Olimpiada de Limba Engleza-Faza Locala

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1. Read the text. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, or C) which you think best its the text. 1!x"#. $ "!# A day in th !i" #" Pa$!a Rad%!i"" - Ma&ath#n R$nn & '()0a* Sometimes, my daughter Isla wakes me and my husband, Gary, up, or, more often, we wake her up. After I get up, I always check my pulse. It's usually 38 !" beats per minute. If it is too high, I rest for the day. It's so important to listen to my body. I ha#e a drink and a snack while gi#ing Isla her breakfast. +()0a* $e take Isla to nursery and then I start my training. I run, and Gary rides his bike ne%t to me and gi#es me drinks. &our times a week, I ha#e a cold bath or go for a swim in a lake after training. ,2()0p* I pick up Isla from nursery and we go home and I eat a big lunch of cereal and fruit. 'hen I ha#e rice and salmon, or toast and peanut butter. I try to eat as soon as possible after training. After lunch, I play with my daughter. 2p* I ha#e a nap in the afternoon, and Gary usually takes Isla out while I sleep. $hen I wake up, I ha#e a drink and a snack while Isla has milk. I eat a lot during the day, especially bananas and dark chocolate. -p* I go running again. In total, I run about (!) miles e#ery week. I write about all my runs in my training *ournal. I record e#erything, including how I feel and what the weather is like. I train hard e#ery other day, go on an e%tra long run e#ery four days and rest e#ery eighth day. .p* In the e#ening, I do my e%ercises. 'hese keep me strong during long runs. Isla likes to climb on me while I stretch. Gary gi#es Isla her tea and cooks mine while I finish my e%ercises. 'hen I finish cooking dinner while Gary gi#es Isla her bath. .()0p* Gary and I eat our dinner. I ha#e red meat four times a week with rice, pasta or potatoes, and lots of #egetables. $e also eat a lot of stir fries, because they're +uick and healthy. 'p* $e put Isla to bed and rela%. I check my emails and watch ', or chat with Gary. I lo#e police and hospital dramas,0()0p* 'ime for bed. As I brush my teeth, I stand on one leg and then the other. 'his keeps my legs strong. I en*oy reading, but I ha#en.t read much since Isla was born. ( /sually,0 a1 2aula and Gary wake up Isla. b1 Gary wakes up 2aula and Isla. c1 Isla wakes up 2aula and Gary

3 $hile 2aula has her morning run, Gary0 a1 takes Isla to nursery. b1 cycles ne%t to her. c1 goes to work. 3 After training, 2aula0 a1 has lunch, bathes, then collects her daughter. b1 bathes, collects her daughter, then has lunch. c1 collects her daughter, bathes, then has lunch. ! After lunch, Gary looks after Isla while 2aula0 a1 trains. b1 sleeps. c1 eats. ) 2aula0 a1 eats large meals but ne#er eats snacks. b1 eats large meals and often eats snacks. c1 eats small meals but often eats snacks. 4 5#ery two days, 2aula. a1 goes for a long run. b1 runs (!) miles. c1 trains e%tra hard. 6 $hile 2aula does her e%ercises, her daughter0 a1 has dinner. b1 climbs on her. c1 plays with Gary. 8 In the e#ening,0 a1 Gary bathes Isla, then Gary and 2aula eat, then Isla goes to bed. b1 Gary bathes Isla, then Isla goes to bed, then Gary and 2aula eat. c1 Gary and 2aul eat, then Gary bathes Isla, then Isla goes to bed. 7 2aula does e%ercises to strengthen her legs while she0 a1 cooks dinner. b1 brushes her teeth. c1 watches ',. (" 8ow 2aula has a daughter, she rarely0 a1 reads. b1 watches ',. c1 spends time with Gary.

II. /SE OF ENGLISH 010 p#int23 M$!tip! %h#i% 2p4,0520 p#int2 1. Read the text be%ow and choose the correct word or each s#ace (1-1!).

6h R#%7y M#$ntain2 'he 9ocky :ountains run almost the length ;"1 <A< 8orth America. 'hey start in the northwest, but lie only a ;(1 <<<<<<< hundred miles from the center in more southern areas. Although the 9ockies are smaller ;31 <<<<<<<< the Alps, they are no less wonderful. 'here are many roads across the 9ockies, ;31 <<<<< the best way to see them is to ;!1 <<<<<< by train. =ou start from ,ancou#er, ;)1

<<<<<<< most attracti#e of >anada.s big cities. Standing with its feet in the water and its head in the mountains, this city ;41 <<<<<<< residents to ski on slopes *ust () minutes by car from the city ;61 <<<<<<<<. 'hirty passenger trains a day used to ;81 <<<<<< off from ,ancou#er on the cross continent railway. 8ow there are *ust three a week, but the ride is still a great ad#enture. =ou sleep on boards, ;71 <<<<< is fun, but tra#el through some of the best ;("1 <<<<<<< at night. ". A of B down C in D through

(. A many B lot C few D couple 3. A from B to C as D than 3. A but B because C unless D since !. A dri#e B tra#el C ride D pass ). A a B one C the D its 4. A lets B allows C offers D gi#es 6. A center B circle C middle D heart 8. A lea#e B get C take D set 7. A when B which C who D where (". A scenery B #iew C site D beauty 2. &ut the 'erbs in brackets in the correct or(. "#x1!$"!# (. =ou can't see 'om now? he <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;ha#e1 a bath. 3. @e usually <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;drink1 coffee but today he <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;drink1 tea. 3. :y brother <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;tra#el1 to Ireland last summer. !. :y mum <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;not cook1 dinner last night. ). I kicked the ball and it <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;break1 a window.. 4. @e sometimes <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;speak1 so +uickly that I <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;not understand1 him6. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<they <<<<<<<<<<<< ;dance1 at the party, yesterdayA 8. &i#e days ago, I <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;play1 computer games with my cousins.


8RI6ING 010 p#int23

You are on holiday and want to send a picture postcard to an English friend. In no more than 100 words you write to your friend. Write something about three o the six o%%owin) #oints. B $rite something about the townCcountry where you are staying. B 'ell your friend who you are on holiday with. B 'ell your friend about your plans for the rest of your holiday. B 'ell your friend what the weather is like. B Say something about what you did yesterday. B Ask something about your friend. *Dont forget to begin and end the postcard

8ota-'oate subiectele sunt obligatorii. 'imp de lucru 3 ore. 8u se acorda puncte din oficiu.

BAREM DE COREC6ARE SI NO6ARE I.9eading comprehension (. a 3. b 7. b (". A II./se of 5nglish D 5E ( ( > 3 F 3 A ! G ) > 4 G 6 A 8 F 7 G (" A 5E. 3 (. is ha#ing, 3. drinks, is drinking, 3. tra#elled, !. did not cook ).broke, 4. speaks, do not understand, 6. Fid they danceA, 8. 2layed. 3. 3. III. >reati#e writing000.!" points !. ). task achie#ement H original input 00000..........("p 4. length constraint0000.00000.0................. )p 6. rele#ance of ideas to topic 00000000.....)p 8. correct use of grammar, #ocabulary and connectors..............................................................)p 7. range of grammar structures, connectors and #ocabulary00000..................................)p (". cohesion and coherence 000...............000...0.)p ((. o#erall effect000000000....................00.)p. 3. b !. b ). b 4. c 6. a 8. a

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