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jasmin werner portfolio

the past is the past and we dont look back

exhibition view inkijk gallery Metrostation Waterlooplein Amsterdam

In 1634 Curacao became a Dutch colony and the centre of Slave trade in the Atlantic. The new ruler maintained its culture on the South American island. Most visible through the Dutch Architecture, which still remains, on the island. Not only the architecture itself but also the bricks were imported from the Netherlands.

On one way boats were filled with slaves, on their way back with Dutch bricks. In 2007 the first Albert Heijn outside of Europe was build on Curacao. Most of the products being sold there first go to the Netherlands, to get labeled, before being shipped to the Caribbean.

During wind season self-made-kites are sold along the road, mainly to children. But also adults enjoy kites and attend kite-competitions on the weekends. The history of Caribbean kites has its roots on the plantations where slaves used kites to shoo away birds from the fields. The kites were made out of the skins of cactus. On the artists stay in Curacao Jasmin Werner bought second hand fans

from private households and built a traditional kite with the help of a local kite seller. By shipping the fans to the Netherlands Jasmin Werner metaphorically brings the wind of Curacao to Amsterdam to make a kite fly. Shipped in a container her goods are taking todays trade route initiated in colonial time. On this journey the past and present day relations between Curacao and the Netherlands are examined.

for your old


Pa un trabou di arte mi kier trese e bientu di Korsou na Amsterdam i laga e fli subi. Pesei mi ta buskando fentilatornan uza kaba, no ta importa e tamano. Preis lo wordu negosha. T.

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Flyer for minimarkets in Curacao

exhibition view inkijk gallery Metrostation Waterlooplein Amsterdam kite building Curacao invitation card exhibition Amsterdamlooplein

asidonhopo - building utopia

exhibition view Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Mavis Hofwijk was a chef from Surinam, who was involved in my previous work Mish Mash. She told me of her plan to build a new capital in the middle of the outback of Suriname. I was interested how and if its possible make a fresh start and to disconnect from colonial past. By talking about the book Utopia by Thomas More or Le Corbusiers ideas on the city of the

future Mavis Hofwijk and me developed a map of the city, a flag as well as an emblem. In december 2011 Hofwijk took the architectural model with her to the people In Suriname, with whom she wants to collaborate. In summer 2013 Hofwik and me will travel to Suriname to go on with this idea.

photo collage, emblem architectural model detail

exhibition view Straat van Sculpturen, Amster-

mish mash
The song Rijst met Kouseband is one of the first Dutch song, sang by a black artist. The singer Max Woiski jr., a native from Surinam compares in this song the Dutch and the Surinamese culture by food. On the one hand Rijst met Kouseband (rice with asparagus bean) and on the other side Boerenkool met Rookworst (kale with smoked sausage). To create a new version of that song I asked the Surinamese chef Mavis Hofwijk to create a new recipe of the two dishes. The result was Mavis Mish Mash. In the exhibition a video of the cooking

show was installed. The video was interlaced with pieces from an interview of Lils Mackintosh, the daughter of the former singer. In this interview she describes her childhood and how it is to have the only black father in the neighbourhood. At the opening of the exhibition in the Kraaiennest, Bijlmer Amsterdam Mavis Hofwijk served her Mish Mash personally to the visitors.

Max Woiski record cover Photo Mavis Mish Mash

video still monitor 1 video still monitor 2

exhibition view library of the Tropen Museum Amsterdam

did anything change just because everything is different

How to stitch Metamorphosis In 1701 the German natural scientist and painter Maria Sibylla Merian visited the former Dutch colony Surinam. There she observed and portrayed the transformation of insects. Merian made her drawings for the lovers of nature but also for women to make sewing work from it. This ambiguity was the reason for my new interpretation of her book. In this book How to stitch Metamorphosis I give instructions about how to stitch drawings of cocoons from butterflies. how-to-stitch-metamorphosis/

A well respected women In 1992, after the reunification of Germany, a new German banknote

series was established, which for the first time portrayed as many women as men. Maria Sibylla Merian was selected to be printed on the 500 Deutsche Mark bill. Integrated in the shelves of the library was an interview with the historian Prof. Dr. Horst Fuhrmann of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. He headed the committee that selected Merian for this German banknote. From the interview it is disclosed, that it was almost impossible to find well respected women with outstanding work. Their selection of remarkable German personalities is writing German history in an embellishing way. Rather than being a mirror of society the bank note series creates its own balance between men and women. This exhibition took place in the library of the Royal Tropical Institute Amsterdam, the former Colonial Institute.

stitching advice

This exhibition took place in the library of the Royal Tropical Institute Amsterdam, the former Colonial Institute. In the reading room of the library I integrated two individual works and a slide projection with the title Did anything change just because everything is different?

that was just a dream

exhibition view Egon Eiermann Pavillion Karlsruhe

In the early 18th century after a tiring hunt the margrave Karl Wilhelm from Baden Durlach laid down for a nap beneath an oak tree in the forest of Hadtwaldt. He had a dream of a gorgeous palace from that the streets expanded to all direction like sun-rays. After waking up he realized that he had to accomplish his dream at that very place. In 1715 Karl Wilhelm laid the foundation stone in the margravial hunting forest for his new residence Carols Rest (Karls Ruhe).

For the work THAT WAS JUST A DREAM I asked the psychoanalyst Sebastian Leikert on his interpretation of the dream. With the approach of free associations on July 6 of 2010 we explored with a group of six people the levels of meaning in that dream on the foundation.

image: Landesarchiv Baden Wrttemberg

a las fLores de heidelberg

exhibition view Poly gallery Karlsruhe

On the 8th of February in 1886 the Philipino Jose Rizal came to the city of Heidelberg, where he worked as a ophthalmologist. In the same year he became the biggest national hero for his critical writings in the fight against the Spanish colonial rule. During his stay in Germany he created a poem on the flowers of Heidelberg. With that he asks the flowers to carry his love to the Philippines and wishes peace, sanity, wisdom and health to all his fellow
2009 - 2010

countrymen. The smell of flowers in the poem is a symbol for the freedom he experienced in Germany. For this work I took pictures of flowers in Heidelberg. These photos served as a base for the perfumer Frank Rittler, who designed the scent RI-1137-C Heidelberg, a fragrance of freedom.

photo collage table detail, perfume bottles

welcome dinner

Elisabeth Agustin

In the middle of the 50s till the beginning of the 70s of the last century some countries in Europe experienced an economic boom. Good working conditions in the industry lead to a lack of nursing staff in the Federal Republic of Germany. Because of that the German government invited nurses from India, Korea and the Philippines to work in Germany. This photo series includes ten dishes, which were
2008 - 2009

served to the newly arrived nurses at their new places of work. For most of them it was their first cultural shock.

Involved in this project were Miry Rochel, Sokja Lhrs, Ok-Kyu WertelKim, Juanita Acupan-Werner, Elisabeth Agustin, Chajo An, Mihyon Schmauderer, Pelosia Mercado, Sosamma Vedekemuriyil, Young-Ok Rosenberger, Somi Jacob.

Young-Ok Rosenberger Mihyon Schmauderer

Miry Rochel Pelosia Mercado

phillip ii

exhibition view Heidelberger Kunstverein

During my research for an exhibition in the Spanish city Almagro I realized there is also a city called Almagro on the Philippines, the country my mother originates from. Complementary the name Philippines is derived from the Spanish king Philipp II. To tell this story and the story of my mother I asked my uncle Ricardo and my aunt Tala from the Philippines to create a sculpture of Philipp II in their
2008 - 2009

wood graving workshop, located at my mothers native town. As a sketch I did send them a photo collage that I had prepared from an oil painting by Antonio Moro. Part of the installation is a table with different artifacts, like private photos, photo copies from the national library of Spain or letters and E-Mails of my relatives.

table detail

photo collage / wooden sculpture

Jasmin Werner born 1987 in Troisdorf , Germany

2007 2010 2012

Medienkunst HfG Karlsruhe D Fine Arts Gerrit Reitveld Academie Amsterdam NL Bildende Kunst Stdelschule Frankfurt am Main D

Sept - Oct 2012 July 2012 May 2011 Feb Mar 2011 June 2010 July 2010 Feb Mar 2010 Nov 09 Feb 10 Sep. 2009 July 2009 Feb Apr 2009

the past is the past and we dont look back inkijk Metrostation Amsterdam NL end exam show Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam NL Practicing stalls; Straat van Sculpturen, Amsterdam NL Jasmin Werner is measuring the change; Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen; Amsterdam NL The show that never happend; Egon Eiermann Pavillion; Karlsruhe D Open Space Lab; Heidelberger Kunstverein; Heidelberg D A Las Flores de Heidelberg; POLY Galerie; Karlsruhe D bermorgen Knstler; Heidelberger Kunstverein; Heidelberg D Ill keep this secret inside; Canon Center; Seoul SC Rundgang 2009 der HfG Karlsruhe; Karlsruhe D Tago Mago; Hospital de San Juan de Dios & Galeria Fcares; Almagro ES Tago Mago; Hfg Karlsruhe; Karlsruhe D Rundgang 2008 der HfG Karlsruhe; Karlsruhe D Galerie Mr. Oldman; Leipzig D Konstruktion der Wahrheit; Darmstdter Tage der Fotografie; Darmstadt D

Jan Feb 2009 July 2008 July 2007 April 2007

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