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IF THERES one truth in sport, its

that every team wants to win titles.

If theres another, its that in any
given season, not every team can.
In spite of this simple equation,
fans are always demanding more.
Tis week it was Blues fans turn to
feel aggrieved.
Tey last won in 2003, afer a sea-
son where they only lost once, and
regularly clocked up 40-point plus
Tings were looking great, but
now, 11 years down the track, they
havent won again, and theyve just
become with the biggest joke in the
comp, with the news that Benji Mar-
shall is going back to league.
John Kirwans plans are in tatters,
and now fans are asking, when will
they win the comp again?
Te same brush has been used to
tar Todd Blackadder at the Crusad-
Before he took over at the start of
2009, the Crusaders had one of the
most impressive records in world
sport, let alone rugby.
Seven titles in thirteen seasons
better than one every other year.
Canterbury was the envy of every
other province, even if they were
loath to admit it.
Now, afer ve years under Todd,
their record looks a tad more human
seven titles from 18 attempts.
But if you look a bit deeper, you
can see just how good Cantabs have
Te Crusaders have made the top
four on 15 occasions the last time
they missed out was in 2001.
No other team has appeared more
than seven times an honour shared
by the Brumbies, Bulls and Sharks.
Teir seven titles are by far the
most of any team only the Blues
and Bulls with three apiece come
Blackadders tenure may not yet
have brought another trophy, but his
teams have hardly under-performed.
In 2011, they were forced on the
road afer the earthquake, and ran
out of pu only in the nal, afer be-
coming the rst team to win a semi-
nal on foreign soil in more than a
In 2012 and 2013, they lost to
the eventual champions, the Chiefs,
away in semi-nals, both times by
narrow margins.
Tose arent the exits of an under-
performing team.
Te obvious counterpoint is that
given their past success, fans de-
serve more, and coaches and players
should hold themselves to a higher
Te way I see it, its a standard too
high to consider.
As for the bloke whos lef the
Blues in the lurch, what a joke hes
Kirwan has said that Marshall
should be seen as courageous, rst
for daring to give something new a
try, and then again for realising it
wasnt working.
What a load of rubbish.
Teres little bravery or courage
to be seen when it comes with a
$480,000 pay cheque.
His transition was mismanaged,
and hes been found out of his depth.
He shouldnt be able to walk away,
but on the other hand, the Blues
shouldnt have to babysit him.
He appears to be headed to the
Sharks, who linger at the bottom of
the NRL ladder, below the shambolic
Im not sure hes the answer to
their problems.
Andr e w Voer man
!"#$ &'() *"&
Are you a fan who demands u-
Lles, or are you happy [usL Lo see
a good, exclung performance?
LeL me know by emalllng me aL
andrew.voerman[chrlsLchurch- or messaglng me on
1wluer [andrewvoerman
No sense of entitIement
+)",*-+-',. 8en[l Marshall could be headlng Lo Lhe Sharks.
games in three
ams, said coach Dave
We think well be able to handle
against the Manawatu Jets, who sit
ams on the
arrison said they wont
Teir loss to the Nuggets last
arrison said they failed
to bring a complete defensive eort.
ams gave up 18 points o
15 turnovers in the loss, so their
improved defensive eort will need
ing a lot of scout work during the
Were going to go into these
games with plans of attack, he said.
Te second game is against the
ams played the Giants two
We feel like weve gured some
Fatigue not

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