Leadership, Organisational Culture and Team Dynamics Are Important For Project Success

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Leadership, organisational culture and team dynamics are important for project success.


Coursework 2 Matric Number: 40092180

Abstract should be around 6-10 lines long.

Date: Word count:

[Publish Date] 271

NB you need to manually adjust this figure in your final document to allow for tables, diagrams and appendices

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Coursework 2


1 Introduction
Project management effectiveness refers to the success of the project (Hyvara, 2006). The ability of a project to succeed depends on the kind of people involved as people form the most critical project management resource. The objective of this paper is to ascertain the effect of leadership, organizational culture and team dynamics on software projects.

2 Leadership
Leadership is an interaction between two or more members of a group that often involves a structuring or restructuring of the situation and the perceptions and expectations of members. Leadership occurs when one group member modifies the motivation of competencies of others in the group. Any member of the group can exhibit some amount of leadership. (Bass, 1990: 19-20). This act may involve so many factors involving praising and criticizing members, structuring and defining work relations, showing consideration for each individual welfare and feelings and expressing acceptance for individual group members contribution encouraging and discipline creating team spirit.

Page layout: Submissions should be in Arial font, 12 pt (11 points used here is fine), line spaced at 1.15 to 1.5.

2.1 References
The author-date system of source citation should be used in the text, e.g. (Cruickshank, 2012). Please use the guidelines available through Moodle to help ensure that your paper meets recognised standards of referencing. You can use Words built-in bibliography feature as is demonstrated here (Edinburgh Napier University, 2011). Please do NOT use footnotes for references1.

Footnotes are best used for short explanations of specific points which would break up the flow of your argument if included in the main text. Some readers will read them, some ignore them.

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Coursework 2


2.2 Illustrations and tables, appendices

Captions for tables and figures should use an alternative font to the main text (eg 10 point bold). They should be referred to in the text using Arabic numerals, e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2, etc., in order of appearance.

2.2.1 Example table

See Table 1 below for an example of how to use words captioning features for cross-referencing from within the text.
Table 1 Example of how to add and caption a table

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Tabke text 1 Main text

2.2.2 Appendices
You may include appendices, the content of which should not be included in the main word count (conversely, use appendices to justify the arguments in the main text; they cannot earn you marks in their own right).

3 Second section

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Coursework 2


Bloggs, F. (2012). My article title. International Journal of Studies, 5(4), 23-45. Edinburgh Napier University. (2011). Example citation of a corporate report. London: Routledge.

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Coursework 2


Appendix 1

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