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Suicide attack in Logar leaves 4 policemen killed or injured

At least four Afghan policemen were killed or injured following a premature suicide attack in eastern Logar province of Afghanistan. The incident took place on Monday morning in Charkh district of Logar province, local government officials said. Khalil Kamal, district governor for Charkh said at least one policeman was killed and three others were injured after a suicide om er detonated his e!plosives efore reaching the target. Mr. Kamal further added that the suicide om er was looking to enter a mos"ue ut was recogni#ed y Afghan security forces and detonated his e!plosives. The attack comes amid ongoing military operations y Afghan security forces in Logar province to ensure sta ility on election days. A spokesman for the provincial security commandment, $a#rat %mar Mashri"wal said the operations were launched three days ago to clear the areas from militants& activities. Mashri"wal said the operations are still conducted in various regions and at least ten militants were killed during the operations in 'atikot district of Logar province.

Three suicide bombers arrested in Paktia province

A group of three suicide om ers were arrested y Afghan security forces in eastern (aktia province of Afghanistan. The interior ministry of Afghanistan following a statement said Monday that the group was looking to carry out coordinated suicide attacks in (aktia province. The statement further added that the suicide om ers were arrested ased on an intelligence report from )adran district. Afghan security forces confiscated four suicide om ing vests, * hand grenades and a vehicle from the detained militants, interior ministry. (aktia province is among the relatively volatile provinces in eastern Afghanistan where Tali an militants and insurgents from the other militant groups including $a""ani network are active in a num er of its districts. The anti+government armed militant groups have recently increased their insurgency activities as the presidential and provincial council elections are due to e organi#ed within the ne!t few days. ,n the meantime, interior ministry said Afghan security forces have the capa ilities and are prepared to counter the militants plots to carry out terrorist attacks which are aimed to disrupt the elections.

Afghan intelligence arrest Faryab suicide bombing organizer

Afghan security forces arrested suspected militant who was directly involving ehind the -arya

suicide om ing plot which left do#ens killed or injured. The Afghan intelligence . /ational 0irectorate of 1ecurity 2/013 announced Monday that 4ari 1harafuddin was arrested y Afghan intelligence operatives in connection to Maimana suicide attack. /01 following a statement said Afghan intelligence operatives also discovered 5 pistol, 6 hand grenades and e!plosives from the detained militant. 4ari 1harfuddin has confessed that he was directly involved ehind the suicide attack in -arya province, /01 added in its statement. $e also added that the suicide om er was sent to him y Tali an shadow governor who is currently ased in (eshawar city. At last 5* people were killed and nearly 7* others were injured after the suicide om er detonated a vehicle+ orne improvised e!plosive device 2,803 in Maimana city on 5* March. All the victims of the suicide attack were ordinary civilians which also included a num er of women and children.

Provincial council candidate abducted in northern Afghanistan

The anti+government armed militants a ducted a provincial council candidate in northern 1ar+e+(ul province of Afghanistan. According to local government officials, the incident took place on 1unday night while the provincial council candidate . $ussain /a#ari was returning from 1u#ma 4ala district. (rovincial governor A dul 9a ar $a" in confirmed the report and said $ussain /a#ari was a ducted y anti+government militants on 1unday night. Mr. $a" in further added that $ussain /a#ari was contesting for provincial council seat from 'alkha district. $e said the candidate has een taken to an unknown location and Afghan security forces along with the tri al elders have stepped up efforts to free Mr. /a#ari. 1ar+e+(ul is among the relatively peaceful provinces in northern Afghanistan: however the anti+ government armed militants have recently increased their insurgency activities in a num er of its districts. A local tri al elder $aji Mohammad ;aseen, who was elieved to e 0r. A dullah&s electoral campaigner was also killed y militants in Kohistanat district earlier last month.

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