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Press Release
Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
UNFPA/UNICEF Joint Programme Launch

Kampala, November 3rd 2009: The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social
Development will launch of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)/United
Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) joint programme towards the accelerated
abandonment of Female genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C). One of the key initiatives of
the joint programme is the establishment of a National Alliance on FGM/C
Abandonment which will also be launched on that day. The launch will be held on
November 3, 2009 at the Imperial Royale at 9am.

The joint program is a regional initiative being implemented in 17 nations - Egypt,

Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Eritrea, Senegal,
Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Burkina Faso, the Gambia, Ghana, Mali and Mauritania.
UNICEF’s mandate covers child survival, development and participation, while UNFPA’s
mandate is to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. The two UN organizations
developed a joint and innovative initiative that would address the issue of FGM/C not
only because of its harmful impact on the reproductive and sexual health of girls and
women, but also because of its violation of women’s and girls’ fundamental human

The focus of the joint programme is to leverage social dynamics towards the
accelerated abandonment of FGM/C within a generation, with at least one country
declared free of the practice by 2012. In Uganda, the programme will initially target the
districts of Kapchorwa, Nakapiripirit, Moroto, and Bukwo.

The programme aims at strengthening collaboration among government authorities both

at decentralized and national levels, local religious leaders, the media, civil society
organizations, the education and reproductive health sectors and the youth. UNICEF
and UNFPA through the joint programme are supporting the Ministry of Gender, Labour
and Social Development to coordinate national level activities and REACH, TPO,
POZIDEP, LAW-Uganda to create an environment ready for collective social change.

The National Alliance is a network of stakeholders dedicated to the prevention and
eradication of FGM/C in Uganda. The Alliance sees itself as platform for various
members to explore ideas, share experiences and coordinate efforts on a national level.
The Alliance is using networking and partnership as strategies for the abandonment
campaign to a unified, national level. Representatives are drawn from civil society
organisations, government departments, religious authorities and the education and
reproductive sectors.

For further information contact:

Ms. Christine Guwatudde-Kintu

Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Gender, Labour and
Social Development
Tel: 0414347854/5

Mr. Chulho Hyun,

Chief of Communication,
UNICEF Uganda,
Cell: 0717 171 110

Ms. Brenda Malinga

UNFPA - National Programme Officer - Gender
Tel: 0414345600
Cell: 0712882587


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