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Admission Requirements for Architecture Graduate Program Any holder of a bachelors degree in Architecture or its equivalent from a duly accredited institution may, upon application, be admitted to graduate studies leading to the degree of Master of Architecture. Any holder of a bachelors degree in Civil ngineering or its equivalent from a duly accredited institution may upon application, be admitted to graduate studies either in Architectural !cience or in "ousing that shall normally lead to the degree of Master of Architecture. An applicants undergraduate academic record, professional e#perience and evident readiness for a graduate $or% in the field of his choice shall form the basis for his admission. &urthermore, he shall have to sho$ to the Graduate Committee of the College of Architecture his capability to discuss a selected list of readings in his intended field of speciali'ation before he can be admitted to do graduate $or%. Any applicant $ho does not meet all of the above requirements may, upon application be admitted to graduate studies on a non(degree basis. !hould such applicant desire eventually to earn a degree, he $ill be required to complete his deficiencies by either enrolling in undergraduate courses $ithout graduate credits or perform e#tra $or% as may be designated. A senior undergraduate student may be allo$ed to enroll in not more than si# )*+ units of graduate credits, provided such credit units are not utili'ed to fulfill graduation requirements for his bachelors degree. ,egree holders $ho do not have any sub-ects in eastern and $estern cultures shall enroll in equivalent sub-ects in the .niversity of the Philippines besides those required in the Master of Architecture Program. /he Program Adviser shall assist the student in preparing his plan of study. A student is allo$ed no more than five )0+ academic years for completing all requirements to obtain his Masters degree, rec%oned after his first enrollment. /he thesis shall be on a sub-ect $ithin the ma-or field $hich needs an original investigation or substantially modifies or broadens $hat has been previously %no$n. 1f the student fails in the defense of his thesis he shall be allo$ed a second attempt $ithin one year after the first. &ailure to pass the second attempt disqualifies the student for further studies in the ma-or field. Application Requirements Applicants must submit the follo$ing2 a. Accomplished application form. b. /$o accomplished recommendation forms from professors and3 or current employer. c. /ranscript of Records )4 copies, one original copy for the .niversity Registrar and a certified photocopy for the College of Architecture+ d. 4 sets of 56mm # 56mm 1.,. pictures e. Certificate of nglish Proficiency )/7 &8+ for foreign applicants $hose medium of instruction is not nglish f. 7riginal and certified photocopy of 9!7 birth certificate g. Certificate of General :eighted Average )G:A+ h. P;<<.<< for graduate program application fee must be paid to the .niversity Registrar.

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