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2G 3G AAL AAL2 AAL5 ACK AI AIC" ALCA$ AM AM% A& A$'( A$I A%$ A%* A+ A+C A+&,ATM A!C 01I+'& 0CC" 0C23 0C" 03% 0I' 0L3% 0MC 0+ 0+C 0++ 0T+ C1%&TI CAM3L CA$ C0 C0% C0+ CC CCC" CC2 2nd Generation 3rd Generation ATM Adaptation Layer ATM Adaptation Layer type 2 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5 Acknowledgement Ac !isition Indicator Ac !isition Indicator C#annel Access Link Control Application $rotocol Acknowledged Mode Adaptive M!lti %ate Access &etwork Application $rotocol 'ata (nit Application $rogramming Inter)ace Address %esol!tion $rotocol A!tomatic %epeat %e !est Access +trat!m Access +ervice Class Abstract +ynta. &otation /ne Async#rono!s Trans)er Mode A!t#entication Centre 0roadband I+'& 0roadcast Control C#annel 0roadcast Control 2!nctional 3ntity 0roadcast C#annel 0it 3rror %ate 0inding Identity 0lock 3rror %ate 0roadcast4M!lticast Control 0ase +tation 0ase +tation Controller 0ase +tation +ystem 0ase Transceiver +tation Cell %adio &etwork Temporary Identity Controlling %&C %adio &etwork Temporary Identity C!stomised Application )or Mobile network 3n#anced Logic CAM3L Application $art Cell 0roadcast Constant 0it %ate Cell 0roadcast +ervice Call Control Common Control C#annel Call Control 2!nction

CC" CC$C" CCTrC" C'MA C& C$IC" C$C" C$C+ C$+ C$( C%C C%&C C+1G7 C+ C+C2 C+3 CTC" CT'MA +CT$ C7 'C 'CA 'CC" 'C" '3CT '"C$ di))1serv 'L '& '$CC" '$C" '$'C" '%AC '%&C '%&+ '%8 '+1C'MA '+C" 'TC" 'TM2 'T8 31GG+& 31"L% 3'G3 3G$%+ eML$$ 3T+I

Control C#annel Common Control $#ysical C#annel Coded Composite Transport C#annel Code 'ivision M!ltiple Access Core &etwork Common $ilot C#annel Common $acket C#annel Common $art Convergence +!blayer 5ATM6 Common $art +!blayer Central $rocessing (nit Cyclic %ed!ndancy C#eck Controlling %adio &etwork Controller Circ!it +witc#ed Gateway Circ!it +witc#ed Call +erver Control 2!nction Camel +ervice 3nvironment Common Tra))ic C#annel Code Time 'ivision M!ltiple Access +imple Control Transmission $rotocol Contin!o!s 7ave 5!nmod!lated signal6 'edicated Control 5+A$6 'ynamic C#annel Allocation 'edicated Control C#annel 'edicated C#annel 'igital 3n#anced Cordless Telecomm!nications 'ynamic "ost Con)ig!ration $rotocol 'i))erentiated services 'ownlink 52orward Link6 'estination &etwork 'edicated $#ysical Control C#annel 'edicated $#ysical C#annel 'edicated $#ysical 'ata C#annel 'ynamic %eso!rce Allocation Control 'ri)t %adio &etwork Controller 'ri)t %&+ 'iscontin!o!s %eception 'irect1+e !ence Code 'ivision M!ltiple Access 'ownlink +#ared C#annel 'edicated Tra))ic C#annel '!al Tone M!ltiple 2re !ency 'iscontin!o!s Transmission 3n#anced GG+& 3n#anced "L% 3n#anced 'ata rates )or G+M 3vol!tion 3n#anced G$%+ en#anced M!lti1Level $recedence and $re1emption 3!ropean Telecomm!nications +tandards Instit!te

2AC" 2A(+C" 2A8 2C+ 2'' 2'MA 23C 23% 22+ 2& 2$ GC GG+& GM+C GM+K G$ G$%+ G+M G+& GT$ "1C+C2 "C+ "31:A+$ ""/ "L% "& "/ "$LM& "+C+' "++ "TT$ I4/ ICG7 I' I3 I3C I3T2 IK IM3I IMGI IM+I IMT12;;; I& I&A$ I$ I$1M I+'&

2orward Access C#annel 2ast (plink +ignaling C#annel 2acsimile 2rame C#eck +e !ence 2re !ency 'ivision '!ple. 2re !ency 'ivision M!ltiple Access 2orward 3rror Correction 2rame 3ras!re %ate9 2rame 3rror %ate 2or 2!rt#er +t!dy 2rame &!mber 2rame $rotocol General Control 5+A$6 Gateway G$%+ +!pport &ode Gateway M+C Ga!ssian Minim!m +#i)t Keying G!ard $eriod General $acket %adio +ervice Global +ystem )or Mobile comm!nications G$%+ +!pport &odes G$%+ T!nneling $rotocol "ome C+C2 "ierarc#ical Cell +tr!ct!re "ome 3nvironment :al!e Added +ervice $rovider "ard "andover "ome Location %egister "ome &etwork "andover "ome $!blic Land Mobile &etwork "ig# +peed Circ!it +witc#ed 'ata "ome +!bscriber +erver "yper Te.t Trans)er $rotocol Inp!t4/!tp!t Incoming Call Gateway Identi)ier In)ormation 3lement International 3lectrotec#nical Commission Internet 3ngineering Task 2orce Integrity Key International Mobile 3 !ipment Identity International mobile gro!p identity International Mobile +!bscriber Identity International Mobile Telecomm!nications 2;;; Intelligent &etwork Intelligent &etwork Application $art Internet $rotocol I$ M!lticast Integrated +ervices 'igital &etwork

I+/ I+$ I+($ IT( I(I kbps ksps LL2 L3 LAC LAI LA& LC+ LLC L& L+A L+0 MA MAC1A MAC1I MAC MA"/ MA$ MCC Mcps MC( M'+ M3 M3"/ M3% M3.3 MGC2 MGC$ MGT MG7 MM MMI M&C M&$ M/ M/"/ M/+ M$3G M%2

International /rganisation )or +tandardisation Internet +ervice $rovider I+'& (ser $art International Telecomm!nication (nion International (+IM Identi)ier kilo1bits per second kilo1symbols per second Layer - 5p#ysical layer6 Layer 2 5data link layer6 Layer 3 5network layer6 Link Access Control Location Area Identity Local Area &etwork Location +ervices Logical Link Control Logical &ame Localised +ervice Area Least +igni)icant 0it M!ltiple Access MAC !sed )or a!t#entication and key agreement 5T+G T 7G3 conte.t6 MAC !sed )or data integrity o) signalling messages 5T+G T 7G3 conte.t6 Medi!m Access Control 5protocol layering conte.t6 Mobile Assisted "andover Mobile Application $art Mobile Co!ntry Code Mega1c#ips per second Media Control (nit M!ltimedia 'istrib!tion +ervice Mobile 3 !ipment Mobile eval!ated #andover Message 3rror %ate Mobile station 5application6!tion 3nvironment Media Gateway Control 2!nction Media Gateway Control $art Mobile Global Title Media Gate7ay Mobility Management Man Mac#ine Inter)ace Mobile &etwork Code Mobile &!mber $ortability Mobile /riginated Mobile /riginated "andover Mean /pinion +core Moving $ict!res 3.perts Gro!p Media %eso!rce 2!nction

M+ M+0 M+C M+3 M+I' M+I& M+$ MT MT$ MT$310 M(I &A+ &0A$ &'C &3"/ &IT< &M+I &&I &/ &$ &$A &$I &%T &+A$ &+'( &++ &t &T &(I &7 /=M /CCC" /'0 /'CC" /'C" /'MA /%AC" /'TC" /+A /:+2 $0$ $08 $C $CC" $C" $CK

Mobile +tation Most +igni)icant 0it Mobile +witc#ing Centre M3.3 +ervice 3nvironment Mobile +tation Identi)ier Mobile +tation Identi)ication &!mber M!ltiple +!bscriber $ro)ile Mobile Terminated Message Trans)er $art Message Trans)er $art level 3 Mobile (ser Identi)ier &on1Access +trat!m &ode 0 Application $art &ational 'estination Code &etwork eval!ated #andover &etwork Identity and Time <one &ational Mobile +tation Identi)ier &etwork1&ode Inter)ace &etwork /perator &etwork $er)ormance &!mbering $lan Area &!mbering $lan Identi)ier &on1%eal Time &etwork +ervice Access $oint &etwork service data !nit &etwork +!b +ystem &oti)ication 5+A$6 &on Transparent &ational (ser 4 (+IM Identi)ier &etwork /perations and Maintenance /'MA Common Control C#annel /perator 'etermined 0arring /'MA 'edicated Control C#annel /'MA 'edicated C#annel /pport!nity 'riven M!ltiple Access /'MA %andom Access C#annel /'MA 'edicated Tra))ic C#annel /pen +ervice Arc#itect!re /rt#ogonal :ariable +preading 2actor $aging 0lock $eriodicity $rivate 0ranc# e8c#ange $ower Control $ersonal Comp!ter $aging Control C#annel $aging C#annel $ersonalisation Control Key

$C$C" $CC$C" $C+ $C( $'C$ $'" $'& $'$ $'+C" $'( $G $"+ $"> $#yC" $I $IC" $I' $I& $LM& $& $$M $%AC" $+ $+C $+C" $+3 $+T& $TM $T$ $(+C" *o+ *$+K %1+G7 %;; %@@ %A %A0 %AC" %AI %A& %A&A$ %0 %2 %2C %23 %2( %L %LC

$#ysical Common $acket C#annel $rimary Common Control $#ysical C#annel $ersonal Comm!nication +ystem $acket Control (nit $acket 'ata Convergence $rotocol $lesioc#rono!s 'igital "ierarc#y $!blic 'ata &etwork $acket 'ata $rotocol $#ysical 'ownlink +#ared C#annel $rotocol 'ata (nit $rocessing Gain $ersonal "andyp#one +ystem $#ysical layer $#ysical C#annel $age Indicator $age Indicator C#annel $acket Identi)ication $ersonal Identi)ication &!mber $!blic Land Mobile &etwork $se!do &oise $arts $er Million $#ysical %andom Access C#annel $acket +witc#ed $rimary +ync#roni?ation Code $#ysical +#ared C#annel $ersonal +ervice 3nvironment $!blic +witc#ed Telep#one &etwork $oint1to1M!ltipoint $oint to point $#ysical (plink +#ared C#annel *!ality o) +ervice *!adrat!re 5*!aternary6 $#ase +#i)t Keying %oaming +ignalling Gateway %elease 2;;; %elease -@@@ %o!ting Area %adio Access 0earer %andom Access C#annel %o!ting Area Identity %adio Access &etwork %adio Access &etwork Application $art %adio 0earer %adio 2re !ency %e !est 2or Comments %o!ting 2!nctional Identity %eserved )or 2!t!re (se %adio Link %adio Link Control

%LC$ %&C %&+ %&+A$ %&TI %%C %%M %+C$ %++I %+T %+:$ %T %T$ %( %8 +1C+C2 +1%&TI +AAL +ACC" +A$ +A$I +A% +AT +CC" +CC$C" +C2 +C" +CI +C$ +'CC" +'" +'( +3 +2 +2& +G+& +"CC" +IM +I$ +I% +M+ +M+1C0 +& +&'C$ +oL+A +$ +%&C

%adio Link Control $rotocol %adio &etwork Controller %adio &etwork +!bsystem %adio &etwork +!bsystem Application $art %adio &etwork Temporary Identity %adio %eso!rce Control %adio %eso!rce Management %eceived +ignal Code $ower %eceived +ignal +trengt# Indicator %eset %eso!rce %eser:ation $rotocol %eal Time %eal Time $rotocol %eso!rce (nit %eceive +erving C+C2 +%&C %adio &etwork Temporary Identity +ignaling ATM Adaptation Layer +low Associated Control C#annel +ervice Access $oint +ervice Access $oint Identi)ier +egmentation and %eassembly +IM Application Toolkit +ync#roni?ation Control C#annel +econdary Common Control $#ysical C#annel +ervice Control 2!nction 5I& conte.t69 +ervice Capability 2eat!re 5:"34/+A conte.t6 +ync#roni?ation C#annel +!bscriber Controlled Inp!t +ervice Control $oint +tand1Alone 'edicated Control C#annel +ync#rono!s 'igital "ierarc#y +ervice 'ata (nit +ec!rity 3nvironment +preading 2actor +ystem 2rame &!mber +erving G$%+ +!pport &ode +#ared C#annel Control C#annel G+M +!bscriber Identity Mod!le +ession Initiated $rotocol +ignal1to1Inter)erence %atio +#ort Message +ervice +M+ Cell 0roadcast +erving &etwork +!b1&etwork 'ependent Convergence $rotocol +!pport o) Localised +ervice Area +witc#ing $oint +ervice $rovider +erving %adio &etwork Controller

+%&+ ++A ++C/$ ++C2 ++C21&&I Inter)ace ++C+ ++'T ++2 +++A% +TT' +:C T1+G7 T TC" TC$ T'1C'MA T'' T'MA T3 T2 T2C T2CI T2C+ T2I T2+ TLLI TM+I T$C T% TrC" T+ T+T' T8 (1%&TI (A%2C& (A%2& ('$ (3 (3% (I (ICC (L (M (M+ (MT+ (&I ($

+erving %&+ +ignaling +ystem &o, A +ervice +peci)ic Connection /riented $rotocol +ervice +peci)ic Co1ordination 2!nction +ervice +peci)ic Coordination 2!nction B &etwork &ode +ervice +peci)ic Convergence +!blayer +ite +election 'iversity Transmission +ervice +witc#ing 2!nction +ervice +peci)ic +egmentation and %e1assembly s!blayer +pace Time Transmit 'iversity +witc#ed virt!al circ!it Transport +ignalling Gateway Transparent Tra))ic C#annel Transmission Control $rotocol Time 'ivision1Code 'ivision M!ltiple Access Time 'ivision '!ple. Time 'ivision M!ltiple Access Terminal 3 !ipment Transport 2ormat Transport 2ormat Combination Transport 2ormat Combination Indicator Transport 2ormat Combination +et Transport 2ormat Indicator Transport 2ormat +et Temporary Logical link Identity Temporary Mobile +!bscriber Identity Transmit $ower Control Tec#nical %eport Transport C#annel Tec#nical +peci)ication Time +witc#ed Transmit 'iversity Transmit (T%A& %adio &etwork Temporary Identity (T%A Absol!te %adio 2re !ency C#annel &!mber (T%A Absol!te %adio 2re !ency &!mber (ser 'atagram $rotocol (ser 3 !ipment (ser 3 !ipment wit# /'MA relay operation enabled (ser Inter)ace (niversal Integrated Circ!it Card (plink 5%everse Link6 (nacknowledged Mode (ser Mobility +erver (niversal Mobile Telecomm!nications +ystem (ser1&etwork Inter)ace (ser $lane

($T (%A (%A& (%I (%L (+C (+C" (+IM (++' (T (T%A (T%A& ((I ((+ :A+$ :0% :0+ :C :GC+ :"3 :oI$ :$LM& :$& 7A3 7A$ 7C'MA 7'$ 777

(niversal $ersonal Telecomm!nication (ser %egistration Area (MT+ %adio Access &etwork (ni)orm %eso!rce Identi)ier (ni)orm %eso!rce Locator (3 +ervice Capabilities (plink +#ared C#annel (niversal +!bscriber Identity Mod!le (nstr!ct!red +!pplementary +ervice 'ata (niversal Time (niversal Terrestrial %adio Access (niversal Terrestrial %adio Access &etwork (ser1to1(ser In)ormation (! +trat!m :al!e Added +ervice $rovider :ariable 0it %ate :oice 0roadcast +ervice :irt!al Circ!it :oice Gro!p Call +ervice :irt!al "ome 3nvironment :oice /ver I$ :isited $!blic Land Mobile &etwork :irt!al $rivate &etwork 7ireless Application 3nvironment 7ireless Application $rotocol 7ideband Code 'ivision M!ltiple Access 7ireless 'atagram $rotocol 7orld 7ide 7eb

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