Meet People. Ask and Give Personal Information. Describe Several Occupations. Talk About People and Their Occupations

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Unit Name: Socializing Unit achievements:

Unit achievements:

Vocabulary: Countries, nationalities and occupations 2 Grammar: be descriptive adjectives 3-4 5

Meet people. Ask and give personal information. Describe several occupations. Talk about people and their occupations.

Grammar: be + adjective + noun 5-6 Possessive adjectives 7-8

Vocabulary: Countries, nationalities and occupations

1 2 4 5 3

China- Chinese Japan- Japanese Sudan- Sudanese Vietnam- Vietnamese

The U.K-British Poland-Polish Spain- Spanish Scotland-Scottish

Brazil - Brazilian The USA-American Colombia-Colombian Iran- Iranian

Oman- Omani Iraq- Iraqi Baharain- Baharaini Kuwait- Kuwaiti

Fill the blanks with the name of the country, the nationality and the profession of each person: This is John he is from_________ he is _______ and he works as a_______.

This is Lucca he is from _____ he is _______ and she works as a_______.

This is Jean Paul he is from_________ he is _______ and he works as a______.

Match the profession with the definitions:

1. Receptionist 2. Engineer 3. Photographer 4. Travel agent 5. Teacher 6. Pilot designs things teaches students flies airplanes answers phone calls helps travelers takes pictures

The nationalities are hard to know in English because they do not have a pattern that you can follow to add their endings, which are: ESE-AN-ISH-I. If you want to say what is your nationality, you need the verb "To be" since the verb "To be" is used for two things to tell adjectives and to tell the location, IE: Las nacionalidades son difciles de saber en Ingles ya que no manejan un patrn que se pueda seguir para adicionar sus terminaciones, que son: ESE-AN-ISH-I. si quiere decir cual es su nacionalidad, necesita el verbo To be ya que el verbo To be sirve para dos cosas para adjetivar y para decir la locacin, es decir:

Subject pronoun + be
I You/We/They He/She/ It am are is a dancer Colombian a student adjective

I You/We/They He/She/ It

am are is

at Escolme in Paris in Medelln location

Be contractions
Im (aim) Australian Irish doctors teachers a pilot in Brazil in Oman

Youre (your) Were (uiar) Theyre (der) Hes (jis) Shes (jer) Its (its)

Visita la siguiente pagina para escuchar su pronunciacin: Al final de este documento hay una lista de las nacionalidades en Ingls.

visita los links para ver videos de contracciones "to be": atch?v=8c-8WjfkquQ atch?v=fC9EQ3BcKs0 atch?v=DbSNaYxeO6I atch?v=IZa3_J5QsqY tch?v=LZbD4usGm0&list=PL941BC26FDE36 08BF

Visita el siguiente link para practicar con ms ejercicios de aplicacin. http://www.agendaweb.or g/verbs/to-beexercises.html

Visita el siguinete link para encontrar juegos con be http://www.anglomaniacy. pl/grammarHelpers1.htm Nationalities: http://www.eslkidsworld.c om/Interactive%20games/ countries%20and%20natio nalities%20quiz.html




Order of adjectives: 1. Adjectives normally go before nouns: los adjetivos normalmente van antes del adjetivo. He has a big car. 2. When there are two or more adjectives, they go in this order: cuando hay dos o ms adjetivos, ellos van en este orden:

Para ms informacin visita: der-of-adjectives.html o Ir al final del documento para la definicin de cada item1

Antes de la opinin se pone cualquiera de las siguientes cosas: El nmero osea: one, two, etc o El artculo como: a, an, the, etc o El pronombre: his, our, etc, o El determinant: como: this, that, those, etc.. o Adjetivos posesivos: my, your, their, etc2

EXAMPLES: She is a beautiful old Colombian woman. They are two big American soccer players. Those are my little young students. She is wearing a short black leather miniskirt. He is my handsome and tall boyfriend.

It is important to know that this is the order that should be used, but it is very unusual to have eight adjectives in one sentence. Es importante saber que este es el orden que se debe de usar, pero que es muy inusual tener ocho adjetivos en una sola oracin.

Possessive Adjectives2

I You He She It You We They

My (mi) your (tu yo) his (de el) her (de ella) your (suyo) our (nuestro) their (de ellos)

Examples: This is my boyfriend Is this your notebook? Her father come from the USA Our dog is a black sheepdog Their students are professionals

Para ms informacin visita el

siguiente link para ver un video de adjectives: v=R85grXacK2U v=Xktgpid88Vs v=kSOQ3B9Mhhc v=5hIqdPrH--k

Visita el siguiente link para practicar con ms ejercicios de aplicacin. http://www.agendaweb.or g/grammar/adjectivesexercises.html

Visita el siguinete link para encontrar juegos con adjetives: games/oppositeadjectives.html /Adjectives/game1.html jectives-and-antonyms-sentencesesl-interactive-fun-game/




1. Country: I live in England. 2. Adjective: He read English literature. 3. Noun: She is an Englishwoman. COUNTRY Africa America Argentina Austria Autralia Bangladesh Belgium Brazil Britain Cambodia Chile China Colombia Croatia the Czech Republic Denmark England Finland France Germany Greece Holland Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Jamaica Japan ADJECTIVE African American Argentinian Austrian Australian Bangladesh(i) Belgian Brazilian British Cambodian Chilean Chinese Colombian Croatian Czech Danish English Finnish French German Greek Dutch Hungarian Icelandic Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Irish Israeli Jamaican Japanese NOUN an African an American an Argentinian an Austrian an Australian a Bangladeshi a Belgian a Brazilian a Briton/Britisher a Cambodian a Chilean a Chinese a Colombian a Croat a Czech a Dane an Englishman/Englishwoman a Finn a Frenchman/Frenchwoman a German a Greek a Dutchman/Dutchwoman a Hungarian an Icelander an Indian an Indonesian an Iranian an Iraqi an Irishman/Irishwoman an Israeli a Jamaican a Japanese

Mexico Morocco Norway Peru the Philippines Poland Portugal Rumania Russia Saudi Arabia Scotland Serbia the Slovak Republic Sweden Switzerland Thailand The USA Tunisia Turkey Vietnam Wales Yugoslavia

Mexican Moroccan Norwegian Peruvian Philippine Polish Portuguese Rumanian Russian Saudi, Saudi Arabian Scottish Serbian Slovak Swedish Swiss Thai American Tunisian Turkish Vietnamese Welsh Yugoslav

a Mexican a Moroccan a Norwegian a Peruvian a Filipino a Pole a Portuguese a Rumanian a Russian a Saudi, a Saudi Arabian a Scot a Serb a Slovak a Swede a Swiss a Thai an American a Tunisian a Turk a Vietnamese a Welshman/Welshwoman a Yugoslav

Note: We use the + nationality adjective ending in -ese or -ish with a plural verb, to refer to all people of that nationality: The Chinese are very hard-working. The Spanish often go to sleep in the afternoon.



An opinion adjective explains what you think about something (other people may not Opinion agree with you). Examples: silly, beautiful, horrible, difficult Size A size adjective, of course, tells you how big or small something is. Examples: large, tiny, enormous, little An age adjective tells you how young or old something or someone is. Examples: ancient, new, young, old A shape adjective describes the shape of something. Examples: square, round, flat, rectangular A colour adjective, of course, describes the colour of something. Examples: blue, pink, reddish, grey An origin adjective describes where something comes from. Examples: French, lunar, American, eastern, Greek A material adjective describes what something is made from. Examples: wooden, metal, cotton, paper






A purpose adjective describes what something is used for. These adjectives often end Purpose with -ing. Examples: sleeping (as in sleeping bag), roasting (as in roasting tin)


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