Socio 11 Paper Bilibid Draft

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Describe your experience in the class field visit to the Bilibid Prison.

Were your expectations and view of prison, prison conditions, and inmates confirmed our challenge? What lessons have you learned from the trip? The class field visit last May 3 to New Bilibid Prison (NBP) that I attended in Muntinlupa city was really a bizarre for me. I was so captivated with the welcome greetings, performances, and the prisoners weve interviewed and what I saw is beyond my expectations. I have lots of question, mixed feelings and emotions; however, after attending our class field visit my impersonations to NBP changed. But from the very first point at the Maximum security part I already saw beyond my expectations since I expected a stereotypical prison of thick metal bars where inmates lived but its actually a small community. There were basketball courts, tennis courts, stores, and even Catholic Church inside it. I expected inmates wearing terno orange t-shirts with P sign at the back of their shirts but theyre not. The inmates are most likely the vendors in the street that we see. When I enter the medium security part, I feel all the negative and bad feelings like I do feel nervous, uneasy and uncomfortable because I cant deny that my first outlook to inmates are harmful, dangerous, and unsafe to be with because they are criminals in general. Also, I didnt expect that they will prepare a program for us. All of them greeted us courteously with big smiles in their faces knowing at the middle of the program that every one of them was really looking forward to our visit since some of them dont have visitors anymore because theyve been forgotten. The performances they showed to us was nothing but entertaining. They prepared a dance number, lip-sync of the Regine Velasquez of NBP which is very entertaining, and even an inspiring song by their choir. What hit me the most is that seeing them enjoying what theyre doing. Everything changed as the program goes and my impersonations totally changed when we had a one-on-one interview with one inmate and that was an eye opener to me. I realize that we must not generalize the inmates personality that they are harmful, uneasy and dangerous as whole because we dont know the story of their life. We dont know if they really commit the crime, if they just do it for self-defense, if they only inangkin the crime of their love ones, and even the detailed story behind their criminal case. They are also Gods creation who feel the same emotions that we also feel.

Furthermore, the visit to the Bureau of Corrections museum is also a revelation to everyone. We saw the cruelty of our law before since we saw the instruments used in killing the inmates who commit heavy crimes. The electric chair, was almost a symbol of cruelty towards criminals. The lethal injection chamber putting a life to an end. So it is a good thing that Gloria Macapagal Arroyo approved the end of the death penalty here in Philippines. As Secretary De Lima say, Death penalty is not the solution to criminality. What deters criminality is faithful and diligent enforcement of laws and due administration of the criminal justice system without fear or favour, In addition, death penalty cost far more than to keep an inmate inside the prison and it also prolong the sufferings of the victims families. In conclusion, this class field visit prison trip developed, widened, and broadened my idea to the reality. That we are also prisons of our own society since we also experience the problems they are experiencing inside the prison in a different way or perspective. We are prisons of our own money, own knowledge, own understanding, etc. So there is no such thing as Malayang Lipunan which most of the inmates pinpoint to us to their last performance. That inmates doesnt live in a thick metal bars that we imagined but they live in a small community. Ultimately, we must change our perspective. Many of the inmates have their own talents. Many of these men are transformed and converted to have more well-thought-of attitudes compared to the people in the outside world. Its a hard thing to admit but it is something that I need to acknowledge and shout out. This inmates is also studying inside the bilibid to learn new skill before going out to the outside world for them to be able to gain someones trust. Also, giving another chance to ex-convicts a fair chance at a job will provide hope in the lives of inmates. As a final point, we must see this ex-cons for who they can be not for who they were. This people needs consideration for they already experience everything inside the bilibid. Some of them wishes some comfort for they were forgotten by their love ones. With this, we can give hope where there is very little. Citation: Secretary De Lima,

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