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Course Lecturer

: MHR 1033 (Organizational Development) : Mr Muhd Sharil Bin Bakri (ext. 35117 / S44 A02 11) Dr Shah Rollah Bin Abdul Wahab (ext. 35136 / S44 A05 03)

Test Activities (Case Study, Library Research, Quiz, Participation) Reflective Journal Groupwork Report Groupwork Presentation

15% 15% 5% 15 % 10% TEST (Individual)

Topics will cover from week 1 to week 7. Time and venue will be informed later ACTIVITIES (CASE STUDY, LIBRARY RESEARCH & QUIZ, PARTICIPATION) Students are required to produce a report for the activities. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL (Individual) Every two week students should submit the reflective journal via a website before or by Friday (12 pm) to Dr Shah Rollah Bin Abdul Wahab GROUPWORK REPORT & PRESENTATION (4 students per group) Select an organization and study its organizational development practices by referring to stages in General Model of Planned Change Submission date is on Week 13 (Friday, 4 pm) and 2 marks will be deducted for one day late Groupwork Report (10 %) as follows: Assessment criteria: Abstract (1%), Introduction (2%), Theoretical Content (5%), Application (5%), Discussion & Conclusion (5%), Reference (2%), Overall Presentation (2%) The report must be written within 15-18 pages excluding the references and appendices. 2 marks will be deducted for each extra page. Font: Garamond, Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5 Groupwork Presentation (10 %) as follows Presentation will start on week 11 Each group will be given 15 minutes to deliver the presentation and 30 minutes for Q&A Assessment criteria: Creativity (5%), Teamwork (5%), Fluency (5%) and Professionalism (5%).

TEMPLATE FOR GROUPWORK ASSIGNMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TITLE (Font: Garamond, Size: 12, Spacing: Single) Authors (Font: Garamond, Size: 12, Spacing: Single)
Abstract: (Font: Garamond, Size: 11, Spacing: Single, 100-150 words only)


Introduction (Font: Garamond, Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5) Discuss background and trends related to OD Theoretical Content (Font: Garamond, Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5) Discuss critically literatures related to OD Application (Font: Garamond, Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5) Discuss how your chosen organization applies OD processes as stated in the OD theories or models Discussion and Conclusion (Font: Garamond, Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5) Apply SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) to explain this section and include your recommendations Reference (Font: Garamond, Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5) Minimum 15 references and the publication materials must be after the year 2005 Follow the UTM thesis format






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