. May 2013. Background: There has been a significant decline in numbers on breakfast runs. Based on some verbal feedback, security, costs, petrol and lack of a sweep may be contributing factors. The aim of the questionnaire was to understand the reasons for the declining numbers and come up with suggestions on how this can be addressed. Results of questionnaire on breakfast runs 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 We need a reintroduce a sweep vehicle? Sweep only on breakfast runs? We need a reintroduce a sweep vehicle? Sweep on all runs? We do not need a sweep but a trailer must be available at short notice? Should a sweep be used then the club should assist the driver with petrol? Breakfast venue must have good facilities and the cost of breakfast is not more than R25 excluding coffee? The planned round trip distance of a run must be? Indicate your preference? 35/50 km The planned round trip distance of a run must be? Indicate your preference? 50/75 km The planned round trip distance of a run must be? Indicate your preference? 75/100 km Reintroduce the original club run protocol. Agreed run must be followed by all participating? Riders must leave together for the return leg and follow the outbound route to their point of departure home. Tail-end Charlie (to assist any who might breakdown) Provide emergence cell numbers? Call in cell number to confirm ride if in doubt e.g. due poor weather? Provide the cell number of the sweep driver and/or any other person who could assist in an emergency Yes 24 20 21 23 16 3 17 16 25 22 28 29 29 28 6 9 3 2 2 3 No 6 5 7 11 18

6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f

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So, here are the views of our members based on responses to the questionnaire. 1a and b. Sweep only on breakfast runs?. Majority - Yes 2. Sweep on all runs? Majority. Yes. Best compromise sweep must be available at short notice. If someone breaks down then at least two others must also remain for security. 3. Assist the sweep with petrol. Results indicate that most members support this idea. However the committee are against this as it may set a precedent for other events. 4. Cost of breakfast and restaurant. Verbal feedback suggested that the increasing costs of breakfast over the years may have had a negative impact. Survey result suggests that a slight majority favour no restriction on price. 5. A slight majority favour a 50 to 75 Km round trip. Perhaps there can be some flexibility here? A special short run for older bikes, medium run for a mixed bag of old and moderns? 6. 6a. Majority feel that the original club protocol for runs should be introduced. 6b. Majority feel that riders must leave together on the return leg. Good for security. 6c. There must be a tail end Charlie. Good for security. 6d. Emergency cell numbers must be provided.ie for sweep, leader, and perhaps Tail-end Charlie. Good for security. 6e. There must be a central call-in number for information and to establish if run is cancelled e.g. due to poor weather. I would suggest Graham as the focal point? 6f. Refer to 6 d Other Ideas? (Extracted from the comments provided.) - Keep it Simple. Certainly the less complicated the runs the less likely things will go wrong. - Plan ahead. Provide an annual calendar and plan well ahead. Many feel announcing the next breakfast run at the monthly meeting is too late. This announcement should be a reminder only. Include in newsletter. - Advise Country members when we are heading in their direction e.g. PMB members then they have the option to meet us on route. - Start times could vary i.e. start early in summer and later in winter? - Commence run nf different locations to suit folk living in areas other than the Bluff (we sometimes meet at the Engen garage in Kloof). - Send SMS or e-mail to all. - Make more use of our clubs facilities e.g. start and return to the club e.g. as past breakfasts done by the committee and recent Century run (Brunch/braai packs). So far runs from and returning to the club have been the most supported. - Speed to be reduced so all bikes can participate. A possible compromise. - Slower bikes leave first. Select course e.g. mainly secondary quieter roads where speed limits are between 60 and 100 km/h? - Provide route schedule. Suggest the KISS approach. - Some rides must be faster than 100 kph? Will apply to bigger and also modern bikes. Would be nice to accommodate such runs occasionally. - Ride on Saturday (cant make Sunday). Majority seem to favour Sunday but perhaps occasional runs on a Saturday can be arranged? And from here? Clearly we need an events coordinator. Graham Palmer has kindly offered to fill the role. He will be provided support from Bryan Hinks (west), Ray Nell (south), Dave Stone (north) as well as Jock Adamson and Alan Young (as a subcommittee). Look for interesting destinations. Past examples are the run to the Bluff military area and Captains Table in Clanstall. We should look for venues where there is a choice of breakfasts to suit taste and wallet and participants can then decide for themselves. Nurseries, Wimpys, Spars should fit the bill? Suggested role of the sub-committee: Plan well ahead and if possible to establish potential problems e.g. road works, road closures due to cycle tours etc. etc. Provide maximum notice to the club members (at least two to three months ahead) Page 4 of 24 pages Date: 25 July 2013

Implement recommendations from the questionnaire as far as practical. Provide emergency contact numbers, decide on leaders/tail-end Charlie, central call-in number (in case of suspect weather), arrange sweep (on stand-by) etc. Nominate a central call-in person and number to confirm runs e.g. if weather is poor. Contact country members if a run is approaching the area they live in. Perhaps, in addition, the team can review the other club events i.e. the mid-month social and month-end braai. It has been suggested that one or both of these events be changed to a midmonth social and braai (in the afternoon). There could be rides to the club and the braai could be more family orientated? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------CMCN visibility Members may remember that the clubs logo used to be painted on the clubhouse wall facing Tara Road. This had been painted over during regular maintenance but weve found a photo to remind us what it looked like. A younger version of Brian Hinks is the model!

It has been decided not to replace the logo on the wall because it would now be obscured by the trees which have grown a lot during the past few years. Instead the committee has decided to invest in a large durable sign which may already be fixed to the fence facing Tara Road by the time this goes to print. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 5 of 24 pages Date: 25 July 2013

The Club Trailer. Use of the Club Trailer by members. The trailer will handle one large motorcycle or two smaller ones. The trailer is available to club members free of charge (although a small donation to the club will always be greatly appreciated). Users must provide their own tie-downs. Note: all uses will be held responsible for the trailer and will return it as soon as convenient in the condition they received it in. Users are responsible for any traffic violations and the club will not be held responsible in any way should any mishap occur. Theo Alberda stores the trailer; he can be contacted on (031) 262-9953 or 076-051-6323 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Events: Past

Our new Spares Containers

By Alan Young

A major step forward in improvements to the club was made on Saturday 20 th July when a work party of members moved tonnes of spares from the old green container into the new container recently placed behind the club house. Mike Mathews and Eugene Watson arrived early to open up and get things prepared. More members arrived and the pace of transfer increased under Eugenes supervision. A large quantity of what was deemed as scrap was placed to one side and this was eventually returned to the old container after it had been emptied. To this scrap was added all the metal rafters etc. which were dismantled from the canopy roof over the veranda and braai areas. This, in preparation for the installing of a new roof, was made possible thanks to the generosity of Will Mac Gibbon, and his donation of a Yamaha RD350. This is another improvement which is taking place with a specialist contractor appointed to do the work. The old container and its contents is being sold as scrap and hopefully, will have been removed from site by the time of the next main meeting So, thanks to the abovementioned members as well as Theo Alberda, Rod Thomas, Johnnie Greig, Graham Palmer, Colin Flett, Bryan Hinks, Geoff Isacks and Jock Adamson not forgetting Liz Mathews who took care of refreshments and supervised the braaing of meat for an after work bite. By the time of the next newsletter all these additions and repairs will hopefully be complete and members can benefit from the improvements.

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Some of the work party.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bike of the Month Competition: Best Showbike The June 2013 Bike of the Month completion was for Best Showbike. The winner was Clint Jacoby with his 1982 Honda CB650. Second place was won by Doug Cruickshank and his 1954 Matchless G80S.

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Submitted by Roger Houghton and Jaws

The 2013 edition of the Classic Motorcycle Clubs annual 1000 Bike Show was once again a big success. Not only were there hundreds of classic motorcycles on show in the huge tent at the Germiston High School, but the event again attracted about 10,000 visitors, many of whom came on motorcycles or trikes which made a very interesting show of their own.

The huge crowd of visitors rode a wide variety of mouth-watering machinery. The weather on the Saturday (July 6) was overcast, but there was still a crowd of more than 4,000 enthusiasts in attendance. The wonderful weather on the Sunday ensured a bumper crowd who not only admired the motorcycles on display but also had the attraction of almost 100 stalls selling a wide variety of products from food to handmade leather motorcycle gear. This years event raised more money than ever before, with a number of charities as well as Germiston High the benefactors, said the chairman of the Classic Motorcycle Club (CMC) and main organiser of the 1000 Bike Show, Pierre Cronje. The standard of motorcycles on display was once again very high and there were a number of interesting and unique machines on show, including the only British Hesketh in Africa. The 1000 Bike Show has a long history, dating back to the first concours delegance organised by the CMC in Springs in 1970. It has grown in both the number of motorcycles on display and in stature over the years, having been housed in places such as the East Rand Mall, Avril Elizabeth Childrens Home and the Carlton Centre before ending up at its current venue at Germiston High School. An interesting occurrence at this years event was the starting for the first time in 30 years of a 1978 Ducati 900 GTS which had been standing in a garage in Cape Town since 1983. Chief organiser Pierre Cronje had the honour of pushing the starter button and the machine fired up within seconds. The very well preserved motorcycle many components were wrapped in brown paper was bought recently by Dan Steyn, a local enthusiast who heard it was up for sale as the garage where it was housed was to be demolished. Having owned and loved a 1982 Ducati 900 SS in the 1990s Steyn had no hesitation in adding the 1978 model to his collection of classic motorcycles. Page 8 of 24 pages Date: 25 July 2013

A collection of BMWs

Pierre Cronje, chief organiser of the 1000 Bike Show, smiles as the 1978 Ducati fires up for the first time in 30 years.

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This selection of Honda 50s brought back memories to many visitors to the show who had ridden them in the 1960s and 70s.

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Results of the Concours dElegance at the 2013 CMC 1000 Bikes Show Best on show: 1969 Triumph Bonneville (Neville Nicolou) Best vintage: 1929 BSA S29 (Mr Viljoen) Best classic: 1938 Matchless (late Bob Baker) Best post-classic: 1961 Triumph Tiger 100 (Ken Jones) Best new era: 1973 Suzuki GT 750 (Mr. Gibbon) Best competition: Matchless G50 Wagon Wheels (Ian Groat) Ladies choice: OK Supreme (Rod Thomas) Best stand: Classic off-road motorcycles. Best AMC: 1938 Matchless (late Bob Baker) Best Ariel: Leader (Mike White) Best BMW: R50 (Dan Steyn) Best BSA: Golden Flash (Mr Strukmeyer) Best DJ bike: Excelsior Manxman (Kevin Robertson) Best Historic Motor Group racing: Kawasaki (Etienne Louw) Best Honda: 1972 SS50 Z (Johnny Helleva) Best Italian: Moto Guzzi 850 Le Mans (Mr Shadwell) Best Kawasaki: 1976 Z750 (Roy Hallaby) Best Norton; Commando (Gareth Harvey) Best off-road: 1974 Yamaha YZ 250 (Mike Payne) Best Royal Enfield: Bullet racer (Dion de Beer) Best Suzuki: Katana (Randall Norman) Best Triumph: 1957 Tiger 100 (Dennis da Silva) Best Velocette: KSS (Des Burton) Best Yamaha: YAS-2K (Mr Gibbon)

Below is a selection of photographs from the event.

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Events: Future Event CMCN Club Meeting VSCC Bike Day CMCN Social Meeting CMCN Month-end Braai SAVVA National Rally CMCN AGM Date 3rd August 2013 10th August 2013 17th August 2013 30th August 2013 25th to 29th Sept. 2013 7th December 2013 Other Clubhouse Pietermaritzburg Clubhouse Clubhouse Free State CMCN Clubhouse

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January: February: March: April: May: June: July: August: September: October: November: December:

Bike of the Month Competitions Best of British: Golden Years Trophy: Day of the Rising Sun: Best BMW: Best Tiddlers: Showbike Trophy: Concourse Competition: Best Post-Classic: Best Sidecar: Best Matchless/AJS/Norton: Best Classic Racer: Moderns: any make, any size, 2000 to 2010. Also a separate competition for Harleys, any age


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Other stuff: Adverts, Technical, News etc. HOW THE WEST WAS WON (Origin unknown, submitted by Gordon Stott) This month I have a story for you, its nothing to do with trials but it does relate to motorcycles, cars and a very clever local man. Im not sure how it came to me but I do very much thank the person who sent it as I found it really interesting and felt it well worth passing on, especially as I was once employed by Pikes of Exeter. In 1929 Bentley Motor Cars finished in the first four places of the Le Mans 24Hour endurance race. Their cars had maintained their winning streak first gained in 1927, due to an improved head design for the engine. The design was from the Exeter-born Harry Weslake, who in later years would be involved in the design of every Jaguar engine from the first XK100 through to their V12 of the early 1970s, and the success of the engine that would power the Austin Mini. Harry was born in Exeter on 21st August 1897, into a comfortable middle class family his father, Henry John Weslake, was a Director of Willey and Co. He had a brother ten years his senior and a sister who died before he was born. His maternal grandfather named Lavis had been a boat builder in Exmouth, a name that is still connected with the industry to th is day. Harrys first home was Clyde House, Princes Street, St. Thomas, Exeter, an area of comfortable middle class housing from which his father could walk to work. The young Harry was sent to Exeter School where he found a liking for sport rather than study and he soon learnt that physical fitness was one way of keeping the school bully at bay. As a schoolboy he acquired a bicycle, but quickly craved a motorcycle. To this end he designed a system where the motor would drive a third wheel next to the rear wheel on his bicycle, rather like a sidecar. His father was not impressed by the design which was not developed; A couple of years later the Wall Autowheel was marketed, forcing his father to apologise for his lack of faith in Harrys original concept. In 1912 at the age of fifteen, using his pocket money, Harry applied for his first driving licence and immediately hired a Swiss Motosacoche motorcycle from the St. Thomas Motorcycle, Cycle and Car garage, Alphington Street, run by Phillip Pike. He was serious about his first motorised venture, acquiring a pair of goggles and a belted black macintosh, de riguer for a budding speed king. Out on the open road he was spotted by a friend of his mother who immediately reported his adventure. The Chief Constable, a family friend, was informed, and soon every constable around Exeter was told to keep a lookout for the speeding Harry. Whilst enjoying his ride through Kenford Harry was stopped by a policeman with the words, Be ee young Master Weslake? Go on ome, yer mother wants ee. He decided to get the best out of a truncated tour by taking the long way home. Near Starcross the drive belt broke, and having no tools he was forced to return with the motorcycle by train, and a ticking off ensued in which he defended himself with some passion. His father had managed to secure Harry an apprenticeship to Willey and Co. with the aim of progressing through all the departments, learning the ways of the tool room, drawing office, foundry and engineering shop. This was good training for what would be his future career but first there was the little matter of getting to work, which for Harry meant acquiring a motorcycle of his own. His parents must have realised that they could not prevent the lad, and after some pressure, they agreed that he could have a motorcycle. A Rudge Multi, which in 1915 cost 58 15s, was ordered from the Rudge dealer in Exeters Sidwell Street when the mechanic delivered the machine, Harrys mother enquired why he was pushing it and not riding it , to which he replied that it was too fast for him and that Harry was the only one who could ride it with any skill, having had a test ride earlier. Soon Harry gained a reputation as a skilled motorcyclist, even having an impromptu race with a local, Reg Holloway, who had competed in the 1913 Senior T.T.

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Harry organised and entered many hill climbs around the Exe Valley and Dartmoor. The Rudge was an ideal machine as it had a multi-gear, which allowed an almost continuous variable ratio of gearing for selection. However, the difference between top and bottom gear ratio was not great, so Harry set to work to fit a N.S.U. two-speed gear to the crankshaft, allowing the gear range to be doubled. With this gearing he arranged for a hill climb at Pepperton Lane, Moretonhampstead, one of the more difficult hills in the area. His Rudge sailed up this 1:2.5 gradient and around two extreme S bends without any difficulty, only to have his pride pricked when the local A.A. man ascended the same hill, with ease, on his Triumph, a route he often undertook for his work. By this time, Harry Weslake was becoming an expert in the workings of his motorcycle, and was only too aware of its shortcomings. The Rudge had a carburettor known as a Senspray, which injected fuel, somewhat like a scent spray it was a better arrangement than other carburettors, but open to improvement. Using his engineering knowledge from Willeys, Harry improved upon the design, leading to better fuel economy and a joint patent taken out with his father in 1918. At the outbreak of the first world war the 17 year old tried to enlist in the 7 th Devons, but his prior arrangement with Willeys as an apprentice saw him quickly returned to the company. The next year he joined the Royal Flying Corps, and was posted to Hastings as a cadet pilot. The training required attending lectures in the working of the internal combustion engine, an area where he was often ahead of the instructors. He so impressed a Corporal instructor that he was taken to see the Chief Instructor, Major McClure, who was impressed enough that he asked Harry to design and build two carburettors for testing on aero engines. The testing interrupted a concert in the Sergeants Mess, causing some annoyance the next day Harrys test engine started before all the others, proving its sound design. Harry was discharged from the R.A.F. in 1919 to return to civilian life. By 1921 the family had moved into Franklyn House, Cowick Lane, Exeter, and soon after his mother died of cancer, followed by his father with the same disease.

A group of motorcyclists meet outside Pikes garage during the 1920s

Harry started his own engineering company to manufacture his carburettor, with the name of Wex Carburettors. Among his three employees was Stan Glanfield who would attract attention in 1927 for riding around the world on a Rudge motorcycle and sidecar. While in Brisbane, Stan saw motorcycles race on cinders, and returned to England with a team of Australian riders to stage the first speedway meet in England, in Epping Forrest during February 1928. Harry became Captain of the Exeter Motor Cycle Club, organising hill climbs and rallies across Dartmoor. Within the city each make of motorcycle had its admirers, with owners meeting in various

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pubs and garages. Those who purchased their motorcycles from Pikes in Alphington Street could often be found in the Plymouth Inn, opposite the garage, sharing information on their machines. Not long after, Harry moved his company to Fulham Road, London where the workforce was expanded to seven. Gordon Cobbold, a young racing motorcyclist who competed at Brooklands, fitted a Wex Carburettor to his Sunbeam motorcycle, and had some success. He persuaded Weslake to sponsor him so he could retain his amateur status, and soon Harry was spending a considerable amount of time at the track. Sunbeam became interested and agreed to jointly sponsor Cobbald. The development work for racing led Harry to develop a method of measuring the airflow through the carburettor, based on a system developed by Steven Simpson, who designed the penny in the slot gas meter for Willeys. In 1926 Jack Cobbald won a Gold Star for lapping Brooklands at 101.76 mph, he achieved the fastest lap at the French Grand Prix in 1927 and broke eight class records at Brooklands. Harry Weslake was fast gaining a reputation for producing fast motorcycles. However, all was not well and Wex were not paid for a large consignment of carburettors; they ceased trading in 1926 due to cash flow problems. Harry was taken on by Automotive Engineering at 500 per annum, on a retainer, and soon after W.O. Bentley asked to meet him. Bentley had been developing an engine that was giving very poor output, and Harry was asked for his input. Airflow tests were made and the power of the engine increased by 50% - Harry was employed by Bentley, also on a retainer. Development continued on the Bentley engines, and in 1929, Bentleys took the first four places at Le Mans. In the 1930s, Harry Weslake went on to develop engines for Austin, S S Cars, which became Jaguar, and MG amongst others.

Flooding during the 1960s looking out of Pikes Alphington Street car workshop across the road to the motorcycle showroom with Bernie Endacotts stores upstairs.

During the second world war he developed engines for Scammel to be used in trucks and fire pumps, and helped solve problems in bombers and tanks. After the war Harry had a research facility built on land at Rye, in Sussex and named his new venture Weslake and Co. Ltd. He continued his association with Jaguar, working on the XK120 sports car and their successors, as well as the Austin Healey. During the 1950s Weslake designed engines for the D Type Jaguar that Page 16 of 24 pages Date: 25 July 2013

raced in the 1955 Le Mans, coming first and third. Dan Gurney became interested in Harrys racing engine development work, leading to the 1967 V12 Gurney-Weslake GP engine that powered the Anglo American racers, Eagle GP car. On 12th March 1967 two Eagle T1Gs driven by Gurney and Richie Ginther won the Race of Champions at Brands Hatch. The same engines powered the Ford GT40 that won at Le Mans twice, first in 1968 and again in 1969. In 1974 the company turned its attention to developing a British speedway engine to compete against the Czechoslovak Jawa engine. In 1976 Peter Collins won the World Speedway Championship in Katowice, Poland using a Weslake engine, and in 1977, John Louis, the Ipswich Captain, won the British Championship with the engine. To turn full circle, in 1978, the Exeter Falcons switched to Weslake-designed and powered speedway machines, coming sixth in the season and winning the Gauntlet Spring Gold Cup beating Kings Lynn 88 68 on aggregate in the final. On the second September 1978, Harry Weslake attended the World Speedway Championship at Wembley. Although a Jawa-engined rider won the event, the track record was broken by Michael Lee on a Weslake machine. After the event, Harry Weslake collapsed in the reception and died of a heart attack at the age of 81. One of Britains greatest automotive engineers, who f or six decades developed motorcycle and car engines, can be remembered as one of Exeters sons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Photos from the 1978 Buffalo Rally
Submitted by Gordon Stott

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----------------------------------------------------------------------1980 CMCN Economy Run

Submitted by Rob McMurray

This Economy Run went to the Royal Hotel in Eshowe. The left photo shows the Clubs hooligans in the pub and the right photo has Clive Rossiter and Rob on the cannons barrel. Rob reports that he wasnt interested in the economy part of the run and left last, passing everyone in the process on his Kawasaki GPz1100. Mike Lang on a BSA750 triple took the economy part of it far more seriously. But when it came to checking the consumption it turned out that the big Kawa had used less fuel than the carefully ridden BSA. Apparently the term Jap -crap wasnt heard at all in the pub that night. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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Smalls (will only appear in two issues but may be resubmitted) Wanted: Eugene and Kevin need spares for the Clubs Spares Container. You can bring them any bi ke spares, old, new, whatever, and let them decide if it is useable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Wanted I am looking to start riding in scheduled races with the Historic Club up here in Gauteng and am looking build-up a race bike from the late 1960s to early 1970s. I would like to obtain a Yamaha TR2 350cc in any condition to build up. My second choice would be a Honda 4. Please contact me, Jimmy Gurr, on 083-546-7385 (07-2013) ----------------------------------------------------------------------For Sale: 1984 BMW R65LS - Ballito (ex-Pretoria)

I have the above bike for sale. I have owned it for many years and it is in perfect condition and will go anywhere. It has two new silencers, a new rear tyre, a new battery and has recently been serviced. I would like R25 000 o.n.o I can be contacted on 083-646-8284. (07-2013) ----------------------------------------------------------------------For Sale I want to sell my 1985 Yamaha YZ 490. I want R30 000 for it. It is fully restored and ready to ride if you have a death wish!

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Contact Bruce: Cell 0733-764-876 or email brucenuttall@depositmanager.co.za For Sale: ABAC compressor 24L 1,5 HP - R450,00 (in excellent condition) Oxygen/LP gas welder (extra large gas cylinder) - R500,00 Magneto pickups - screw on type - brand new - R420,00 Please contact Rod Thomas on 073-365-6494 ----------------------------------------------------------------------Wanted I'm looking for a Honda CB650. Does anyone have one they are looking to sell? Contact Byron at byron.blom@gmail.com or Cell 083-611-7732. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Wanted A rear cylinder for a 1917 narrow-valve Indian V-twin. Please contact Shona Bagley at shona@zeplins.com or 082-976-1164 -----------------------------------------------------------------------





For Sale 1945 HARLEY DAVIDSON 750cc Panhead motorbikes, one complete and rebuilt been in storage for 20 years AND a second one in pieces that is mostly complete. Located in Benoni, Gauteng, Viewing by appointment. More details and a photo available at http://tinyurl.com/Harley750 Asking R90 000 onco. Contact Kalle on 076-029-6493 or 011-646-3774 Or email kalle@ip.co.za -----------------------------------------------------------------------


For Sale Hi, I bought a 1964 AJS Model 18 500cc single Statesman 14 years ago, it still has only 2506 miles from new. It is not a rebuild or ex-army. The Statesman had the large chrome tank badges and I have not seen another Model 18 like it. Unfortunately I don't get time to ride it and it is locked away, every few months I might manage 25Km on it just to get the oil through all the right places. It has Norton Roadholder forks, also still has the original bicycle pump clipped in the frame and crashbars, although it's never been dropped. I got it through Mike Lang up here (in Gauteng) and it had 247 miles on the clock then. I would appreciate a decent offer on it, I have a spares manual and workshop book for it which I got from Gary Reabow when I bought it. There is nothing on it that doesn't work, even all the footrest and kickstart rubbers are like new. If any of your members are interested they are welcome to phone me. In the UK it would probably fetch 4500 to 5000 pounds with being 50 years old next year and such low genuine mileage. Contact Bob Gillies on (011) 811 6635 or email: Bobgillies@de-industrial.com (2013-05) ----------------------------------------------------------------------For Sale: A BSA Bantam 175 cc which has been stripped and is part-restored. A retired gentleman wants to sell it. Contact Carol Wessels on 082-492-3044 (2013-05) ----------------------------------------------------------------------For Sale: 1984 Laverda RGS 1000cc. Service history, very clean, some spares, heavy duty clutch, Metzler tyres. Asking R45 000.00 onco Contact Mark Kiff on 083-6100-802 or email kiff@telkomsa.net (2013-05) ----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 21 of 24 pages Date: 25 July 2013

For Sale 1955 BMW R50 - Collector's Item, Pristine condition, Concourse, Fully licenced and SAVVA dated. 300 km since complete rebuild. All black parts sandblasted, powder coated and professionally sprayed. All parts imported from G. Meyer GMBH, receipts available. 2 brand new carburetors. All rubbers replaced. New S/S exhausts R65 000 not negotiable. Contact Marius on 083-288-5896 1959 BMW R26 - Collector's Item, Pristine condition, Concourse, Fully licenced and SAVVA dated. 450 km since complete rebuild. All black parts sandblasted, powder coated and professionally sprayed. All parts imported from G. Meyer GMBH, receipts available. New and spare carburetors. All rubbers replaced. New S/S exhausts. R60 000 not negotiable. Contact Marius on 083-288-5896 (2013-05) ----------------------------------------------------------------------For Sale Tafenlong bench lathe with accessories - R8000 onco Super Spark 180 Amp Welding machine - R600 Contact Ray Nell on 07999-15354 -----------------------------------------------------------------------


Wanted For many years I have had my BMW ST650 and now I am told I must have both a knee and hip replacement and therefore may not be able to ride it solo. I am therefore looking at fitting a sidecar in order to keep riding. If anyone has any contacts or knows anyone with a sidecar that will fit I would appreciate that information. Contact Dave Gregory by email dgbusman@gmail.com (2013-05) ----------------------------------------------------------------------Wanted (nog n sidecar!) Late-model Ural with sidecar, preferably 2009-onward Tourist-model. Price negotiable up to 95 K Contact Dieter on (033) 3433-679 or 082-785-9688 (2013-05) ----------------------------------------------------------------------Wanted (nog n Dieter!) I am looking for a Yamaha RD400 in complete running condition. OK if its a bit rough. I need to replace a similar bike I had in 1981 and fell it into many pieces at Killarney. Contact Dieter Schauerte on 082-552-9944 or email schauer@vwsa.co.za (2013-05) ----------------------------------------------------------------------Wanted Shaun Berry is looking for a BMW R75 or R80 in good running condition. Please contact him on 075-962-6180 (2013-05) -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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Date: 25 July 2013

1923 Moto Guzzi C2V ohv 500 cc production racer


Modern Royal Enfield, customised by Tendance Roadster of Paris.

This bike has more 27% power, more grip in the dirt, and less weight by way of Tendances Solution F Engine preparation, a kit using a high compression piston, a hotter cam, a remapped injection system and new control unit. The scrambler-style custom exhaust is slim and high. The tank, headlamp and side panels have been refinished in matte black, and the tank fitted with classic knee grips. The wheels are now Morad rims shod with enduro rubber. Aluminium fenders and a small rack behind the seat have been installed. Offroad bars create an airier cockpit and give the rider more leverage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 23 of 24 pages Date: 25 July 2013

Triton no expense spared (Photo: Bike EXIF)

Quote: We get quite a few Tritons sent in to Bike EXIFmaybe one every couple of weeks. Im a big fan of the genre and always enjoying looking at them. But I sometimes think once youve seen one, youve seen them all. Then this modern take on the classic Triton dropped into my inbox, and my jaw hit the floor. Has there ever been a more beautiful marriage of the Triumph T150 engine and a Norton Wideline featherbed frame? Made In Metal is run out of a shed behind a pub in Staffordshire, England. But its no amateur operation. The bikes built by Neil Adams and Paul Stead are masterpieces of craftsmanship, full of beautifully-fabricated parts and assembled with a sympathetic eye for desig For More Information: http://www.bikeexif.com/custom-triton-motorcycle ----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Forum Our webmaster John Austin-Williams (aka JAWS) has started The Veteran, Vintage and Classic Motorcycle Forum of South Africa here: www.classicmotorcycleforum.co.za To make full use of this facility you will need to register, but access remains free. Other Important Websites ThinkBike www.thinkbike.co.za --Commemorative DJ Run www.djrun.co.za Vintage M/C Club www.vintagemotorcycleclub.co.za Classic M/C Club www.classicmotorcycleclub.co.za Crankhandle Club www.crankhandleclub.co.za --- The Piston Ring www.pistonring.org.za Pretoria Old Motor Club www.pomc.co.za --SAVVA www.savva.org.za Vintage & Veteran Club www.vintageandveteranclub.co.za Page 24 of 24 pages Date: 25 July 2013

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