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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.


Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

Software Requirement Specification

Amity University, Haryana


Team Member
Umesh Gupta Amant Kumar

Team Guide
Ajay Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

Table of Contents
Description Page No.

1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose ............... 1.2 Scope ............... 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations ....... 1.4 References ... 1.5 Technologies to be used 1.6 Overview ... 2. Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective 2.2 Software Interface ... 2.3 Hardware Interface ... 2.4 Product Functions ... 2.5 User Characteristics .. 2.6 Constraints ....... 2.7 Architecture Design .... 2.8 Use Case Model Description .... 2.9 Class Diagram 2.10 Sequence Diagrams 2.11 Database Design 2.11.1 ER Diagram 2.11.2 Schema 2.12 Assumptions and Dependencies 3. Specific Requirements 3.1 Use-Case Reports .... 3.2 Supplementary Requirements

3 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose:
This MNREGA Program Administrator specifies the requirements for the software product titled NREGIS (National Rural Employment Guarantee Information System). This software is intended to implement the NREG programme vide NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act,2005).The NREGA bill essentially guarantees employment for the unemployed in rural areas for 100 days in a year, through work such as building roads, improving water supply and works that are necessary to improve infrastructure in rural areas. This information system will provide comprehensive and relevant information to consumers, managers, administrators and general public .NREGIS will also facilitate management of the available resources and information for authorized personnel.

1.2 Scope
The NREGIS (National Rural Employment Guarantee Information System) provides different class of features to consumers, managers, administrators and general public. Using NREGIS the consumers can register for NREG scheme, request information regarding their employment history and upcoming opportunities of employment. NREGIS also provides information regarding other government poverty alleviation schemes and programmes like health, election registration, etc. Using NREGIS the administrators can view reports containing employment history of consumers, payments and funds disbursal. They can also aggregate feedbacks of employers under this scheme.

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

NREGIS facilitates the managers to monitor the efficiency of employers and administrators. Managers can also view the reports in the same way as administrators. The managers can answer public queries through NREGIS. The general public can use NREGIS to view funds usage in specific areas and announced project. They can also submit queries to the managers through NREGIS. Benefits of NREGIS: 1. Enables access to right information on time that result in right decisions. 2. Assists managerial decisional process and control. 3. Manual information systems are difficult to be maintained, results in tedious paper work, needs more clerical time, causes disjointedness in information flows .NREGIS overcomes these drawbacks. 4. Enables decision-making based on facts not on subjectivity. 5. Obliterates the over dependency of expertise of any particular executive in an organization.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Admin: Administrator. NREGA: National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005. NREG Scheme: National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme under NREGA NREGIS: National Rural Employment Guarantee Information System. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages. JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content.

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the Java platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications. WASCE (WebSphere Application Server Community

Edition): It is an application server that runs and supports the J2EE and the web service applications. WSAD (WebSphere Studio Application Developer ): It is a designer toolkit which is designed to develop more complex projects by providing a complete dynamic web service. DB2 (IBM Database 2): It is a database management system that provides a flexible and efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications. HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol between a web browser and a web server. XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed to transport and store data. Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in java script to create dynamic web pages. Web 2.0: It is commonly associated with web applications which facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centred design and collaboration on the World Wide Web.

1.4 References
IBM TGMC 2013 SRS Format. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005. IBM TGMC Sample Synopsis.
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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

Problem Definition (Provided by IBM)

1.5 Technologies to be used:

J2EE: Application Architecture. JAVA: Application architecture. WASCE: (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition) Web Server. DB2: Database. Rational: Design Tool. Ajax: Asynchronous Java Script and XML. XML: Extension Markup Language. Web 2.0: RSS Feed 2.0. RAD 7.0: Development tool. LOCALIZATION: 3 Languages - Hindi, Kannada, and English.

1.6 Overview:
SRS will include two sections: Overall Description: It will describe major components of the system, interconnection and external interfaces. Specific Requirements: It will describe the functions of actors, their role in the system and constraints.

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

2. Overall Description:
Describe the general factors that affect the product and its requirements.

2.1 Product Perspective:

The web pages (XHTML/JSP) are present to provide the user interface on client side. Communication between client user and server is provided through HTTP/HTTPS protocols. The Client Software is to provide the user interface on system user client side and for this TCP/IP protocols are used. On the server side web server is for Hibernate and Database server is for storing the information.

2.2 Software Interface:

Operating System: Linux, Windows. Client on Internet: Web Browser (IE 8,Google chrome ,Mozilla Firefox). Web Server: WAS. Data Base Server: DB2.

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

Development End: WSAD (J2EE, Java, Hibernate, Servlets, HTML), DB2, Web Server.

2.3 Hardware Interface:

Client Side: o Processor: Pentium IV at 1 GHz o Ram: 512 MB o Disk space: 2GB Server Side: o Processor: Pentium IV at 1 GHz o Ram: 2 GB o Disk space: 5GB Db2 V9.1 o processor: Pentium IV at 1 GHz o Ram: 1 GB o Disk space: 5GB

2.4 Product Functions:

NREGIS implements the MNREGA program for labour, managers, accountant, administrators and general public. User: Labour Functions: Labour can register using government identification. They can check wait time for employment, and employment history by the scheme and the money earned. Consumers can view employment opportunities by skills and capabilities. Consumers can obtain information regarding other poverty alleviation schemes and programmes like health, election registration, etc., and other information like ration cards, ration shops, vocational education etc. They can also provide feedback of employers under NREGA. Users: Administrators Functions: Administrators can view detailed history of users, their employment history, payments received and feedback.
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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

They can check funds disbursal in the local area. Administrators can aggregate feedback of employers under this scheme. Users: Managers Functions: Managers are provided all the functionalities as of administrators. In addition they can track work progress, Number of people employed and feedback of employers .Managers can answer queries. Users: Accountant Functions: Accountant releases the money to worker accounts and can review the tenders for work across places. Users: General Public Functions: General public can view listing of funds usage in specific areas and announced projects. They can submit queries to Managers and receive auto-acknowledgement using numbers which can be followed up in a queue.

2.5 User Characteristics:

Every user should be Comfortable of working with computer and net browsing. He must have basic knowledge of English too. Familiarity with the stages and processes involved in the implementation of NREGA

2.6 Constraints:
Limited to HTTP/HTTPS. GUI is only in English.

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

2.7 Architecture Design:

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

2.8 Use Case Model Description:

Can interact with manager. Can give feedback. Checks wait time for employment. Can print job card. Can demand for work. Check employment history.

Can updates new schemes. Check all feedback. Can see all details of users. Can update employments schemes. Can update other benefits.
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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

Can update fund.

Managers: Responds to feedback. View efficiency of administrator and labour as well. Accountant: Manage fund. Release fund to labour account. Review of tender of work across places. General Public: Can give feedback and receive respond. Can see the usage of fund (web based). 2.9 Class Diagram:

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

2.10 Sequence Diagrams:

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

2.11 Database design:

2.11.1 ER Diagram:

2.11.2 Schema:
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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

adroit.explorer/Amity University, Haryana

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

2.12 Assumptions and Dependencies:

The details related to the Schemes and fund provided manually. Administrator is created in the system already for this we add a particular keyword with the username of the System user to differentiate among a simple labour, Administrator, manager and accountant. Roles and tasks are predefined.

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

3. Specific Requirements 3.1 Use Case Reports:

3.1.1 Labour use-case report:

Use case Sign in View profile Update profile View employment history Demand for work Demand for work by skills Check wait time Gives feedback Print job card Updates bank detail Check other benefits

Description The labour has to sign in order to. Every registered labour has his/her own profile containing personal details. The labour has the option to update his/her own profile. Has employment history.

Demands employment, if dont have any work Demands employment by his/her skills and capabilities, if dont have any work Can see the time for next employment. Can gives employments feedback Can print his/her job card. Can update his bank detail. Checks other poverty alleviation schemes and programmes like health, election registration, etc. Checks employment Checking employment history of others that have history of others the same name and address in the local area. This is to ensure that they are not being misrepresented elsewhere.
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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

3.1.2 Manager use-case report:

Use case Sign in View profile Update profile View administrator efficiency View employees efficiency Responds to public reviewers queries

Description The labour has to sign in order to. Every registered manager has his/her own profile containing personal details. The labour has the option to update his/her own profile. Can see the efficiency of admin Can see the efficiency of employees (Positive feedback, number of people employed). Can responds to the queries of public reviewer

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

3.1.3 Accountant use-case report:

Use case Sign in View profile Update profile Manage fund Release money in Labours bank Review of tender

Description The labour has to sign in order to. Every registered manager has his/her own profile containing personal details. The labour has the option to update his/her own profile. Can manage the fund, came from respective schemes of employment. Can release the money earned in labours bank account. Can review the tender of work places nearby.

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

3.1.4 Admin use-case report:

Use case Sign in View profile Update profile

View all feedback Responds to public feedback Updates employment Will updates all employment schemes schemes available. Updates other benefits Will updates all other benefits ,like poverty alleviation schemes and programmes like health, election registration, etc. Authenticate manager Will authenticate the manager/accountant / accountant registration. Updates fund Will updates fund ,available by that schemes View all details of Can see all details of all users. users View activity log Can see activity log of all user.

Description The labour has to sign in order to. Every registered manager has his/her own profile containing personal details. The labour has the option to update his/her own profile. Can view all the feedback. Can also respond to public feedback.

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MNREGA Program Administrator Software Requirements Specification adroit.explorer

Version 1.0 28 Jan,2013

3.1.5 Public Reviewer use-case report:

Use case Submit queries See web based fund usage

Description Can submit any queries related to anything. Can see all web based fund usage.

3.2 Supplementary Requirements:

1. 24 X 7 availability. 2. Secure access of confidential data (users details). 3. Complete confidentiality and non-disclosure of users and administrators unless authorized by government.

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