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Power Electronics for Industrial Applications and Renewable Energy Poster Competition 2014

The Idea
The poster competition: Is focuses on the application of power electronics in the industry and in renewable energy sources and related applications. Is planned to further explore the viability of the power electronic technologies that are used in all clean energy applications. Is aimed at bringing the academia and technocrats in one platform and to discuss the possible solutions of using power electronic converters for the world and Malaysian environment.

Rules and Regulations

1. Follow the attached format and size given to you. 2. The event is on APRIL 17, 2014, all the participants should register to the organizer [ Ahamed Khan] before 9.00 am. The event will start at 10.00am at Rotunda FOE UNISEL. 3. Your poster must be printed on a good quality paper, clarity, back ground design and combination of colours carries good weight age. 4. APRIL 4 is the last date to submit your sample copy PRINTED in A4 size paper to me. 5. Each individual or group has to present the poster in front of a panel for 15 minutes 6. Expert jury panel decision in final. 7. Participants will be given certificate of participation 8. Only First and second prize will be awarded by cash

Topic to be covered: Power electronics for industrial applications, e.g. oil/gas industry, Renewable and alternative energy systems, including solar, wind and energy harvesting. Electric motor drives transportation systems. and application Electric

Power electronic converters are expected to play a major role in the conversion of alternative energy sources and interfacing them with the power grid or any stand alone loads. Therefore, new and highly efficient power electronic technologies in conjunction with appropriate control strategies are still needed to reduce massive waste of energy and to improve the grid power quality. Power electronics have found widespread applications in renewable energy and in industries. They are used in the oil and gas and petrochemical industry, in the cement industry, in water pumping stations, in traction applications, utility systems, and many other areas. Hence, the installation of properly controlled high power drives can significantly reduce energy losses, the total drive costs, and improve power quality. Photovoltaic, thermal solar, and Fuel Cells are important energy sources for Malaysia. Wind power is an auxiliary energy source that could be used to compensate for the absence of PV power. Having a high potential of solar energy and a reasonable amount of wind, Malaysia should invest in developing and utilizing green solar and wind energy renewable power plants. By integrating these renewable energy sources with proper electric energy storage, a reliable and efficient hybrid renewable electric power plant can be built.

Please contact the following: Branch Counsellor: Mr. Ahamed Khan Senior Lecturer,Electrical division H/P: 0122305451 Email: Email:



Date: 17.April.2014 Day: Thursday Venue: Rotunda FOE UNISEL

IEEE Student Branch University Selangor Malaysia

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