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3 In the Matter of


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11 Javits Convention Center
655 West 34th Street

12 New York, New York

13 October 16, 2009

8:30 a.m.

15 B E FOR E:
16 MICHAEL V. DRAPER, Chairman

17 ROBERT YEGGY, UBC Representative

18 C. "DANNY" MAPLES, UBC Representative






25 David Levy, CSR, Hearing Reporter


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424


3 THE CHAIRMAN: Can we turn the mics

4 on? Everybody come in, take your seat,

5 we'll get the hearing started. Court

6 reporter ready?

7 Good morning, Brothers and Sisters.

8 This is a hearing to determine if

9 supervision by the United Brotherhood of

10 Carpenters over the New York City District

11 Council of Carpenters should continue, and

12 it's being held under the Constitution and

13 laws of the United Brotherhood. All of

14 you received a notice from the General

15 President, a letter to Frank Spencer from

16 the General President stating the reason

17 for having this hearing.

18 I'd like to introduce the hearing

19 panel. Over to my left is Bob Yeggy. Bob

20 is the District Vice-President from the

21 Midwest District. To my right is Charles

22 Danny Maples. He's the District

23 Vice-President from the Southern District.

24 My name is Michael Draper. I'm the

25 Vice-President of the Western District,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Proceedings

2 and I'll be chairing this hearing. Are

3 all folks in this room members of the

4 organization?

5 As the General President's letter

6 indicated, if you received it, this is a

7 hearing. It's not a trial or a

8 prosecution. We are an investigating

9 committee appointed by the General

10 President to make findings and

11 recommendations under 6D and 10H of the

12 UBC Constitution. We will do our best to

13 afford ample opportunity to everyone who

14 wishes to testify or submit evidence to

15 this committee. We need your full

16 cooperation to make sure this hearing is

17 conducted in an orderly manner.

18 There are a few simple rules and

19 procedures that we need to follow. All

20 those who wish to testify in front of this

21 committee, please let us know by

22 indicating that desire when signing your

23 name on the attendance sheet. At present,

24 i t is our intention to take testimony only

25 from members of the Local Unions


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Proceedings

2 affiliated with this Council. Other

3 members of the United Brotherhood may

4 attend this hearing but not testify.

5 The committee may also exercise its

6 discretion and allow testimony from

7 non-member witnesses if the committee

8 determines that they have information

9 relevant to the proceeding.

10 Testimony from witness will be under

11 oath. All testimony will be recorded by

12 the court reporter who is sitting right

13 down here. Time limits may be imposed at

14 the discretion of the chair. Each witness

15 should state his or her name and Local

16 Union number for the record. Please speak

17 clearly and directly so that we can follow

18 the testimony and the court reporter can

19 get everything down.

20 I respectfully ask all those in

21 attendance that we be permitted to conduct

22 a fair and orderly hearing. There will be

23 no crossfire or questions from the floor.

24 Witnesses will state in their own manner

25 their testimony for consideration of this


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Proceedings

2 committee. Then the committee, in its

3 discretion; may have questions for

4 witnesses. We will keep order and move

5 the hearing along as needed.

6 And I repeat, there will be no

7 disruptions in this meeting by members of

8 the audience. Each of you will have your

9 proper turn. The official court reporter

10 is capable of taking everything down.

11 There will be one and only one official

12 record of this hearing. Therefore, no

13 personal tape recorders or other recording

14 devices are allowed in this room.

15 This session this morning will go

16 from 8:30 'till 11:30 unless we have

17 concluded with all the witnesses who wish

18 to testify. There will be one more

19 session that will begin at one p.m. this

20 afternoon, and conclude at 4:30, or until

21 all witnesses have been heard who want to

22 speak.

23 We will try to hear from all

24 witnesses who have anything to offer in

25 the way of testimony or evidence


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Proceedings

2 concerning the matters that have been

3 outlined generally in the hearing notice

4 that I have previously read. This

5 includes testimony that relates to the

6 operations and affairs of the Council as a

7 whole.

8 The committee may also consider

9 relevant information in the form of

10 documents and other exhibits as well. If

11 it should be necessary as a result of

12 testimony, this committee at its

13 discretion may also ask for documents to

14 be produced from the records of the

15 Council.

16 If there is a need to, this committee

17 will go off the record, for example, if we

18 have to confer about something that has

19 come up or clarify a matter. But as I

20 have stated earlier, no crossfire from the

21 floor. Whoever the witness is up

22 speaking, let him or her testify to the

23 committee and we'll conduct this hearing

24 in a fair and amicable manner with the

25 mutual respect that we owe one another as


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Proceedings

2 members of this Union.

3 There's no smoking in the hearing

4 room. Turn off your cellphone, and as you

5 come in, please remove hats or caps.

6 Thank you very much, and we will begin the

7 hearing and the first will I'll call it is

8 Robert Makowski.

9 MR. MAKOWSKI: I'd ask the panel i·f I

10 could wait and let other people for the

11 first time and I'll speak later on, today?

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, okay, but you

13 know, I'm giving you the opportunity. If

14 it avails itself, I'll call you later. If

15 it doesn't -- you'll have to reregister,

16 then.

17 MR. MAKOWSKI: Later.

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. I'm just

19 saying. Carl Joshua? Carl in the room?

20 Carl is not here? He registered at 7:52.

21 Veronica Session. Is Veronica here?

22 I want you to go first over here,

23 give him your name, spell your name, and

24 then he will swear you in.

25 (Continued on following page.)


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Veronica Session

2 VERONICA S E S S ION , having been

3 dUly sworn, testified as follows:

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Veronica, will you

5 come right over here and have a seat. You

6 want to pull that mic right close to you

7 there. Good morning.

8 THE WITNESS: Good morning.

9 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local are you

10 from?

11 THE WITNESS: Local 926.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead.

13 THE WITNESS: As a member for 19

14 years, you know, over the last two years,

15 things changed so much that it's more for

16 the contractors rather than the

17 membership. I've seen that as a member

18 myself, and also as a shop steward.

19 The reason I'm here today, not

20 necessarily to give a service, but to my

21 understanding, this hearing was to be a

22 gauge on whether we still should be under

23 supervision. So my point here this

24 morning in coming is the same, to end the

25 supervision.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Veronica Session

2 Those people who have been indicted,

3 and of course, those cases haven't come to

4 fruition yet to know if they are guilty or

5 not, but as a generality, members know for

6 sure that there are things going on and

7 nothing is being done about it. So my

8 hope, my hope, and I think my other

9 Sisters and Brothers hope the same, is

10 that something may be done.

11 It's not in any way out of our hands,

12 but it's such a big machine at this point

13 that the few of us who speak up, nothing

14 ever happens. And I found that myself a

15 number of times. I reached the Hot Line,

16 I -- but nothing ever really happens.

17 And also, those who have been, I'll

18 say, indicted, those are not the only ones

19 who need to be, okay? There's much, much,

20 much more going on than has been -- than

21 has been shown right now. So we need help

22 from an entity that is truly looking out

23 for the members' behalf, okay? This is

24 barely the surface, okay?

25 There are members here, well, I would


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Veronica Session

2 have hoped that this room would be much

3 fuller than i t is now, but that only goes

4 to show that we feel as a whole that

5 nothing is going to be done. Time after

6 time, it's been shown that. Things have

7 gone -- are going on that out-of-work

8 list, I believe, things are going on

9 certainly with other trades doing our work

10 with non-Union members doing our work, and

11 a whole myriad of things, even though it

12 may not seem on the surface .

13 So what I ask you of is to be given

14 enough time to delve into things that will

15 really, really show what's going on and to

16 change that. Because we can't do it

17 alone, okay? The members reach out,

18 choose to speak up, they are blackballed,

19 okay?

20 I've been here 19 years, and I hope

21 to retire with some benefits, but that's

22 very iffy, because a couple of -- and

23 there are a lot of people in this same

24 position, because we don't get the -- the

25 fair share of the work that we should be


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Veronica Session

2 getting. Everybody, every member, I know

3 I joined the Union because I believed even

4 though it would be hard, because it is a

5 male-dominated field, and that was okay,

6 but to the extent that it is corrupt, i t

7 is biased, it is antiwoman, and. it is also

8 antiminority, I still was here for 19

9 years but as a whole, we don't get the

10 hours we deserve, and it's not because of

11 any lack of intelligence, any lack of

12 skill. It simply was of lack of

13 connection.

14 So how things are now, it's

15 absolutely unfair, unjust, undemocratic

16 and i t goes against what the Union is

17 saying they are supposed to be about.

18 So we ask -- I ask specifically, and

19 for my Sisters and Brothers who chose not

20 to be here because they are working, or

21 because they are scared, or for whatever

22 the case may be, the majority of us would

23 be here if we felt that something would

24 happen. So again, just to let you know

25 that this whole system needs to be


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Veronica Session

2 relooked at, revamped, and -- because

3 we -- we the members who are really

4 going to go out and do the work are not

5 going to be treated fairly and honestly.

6 And that the just about the testimony I

7 have to say.

8 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much

9 for your testimony.

10 THE WITNESS: You're welcome.

11 (Applause. )

12 THE CHAIRMAN: John McHugh? John

13 McHugh? Dennis Luria, Dennis, are you

14 here?

15 MR. LURIA: Yes, I am. The question

16 I have is more specific as to what's going

17 on

18 THE CHAIRMAN: You've got to come up,

19 get sworn in and take the seat.

20 DEN N I S L URI A , having been duly sworn,

21 testified as follows:

22 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local are you

23 from, John?

24 THE WITNESS: Dennis. 926.

25 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, go ahead with



(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 your testimony.

3 THE WITNESS: Well, like I said, it's

4 more specific because what I wanted to

5 know is, will any of the members that were

6 fired, with they be eligible to receive

7 their pension or any of the monies that

8 are due to them due to the fact that they

9 are fired?

10 THE CHAIRMAN: I don't know -- you

11 know, you've got to understand something.


12 We're not here to answer questions

13 specific about New York.

14 THE WITNESS: Right, but --

15 THE CHAIRMAN: I don't understand

16 I mean, I understand that -- is this about

17 the indictments? I don't know what you're

18 talking about, members that have been

19 fired. I don't know even what you're

20 talking about.

21 THE WITNESS: We were talking about

22 people that were in the District Council

23 that no longer have their jobs for

24 whatever reason, because they were fired,

25 the indictments --


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 THE CHAIRMAN: I'll answer this one

3 question. The people who have a vested

4 pension and a right to draw pension, that

5 has nothing to do with the criminal

6 proceeding, they are entitled under ERISA

7 to draw a pension. That's your question,

8 that's the answer.

9 Pat Mee?

10 PAT M E E , having been duly sworn, testified

11 as follows:

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Good morning, Pat

13 THE WITNESS: Good morning.

14 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local Union?

15 THE WITNESS: 926.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: You have to get close

17 to the mic and talk fairly slowly.

18 THE WITNESS: I never intended to

19 come up here so this will be very -- I

20 mean, I just I whatever has been

21 said before I got here, so this is going

22 to be kind of -- okay. First thing I want

23 to say, I've never heard -- I want the

24 Federal government to come back in and

25 send an investigator. The only full


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 change that came in this Union is by the

3 Federal government, and every finding,

4 every disclosure has been through the

5 Federal Government, not through our Union.

6 There are two very positive federal

7 regulations. The drug testing and the

8 background checks, as far as I know, are

9 already in law, and will not go into

10 effect in New York so your Union officials

11 are not following the law. I mean,

12 someone said it costs too much, it costs

13 19,000 a month, which adds up to 1,080,000

14 a year. The people we have now cost

15 660,000 I believe. Found absolutely

16 nothing. They are having drug testing.

17 Nobody said anything.

18 So for $660,000, you're getting

19 someone to join the party? Or

20 furthermore, we're getting someone

21 everything that was found to date was

22 found by him, not by anyone in our

23 District Councilor anything else. As for

24 the District Council elections themselves,

25 during the last election, one of the


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1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 candidates, what was his name, Hector?

3 That had a disagreement -- they roughed

4 him up outside. I mean, this is a fair

5 election? This is America, this is 2008,

6 was it, a candidate got the crap beat out

7 of him? This is not the 19th century

8 where this happened. You go to these

9 Union meetings and everyone is saying, yes

10 our voice counts and all this? It doesn't

11 count.

12 I went to Union meetings. I'm coming

13 from the outside in, I think. I went to a

14 Union meeting and they were having votes

15 and I'm standing there and I say to the

16 guy next to me, "I can't hear a word he'S

17 saying. What are we voting on?" He says,

18 "There's a reason you can't hear. You're

19 not supposed to hear." And the only thing

20 you would hear "is all in favor," and then

21 it was yeas, and it got to one point where

22 he said "all in favor," and nobody

23 answered. Nobody in the room answered.

24 So, and the motion passed.

25 So don't tell me these votes are


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1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 happening. I mean, the reason nobody's

3 here and the reason I think you heard

4 yesterday, nobody can get any information

5 from anybody on anything.

6 I mean, so I want the federal

7 government back in. I don't know if that

8 affected you or not. I was -- but the

9 fact that you're back again shows that we

10 cannot, as somebody people said yet, we

11 cannot control ourselves.

12 I mean, yesterday it came out to me,

13 all these people coming up saying, "Oh,

14 yes, we have people qualified in New

15 York," that weren't apparently in the job.

16 If people want more Union participation,

17 the one thing, I think it's the same

18 problem the engineers had, everybody must

19 vote. If you are in the Union, if there

20 is an election, you must vote. If you do

21 not vote, you do not have the right to

22 work. That is plain and simple. The

23 biggest change that's going to make this

24 Union work is, everybody must vote in an

25 election. First stop. Not -- a picket


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 duty. Picket duty is compulsory or pay a .

3 fine. Why can't we -- this is the most

4 fundamental thing for this Union, where

5 every member who doesn't have a voice, he

6 should vote. If they don't vote, they

7 have no right to come here and complain.

8 If the last elections, I read the

9 actual results and if you go to -- I

10 couldn't find last night, I -- but I think

11 there was 797 votes set out against him.

12 There was no votes passed against him.

13 With all the votes, 25,000 members, nobody

14 voted for any candidate other than Mike

15 Forde. They do this in African countries;

16 and when they come out, nobody voted

17 against him, obviously, the election was

18 rigged or something.

19 So Mike Forde couldn't get, after he

20 was brought up on charges for accepting

21 bribes, and nobody would could actually

22 pass a valid vote and vote against him?

23 And no one thinks there is something wrong

24 here?

25 Plus the fact, he cost us $700,000


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 last year? I mean, Walter Mack thought he

3 cost us a million. Mike Forde cost us

4 $7,02,568 last year.

5 And another thing, everyone is

6 saying, with all this disclosure. I want

7 to know Mike Forde's salary, because

8 everybody is saying this, but as far as I

9 know, there's not a trusteeship involved.

10 He's not a trustee on the benefit funds,

11 and from what I understand, and I can't

12 find this on the Internet, this is the

13 salary of a hundred thousand dollars? I

14 want to know, our officers, the test, the

15 jobs they have as -- the jobs that they

16 publicly hold, this jobs they appointed

17 themselves to and how much they get paid

18 from these jobs. I want to know his total

19 salary. I want to know what jobs he's

20 given himself, and all his -- another

21 thing, business agents and their expenses,

22 someone worked on $30,000 expenses, and

23 that's it. That's all you're told.

24 I want a breakdown on the business

25 expenses. I want to know -- we're paying


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1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 their tolls and we're paying all there

3 gas. Fair enough. So where, after all of

4 this, I mean, I go to work. I don't have

5 $27,000 expenses a year. So I want to

6 know where they are spending $27,000 on

7 cars. I just want to know where it's

8 going. Fair enough, if it's work-related.

9 I just want to know where. I don't want a

10 one line -- that covers fifty percent of

11 his salary for a year is one line, and

12 the -- the only reason it's there, because

13 the Federal Government forced them to

14 release this information.

15 If this wasn't answered, we would

16 know nothing. You have my shop stewards

17 coming out saying they can't get a copy of

18 the contract we're working under. So you

19 mean, do you think they are going to

20 release -- we can't even find a contract

21 that was signed on our behalf, supposedly

22 for our benefit? The information is not

23 forthcoming from these people. It never

24 does. The reason there are so few people

25 here is because they have all been beaten


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 down because no information ever is

3 released from the people who are in power

4 now.

5 The mere fact that the same crew got

6 back in after the disastrous job they did

7 the last time to me is just shocking. But

8 three thousand members, I think, out of

9 25,000? To me, that's just wrong.

10 The out-of-work list, I think it's

11 fine exactly as it is. I have members

12 come up

13 THE CHAIRMAN: Let me interrupt you

14 for a second. I want to go back to your

15 point there. I mean, you've drawn out all

16 these terms and accusations. That you had

17 an election for the executive secretary.

18 Three thousand people voted. So that's

19 fraud. Now, how

20 THE WITNESS: Not the three thousand.

21 I believe three thousand people went down

22 to vote.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: But I'm saying, why

24 did that constitute a fraud?

25 THE WITNESS: No, that doesn't


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 constitute a fraud.

3 THE CHAIRMAN: You said it was fraud.

4 THE WITNESS: No, I said it was -- I

5 didn't say it was a fraud. I said i t was

6 something extremely suspicious.

7 THE CHAIRMAN: Was there any

8 candidate running against Mr. Forde?

9 THE WITNESS: There had to be, I

10 believe.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, I don't know.

12 THE WITNESS: I don't -- okay. I

13 just think it's wrong, the fact that

14 nobody voted against him. He had no

15 votes --

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, if there was

17 only one candidate, he would get the votes

18 that went down to vote, I presume. I

19 don't know. I have no idea whether there

20 was a contested election or not. I wasn't

21 here.

22 THE WITNESS: As far as I know, it's

23 contested. That is --

24 THE CHAIRMAN: But when we start

25 using fraud and all of this stuff, let's


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 think about what we're talking about. I

3 mean, if a member chooses not to vote,

4 that's their right. You can vote or not

5 .vo.te. I mean, we're not here forcing

6 people to vote if they choose not to vote.

7 That's their right. So in the United

8 States, what we ought to do is punish

9 everybody who doesn't vote in a general

10 election? That's absurd on the face of

11 it, to punish people for exercising a

12 right to withhold their vote. We can't do

13 that.

14 THE WITNESS: I think it has to be

15 done --

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, that's your

17 opinion.

18 THE WITNESS: -- I know, which is --

19 everybody's got their opinion. This is

20 mine. I didn't expect people to agree

21 with me. I know the engineers do it. I

22 know the system we have now doesn't work.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: I don't think so, but

24 that's --

25 THE WITNESS: I think something has


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 to be changed. I think members have to be

3 forced to be involved at this stage, since

4 they are not getting involved. If they

5 want to save the Union, members have to

6 get involved. They are not doing it.

7 This is not happening. Three thousand

8 people out of 25,000 decided the entire

9 future of this Union. I think people have

10 to be forced to go out and vote. I'm not

11 saying it has to be done every time, but I

12 think for once, people should have to show

13 that they can make a difference and if you

14 have to force them to do i t for once, I

15 think that's what you have to do.

16 I honestly believe that if the same

17 three thousand people who are controlling

18 everything now continue to do so in the

19 future, nothing is going to change. So if

20 we're going to change something, I think

21 that is the thing we have to address. The

22 more even from one list, if we can get

23 this Union running being some way

24 straight, and then when something will

25 change from this, then people will say,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 "Well, something is wrong here." Right

3 now, and you've had testimony that since

4 this Union was first formed 120 years ago,

5 it has been corrupt. This came out

6 yesterday, that this Union has always been

7 corrupt. So what I'm saying is, we have

8 to get to a stage where, we're saying that

9 this is a Union that it is so normal,

10 so -- people are doing what they are

11 supposed to do and then when it changes

12 from that, people will say, "Well, maybe

13 there's something wrong here."

14 I mean, it's my opinion. I'm not

15 saying I'm right, I'm not saying I'm

16 wrong, but everybody else is giving

17 theirs, so I'll say, this is what I

18 thought.

19 The out-of-work list. I heard

20 everyone bashing contractors. It's not

21 the contractors who are making a fortune

22 out of this, it's the developers.

23 Everybody who is attacking the contractors

24 thinks it's going to contractors. It's

25 not. They don't make a fortune. I've met


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 contractors, and they 'are not living that

3 lifestyle, If you want to attack someone,

4 you go after the developers who are trying

5 to bring down the price of having the

6 place built,

7 The idea came up that he should have

8 a job, that he thinks the Union should get

9 him a job, I don't think the Union is

10 here to supply him a job. The Union is

11 here to supply working conditions under

12 which he works when you obtain a job.

13 This is not where everybody gets a

14 job regardless of your skills. Why should

15 contractors be forced to hire you if you

16 have no skills, and there are people out

17 there. The apprenticeship program does

18 not work. I don't know what the school is

19 like. I've seen apprentices on the job.

20 An apprentice on the job, his job is to

21 hold materials and put in insulation.

22 That's it. Shop stewards are going out

23 seeing they are doing their jobs? as far

24 as I know, there's a Union rule providing

25 apprentice must work a certain number of


(212) 374':'1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Dennis Luria

2 hours on the tools per week. This is not

3 being enforced. This is not bringing the

4 apprentices up the par. You have

5 apprentices who are coming out and after

6 four years, they are told to hold

7 Sheetrock and put in insulation. That's

8 all they've done in four years.

9 The Union is supposed to stop it.

10 They don't --

11 THE CHAIRMAN: All right, we're not

12 going to debate things back and forth in

13 the audience. Go ahead.

14 THE WITNESS: Another thing the

15 Federal Government found is that most of

16 the time we were supplying our employees

17 with cars. They were leasing cars. We

18 were leasing cars for our employees, that

19 it was illegal and the Federal Government

20 found it. And that's about it.

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

22 (Applause. )

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Mark Kennedy?

24 (Continued on following page.)



(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Mark Kennedy

2 MARK KEN NED Y, having been duly sworn,

3 testified as follows:

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Mark, what Local are

5 you from?

6 THE WITNESS: From Local 608.

7 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, go ahead.

8 THE WITNESS: I just have a single

9 question. Is there going to be a

10 transcript of these proceedings?

11 THE CHAIRMAN: The answer is yes.

12 There will be a transcript. Anybody, any

13 Local, any entity that wants to purchase

14 one, make arrangements with the court

15 reporter.

16 THE WITNESS: And how do you arrange

17 that, how do you make those arrangements?

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Talk to him right

19 here.

20 THE WITNESS: Can you answer a

21 question for me right now? Tell me how to

22 make those arrangements?

23 THE CHAIRMAN: I know, but he's

24 typing.

25 THE WITNESS: I realize that. I


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Thomas Gorman

2 would have to purchase this?

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, the Local Union

4 can purchase it. Whoever wants a

5 transcript will purchase it.

6 Thomas Gorman?

7 THO MAS G 0 R MAN , having been duly

8 sworn, testified as follows:

9 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local are you

10 from?

11 THE WITNESS: Local Union 608.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, go ahead.

13 THE WITNESS: Just some suggestions.

14 Our member services at the school stinks

15 if you ask me. All shop stewards, foremen

16 and

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Would you get a little

18 closer to the mic

19 THE WITNESS: All shop foremen and

20 teachers should have to take the shop

21 steward classes, too. If there's drug

22 testing, alcohol and background checks for

23 business agents and shop stewards, it

24 should be done for all members. All shop

25 stewards should have 15 years experience


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Thomas Gorman

2 in the field.

3 (Applause.)

4 THE WITNESS: Teach rules and

5 bargaining agreements at the school. All

6 classes should be available to all members

7 weekly. Not, it takes months sometimes to

8 get a class. All carpenters that come

9 into the Union from the non-Union field

10 should be tested for their skills, not

11 just handed a book. Members should be

12 able to sponsor -- Union members should be

13 able to sponsor people to get them into

14 the Union. You can't get people in the

15 Union if you've been on the Union now.

16 You have to wait on some bogus list that

17 maybe they choose you. All stop stewards

18 and carpenters should work out of the

19 Local first. Then if we need other

20 carpenters, they should come from various

21 locals. That doesn't happen anymore. All

22 members should go to at least six Union

23 meetings in every Local, every member,

24 District Council, everybody, school.

25 All money that is made in New York


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Thomas Gorman

2 should be invested with New York companies

3 in New York. It shouldn't leave our city.

4 (Applause. )

5 THE WITNESS: There should be no

6 co-pay on health benefits, dental, eye or

7 medication. For the amount of money we

8 pay in benefits, we shouldn't be paying

9 these co-pays. Retirees should get more

10 jobs in the District Council. Instead of

11 work the out in the field 30 hours a month

12 or whatever it may be, they should offer

13 them jobs and take away people in the

14 District Council in order to cut the

15 costs.

16 (Applause. )

17 THE WITNESS: The new out-of-work

18 list should be enforced. We should stop

19 Local 7 Westchester, New Jersey, and all

20 other outside locals from working in our

21 areas. Accept supervision. We should get

22 rid of the organizing department because I

23 feel that they haven't kept the non-Union

24 contractors continuously paying Union

25 benefits. We've taken non-Union


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Thomas Gorman

2 contractor, you we get their members, they

3 don't even have skills, a lot of them, and

4 then their contractor is no longer paying

5 benefits and we're stuck with them.

6 Get rid of all the assessments. BAs

7 should take over the organizer's job like

8 organizing picket lines and turning

9 contractors. All Union business agents

10 International jobs should be voted upon.

11 All the members should vote for those

12 jobs, not like McCarron appointed himself

13 in after he got voted in, then he

14 continuously appoints himself in.

15 THE CHAIRMAN: Now, hold it, stop it.

16 You're getting way, way, way, I don't know

17 where you're coming up with some of these

18 crazy ideas, but Doug McCarron has never

19 appointed himself into anything. Doug

20 McCarron is elected by delegates, at a

21 general convention every five years, so

22 let's stop the bullshit and get on with

23 the facts, okay?

24 Let me tell you something, you're

25 making all of these wild accusations about


(212) 374-1139 (212)

1 Testimony- Thomas Gorman

2 stuff that you absolutely have no

3 knowledge of; so let's stick with the

4 facts.

5 If you have facts, then don't make

6 statements.

7 THE WITNESS: I feel the members

8 should vote, okay? All right, moving

9 along, you shouldn't be so angry. It

10 shows something is wrong --

11 (Applause. )

12 THE WITNESS: After doing your job as

13 a business agent for two terms, I believe

14 you should move on to the International

15 for two terms, and then you should go down

16 and teach at the District Council to

17 continue on. Okay? And if it was voted

18 in, I believe McCarron wouldn't be in


19 office today. Thank you very much.

20 (Applause. )

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Would you sit back

22 down for a second? You're obviously, you

23 have at least a perception that you know

24 what's right or wrong. This is the second

25 time I've heard this, and I just want your


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Thomas Gorman

2 observation. Pension money, you said you

3 want all pension money invested in New

4 York City, right?

5 THE WITNESS: The money that was

6 earned in New York I feel should be

7 invested in New York companies that build

8 their buildings Union, we should be

9 invested with them

10 THE CHAIRMAN: So your opinion

11 THE WITNESS: -- keep our money in

12 our city.

13 THE CHAIRMAN: Let me just finish.

14 Your opinion is, we take all pension money

15 and invest i t in buildings?

16 THE WITNESS: All money, New York's

17 money.

18 THE CHAIRMAN: This is pension and

19 everything, is that right?

20 THE WITNESS: Yes, all the funds.

21 All funds that we create in New York

22 should stay in New York.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Building buildings?

24 THE WITNESS: Excuse me?

25 THE CHAIRMAN: Building buildings?


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Thomas Gorman

2 THE WITNESS: No, not building

3 buildings. With the investment firms, say

4 let's just use Goldman Sachs as an

5 example. He built his building Union.

6 Why shouldn't he be one of the people that


7 bid on getting our contracts in order to

8 invest our money, whether it's annuity,

9 vacation, pension? Why aren't most people

10 offered the job, why is it sent to other

11 places? That's all I'm suggesting. It's

12 a suggestion now, sir.

13 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, wait a minute.

14 Goldman Sachs --

15 THE WITNESS.: He built his building

16 Union --

17 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. But now

18 but you make these statements about

19 something that you want. Goldman Sachs is

20 an international, worldwide investment, so

21 if you put your money in Goldman Sachs in

22 New York City, or anybody else in New York

23 City, your assumption is that it's going

24 to stay in New York City.

25 THE WITNESS: No, that's not true.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Steven Seda

2 Could be invested in China. I don't want

3 to get into being a financial analyst

4 right now, sir, thank you very much.

5 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you.

6 Steven Seda.

7 S T EVE N SED A , having been duly sworn,

8 testified as follows:

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Steven, what Local are

10 you from?

11 THE WITNESS: Local 2287.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead with your

13 testimony.

14 THE WITNESS: I've just come here to

15 say today that I feel the trustees should

16 be replaced. I feel the Union is no

17 longer for the members. I feel it's for

18 the contractors.

19 THE CHAIRMAN: What do you mean by

20 trustees, can you define that?

21 THE WITNESS: People that are on the

22 board, people that have been elected.

23 Also, I think there should be term limits.

24 These people seem to get in office and

25 they are on the slate now, and then they


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Anthony Garcia

2 go -- I think get too comfortable. That's

3 really basically it in a nutshell. I'm

4 not going to --

5 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Steve, for

6 your testimony.

7 (Applause. )

8 THE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Garcia?

9 ANTHONY GAR C I A , having been duly

10 sworn, testified as follows:

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Anthony, what Local

12 are you from?

13 THE WITNESS: Local 157.

14 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead with your

15 testimony.

16 THE WITNESS: I just want to, for the

17 record, I want to say that when I voted

18 for, in the election, the EST freedom

19 team, whatever it was, there was no --

20 nobody running against EST Forde. Nobody

21 was running against him. There was no

22 you know, I looked to see if there was a

23 competitor or somebody running against

24 Forde. There was nobody there.

25 If you get a copy of the ballot, the


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Anthony Garcia

2 voting ballot, you'll see, nobody was

3 running against Forde. So who could you

4 vote for EST? You know, for EST position?

5 Only Forde.

6 THE CHAIRMAN: It would be because

7 nobody nominated --

8 A VOICE: I think the member needs to

9 be corrected. There was somebody running

10 against

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, you can come up

12 and correct it on testimony. I don't

13 .
know. I wasn't here --

14 THE WITNESS: I didn't see no -- and,

15 you know, I believe that I've been

16 blackballed and mistreated in this Union

17 because -- I've been a shop steward also.

18 And I was taken out by Maurice Leary. He

19 took me out. He discredited me and he

20 also he also -- he just, you know, he

21 switched me on, you know, and he took my

22 name off the shop steward list. He put --

23 he put me on -- on the regular list that

24 doesn't even move. I've been on that list

25 for over a year. I've been on that list


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Anthony Garcia

2 for over a year, since July of last -- of

3 2008. I've been on that list. That

4 doesn't move. I'm number 16 on that list

5 right now. A year and --

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Will you do me a

7 favor, explain to me, again, you have to

8 understand we're not familiar with what

9 happens in New York because we're none of

10 us from here. You say "that list." Is

11 there more than one list?

12 THE WITNESS: I don't know. I don't

13 know how many lists are at the District

14 Council because they don't show us. They

15 just, when you call up for your number,

16 when you call up the out-of-work list,

17 they tell you what your number is. That's

18 it. So I don't have -- I can't see what

19 they are looking at on their computer.

20 But they just look at it and they say that

21 your number is 16 or 15 --

22 THE CHAIRMAN: So your testimony is

23 that over the last year, you've been

24 number 16 and you haven't moved?

25 THE WITNESS: No, no. I was number


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Anthony Garcia

2 three thousand and change back a year ago.

3 THE CHAIRMAN: So you're number 16

4 now.

5 THE WITNESS: July of last year. Now

6 I'm number 16 and I still haven't been

7 called to go out to work. Because people

8 are requested from the out-of-work list

9 and, you know, people are just being

10 requested. They are not being, you know,

11 that we -- that's why the list doesn't

12 move, because people are just being

13 requested from that list. And I'm a

14 vested carpenter, you know, I've been in

15 the Union for 15 years, 15, 16 years.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, it appears that

17 it moved some if you were number three

18 thousand and now you're number 16, sounds

19 like it moved about three thousand points.

20 Is that correct?

21 THE WITNESS: In a year?

22 THE CHAIRMAN: Am I right?

23 THE WITNESS: No. In over a year.

24 But it's over a year, let's see, July,

25 August, September, October -- November


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Anthony Garcia

2 a year and four months I'm number 16. A

3 year and four months. And you know, I

4 would like -- I would like them to

5 investigate also, they put me on

6 suspension for three years. For three

7 years on the shop steward list, I can't be

8 a shop steward for three years, they got

9 me a suspension for that. Why they just,

10 if they want to devastate me, why don't

11 they just ban me altogether from being a

12 shop steward, or, you know, but, you know,

13 I want this investigated.

14 Why, you know, why do I get such a

15 harsh punishment as to, you know, I can't

16 be a shop steward for three years? I'm in

17 suspension for three years, why? I would

18 like to know why.

19 THE CHAIRMAN: Was there something

20 that had happened? Was there a tribunal,

21 had there been a problem on the job? I

22 don't know.

23 THE WITNESS: I went to the school.

24 I went to school, I took the carpenter

25 classes, I took the -- you know, and I


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Anthony Garcia

2 passed a11 of the

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. So your

4 testimony is that somebody arbitrari1y,

5 without any just cause, suspended you as a

6 shop steward for three years, just

7 uni1atera11y did this; is that correct?

8 THE WITNESS: It shou1d be 100ked

9 into.

10 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. We11, I'm just

11 trying to find out what the facts are.

12 Was there, nobody said that you did this,

13 that or the other? They just said you are

14 now suspended?

15 THE WITNESS: No, they took me in

16 front of a board, but they pu11ed me off a

17 1ist and then they brought me against --

18 against a board in December of 1ast year,

19 they brought me up against a board and --

20 and they said is that I, you know, what

21 contractor 1ikes a shop steward in this

22 city, you know, and what contractor 1ikes,

23 you know, for shop stewards to, you know,

24 ca11 in the -- the -- what's going on on

25 their job, if they want to cut corners,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Anthony Garcia

2 you know, and call that in, what

3 contractor likes that about a shop

4 steward?

5 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, the board --

6 again, you'll have to pardon me, but is

7 this board consisting of Union people or

8 contractors?

9 THE WITNESS: What board?

10 THE CHAIRMAN: You said they called

11 you in before a board.


13 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Was that Union

14 people?

15 THE WITNESS: Yeah, Union people.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: So what does that have

17 to do with a contractor?

18 THE WITNESS: Nothing. But I'm just

19 saying, what contractors like shop

20 stewards on their jobs? You know?


22 THE WITNESS: And I just -- I just

23 want justice, you know? Justice, you

24 know, this Union -- I don't know. Falling

25 apart. You know. All right.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Maggi

2 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your

3 testimony. John Maggi? Is John here?

4 J 0 H N MAG G I , having been duly sworn,

5 testified as follows:

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Good morning. Could

7 you give us your Local, please?


9 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, proceed with

10 your testimony.

11 THE WITNESS: I came up with one

12 specific question, and I had no one raised

13 by the last couple's testimony. And I

14 think, remember, you're not from here, and

15 remember, we are here and get very

16 familiar with the everyday activities be

17 and we know each other, so instead of an

18 "I," many of us, "We" might feel that

19 we're on the list for 18 months and go out

20 for a job for six weeks, and go back on

21 the list for 14 months, when we see many

22 other carpenters go to an eight-month job

23 and they are only out of work a week and

24 go back out to another eight-month job.

25 So


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - John Maggi

2 THE CHAIRMAN: So they are called?

3 THE WITNESS: Instead of, I have a

4 problem or another individual has a

5 problem, maybe if you'd look into the

6 general operation and the workings of the

7 work list so many of us -- you're not from

8 here, we are. It gets hard to describe

9 when we feel this is being administered,

10 okay

11 THE CHAIRMAN: For my education,

12 there's only one work list?

13 THE WITNESS: I'm sorry?

14 THE CHAIRMAN: There's only one work

15 list?

16 THE WITNESS: Yes. When we get down

17 to, there's a Javits list, or -- but when

18 we say, we call into the District Council,

19 to be on the general list.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: General Carpenters'

21 work list.

22 THE WITNESS: Yes. And that was just

23 something that came out as the last

24 person's testimony. I came up with a

25 question. In a period of difficulty with


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Maggi

2 accusations and investigations, it does

3 bring my mind back to the last time we

4 went through a bumpy road like this and we

5 were specifically told when our welfare

6 fund was depleted and misadministered that

7 there was $34 million missing and we were

8 assessed a certain percentage of our work

9 hours and that assessment was to make'up

10 that shortfall.

11 At the time, they did a little

12 formula for us and they showed us the

13 number of working carpenters, the average

14 number hours worked times the assessment,

15 and how much they anticipated would be

16 raised by the assessment. And the

17 projection was, we would have this

18 assessment on our pay for two years.

19 Somebody told me now it's eight, nine

20 years.

21 So how do you get $34 million in nine

22 years of this assessment? Can you look

23 in, when they say, you know, show me the

24 money, money is going to be commingled,

25 and -- it goes through accountants


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 . Testimony - John Maggi

2 could you look at the vote, the proposal

3 that passed the assessment, what was it

4 supposed to apply to, how much was

5 supposed to be made up, and how much.have

6 they raised under our assessment since

7 then?

8 My -- my inkling is that we overpaid

9 what was supposed to be paid off by

10 ten-fold.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, the

12 Vice-President who is supervising, Frank

13 Spencer, is in back of the room. I'm sure

14 he hears what you're saying, will look

15 into it.

16 THE WITNESS: Okay, thank you very

17 much.

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Now, for your benefit

19 and maybe the rest of these folks, because

20 we have a little bit of time, we usually

21 don't do this, I was on the hearing panel

22 back in the '90s when we had all of the

23 corruption hearing council. It kind of

24 amazed me that I sat here for three

25 different sessions, three days, and had


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - John Maggi

2 people stand up and tell us that, you

3 know, we, the International were the

4 Antichrist because we were coming in and

5 wanting to remove Fred Devine and his band

6 of thieves from the District Council.

7 And the reason that they said that in

8 most cases was because Fred Devine, when

9 election came around, gave cradle-to-death

10 health care benefits, second, third, extra

11 pension checks, arbitrarily raised pension

12 benefits, moved money from the pension

13 plan illegally into the healthcare plan to

14 shore i t up so he could get through the

15 election cycle; had 350 people on a

16 benefits payroll that was running the

17 benefits department when only about 70

18 were needed; kept GO-something cars in the

19 benefit plan, leasing for 1,800 a month, a

20 Lincoln Town Car for 2,800 a month. We

21 were the Antichrist.

22 When we got into here, because of all

23 of that misgiving and all the corruption

24 that had taken place, your pension plan

25 had a deficit of $500 million. But we


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Maggi

2 were the bad guys. We were the bad guys.

3 THE WITNESS: Sir, if I could, you

4 took my question and started to answer.

5 At that point in your reply, you didn't

6 hear me throw any accusations towards I

7 didn't even mention Mr. Devine's name

8 the board --

THE CHAIRMAN: I understand.

10 THE WITNESS: Even the current

11 troubles, I'm not a judge --

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, bu there's my

13 point. The 34 million, I have no idea

14 what that assessment was about. But at

15 the time that somebody implemented

16 something to cover a $34 million deficit,

17 my point, getting back to it --

18 THE WITNESS: It was more than

19 THE CHAIRMAN: It was five hundred

20 million. Now, I can't -- I don't sit on

21 the pension board here. I don't know what

22 your funding issues are. I don't know,

23 you know, everybody took a hit in the last

24 couple of years, because of the stock

25 market, and everybody's involved in the


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Maggi

2 stock market and you have to be because

3 you have a fiduciary responsibi1ity to

4 maximize your income on the pension, on

5 the pension funds of the Internationa1.

6 But I understand a11 of this.

7 But I'm just saying that we wi11 have

8 someone 100k into that. But 34 mi11ion

9 wou1d have been nothing compared to where

10 you were at in the 1ate '90s. Where


11 you're at today, I can't answer that.

12 THE WITNESS: Thank you for that

13 exp1anation. Here here's my point. If

14 our pension fund, you know, thanks to the

15 1ast oversight committee, started

16 regenerating and started getting hea1thy,

17 thank you. But we have to watch sometimes

18 when you take from when one takes from

19 the pocket, one takes from that pocket;

20 when one assesses here, we now have a

21 second assessment.

22 So I'm referring specifica11y, just

23 because of the way it was phrased at the

24 time, and maybe I'm wrong -- thanks for

25 te11ing me about the five hundred


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Maggi

2 million -- at the time, we were told we

3 were going to be assessed for several

4 years to make up the 34 million that was

5 missing from the general welfare. So I'm

6 looking for, maybe an excuse to initiate

7 something, money starts flowing and then

8 people forget why it started flowing.

9 THE CHAIRMAN: You can ask Frank

10 THE WITNESS: It's still flowing

11 THE CHAIRMAN: supervisor and you

12 probably will get the answer.

13 THE WITNESS: I'd like to have the

14 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you.

15 Terrence Samson? Terrence here?

16 TERRENCE SAM SON , having been duly

17 sworn, testified as follows:

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Good morning,

19 Terrence.

20 THE WITNESS: Good morning.

21 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local are you

22 from?

23 THE WITNESS: Local 608.

24 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead, Terrence,

25 where your testimony.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Terrence Samson

2 THE WITNESS: The situation is that I

3 would like them to do away with the shop

4 steward committee and the regular

5 committee that runs underneath the

6 District Council. However, there was a

7 lot of racial stuff that is going on

8 between the committee, starting up with

9 Scott Anderson, Maurice Leary, Robert

10 Seeger, John Holt, and the others who are

11 part of this committee.

12 Evidently, they falsely accused me

13 because I spoke out on an issue and I feel

14 I was blacklisted, and when I tried to

15 speak about the justice, they think I'm a

16 rebel rouser. So apparently, these guys

17 have i t out for me. They did not only

18 suspend me once, they did i t twice because

19 I made a motion and told what they can do

20 and cannot do, they said I'm acting like

21 I'm my own lawyer and they should allow a

22 person to bring their own testimony and

23 their attorney, which I haven't seen

24 someone has to be someone on the carpet

25 because when these individuals who do get


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Terrence Samson

2 themselves in trouble and problems with

3 the law, they are allowed to get an

4 attorney on the outside.

5 I believe that every carpenter member

6 should have carte blanche to have an

7 attorney present when these meetings are

8 being taken place. However, so they can

9 understand exactly how these rules are

10 officiated, how these rules got here, and

11 basically with Scott Anderson barricading

12 with him and his committee and Maurice

13 Leary and operation, I feel that they are

14 all of crooked and I feel they all should

15 have not only an investigation, but

16 Maurice Leary also told me that the day

17 that the committee had convicted me of

18 wrongdoing, that they all were twisted.

19 So just to show you that the truth is

20 out there, it's in the newspaper, we also

21 know that Michael Forde and whoever that's

22 underneath him needs to be scrutinized

23 underneath the microscope more probably.

24 THE CHAIRMAN: That's your testimony?

25 THE WITNESS: That's my testimony.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Robert Makowski

2 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much.

3 (Applause. )

4 THE CHAIRMAN: We're going to take

5 about a ten-minute break. Anybody else

6 that wishes to testify in this morning's

7 session please do so by signing up

8 outside.

9 (Recess taken.)

10 THE CHAIRMAN: All right, gentlemen,

11 please take your seats. Robert Makowski?

12 THE WITNESS: I'm already sworn in.

13 ROBERT MAKOWSKI, having been

14 previously sworn, resumed and testified

15 further as follows:

16 THE WITNESS: Robert Makowski, Local

17 157. I just want to put across the point

18 that I saw this morning, and this might

19 lead to some reason why the supervision

20 should be continued, or until its purpose

21 is fulfilled.

22 I was waiting upstairs to come down

23 this morning. And there were a bunch of

24 carpenters setting up for a trade show.

25 They took their break, and they were


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Robert Makowski

2 walking past the entrance to this meeting,

3 they saw the signs and they were pointing

4 at it laughing. I couldn't understand

5 why. So I went over to them and I asked

6 them. I said, "You guys interested in

7 what's going on downstairs?" And they all

8 laughed again. And they said, "No, not

9 really. "

10 And that's it. That's the statement

11 I want to make this morning. That's it.

12 Thank you.

13 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

14 (Applause. )

15 THE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Garcia, you

16 said you wanted to augment your testimony?

17 ANTHONY GARCIA, having been

18 previously sworn, resumed and testified

19 further as follows:

20 THE CHAIRMAN: Want to take the cap

21 off, please. Go ahead, you were

22 previously sworn in. You're under oath.

23 THE WITNESS: Well, I just want to

24 say that, you know, somebody was to my,

25 you know, to my understanding, somebody


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Anthony Garcia

2 was running against -- against the EST,

3 but he wasn't put on the ballot because I

4 guess he was disqualified for some reason.

5 But, you know, I just want to make that

6 known for the record.

7 THE CHAIRMAN: Do you know why he was

8 disqualified? Had he not met the terms

9 and conditions of the UBC Constitution,

10 meaning that he was a member for a Local

11 for a year, or --

12 THE WITNESS: I don't know.

13 THE CHAIRMAN: I don't, either. I

14 wasn't here. But I can assure you that if

15 somebody was disqualified, i t was because

16 he didn't meet the qualifications under

17 the current Constitution.


19 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you. Is

20 that it?

21 THE WITNESS: Um, and, you know, the

22 Union should -- this is -- well, I want to

23 find out what's going on with the -- with,

24 you know, as far as, uh, you know, is

25 everybody going to be taken out of the


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Anthony Garcia

2 District Council?

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Everybody that

4 was an officer of the District Council has

5 been removed as an officer of the District

6 Council by Frank Spencer, Vice-President

7 of the Eastern District, supervisor of the

8 District Council. They have all been

9 removed. They are not holding office.

10 THE WITNESS: So, well, why are they

11 there, or why are they here, or, you know,

12 why

13 (Continued on following page.)














(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Anthony Garcia

2 THE CHAIRMAN: Now, holding an office

3 and being a representative are two

4 different subject matters. You're not

5 elected as a representative. Frank

6 Spencer is responsible for running the

7 affairs of the Council be and hiring staff

8 for run the affairs of the Council, and

9 that's his call. But in terms of someone

10 holding office at the District Council,

11 Frank Spencer, the President,

12 Vice-President, secretary, everything.

13 THE WITNESS: All right, thank you.

14 THE CHAIRMAN: You're welcome.

15 Anybody else wish to give testimony at

16 this morning session?

17 We're going to adjourn and we will

18 reconvene as per the notice at one p.m.

19 Thank you.

20 (Recess taken: 9:54 a.m.)







(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424


3 (1:00 p.m.)

4 THE CHAIRMAN: If everybody will come

5 in, we'll get the hearing started.

6 For those of you who were not present

7 at the morning session, or yesterday's

8 session, I want to introduce the panel.

9 To my left, Bob Yeggy, Vice-President of

10 the Midwest District. To my right, Dan

11 Maples who is International Vice-President

12 for the Southern District. My name is

13 Michael Draper. I'm the chairman of this

14 committee and I'm Vice-President for the

15 Western District.

16 A few simple rules. If your name is

17 called, you signed up to testify, come up

18 to the court reporter, give him your name,

19 your Local Union number, have a seat over

20 there, and remove your hats, turn off all

21 your cellphones, and you'll give your

22 testimony.

23 We're here today to take information

24 and testimony from the membership,

25 primarily in relationship to the letter


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Proceedings

2 that you all received from the General

3 President regarding the affairs of this

4 Council. We're not here in a

5 question-and-answer period. We're here to

6 gather information and testimony so that

7 we can make a decision on the general

8 executive board as to whether the

9 supervision of the New York City District

10 Council of Carpenters should continue.

11 With that, I'm going to call the

12 first person up to the mic, Michael

13 Marshak? Michael here? No? John

14 Cavelli? John, do you want to come over

15 and get sworn in, please? Sorry if I

16 didn't pronounce your name right.

17 J 0 H N C A VEL L I , having been duly

18 sworn, testified as follows:

19 THE WITNESS: Good afternoon,

20 Brothers and Sisters, dais. My name is

21 John Cavelli. I'm a former Union

22 organizer, business agent of Local 1536,

23 the Denis Shiel Local. Used to be that

24 Local was, you know, dying slowly, each

25 guy had his own Local, God bless him.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Proceedings

2 I loved my job at District Council, I

3 kind of got pushed out. A lot of problems

4 on District Council and I believe that

5 supervision should stay. Brother McCarron

6 put us on a bath from '95 on to try and

7 get rid of nepotism and cronyism. The

8 place is blatant. There's not a Local,

9 you know, getting what you're supposed to

10 get. It will help the general membership.

11 A got of guys think that they are owed

12 this job. When I was there, I worked for

13 the members.

14 The nepotism runs deep. If your

15 father gets you a job, a lot of Union guys

16 grew up, a lot of guys here, old-time

17 members, this was a father-and-son Union.

18 You went to work with your dad, you went

19 to work and you made him proud.

20 These guys get a job, this they

21 are not making us proud. They are making

22 their funds on the members' backs. I come

23 from a three-day organizing training. I

24 have no pedigree here. I'm a wood

25 butcher. My father was a cop. So I have


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Cavelli

2 no hook here. I earned my spot. A lot of

3 guys just got their spot, and that's

4 wrong. There's a lot that's wrong here.

5 Brother McCarron spoke about change in

6 1995. He moved me. When I went to that

7 room for that three-day, I was against a

8 Who's Who of all the Locals, and I thought

9 I was going to be out.

10 You know what? I did my best and I

11 won my spot, I earned my spot. There's a

12 lot of guys in this room that deserve that

13 spot but they got placed over. I was

14 placed over when I worked for District

15 Council. I was always an outsider from

16 within. You got a problem with the

17 coalition, call Johnny.

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Slow down so he can

19 get everything.

20 THE WITNESS: I apologize. I'm

21 heated. Brother McCarron spoke about

22 change, and I was all for that. I changed

23 a lot of guys' lives. I organized

24 companies, brought guys into this fold.

25 But this District Council, they didn't


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Cavelli

2 change on me. They changed my life for

3 the worse nine months ago, kicked me out.

4 I'm not here for my job back. That's all

5 new, but it's wrong when they can just

6 pick and choose who passes and who fails.

7 You have guys breaking laws and they have

8 a job. Guys not breaking laws get fired.

9 You don't agree with them, you get fired.

10 I had a problem, back five years of

11 persecution from this District Council. I

12 brought it to the top and I was told,

13 "It's political, we don't get involved

14 with political maneuvers." It's wrong.

15 As a Union representative, I represent

16 these guys and girls. I fought for them.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Slow down a little

18 bit.

19 THE WITNESS: I apologize, sir. I

20 fought for these guys and girls whenever I

21 could. When I had a beef within my

22 District Council, I had no representation.

23 If I went to someone, I was told I went

24 outside the chain of command, how can you

25 have a chain of command when the next


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - John Cavelli

2 chain is a guy looking to hammer you? How

3 can you go to the next link? You can't.

4 You have to go around.

5 So there's a lot of that has to be

6 changad in this District Council, wipe the

7 slate clean. Keap the International here.

8 Do I think the International was perfect?

9 No. They weren't the holy grail, but at

10 least they were ten guys, five guys who

11 were indifferent. Ten guys -- from the

12 teacher fellows that I passed a method

13 that you want to put in place to play with

14 the seats, to grow this District Council.

15 And then you have guys who they just put

16 in? That's a slap in the face every

17 teaching fellow who signed the form of a

18 guy who passed the three-day. When you

19 send a couple of your guys to another city

20 or state to make sure you --

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Slow down.

22 THE WITNESS: -- again I apologize

23 sir, I'm a little heated.

24 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, jus t think abou t

25 it, slow down.


(212) 374-1139 www.veritext·.com (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Cavelli

2 THE WITNESS: All right. So there's

3 a lot wrong here. It's got to be changed,

4 it's got to be changed from the top. You

5 look -- this is embarrassing. We have 60

6 Brothers and Sisters here, why? Because

7 we're on Eleventh Avenue. We have a

8 District Council that has eight subway

9 trains that can get you there.

10 I'm working right now not as

11 carpenter, as a project manager. I'm

12 making half my pay. It's going to cost me

13 over a hundred dollars, I parked my truck

14 this morning. I didn't leave. So a

15 member who's out of work, or working one

16 or two days a week, can't afford to park a

17 hundred dollars here. I can't afford it

18 either, but this is the only chance I have

19 to speak my piece, so I'm going to eat

20 that money. If we would have had this at

21 District Council, we would have about a

22 thousand guys and girls or more. We would

23 have had the option to have a voice.

24 Why do we have elections in the

25 middle of December when it's the most


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - John Cavelli

2 cold? Get the votes out. You want to see

3 the numbers?· Give them the opportune time

4 to get there. It's not fair in this

5 District Council. You're in or you're

6 out. There's no in between. They have

7 their little fiefdoms. That was supposed

8 to be over with in '95.

9 I've been on the out-of-work list. for

10 nine months. I hold the same skills as

11 every shop steward here. My CPR lapsed,

12 but I hold every skill. I should be the

13 next steward, or temporary steward, acting

14 steward. I haven't got all of nine

15 months. I have a wife and thee kids, a

16 mortgage like everybody else here. I'm

17 working for half my pay as a project

18 manager. Why? This month, I've been 18

19 years in the Union and it took me 7 years

20 to make it up from the building. I did

21 it. I earned it. How are these guys

22 supposed to earn it? They don't have a

23 chance. They need to get the chance.

24 Let's be led my Carpenter, real

25 Carpenters, not off the backs of the


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Cavelli

2 membership. Okay? If you commit a crime,

3 you've got to go. Don't cover it up. I

4 got fired, pushed out, withdrawn, for

5 teaching a class. I didn't break any

6 Union rules. Okay? That's that's the

7 point I'm saying, Pete. It's, you're in,

8 you're out. I like you, I don't like you.

9 That's wrong. That's not how McCarron

10 planned this. I don't think he planned it

11 that way.

12 I really have a lot to say, a lot to

13 get off my chest. It's wrong. How is it

14 that organizers, when you go to your

15 District Council, you're told -- to

16 replenish your picket signs, you're told,

17 "Get out of here, I don't want to see you

18 up here"? That's our headquarters. We're

19 supposed to be there. We're not hanging

20 out.

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Slow down.

22 THE WITNESS: Sorry. I'm not hanging

23 out. I'm not part of a coffer klatch.

24 When I come in here to get what I need and

25 to go, you're supposed to be welcomed in


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Cavelli

2 your District Council. Most guys are not.

3 I remember the first seven hired. There's

4 no pedigree here. I'm a regular guy. The

5 regular guys deserve a job, too. They

6 deserve to work 40 hours a week when it's

7 there, not guys double-dipping, working 40

8 hours for one company, and they get sent

9 to a job on the weekend. You know what?

10 If everybody's working, if somebody double

11 dips, at least everybody's working.

12 But when there's 200 guys out in a

13 big carpenter Local or a hundred guys out

14 in a special Local like me, no one should

15 be double-dipping. Let him come to my

16 house and answer the phone from Chase or

17 from Visa, all right? I haven't had a

18 Carpenter paycheck since March. That's

19 wrong. I could do my job. I'm a big guy.

20 I'm fit. I can sheet a hole, I can build

21 a hoist, I can climb a scaffold. I can do

22 it today, I could do it tomorrow, I did i t

23 five years ago.

24 I'm not afraid to work. I need a

25 chance to work. I can't be told, "I'm not


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Cavelli

2 going to hire you." I have a wife and

3 three kids. I want to eat. I don't want

4 a problem. I want to eat. But it's wrong

5 that someone can knock me out of a job and

6 then punish my family. That's what they

7 are doing. They are punishing my family.

8 I did nothing wrong to be punished to

9 begin with.

10 Okay, I love this Brotherhood. I

11 worked day and night, but they have to

12 attack corruption, I went. I'm the guy at

13 night in the bad neighborhoods 3 o'clock

14 in the morning trying to catch guys

15 working. But these guys

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Slow down.

17 THE WITNESS: -- these guys don't do

18 that. They hide under security. Let them

19 in, don't let them in. It's nonsense.

20 Grievance, they let grievances go to --

21 they deal them down. How do you deal down

22 a grievance? If you catch a contractor

23 and he owes you ten carpenters per day,

24 let him pay for the ten -- don't let him

25 settle for a shop steward. Make him pay


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Cavelli

2 ten carpenters. Let ten days' pay --

3 THE CHAIRMAN: You've got to slow

4 down.

5 THE WITNESS: Sir, I apologize.

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Don't apologize, slow

7 down, because there's a court reporter

8 trying to keep up with everything.

9 Address your comments up here.

10 THE WITNESS: I apologize, sir. I

11 have a lot of people in the District

12 Council that I called my friends, clearly

13 weren't. As I said before, I didn't do

14 anything wrong I would help anybody in

15 anything, anyone. I was told, "Why are

16 you doing this, why are you doing that,

17 why are you organizing? Why are you going

18 after that company?" When I was a

19 business agent.

20 How do you tell someone why you're

21 organizing a company that's doing your

22 work? That's eating your lunch? How do

23 you tell someone why you're doing that?

24 You should say, "Go get them. Go get

25 them." Not stop. "Why are you bringing


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - John Cavelli

2 these guys in?" We need them, they are

3 doing the work. Bring them in. I really

4 don't want to be redundant. I have a lot

5 to say, but you know what? Other guys

6 want to talk. I really appreciate your

7 time. It's my presentation that you keep

8 the supervision and clean house.

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your

10 testimony.

11 THE WITNESS: You know what -- I

12 will --

13 (Applause. )

14 THE CHAIRMAN: Daniel Franco?

15 DAN I E L F RAN CO, having been duly

16 sworn, testified as follows:

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Daniel, good

18 afternoon.


20 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local are you

21 from?

22 THE WITNESS: Local 157.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead and give your

24 testimony.

25 THE WITNESS: For weeks I've been


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Daniel Franco

2 thinking about what I wanted to say here

3 during the hearing. And assembling

4 written testimony, dozens of pages long

5 that --

6 THE CHAIRMAN: All right, now, I

7 can't hear you, got a get a little closer.

8 Now, everybody keep in mind, you have to

9 talk somewhat constant, not -- it's very

10 difficult for this court reporter to keep

11 up with you, if you get into a fever

12 pitch. Go ahead.

13 THE WITNESS: I also am going to try

14 to cool myself, I apologize. And I'll

15 speak more slowly.

16 I wanted to talk about that Forde is

17 corrupt and has made many mistakes as EST,

18 that the PC execs have made mistakes also,

19 that the selection of the Javits Center is

20 not a good place, time or scheduling, and

21 like has already been said, that we should

22 have had it at the District Council; that

23 the blue card was a form of extortion;

24 that we're fined five hundred dollars for

25 not doing our Union duty. Well, that's a


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Daniel Franco

2 violation of the Constitution, to my

3 understanding, because the Constitution

4 states no more not in excess of three

5 hundred dollars.

6 That McCarron is definitely not an

7 independent investigator. He does not

8 adhered to any confidential, he informs

9 the District Council officers and

10 employees of names and information

11 provided confidentially; That Thomassen

12 removed the six-month rule and violated

13 the consent decree and was found in

14 contempt of court for that. That our work

15 list has been rigged many times, that the

16 evidence of abuse the system and operators

17 continues.

18 That McCarron, Thomassen, Shiel,

19 Leary, Callahan, and many other District

20 Council employees and Local officers knew

21 that Forde used drugs, in particular

22 cocaine and marijuana; that the

23 supervision, is supposed until at least

24 August 2010, just before the election for

25 General President. I don't want it to


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Daniel Franco

2 last that long, and I want to talk about

3 the part of the plan, of keeping Thomassen

4 at the District Council.

5 That Spencer says he has the

6 interests of the members at heart, but in

7 my opinion, he's shown the opposite

8 publicly. Now, I appreciate his testimony

9 yesterday, which was very informative, and

10 I wished he would give that information to

11 us on at least a frequent basis so I

12 wouldn't form the opinions that I have.

13 Because he's appointed Mike Forde in the

14 157 trusteeship as assistant supervisor.

15 That was a mistake to me. Now, he's

16 appointed Thomassen as assistant

17 supervisor of the District Council. It's

18 unfathomable to choose Thomassen as

19 assistant supervisor. But Spencer has

20 told me that Thomassen makes no decisions

21 and any decision that's come from the

22 District Council is from him personally.

23 So that's a little helpful, but

24 still, Thomassen should not have any

25 position, not be assistant supervisor, and


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Daniel Franco

2 he should be put to the side and referred

3 to when needed, if anything about the

4 District Council needs to be known.

5 That, I believe the outcome of this

6 supervision has already been decided even

7 before the supervision hearing was put in

8 place, that it took almost -- i t took over

9 two months from the time that we were put

10 in supervision to have this hearing, that

11 we were only given notice about a week, a

12 week-and-a-half to know about the Javits

13 Center hearing and that it's a difficult

14 place to get to for most.

15 The needlessness of the majority of

16 District Council vehicles, the excess of

17 spending on hotels, food and drink of

18 members, at the members' expense, the

19 cronyism and nepotism, ineptness and

20 corruption throughout the District Council

21 and the affiliated locals, and in

22 particular, that Leary and District

23 Council execs Forde, Thomassen and Shiel

24 somehow failed to detect and remedy that

25 two representatives and the business


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Daniel Franco

2 manager of Local 157 have not completed

3 their activity sheets in nearly three

4 years, and that's written, that's in the

5 testimony of the 157 hearing, where Leary

6 said that Callahan came to him and stated

7 that the business sheets were not filled

8 out in nearly three years.

9 Now, as Director of Operations, how

10 do you not catch that? I can understand a

11 week, maybe a month, you're a little busy.

12 Three years? How does the District

13 Council get behind three years and not

14 notice that? That Local 157 is singled

15 out in 157 trusteeship, that there was --

16 it was planned between Forde, Thomassen

17 and Shiel to get rid of what they viewed

18 as competition for District Council

19 elections.

20 And given time, if not already

21 proven, I'm going to prove all I have to

22 say.

23 Now, I know we're not here for that,

24 as Chairman Draper stated multiple times

25 yesterday. The purpose of this hearing is


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Daniel Franco

2 to hear what the members of the Local

3 Unions affiliated with the District

4 Council have to say as to why the

5 supervision should continue.

6 Now having attended the previous

7 Forde hearings, I missed most of the

8 Forde -- but I know much of what I

9 originally had to say Mr. Newkirk had

10 stated yesterday. He summarized it

11 exceptionally well in the first section.

12 I wouldn't restate and continue with the

13 multitude, and this is more reasons why

14 the supervision should continue.

15 However, the supervision should not

16 last for years like it had the last time.

17 I think it was three years or more? I

18 forget the exact timing of the last one.

19 I won't allow that. So what I will do is

20 tell you what's required to end this

21 supervision, in a way that will unlikely

22 ever require another supervision.

23 The first is knowledge. The only way

24 any group of people can sustainably and

25 honestly self-govern is by making


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Daniel Franco

2 decisions based upon timely; accurate

3 information. The District Councilor any

4 other organization will never be operated

5 sustainably and honestly for the benefit

6 and betterment of its members unless

7 timely, accurate information is provided

8 openly and without distortion to its

9 membership.

10 Our organizations, namely District

11 Council, the Local Unions, all the

12 councils and the UBC must be transparent

13 to us, the members. There must be full

14 disclosures of activities and financings

15 of our District Council and Local Union

16 representatives and those organizations

17 themselves.

18 The second part is systems. We need

19 to have systems that protect, prevent, and

20 notify and remedy incompetence and

21 corruption as it occurs.

22 Now, I'm at a loss to understand why

23 it's taken us since the inception of the

24 District Council to put systems like this

25 in place. Now, we should have a hundred,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Daniel Franco

2 over a hundred and something years, to

3 understand why something occurs and to

4 solve it, and that it should not continue

5 to occur at the level it does. But it

6 does continue to occur, because we're not

7 informed about nearly anything that

8 happens until we get our Carpenters

9 magazine, which is basically a fluff

10 piece. It's propaganda. It's feel-good

11 stories which I do agree are needed. But

12 it doesn't give us any real information

13 about our problems.

14 Letting us know about our problems,

15 we can come up with solutions. But if we

16 don't know what our problems are at home,

17 and we don't get any information about it,

18 there's no way we can solve our problems.

19 We'll always be in the dark. And that's

20 not acceptable to me.

21 We need to have information in a

22 timely, accurate manner and that's the

23 only way we're going to be able to

24 self-govern ourselves.

25 I thank you for your time.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 (Applause. )

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you. William

4 Davenport?

5 WILLIAM D A V E N P 0 R T , having been

.6 dUly sworn, testified as follows:

7 THE CHAIRMAN: Do you want to enter

8 this in as evidence?
9 THE WITNESS: Yes, sir.

10 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, I'm in receipt

11 of a document. It's entitled, "Judge

12 Continues Oversight of Carpenter Union,"

13 is that it?

14 THE WITNESS: Yes, that was a New

15 York Times article, sir, I believe in

16 August of '08.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. I will mark

18 that Exhibit number 8 -- hold on. Okay,

19 that will be marked Exhibit number 8.

20 Your name was?

21 THE WITNESS: Okay, good afternoon,

22 Brothers and Sisters. My name is William

23 Davenport. I'm a member of Local Union

24 608 since 1983. I started as a first-year

25 apprentice. I came here -- I've run for


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 Union election against incumbent slates

3 and some people, they call me a dissident.

4 I'm not a dissident. Nine out of 11

5 localS last time ran unopposed. I'm an

6 opposing candidate. P.J. McGuire was a

7 dissident, you know, George Washington was

8 a dissident --

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Just a little bit slow

10 down.

11 THE WITNESS: Okay. You know,

12 P.J. McGuire didn't agitate, agitate,

13 agitate. And it seems if we cannot

14 express Union democracy in this District

15 Council for a long time, when nine out of

16 eleven locals had elections that were

17 unopposed. When I ran for office, and I

18 had the right to make a speech, I was

19 heckled, I was assaulted, I was called a

20 child molester. A guy threw a sneaker at

21 me and then after the meeting, I was

22 suckerpunched and knocked unconscious, and

23 guys try to stomp on my head, and two

24 retarded Brothers jumped in and saved me

25 from, I had a concussion.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 Nothing was done to these guys. My

3 assaulter, whose name I'm not sure of

4 because it's hearsay, but he confessed to

5 Mr. Callahan's office. Mr. Callahan did

6 nothing. You know, because my speech was

7 interrupted, they allowed me a special

8 meeting where I did make a speech, but

9 this is unacceptable behavior.

10 I was playing with my life for

11 running for office, and, you know, I'm a

12 good standing member. I believe in

13 unionism and I've done nothing to go

14 against this organization, but I was

15 assaulted and nothing was done. And the

16 whole -- that was in front of the whole

17 608 body, okay? And that pretty much, you

18 can read that article.

19 But another problem I have is, we

20 have a lot of these Union officials are

21 collecting, they are on the tools pension,

22 which I believe is in violation of section

23 31D, page 33, which states that you can't

24 be on the UBC pension, but if in the

25 course of your term, you retire, you


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 cannot rerun.

3 Now, if you can't get a UBC pension,

4 what are you talking about applying for

5 another pension? And of course I was

6 ruled against it at the election committee

7 thing, and there was even a retired member

8 on the election committee, which is a

9 violation of the Constitution, and I did

10 bang it up all the way to Washington and

11 they said I was wrong, and I referred, you

12 know, I spoke to three attorneys about it

13 and they all agree with me.

14 I don't have a lot of money, I

15 couldn't fight it further, so I believe,

16 you know, we violated our own

17 Constitution, 31D, on page 33 in the

18 little book.

19 The numbers we should probably have,

20 it seems that we're not the Carpenters

21 Union, we're the business agent and golf

22 outing Union. 2007 under the --

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Slow down a little

24 bit.

25 THE WITNESS: Yes, sir. In the 157


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 hearings, it came out that the 157

3 delegates had a $27 outing schedule. Now,

4 the not exclusive to that Local. All the

5 locals attend these. We have eleven

6 locals, eleven golf outings, District

7 Council golf outings. We have all kinds

8 of association golf outings and charity

9 golf outings. We've got building trades

10 golf outings, you know, it's 27 days a

11 year, some of these guys go to golf

12 outings. And we pay for them. We pay for

13 their green fees. It's ridiculous.

14 And we have, right now, I got a

15 letter today. My number is 43-something.

16 4,300 and something. We've got guys on

17 this out-of-work list from, you know, it

18 takes a year to get a job with the way the

19 list runs. We used to have a 50-50 rule

20 which was gutted by some drug addicts. Do

21 you believe the hall, Thomassen, they sold

22 out to the contractors and now we're the

23 contractors Union.

24 Used to be, you know, we don't expect

25 12 months a year work because we're


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 carpenters and we understand the

3 seasonality of what we do, but we

4 certainly would like nine months a year.

5 We'd like medical coverage, which you need

6 to do a thousand hours. We got guys that

7 don't have medical coverage. Thousand

8 hours. You can't get a thousand hours.

9 That's a disgrace. And then we have some

10 guys making three thousand hours.

11 On certain jobs, you need certain

12 security clearance, and the business agent

13 didn't tell the general membership. They

14 only told their friends, like in the World

15 Trade Center or in the UN job, the UN

16 security clearance can take anywhere from

17 two to six weeks. So what certain

18 business agents were doing was giving the

19 heads-up to the guys, "Fill out this

20 presecurity thing," so when the job became

21 available, they were already cleared.

22 The regular guy would have to wait on

23 the list an additional six weeks to

24 actually get to the job after being out

25 for many, many months. The World Trade

(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Wi11iam Davenport

2 Center, they were given out the security

3 clearance way in advance, and it was --

4 seemed weird, why was a11 certain guys,

5 you know, that were down there, and no one

6 e1se was down there? Because it just came

7 out. They just put it in the magazine,

8 maybe someone wi11 correct that -- but

9 this is the kind of nonsense that goes on,

10 that certain peop1e get b1essed and others

11 don't.

12 I hate to go against these guys, but

13 the Javits Center is a good 1ocation to

14 me. We bui1t this p1ace. Union

15 carpenters bui1t this p1ace. We're right

16 now bui1ding the 7 train station. Maybe

17 next time you come is to Manhattan, you

18 can take the train here. The buses run

19 here. It's in the midd1e of the New York

20 City. That is the Javits Center. This is

21 one of the biggest convention centers in

22 the wor1d and it's not that hard to get

23 to. I disagree with that point of some of

24 these guys. But I disagree with a 10t of

25 their other stuff. I know John Cave11i.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 Every time I call him for a job to check

3 on my Union, that guy was pretty much

4 always there the same day. Sometimes, the

5 next day. But guys in his Local, I've

6 never seen them respond to a phone call.

7 They are very polite on the phone. They

8 never show up to the job to check on

9 anything.

10 The non-Union is killing us. Even

11 today in the paper, Mr. Mahoney, who is

12 one of the biggest non-Union companies,

13 has had seven names in maybe the last five

14 years, is selling like phony OSHA cards

15 and stuff, and we backed Bloomberg, and he

16 does nothing about that. There's plenty

17 of work out there in the City but i t seems

18 that more and more is becoming non-Union,

19 and these guys are playing golf 27 days

20 out of the year.

21 We also have, they go on, building

22 trades conventions in February where they

23 bring like 230 officials down there.

24 Schoolteachers, benefit funds people,

25 their girlfriends, their wives. And then


(212) 374.-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 they have a golf outing down there in the

3 middle of the week, which costs like

4 $60,000 and they are all golfing in

5 Florida in February, while we've had a

6 constant three thousand members out these

7 five years.

8 I don't really see the need to golf

9 when there's a building trades convention

10 with themselves. It makes no sense. This

11 is just some of the petty stuff but i t

12 adds up. The members, we're tired -- the

13 reason there's no one here because most

14 people are afraid to speak. You stand up

15 in a meeting, they will shout you down.

16 I've been threatened with my life for

17 raising my hand at the meeting. I was

18 threatened with my life because I ran for

19 office.

20 But I don't care. I'll run again and

21 again because I will not lay down. He

22 didn't get this many votes, but you know,

23 I'm not a dissident, I'm a Union

24 carpenter. I'm a hardworking man, and

25 I've seen the corruption. We knew, you


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 know, in hearsay in the bars and stuff, we

3 knew what was going op with these

4 companies, Tri-Built, L&D, you know, we

5 knew this stuff was going on. But nobody

6 did it. Walter Mack. We need to bring

7 back Mr. Mack. Mr. Callahan?

8 Mr. Callahan, his preemployment paperwork

9 stated he never had any business dealings


10 with O'Dwyer & Bernstein. Back in the mid

11 '70s, Paul O'Dwyer, the father of Paul

12 O'Dwyer, referred Mr. Callahan to handle a

13 case of frozen assets for the Shah of

14 Iran. He says he forgets he was

15 representing the Shah of Iran.

16 If you're familiar with lawyers, they

17 refer jobs to other lawyers. They get

18 compensated for that. So this guy forgot

19 that the Shah of Iran, I assume he had

20 many millions of dollars frozen and this

21 guy got that job from Paul O'Dwyer, he

22 forgot to put that on the paperwork. So

23 there was some kind of connection prior.

24 You know, when we caught it. Later on, he

25 said, "Well, it was thirty years ago. I


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Wi11iam Davenport

2 forgot."

3 I wou1d think, me, persona11y, if I

4 represented the Shah of Iran, I think I

5 wou1d remember that for the rest of my

6 1ife, whether it was thirty years, five

7 years or a hundred years. So this man was

8 caught in a 1ie right off the bat.

9 The u.S. Attorney's office made a

10 motion to remove him because of

11 incompetence and the judge ru1ed against

12 them. But the judge was hired in 1976

13 with Gera1d Ford, so I'm assuming he's a

14 strong Repub1ican. I don't know

15 persona11y, but maybe he's not in favor of

16 unions. I'm not sure. But I actua11y

17 testified, the judge seemed 1ike a sharp

18 man but he seems, he's in no hurry to ru1e

19 on carpenter issues, and the 50-50 thing,

20 it's going on for years.

21 We've been in consent decree I

22 be1ieve going on 17 years now, and I've

23 been in the Union 27. It's 1ike 60

24 percent of my career we've been under

25 supervision for a11eged Mafia ties. I


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 mean, this is what's going on. And these

3 guys that got arrested, the government

4 came out again and said they were mob

5 associates from different families.

6 And what has changed in 16 years?

7 You know? What has changed? We've had

8 business agents beaten up, stabbed.

9 People come and go. Me, I'm staying.

10 I've got nowhere to go. I'm a carpenter.

11 I got a high school education. I have

12 nowhere to go. Stuck here.

13 But this is my city, and I'm staying,

14 and we do need supervision. Tell you the

15 truth, I say you should fire half of these

16 guys, the Unity Team should all be fired.

17 Everyone who was with Mike Forde is a

18 crook. When I ran for District Council

19 Vice-President, at one of the meetings I

20 said to Pete, you know, Mike, he came to

21 the meeting, made a speech, you know, this

22 guy, he's your friend, he needs help. He

23 needs to get help." He said, "I know."

24 And the drugs, you know, that's kind

25 of a personal thing, drugs and alcohol, I


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 think these guys need help, but I don't

3 think they need 28-day rehabs. Some of

4 these guys doing 40, 50 lines of cocaine

5 or marijuana, they need to go away for a

6 year for rehab. I don't think they are

7 capable of doing their job. Myself, I'm

8 familiar with these studies. These guys

9 are serious alcoholics and addicts. They

10 were running the school. We have a school

11 down there where they found a whole bunch

12 of drugs. The administrators of the

13 school were on drugs.

14 This is ridiculous. The

15 administration of the school should be

16 removed. The whole school should be

17 removed, the administration, not the

18 teachers. The administration should be

19 removed because they were having parties

20 when the school was closed, prostitutes,

21 and it was like a big party down there, a

22 frat house. I mean, everyone knows this

23 stuff, you know, and no one's done

24 anything about it.

25 You know, I don't know, they went


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - William Davenport

2 down there, they found a little bit of

3 drugs, but that's just, you know, they

4 were a clean house pretty much after that,

5 and these guys who failed drug tests after

6 having, they had a six-week heads-up that

7 they were going to be tested, these guys

8 are hard core drug addicts. They couldn't

9 clean up in six weeks. You know, those

10 guys shaved their head, the body waxes and

11 stuff, so they have the hair samples.

12 This is an embarrassment.

13 When I read the newspaper and I see

14 "The Corrupt Carpenters Union," I'm

15 embarrassed because I'm a proud Union

16 member. You know, when people ask me what

17 do you do, I don't say I'm a carpenter. I

18 say I'm a Union carpenter. That's what I

19 say, you know?

20 But I seen the City, right down the

21 corner, Sheraton Hotels, Hilton hotels,

22 building non-Union, 20, 30, 60-storey

23 buildings, and these guys were at the helm

24 for the last nine years, and I blame them

25 directly. And I stand on that, and thank


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Wayne Martin

2 you for coming to New York City.

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your

4 testimony.

5 (Applause. )

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Wayne Martin?

7 WAYNE MAR TIN , having been duly sworn,

8 testified as follows:

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Good afternoon, Wayne.

10 What Local are you from?

11 THE WITNESS: 926.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead with your

13 testimony.

14 THE WITNESS: I'm going to be very

15 short and brief because what I have to say

16 is very, very important. I've been Union

17 for the past twelve years. Things of

18 which I've seen going on, I'm not happy

19 with it. Number one, they put anyone on

20 the out-of-work list, sometime, he doesn't

21 hear from them, you have to go for the

22 shaper jobs. The job you went to, they

23 ask your UBC number, you give it to them.

24 Soon after, you haven't heard anything.

25 But the meaningful thing important


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Wayne Martin

2 here is about the vacation.

3 Everybody who works is entitled to

4 vacation. And I figure that during your

5 vacation, you must get all your money,

6 whatever it is, because you're worked

7 hard, you're entitled to it. What they

8 have done, we have two separate things:

9 First, one percent deduction plus an

10 additional assessment.

11 Okay, I know that the district have

12 their bills to pay. Okay, I'm

13 satisfactory with the one percent they are

14 taking off my vacation, too, but the

15 additional assessment, I want to let them

16 know what that additional assessment is,

17 and what are the purpose for it. That is

18 the most important thing I'm talking

19 about, that additional assessment.

20 Because nothing in the written

21 permission of the additional assessment,

22 nobody knows exactly where the money is

23 going. No nobody knows, and that is very

24 important.

25 Thirdly, they sent the blue card and


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Wayne Martin

2 that blue card states if you do not sign

3 that blue card, you do not get your

4 vacation check. No one in this

5 organization should threaten anybody that

6 worked hard and tirelessly for their

vacation money to have to go through any

8 problems to get it. It is unfair to the

9 workers. I thank you very much.

10 (Applause. )

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your

12 testimony. Tom Vivolo? Tom here? Ray

13 Davis?

14 RAY D A V I S , having been duly sworn,

15 testified as follows:

16 THE WITNESS: Good afternoon,

17 Brothers and Sisters. My name is Ray

18 Davis, Local 608, UBC number 6302 554.

19 I would like to bring because it's a

20 very tough, about this who card and

21 everything like that. However, I have a

22 present grievance, which I was being

23 dispatched to a certain job, which was

24 Yankee Stadium. However, as a steward I

25 do board meetings and pitched in even more

(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Ray Davis

2 than what I am supposed to do, such as

3 picketing. However, I went to this

4 meeting of 608, and while working at

5 Yankee stadium, I went to the meeting

6 before the meeting start, right before,

7 there was conversation going on. So I was

8 listening.

9 This guy was saying that he heard

10 that the business agents going to send the

11 next Brother to the job, which I don't

12 'want to call his name now, usually I can,

13 and I said, listen, so the guy said,

14 "Well, the steward's already here. Which

15 company you're going to work for?" He

16 said -- the GC was Athena FS Solution.

17 Athena Solution. So I said -- I went

18 back, I didn't say nothing. So then, the

19 foreman, because they had to match the

20 Foreman from California, which was Athena,

21 with the Local foreman from 608, so that

22 things would go right. However, he told

23 me, you know, the dispatch, he won't

24 be -- --

25 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, hold on. He


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Ray Davis

2 can't understand what you're saying.

3 THE WITNESS: I'm getting to the

4 point.


6 THE WITNESS: I said, "What's that,

7 you're working hard here and I don't see

8 anybody" --

9 THE CHAIRMAN: All right, slow down.

10 THE WITNESS: He said -- I said,

11 "We're working hard here, I don't see now,

12 anybody being, I mean, being replaced or

13 removed. " He said, "Well, you know, the

14 business agent said, you know, there's a

15 guy in, you can remove him." I said,

16 "Under what circumstances?" However, .

17 after that day, the business agent here

18 was in charge of Yankee Stadium. Had a

19 meeting, I said, "What is this all about?"

20 He said I'm not following rules and I'm

21 not working hard enough. I said, "Who

22 said that?" He said the foreman. I said,

23 "Which foreman?" He said the foreman that

24 was being in placed there by the Local.

25 So I said, "Call the general foreman."



(212) (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Ray Davis

2 And on my performance, he came down and

3 said, not knowing what was going on, "The

4 man is okay. He's working hard." I said,

5 "Well, I'd like to go report." He said

however I want to get to the poiht.

7 The following day, there was this guy

8 who said he was going to be here, came on

9 the job. So I said, "Oh, you're the guy

10 who was supposed to replace me." He came

11 on the job and the guy from out of town,

12 who doesn't know better, when I didn't

13 work for six weeks, and they kept the

14 meeting so I said, "I'm not going to

15 remove that guy." I heard that when your

16 friends were saying that business agent

17 was going to send you, business agent

18 said, actually, if I said that, I -- I

19 heard it with my own ears, but the guy is

20 not moving that we're talking about,

21 because I didn't know. So I said, this is

22 a production -- went on and on until the

23 guys in the job started to abuse me, and

24 nothing happened. I was being terminated

25 eventually. I filed a grievance, and


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Ray Davis

2 this -- however, two hearings went by and ...

3 they didn't come. So eventua11y they came

4 to the 1ast one.

5 When I bring up the point with the

6 corruption and what the business agent was

7 doing, and the company, they 1eft a11

8 the PC come over in my face as though he

9 want to fight. So I said to him, the

10 hearing officer, "Mister, you see the

11 arrogance, what is happening with Loca1

12 608? I'm bringing out the truth and the

13 guy 1eaves his seat and come over."

14 I just want to bring this to the

15 1ight, what is taking p1ace. Peop1e who

16 are supposed to represent you, as the

17 business agent, I am the eye, the ear,

18 shop stewards, a11 shop stewards are the

19 eye and the ear of the job, and I figure

20 that they shou1d be represented better by

21 this Union, and the jurisdiction.

22 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your

23 testimony.

24 (App1ause. )

25 THE CHAIRMAN: Gauntnatt H01nass?


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Gauntnatt Holnass

2 GAUNTNATT H 0 L N ASS , having been

3 dUly sworn, testified as follows:

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Good afternoon.

5 THE WITNESS: Good afternoon.

6 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local are you

7 from?

8 THE WITNESS: Local 608.

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, go ahead.

10 THE WITNESS: Local 08. I've only

11 been in the Union approximately eleven

12 years. But I can say that I've been

13 around different companies, and I see a

14 lot of stuff that goes on. And one

15 particular incident that happened to me a

16 few years back that I, you know, just

17 keep, you know, seeing over and over, is,

18 at one point my name was very low on the

19 list, and I was

20 THE CHAIRMAN: You're speaking about

21 the out-of-work list?

22 THE WITNESS: Yes. I was -- my name

23 was very low on the list and I was called

24 by a certain business agent and I was told

25 that I should take my name off a certain


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Gauntnatt Holnass

2 list and put it on another list. But at

3 the time when it happened, I was under the

4 impression that maybe, you know, there's

5 something going on that, you know, I

6 wasn't aware of everything, all the ins

7 and outs, and I took my name off thinking,

8 okay, well, maybe it's going to happen

9 that I'll get a good job or something like

10 that.

11 I ended up getting called and I was

12 sent out on a one day job. And

13 eventually, I called the business agent

14 and I was asking, you know, what was this

15 all about? Because I was trying to, you

16 know, I wasn't fully aware of exactly how

17 things work.

18 So after that, you know, they told me

19 to just put my name back on the list but

20 then I realized, after I started getting

21 more and more information and getting more

22 involved and finding out the way things

23 really run, that it was done in order for

24 my name to be taken off the list just so

25 someone else could get the job. And


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Gauntnatt Holnass

2 little by little, I keep seeing these

3 things happening because, my understanding

4 is that a lot of guys get oalled out for

5 jobs based upon particular information

6 that they put as far as on their

7 portfolio.

8 For example, if you want someone to

9 get called out on a job, like he's a

10 friend of yours, you may tell him to put

11 60 hours overtime for a job, for example,

12 when there's no such thing. But at the

13 same time, for him, in the computer, his

14 name is there. All they have to do is

15 call in, say, okay, the oompany requires

16 someone with the 60 hour OSHA, nine times

17 out of ten, your name is the only one

18 going to pop up, you're going to get that

19 job.

20 And I realize after a while that

21 something like that happened to me, why my

22 name was bumped, why the person asked me

23 to do that. And I started thinking, okay,

24 I guess these guys, these -- I would see

25 corruption going on, but there was nothing


(212) 374-1139 www.veritext.oom (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Gauntnatt Holnass

2 I could do at the time about it.

3 THE CHAIRMAN: When did you say that

4 occurred?

5 THE WITNESS: It happened

6 three-and-a-half years back.


8 THE WITNESS: Also, what I want to

9 find out is, as far as people running for

10 office, you know, certain executive

11 positions, can there be term limits placed

12 in order to rotate guys so you can have

13 less chances of people having, fall into

14 the crack of corruption? I mean, i t just

15 seemed like a back-and-forth.

16 The way things are run right now,

17 where a group of guys are in, this one at

18 the top or maybe two guys, maybe they get

19 replaced because of something they found

20 out, but you can't tell me that you have

21 nine guys work in one room, two people are

22 always doing this and doing that, and then

23 the rest of the guys have no idea what is

24 going on? So it's a revolving door. Just

25 like these two guys are gone and then


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Gauntnatt Holnass

2 whoever is next, they put two more there,

3 ended up back to whatever i t is, it's the

4 same thing over and it's like a cycle.

5 And this is getting ridiculous.

6 I mean, we're the ones who are

7 working. I can understand they have a job

8 to do, yes. But if they are not doing i t

9 in the correct way, then they should go.

10 And there has to be a way where, if

11 there's elections or certain things that

12 could happen, that could be a time limit

13 set were there have to be elections where

14 guys can either vote against them or, for

15 example, when they got like -- why is i t

16 guys aren't running as independents and

17 then put together as one unit? We need to

18 get rid of the slate. Because nine times

19 out of ten, when someone voted for, if

20 this person is, for example, President,

21 and you're going to vote, nine times of

22 ten, you may check one, two, three, four,

23 right down the line. For what reason?

24 People aren't thinking. They see

25 this guy, I'm going to vote for him, they


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Gauntnatt Holnass

2 vote for anybody. If you don't -- if you

3 know this guy isn't doing his job, and

4 doing something that you're aware of, why

5 vote for him, just to vote? Are we just

6 stupid, are we just naive? I'm not -- for

7 the

8 THE CHAIRMAN: Slow down a little

9 bit, okay?

10 THE WITNESS: I remember the last

11 election we had, you know, in the District

12 Council election, and I was with a few

13 friends of mine, you know, trying to get

14 guys to vote for them just to create, you

15 know, a little opposition against the guys

16 that are in office.

17 I mean, because that's the only way

18 you can get things to work, because you

19 can't have one set of people always given

20 out the orders. We are have to have

21 opposition, one way or the other. And if

22 you don't create it, guys are going to

23 come out on the vote? I'm not getting it.

24 You have the right to vote, these guys

25 don't do anything. Exercise your right.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Gauntnatt Holnass

2 But these guys do not. I mean, I'm at

3 different jobs, I talk to guys, "Come out

4 and vote, are you going to the meeting?"

5 "I don't want to do that." When something

6 happens, then they turn around and say,

7 then they ask them, "Did you go down and

8 vote?" "No, I didn't." So what are you

9 complaining about?

10 I mean the percentage of the members

11 that are in the know, we should get a much

12 better turnout than we have right now. I

13 think maybe the last election was like a

14 thousand guys came out to vote or

15 something like that, when we have so many

16 thousands of members? I'm not getting it.

17 I don't know, honestly speaking, you

18 know, usually I'm talking, I don't always

19 talk like this, because I get a little too

20 heated, you know, and I say things, maybe

21 the way I'm expressing myself is not the I

22 what I want to, honest. But the just like

23 the Brother was saying at first when he

24 was here saying, all guys used to come to

25 him because he's a tough guy. I'm a smart


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Gauntnatt Holnass

2 guy but I know I'm tough, and I'm not

3 afraid of doing whatever I have to do to

4 get what I have to do, if that's the way

5 i t comes out. But the bottom line is -- ..

6 maybe I'm talking a little too much, but

7 I'll -- I'm sorry.

8 As far as Pete Thomassen, I mean, I

9 was told pretty much that he was found in

10 contempt for giving away pretty much the

11 companies' right to request guys. I've

12 been in jobs and I see the same set of

13 guys working over and over. And I'm like,

14 we call this "Brother." Okay? A

15 Brotherhood. We have one set of guys work

16 continuously when one set of guys stays on

17 the list. And I'm like, what am I missing

18 here?

19 Guys wait months and months and

20 months of time before they get called up

21 on a job and guys can go from this job to

22 that job, work here during the day, go

23 there on overtime. This is ridiculous.

24 I mean, I work. I'm not talking

25 about my -- I'm a certified steward. I


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Gauntnatt Holnass

2 pretty much always worked, but I come

3 across guys who are constantly complaining

4 and saying these things and nothing is

5 being done about it. This is a bunch

6 of -- it's a big joke. If guys aren't

7 given the same opportunity to go out and

8 work, it's not working. It is just not

9 working, and the companies, why is i t that

10 it seems like the companies are actually

11 running the Local as opposed to the Local

12 itself? I'm not getting that. What am I

13 missing here? Is this a Union or what?

14 I mean, honestly I have a lot of

15 stuff in my head, but -- you know what? I

16 think I'll leave that. I'm going to

17 end up saying stuff I don't want to say.

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much

19 for your testimony.

20 (Applause. )

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Patrick Bebers?

22 PAT RIC K B E B E R S , having been duly

23 sworn, testified as follows:

24 THE WITNESS: Good afternoon.

25 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local are you


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1 Testimony -Patrick Bebers

2 from?

3 THE WITNESS: Local 1536.


5 THE WITNESS: Yes, 1536.

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, go ahead and

7 give your testimony.

8 THE WITNESS: Okay. I want to say

9 good afternoon to the Sisters and Brothers

10 here in the Union. We have obligations.

11 First thing I want to say is, there's

12 a lot of back-and-forth going on, and it's

13 understandable. I want to give it some

14 context, so it's all clear.

15 We're at war. And it's bad when we

16 were at war with each other because it

17 makes it hard for us to deal with the war

18 that's going on without, the non-Union

19 sector. It's a war against poverty, or

20 people wanting to have a certain standard

21 of living that's acceptable.

22 Residential, we know what the deal

23 is. There are agreements being made on

24 the residential end. Commercial, where

25 the bennies, benefits, have been scaled


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 back, it's been agreed upon not by the

3 rank-and-file but by leadership. Benefits

4 are being scaled back, our hourly wage is

5 being scaled back. And that's supposed to

6 be in our best interests? That's what we

7 were told. Because like I say, it's a war

8 going on. The non-Union sector is


9 charging less money for jobs and we're

10 trying to compete with that. That's just

11 to give a little context that there's a

12 war going on.

13 Now to the meat of it. I'm a

14 certified shop steward myself out of 1536.

15 And I went out sometime in 2008, stating

16 that 2009, January 1st, every job was

17 supposed to have a shop steward on it.

18 Now, I go to meetings when I can. And

19 when I say that I can, I mean that we're

20 encouraged to go to meetings but we're

21 also encouraged to attend classes and some

22 classes, of course, you end up in conflict

23 with the meetings.

24 And also, we're encouraged to attend

25 university, to go to college and better


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1 Testimony - Patrick Babers

2 ourse1ves. Peter McGuire said educate,

3 organize and educate. That's what he

4 said.

5 Now, first thing, you can't organize

6 anything if you're not educated. And he

7 wasn't ta1king about the degree type

8 education. In my persona1 opinion, even

9 though that's a he1p, it's good to have

10 guys on the front 1ine with your Union

11 book who happen to be attorneys, who wi11

12 go to bat with you or who wi11 go in there

13 and fight a good fight for you. It's good

14 to have guys in 1eadership 1ike that.

15 But educating means as rank-and-fi1e,

16 just knowing how to do your job. I want

17 to say this: I've been in meetings

18 whether the room has been -- I'm

19 origina11y from Louisiana. I got pushed

20 out of Louisiana because of Hurricane

21 Katrina. I observed the socia1 things is

22 just a 1itt1e bit different. Even in

23 meetings where you come to the meeting and

24 you might recognize two or three guys, but

25 I'm going to say a word that you haven't


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 heard before, the love in the room,

3 because that's what gives unity, it's not

4 because we all signed up and said we're

5 UBC. That's not where unity comes from.

6 Just because we have a card. Just because

7- you pay the dues. That don't mean that

8 you automatically are a member at heart,

9 is what I'm talking about.

10 When you leave the room and haven't

11 met anybody new, or you're brought on jobs

12 and you're working with ten guys and you

13 leave this job, and you don't know the

14 names of any of them, and that's one of or

15 problems with the lack of information. It

16 shouldn't happen that if you're a BA or

17 anybody refused to give us their

18 information, -that's wrong. But what I'm

19 saying is, if one Brother or Sister gets

20 it, we supposed to all have it. That's

21 what I'm talking about.

22 Now, how can we get it? How can we

23 get the information if we don't have it?

24 A lot of this information is rested and

25 vested in the company. Don't go to them.


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 When you look a fellow carpenter,

3, that's the website for the

4 Philadelphia region. And you click on the

5 history sections, it's about eleven pages

6 long and gives you a history of the UBC.

7 Not to say that New York doesn't have a

8 history section, I've read that, but I

9 want to go to this one in particular

10 because it has a direct bearing on what's

11 going on in this jurisdiction.

12 There was a conflict going on way

13 back between what they called the

14 journeymen and apprentice, and also

15 something called the master carpenter.

16 Which we don't hear that word anymore.

17 You've got apprentices, journeymen and

18 master carpenters. And what was explained

19 in the writings was that the master

20 carpenters after so many years, you can

21 achieve of certain level of what he was

22 considered a master in that particular

23 part of his trade, he would be the person

24 who actually owned the company.

25 Here's the concept: Made in the USA.


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 We love to hear those words, but the

3 contractors, and there's nothing wrong

4 with being from somewhere else, and

5 nothing wrong with coming to the United

6 states doing business, but these big

7 contractors, some of them call the shots,

8 actually from Germany, Australia, you

9 understand? Sweden. They really don't

10 have our best interests at heart.

11 First of all, they're big business.

12 Nothing wrong with big business if they

13 are going to do Union business of course.

14 But when we go back to the history of what

15 it was as to what it is now, it was a

16 small contractor, "Hey man, you started at

17 apprenticeship school together. You made

18 your way up. Now you did what you have to

19 do and own the company."

20 Because what we're complaining about,

21 a lot of this is company issues, too. The

22 companies doing that, and why does the

23 company have so much power? This is the

24 United States. That's what is going on.

25 But who owns the company? Why is it that


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 there's very few companies owned by Union

3 guys? And when I say Union guys, I'm not

4 talking about a guy who ran up somewhere,

5 went to another state, bought a book,

6 snuck back in, switched it to this

7 jurisdiction, and saying, "Pay your Union

8 just to say I got a book." I'm not

9 talking about that.

10 I'm talking about growing right here

11 in New York. That's one of your big

12 issues. That's one of your big issues.

13 SBCs, small business contractor. It's

14 something dealing with labor, I think with

15 the Labor Management Board or something

16 like that is connected with the District

17 Council. And for two years, I've

18 inquiring, not just me, a group of guys

19 have been inquiring, "Hey, what's going on

20 with those classes to where Union

21 individuals, Union members can get the

22 proper training to go out to start their

23 own companies?"

24 They say, Well, the guys aren't

25 available now. "Oh, it costs too much."


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 "The guys' unavailable to meet."

3 And I'm submitting that there's one

4 of the problems. We need our own

5 companies. Get on the scaffold, and

6 you've got about twelve or 16 contractors

7 delegating the work in New York? Don't

8 you think it would be feasible to have --

9 I would love to see all of them, but at

10 least half of them, or something, where

11 Union members -- after all, who knows the

12 trade like us? That's my second point.

13 Even if it's drywall, you know what the

14 requirement to have so many, you've got to

15 throw your back out and kill yourself, for

16 some companies, but other companies are

17 not quite like that.

18 Where are the Union contractors?

19 Where is the help that we need from the

20 District Council to make that happen?

21 That should be one of the biggest programs

22 running.

23 Look, if you have 25,000 members and

24 people knew that it was an honest program,

25 I'm telling you, people would participate.


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 That's one of the reasons why people don't

3 go to vote. If you don't believe in what

4 you're going to vote about, or you don't

5 trust the system, one of the ways that

6 people show their disapproval or show they

7 want things to be better is to come out

8 now and speak now. But another way that

9 people show they are dissatisfied and

10 don't believe anymore is to not

11 participate.

12 Let me tell you something about .the

13 Jacob Javits Center. Of course, I believe

14 that if it were in the hall it would be

15 better. But you have different

16 motivations for i t not being at the hall;

17 maybe, conflict of interest, what-not.

18 But I guarantee you, if a call went out on

19 the out-of-work list, and every person was

20 on the out-of-work list, "Look, big job at

21 the Javits Center, be here today," I

22 guarantee most of the people on the

23 out-of-work list, they would have been

24 here. And that's being real. Because

25 they would see that as their interest.


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 What I'm saying is, when it's time to

3 show up, we've got to show up, we've got

4 to be for real. Should have been here

5 today. Just calling how i t is. That

6 and that's being realistic with that.

7 As far as all the incidents that keep

8 going on, I have training in safety and

9 one of the things they use in safety is a

10 pyramid concept and what happens is, at

11 the top you have a fatality or very

12 serious incident at the point, but at the

13 bottom what builds i t up is a bunch of

14 incidents that indicates that something

15 big is coming. Now, we don't know what's

16 at the top.

17 These current scandals involve the

18 current leadership at the top. That may

19 be the top. But I doubt it, I'm hearing

20 words like "anger," consistently from

21 different people talking, to the point

22 where it's almost, you can't even express

23 yourself. At least they are here.

24 We're leading up to something that's

25 really bad. You have to remember, these


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 are trained men and women to do their

3 jobs, and they going to feed their

4 families, whether they work in Union, and

5 they are going to do it whether they work

6 in non-Union, and the last. thing that I

7 want to see is for the people who pay

8 their dues, they get all this training

9 from the Union, and then they get so

10 ticked off so they run around and jump the

11 place. That's sad. That's a tragedy.

12 That means the Union is actually fueling

13 its own destruction.

14 And guess what happens when you get a

15 guy or a female on the other side and they

16 know the craft like the back of their

17 hand? Now the contractor plays his

18 politics 101. "Okay, we got a guy that

19 knows the UBC like the back of his

20 happened, he's a carpenter. We're going

21 to give him, we don't have insurance to

22 pay him, but I'll tell you, we'll give him

23 $80 an hour, and we'll set this guy up to

24 train all our non-Union guys, and after he

25 trains everybody in the full aspect of


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 carpentry, we'll cut his throat."

3 That's what we're talking about when

4 I say realize that there's a war going on.

5 It's one of the issues for people that

6 don't get so angry that you go that route.

7 Another thing, coming from Louisiana,

8 and having traveled and worked in

9 different jurisdictions, I want to tell

10 the people here, just don't sit here and

11 attack that jurisdiction when there's no

12 work. Sometimes there is no work.

13 Understand that UBC card that you have is

14 good for not just New York. It's not just

15 good for the five boroughs, Jersey,

16 Connecticut. It's good throughout the

17 United States of America, and parts of

18 Canada. You've got a world to go to.

19 This is what i t means about the

20 education part of it because you're not

21 taught this, this is something you have to

22 pick up or you have to be told. Now, when

23 I go to job sites and guys are

24 complaining, I said, "Guess what, they got

25 jobs here, they got jobs there. They have



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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 a job going in Vegas right now. They've

3 job jobs California, jobs going right

4 now. They are hiring. These are jobs I

5 know about."

6 Sometimes you have to be willing to

7 travel, and when you travel, guess what,

8 you don't get the same rates, the highest

9 paying places. But your hours, yes, you

10 could be two hundred hours short, and

11 that's all you need, or you're a hundred

12 hours short, sure. Sometimes you're fifty

13 hours short. Go out and get your hours,

14 don't just sit there and complain.

15 You've got guys on the bench, but

16 not, not Local 1536, but guys on the

17 bench, but I had the scaffold part, a

18 things like that and which allowed me to

19 work, and I'm telling you that you can do

20 the same thing. You've got the scaffold

21 part, you know the certification that

22 you're being told to get, and you make

23 your move.

24 Another thing, I think in some way,

25 we become a little bit too specialized.


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 Meaning that okay, all I can do is

3 drywall. That's not the only thing you

4 can do. It's all that you want to do.

5 They have the classes at the hall. I'm

6 being real with you. I'm in drywall right

7 now. I'm in house painting right now.

8 The drywall class started out with me and

9 twelve people. Now we're likely looking

10 at about eight. House painting started

11 out with about ten people. Now we're

12 looking at three on a regular basis.

13 And other people who want to but

14 can't get into class because the first or

15 second day is passed and now they are told

16 to wait a year or two, and next year comes

17 up. If we're paying the money, you should

18 be able to get into the classes. We're

19 paying dues, money is coming out, whether

20 you're paying your dues or a different --

21 the different mysterious assessments that

22 people don't know where the money's going.

23 And it is mysterious to us, because it's a

24 mistery. I'm pretty sure that the

25 District Council can, we hope, explain


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 where all the money is coming from. But

3 I'm saying it's a mystery for us because

4 we just don't know.

5 And sometimes, when you don't know,

6 hey, you just got to ask, and that's what

7 I mean about organize and agitate. Times

8 we got to agitate the home front. If you

9 want to know what's going on with the

10 vacation, look, take a trip up there and

11 ask. Show it to them. "I don't

12 understand." "Well, I just explained it

13 to you." "Explain it to me again. I

14 don't get it. Explain it to me again. I

15 don't get it." Do what you have to do to

16 get the answers you want.

17 The next thing is us being

18 accountable for who we vote for, and this

19 is for real, when you vote a person in

20 office a lot of times we vote a person in

21 because they are telling us they are going

22 to do right by us. Okay. That's the

23 fairy tale version why we vote people in

24 office. Let us be real with each other

25 and tell us why a lot of guys and gals


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 really voted people in office. Because

3 you were connected with the person and you

4 thought that if I'm right with him, I can

5 get to the end zone. What's the end zone?

6 Retiring and keep my benefits, I put the

7 kids through college or whatever, and I

8 can live with dignity the rest of my life.

And you're betting on that person instead


10 of betting on a system that we call the

11 United Brotherhood of Carpenters.

12 That's your first mistake. Because

13 you see anybody, we can throw names out

14 there. We can throw names out there.

15 Even McGuire, he faced scandal at a

16 certain point, powerful man but he faced

17 scandal.

18 I don't recall Jim's whole name. We

19 know about Jim. He faced scandal. The

20 Teamsters Union. Faced scandal. Then he

21 had to go. I'm telling you that to say

22 don't bet on a person, bet on the system.

23 But you've got to take your time and learn

24 the system, and I'm saying this to say, a

25 lot of people understand this to be real


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 because the person you bet on, who you

3 thought was going to do this for you,

4 understand that the people is pulling

5 snake moves to get you jobs, because you

6 were beneficial at that particular point

7 in time, he was still snake moves.

8 Nobody makes snake moves better than a

9 snake, do you understand?

10 So guess what, when it's no longer

11 beneficial for him to make the moves for

12 you and it's time for him to snake and

13 move with somebody else, he won't call you

14 any more. Now, you mad, you want to go

15 call corruption, you want to call the

16 Feds, let's call i t in to the

17 International, when you know that you were

18 involved in i t in the first place and

19 that's one of the reasons why you've got

20 thirty guys, fifty guys, a hundred guys,

21 one guy in his pocket and nobody else

22 knows anything about it.

23 Depend on the system. The system is

24 time proven. The system works. We know

25 this. Human beings will fail you time and


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Patrick Babers

2 time again. Excuse my French here, we

3 failed ourselves. So we know somebody

4 else has the potential to fail us. And

5 that's pretty much, you know, all that I

6 wanted to say, except one more thing.

7 And this is an early warning, because

8 we don't get those often usually we get it

9 when it's too late. One of the beautiful

10 things about the Union was that we always

11 see in theory the same pay at supposed the

12 skill level. And I have to put it like

13 that. We received the same pay I mean,

14 if I'm a journeyman, you're a journeyman.

15 And if I work in Manhattan and you work in

16 Queens and we're doing the same type job,

17 we're getting the same type pay.

18 Now I want to tell you what's coming.

19 We have different agreements now, and it

20 states that, hey, if you're on this job,

21 you're going to get this particular pay

22 rate. But if you're on that job, you're

23 going to get that particular pay rate.

24 Now, in theory, we did that to try to

25 save the Union and keep working. But what


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 we have set up now, we've set up a

3 difference. Now the question becomes, who

4 is going to get the two dollars more on

5 the check, the two dollars less on the

6 check, the two dollars less in benefits,

7 the two dollars more in benefits? Who is

8 going to decide that? How do you decide

9 that?

10 And everyone is well aware of which

11 jobs you're going to receive your regular,

12 which is what we worked for, and who is

13 going to receive less money. How is the

14 contractor going to deal with that if he

15 has company guys or he has a particular

16 set of people that he may favor? "I'm

17 going to send these guys to my job where

18 he can get 44 an hour," where if you come

19 through the hall, we've got something for

20 you, .you get over there and you get that

21 forty.

22 You see, there's a lot of different

23 ways that we have to be careful to keep

24 your eyes open and I just want to know if

25 either District Council, or from


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1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 Internationa1, what's coming down the

3 pipe1ine to dea1 with that, because that

4 the rea11y is something that was

5 unforeseen by most peop1e but now it's

6 happening and I'm going to te11 you, the

7 gap is going to get bigger and bigger

8 because, once you come to the tab1e and

9 you give it away, and they see you got it

10 in your eyes, and -- it's about staring

11 each other down. You sme11 weakness.

12 "Okay. We'11 ask for two d011ars. Next

13 week, next year, six months 1ater, we ask

14 for two more. They don't give i t to us,

15 we'11 just, hey, go non-Union. We'11 just

16 go non-Union. And bring in guys and hope

17 some of the guys cross the 1ine, and we'11

18 do i t 1ike that, and maybe we'11 go back

19 to the Union if they sett1e for four

20 d011ars 1ess."

21 So we have to watch a11 of that, and

22 1ike I said, that thing with the shop

23 steward dea1, it's a sweeping indictment

24 on the companies and the Union. One of

25 the criteria for shop stewards, you're


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 supposed to be in the Union five years.

3 Let me tell you something. If you are

4 telling -- if you send a letter out to

5 everybody in the jurisdiction saying, hey,

6 by 2009, you have to have a shop·steward

7 on every job, and people who have been in

8 five years or more, knowing that if you go

9 to the job, you're supposed to be at the


10 job, and not all these shop stewards are

11 noble perfection or noble position anyway,

12 besides the benefit of haVing to be there

13 to the end, the doors, the phones should

14 have been ringing off the hook. People

15 should have been banging on the doors to

16 come in and sign up.

17 But they didn't. Because the people

18 who have been there five years or longer,

19 they had a bad taste in their mouth. But

20 now you have persons coming who have only

21 been in the Union a year. They are able

22 to take all the classes except the one

23 which is a steward class, but they need

24 security on the job, and you don't have

25 any guy who's there five years and


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Patrick Babers

2 certified, and you have to appoint

3 somebody, so now I appoint a guy where

4 op the job whose been in the Union 1ike

5 two years.

6 And 1'11 te11 you, the contractors

7 sme11 b1ood. And he sme11s b100d because

8 he can do that person, not everybody, but

9 I'm te11ing you, he cou1d take that person

10 because he has know1edge of a11 the things

11 that go on in the Union, he can twist and

12 put that person in.

13 He can te11 a guy, "Take ha1f the

14 day, go to the ha11 and go what do you

15 have to do." The guy comes back the next

16 day, or a week 1ater, and raises a

17 1egitimate issue with the man, "You can't

18 te11 me that, he was bi11ing time."

19 THE CHAIRMAN: Patrick, we're going

20 to have to sum up. we have a 10t of fo1ks

21 to hear from.

22 THE WITNESS: I just wanted the

23 peop1e to hear what I have to say, and I

24 don't want the UBC -- do what we have to

25 do to repair ourse1ves, whether it's


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Patrick Bebers

2 elections or not elections, educate

3 ourselves and let's just keep pushing

4 forward against this non-Union factor,

5 thank you.

THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much.

7 We're going to take a ten-minute

8 break and then we're going to come back,

9 because we have several people to hear

10 from. When we come back, we're going to

11 have to impose a few shorter time limits

12 to make sure we get everybody that wants

13 to speak given an opportunity. Ten-minute

14 break.

15 (Recess taken.)

16 THE CHAIRMAN: If everybody will take

17 their seats, we'll get started. We've got

18 quite a few people to hear from. The

19 hearing will last till 4:30. We have to

20 close then because the court reporter has

21 a previous engagement and he has to leave

22 by 4:30.

23 A VOICE: Can't hear you.

24 THE CHAIRMAN: I know, we're trying

25 to get the mic running. Bill, you want to


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Proceedings

2 find the gentleman?

3 Again, I'll try to talk loud enough

4 before the guy with the mic gets here. As

5 you're called up, please try to keep your

6 thoughts and testimony as brief as

7 possible. We have, I want to hear from

8 everybody, I don't want anybody not to

9 have the opportunity, and I don't want to

10 have to keep interrupting you and tell you

11 to conclude. So I just ask you that, try

12 to keep your comments very brief and get

13 on the record what you need to get on the

14 record.

15 While we're waiting for the mic man,

16 I will call the next person up and get

17 sworn in. Noel Emanuel. Noel, you here?

18 Come on up, Noel, get sworn in, set down,

19 as soon as we get somebody to turn the mic

20 on, we'll get started.

21 N 0 E L E MAN U E L , having been duly sworn,

22 testified as follows:

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Noel, just bear with

24 us for a moment 'till we get the mic on.

25 MR. MAPLES: We think it's a Union


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Noel Emanuel

2 thing.

3 (A pause in the proceedings.)

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Testing, we're on.

5 Okay, Noel, will you let us know what

6 Local you're from?

7 THE WITNESS: My name is Noel

8 Emanuel, Local 157.

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead Noel, talk

10 close to the mic.

11 THE WITNESS: I'm a member of Local

12 157 from 1987, and I'd just like to say

13 that I -- like many of the members, I have

14 a lot of concerns with the District

15 Council, they are supposed to be the

16 watchdogs. I mean, I -- I had a high

17 school education and some technical

18 college education. I'm not in a conflict.

19 They are the ones that are supposed to

20 take care of business. And from '87 to

21 now, I'm disgusted and really frustrated

22 with their behavior, like most of the

23 other persons here, I'm pretty sure. It's

24 becoming too much. They take care of

25 themselves, they drive around in big SUVs,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Noel Emanuel

2 and they hardly he have do their work.

3 They never, hardly ever do their work.

4 I remember at one time I was on a job

5 an Staten Island, and I see -- I note that

6 they were getting cash, they were paying

7 cash. Everybody working there was paying

8 cash. And I called the Union whistle.

9 And they would go to the job and they went

10 to the job, after I was laid off, and

11 asked for me. They wanted to talk to me

12 in person.

13 They made the company know that I --

14 I'm the one that dropped the dime on them.

15 And at the time so I lost a lot of trust.

16 It was scared shit at that time. Now,

17 there's a lot going on right now in the

18 field. There's a lot going on. Most of

19 these workers that are on the list of the

20 workers right now, they can tell you. I

21 bet there are some high numbers. The

22 numbers are practically stuck, are moving

23 very, very slow, because some guys in this

24 Union today, it's whoever they know and

25 who they call, they move from job to job.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Noel Emanuel

2 And we're not getting the work. It's

3 stuck.

4 Like one guy said before, we have

5 families, too. And they are going to

6 the -- I had a shop steward, I was a

7 foreman on a job recently in a school in

8 Queens, and just as the job was getting

9 towards the end, my shop steward left. He

10 left the job, and called me up in a couple

11 of days and told me to make his check out,

12 because he was on another job.

13 Really, that was wrong. That was

14 wrong. I mean, I know he's a shop

15 steward, but he should at least -- at

16 least spend a couple of days on. He went

17 to the job because he knew somebody.

18 Shouldn't have gone to this, and I know

19 that that was wrong.

20 We just have to look into it. It

21 needs looking into. This is definitely

22 wrong. Because most of these guys, they

23 are not working, they are here today.

24 They have been on the list for a long

25 time. The list is not moving. It's not


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424


1 Testimony - Noel Emanuel

2 moving. Guys call the business agent,

3 they go from job to job, earning a lot of

4 overtime. Come on, let's make it fair,

5 it's not fair. I hate to go on and on,

6 but I'll give somebody else a chance to

7 talk.

8 And also, they are supposed to be the

9 watchdog, like I said. Our co-payment

10 keeps going up. I mean, there are other

11 unions, they don't have co-payments. I

12 know they are bigger unions than us, but

13 when a man is sick, and he goes to the

14 doctor, the co-payment is too high. Who

15 is doing the negotiation with these

16 insurance companies? But I don't think

17 they are negotiating this. Our

18 co-payments are just too high. And that's

19 all I have to say.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much

21 for your testimony.

22 (Applause. )

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Selmarin Wall? Not

24 here? Frank Strachan? Frank, are you

25 here? Please remove your hat, Frank, and


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Frank Strachan

2 come up? You want to go over here and get

3 sworn in, please.

4 FRANK S T R A C HAN , having been duly

5 sworn, testified as follows:

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Frank, can you tell us

.7 what Local you're from?

8 THE WITNESS: Brooklyn Local 926.


10 THE WITNESS: Two-six.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead.

12 THE WITNESS: I want to say hi to

13 everybody that's here. I'm concerned that

14 the folks that are here, the members that

15 are here, is i t that everybody is on the

16 out-of-work list, that's why they're here,

17 or some people came from work, not here,

18 so the thing, the problem that I've seen

19 with this organization over the time that

20 I've been in the Union for the last

21 eleven, twelve years, is that the system

22 is not working, simply because some people

23 have the run of the business in the sense

24 that other people just don't get a chance.

25 I mean, you can do every training


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1 Testimony - Frank Strachan

2 that there is in the summer, the fall,

3 whatever classes there are. But you don't

4 get no work, while there are guys working

5 night and day, round the clock, 365 days a

6 year, plus overtime. I'm saying those

7 folks that are working round the clock out

8 to pay for the folks that are not working

9 at all.

10 Medical, we should not live without

11 coverage. We should not be without

12 unemployment. We should not have to go

13 out of the Union to find work when the

14 Union is the place, when we put the Union

15 in place. I think it's wrong. And this

16 is what is really getting to me, and

17 that's why sometimes I haven't been to

18 many meetings. I should be at no meetings

19 at all but I tried to make it my duty to

20 come here today because there was an

21 incident that happened actually two years

22 ago.

23 I went to work with the Union, I came

24 back out to work -- I was running my own

25 business, hosiery -- and I was with a


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Frank Strachan

2 company called Cross Work Construction,

3 and at this very point, over 21 hours in

4 benefits that they didn't pay, they gave

5 me a wrong W-2 form with a -- with a -- a

6 W-2 form with the wrong Social Security

7 number, and I cannot claim benefit for it,

8 I cannot use it. And I've been trying up

9 to two days ago, up to this morning, I

10 called the Queens business agent and asked

11 him to contact the company to get this

12 done.

13 I spoke to someone in the company and

14 they told me there's nothing improper with

15 the pay stub that I have. I got a regular

16 pay stub, and the District Council does

17 not accept those pay stubs because of

18 the -- because it's not -- it's not

19 correct. I'm not the one that's making

20 those pay stubs up. That's the pay stubs

21 that's given to me. If somebody asked me,

22 I just came there from my UBC and I

23 present the card that was given to me from

24 this organization, and it's honored, I

25 think those pay stubs that are given from


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Frank Strachan

2 the company, regardless if it's bogus, i t

3 should be honored.

4 And to set the record straight, that

5 this cannot. be sold, you know, we can't

6 refuse this, because we have to find ways

7 and means in order for the company to

8 bring the company to justice. It's not my

9 job. You know, I think that we pay a lot

10 of

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Let me ask you a

12 question. Did you turn i t over to the

13 agent, you said --

14 THE WITNESS: I turned i t over to the

15 agent.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: What was their

17 response?

18 THE WITNESS: He's going to call the

19 guy.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. I think

21 you're going to get some action on it.

22 THE WITNESS: Right. Well, you know,

23 but it's -- you know, I'm saying that if

24 guys working, right now I cannot claim

25 unemployment, you know, and I've been in


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Frank Strachan

2 the Union over eleven years. I can't,

3 because why? I'm just not getting enough

4 time. You know, one is over here, I

5 don't -- I don't have full quarters. I

6 don't have five quarters, I'm kept back,

7 plus the people that I work with, they

8 are -- they held me back by giving me

9 wrong information, giving wrong

10 information on me so I'm stuck and I can't

11 go to work.

12 Then I have to pay Union dues, I have

13 children to feed. I mean, what is this?

14 This is a joke. As far as I'm concerned,

15 and I was -- my father was a

16 Vice-President of the Seamen and

17 Waterfront Workers Union, and I know what

18 the business is about. I've seen big men

19 come to work while young guys got work in

20 front of them. I've seen guys cry.

21 And I've asked the question, for

22 myself, just like my father asked me, up

23 to couple of years ago, am I in the Union,

24 why am I not working? I said, "Daddy, you

25 don't understand. It's not that you


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Frank Strachan

2 don't. It's that you don't know what's

3 going on."

4 Let's not make it fear, let's make it

5 right. Forget fear. Let's make it right

6 for every member that's here today, every

7 member that's not here today. Just like

8 some of the guys said, some of those

9 members did not show up because they are

10 frustrated. I show up because it's an

11 opportunity for me to give my opinions,

12 and I hope I'm not going to be suffering

13 for that. But it doesn't matter to me.

14 What matters is what's correct.

15 You know, everybody who came today, I

16 don't know how many people are here are on

17 unemployment or getting some kind of

18 benefits. I'm saying the people who,

19 right now, I just got a -- a letter from

20 COBRA saying that my hours are short. I

21 sent in for a medical dental work, the

22 company kept my medical for two months

23 before they sent i t out to the next

24 company, from one company to the other

25 company. By the time they sent it out, my


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Frank Strachan

2 insurance was gone.

3 I'm saying these people are working

4 24/7 days a week. Let them pay for the

5 ones that are not working. And then

6 you'll see some people sit back and say,

7 "You go ahead. You go ahead." People are

8 not being honest. They are not being

9 true. You know, some people just want to

10 get rich.

11 I want to work. I want to take care

12 of my family. I want to pay my bills, I

13 wanted to pay my taxes. I want to be able

14 to go on vacation, get my -- you know,

15 when I retire, I don't have nothing yet.

16 You know, some people are making millions.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, you're going to

18 have to sum this up because we have a lot

19 of folks to hear from.

20 THE WITNESS: In other words, I --

21 the District Council needs to take some

22 serious action as far as looking out for

23 people as a whole, not just buddy over

24 here and buddy over here. The out-of-work

25 list has to be reviewed. And at this time


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Frank Strachan

2 I'm requesting people, if people are just

3 going to be requested, what about me who

4 have all the skills and have no use for

5 it? When I go to the job in the snow, you

6 know, they look at me and laugh, this guy,

7 he doesn't know what he's doing. Wrong.

8 I've got all the education to show.

9 But theres' no training on the job so

10 what is the use about all the training

11 when I'm not in the field? It goes from

12 here and it goes over there. This

13 District Council should introduce

14 something, I don't know if it's a Union

15 responsibility or the District Council

16 responsibility, to actually stop certain

17 actions like the same companies that have

18 to be running this business, and I don't

19 want to meet them. I see people who --

20 whose running this business

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, we have to stop

22 now.

23 THE WITNESS: And that's -- that's

24 what I'm saying, but this business is, all

25 the members' business.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Matthew Tangredi

2 (Applause. )

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you for

4 your testimony. Matthew T-a-n-g, is it

5 R-e-d-i?

6 A VOICE: That's correct.

7 T-a-n-g-r-e-d-i.

8 MATTHEW TAN G RED I , having been duly

9 sworn, testified as follows:

10 THE CHAIRMAN: Matthew, what Local

11 are you from?

12 THE WITNESS: 608.

13 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead.

14 THE WITNESS: Good afternoon,

15 Brothers, Sisters and board. I've been a

16 member in good standing for ten-plus

17 years. In the past couple of years, I

18 became a shop steward. The only problem

19 that I see right now with the out-of-work

20 list is a lot of people complaining that

21 it takes a long time to get a job.

22 Well, I've been a steward on 400

23 Fifth Avenue for a year now, and about 60

24 percent of the requests that the Union has

25 put in for people to show up, they don't


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Matthew Tangredi

2 even show up. So I'm trying to talk to

3 you about about a penalty for when

4 people don't show up to a job that they

5 were dispatched to. Each time a person

6 doesn't show up to a job that they were

7 dispatched to, that's eight hours of money

8 that a guy that's out of work that could

9 use that money for their family will

10 retrieve. But I've also come up here to

11 talk about good things. About our Union.

12 I've heard many of my Brothers and

13 Sisters come up here and talk bad. Well,

14 if i t was bad; we wouldn't be here.

15 (Applause.)

16 THE WITNESS: If i t wasn't for my

17 Local or District Council, I wouldn't have

18 the quality of living that I do have,

19 including benefits. Yes, you have to work

20 250 hours to receive benefits. That's not

21 such a hard thing in New York City, being

22 that New York City is built by the Union,

23 you know? We're fighting amongst each

24 other. We need to collaborate and go

25 against non-Union. That's where our fight


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Matthew Tangredi

2 is.

3 Everybody also forgets to remember

4 since the International was last in, we

5 built a clause of 55 and out. You can

6 retire at 55. We also put in legislation

7 to continue benefits for retirees, and if

8 it wasn't for our unions, political

9 figures in this city would not even be

10 voted in the way they are. I just want to

11 come say a few good things about my Union

12 because I love my Union and without my

13 Union I wouldn't be as strong as I am.

14 Thank you.

15 (Applause. )

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much.

17 Jose Bernard? B-e-r-n-a-r-d, Jose.

18 J 0 S E B ERN A R D , having been duly sworn,

19 testified as follows:

20 THE WITNESS: My name is Jose

21 Bernard. I'm a UBC certified shop

22 steward, and I am also a 608 delegate to

23 the District Council. My opinion is that

24 we do not need to continue the

25 supervision. And I will go further than


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jose Bernard

2 that. If we go to the record, and we want

3 to -- if we go back to the recent history,

4. the reason I'm in favor, I always forget

5 that the International considered the idea

6 of getting a better supervision in New

7 York City, and changed it everyone or two

8 years, before the supervisory. Thank you

9 very much. That's my opinion.

10 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

11 (Applause. )

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Salomie Telsick?

13 SAL 0 M I E TEL SIC K , having been duly

14 sworn, testified as follows:

15 THE CHAIRMAN: Good afternoon.

16 THE WITNESS: Good afternoon. How

17 are you?

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Good. What Local?

19 THE WITNESS: I'm in 2027. I used to

20 be in.926. Currently, the problem that

21 I've been having -- not a problem, I

22 graduated last year as a journeywoman.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Congratulations.

24 THE WITNESS: Thank you. But while I

25 was an apprentice, the problems that I see


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Salomie Telsick

2 with the apprentice is that they are not

3 being able to use their tools, especially

4 woman, especially women come on the job,

5 first thing, they put insulation on our

6 heads. That's just not right. So your

7 not getting -- you do go to school to

8 learn the skill. When you get on the job,

9 you're not be able to hold your skills,

10 and a lot of time, you have the shop

11 stewards on the job, they really don't

12 care. Not all of them. But a lot of them

13 I work with, they don't care. Okay, well,

14 these apprentices been on the job once,

15 whatever, try to work with them, so they

16 can learn the skills, because what

17 happens, when you turn fourth year, you're

18 not good, and you can't keep up with

19 production, you're gone.

20 THE CHAIRMAN' You've got to stay as

21 calm and speak into the mic, okay? Go

22 ahead.

23 THE WITNESS' So as I'm saying, as

24 when you're an apprentice, you don't get

25 to hone your skills. You go to school,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Salomie Telsick

2 they teach you. Then you come out and

3 you're just about humping insulation,

4 especially with the ladies on the job. I

5 was on the job, we had about six ladies

6 and all six was doing insulation. Come

7 on. And most of the problem is -- I'm not

8 able to, in the middle of -- I arrive, do

9 my work, what I have to do, and go home,

10 but that is something that needs to be

11 addressed, because as I keep saying, the

12 shop stewards are the eyes and ears of,

13 you know, the Union, of the District

14 Council. But who is worried about these

15 apprentices on the job, and nothing is

16 going on? Something has to be done.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: I concur.

18 THE WITNESS: Something has to be

19 done. It really is unfortunate.

20 And another thing that I have, also

21 is, I work in the drywall area and it's

22 all covered in the set amount of drywall

23 that a carpenter has to put up. Because

24 what I've been told when I came into the

25 Union was that you have to give an honest


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
· ...


1 Testimony - Salomie Telsick

2 day's work. Well, is there a specific

3 number, 16, 19 --

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Not that I know of.

5 THE WITNESS: Okay, well, I would

6 like to thank you for giving me this

7 opportunity to speak. I really appreciate

8 it.

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much

10 for your testimony. And I concur that if

11 you went through your apprenticeship,

12 you've earned the right to be a

13 full-fledged carpenter and that's what you

14 want to be.

15 (Applause. )

16 THE CHAIRMAN: And there are folks in

17 this room that are taking note of that,

18 too. Mike Mashack?

19 M I C H A E L MAS HAC K , having been duly

20 sworn, testified as follows:

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Good afternoon.

22 THE WITNESS: Afternoon, sir.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Could you please tell

24 us what Local you're from?

25 THE WITNESS: I'm from Local 2287.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Michael Mashack

2 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, go ahead.

3 Proceed with your testimony.

4 THE WITNESS: First of all, greetings

5 and I'm thankful for this opportunity to

6 address this august assembly of Brothers.

7 Just a quick background sketch. I'm

8 like second, third generation Union

9 member. My father was a shop steward,

10 although not with the Carpenters. He was

11 a brickie, and moved over to carpentry,

12 and my son is also a fourth-year

13 apprentice.


15 THE WITNESS: I am a certified

16 steward and I've been eligible in that

17 capacity for I guess about eight, nine

18 years to date.

19 There's two specific things that I

20 want to address, and one of my things is

21 like one of the aforementioned speakers

22 said, if somebody had said there was a big

23 job at the Javits Center, this place would

24 be full. I'm a little dismayed by the

25 fact that we're so underrepresented. I


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Michael Mashack

2 think there should be news cameras

3 outside. When we talk about the largest

4 construction Union in the City, having

5 some type of movement, I think that this

6 place should be full, and I want to go on

7 record saying I'm a little dismayed by

8 that and I'm going to redouble my efforts

9 to be out and more proactive.

10 As a shop steward, you know, it's

11 always been cited that we are the first

12 line of defense for the collective

13 bargaining agreement. That's not my

14 words. I got from right off the back of

15 the shop steward form and when we run into

16 difficulties in maintaining that capacity

17 of first line defender.

18 One of -- there's two problems that I

19 have. One, I was dispatched some years

20 ago, 2005, just to give you an idea of the

21 scenario, dispatched in 2005 to a job in

22 White Plains as a shop steward where we

23 were installing Trump Tower, so this was

24 like a 40-storey wood installation. I'll

25 leave the contractor nameless at this


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Michael Mashack

2 point.

3 They were delinquent on their

4 benefits. The wage portion of i t we got,

5 and on time. But the-benefit portion of

6 i t was delinquent, and at different

7 intervals in the job more than once I was

8 advised to have the guys sit down. We had

9 a crew of maybe 20, 30 guys all the time.

10 2005, this is 2009, and I'm still out

11 of 580 hours. I did a quick calculation

12 of, if I had gotten the Union money, 580

13 is 2,480, if I had gotten vacation, 508

14 times six is another 3,480. Roughly seven

15 thousand dollars of my blood, I left on

16 the table there, and I have no idea of how

17 to get that money back.

18 THE CHAIRMAN: When did that happen?

19 THE WITNESS: There happened between

20 2005-2006, and I can give you all the

21 records, details, shop steward

22 THE CHAIRMAN: You need do give them

23 to Frank Spencer and the Council.

24 THE WITNESS: At one point, I took i t

25 as just blood that I would spill on behalf


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Michael Mashack

2 of the Union, but when there's an

3 opportunity to make this public came up, I

4 said, let me just give i t another shot. I

5 did get confirmation from the benefits

6 funds that they would give me, I don't

7 know --


9 THE WITNESS: -- credit for the

10 pension hours but seven thousand --

11 THE CHAIRMAN: I'm sure i t was for

12 vesting purposes.

13 THE WITNESS: For vesting purposes,

14 yes. But just to give you a little sketch

15 of my losses there, at a particular time,

16 one of the funds was paying 34 percent.

17 Seven thousand dollars, I have no idea how

18 to get it back. My thought was, as a --

19 having been dispatched by the District

20 Council to perform this job, is there not

21 some liability, is there not some

22 culpability, is there not some

23 responsibility that the District Council

24 has to make sure that the shop steward

25 gets paid?


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Michael Mashack

2 The contractor actually went bankrupt

3 on the job, at let's say 11 o'clock. At

4 11:01, I went on another The

5 subsequent contractor paid me in full and

6 I got paid, but 580 hours --

7 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, that presents a

8 whole different arena. Bankruptcies are

9 bankruptcies.

10 THE WITNESS: I would have thought

11 there would have been some contingency

12 funds, some bonding. I would have thought

13 well before it happened, we would have --

14 this is a PLA job, I was told that there

15 was city money involved, there was other

16 ways to attach it. But for some reason,

17 when I -- when I really pursued it, and I

18 actually wrote letters to Michael Forde,

19 certified letters, I called him up every

20 day at coffee break and asked what can

21 they do about this, let me know something.

22 At some point, I was approached by

23 two fellows who told me that I really

24 needed to hush things down. Now, I know.

25 The second problem that I have is,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Michael Mashack

2 given the circumstances at hand with

3 Michael Forde and cohorts, and my

4 understanding now is that there's five

5 shop stewards that have been indicted

6 similarly, again, being the first line

7 defense, I spoke to Denis Sheil minutes

8 ago and he told me that the legal charts

9 of the shop stewards was upwards of

10 $150,000. You know, I thought i t was like

11 15 or 20 thousand, so I was far short in

12 my estimate of what these legal fees would

13 be.

14 Now, you're innocent until proven

15 guilty. I don't know, and I don't really

16 care what they did at this point, but you

17 are innocent until proven guilty, and I

18 know people in the past have used legal

19 extortion as a way of manipulating people

20 to do things that they wanted them to do.

21 My question is simply, what facility, what

22 faculties, what is there available for a

23 shop steward in the way of some legal

24 support, when he's going for have to go

25 and face this legal monster all by


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Michael Mashack

2 himself? I mean, even if it's only 15

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Let me tell you, if

4 you're -- and we'll have to hurry through

5 this, if you're charged with a criminal

6 offense, the Union can't pay your defense.

7 THE WITNESS: Exactly.

8 THE CHAIRMAN: If you're found

9 innocent, they can go back, if they

10 choose, and pay your defense. Okay?

11 THE WITNESS: So five years later,

12 when this is finally before the bench, and

13 up until that time, I can't work for the

14 Union now, the point is simply that this

15 is a way -- it's changed the whole game of

16 being a shop steward for me, when I can go

17 to jail.

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, you're not going

19 to go to jail unless you do something

20 criminally wrong.

21 THE WITNESS: Well, they can find

22 seven ways to get

23 THE CHAIRMAN: I assume that's

24 correct. Okay. I just don't know. I

25 don't have an answer for you regarding


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Michael Mashack

2 that. But -- it's not in my jurisdiction.

3 THE WITNESS: So this is the question

4 I put on the table. What remedies are

5 there for shop stewards who find

6 themselves innocent until proven guilty

7 but weighed down with $150,000 of legal

8 fees?

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Again, the law does

10 not permit the Union to pay for legal

11 defense of a criminal act. Okay?


13 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

14 THE WITNESS: Thank you for that.

15 (Applause. )

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Alan Sejourne? Alan,

17 are you here?

18 ALAN S E J 0 URN E, having been duly

19 sworn, testified as follows:

20 THE WITNESS: Good evening,

21 everybody. My name is Alan Sejourne.

22 I've been a carpenter for twelve years.

23 I've come from a long line of

24 blackballing. I've been blackballed here

25 for a long time, know, for about eight


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Alan Sejourne

2 years. I've dealing with racist shop

3 steward and faculty members and people who

4 currently just don't appreciate my

5 opinions and, you know, my -- my work

6 ethics.

7 But I just wanted to say that maybe

8 we should implement a device that can

9 assure people work because it's not fair

10 for somebody that's been in a Union for

11 the same amount of time to be working for

12 two, three years and then somebody else to

13 come in and only have, like, two, three

14 months or maybe a week of work. All

15 right?

16 This city is so big. I don't

17 understand how there's not enough jobs out

18 there for three thousand members, you

19 know? Everybody have their reasons and

20 their problems that they've got to deal

21 with, but for the people that are willing

22 to come to work and work hard every day, I

23 think we should have a device to where

24 everybody can at least get six months to a

25 year's worth of work in so that they can


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 pay for their benefits and their medical

3 and things of that nature.

4 Also, you know, as far as being

5 educated in the Union system, you know,

6 there's power in numbers. And there's got

7 to be a way where we can unite the people

8 to the whole cause of understanding how

9 the system works, because not everybody

10 understands what i t means to come to a

11 Union meeting. Not everybody understands

12 what i t means to receive benefits. Not

13 everybody understands that they can, you

14 know, shift their monies in different

15 areas, you know.

16 So I think there should be, like, an

17 economic workshop and, you know, other

18 devices to further educate our Union

19 members, you know. Because the more we

20 know, the better we are as a whole. So

21 that's all I have, really have to say.

22 Thank you to hearing me out.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much

24 for your testimony.

25 (Applause. )


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 THE CHAIRMAN: Jay Bracey? Jay here?

3 B. r a c e y.

4 JAY BRA C E Y , having been duly sworn,

5 testified as follows:

6 THE CHAIRMAN: What· Local are you

7 from?



10 THE WITNESS: 926.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, go ahead with

12 your testimony.

13 THE WITNESS: First of all a --

14 THE CHAIRMAN: You want to

15 THE WITNESS: I said first of all, I

16 didn't plan to speak today, so, but one

17 thing is --

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Got to slow down.

19 THE WITNESS: I'm sorry, but they

20 talk about the jobs, they talk about the

21 50-50 rule, you know, they represented

22 Union carpenters, company men. When I get

23 to the job, they all are company men. And

24 I have to put a unit in saying

25 THE CHAIRMAN: You'll have to help


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 here, when you say 50-50. 50-50 but all

3 of them are Carpenter Union members?



6 THE WITNESS: But what I don't

7 understand, how does that really work? Is

8 it really effective? You know, because

9 what I'm saying is, like, I get on the

10 job, I'm putting a "U" for Union by the

11 guy's name, but he's coming to the job

12 first day on the job with keys to the box.

13 So how do you get keys to the box if

14 you're a U.

15 So basically the 50-50 rules are

16 supposed to be improved to be better, you

17 know, so, you know, pull some guys off of

18 the list to get working, you know, make it

19 fair for everybody. I just don't see how

20 that could happen if guys are basically

21 taking their guys from one job to the

22 next.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Is that your

24 testimony?




(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

3 (Applause. )

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Martin Maguire.

5 MARTIN MAG U IRE , having been duly

6 sworn, testified as follows:

7 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local are you

8 from? .

9 THE WITNESS: Martin Maguire, Local

10 Union 608.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead.

12 THE WITNESS: Carpenter, job steward,

13 foreman, general foreman. Delegate to

14 convention in Las Vegas when the General

15 President at the time was elected. Our

16 message for -- I know a lot of people

17 would not like to say change. Change can

18 be good, but -- unfortunately, in this

19 city, there's a lot of money -- I hope

20 both today that you cannot run three terms

21 of office --

22 THE CHAIRMAN: Back off a little bit.

23 THE WITNESS: I propose that you

24 can't run for three terms of office as

25 EST. I say two, like the United States of


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 America President.

3 (Applause. )

4 THE WITNESS: The reason being is

5 that we have a lot of sharpshooters in

6 this town who can get to people. And

7 we're all human, and I think part of the

8 reason is because of Mike Forde, which I

9 knew very well, a great man, I have to

10 say. He negotiated three contracts here

11 that was not negotiated in this city by

12 any other Union that's in it, okay?

13 I want to say I'm very sorry for Mike

14 Forde that this had to happen. I'm only

15 going on speculation. I wish him well

16 with his family and I say a prayer that he

17 be well and I feel bad that, if this

18 didn't happen, that the people around him

19 didn't see this as Brothers, and help this

20 gentleman and Brother out.

21 John Greany, business agent, I voted

22 into 608, which I knew very well from the

23 first day I came to this Local. An

24 excellent man, I saw him take contractors

25 and show them around and put guys to work.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 Now, that's the type of business agent I

3 want to see around this town. Okay.

4 I was a general foreman. I know some

5 of the people that come to the jobs are

6 not qualified, okay? And, we changed the

7 rules a little bit, so that a carpenter

8 would stay on the job and the guy who was

9 not qualified, we had to trust, those were

10 out of trade school, get educated, get

11 trained, and be fit to go back to work.

12 Okay, for some reason, some of those

13 guys slipped through the cracks and I've

14 heard people sit here saying some nasty

15 stuff about some our Brothers. But we're

16 on the attack on the outside, okay? But

17 please, not, let's stop the attack on the

18 inside and let put the "Brother" back in

19 the Brotherhood.

20 One more thing I want to say today is

21 that, to Brother McCarron, I ask him

22 before he leaves this town, that we can

23 have a good job so everybody will be

24 satisfied, which is a tough thing to do.

25 But if this continues, and it's allowed to


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 continue, some wise guys taking shots at

3 our guys, we will have no Union. But that

4 is Unioriand I want to let you know that

5 we are together in this great city, this

6 great country that we have, I think it's

7 the best in the country. And nowhere in

8 this country are we getting $80 an hour

9 for our fringe benefits and our pay

10 package.

11 I have 50.02 as a general foreman.

12 You tell me where in this country I can do

13 that? I can't. All I've got to say to

14 you gentlemen today, is God bless the

15 Union and God bless the United States of

16 America.

17 (Applause. )

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Steve

19 Favia.

20 S T EVE F A V I A , having been duly sworn,

21 testified as follows:

22 THE WITNESS: First, my concerns goes

23 to, you know, everyone here who'S on the

24 out-of-work list and is not working. I,

25 myself, was on the list for a while,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 before I got called to work. First time I

3 was on the list, I was on the list for

4 eight months. And I forgot to call in 45

5 days, so I got bumped. I waited another

6 eight months before I got called, you

7 know, how is that fair? That's not.

8 I agree with Noel, I agree with

9 Frank, it doesn't work, and it's

10 unfortunate that there's a lot of good

11 guys that are stuck on the list, you know.

12 I can see myself a decent carpenter and I

13 was on the list for a while. I agree with

14 the lovely lady here who said that when

15 she comes out, right away she gets

16 stereotyped to do insulation. It's

17 unfortunate. But that's up to, also, that

18 depends on you speaking out, and also

19 depends on the foreman and shop steward

20 who takes care of the job to make sure

21 that everyone's being treated equally.

22 I agree with that. When I finally

23 did get called to work I had to pretty

24 much prove myself that I'm a pretty good

25 carpenter, I deserve to be working. So


(212) .374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 now, I only work for a company and I'm

3 with the company for five years. So

4 now -- when you have, you know, like I

5 said, guy guys, they are stuck in the

6 system, it's unfortunate, but now I work

7 for a company for five years. When that

8 job shuts down and they go on to another

9 one, and does that mean that I have to go

10 on the list now and wait, because it's a

11 50-50 rule, and we can't request anymore?

12 I don't agree with that.

13 We should be able to keep company

14 men. We should be able to take them to

15 the next job. I have ten good company men

16 right there who work with me now who all

17 deserved to be there. When the job's

18 over, does that mean we have to go on the

19 list and wait for eight months when

20 basically, when we call back,

21 unfortunately, again, for the list has a

22 reputation, you know, don't call anybody

23 out of the hall because we don't know what

24 you're going to get.

25 There are good guys who are on the


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1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 list, but again, everyone here could agree

3 that there are those who are in the Union

4 that really can't perform or make the

5 company money. The bottom line is that if

6 companies don't make money, none of us

7 here are going to be working.

8 So you have to prove yourself. You

9 have to work. I agree with Matt when he

10 said the that there are good things about

11 the Union. I love the fact that I work

12 for a company, have my hours in and I'm

13 also able to provide benefits for my

14 family. There are good things. The whole

15 corruption thing, you know, whether it's

16 true or not, that's unfortunate. I'm

17 not -- I don't want to deal with that.

18 I want to know that I'm going to be

19 working as long as I continue to work hard

20 for who I work for. The same thing with

21 my ten guys there, that they are going to

22 continue to have a job because they

23 continue to put out and keep doing what

24 they have to do. That's what I want to

25 make sure. If we change the hundred


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 percent mobilization being requested off

3 the list, that's what it means when -- but

4 I still have keys to the box because

5 you're a company man and you were

6 requested off the list. You were

7 requested because you're a good carpenter.

8 That's why you're there.

9 I know a lot of guys don't agree with

10 that, that it still doesn't work.

11 A VOICE: I don't.

12 THE WITNESS: I know you don't.

13 There are a lot of guys, you'll agree with

14 me that the list doesn't work, okay? Like

15 . how many
everyone said, you want to. work,

16 members do we did we have here? Where are

17 they? We should be fighting against the

18 non-Union so there is enough work for

19 everyone that's here. That's where the

20 focus should go.

21 (Applause. )

22 THE WITNESS: If the BAs were doing

23 their job, which a lot of them are; but

24 with if we continue to focus on getting

25 non-Union work to come in to Union,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 everybody here would be working. Everyone

3 agrees that there's plenty of work in the

4 City. Part of the reason why the list is

5 too long and not moving is because of the

6 economy itself, and that's unfortunate,

7 but you know what? Every time I get out

8 of the subway or every time I drive

9 around,· there's a job everywhere.

10 Everywhere I look, there's work. There's

11 got to be enough work for 25,000 members.

12 And another thing about the 50-50

13 list, who else in the country is going to

14 be doing that other than New York?

15 Everyone else is still going to be

16 requesting, being able to do that. No one

17 else is going to have this rule that you

18 have to have a 50-50 rule. Good company

19 men are going to end up suffering and,

20 when they suffer, so does the company, and

21 when the company suffers, everyone is

22 going to suffer because there's going to

23 be no work around anymore.

24 I finally found a job where it took

25 me a year-and-a-half, I'm finally with a


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 good company, I have been with the Union

3 twelve years, I finally work for a good

4 company the last four-and-a-half, almost

5 five years, and now I'm going to have to

6 worry about getting bumped to the list,

7 forgetting to call in 45 days and getting

8 bumped? That's nonsense.

9 But I'm working for a good company

10 that does pay into my benefits. I don't

11 have to worry about are they paying my

12 benefits. I know I'm getting my check.

13 Am I getting that? So the company

14 suffers, all of us are going to be

15 suffering. So I just -- I want to make

16 sure that, I agree, the list doesn't work,

17 but there's -- it's also unfair to those

18 who put, one guy said he lost 585 hours

19 because they didn't pay. I got over ten

20 thousand hours into my company. What

21 about that hard ten thousand hours that I

22 put in to make sure that I'm still

23 working?

24 If you again, I know i t sounds

25 like beating a dead horse, but if you


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 change the rule, the hundred percent

3 mobilization, the company is not only

4 going to suffer and no one is going to get

5 paid into their benefits, no one is going

6 to get paid on a weekly basis, we all

7 lose.

8 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your

9 testimony.

10 (Applause. )

11 THE CHAIRMAN: John Vargo.

12 J 0 H N V A R GO, having been duly sworn,

13 testified as follows:

14 THE WITNESS: Good afternoon. John

15 Vargo, Shop Steward, Local 60B.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead, John.

17 THE WITNESS: Newly minuted shop

18 steward. I came here as a guilty man, a

19 guilty man in that I never took the Union

20 that seriously. And as a shop steward, I

21 listened to my Brothers and Sisters talk

22 about how we're corrupted and robbed and

23 whatever. But a forum like this is

24 exactly what we need to air every problem

25 to transparency in what is going on. We


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jay Bracey

2 need to have open debates and elections.

3 I talk to my foremen, they are convinced

4 the elections were fixed.

5 This is democracy, a Union is a

6 democracy. It's by us, for us and of us.

7 And this sort of forum is exactly what we

8 need, and I applaud that. I really do.

9 All issues I've been listening to for

10 the last half hour, 45 minutes, are all

11 battle, and there are a lot of men who

12 are accused of what they are accused of

13 are guilty. I say, innocent until proven

14 guilty. But we all know there's a lot of

15 bullshit going on for a long time, and

16 it's got to change. And we need some

17 transfers, I mean, the word is

18 transparency, and the forum, free speech.

19 I guess that's all I have to say.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much,

21 John.

22 (Applause. )

23 THE CHAIRMAN: John Solon? One rule,

24 you have to remove your had. Thank you.

25 (Continued on following page.)


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jon Solon

2 J 0 H N SOL 0 N , having been duly sworn,

3 testified as follows:

4 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local are you

5 from?

6 THE WITNESS: Local 608.


8 THE WITNESS: My question is, with

9 regards to --

10 THE CHAIRMAN: I know that's an Irish

11 accent.

12 THE WITNESS: That's right. My name

13 is John Solon. And I'm a 34-year member

14 of 608, and I work for a company. And my

15 question is with regards to the list as we

16 asked, who comes out to contact, and how

17 they -- how do you get out of various

18 shops? And I work as a woodworker, where

19 I come from, I had hours that we were

20 hired to do the job, and at a previous

21 hearing, he said he worked for a company

22 five or six years, and they the 50-50

23 was killing the good guys.

24 I have the same experience. The last

25 job I was on, we had to request some guys


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jon Solon

2 off the list from the hall, from the

3 District Council, I'd say, two or three of

4 the guys that came out, there were no more

5 woodwork carpenters. And the company had

6 to pay 80, 90 dollars an hour. I just

7 want to know who's monitoring the list and

8 how do you put guys on the list, you know,

9 put the name down, if somebody monitors

10 that. Right now, you can put your name on

11 for any job. And once your name is on the

12 list, you're sent out.

13 THE CHAIRMAN: You'll have to check

14 with the District Council and Frank

15 Spencer, because each Council does

16 different --

17 THE WITNESS: What you have to do,

18 with the trade school, we have some great

19 guys down there. I just want to know, why

20 can't we do something about making sure

21 the guys are qualified when they put their

22 name on the list, to say whatever, you

23 know, the guys that you see, guys who do

24 Sheetrock, we've got guys that do

25 concrete, we've got guys that do woodwork,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jon Solon

2 and not everybody is a woodworker, not

3 everybody is a Sheetrock guy, not every

4 guy can do ceilings. I want to know

5 how

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Will you check with

7 the Council, please.

8 THE WITNESS: I've got to check with

9 the Council?

10 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, we don't have

11 universal rule throughout the nation.

12 Each Council adopts its own policies with

13 regard to qualifications.

14 THE WITNESS: Well, that's my

15 testimony.


17 THE WITNESS: That's it. Make sure

18 that a guys put the names on the list are

19 qualified to do the specific job that they

20 are signed up for.

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Very good. Thank you.

22 (Applause. )

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Lorenzo Monts?

24 (Continued on following page.)



(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Lorenzo Monts

2 LORENZO M 0 N T S having been duly

3 affirmed, testified as follows:

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Lorenzo, what Local

5 are you from?

6 THE WITNESS: I'm Local 157.

7 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, go ahead.

8 THE WITNESS: Okay. I just wish

9 everybody a good evening. Okay. Pretty

10 much, what's been said so far, is -- is

11 pretty much consistent of the majority of

12 the Brothers that's here.

13 There's just some -- there's a

14 problem with the UBC's administrators

15 in -- well, I guess that's not the problem

16 that we're testifying about just for you.

17 But there are so many diverse problems

18 here. First, let me clarify one thing. I

19 didn't come here to speak, but they asked

20 me if I wanted to speak, I knew that I

21 would want to speak.

22 Actually, what I did come to hear

23 what you panel gentlemen plan to do,

24 that's what I thought the forum was going

25 to be specifically for, I thought this


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Lorenzo Monts

2 invitation was going to be somewhat

3 informative to the rights --

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, let me explain

5 real quick, because you just got here.

6. The panel is put by the General President

.., to take testimony to determine whether or

8 not supervision over the District Council

·9 should be continued by the International.

10 That's what the panel was sent over for,

11 okay?

12 . THE WITNESS: Thanks so much for

13 clarifying that for me, because that's

14 exactly what the District Council in this

15 jurisdiction, in this area, needs,

16 definitely needs some supervision and i t

17 definitely needs, you know, somebody to --

18 somebody to make sure that some of

19 these -- some of these witnesses are heard

20 and not just, you know, swept under the

21 rug. Somebody saying, we was just -- I'm

22 a carpenter for 18 years, and I'm a

23 steward for the last four years. Okay?

24 And these -- these things are not new.

25 With the advent of the 50-50, that's --


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Lorenzo Monts

2 that's one of the most -- I think that's

3 one of the most c1annish things that was

4 estab1ished. Because with the se1ection

5 of the -- if you wanted to se1ect a

6 carpenter, and bring him from another job,

7 and sti11 1eave the rest of the members,

8 you know, unaccounted for. You know?

9 That's -- that's one of the most unfair

10 practices that cou1d possib1y be. Because

11 what you rea11y have is, you have certain

12 members that's definite1y eating a11 the

13 time, and you have some that's practica11y

14 not eating at a11.

15 Then you have

16 THE CHAIRMAN: A11 right.

17 THE WITNESS: the companies that

18 are requesting guys, they -- it they

19 are 10sing the worst, the worse for the

20 stewards to try to -- to make sense of it

21 amongst other peop1e. When I'm asked a

22 question, "How cou1d they possib1y do

23 this?" I'm 1ike, "We11 , it's above me.

24 It's bigger than me."

25 I can't -- I don't approve of it


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Lorenzo Monts

2 either, because I don't how it could

3 possibly be right. We all pay the same

4 amount of dues. But we all aren't given

5 the same amount of benefit from the Union,

6 you know? So that's -- that's what it is.

7 You know, the cronyism has really got to

8 be addressed, and it's really got to be

9 met and it's got to be dealt with, because

10 like the other one spoke about, with the

11 prior administrations, they are still the

12 same things are pretty much going on. The

13 same things are going on. You know? And

14 well, something really needs to be done.

15 That's why I came here today,

16 because -- to get some idea of, you know,

17 what could possibly -- what changes could

18 possibly be being made within the District

19 Council itself, you know? I'm saying,

20 we're getting all this terrible press in

21 the newspapers, and we talk about the

22 things going on here. A lot of us has

23 families and kids, and that's really a

24 terrible thing. That we get two or three

25 guys that say, !lOh, the Union, couldn't be


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Lorenzo Monts

2 greater." The ideal of the Union what it

3 was twenty years ago and still is to me,

4 too. The possibilities that that Union

5 for workers is -- is a beautiful thing,

6 but if we're all not partaking it in it,

7 we're paying equally but we're not

8 receiving equal benefit, you're never

9 going to -- it's never going to be

10 balanced, and you know, that's my main

11 focus on that.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

13 (Applause. )

14 THE CHAIRMAN: Jerry Burder?

15 J ERR Y BUR D E R , having been duly sworn,

16 testified as follows:

17 THE CHAIRMAN: What Local are you

18 from.

19 THE WITNESS: Local 608.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: Go ahead.

21 THE WITNESS: My name is Jerry

22 burger, I'm Local 608, a shop steward with

23 608, been a carpenter for 25 years. And a

24 proud member of 608, regardless of what's

25 been exposed in the media and stuff, and I


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jerry Burder

2 think that my first reaction was like

3 everyone, you know, shock, at the stuff,

4 at these allegations that were made.

5 I think people need to remember that

6 these are allegations right now. They

7 have not been proven in court, but the way

8 most guys act right now is as if these

9 guys have been tried and found guilty, and

10 there hasn't been a trial yet. But we've

11 been tried by the media. And you've got

12 to remember, the reason this happens is

13 because you're a Union member, and this

14 country was built, the country was built

15 for big business. And Union members,

16 especially Union officials walking around

17 in this city, and I was reading the LMRDA

18 504 section D that they mailed out to us,

19 and then we were checking the list of the

20 violations that would prevent you from

21 ever becoming a shop steward or a Union

22 official, and I was aghast at the list of

23 misdemeanors or felonies that the person

24 had committed, that would prohibit him

25 from serving in the Union.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jerry Burder

2 You know, no such laws exist for

3 people on Wall Street, the financial

4 district. I was thinking of Michael

5 Milken. After serving his term in prison,

6 came back out and is back on Wall Street

7 doing the same old thing again. The rules

8 are stacked against us in the Union. The

9 Wagner Act, when it was bought up in the

10 1940s, it was like a gift to unions, I

11 think the LMRDA guide is a kind of balance

12 to the Wagner Act. So we've got labor

13 management disclosure act

14 THE CHAIRMAN: Talk a little slower,

15 too, he's got to get i t down.

16 THE WITNESS: It it reeled in the

17 power of the unions somewhat, and that's

18 what -- I mean, people are making a lot of

19 money on these narcotics convictions and

20 stuff, and -- or convictions. or whatever

21 they are. Allegations of narcotic use.

22 But for me, it's a sham, that this is

23 probably in the industry where you

24 wouldn't be offered help first, you know,

25 with a problem, addiction. In our field,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jerry Burder

2 trade unionism, if you're an officer or a

3 shop steward, the price is losing your

4 job. It's just something that needs to be

5 borne in mind that these Brothers are

6 Union members just like ourselves, and

7 they have to have a trial just like

8 everybody else, and I think we need to

9 support them until that does happen.

10 I don't want to take up much time,

11 it's been a very long two days for you,

12 the panel, and there's obviously some need

13 for some changes here. The same type

14 of -- we got together to meet resistance

15 the last time, I remember when you were

16 coming in, the march across the Brooklyn

17 Bridge, I don't think you see that

18 happening. I think it's a very good

19 opportunity and I'd like to welcome you

20 here and if I could help, I would offer my

21 assistance.

22 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much,

23 very kind.

24 THE WITNESS: Just one thing,

25 Brother, let's say in closing, I mean,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jerry Burder

2 let's -- if you wanted to be proactive as

3 a Carpenter member, I've listened to some

4 people speak up here and they are speaking

5 of injustices and things that they are not

6 getting. And I don't know how much of

7 that is envy or just how much of that is

8 poor professionalism or what, but one

9 needs to really take once one's future, if

10 you will, into his own hands.

11 You have to -- me being a shop

12 steward, for example, I mean, there were

13 occasions when I went on the job and I was

14 the shop steward there, and there was an

15 80,000 shortage in the that

16 hadn't been paid to the tune of 80 grand,

17 and four or five stewards before me had

18 walked out. And I chose to stay because I

19 got to know some of the guys there, and it

20 was a tough job, but we ended up getting

21 those benefits back, every single penny,

22 for everybody who was there on that job,

23 and for the six months before that. And

24 we got it back, and the way that worked

25 was, I put a mechanic's lien on a city


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Testimony - Jerry Burder

2 hospi tal, if you will, which is kind of·.

3 ridiculous, but it should shows -- and

4 they signed off on the mechanic's lien on

5 the New York City hospital, and the

6 general contractor was so embarrassed by

7 this lien, you know, on the building and

8 afraid of his poor reputation that he very

9 quickly made those funds available to the

10 Union and everyone got what we had.

11 We just need to start thinking not so

12 much of what the Union can do for me, but

13 what we can to for each other and for

14 yourselves, and stop, like, looking at the

15 "poor me's" if you will, and start trying

16 to act, you know, in, you know, in our

17 own, each of our own ways, you know. But

18 again, thank you very much.

19 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much.

20 (Applause. )

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Ronald Katz.

22 RONALD KAT Z , having been duly sworn,

23 testified as follows:

24 THE WITNESS: Good afternoon. My

25 name is Ronald Katz. I'm a shop steward


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1 Testimony - Ronald Katz

2 for Local 608. I've been a 608 member for

3 26 years, shop steward for ten. I, as

4 well as many other men have with been

5 dismayed by the charges and allegations

6 that have been put forth. My personal

7 view is not to let a few bad apples make

8 the impression on the rest of the world.

9 I think that we're doing a fine job here

10 in New York, a wonderful apprenticeship

11 program, the out-of-work list actually

12 does work.

13 You have the opportunity to educate

14 yourself through the technical college

15 here, and if you do not have the skills,

16 you can get the skills. This is a very

17 important thing, to make the Union better

18 or stronger. I think that it's better to

19 build i t up than break i t down. I think

20 that the oversight that is being asked for

21 is needed as well as the attention is

22 needed here in New York. This is a very

23 large marketplace. Everybody in the world

24 looks at New York as the benchmark for

25 carpenters and tradesmen throughout the


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1 Testimony - Rona1d Katz

2 nation. A11 right?

3 We want to 1ead by examp1e here in

4 New York. Thank you.

5 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much

6 for your testimony.

7 (App1ause . )

8 THE CHAIRMAN: Pau1, I guess it's

9 Kanyuch, is that how you spe11 that?

10 Pau1, is he here?

11 A VOICE: I'm here, but --

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Are you here?

13 A VOICE: Doesn't want to speak.

14 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. We have Vanessa

15 Sa1azar. Vanessa, you've been up one

16 time? I'm going to 1et you have a very

17 short amount of time to get this court

18 reporter out of here. She's previous1y

19 been sworn in. Go ahead, Vanessa.

20 VANESSA SALAZAR, having been

21 previous1y sworn, resumed the stand and

22 testified further as fo11ows:.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: We keep the best for

24 1ast, Vanessa. Thank you very much for

25 coming back.


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1 Testimony - Vanessa Salazar

2 THE WITNESS: Sure, no problem. For

3 those of you who don't know me, I'm

4 Vanessa. I've been a fourth year

5 apprentice. After attending the hearings

6 for the last two days, and for a lot of

7 things have come up regarding apprentices,

8 so that's something I would like to you a

9 dress since I am one.

10 First off, I hear a lot of

11 complaining that apprentices are not

12 showing up to work when they are

13 dispatched off the list. I've heard that

14 sometimes shop stewards need to request

15 two or three apprentices to ensure that

16 one actually shows up.

17 Personally, I'm disgusted by that as

18 an apprentice who was without of work most

19 of this year, and spending most of i t

20 shaping for work. I think that there's a

21 large disparity that exists between the

22 field and the apprenticeship within the

23 school.

24 When you attend the Labor Technical

25 College, if you're late to school one day,


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Vanessa Salazar

2 you're not allowed to attend. So

3 automatically it's considered an absence,

4 and you'll either make that day up. And

5 if you by chance are late to school on a

6 Monday or miss a Monday, you automatically

7 get a six months' extension. So there's a

8 big disparity in my opinion between a

9 six-month extension for showing up late on

10 a Monday to school, a person not going to

11 a job that you have been sent to following

12 the Union rules.

13 So I think something needs to be in

14 place to monitor that, so that this trend

15 no longer continues.

16 Secondly, I'd like to say that as an

17 apprentice, I have found that there is a

18 big issue with apprentices not getting

19 sufficient time on their tools. I think

20 it's common knowledge, at least in New

21 York City, I don't know if it's systemic

22 across the nation, that persons sending

23 your apprentices, material and -- and

24 though humping material and insulation and

25 jacking up on concrete are necessary


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1 Testimony - Vanessa Salazar

2 components in order to get the job done

3 within construction, they don't really

4 transfer into employable skills once you

5 turn journey level.

6 So I think it's important that we

7 keep focus on the fact that we're

8 investing all these resources on

9 apprentices and yet falling short when it

10 comes out to the field. And oftentimes,

11 at least for myself, I can insulate better

12 than anyone in this room because I've had

13 sufficient practice at it.

14 But I don't know if i t can bring it

15 out and bring it along, and that's

16 unfortunate, because I am in my fourth

17 year and I personally feel that I've done

18 the right things. I've been a good Union

19 member, I vote in my Local meetings, I've

20 become very active, try to do very well at

21 school. I take the journeyman courses a

22 the night, and you know, at the same time,

23 I've also tried to diversify my skills.

24 I've often heard, you know, "Don't get

25 pigeonholed into just being an interior


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Vanessa Salazar

2 person." So after my second year, I left

3 interior, backed out and did some

4 concrete.

5 So I'm not being a jack of all

6 trades, but I've had my finger in

7 everyone's pie to learn a little in order

8 to be able to work. But like I said,

9 first and second year, you're humping

10 material, you're making money for the

11 company. Third year, if you're lucky, you

12 get cast a bone here and there and you get

13 to pick up the skills, and you're stealing

14 with your eyes mainly.

15 And then fourth year, unfortunately,

16 the ball is completely dropped and in a

17 good year, you're lucky to work. And in

18 this economy, most of my fourth year

19 friends are falling two to four months of

20 work per year, and I finally feel that

21 that's inappropriate because I feel like

22 during my first three years, I was in the

23 minor leagues, and now I've turned fourth

24 year so I need for go out and now I'm in

25 the major leagues, but you have me sitting


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Vanessa Salazar

2 in the dugout all year arid now that we're

3 finally in the World Series, they say, "Go

4 out there show us what you can do."

5 I haven't been around the bases, I'm

6 not going to be running hitting the balls

7 to the bleachers anymore. I haven't

8 worked the pad all year, so there's no way

9 I can turn out at the beginning and be a

10 productive skilled journeyperson and

11 properly represent this Union if for the

12 last year I've been on hibernation on my

13 skills.

14 So I think that's

15 (Applause. )

16 THE WITNESS: -- like I said, I don't

17 know if it's just a New York issue. I

18 would imagine it's not. I don't think

19 anyone's here to reinvent the wheel. If

20 there's better practices in place

21 throughout, I'd like to see them

22 incorporated here, because I think it's a

23 real disservice to the Union in general to

24 let our future fall under. And it's to

25 through our own doing.


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

1 Testimony - Vanessa Salazar

2 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much.

3 THE WITNESS: Thank you.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: I, in closing,

5 especially, thank the court reporter for

6 his, I guess, I can't even express the

7 term.

8 A VOICE: Give him a round of

9 applause.

10 (Applause. )

11 THE CHAIRMAN: From here on, what

12 happens, I'm going to close the hearing.

13 We are going to get the transcript from

14 the court reporter. The committee will

15 review the transcript. A recommendation

16 will be formulated, that recommendation

17 will be taken to the general executive

18 board of the United Brotherhood of

19 Carpenters as to whether or not

20 supervision of this Council will continue.

21 I can tell you that it is in the

22 interest of the United Brotherhood of

23 Carpenters and Joiners International Union

24 that this District Council be put in a

25 position to self-govern, to maximize work


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Proceedings

2 opportunities for its members, to make

3 sure that, hopefully, there is no further

4 allegation of corruption by any Union

5 official, or member of this organization.

6 I can certainly tell you as one, I

7 was here in a previous administration on

8 the hearings panel, and it was ugly. I

9 hate to be back here today under .similar

10 circumstances. It is not good for you,

11 it's not good for the City, it's not good

12 for the organization nationally. This

13 stuff is like a cancer. And it is

14 unfortunate that we have these allegations

15 brought forth, but we have to go out and

16 try to correct. You've got the National

17 Right to Work Committee pick this stuff

18 up, and that isn't a good thing. They use

19 it as their poster child.

20 So the one thing that we can do as

21 members is to go out and assist the folks

22 that are trying to run this Council. I've

23 heard members talking about, we need,

24 we've heard from over a hundred different

25 people giving testimony here today and


(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424
1 Proceedings

2 yesterday. I've heard people talking

3 about the unorganized. Well, let me tell

4 you, each of you are organizers and I can

5 tell you, not many of you have been out

6 organizing. It is incumbent upon all of

7 us as a member of this Union to continue

8 to organize the unorganized.

9 Am I right?

10 (Applause. )

11 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. So with

12 that, I thank you very much for your

13 cooperation, your courtesy in letting us

14 run a fair and open forum, and I wish you

15 Godspeed and good luck, thank you.

16 (Applause. )

17 Time noted: 4:01 p.m.)










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4 ss.


7 I, DAVID LEVY, CSR, a Shorthand

8 Reporter and Notary Public within and for

9 the State of New York, do hereby certify

10 that the foregoing proceedings were

11 before me on October 16, 2009;

12 That the within transcript is a true

13 record of said proceedings;

14 That I am not connected by blood or

15 marriage with any of the parties herein

16 nor interested directly or indirectly in

17 the matter in controversy, nor am I in the

18 employ of any of the counsel.

19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto

20 set my hand this 20th of October,

21 2009.






(212) 374-1139 (212) 279-9424

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