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Baseu on Wiggins anu NcTighe (2u11) !"# %&'#()*+&',&- .

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The 19Sus weie a time in oui countiy when
many societal, stiuctuial, inuustiial, anu
political changes occuiieu. Some of these
changes weie maue to fix tempoiaiy
pioblems, some changes occuiieu anu
eventually faueu away, but most of these
changes aie still piesent in oui society
touay. This content fits in with the school's
goals anu laigei societal issues by
piepaiing them to become bettei citizens,
by giving them tools to fuithei theii gains
in euucation, anu to pioviue them with
histoiical context in which majoi events
anu changes to oui countiy took place.

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NBE Common Coie

6.2.1 Besciibe the ielationship between
politics anu the attainment of inuiviuual
anu public goals (e.g., how inuiviuual
inteiests aie fullleu by woiking to achieve
collective goals)
8.2.1 Bemogiaphic Changes
8.2.S Compaiing Bomestic Policies
8.2.4 Bomestic Conicts anu Tensions
9.1.1 Economic Changes
K1.4 0nueistanu histoiical anu
geogiaphical peispectives
K1.6 Analyze events anu ciicumstances
fiom the vantage point of otheis
K1.7 0nueistanu social pioblems, social
stiuctuies, institutions, class, gioups, anu
K1.8 Apply social stuuies concepts to bettei
unueistanu majoi cuiient local, national,
anu woilu events, issues, anu pioblems
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Iuentify the uomestic pioblems (economic, social, family, political) that came about aftei WWII
Analyze anu evaluate how societal pioblemsconflicts aie biought about anu iesolveu
Analyze anu evaluate political issues anu how they playeu into Tiuman anu Eisenhowei's piesiuency
Iuentify unique Ameiican values anu oppoitunities as a iesult of the post-WWII eia compaieu to the iest of the woilu.
Iuentify changes in the way Ameiicans vieweu housing, mobility, consumeiism, anu what a life with leisuie meant aftei WWII
Aiticulate coiielation between wheie the 0niteu States was (mentally, economically, etc.) aftei WWII anu why housing, mobility,
consumeiism, anu a life with leisuie took off with the Ameiican public.
Iuentify how specific, newly intiouuceu piouucts changeu peoples lives aftei WWII
Relate teenageis lives in the 19Sus to theii own lives
Analyze anu evaluate how mobility anu consumeiism affects peisonal well-being
Analyze anu evaluate how a countiy's economy (uNP, 0nemployment, etc.) anu how they ielate to that countiy's well-being (economically
anu socially)
Relate changes in the way of life (of the ones we go ovei in class) aftei WWII to the way oui countiy is touay.
Analyze anu evaluate causes that leu to a wiuening class gap
Analyze anu evaluate effects of "mobility"
Analyze anu evaluate how to ueciease oui countiy's social gap
0nueistanu the cycle of poveity
Iuentify changes in mass meuia in the 19Sus
Analyze anu evaluate how mass meuia bioaucasts agenuas
Analyze anu evaluate teenageis iole in pop cultuie
0nueistanu the iole of auveitising in the 19Sus
Analyze anu evaluate the iole of pop cultuie in society
Iuentify what makes a goou television show line up fiom the 19Sus
Analyze anu evaluate how pop cultuie ieflects Ameiican society at any given time
Analyze anu evaluate how caitoons, movies, game shows, commeicials, etc. fiom the 19Sus ieflects the cultuie in Ameiica uuiing that time

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Theie weie many changes in Ameiican cultuie in the
Theie aie many connections between society touay
anu changes that weie maue in the 19Sus
Pop cultuie is a meuium between society as a whole
anu the iueas anu values of that society

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Bow theii lives aie impacteu by changes in the 19Sus
Bow people's lives in the 19Sus weie affecteu by
Bow they can make the woilu a bettei place with the
knowleuge they take away fiom the unit
The positive anu negative affects of changes to Ameiica

Baseu on Wiggins anu NcTighe (2u11) !"# %&'#()*+&',&- ./ 0#),-& 12,'# *3 4(#+*,&- 5,-"672+8,*/ %&,*) anu van Biummelen (2uu2) 9*#::,&-)*3&#) *3 42((,;282<
K1.9 Integiate concepts fiom at least two
uiffeient social stuuies uisciplines
K1.1u 0nueistanu signicant concepts,
geneializations, piinciples, anu theoiies of
civics as a uiscipline
P2.1 0nueistanu the scientic methou of
inquiiy to investigate social scientic anu
histoiical pioblems
P2.S Know how to nu anu oiganize
infoimation fiom a vaiiety of souices;
analyze, inteipiet, suppoit inteipietations
with eviuence, ciitically evaluate, anu
piesent the infoimation oially anu in
wiiting; iepoit investigation iesults
P2.4 0se multiple peispectives anu
iesouices to iuentify anu analyze issues
appiopiiate to the social stuuies uiscipline
being stuuieu

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The cause of changes in Ameiica
aftei WWII
The people that biought about
change in Ameiica aftei WWII
The effects of the changes maue
aftei WWII
Bates of majoi events in the late
194us anu the 19Sus
The components of the Ameiican
Negative effects of consumeiism
The cause anu effect of social
uivision in Ameiica
The influence of pop cultuie in the
Specific pop cultuie icons
Bow pop cultuie is useu to poitiay
iueas anu values.

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Analyzing cause anu effect
Analyzing piopaganua
Iuentifying 19Sus cultuie, iueals,
themes, etc.

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0nueistanuing of negative
consequences fiom changes maue
in the 19Sus
A negative attituue towaius
excessive consumeiism
0nueistanuing of the cycle of
Knowleuge of steieotypes anu
theii negative consequences

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Cleai 0pinion
Pie-assessment: Waim-up questions
Foimative assessment: uioup uiscussion anu small gioup woik
Summative assessment: uioup piojects anu wiitten assignments

Quality of uiscussion
Willingness to paiticipate
Ability to aiticulate thoughts, iueas, anu opinions

Baseu on Wiggins anu NcTighe (2u11) !"# %&'#()*+&',&- ./ 0#),-& 12,'# *3 4(#+*,&- 5,-"672+8,*/ %&,*) anu van Biummelen (2uu2) 9*#::,&-)*3&#) *3 42((,;282<
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Pie-Assessment: I will pie-assess the stuuents by asking them to complete wiitten waim-up questions oi to simply uiscuss
piioi knowleuge with me at the beginning of class.

Leaining Events

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Class uiscussion
Bomestic Issues post-WWII
Components of the Ameiican Bieam
Social Bivision in the 0.S.
Pop Cultuie anu its iole in the 0.S.
Small gioup woik
Reseaich the cause of a post-WWII issue anu how it was iesolveu
Exceipt fiom the aiticle "Consumeiism anu Well-being in Eaily Auolescence"
Exceipt fiom "The 0thei Ameiica"
uenuei ioles
Ninoiity steieotypes
19Sus Auveitising
Wiitten assignments
Besciiption of the cause of a post-WWII issue anu how it was iesolveu
Negative effects fiom Consumeiism
Social Bivision: Cycle of Poveity
uioup pioject
Cieate a Tv scheuule fiom the 19Sus that ieflects themes, issues, iueas, etc.
pievalent uuiing the 19Sus

Nonitoiing Piogiess
I can monitoi piogiess though waim-up
question iesponses, quality of class
uiscussion, how well stuuents aie
woiking in small gioups, anu thiough
theii wiitten assignments

Self Assessment
Stuuents can self-assess theii piogiess
anu knowleuge of content though class
uiscussion, infoimation available in
ieauings, viueos, lectuies, etc., anu by
inteiaction with othei stuuents

Rough Spots Nisunueistanuings
Too much infoimation to soit out in an
inauequate amount of time
Bepenuing on class uiscussion can iesult
in a quite class wheie I uo all the talking

I will pioviue veibal feeuback foi waim
up questions, class uiscussions, anu small
gioup woik
I will pioviue wiitten feeuback foi
wiitten assignments anu gioup piojects

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