Assignment 1

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ASSIGNMENT 1 FOR Airport Planning & Manag ! nt "MDSA #$%D&




SAP NO)REGN NO' (((((((((((((((((((((((

S *tion A "+$ Mar,-&

Write short notes on any four of the following: 1. I !ortan"e of !ri#ati$ation of airline in%ustry &. Ma'or res!onsi(ilities of In%ian a#iation a% inistrator ). *ifferen"e (etween a !ri#ate air!ort an% a !u(li"+use air!ort ,. Ty!es of ta-iways e-ist on an airfiel% .. Truste% Tra#eler /rogra S *tion . "%$ !ar,-& "Att !pt an/ t0r & 1. What are a%#isory "ir"ulars0 What !ur!ose %o they ser#e for air!ort

anage ent0 of air!ort

&. What is the %ifferen"e (etween a !ort authority an% an air!ort authority for ownershi! an% o!eration0

). *es"ri(e the %e#elo! ent of national a% inistrations that ha#e regulate% "i#il a#iation throughout its history. ,. What are the %ifferent ty!es of gate+usage agree ents that air!orts negotiate% with air"raft o!erators0 What are the a%#antages an% %isa%#antages of ea"h ty!e of agree ent0 S *tion C "1$ !ar,-& "Att !pt all 23 -tion-4 E5 r/ 23 -tion *arri - 1$ !ar,-& Rea% the "ase 1Running on Empty by Linda Werfelman2 an% answer the following 3uestions: Ca- St36/' R3nning on E!pt/ 7/ Lin6a 8 r9 l!an A fatal S+4&A "rash !ro !ts a TSB (Trans!ort Safety Boar%) "all for a"tion to 5ee! large trans!ort heli"o!ters running for at least )6 inutes without ain gear(o- oil. The heli"o!ter %e!arte% fro St. 7ohn8s International Air!ort9 (:ewfoun%lan%9 off the east "oast of ;ana%a)9 at 641< lo"al ti e an%9 at 64)&9 le#elle% off at 49666 ft= the a en%e% instru ent flight !lan esti ate% a 16,6 arri#al ti e at the oil rig. At 64,.9 a""or%ing to %ata fro the flight %ata re"or%er (>*R)9 M?B ( ain gear(o-) oil !ressure (egan %e"reasing. An a (er 1M?B @IA /RES2 "aution essage illu inate% an% was followe% al ost i e%iately (y a re% 1M?B @IA /RES2 warning essage9 a""o !anie% (y the aural warning of 1?EARB@B /RESSCRE D ?EARB@B /RESSCRE.2 The "rew (egan "he"5list !ro"e%ures9 an% (y 64,.9 M?B oil !ressure ha% %e"rease% to less than . !si9 %own fro the nor al range of (etween ,. an% <6 !si. 1The "o (ination of the re% EM?B @IA /RES8 warning essage D an% M?B oil !ressure (elow . !si D "onstitute% a Elan% i e%iately8 "on%ition9 as !er the S+4&A Rotor"raft >light

Manual92 the re!ort sai%9 noting that the "a!tain %e"lare% an e ergen"y an% re3ueste% "learan"e fro the ?an%er area "ontrol "entre (A;;) to return to St. 7ohn8s. A;; (egan issuing ra%ar #e"tors9 an% se"on%s later9 after the !ilots turne% the heli"o!ter (a"5 towar% the air!ort9 ., nauti"al iles (166 5 ) to the west9 they (egan a %es"ent. At 64,<9 M?B oil !ressure was 6 !si. The !ilots %is"usse% e ergen"y !re!arations with A;; an% the "o !any %is!at"her9 an% at 64.19 the first offi"er sai% that the heli"o!ter was in a 1lan% i e%iately2 "on%ition. The "a!tain res!on%e% (y saying he !lanne% to le#el the heli"o!ter at 19666 ft9 (ut the heli"o!ter %es"en%e% to F66 ft G to 1!ro#i%e a!!ro-i ately )66 ft of terrain "learan"e o#er the highest !oint of lan% on the %ire"t tra"52 to the St. 7ohn8s air!ort an% a(out H66 ft a(o#e the highest !oint near ;a!e S!ear9 the !ie"e of lan% "losest to the heli"o!ter8s !osition. At 64.&9 in res!onse to a 3uestion fro the ;ougar %is!at"her9 the "rew sai% they (elie#e% a %it"hing was 1!ossi(le2 rather than 1i inent2 or 1!ro(a(le.2 At 64..9 the "a!tain in%i"ate% to ;ougar *is!at"h that they were %it"hing. Aess than one inute later9 the heli"o!ter stru"5 the water in a slight right+(an59 nose high attitu%e. Both "rew e (ers an% 1. out of the 1H !assengers %rowne%. A 1"o !le- we(2 of fa"tors9 in"lu%ing a total loss of oil in the trans ission8s ain gear(o(M?B)9 le% to the fatal "rash of the S+4&A9 the Trans!ortation Safety Boar% of ;ana%a (TSB) sai% in its su(se3uent re!ort. The heli"o!ter was anufa"ture% in &66H an% ha% total airfra e ti e of &914, hours an% 19<<) "y"les. It was "onfigure% for two "rew e (ers an% u! to 1< !assengers. The heli"o!ter was "ertifie% an% e3ui!!e% as s!e"ifie% (y regulations9 an% aintenan"e re"or%s %i% not in%i"ate that there were any !ro(le s (efore the a""i%ent flight. The M?B is !art of the heli"o!ter8s ain trans ission asse (ly. The oil filter (owl in the a""i%ent heli"o!ter was atta"he% to the M?B housing with 1three e3ually s!a"e% titaniu alloy stu% an% self+lo"5ing nut asse (lies92 the re!ort sai%. The TSB su!!le ente% its final re!ort on the Mar"h 1&9 &6649 a""i%ent with safety re"o en%ations "alling for a'or "hanges in heli"o!ter o!erations9 in"lu%ing one !ro#ision to re3uire S+4&s an% other large trans!ort heli"o!ters to (e "a!a(le of o!erating for at least )6 inutes after a assi#e loss of M?B oil. :3 -tion-' 1. ;an you thin5 of any other water safer0 easures whi"h woul% a5e long heli"o!ter flights o#er

&. *is"uss the "auses (ehin% this fatal in"i%ent. ). With your !artner9 !lan how you woul% organise an in#estigation into the "auses of su"h an a""i%ent9 a5e a list of the infor ation you woul% re3uire an% %efine the #arious ste!s

an% a"tions in the in#estigation. Then !resent your !lans to the grou! an% %is"uss any %ifferen"es in the a!!roa"h. ,. Analy$e the "ase an% inter!ret it. .. Write %own an effe"ti#e e-e"uti#e su ary of gi#en "ase.

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