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Nephilim Series Vol. 2

Lynn Marzulli

The Revealing Copyright 2004 by Lynn Marzulli Requests for information should be addressed to: Zonder an! Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530 Library of Congress Cataloging"in"#ubli$ation %ata Marzulli! L& '& (Lynn '&)! *+,0 -he re ealing . L& '& Marzulli& p& $m& /012 0"3*0"24045"6 (soft$o er) *& 7uman8alien en$ounters89i$tion& 2& Middle :ast89i$tion& 3& 'nti$hrist8 9i$tion& /& -itle& #43,53&;664R444 2004 4*3<&,48d$22 20040*344, 'll 0$ripture quotat=ons! unless other>ise ind=$ated! are ta?en from the Holy Bible: Ne !n"erna"ional #ersion$% 2/@A& Copyright *+63! *+64! *+44 by /nternational 1=ble 0o$iety& Bsed by permission of Zonder an& 'll rights reser ed& 'll rights reser ed& 2o part of this publi$ation may be reprodu$ed! stored in a retrie al system! or transmitted in any form or by any means 8 ele$troni$! me$hani$al! photo$opy! re$ording! or any other 8 eC$ept for brief quotations in pr=nted re ie>s! >ithout the prior permission of the publisher& !n"erior design by &a'ra (lyns"ra )rin"ed in "he *ni"ed +"a"es o, -.erica 04 0, 05 06 04 0+ *0 .3D %C. *0 + 4 6 5 , 4 3 2 *

's >e hurtle for>ard to the past! >e Eust might find oursel es in the days of 2oah on$e again& /t<s ni$e to ?no> Lynn Marzulli is paying attention under the guise of fi$tion& Fne $an only hope he has more listeners than 2oah did& Michael S. Heiser, h.!. Au"hor o# The Facade /< e been in full"time ministry for t>enty"fi e years and ha e ne er seen su$h rap=d deployment of 1ible prophe$y& -he push for pea$e in /srael! the $all for a one">orld order! a re i ed Roman :mpire! buying and selling through alphanumeri$ systems inEe$ted beneath the s?in! >idespread earth"qua?e a$ti ity& -hen! Eust >hen / thought it $ouldn<t get any better! Lynn Marzulli ta?es us to the imm=nent possibility of fearful sights! great signs! and lying >onders in the hea ens& Thomas Horn Au"hor o# Return to the Stones of Fire

Author's Note
-his the third and last boo? in the 2ephilim series& / ha e spent o er a de$ade eCamining the B9F phenomena& Ghile the 2ephilim series is fi$tion! / belie e that B9Fs are a real part of the end"time Lu$iferian agenda& More spe$ifi$ally! that that agenda is one of de$eption& -he de$eption is multi"fa$eted in its s$ope and manifests itself in di erse >ays& Let us be a>are && & L. A. Marzulli Sprin$ 2%%&

/ >ould li?e to than? the follo>ing people >ho helped ma?e this boo? possible: My father! Lynn H& Marzulli & & & yIu too! MomJ #astors %a e and 0yl ia F>en and the Malibu @ineyard Christian 9ello>ship& -han?s on$e again to %a e Lambert and Lori @anden1os$h! t>o of the greatest editors li ing and breathing on the planet todayJ 1ill Myers! Mi?e 7eiser! -om 7orn! Kary 0$hultz! %a e 9lynn! Lim -etlo>! Chris #into! 0te e and /liana 0$hoel?opf! 'ntoinette %i$?! -om and Cherie %oherty! %ale and Carol Mornrei$h! %& %a id Morin! Mar? %un$an! and Linda& ' spe$ial than?s to Chris 7eeber! >ho proofread the manus$ript and ga e me some great feedba$?& -han?s to Kary Zethraeus for his input on the ?=ngdom of fear ersus the ?ingdom of faith& -o Maren 1all! 0ue 1ro>er! Loy$e Fndersma! Cindy Gil$oC! and the rest of the great fol?s at Zonder an for their help& -o the artist >ho brought the $o er idea to life &&& Kreat EobJ Most of all to my >ife! #eggy! and my t>I daughters! Corrie and 0arah&

Prelude: Nazi Germany the !ast "ays of the Third Reich


@on 0$h erdt hurried up the last fe> steps of the 9uehrerbun?e! the ast underground $ompleC that 'dolph 7itler had $onstru$ted for his prote$t=on! and had made his home for the last *0, days of his life& #ushing open a hea y steel door! he sa> an o er$ast May s?y! his f=rst glimpse of daylight in o er a >ee?& -hen he gasped in astonishment at the t>isted steel! bro?en $on$rete! and rubble that surrounded him &&& all that >as left of the Rei$hs$han$ellery& -he 'llied bombing had been unrelenting! pounding 1erlin day and night >ithout letting up! until mu$h of the $ity had been redu$ed to ashes& 'n ubiquitous layer of dust and smo?e! $ombined >ith the smell of rotting $orpses and seared flesh! $reated a li ing hell& @on 0$h erdt breathed the foul air deeply! enEoying it! tasting it >ith the tip of his tongue& 7e lo ed the smell of >ar! relished it! >as born for it& !, only "ha", Hi"ler, had no" proven "o be s'ch a ea/ vessel, "hings .igh" have been di,,eren"% !, only so.eone else i"h .ore vi"ali"y had been chosen % % % 7e let his thoughts slip a>ay as his adEutant! >ho $arried t>I o erstuffed sat$hels of papers! $aught up >ith him& @on 0$h erdt pi$?ed his >ay through the rubble to >here the garden had on$e been& -here he $ame upon a small group of 2azi 00 >ho >ere dousing t>I bodies >ith gasoline& ' $aptain >ho noti$ed @on 0$h erdt snapped to attention& N7eil! 7itlerJN he shouted as another soldier thre> a mat$h on the gasoline >hi$h eCploded in a rush of flames& NLoo? around you! you idiotJ -he >ar is o er!N @on 0$h erdt said! and glared at the man& -he $aptain! unsure ho> to rea$t! remained at attention& @on 0$h erdt >al?ed $loser to the shallo> pit and loo?ed at the bodies of 'dolph 7itler and : a 1raun! his mistress& 7e gathered a mouthful of sali a and spat to>ard the flaming bodies! then pi oted on the heels of his boots and >al?ed a>ay& 7e turned up the slee e of his bla$? leather great$oat and glan$ed at his >at$h& /t >as almost fi e& 7e had less than an hour to meet the 'meri$ans and surrender& ' burst of ma$hine gun fire sounded ery $lose! and he rea$ted >ith a start& The R'ssians ill be here soon% -hat realization made him hurry to>ard a $ar that >as >aiting nearby& 0hortly after 7itler had $ommitted sui$ide by shooting himself! Keneral Golfgang @on 0$h erdt had made a series of telephone $alls to the 'meri$ans from his pri ate room in the 9uehrer<s bun?er& 7e had offered them information! and as he had eCpe$ted! they had responded eagerly& Fthers in the bun?er had begun to flee! ?no>ing that $apture by the Russians >ould mean imprisonment or death& -hose remaining in the bun?er had all agreed that it >ould be better to surrender to the 'meri$ans than to fall into the hands of the Red 'rmy& @on 0$h erdt stepped neCt to the >aiting $ar& 7e glan$ed at the dri er& &i""le .ore "han a boy, he thought&

NOe=l! 7itler!N the youth blurted& @on 0$h erdt smiled >ith feigned affe$tion& N7eil! 7itler!N he responded! and returned the salute& 7is adEutant! 7einz! struggled >ith t>I bulging sat$hels! put them do>n a moment to rest! and then! getting a fresh grip! $ontinued to>ard the $ar& @on 0$h erdt leaned against the $ar and >at$hed as the man approa$hed& N #ut them in the ba$?!N @on 0$h erdt ordered as he stepped a>ay from the $ar& 01a vol,2 7einz puffed! as he set the brief$ases do>n and opened the rear door of the $ar& 7e lifted one of them! set it on the floor of the ba$?seat! and then turned to retrie e the other& @on 0$h erdt >at$hed 7einz<s e ery mo e! as he slo>ly undid the leather strap on his holster and brought the #&34 to his side! fitting the silen$er to it& !"3s a pi"y, he thought! Hein4 has been loyal% +"ill %% % @on 0$h erdt >aited until the man had finished his tas? and fa$ed him! a>aiting ne> orders& @on 0$h erdt raised the handgun and 7einz too? a step ba$?>ard! a miCture of terror and $onfusion filling his fa$e& N2o! 7err @on 0$heer8N @on 0$h erdt fired on$e! and the bullet >ent neatly through the forehead of the man! the for$e of it dri ing him into the rear door of the $ar! >here his lifeless body slumped to the ground& @on 0$h erdt mo ed! $atli?e! to the dri er<s door! opened it! and $aught the boy by the o ersized slee e of his uniform! and yan?ed him out of the $ar& -he boy fell in a heap at @on 0$h erdt<s feet and began to $la> at his boots! $rying out for mer$y& @on 0$h erdt fired on$e and the boy lay still& 7e unfastened the silen$er! reholstered his sidearm! and as he did so! noti$ed that a fe> spots of blood had splattered on his boots& 7e >ent o er and >iped them off on the dead boy<s pant legs& -hat done! he slid into the dri er<s seat and sped off to his meeting pla$e >ith the 'meri$ans& -he dri e >as trea$herous& More than on$e he fired his gun to >ard off those attempting to hiEa$? his $ar& 't one point a group of fleeing >omen and $hildren $logged the road& @on 0$h erdt held his hand on the horn! but didn<t slo> the $ar& Gomen and $hildren s$rambled to get out of the >ay& Fne old >oman tripped and fell on the road in front of the speeding $ar& @on 0$h erdt ran o er her! not e en glan$ing in the rear ie> mirror as the $ar sped on& 5espera"e " re6'ire despera"e .eas'res, he reminded himself& There3s no"hing le," %%% They3ve des"royed every"hing, he thought! as the $ar rolled by blo$? after blo$? of le eled! smoldering buildings& 7e had trouble getting his bearings! as many of the street signs >ere missing! and most of the familiar landmar?s that >ould ha e aided him had anished& 7e stopped the $ar and loo?ed around! trying to get a sense of >here he >as& No"hing here %%% B'" ai"% 7e noti$ed the base of a statue by the side of the road! all that >as left of a beautiful bronze s$ulpture he had on$e admired& 7e turned the $ar! stepped hard on the gas pedal! and the $ar lur$hed for>ard& 7nly a ,e .ore .iles and "hen, "he -.ericans% -he thought made him anCdous& Ho .'ch o, his or/ had been des"royed, or discovered8 7e gripped the steering >heel tighter& ' short time later he sa> a roadblo$? >ith an 'meri$an flag flying alongside it and a

dozen armed 'meri$an K/s bran"dishing rifles& -o the left a ma$hine gun nest >as lined by ro>s of sandbags& @on 0$h erdt slo>ed the $ar and stopped t>enty yards a>ay from the roadblo$?& 7e opened the door of the $ar and stepped out! being $areful to raise his hands o er his head as he did so& Fne of the 'meri$ans shouted to him in ery bad Kerman! 2*bergeben sie sich .i" ihren hande hoch92 (0urrender >ith your hands up&) @on 0$h erdt raised his hands higher and stood motionless& More shouting! this time from behind the roadblo$?& 9our K/s approa$hed& 'nother one $alled out! 2Be egen siesich eg von den a'"o%2 (Mo e a>ay frIm the $ar&) @on 0$h erdt $hu$?led& !dio"s, he thought& Ho co'ld "hey have bea"en 's8 7is mind ra$ed ba$? to a better time! years ago in 2uremberg! >hen 7itler >as $resting to the pea? of his po>er Eust before the >ar& -housands of flashlights! ea$h held by 7itler Pouth! illuminated enormous s>asti?a flags en$ir$ling the arena! >hi$h billo>ed in the $ool breeze of a Kerman spring night& :ndless ro>s of helmeted soldiers melted in the distan$e& @on 0$h erdtQ along >ith other 2azi party leaders! >as seated on a platform abo e the gathered throng! and! Eust in front of him! the 9uehrer himself >as in the midst of an impassioned spee$h: $oer$ing! >hispering! then his oi$e eCploding in a thunderous $res$endo& 1ut not by his o>n po>er& -he for$e that filled and s>elled the di$tator >as not human& @on 0$h erdt ?ne> only too >ell >hat it >as that $ame and filled the little $orporal >ith su$h tremendous for$e and po>er that e en he! >ho had helped the possession to o$$ur in the first pla$e! >as a>ed by the magnitude of its po>er! and the is$eral itality of it& -nd "his is all "ha" is le," o, o'r "ho'sand years o, r'le8 7'r "ho'sand:year reich8 ;ha" happened8 he mused as he >at$hed the 'meri$ans! the i$tors! dra> $loser& -he 'meri$ans stopped t>enty feet a>ay! their guns pointed at him& @on 0$h erdt heard them as? ea$h other the Kerman >ords for N?neel do>n&N +"'pid, he thought! as he slo>ly dropped to his ?nees& -he 'meri$an soldiers surrounded him& ->I of the men too? his arms and! pinning them behind his ba$?! yan?ed him to a standing position& -hey $he$?ed his sidearm holster and found it empty& N7ey! >ill you loo? at this!N $alled one of the 'meri$ans& 7e pulled @on 0$h erdt<s $oat a>ay from his shoulders& NLoo?s li?e >e got oursel es a general&N ' sergeant ambled for>ard! gumming the butt of a $igarette& -he others $ro>ded around! peering at his uniform& N/ am ++:7bergr'ppen,'ehrer, Golfgang @on 0$h erdt!N @on 0$h erdt said! in almost perfe$t :nglish! but >ith a hea y a$$ent& -he 'meri$ans loo?ed at ea$h other in astonishment& N/ ha e ery important information there! in the ba$? of the $ar! for your superiors& -hey are eCpe$ting me&N 'nd he gestured to>ard the rear of the $ar& N-a?e a loo?! Charlie!N the sergeant ordered& Charlie! a sto$?y youth >ith unsha en stubble on his fa$e! hurried o er to the $ar and

opened the rear door& N->o sat$hels &&& lots of papers! 0arge& 7ey! he<s got a handgun lying on the front seat&N N1ring <em along!N 0arge replied& -he soldier slung his rifle onto his shoulder and hoisted the sat$hels out of the $ar! then retrie ed the Luger& -hey es$orted @on 0$h erdt to>ard the roadblo$?& @on 0$h erdt<s eyes darted about! sear$hing for the offi$ial that had promised he >ould meet him& Ghen they rea$hed the roadblo$?! one of the soldiers raised the >ooden $rossbar and @on 0$h erdt passed under it& 7e heard the sound of a Eeep gro>ing $loser from behind him& N7ey! loo?s li?e >e got more $ompany!N one of the 'meri$an soldiers! manning the ma$hine gun! yelled out& NLoo?s li?e the Russians!N someone else replied& @on 0$h erdt sa> an offi$er emerge from the shell of a burned"out building! >ith the remains of sha ing $ream still on his $hin& +having a" "his "i.e o, day %%% ;here is "he discipline o, "his ar.y8 @on 0$h erdt >ondered& N Gho<s thisRN the offi$er as?ed! thro>ing a glan$e at @on 0$h erdt as he bu$?led his sidearm to his >aist& N Loo?s li?e a general! sir& 7e Eust pulled up outta no>here and surrendered to us!N the sergeant replied& @on 0$h erdt turned his head and loo?ed at the in$oming Eeep >ith a bright red Russian star painted on the hood and flags flying from ea$h of the front fenders& -he Eeep $ame to a stop in$hes from the >ooden $rossbar& ' tall! thin man in $i ilian $lothes $limbed out& Fne of the 'meri$an M#s $alled out! NGhat $an >e do you forRN -he $i ilian $rossed his arms in front of him& N/ am @ladimir #at$hen?o! Russian 0e$ret 0er i$e&N -he 'meri$an offi$er too? a step for>ard& NCaptain %e$?er! 2inth 'rmy&N #at$hen?o nodded& NGe sa> his $ar speeding through the streets and follo>ed him here&N 7e glan$ed at @on 0$h erdt& NGe >ant him for interrogation&N Captain %e$?er shifted his >eight and remained unfazed& N-his man<s surrendered to us! and / ha e orders from my higher"ups regarding the surrender of 2azi offi$ers&N @on 0$h erdt eyed the Russian& Ho ,ar ill he go i"h "he -.erican8 he >ondered& !, so.eho "his R'ssian asser"s hi.:sel, over "he -.erican cap"ain, "hen .y or/, all o, i", is los"% -nd ! a., .os" li/ely, a dead .an% #at$hen?o too? a fe> steps $loser to @on 0$h erdt& NS<m sure >e $an >or? something out! Captain! yesRN %e$?er shoo? his head! fumbled in his po$?et! and produ$ed a pa$? of Lu$?ys& /t >as fresh and unopened& 7e tapped it in the palm of his left hand se eral times! then pried off the >rapper& N0mo?eRN 7e held out the pa$? to #at$hen?o& ' smile bro?e o er #at$hen?o<s fa$e& N-his is a luCury! Captain!N he replied! ta?ing one& NMay S ha e another! for laterRN N1e my guest& /n fa$t! >hy not ta?e the >hole pa$?RN %e$?er held the pa$? out in front of the man& #at$hen?o hesitated a moment! then too? the $igarettes and slipped them into his Ea$?et po$?et&

%e$?er slid his hand into the other po$?et of his pants and $ame up >ith a lighter& 7e fli$?ed the s$rTt$hed $o er open! thumbed a flame! then lit #at$hen?o<s $igarette& N1ought this the day >e shipped out from the 0tates&N #at$hen?o nodded and inhaled deeply! then let a stream of smo?e es$ape from his mouth& NCaptain! /<m grateful for this and8N %e$?er $ut the man off& N2o gratitude ne$essary! Mr& #at$hen?o& Lust let<s lea e things as they are >ith my prisoner& F?ayRN @on 0$h erdt feigned indifferen$e and loo?ed a>ay from the men as he held his breath& #at$hen?o too? another drag and then began to nod his head in agreement& N0o >e ha e a deal thenRN %e$?er $o$?ed his head to one side! smiling as he eCtended his hand& N%eal!N #at$hen?o replied& -hey shoo? hands! and he headed ba$? to his Eeep& N@isit us again!N %e$?er $alled out& & #at$hen?o<s dri er fired the engine and a moment later the Eeep sped a>ay& @on 0$h erdt let his breath out! relie ed at the out$ome& NPou spea? any :nglishRN %e$?er as?ed& N9luently! Captain!N @on 0$h erdt replied! then added! N/ >as instru$ted by a Colonel %ougherty to surrender here& 7e assured me that he >ould be present&N %e$?er raised his eyebro> N0arge! the radio& Call 7H and see if there<s a Colonel %ougherty that ?no>s about this&N @on 0$h erdt sa> the man disappear into the same burned"out shell from >hi$h the $aptain had emerged& N Ghat<s your ran?RN %e$?er as?ed& N/ am an ++:7bergr'ppen,'ehrer% ; general&N %e$?er nodded and loo?ed at the t>I sat$hels of papers& N'nd thoseRN N Colonel %ougherty eCpressed a ?een interest in them!N @on 0$h erdt replied& N Ghat >as your $ommandRN N/<m afraid / $annot dis$uss any of this!N @on 0$h erdt ans>ered& NFnly >ith Colonel %ougherty&N -heir $on ersation >as interrupted as the sergeant returned& N/t<s legit! Cap& 7H says Colonel %ougherty left an hour or so ago& 7e<s F00&N N F00!N %e$?er repeated& N/ntel boys&N N Must ha e gotten lost! huh! CapRN 0arge offered& +'ch"ence, @on 0$h erdt thought& N 1ring an ammo $rate for the general to sit on& 7a e t>I men guard him until the $olonel arri es!N %e$?er ordered& N0arge! do a sear$h of the bags and ma?e sure they<re $lean&N NKot it! Cap&N NCaptain! please! / assure you that the sat$hels $ontain $onfidential papers! and >ill & & &N %e$?er $ut the general off and repeated his order! N0ear$h the bags! 0argeN ; soldier appeared >ith an ammo $rate and set it neCt to @on 0$h erdt! >ho $hose instead to remain standing >ith both of his hands $lasped together behind his ba$?& ;ha" i, "his .an 'nders"ands ha" he is loo/ing a"8 ;ha" i, he sees "he dra ings, "he pho"os8 -he sergeant opened one of the sat$hels& N2othing but papers in this one! Cap&N

NLoo? in the other!N %e$?er ordered& @on 0$h erdt sa> the sergeant open the other sat$hel& NMore of the same Cap &&& eC$ept this one has a lot of photos& Gant to loo? at themRN he said! pulling some of them out& ' oi$e rang out behind @on 0$h erdt& NGe got $ompany&N %e$?er turned and fa$ed him& NLet<s hope it<s Colonel %ougherty&N @on 0$h erdt nodded& 7is eyes darted to>ard t>I Eeeps speeding to>ard him and then ba$? to the sergeant >ho had ta?en a fe> of the photos out& N7ey! Cap!N the sarge $alled& @on 0$h erdt heard the fear in the man<s oi$e& NMaybe you should ta?e a loo? at these &&&N N0to> it!N he heard %e$?er reply& -he Eeeps pulled up and @on 0$h erdt sa> the distin$t armband on the soldiers in the lead Eeep! signifying them to be Military #oli$e& @on 0$h erdt re$?oned that the other man seated in the passenger seat of the se$ond Eeep >as probably Colonel %ougherty& -he M#s got out of the Eeep and stood at attention >hile a stout man >ith a sho$? of premature >hite hair $limbed out& %e$?er ga e a snappy salute& N'tten"hutJN %e$?er bar?ed! and his men snapped to attention& N's you >ere!N %ougherty replied& -he men relaCed& @on 0$h erdt made brief eye $onta$t >ith %ougherty& NGe too? a >rong turn about a mile out from 7H& Kot us all fouled up& Ge< e got to do something about the road signs!N %ougherty grumbled& NPes! sir!N %e$?er replied& N-his himRN %ougherty as?ed& NPes! sir&N @on 0$h erdt snapped to attention! $li$?ed his boot heels together! and saluted& NKeneral Golfgang @on 0$h erdt of the 00&N %ougherty returned the salute! his eyes >ere on the t>I sat$hels& @on 0$h erdt eCtended a glo ed hand gesturing to>ard the bags& NLi?e / said! Colonel! mu$h of the information is here! but of $ourse there is more & & &N %ougherty >ent o er to the sat$hels and pulled out a file that $ontained se eral pi$tures& @on 0$h erdt studied the man! s$rutinizing e ery mus$le on his fa$e& Gat$hing for a t>it$h of an eye! stiffening of a lip! a $rease in the bro>! or anything that @on 0$h erdt might use for h=s ad antage& 'fter a moment %ougherty $losed the file and remained motion"less for almost a full minute! his eyes do>n$ast& The .an is sha/en, @on 0$h erdt thought& Good% NColonelRN Captain %e$?er $alled out& Colonel %ougherty gathered himself together& N0orry! Captain& 7a e one of your men load these into my Eeep&N 7e turned to his es$ort of M#s& NCorporal! ta?e $harge of the prisoner&N -he man saluted and dre> his sidearm as he and the other M# des$ended upon @on 0$h erdt! >ho noti$ed that the $orporal had produ$ed a set of hand$uffs& NReally! Colonel! are these ne$essaryRN N/<m afraid so! Keneral!N %ougherty replied& @on 0$h erdt eCtended his hands in front of him and the M#s $uffed him& 7e >as

then es$orted to one of the Eeeps! >here he >as pla$ed in the passenger seat& -he M# >ith thehandgun sat behind him& Colonel %ougherty and Captain %e$?er saluted ea$h other! then the Eeeps turned around and sped off do>n the road& UIU -he debriefing lasted for more than four hours& @on 0$h erdt had been ta?en to a large tent at the 'meri$an 'rmy headquarters& -here! seated >ith Colonel %ougherty and t>I other men! he spo?e and ans>ered questions& #hotographs and papers from @on 0$h erdt<s sat$hel littered the table& NKeneral!N Colonel %ougherty addressed him! Nha e you any idea of the $ondition of the &&& $raftR Gith all of the bombing! is there going to be anything left of themRN @on 0$h erdt tapped his forefinger against the death<s head s?ull ring on his other hand& N/ ha e no >ay of ?no>ing that! 7err Colonel& / $onstru$ted the underground hangar to >ithstand su$h bombing! but >ho ?no>s! 1a8 May / suggest that >e go to see it oursel esRN @on 0$h erdt sa> %ougherty eye the other men& N7o> far is it from hereRN N#erhaps t>I hours! pro iding of $ourse that the roads are passable&N %ougherty rea$hed for a map that had been brought in during the debriefing& N0ho> us!N he said! and passed it to @on 0$h erdt& @on 0$h erdt studied it for a moment& N7ere& 2ear #eenemunde& / had the hangar $onstru$ted to loo? li?e a dairy barn& Ge e en had $o>s in the pasture&N 7e $hu$?led& N0o! in the morning you $an ta?e us thereRN %ougherty as?ed& @on 0$h erdt nodded& NPes! in the morn=ng&N -he debriefing ended and %ougherty! along >ith se eral M#s! es$orted @on 0$h erdt to a ma?eshift $ell >hi$h had been prepared for him& @on 0$h erdt sur eyed the a$$ommodations& ' barbed">ire fen$e en$ir$led a tent pla$ed on a de$? made of >ooden pallets& -he tent<s flaps and sides had been rolled up! sho>ing an army $ot and one $hair& N/ trust you<ll be $omfortable! Keneral!N %ougherty said& NFne of the M#s >ill bring you some"thing to eat& /t >on<t be mu$h! though&N N-han? you! Colonel& /<m grateful for anything you might pro ide&N 'n M# opened a gate and @on 0$h erdt stepped into the en$losure& N/n the morning!N Colonel %ougherty said& NPes! / loo? for>ard to it!N @on 0$h erdt replied as the M# $losed the gate! lat$hed it! and then positioned himself beside it& @on 0$h erdt made his >ay to the $ot and tested it >ith the palm of his hand before sitting on it& 7e too? off his great"$oat and folded it o er the metal $hair! then stret$hed himself on the $ot& ;ha" i, "here is no"hing le,"8 ;ha" i, "he hangar didn3" hold 'p8 he >ondered& ! s"ill have "he caps'le o, cyanide in "he heel o, .y boo", b'" "he -.ericans are eager ,or .ore% !, "he cra," is 'nda.aged, "hen all ill be ell% @on 0$h erdt $onstru$ted e ery $on$ei able s$enario he $ould thin? of $on$erning >hat he might find >hen morning $ame& 7e $are"fully s$rutinized ea$h one do>n to the last detail! and then! >hen he felt he had eChausted all of the possible out$omes! he drifted off into an uneasy sleep& -he neCt morning @on 0$h erdt a>a?ened at his $ustomary time of ,:30& %ougherty arri ed a short time later! and after a hasty brea?fast of runny eggs and burnt toast! @on 0$h erdt >as es$orted to an 'rmy staff $ar and sand>i$hed in the rear neCt to Colonel %ougherty and one of the men >ho had been present at the meeting the night before& -he

third satin the front passenger seat& @on 0$h erdt had not been formerly introdu$ed to the t>I men& 2o names had been eC$hanged! and he ?ne> nothing about them other thTV that they >ere part of an 'meri$an organization $alled the Fffi$e of 0trategi$ 0er i$es! or F00& Fne of the F00 guy<s ears stu$? out! so he $alled him %umbo!after the $hara$ter in the %isney mo ie& 7itler had been fond of %isney mo ies! and @on 0$h erdt had >at$hed se eral of them >ith 5er <'ehrer at his mountain retreat! Golf<s Lair& -he other man >as fair"s?inned >ith hardly a tra$e of fa$ial hair! so he $alled the man 0no> Ghite& 7e enEoyed his pri ate defamation of the t>I men! and it bolstered his spirits! ma?ing him feel superior& -he staff $ar >as es$orted in the front and rear by Military #oli$e Eeeps as it mo ed out of the 'rmy headquarter<s $ompound and headed south>est to>ard #eenemunde& @on 0$h erdt loo?ed out the >indo> at the ra aged $ountrys=de as he ans>ered yet another of the endless questions posed to him by the men from the F00& NPou mentioned that the $raft you had >as operationalRN %umbo as?ed from the front seat& NPes! it >as operational&N %umbo and 0no> Ghite eC$hanged glan$es& N're you a>are that our 'ir 9or$e pilots reported this ?ind of air$raft as they >ere flying sorties o er 1erlinR -hey ni$?"named them W9oo fighters&N N2o! / >asn<t a>are of that&N Ho .'ch sho'ld ! "ell "he. sho'ld ! gl'e "he. so.e"hing no 8- li""le "idbi", so.e"hing "o he" "heir appe"i"es8 @on 0$h erdt toyed >ith se eral bits of information& N1ut the $raft at your fT$ility >ere ne er used in a $ombat"type s$enarioRN %umbo as?ed& NCorre$t&N @on 0$h erdt shifted in his seat so that he fa$ed Colonel %ougherty& 2They3ve been here for thousands of years! Colonel!N @on 0$h erdt said! and he sa> that his statement made the men ery un$omfortable& N7o> $an you be so sureRN %ougherty as?ed& N1e$ause / $ommuni$ated >ith one of them&N @on 0$h erdt >aited a moment! letting the full realization of >hat he had said begin to sin? in& NPou $ommuni$ated &&& ho>RN 0no> Ghite as?ed& @on 0$h erdt pointed a glo ed forefinger to his temple& N-elepathi$ally& -hey are more e ol ed than >e are& -hey are the old ones that ma?e up mu$h of the >orld<s8>hat is your :nglish >ordR8mythos&N N/<m not sure S follo> you on that!N %ougherty said& N-hey $an proEe$t thoughts into your mind& -hey $an sho> you >hat has happened on this planet for thousands of years& -heir in ol ement $on$erning man<s as$ent from apes! for one thing&N 0ilen$e follo>ed& Good, @on 0$h erdt thought! ! have plan"ed a seed% -nd i" ill gro hen "hey see ha" lies ahead, EaR -hey too? se eral detours due to large $raters in the road from 'llied bombs& 1ridges >ere either burned out or missing& 0e eral hours later the $ars stopped at the dri e>ay of >hat appeared to be a deserted dairy farm on the outs?irts of #eenemunde& -he farm >as lo$ated in a small! erdant alley se eral miles from #eenemunde! >here the @l and @2 ro$?ets had been produ$ed& 9en$ed fields that a short time ago $ontained dairy $o>s >ere

no> po$?mar?ed >ith $raters from bombs& -he farmhouse had been ransa$?ed: >indo>s bro?en! the front door half>ay off its hinges! furniture stre>n about on the un$ut lT>n& N2o> >e are here! EaRN@on 0$h erdt said! and he leaned for>ard >ith >orried eCpe$tation& -he staff $ar made its >ay up the dri e>ay! >hi$h >as >ide enough to a$$ommodate t>I ehi$les& @on 0$h erdt sa> the familiar pens! usually filled >ith li esto$?! >ith gates open and a$ant& ;ha" has happened here8 he >ondered as he stared out the >indo> 's the $ar got to the disguised dairy barn! @on 0$h erdt<s heart san? as he sa> that the rear half of the building >as gone! and a fire had gutted a good portion of it& -he men got out of the $ar and @on 0$h erdt began to run to the barn& NKeneralJN he heard %ougherty $all out! but he ?ept running& @on 0$h erdt rea$hed the $enter of >hat had been the se$ret hangar for the flying dis?s! its floor a thi$? slab of steel"reinfor$ed $on$rete& Lust as he stopped! t>I M#s $ame up neCt to him >ith >eapons dra>n! follo>ed a moment later by an angry Colonel %ougherty& N2eCt time /<ll tell them to shoot!N %ougherty threatened& N/<m sorry! 7err Colonel& /t<s Eust that * poured so mu$h of myself into this& 1ut here &&&N 7e >ent to the $enter of the barn and >ith his glo ed hands began to $lear a>ay the dirt and burnt timbers from the floor& NColonel! ha e your men help me&N N%o as he says!N %ougherty $ommanded& ->o M#s $ame alongside @on 0$h erdt& NLi?e this!N he instru$ted! as he stood up to mo e another timber& 7e dropped ba$? to his ?nees and s>ept a>ay the ash and dirt! eCposing the floor! >hi$h had a bla$?ened metal band running flush to the $on$rete& NGe $lear this!N he instru$ted the M#s& N/t is our door>ay to >hat the $olonel needs to see&N N7o> does it open! KeneralRN 0no> Ghite as?ed& N9irst! >e $lear the debris &&& then you >ill see!N @on 0$h erdt ans>ered& N0ir!N one of the M#s spo?e up& N/< e ne er seen metal li?e this & & & some ?ind of alloy or something& /t<s not e en burned by the fire&N %ougherty eyed @on 0$h erdt! >anting an eCplanation& NPes! it<s an alloy &&& similar to >hat the $raft is made from!N @on 0$h erdt eCplained& ->o hours >ent by >ith all of the men in$luding Colonel %ougherty helping to $lear the floor of the hangar& @on 0$h erdt had ta?en off his shirt& 7is mus$ular torso >as s>eaty and soot"stained as the last of the debris >as mo ed! re ealing a forty"by"thirty"foot re$tangular metal seam in the floor& N2o> >e $an open it!N @on 0$h erdt eC$laimed! as he made his >ay to the rear of the hangar! a$$ompanied by one of the M#s& N7ere&N 'nd he pointed to>ard a panel that >as housed in a prote$ti e metal en$losure& 7e pulled a ?ey from under the panel that had been hidden there and handed it to the M#& NFpen it&N 7e >at$hed as the M# fitted the ?ey into the lo$?! and a moment later the door of the panel slid open to re eal a $ontrol boC& N/<m going to open the doors! Colonel!N @on 0$h erdt stated! as he began to rea$h for the $ontrols& N2ot so fast! Keneral!N %ougherty $alled! as he approa$hed >ith 0no> Ghite and

%umbo& @on 0$h erdt stood up and >aited until the men >ere neCt to him& NGhere<s the po>er sour$eRN %ougherty as?ed& N/ had e erything buried underground& -his fa$ility has its o>n generators and is po>ered by syntheti$ fuel&N NKo ahead! Keneral&N %ougherty nodded at the $ontrols& @on 0$h erdt rea$hed into the boC and flipped a s>it$h! >aited a fe> se$onds! and then fitted the palm of his hand o er a red ?nob! gi ing it three turns to the right before pushing it in& -he relati e quiet of the hangar >as interrupted as the men heard a loud $ra$?& -hen! >ith a rush of air! the large $on$rete panel in the floor began to open& @on 0$h erdt led them o er to the edge! >here the group of men >at$hed as the re$tangle dropped a foot beneath them before it disappeared& N7ere &&& the stairs&N @on 0$h erdt rea$hed do>n and pulled up the last se$tion of handrail! then fastened it to the side of the opening& Colonel %ougherty gasped! N/ don<t belie e it&N @on 0$h erdt $hu$?led& NPou are loo?ing at one of the $rafts that >as gi en to us&N 'nd he pointed to a metalli$"loo?ing sil er dis? that rested on the floor forty feet belo> @on 0$h erdt sa> the miCture of fear and un$ertainty as Colonel %ougherty as?ed! N1y themRN and pointed to the s?y& NPes! but not there&N @on 0$h erdt gestured up>ard >ith his indeC finger& N-hey are beneath us! Colonel! deep >ithin the bo>els of the earth& -hey ha e an eCtensi e tunnel system that $reates a grid underneath the planet& Li?e / said earlier! they ha e been here for thousands of years&N @on 0$h erdt sa>! to his satisfa$tion! that 0no> Ghite and %umbo loo?ed sha?en! as did the M#s& N/ ha e something / thin? you >ill find of interest! Colonel!N @on 0$h erdt said! Nbut you must go to my pri ate offi$e&N 7e smiled& %ougherty loo?ed to %umbo and 0no> Ghite! and both ga e a nod of appro al& NKood! then if you >ill follo> me&N @on 0$h erdt began to des$end the stairs! follo>ed by Colonel %ougherty and the rest of the men& -hey rea$hed the bottom and @on 0$h erdt >aited for the group to assemble before he $ontinued& 7e flipped a s>it$h! and the lights $ame on& 'ir du$ts and >ater pipes ran along the $eiling& ' $luster of thi$? ele$tri$al $ables ran along the floor& @on 0$h erdt >at$hed >ith satisfa$tion as Colonel %ougherty and his men >al?ed around the sau$er! tou$hing it! eCamining it& NGhere<s the po>er sour$e! the engineRN %umbo as?ed& @on 0$h erdt shoo? his head& N/ $an assure you that it<s unli?e anything you ha e e er imagined &&& but again! if you >ill allIX me to sho> you my pri ate offi$e! mu$h of >hat you as? is there&N Colonel %ougherty loo?ed tense! as if he eCpe$ted some sort of trap& NColonel! >hat are you eCpe$tingR /<m unarmed! and as you $an see! the base has been abandoned! EaRN N%ra> your >eapons! men!N %ougherty ordered! and the M#s dre> their &4, automati$s& N/ $an assure you! Colonel! that this is not ne$essary! but / understand& Pou don<t trust me!N he said matter"of"fa$tly& %ougherty tightened his lips and loo?ed to the other men for agreement&

%umbo $leared his throat& N/t might be a trap&N 0no> Ghite nodded& N/ agree! sir! the guns are $heap insuran$e&N N-he M#s< >eapons stay at ready!N %ougherty said& N0uit yourself! Colonel!N @on 0$h erdt said! and led them do>n a $orridor past se eral prototypes that >ere in arious stages of $onstru$tion& 7e sho>ed them >hat remained of blueprints and s$hemati$s that >ere stre>n about the floor! e iden$e of a hasty departure& :C$ept for the distant >hine of a generator! the pla$e >as eerily still& NGe ha e done some ba$?"engineering! as you $an see!N @on 0$h erdt offered& NGhen >ere you last hereRN %ougherty as?ed& @on 0$h erdt shrugged& N->o >ee?s ago! Colonel&N 7e stopped and pointed to>ard an opened door fifty feet a>ay& NMy offi$e! Eust there!N he said& NColonel! there<s something in the door>ay!N one of the M#s said! indi$ating the offi$e that @on 0$h erdt had dire$ted their attention to& NGhat<s going on! KeneralRN %ougherty as?ed& NLoo? and see for yourself! Colonel!N @on 0$h erdt said& 7e motioned to>ard the door>ay >ith his hand and a small figure $ame into ie> N/t loo?s li?e a $hild!N one of the M#s said& N/ assure you it<s not a $hild!N @on 0$h erdt replied! as a small gray being! >ith an enlarged head and large bla$? almond"shaped eyes! stepped into the light& /t had a thin torso and spindlY arms and pale! gray s?in& /n fa$t! the M#<s des$ription >as a$$urate! for it did loo? li?e a helpless $hild& @on 0$h erdt heard a $olle$ti e gasp from the men behind him as they got their first loo? at an alien life"form& 7e stopped and turned ba$?& -he M#s had dropped their guns and >ere holding their heads& 7e sa> the terror in their eyes& NMa?e it stop!N one of them yelled& NMa?e it stopJN @on 0$h erdt tilted his head to one side and obser ed the men! >ho had dropped to their ?nees& Fne of the M#s had begun to $on ulse! >hite foam gathering around the $orners of his mouth! >hile the other started to bang his head against the floor& NKeneral! >hat is going onRN Colonel %ougherty shouted& @on 0$h erdt raised his hands to the small figure& -he M#s $ollapsed to the floor! both men gasping for breath& N/ $ould ha e had hi. ?ill you all!N @on 0$h erdt said! as the alien $ame up neCt to @on 0$h erdt& N2o>! Colonel! / >ant you to listen ery $arefully&N 7is fa$e hardened and too? on an air of super=ority& N-hese are my demands."

ery $le er! and so >as 'zazel! for they >ere one and the same& ' Le?yl"and"7yde supergen=us manifesting itself in the three"dimensional spa$e"time $ontinuum $alled earth& Mr& Gyan mo ed about in the >orld of men undete$ted eC$ept! perhaps! for his unusual height and ugly s$ar that ran a$ross his forehead o er his left eye& 1ut he >as truly part of another dimension& 9or he >as also 'zazel! a fallen angel! a reptilian shape" shifter& 7e! along >ith others of his ?ind! had been $ast do>n from hea en& /t had been long ago in another age >hen he had $ome to earth the first time& 7e and the other fallen angels had ta?en many >i es from the ra$e of men and reprodu$ed& -heir offspring be$ame ?no>n as the 2ephilim! and they had spread out o er the fa$e of the earth& Ghen the deluge $ame! 'zazel had sought refuge in the 'byss& 7e >as enraged at the slaughter of his $hildren as they dro>ned in the 9lood and be$ame disembodied sp=rits! or! as men >ould $all them later! de.ons% 7is legions >ere th>arted by the barrier that the :nemy had set o er the earth& -he barrier had been put in pla$e to pre ent him! and the minions of the Fne they ser ed! from manifesting themsel es on the earth& /t had been millennia s=n$e they had been allo>ed to roam there& 1ut that barrier >as finally bro?en& /t >as near midnight in the $ity of Lerusalem& ; $res$ent moon pee?ed out through the $louds fora moment and then diappeared& -he streets >ere deserted and Gyan mo ed qui$?ly! his bla$? tren$h $oat trailing behind li?e a $ape as he >al?ed in the shado>s of the $losed shops and endors& 7e had $ome to the Fld City in sear$h of the an$ient s$roll& 7e thought about the last time he had seen it! as it >as handed to a man he had $ome to ?nIX as Ma$Menzie& /n$redibly Ma$Menzie! along >ith the help of others! had ruined one of his plans& -here >ere three men in parti$ular that he o>ed to destroy& Fh! ho> he hated them& 7e $on$entrated on the fa$e of the first man! 'rt Ma$Menzie! and mulled o er >hat he had $ome to ?no> about him& Hadn3" he been a dr'n/, "ended "o by one o, "he Mas"er3s 'nderlings8 5ivorced ,ro. his i,e and ,a.ily, and allo ing in sel,:pi"y and bi""erness over "he dea"h o, his son8 B'" "hen "he =ne.y had "a/en an in"eres" in "his or"hless sod, and "he .an had beco.e ,ree, and in s'ch a shor" "i.e had beco.e a real ne.esis% -nd "o "hin/ S al.os" s'cceeded in /illing hi.% -he thought sent a r=pple of pleasure through him& 2o> Ma$Menzie >as under the tutelage of the se$ond man he despised! a man he had $ome to ?no> as Lohanen& 1ut not an ordinary man & & & 9or some reason the :nemy had gi en this one po>er o er death itself& F er the $enturies! other fallen angels had spo?en of him as the N/mmortal Fne!N saying that he had been assigned spe$ial emissaries to guard o er him! and that he had done mira$les in the sight of men and interfered >ith

Mr& Gyan >as

many of their Master<s >ishes& -he th=rd man in this loosely ?nit $onfedera$y >as an ar$heologist and old Messiani$ Le>! :lisha 1en7assen& 7e had un$o ered under the -emple Mount in Lerusalem one of the last remaining pie$es of e iden$e of the 2ephilim& ' s?eleton o er ten feet in length! it >as dire$t e iden$e of the union bet>een beings li?e himself and the daughters of men& 7uman?ind! in general! had $ome to deny the eCisten$e of the spirit >orld& Kood and e il! Kod and de il! had be$ome things of superstition& 1ut there >ere those >ho still ?ne> >here the battle lines >ere dra>n& Men li?e Ma$Menzie! Lohanen! and 1en7assen& 7e thought ho> >onderful it >ould be to ta?e these three men<s heads in h=s hands and slo>ly $ho?e the life out of them& 7e >as nearing the pla$e >here the s$roll he sought >as being ?ept8the -o>er of %a id Museum& :arlier in the dTy he had shape"shifted into one of the guards& Ghen the s$roll had arri ed he follo>ed it to the laboratory >here it >ould be photographed! $leaned! and f=nally translated& -he s$roll had been under $lose s$rutiny and no opportunity had presented itself to steal it& 0o 'zazel had left to >ait for another $han$e& 2o> he stood near the entran$e of the museum! >hi$h >as >ell"lit& 'zazel stopped a$ross the street and then trans"formed himself into a mist and floated a$ross the street and under the door of the an$ient to>er& 7e mo ed do>n the empty halls! a fogli?e spe$ter! staying $lose to the baseboard along the floor& 't one point he passed a guard >ho had no idea of the $reature that mo ed silently Eust a fe> feet a>ay from >here he stood& 7e found the room and slid under the door& Fn$e inside! he resumed the form of Mr& Gyan& Klan$ing around! he sa> >hat he >as loo?ing for& -he s$roll had been unrolled and >as pla$ed under a sheet of glass& 7e mo ed the glass aside! letting his hand run o er the surfa$e of the s$roll! and loo?ed at the strange >riting& ;ha" is "his8 7e didn<t re$ognize the strange shapes& No .a""er, #on +chverd" ill have his people loo/ in"o i" and i"h "heir co.p'"ers decipher i"% 7e rolled it up and tu$?ed it into the inside of his tren$h $oat as he >al?ed to the door& 7e unlo$?ed the bolts and mo ed out into the hall& Listening! he heard a multitude of sounds: the boilers in the basement! a rat s$urrying in the >all on the floor le el belo>! the ti$?ing of $lo$?s in e ery room and lab in the building! the >hine of $omputers! a passing $ar outside& 7e fo$used on the sound that he sought: the breathing of the se$urity guard on the lo>er floor& 7e lo$ated t>I other guards! one on the floor abo e him and another in the building<s $ommissary& -hen he >al?ed do>n the hall! staying near the >all& 7e sa> the $am"era at the end of the hall and paused a moment& 7e rea$hed to>ard it >ith one hand and an in?y $loud en eloped the $amera& Coming to the stair$ase! he bounded up the three flights to the door that opened onto the roof& /t had an alarm atta$hed to it& 'zazel rea$hed his hand out again! and the >ires that ran from the alarm melted and fused together& Fpening the door! he stepped out onto the roof& -hen he spread out his arms and shape"shifted into his true form8a reptilian $reature >ith dar? >ings folded a$ross its ba$?& 7e unfolded his >ings! then leaped from the building and fle> into the night air! $lut$hing the s$roll in his $la>ed hand&


Art Ma$Menzie brushed a dar? lo$? of hair from his fore"head and then ran his fingers through his s$alp& 7e had a>a?ened early! Eust at daybrea?! and >ondered for a minute >here he >as! then realized he >as at :lisha 1en7assen<s house Eust outside Lerusalem& 7e got out of bed and! after slip"ping into his Eeans and a -"shirt! >ent in sear$h of a $up of $offee& -he house >as still! and he assumed :lisha had not yet risen& 7e foZnd the $offee and started a fresh pot bre>ing& Minutes later! hot $offee in hand! he made his >ay to :lisha<s librarY& Ma$ glan$ed at the ro>s of boo?s that lay in all dire$tions& Most had slips of paper mar?ing parti$ular passages& Fthers >ere opened and lTy atop other boo?s in the shelf& -hree $omputers! their s$reen sa ers sho>ing an endless uni erse! sat atop of >hat >as on$e a dining room table& ' large map of the Middle :ast >as suspended on the far >all& ; faC ma$hine had spe>ed dozens of pages that >ere s$attered o er the floor! due to a bro?en tray that lay neCt to the ma$hine& NKood morning! Ma$Menzie!N :lisha said& -he old man $ame into the room holding a mug of $offee& 7e >as in his bathrobe! and his dishe eled hair and trifo$al glasses made h=m loo? a little li?e :instein& Ma$ smiled& NKood morning! :lisha&N NGell! Ma$Menzie! ho> did you sleepRN N@ery >ell! thTn? you!N he lied& :l=sha >ent o er to the faC ma$hine and gathered the paper from the floor& N/ >ish / $ould say the same& Restless night&N N* lied!N Ma$ $onfessed& N0ame goes for me& / don<t thin? / slept for more than a $ouple of hours& 1ad dreams&N :l=sha nodded& N[Iu ha e reallY been through it from >hat you said& / had along tal? >ith Lohanen before he left&N NFh! >hat aboutRN N-he neCt mo e & & & from the :nemy& 7e belie es that time is ery short& #eople all o er the >orld are tal?ing about the mysterious sign in the hea ens&N NPeah! the man on the street is s$ared& 'nd >ho >ouldn<t beR Ghen >as the last time anything li?e that happenedRN :l=sha thought for a moment& N9atima! #ortugal! in *+*6& 0e enty thousand people sa> something& /t >as $alled the WMira$le of the 0un&< /< e been resear$hing this! and / belie e it >as a pre$ursor of things to $ome& ' harbinger from the :nemy! one of the signs that 0$ripture tells us to be a>are of in the last days&N Ma$ too? a sip of $offee& NGhat happenedRN N' long story! Ma$! but the short of it is! that se enty thou"sand people sa> the sun spin and fall to the ground& Ff $ourse it >as a lo$al o$$urren$eQ the sun didn<t s\=V or fall from the s?y any>here else in the >orld! only in 9atima&N NPou $alled it a harbingerRN N Pes! / belie e that in the Last %ays $ounterfeit mira$les >ill be sho>n to those on

earth&N N'nd the sign that >e sa>8the supposed reemergen$e of the 1ethlehem star8is Eust su$h a sign&N N-he /nternet is buzzing >ith $hat about it& -@! radio! e eryone has an opinion on it& : en the pope $ommented on it& Ff $ourse! >e ?nIX >ho is behind it and ho> it is going to be used to de$ei e the nations&N Ma$ and :lisha >ere dis$ussing a false sign that had appeared o er the $ountry ofPemen a fe> days earlier! a sup"posed reo$$urren$e of the star of 1ethlehem& Ma$ and Lohanen had seen it firsthand and ?ne> that it >as part of an elaborate s$heme designed to de$ei e& N/ thin? it already has! to some degree!N Ma$ said& N#eople are belie ing the lie from the :nemy be$ause they ha e abandoned the truth of Kod<s Gord&N Ma$ nodded& NPeah! it amazes me& /t<s a$tually >ritten do>n for e erybody to see for themsel es! but most people still don<t get it& W-here but for the gra$e of Kod go /!< if it hadn<t ha e been for Lohanen and you&N NPes! the 0$riptures tell us that only the >ise >ill understand&N Ma$ as?ed! NGhat<s on the agenda todayRN NGe<re going ba$? to Mossad headquarters to meet >ith :l=sha<s grandson BrJ >or?ed >ith :lisha resear$hing the B9F phenomena& NGe need to dis$uss the sign in more detail and also the s$roll >hi$h >as stolen& 'nd there are other de elopments that ha e my ear to the ground&N N0u$h asRN N-roop mo ements in neighboring $ountries& /t >as one of the reasons / had little sleep& /t seems that /ran is engaging in military maneu ers& 2othing unusual about that! eC$ept that they >ere Eoined by :gypt& 2o> that /ran is armed >ith nu$lear $apability it be$omes unsettling&N N'ny >ord on the s$rollRN Ma$ as?ed! referring to the an$ient s$roll that had been handed off to him by a mysterious robed figure in Pemen! then! someho>! stolen from the -o>er of %a id Museum t>o nights ago& Lohanen had belie ed that the s$roll $ontained ital information that might help them in their ongoing $onfli$t >ith the Cadre& :lisha turned a>ay from Ma$Menzie& N2othing yet& 1ut Lohanen belie es that the Cadre has something to do >ith it&N N7o> $ould they ha e bro?en into the museum and stolen itRN Ma$ as?ed& Ma$ >at$hed :lisha adEust se eral boo?s on the shelf in front of him& N-ruly a mystery!N :lisha began& N-here >ere no signs of a brea?"in& Fne of the se$urity $ameras suddenly $louded o er! but the people >ho eCamined it belie e it >as most li?ely a transmission malfun$tion& 'nd the guards reported nothing out of the ordinary8yet the s$roll is gone&N :lisha >earily san? into a $hair& NGe need to ?eep a >at$hful eye! Ma$Menzie& Lohanen belie es! as / do! that the time is ery near for them to begin the Kreat %e$eption& /n some >ays it has already begun >ith the appearan$e of the sign& -he time of the end appears to be upon us&N N0o >hat<s neCt! %o$torRN :lisha shoo? his head& NGe<ll ha e to >ait and see&N


(ome on! 2ora! hurry it up!N a lan?y bla$? man $oaCed! his bloodshot eyes darting o er his shoulder and up the garbage"infested alley>ay& NPou >ant t] do itRN 2ora $hallenged ba$?! letting her hands fall to her sides& N2o >ay! man& / ?nI> nothing <bout this and that<s a fa$t&N N0ay you<re sorry then&N 0he balled her fists and stuffed them into the po$?ets of a dirty pair of men<s trousers se eral sizes too big for her& -he man too? a step ba$? and loo?ed up the alley& 7e ran his hand ner ously o er his forehead and li$?ed his lips& NMan! /<m gonna Eust >al? outta here and >e not gonna get nothin<& Pou<ll see&N 7e too? a step ba$?& 2ora<s laughter e$hoed through the alley>ay& N0omebody gonna hear you >ith that $razy laugh 0< yours and then they gonna find us here&N NGe done noth=n< >rong & & & yet!N she said! loo?ing at him >ith a grimy angeli$ fa$e and a shoulder"length mane of un?empt! dar? bro>n hair& N/<m gonna lea e you! 2ora! <less you go on an< do it&N N0ay you<re sorry!N she demanded& -he bla$? man s$o>led ba$? at her& N2o >ay! man! / ain<t sorry for Ea$?&N N-hen you $an find somebody else to get you in&N -he man ?i$?ed a 0tyrofoam $up that still held some $offee! >hi$h splattered ba$? on his pants as he sent it flying against the alley >all& N2o> loo? >hat you made me do&N 2ora laughed again& N-hat laugh 0< yours gets more $reepier by the day!N the bla$? man said& NPou been ta?in< your pillsRN 2ora ignored the question& N0ay you<re sorry! Lerry!N she demanded& Lerry li$?ed his lips again& 7e >as $om=ng do>n from amphetamines and he needed to get more& 7is body >as beginning to a$he and his hands trembled un$ontrollably for a se$ond or t>o as he angrily eyed the >oman! >ho! in his mind! had made su$h an unreasonable demand on him& 'fter all! he hadn<t said anything to offend her& 7e had Eust told her to hurry it up& 7is left arm shuddered! for$ing a de$ision& N'll right & & & /<m sorry&N 2ora sho>ed him a tired smile! >ith a fe> missing teeth& 0he pulled her hands from her po$?ets and on$e again set to >or? on a padlo$? that held a thi$? $hain that >as >rapped around the ba$? door of a $on enien$e store& Lerry too? a fe> steps so that he >as right behind her& 7e >at$hed her deli$ate i ory fingers >or? the lo$? pi$?& ' moment later 2ora pulled do>n on the lo$? and it opened& NPou amazing! you ?no> that!N Lerry said!^ genuinely astounded at 2ora<s ability& /_ll do my part no>! be ready to get out here! soon as you see me&N 7e pulled an old pillo>$ase from the ins=de of h=s s>eatsh=rt! then slo>ly un>ound the $hain and slipped into the store& Lerry let his eyes adEust to the dimly lit room& Co$?ing his head! he listened to the

muted $on ersation and the blare of a radio that $ame from the front of the store& -hen he made his >ay to one of the shel es that held $anned foods! some of >hi$h >ere still in half"opened boCes& 7e pi$?ed up one and $arefully slipped it into his sa$?& -hen he grabbed the neCt one and $arefully set it against the first $an! at the bottom lest he should ma?e any un>anted noise& !"3s .y l'c/y day, he thought! as he filled his sa$? up and glan$ed ba$? at 2ora& >ra4y chic/% 7e >ondered >here she had learned to pi$? lo$?s li?e a pro& -he bag nearly full! he grabbed for another $an! and as he did his hand trembled un$ontrollably& -he $an slipped from his grasp and fell to the floor& Lerry froze and >aited! eyeing the door that led dire$tly to the front $ounter& 7e sa> it begin to open& 7e pi$?ed up another $an as he made for the ba$? door& N7ey! youJN a fat old Morean man shouted at him& Lerry thre> the $an and it slammed into the man<s shoulder& 's the man yelled in pain and fell to the floor! Lerry darted through the door>ay and into the alley& 2ora >as running neCt to h=m! laughing li?e a $razed >oman& NCrazy $hi$?!N Lerry muttered under h=s breath as he made for the ba$? of the alley& 7e sa> 2ora go o er the $hain"lin? fen$e! $atli?e& Lerry got to the fen$e& Klan$ing behind him! he sa> that the angry Morean gro$er had made it to the door>ay and had a gun& NPou stop& / shootJN Fn the run! Lerry tied the top of the pillo>$ase and thre> it o er the fen$e into 2ora<s >aiting arms& 7e s$rambled up the fen$e! and as he rea$hed the top! he heard the gun go off& -he bullet >hizzed o er his head& Lerry >as no> really s$ared& He3s gonna /ill .e over a ,e cans o, ,ood, he thought! as he dropped to the ground& 7e grabbed the sa$? from 2ora and the pair began to run do>n another alley>ay& -hey du$?ed into a door>ay and >ere hidden from sight& NPou thin? he<s gonna follo> usRN 2ora as?ed! her breath $oming in little pants& N7e too fat <n< old for this &&& no >ay! man!N Lerry said! and he grinned at 2ora& 7e peered around the bla$?ened bri$?& N7e<s at the fen$e! >T i` his gun around&N NPou hear thatRN 2ora said! and she grabbed Lerry<s s>eat"shirt& N-heY ain<t gonna find us!N Lerry blustered! as he nodded to>ard the poli$e sirens that e$hoed through the labyrinth of buildings near 2e> Por?<s Central #ar?& N1esides! nobody gonna mess >ith a $ouple of mole people&N 7e grinned& 7e motioned for her to stay $lose and! $rou$hing lo>! they made their >ay along the >all of the alley& NBp here&N Lerry pointed to part of a rusted fire es$ape that had been gerry"rigged o er the alley<s rear >all& -he pair $limbed o er the >all and fell into the rear of a burned"out shell of an apartment building! >hi$h! in spite of the fen$e! had been a $at$h" all for the $ommunity<s garbage and un>anted items& NLoo? at all this!N Lerry said as he pi$?ed up a torn mattress& NGe $an use it ba$? at the $ondo!N 2ora said& NPeah! /<ll $ome ba$? for it! after >e eat & & &N Lerry pushed 2ora do>n& N7ey! >hat are you doingRN 2ora said& N-hey ?no>s >e here& Loo?! they in front of us!N Lerry pointed to a squad $ar >ith its lights flashing in front of the lot& N-hey<re not getting me!N 2ora >hispered! and she mo ed $loser to Lerry& N2othin< gonna happen &&& they ain<t $omin< here through all this& -oo many rats&N

Lerry pointed to one that s$urried a fe> feet past them& ; bullhorn $ra$?ed to life& NGe ?nI> you t>o are in there& Come out >ith your hands up&N NPeah! li?e /<m Eust gonna gi e up my food to you! man!N Lerry taunted in a >hisper& N/ don<t li?e this! Lerry& -hey ?nIX >e<re here!N 2ora said& N/ ?no>s somethin< that they don<t!N Lerry said! as he tapped his head >ith his indeC finger ?no>ingly& NLi?e >hatRN 2ora as?ed& N Pou <pologize to me for ma?ing me say sorry to you ba$? there!N Lerry insisted and folded his arms a$ross his $hest& 2ora loo?ed defiant& NCome on! man! no $hi$? gonna hit me >ith that stuff <$ept my ol< lady! an< you ain<t her&N NCome out no> & & & this is the poli$e & & & you<re both under arrest!N the $op ordered& NPeah! li?e /<m gonna $ome out >ith my hands up and e erything!N Lerry mo$?ed& N'll right! /<m sorry / made you do it!N 2ora said! $learly gro>ing more ner ous >ith the poli$e presen$e& NKood & & & 2o> staY lo> an< follo> me!N Lerry ordered as he $rept for>ard on his hands and ?nees! holding the sa$? in front of him& 7e made his >ay past a huge pile of bro?en $on$rete and bri$?s and then to>ard a large pile of s$rap >ood and building materials& </t<s $omin< up no>N N/ don<t see anything!N 2ora >hined as she $ra>led behind him& N-hey ain<t gonna get me and / ain<t goin< ba$? to that pla$e&N N%ort >orry! nobody<s gonna get ya&N N0o >here is itRN 2ora as?ed again& N-im told me about it! an< he ne er lied <bout nothin< to nobody&N Lerry allo>ed himself to $hu$?le& N-his is the poli$e & & &N Lerry laughed& N7ey! man! these guys really thin? >e<re $omin< out an e erythin<RN N7o> mu$h fartherRN 2ora as?ed& N/t<s up here& 0ee that pile of trash that >as thro>ed into that ?inda basement thereRN NPeah&N N-here<s a tunnel in there! $onne$ts to the se>er&N Lerry led them into the basement! >hi$h >as surrounded by the remains of bri$? >alls that rose se eral stories abo e them& N/t<s supposed to be here&N 7e hurried o er to the rusted hood of an automobile leaning against the >all& #ushing it aside he $hu$?led again& N/t<s here &&& Eust li?e -im said it >ould be&N 2ora sl=d past him into the tunnel& Lerry follo>ed but put ba$? the hood to $on$eal the entran$e& -he t>o of them sat for a moment! allo>ing their eyes to adEust to the dar?ness! before s$rambling do>n the tunnel& NGhere<s it endRN 2ora as?ed& N-im say it goes into a main se>er&N -hey $ra>led for a fe> minutes more in >hat no> >as $omplete dar?ness& -heir s$uffing shoes and panting breath e$hoed do>n the pipe& N7ey! it<s here!N 2ora >hispered& NLust li?e -im said it >ould be!N Lerry added& -he pipe interse$ted into a main se>er! allo>ing them to stand upright and >al? through an?le"deep se>er >ater& NGhen you >ant to pop upRN 2ora as?ed&

NGe go a little more >ays Eust to ma?e sure!N Lerry responded& NGhat did you getRN 2ora as?ed& NLots of $anned stuff& Pams! beans! oriental egetables! / don<t ?no>8it<s all stuffed in the bag here&N Lerry mo ed his shoulders up>ard >hi$h made a fe> of the $ans Eostle in the bag& NGhat about this oneRN 2ora as?ed! pointing to a shaft of light that poured through a manhole $o er& Lerry shoo? his head sageli?e& NLet<s do the neCt one Eust to be safe&N -hey $ontinued >al?ing and $ame to another manhole $o er& NS<** go up first!N Lerry said! handing 2ora the bag& 7e $limbed the rusted ladder and pressed up>ard on the man"hole $o er& N/t<s do>n tight!N he muttered as he hea ed against it >ith his shoulder& 9inally the $o er loosened and he held one $orner of it& Light poured in and! for a moment! stunned him& 7e blin?ed his eyes and then squinted outside and loo?ed around& N GellRN 2ora as?ed impatiently& Lerry didn<t ans>er& 7e mo ed the other side of the lid up>ard and loo?ed around some more& 9inally he pushed the >hole thing o er the side and it >as gone& N7and the bag!N he ordered& 2ora handed him the bag and Lerry too? it and thre> it out of the manhole then follo>ed after it& 2ora s$rambled up the ladder after him& -he t>I stood in a small side street& Lerry elbo>ed her to loo? at a fe> startled pedestrians >ho ga>?ed at their sudden appearan$e from the under>orld& Lerry set the lid ba$? o er the manhole and grinned& NLoo?s li?e >e<re gonna be eatin< li?e ?ings ba$? at the Condos&N NLi?e ?ings and queens!N 2ora added& -he t>o set off and se eral blo$?s later $rept through a hole in a $hain"lin? fen$e that led to a littered a$ant lot that bordered the underground sub>ay tra$?s& -hey slid do>n the angled $on$rete emban?ment! dropping almost thirty feet to the single set of train tra$?s belo>& NGe did it! 2ora!N Lerry laughed! as they >al?ed leisurely along the tra$?s& NPeah& 7ey! train $oming!N 2ora >arned! and a fe> moments later the headlight of a train $ould be seen in the re$ess of the tunnel that opened up before them& -hey mo ed to the mouth of the tunnel and >aited& Lerry grabbed the bag as the train strea?ed past& 7e loo?ed up Eust as the last $ar >as going by and $aught a glimpse of a man reading a ne>spaper! obli ious to him and 2ora Eust a fe> feet a>ay& N2o pla$e li?e home!N Lerry said! as he and 2ora mo ed ba$? into the tunnel! follo>ing the tra$?s that disappeared under the streets of 2e> Por? City&

)rian 9itzpatri$? too? another breath of air in t>o distin$t gulps timed >ith the stride of his legs! as he ran up a hill that he had Eo?ingly named 7eartbrea? 7ill! in 2e> Por? City<s Central #ar?& -hen! as if his legs >ere pistons that >ere tied to the rhythm of his breath! he let out the air in one long stream that too? up t>o more strides& 7e snat$hed another breath of air and leaned for>ard into the hill! feeling the burn in the ba$? of his thighs as he passed the half>ay mar?& 0>eat poured do>n his forehead and he yan?ed his s>eatband! pulling it do>n to>ard his eyes& 7e passed another Eogger! a >oman! >ho >as ta?ing the hill in short! almost babyli?e steps& 7e shouted! NPou $an do it!N as he passed $lose to her& ->o minutes later he $rested the hill and let his body relaC into an easier pa$e! as this part of his run >as flat& 7e loo?ed for>ard to mornings >hen he didn<t ha e to >or?! >hen at the $ra$? of da>n he >ould Eump out of bed! don his s>eats! and head to the par?& 7e relished the time alone! a>ay from the $onstant demands of the %oomsday Clo$? #roEe$t -hin? -an?& N-he -an?!N as it >as ni$?named! $onsisted of a staff of people >ho monitored >orld e ents t>enty"four hours a day and fed the information into a state"of"the"art $omputer& 0in$e the /ndustrial Re olution! progress and te$hnology had in$reased eCponentially to the point that no one person $ould get a de$ent o er ie> of all that >as happening& Life had be$ome a $ompleC interlo$?ing >eb of $ommer$e! industry! and art& ' negati e by"produ$t to this te$hnology >as that humans had su$$eeded in gaining the potential to annihilate e ery li ing soul on planet earth &&& many times o er& 9itzpatri$? had been employed at the -an? for his ?no>ledge of es$hatologi$al prophe$ies from different $ultures spanning thousands of years& 7e had read and studied e erything from 7opi /ndian legends to 7ebre> apo$alypti$ s$rolls& 1e$ause by personal preferen$e he li ed in 2e> Por? City e en though the -an? >as based near Gashington! %&C&! it >asn<t unusual for him to spend as many as three $onse$uti e days at the -an?! $at$hing a short nap in the staff lounge e ery no> and then to >ard off fatigue& /n fa$t! he had Eust finished a three"day shift& 7is mind started to run off on a linguisti$ problem in ol ing translation from an an$ient Canaanite teCt& 1ut he firmly stopped it! sho ing it ba$? to the $ompartment that it belonged in as he loo?ed at the brilliant hues of a maple tree that >as ba$?lit by the rising sun& 7e qui$?ened his pa$e! nearing the end of his run& 9or the last fifty yards he sprinted for all he >as >orth! imagining himself at a tra$? meet at his former high s$hool& 't the finish line he slo>ed! >al?ing in a large $ir$le on the grass holding his hands abo e his head& ' sudden nip of $old fall air made him turn up his $ollar on his Ea$?et& 7e dropped

to the ground and stret$hed his legs! ta?ing $are to massage the ba$?s of his $al es& No" bad ,or so.eone over ,or"y, he mused& 's he headed out of the par? he spotted a homeless per"son sleeping on a par? ben$h& 7e detoured a little out of his >ay and loo?ed at the sleeping figure of a man& ' shopping $art >ith a 2e> Por? Mets< flag atta$hed >as par?ed near the ben$h& 7e smelled the al$ohol and sa> the empty bottle tossed a fe> feet a>ay from the ben$h& Remembering that he had a fi e"dollar bill in his Ea$?et earmar?ed for a 0tarbu$?s< latte! he retrie ed the $ash and stu$? it in the threadbare slee e of the man<s $oat& -hen he made his >ay to Columbus Cir$le! >here he noti$ed a bla$? limo par?ed on the $orner ahead of him& 't first he didn<t gi e it a thought! but as he dre> nearer! the bla$?ed"out >indo> disappeared and he re$ognized the fa$e of 'nthony -it>ell! his dri er& 7e tightened his lips and straightened his ba$? as he dre> $loser to the ehi$le& N7o> did you find meRN he as?ed as he stood a fe> feet from the limo& -it>ell grinned& NPou got your >at$h on! don<t youRN 9itzpatri$? loo?ed do>n at his >at$h and remembered that it had a global positioning de i$e that enabled its >earer to be found >ith pinpoint a$$ura$y& N:mergen$y! thenRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& -it>ell got out of the $ar and opened the rear door& N-hat<s >hy /<m here&N 9itzpatri$? ?ne> that -it>ell >ouldn<t ?no> >hat the $all >as about& 7e >as Eust doing his Eob in finding him& N-han?s! -it>ell!N 9itzpatri$? replied! as he slid into the ba$? of the limo& N%o / ha e time to sho>er and $hangeRN -it>ell put the limo in gear and pulled a>ay from the $urb& N2ope&N N-he airport thenRN NPep& Pour Eet<s on the run>ay >aiting for you&N 9itzpatri$? settled ba$? in the seat and >ondered >hat >as so important that his >ee?end >ould be interrupted& 7e too? the satellite phone off its $radle and made sure the oi$e s$rambler >as on before he pun$hed in a series of numbers& NKood morning! 9itzpatri$?&N ' oi$e >ith a hea y Kerman a$$ent $ame o er the re$ei er& NKood morning! sir!N 9itzpatri$? ans>ered& NGe< e got something that needs your attention immediately&N N/<m on my >ay!N 9itzpatri$? replied& NGhat is itRN NLet<s not go into that right no>& 0uffi$e it to say that it<s ery an$ient and at the moment inde$ipherable&N <'ny idea of >hat language it isRN N-hat<s >hy you<re headed to the -an?&N ' pause! then: NCall me >hen you ha e any information on it&N N/<ll do that! sir&N 9itzpatri$? turned the phone off and put the re$ei er ba$? in the $radle& 7e didn<t trust the man he >or?ed for& 7e didn<t li?e the >ay e eryone at the -an? >as treated as an inferior underling& 7e too? umbrage at the >ay the man flaunted his >ealth and position! and ho> he >ent out of his >ay to ma?e the point that his an$estors >ere Kerman royalty and had been in the ser i$e of the Maiser& ' little o er a year ago! the man had >ooed him a>ay from a modest uni ersity tea$hing position! offering a siC"figure in$ome that

9itzpatri$? had found irresistible& 9itzpatri$? planned to >or? for a fe> years! ban? the money! and then retire to Rome! >here he $ould s$our the ast ar$hi al @ati$an libraries& 9itzpatri$? had found the -an? to be an enigma& -here >ere soldiers li?e -it>ell! and military M#s! but they >eren<t tied into any parti$ular bran$h of the ser i$e he $ould identify& 9itzpatri$? had $ome to realize that he didn<t ?no> >hom he a$tually >or?ed for 8the Bnited 0tates go ernment! the pri ate se$tor! a rogue element! or e en the Chinese! for that matter& 'll he ?ne> for $ertain >as that the man he reported to! ni$?named the 7ag by e eryone in the -an?! >as in $harge& 'nother unsettling fa$t >as the realization that he didn<t ?no> >hat be$ame of his >or?& Fr for that matter! >hat interest his employer >ould find in tra$?ing $ertain prophe$ies from di erse $i ilizations! and loo?ing for some uni ersal $onstant in them& /t sobered him to realize that the information that $ame his >ay >as ery $lassified and >as ery up"to"the"minute intel& 'n hour later his unmar?ed Eet tou$hed do>n on a spe$ial run>ay near Gashington! %&C& 9itzpatri$? >as hurried to a>aiting $ar and motored to a building Eust outside the Gashington 1elt>ay& -it>ell stopped at the gate to the under"ground par?ing garage and pun$hed in the $ode& -he gate opened and the $ar >ent do>n into the par?ing area& 0e eral turns later it rea$hed a >all8at least! >hat appeared to be a >all& 9itzpatri$? loo?ed out his >indo> as the $ar ga e a little Eolt! and then the se$tion of the floor that the $ar rested on began to go do>n into the earth& 'fter se eral minutes it $ame to rest& 'n M# opened the door and 9itzpatri$? got out and >aited! holding his right hand in front of him& -he M#s grabbed his hand and slipped it into a ma$hine that $o ered his hand glo eli?e! to his >rist& 9itzpatri$? felt an almost imper$eptible sting! as a needle pri$?ed his s?in and >ith"dre> a tiny amount of blood& Githout a >ord the M# too? the sample to a ma$hine that >as imbedded into a large stainless steel door& 7e >at$hed the monitor as the blood sample<s %2' >as mat$hed& NPou<re free to go! Mr& 9itzpatri$?!N he $alled! as he ?eyed a small lo$?ed boC that had held the release for the door& 9itzpatri$? >aited as the stainless steel doors slid noiselessly open& Gal?ing alone do>n a dimly lit $orridor! he nodded at se eral $o>or?ers he passed& 7e opened the door to his department! a large room filled >ith des?s and $omputers& 1oo?shel es $o ered three >alls! and the fourth >all held a digital map of the >orld& 9itzpatri$? unbuttoned his s>eat Ea$?et and glan$ed around the room& ->o men and t>o >omen >ere busy at the terminals& -he -an?! as al>ays! >as in session& NMorning! 9itz!N Za$h mumbled! as he typed on his ?ey"board& 7e >as the group<s statisti$ian! spe$ializing in third">orld population gro>th and the relationships bet>een emerging industry in those $ountries and the impa$t on the en ironment! surrounding nations! and the global e$onomy& NCoffeeRN Mary as?ed! holding out a steaming $up and smiling& 9itzpatri$? too? the $up and sipped& Mary >as a tall! blond"haired >oman >ho >as approa$hing forty and had ne er married& 0he >as still attra$ti e >hen she >anted to be! and this morning she had ta?en the time to put on ma?eup and >ear a s?irt and s>eater that flattered her trim figure& ' graduate of Pale Medi$al 0$hool >ho had ser ed a de$ade >ith the Center for %isease Control! she spe$ialized in the resear$h of rare diseases& NGhat do >e ha eRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed! as he too? another sip of his $offee&

NLoo? at this!N @innie ans>ered! using his mouse to high"light an area on his $omputer monitor that $orresponded to the digital map on the >all& -he image $hanged on the digital s$reen against the far >all& @innie<s spe$ialty >as superte$hnology& Ghile still in $ollege! he had designed a faster $omputer $hip that >as bought by a leading $ompany& NGhat is itRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed! noting that the images appeared to ha e been shot >ith a night" ision $amera& N/nfrared satellite image of an in$ident that happened in Pemen forty"eight hours ago& / thin? you<ll find it ery interesting!N @innie stated& NPou< e all seen it thenRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N0e eral times!N Loy$e offered& NGe ha e some ery eCtra"ordinary footage here&N Loy$e! a middle"aged hippy! >as an eCpert in the paranormal& 9or Loy$e to thin? it eCtraordinary meant that it >as more than the typi$al B9F footage! or mutilated $attle $ar$asses! or apparitions of the @irgin Mary& 9itzpatri$? settled in his $hair as the footage rolled& ' fiery obEe$t entered the $amera<s field& NMeteorRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& NMy first guess! but meteors don<t stop and start again!N Mary offered& 9itzpatri$? >at$hed as the obEe$t slo>ed do>n and then too? off again& NClose"upRN he as?ed& NPeah &&& here it $omes&N @innie typed in a $ommand on his ?eyboard& 9itzpatri$? stared >ith genuine >onder& N/n$redible!N he >hispered& N/t loo?s li?e a $raft of some ?ind! but >here >as it made and by >homRN N-he press is hailing it as the reemergen$e of the 1ethlehem star!N Loy$e added! Nbut it<s unli?e anything /< e e er seen&N N#eople all o er the >orld ha e heard about it!N Za$h said& N'n -l ?a4eera film $re> $aught it on tape& -hey< e been sho>ing it nonstop&N <'nd our media pi$?ed it up from themRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& Za$h nodded& NPeah! 9oC 2e>s and C22 are running >ith it&N <'ny idea as to >hat it isRN Mary as?ed& 9itzpatri$? shoo? his head& N'nything in the an$ient prophe$ies about itRN Mary as?ed& 9itzpatri$? shoo? his head& N2othing that $omes to mind&N N/t seems to ha e been $entralized o er the $ountry of Pemen&N 9itzpatri$? nodded& NMideast updateR 'nything affe$tedRN N0yria mo ed some troops around to their border >ith Lebanon& -he /ranians are doing military eCer$ises in the #ersian Kulf& Fther than that! status quo!N Za$h stated& -here >as a ?no$? on the door and a military atta$he entered $arrying a sealed pa$?et& NMr& 9itzpatri$?!N he said! as he pla$ed the pa$?et in 9itzpatri$?<s hands& 9itzpatri$? signed the release form and the man left the offi$e& 'll eyes >ere on him as he opened the pa$?et and unfolded the $opy of an an$ient s$roll& N-his is >hy the 7ag interrupted my >ee?end!N 9itzpatri$? said! as he got his first loo? at the strange >riting& NPou re$ognize itRN Loy$e as?ed& N2o! / don<t &&& ery interesting though &&& /t<s not Chaldean &&&!N 9itzpatri$? mumbled as he made his >ay to his des?! so absorbed in the ne> find that he forgot his $olleagues&

Art Ma$Menzie and :lisha 1en7assen arri
ed in front of Mossad headquarters! ha ing been informed that a top"se$ret $ommunique a>aited Mr& Ma$Menzie& -hey >ere going to see :lisha<s grandson Bri and the MaEor! an old friend of :lisha<s >ho had helped found the /sraeli Mossad! the /sraeli ersion of the C/'& Ma$ sa> se eral armed guards in front of the building& -he street >as fairly $ro>ded! and people bustled about their business in the early morning hour& N-ight se$urity!N he said! motioning to the armed guards as they headed to>ard the entran$e& NGe $annot let our guard do>n for a moment! Ma$Menzie!N :lisha said! pushing his trifo$als up on the bridge of his nose& Ma$ glan$ed up the street at a handful of people >aiting for a bus fifty yards a>ay& N0halom!N :lisha said to one of the guards as he produ$ed his $redentials& ' >oman yelled from the bus stop up the street& 0uddenly one of the guards sho ed :lisha do>n onto the pa ement& 1oth guards then bolted to>ard the $ommotion& NKet do>n! Ma$MenzieJN :lisha shouted& Ma$ had one ?nee on the pa ement >hen he heard another s$ream& 7e stood up to get a better loo?& 7e sa> people di ing into shops! >hile others du$?ed behind any shelter they $ould find! lea ing a young >oman >ith a eil struggling >ith an older >oman >ho >as tearing at her $lothes and yelling& Ma$ sa> the $ro>ded bus $ome to a stop beside them& ;ha" are "hey ,igh"ing over8 he >ondered& NMa$Menzie! get do>nJN :lisha yelled! and Ma$ felt the man<s hand tug at his pant leg& -hen he heard a pier$ing $ry of 2-llah -/bar,2 from the eiled >oman! follo>ed by a blinding flash and a iolent eCplosion& Ma$ >as thro>n off his feet as the sho$? >a e from the blast thre> him to the pa ement& -here >as a moment of eerie silen$e and a thi$? $loud of dar? smo?e en eloped him& -hen the shrie?s of the >ounded erupted& Ma$ >iped his eyes and then to his horror! noti$ed the se ered lo>er part of an arm neCt to him& /t loo?ed surreal to him! as if it >ere part of a mannequin or a doll! and not the >arm flesh and blood that! moments ago! had been part of a human being& 7e stared at the >edding band on the bla$?ened finger& 9ighting the urge to omit he turned the other >ay as another >a e of bla$? smo?e >ashed o er him& NMa$MenzieRN N/<m o?ay!N he $alled to :lisha! then slo>ly got to his ?nees and tried to get his bearings& 7e loo?ed do>n at his $lothes and sa> that his pants had been torn and his shirt ripped& N F er here! Ma$Menzie!N :lisha $alled out through the smo?e& ' siren blared in the distan$e& Ma$ stumbled to>ard :lisha& -hen his ears began to ring& 7e >or?ed his Ea> up and do>n trying to $lear his ears! but he $ouldn<t sha?e the ringing& %izzy! his eyes burned from the bla$? smo?e! he staggered li?e a drun?en man&

-he >ind s>it$hed dire$tions! re ealing the spot >here the sui$ide bomber had destroyed herself& 7e sa> the littered remains of dead and >ounded people s$attered o er the street and side>al?& 0hop >indo>s had been shattered and the bus that had pulled up to the stop >as on fire! its side ripped open li?e it >as no more than a soda $an& 'n ambulan$e strea?ed by follo>ed by se eral poli$e $ars! but Ma$ $ould barely hear the sirens& 7e put his fingers in his ears! trying to $lear them& :lisha hurried o er! >a ing to him and tal?ing& Ma$ shoo? his head and pointed to his ears! then yelled! N/ $an<t hear youJN :lisha rea$hed him and helped him get to the interior of Mossad headquarters& Ma$ $ollapsed on a ben$h! and his body began to sha?e& 7e loo?ed at :lisha and sa> him mouth the >ords! Nsui$ide bomber&N Ma$ nodded and felt the room spin around him for a moment& :lisha rea$hed out and steadied him& NGill you be all rightRN he mouthed& Ma$ nodded! made a gesture for something to drin?& :lisha hurried a>ay do>n the hall& Ma$ let his head fall ba$? so that it rested on the >all behind the ben$h& ' flurry of men and >omen hurried in all dire$tions! bringing >ounded people into the building and setting them near him& :lisha returned >ith a paper $up full of >ater& Ma$ sipped the >ater! grateful that the a$rid taste in his mouth >as >ashed a>ay& 7e s>allo>ed and felt his ears unplug! but the ringing $ontinued& NMy ears are ringing!N he mumbled to :lisha& N/t >ill go a>ay in a >hile!N :lisha offered& N1ut your hearing is fineRN N/ thin? so!N Ma$ said! putting a finger inside his ear and mo ing it around& N/ sa> her &&& she loo?ed right at me Eust before she ble> herself up!N Ma$ said& N0he >as young &&& in her t>enties &&& and pretty& Ghat a >aste of life&N :lisha nodded& N're you able to get to the MaEor<s offi$eRN :lisha as?ed& N/t<s Eust do>n the hall&N Ma$ nodded and :lisha helped him to his feet& N:lisha! Ma$Menzie! are you all rightRN Ma$ sa> the MaEor running do>n the hall to>ard them& N7e >as stunned by the blast!N :lisha said as the MaEor rea$hed them& NPou see!N the MaEor said! Nthis is >hat >e li e >ith& -hey don<t >ant pea$e& -hey >ant e ery Le> dead&N N:asy! old friend!N :lisha $ounseled& N2ot e ery 'rab hates us& -here are many >ho >ant pea$e! and some e en re$ognize that >e ha e a right to the land&N -he MaEor shoo? his head! then turned to Ma$& N're you sure you<re all rightR 0hould / $all for a do$tor Eust to ma?e sureRN Ma$ shoo? his head& N/<m o?ay! MaEor! than? you&N 7e >or?ed his Ea> again to see if it >ould stop the ringing& N7o> soon $an >e see the $ommuniqueRN N's soon as >e get to my offi$e&N -he MaEor led them through a re$eption area to his pri ate offi$e and motioned for :lisha and Ma$Menzie to ta?e a seat& N7ere it is! Ma$Menzie!N the MaEor said! as he handed him a sealed en elope& Ma$ opened it and blin?ed his eyes a fe> times before beginning to read& N7e >ants me to $ome to Rome&N 7e handed the letter to :lisha& N9ran?ly! / >ish he had summoned me instead!N :lisha said&

N%o you thin? it has something to do >ith the s$rollR %oes Lohanen ?no> it >as stolenRN Ma$ as?ed& N/ sent a $ommunique to him! ia the MaEor! shortly after >e re$ei ed the ne>s!N :lisha said& NPou told me that you belie ed the same people >e shut do>n in Pemen >ere responsible for the theft!N the MaEor stated& :lisha shrugged& N-he e iden$e points to them& 'fter all! >e disrupted their broad$ast and th>arted their plans to re eal the eCtraterrestrial presen$e &&& at least temporarily&N NPou ?no> >hat is really strangeR^ Ma$ as?ed& Maggie >as supposed to fly in! and at the last minute she $an$eled be$ause my daughter! 0arah! had $ome do be$ause >ith appendi$itis&N NKod is loo?ing after you! Ma$?enzie!^ :lisha stated& Ma$ nodded! >ondering >hat a>aited him in Rome >ith Lohanen&

*ohanen paused at the iron gate that led to the small $ourtyard and rose garden that had
on$e been tended by the late Cardinal 9iorre& 7e ran his hand o er the brass handle and prayed! as?ing for strength and >isdom& 7e had gone >ith"out sleep for the last t>enty" four hours! flying from /srael to 2aples and then to his $astle in the 'lps& -here he >as informed of the Eailhouse sui$ide of 0tephan! on$e one of his most trusted aides! >ho had betrayed him and his organization ?no>n as 0piral of Life& 7e >as greatly troubled further by the ne>s that Cardinal 9iorre! a longtime trusted friend and @ati$an informant! had apparently died of a massi e stro?e& 9iorre had left him some papers! but no tra$e of the papers $ould be found at the $astle& Lohanen belie ed that 0tephan had destroyed them& 0o no> he had $ome in haste to Rome! to see if 9ather -homas ?ne> anything about their $ontent& 7e unlat$hed the gate and entered the $ourtyard& ' small fountain gurgled in the far $orner and the s$ent of roses and freshly turned earth filled the air& 7e stopped! gathered a $ream"$olored rose in his fingers! and inhaled its fragran$e& 7e then made his >ay to the hea y >ooden door! grabbed the head of a hideous"loo?ing gargoyle! and let the ?no$?er fall >ith a muffled thud& ' young priest >ith a boyish fa$e and a sho$? of red hair opened the door& NLohanenRN he as?ed! a smile spreading a$ross his fa$e& Lohanen eCtended his hand& NPes! good to meet you! 9ather -homas& / $ame as soon as / got your >ord&N NCardinal 9iorre spo?e often of you& Come in! >on<t youRN 'fter Lohanen entered the house the priest $losed the door behind him! then gestured to a seat at a dining room table sta$?ed >ith papers and boo?s& N/ >ill miss him!N Lohanen said as they seated themsel es& -homas nodded! then leaned for>ard in his $hair& N7e >as li?e a grandfather to me& 1ut something ery pressing is happening&N -homas lo>ered his oi$e& N/ ha e >anted to tell someone & & & but & & & there has been an in$ident $on$erning 7is 7oliness&N Lohanen fro>ned and >aited for the man to $ontinue& N/t<s being ?ept quiet& 7is 7oliness has had a stro?e& / ha e e en heard that he is not eCpe$ted to li e past tonight& N NGhen did this happenRN NFnly a fe> hours ago & & & / only ?no> be$ause / >as >or?ing late at the @ati$an! in Cardinal 9iorre<s pri ate $hambers& 7is 7oliness >as saying Mass in his pri ate $hapel >hen it happened& -hey rushed him se$retly to a hospital&N N/t >on<t be long before the media gets >ind of it!N Lohanen replied& NCardinal 9iorre<s funeral >as s$heduled for tomorro>! but no> & & & >ho ?no>sRN N/f the pope dies! then! / agree! most things >ill be put on hold until his su$$essor is ele$ted&N <'re you a>are that 7is :minen$e requested an autopsy to be performed in the e ent

of his deathRN 9ather -homas said! $hanging the subEe$t& N2o! / >asn<t a>are of that& 7as it been $arried outRN NPes& -he results $onfirmed that he died of a massi e stro?e& 1ut there<s something that you should ?no>&N Lohanen >aited& N/ sa> the body! and his fa$e >as $ontorted & & & 7e loo?ed li?e a man >ho had seen the : il Fne himself&N NGhat did the $oroner say about thatRN N-hat fa$ial $ontortions often a$$ompany se ere stro?es& 1ut there<s something else& Ghen / arri ed! / found this&N -homas held up a sil er $ross& N/ found it lying neCt to the >all there&N 7e pointed behind Lohanen& <'nd >hat<s more! there is a mar?! a deep indentation in the plaster >here the $ross hit& Loo?&N -he man got out of his $hair and >ent o er to the >all& 7e pla$ed the $ross neCt to the indentation& N/t<s li?e it >as thro>n >ith great for$e! yesRN -homas stated& Lohanen got up from his seat and >ent o er to get a $loser loo?& 7e let his finger tra$e the indentation& N/ agree! this $ertainly is ery strange&N <'nother thing that is ery odd& 7is :minen$e >as >or?ing on something that had been dire$tly $ommissioned by 7is 7oliness&N NCardinal 9iorre spo?e to me of the manus$ript he $ompleted!N Lohanen said& N/< e sear$hed e ery>here and the manus$ript is gone!N -homas said& N/ re$ei ed a message that he >as going to send me a $opy of it&N NPes! / >as a>are of that!N -homas said& NPou said you ne er re$ei ed itRN N/ belie e it >as destroyed&N N7e left some ery spe$ifi$ instru$tions in the e ent of his death& / >as entrusted >ith an en elope& / >as told in the e ent of his death to mail it immediately&N NGhere >as it addressedRN N-o an address in 2e> Por?& /t >as addressed to a 1rian 9itzpatri$?&N N%id the $ardinal e er mention him to youRN N7ere&N -homas too? a photograph from the sideboard behind him& N/t<s a pi$ture that >as ta?en almost ten years ago&N Lohanen loo?ed at the photo& N/s this 9itzpatri$? >ith the $ardinalRN NPes&N N-hen he >as ordainedRN Lohanen said >ith surprise as he loo?ed at the $ollar around the man<s ne$?! mar?ing him as a priest& N7e >as a %omini$an!N -homas ans>ered& NGasRN N7e left his holy orders& -here >as something in his past that haunted him& / belie e Cardinal 9iorre ?ne>! but 7is :minen$e ne er $onfided in me&N N/t appears that they >or?ed $losely together!N Lohanen said& N7is :minen$e $onfided that they >ere very $lose &&& but the man fell a>ay&N Lohanen fitted the $ross into the indentation that it had left in the plaster& N0omeone other than Cardinal 9iorre is responsible for this&N Lohanen sa> -homas loo? at him questioningly& N/ $annot imagine Cardinal 9iorre thro>ing the obEe$t that he enerated for any reason&N N0o you suspe$t &&& someone else >as responsibleRN -homas as?ed&

NPes! / do&N N1ut >hoRN Lohanen handed the $ross ba$? to -homas& N-hose >ho >ant to ma?e sure that Cardinal 9iorre<s >or? ne er rea$hed 7is 7oliness&N

Nora sat around a small $ampfire in front of Lerry<s $ard"board house! four stories belo>
the streets of 2e> Por? City& 'round her! a half a dozen people of di erse ethni$ity and age >armed themsel es& 2ora eyed the t>o tra$? rabbits that >ere slo>ly $oo?ing on a spit o er the fire& -hey >ere in fa$t t>o rats that >ere a little smaller than rabbits! and >ere $onsidered a staple by those >ho d>elled in the subterranean >orld ?no>n as the Condos& -he Condos >as a natural $a ern! separated from the underground sub>ay tra$?s by a large out$ropping of ro$?s that dimmed the frequent roar of passing sub>ay trains& F er one hundred homeless men and >omen li ed here! in a loosely ?nit $ommune& 0omeone had di erted an ele$tri$al >ire and rigged it to light lamps that illuminated the interiors of a smattering of $ardboard huts! ma?ing them loo? li?e misshapen Lapanese lanterns& Gater $ame from se eral pipes that lea?ed o erhead and >as $olle$ted in $ans and bu$?ets& 2ora ?ept her eye on Lerry! as he >as busy opening se eral $ans that they had stolen from the gro$ery store& 7e had already traded se eral $ans for some speed! and the drug had put him in good spirits again& NPou shoulda seen her&N Lerry nodded to>ard 2ora& NLi?e a real pro&N 7e lifted his $an opener and used it as a prop for 2ora<s lo$? pi$?s& N0he Eust opened that lo$? li?e it >as nothing&N 7e snapped his finger& N-ell them ho> you almost got shot!N 2ora reminded him& N'in<t safe up there no more!N La erne! a middle"aged >oman and a Eun?ie! groaned& N-hat<s right & & & /t<s not safe anymore!N added an old >hite man >ith a battered fa$e& N/ don<t ?no> ho> you manage to do it!N said a man >ho loo?ed li?e he $ould ha e been a ban?er& N/t<s been o er a year sin$e / >ent out&N 0ome of the others nodded their agreement& N'>! it<s nothing!N Lerry said! as he pried the lid ba$?& Krabbing it >ith a pair of fire" bla$?ened pliers! he pla$ed the $an on the fire& N-hey don<t s$are me& 1esides! most people don<t >ant to mess >ith us mole people&N -his ni$?name $ame from the sub>ay >or?ers and poli$e! and the tunnel d>ellers used it as >ell& -he $an settled do>n on the $oals and the group >at$hed as the flames li$?ed its sides! burning off the label& 9i e minutes later 2ora said! N%on<t o er$oo? it! Lerry&N Lerry ignored her and! ta?ing a for?! po?ed the tra$? rabbit to see if it >as done& N/t<s soup!N Lerry $alled! announ$ing that the NrabbitN >as finished& -he mole people produ$ed $ups and plates seemingly from no>here& Lerry pulled out the metal spit that had s?e>ered the rats o er the fire& 7e motioned to 2ora and she held out her plate! >hi$h had a faded pi$ture of 1arney on it& Lerry dropped t>o ery thin sli$es of the meat! along >ith se eral hot yams from the tin! onto it& 2ora too? the food and then hurried a>ay from the fire to Lerry<s $ardboard house& N2oraRPou o?ayRN Lerry $alled out&

-he ban?er >hispered as he held out his plate! N7er lights are going off again&N N0he ain<t ta?in< her pills! that<s all!N Lerry replied! s$ooping yams out onto the ban?er<s plate& NGhat you gonna do >ith herRN the old man >ith the battered fa$e as?ed! as he spooned a mouthful of rabbit into an almost toothless mouth& Lerry shrugged and too? the first bite of his dinner& 7e >as 2ora<s prote$tor& 's long as 2ora too? the pills she did o?ay& Ghere the pills $ame from remained a mystery that he still >asn<t able to figure out& 'll he ?ne> >as that she al>ays had a supply& 7e had read the label! hoping that they >ere drugs he $ould maybe use& -he label had a long name that he $ouldn<t pronoun$e! so he left the pills alone& 7e had first noti$ed her pi$?ing the lo$?ed door of a ba?ery& 7e had >at$hed >ith admiration as! moments later! the door opened! and 2ora had entered! returning qui$?ly >ith an armful of donuts& 7e had follo>ed her! and >hen it >as night and she had $urled up on a ben$h in the par?! it >as he >ho had $hased off a >ould"be rapist& 7e then too? her underground and introdu$ed her to the group at the Condos& 't first she >as a big hit be$ause of her lo$?"pi$?ing s?ills& 1ut soon the others noti$ed that 2ora >as Na real $razyN 2ora too? to li ing in the tunnels! but she often snea?ed a>ay at night! lea ing Lerry<s $ardboard house and going to deeper le els of the tunnels& Fther times she >ould sit in the house and ro$? ba$? and forth! staring into spa$e! not eating or sleeping& Lerry >ould spoon"feed her $hi$?en broth and nurse her as best he $ould& 't first! these episodes >ould last a fe> days! but they >ere gro>ing more frequent as time >ent on& Lerry had learned o er the months that >hen 2ora too? her pills she >as some>hat normal& 1ut >hen se eral days elapsed >ithout her ta?ing them! her errati$ beha ior >ould return& Lerry finished his meal and >iped his plate >ith an old to>el& N/ better go an< $he$? on her!N he muttered! mo ing a>ay from the fire to>ard his $ardboard house& 7e sa> that 2ora hadn<t lit the $andle! and he too? that as a bad sign& 7e rapped his ?nu$?les on the flap of $ardboard that ser ed as a door and $alled out! N2oraR /t<s Lerry& Pou de$entRN 7e >aited for a moment but there >as no ans>er& 0o he >ent in& N2ora! >hat are you doin<RN 0he had ta?en a razor blade and >as sitting in the semidar?ness pulling strands of her hair and $utting it $lose to her s$alp& NC<mon! girl! gi e me that thing&N 7e grabbed the razor out of her hand& 7e found a pa$? of mat$hes and! stri?ing one! lit the $andle& NGhy you do that! girlR -rying to ma?e yourself a frea?! or >hatRN 7e shoo? his head& 2ora didn<t ans>er& 0he Eust stared out into spa$e and played >ith a length of hair that she hadn<t $ut yet& N2ora! >hat am / gonna do >ith youRN Lerry grabbed a blan?et and put it around her shoulders& NGhere are your pills! girlRN 0he ignored him! so Lerry loo?ed o er at a little sta$? of bri$?s >here 2ora ?ept her stuff& 7e found the pills! popped the lid! and offered one of them to 2ora& NCome on and ta?e it! girl!N he $oaCed& 0he finally too? it out of his hand and put it in her mouth and s>allo>ed& NLet me see!N Lerry said& 2ora opened her mouth and stu$? out her tongue! sho>ing him that she had s>allo>ed the pill&

7e >at$hed her until the $andle burned do>n almost an in$h& -hen he gently pushed her do>n into her bed of papers and pulled the blan?ets o er her& 7e >ent to his bed and lay there >ondering >hat he >as going to do >ith this $razy >oman! until the effe$ts of the speed began to lessen and he >ent to sleep&

Art Ma$Menzie follo>ed a line of people of di

erse nationalities through the boarding tube to the terminal gate in the Rome /nternational 'irport& 'lthough he >as tra el >eary! he loo?ed for>ard to seeing the man >hom he $onsidered his spiritual mentor and friend! Lohanen& Ma$Menzie sear$hed the $ro>d& ;ha" a 4oo, he thought! as he heard half a dozen languages being spo?en >ithin earshot& ' turbaned #a?istani >ith a bushy beard and a $ell phone glued to his ear hurried by& ' Moslem mother! her abaya $on$ealing her body eC$ept for an opening re ealing her >ary eyes! led her $hildren through the throng of people& 'n 'meri$an $ouple! perhaps on their honeymoon! >ere dis$ussing the star of 1ethlehem& N/ sa> it on C22!N the petite ne>ly>ed said& N/t >as frea?y"loo?ing&N 7er husband shoo? his head& NPeah! / ?no> >hat you mean& / thought it loo?ed li?e something out of the @:<iles, appearing out of no>here! and then anishing&N N-he ne>s said it >asn<t a $omet! and besides! the & & &N -he last part of her senten$e >as lost as the $ouple mo ed out of earshot& Ma$ fought the urge to $omment& 'fter all! he had been there! in Pemen& 7e had seen the 1ethlehem star and ?ne> >hat it >as & & & a false sign from the :nemy! sent to de$ei e the nations of earth into belie ing that eCtraterrestrials >ere someho> lin?ed to the birth of Lesus& : en though Lohanen and he had destroyed the bogus tomb of Lesus and interrupted the broad$ast that >as supposed to re eal to a sele$t $adre of people the eCtraterrestrial presen$e! the sign had been pi$?ed up by the 'rab ne>s agen$y -l ?a4eera% /t then found its >ay to :ngland! ia satellite! and finally! to the 'meri$an mainstream press! >ho had a field day >ith it& -he pundits on C22! 9oC 2e>s! and the maEor net>or?s all had $ommentary and theories on >hat it might ha e been& Ma$ realized that the de$eption had begun& 7is mind flashed ba$? to Pemen! and he in oluntarily shuddered& 5o ! s"ay here and ai"8 Ma$ >ondered! as he $arried his small bag! made his >ay to a $on$rete $olumn! and leaned against it& 7e loo?ed do>n the main $orridor $ro>ded >ith people! but >hat dre> his attention >as a group of Roman Catholi$ $lergy& -hey >ere hurrying en masse to>ard him! and as they passed he heard them tal?ing in gra e tones& 7e o erheard N7is 7olinessN se eral times and >ondered >hat to ma?e of it& 7e felt a tap on his shoulder that startled him& NGel$ome to Rome! Ma$Menzie!N the familiar oi$e of Lohanen greeted him& NLohanen!N Ma$ gasped! and the realization of >ho he >as standing in front of pressed in on him& The beloved disciple, ?ohn "he apos"le, is here a" Ro.e !n"erna"ional -irpor", and he gree"s .e li/e an old school ch'.% Lohanen rea$hed out and! grabbing Ma$<s shoulder! said! NKood to see you!

Ma$Menzie&N 7e then pointed to the $luster of $lergy! >ho >ere distan$ing themsel es from them& 7e leaned $lose and >hispered! N-he pope is on his deathbed& 7e<s not eCpe$ted to li e through the night& -he media doesn<t ?no>&N Ma$ >histled bet>een his teeth& N0omething else! Ma$Menzie& Cardinal 9iorre! a ery dear friend >hom / ha e ?no>n for years! >as found dead in his house a fe> days ago& 't first it appeared to be a stro?e! but his protege! 9ather -homas! and / belie e he >as murdered& -he manus$ript that 9iorre had labored on for years has been stolen& 9ather -homas informed me that a $opy >as sent to me! but / ne er got it& / belie e 0tephan inter$epted it and destroyed it! or allo>ed it to fall into the >rong hands& 1y the >ay! 0tephan $ommitted sui$ide &&& hung himself in his Eail $ell&N N%id you ha e a $han$e to tal? to him before he &&& RN Lohanen shoo? his head& N2o! / did not&N 7e loo?ed troubled& N1ut getting ba$? to 9iorre& 9ather -homas informed me that there >as a dis?! along >ith photographs and papers! that he sent to someone in the 0tates& 2e>Por? City! to be pre$ise& 'pparently the re$ipient >as at one time ery $lose to Cardinal 9iorre&N N%o you thin? the dis? is a $opy of 9iorre<s manus$riptRN NPes! / do! and so does 9ather -homas& Pou<ll meet him shortly&N N7o> do the fallen angels figure in this &&& or don<t theyRN Ma$ >at$hed Lohanen fro>n& N/ am not $ertain! Ma$Menzie! but / ha e a feeling that someho> they >ere in ol ed in Cardinal 9iorre<s death& -he proEe$t that the $ardinal >as >or?ing on in ol ed the identity of the man >hom 0atan >ould possess8the 'nti$hrist 8and the group of men >ho >ould be essential in implementing his plans& 7e had names&N NFf those in the CadreRN Ma$ as?ed& NPes! Ma$Menzie! and / thin? he had a good idea of their timetable& -he information alone is >hat got him ?illed&N N/f that<s true! then this man in the 0tates is in danger&N N/ agree& -hat is >hy >e are headed to 2e> Por? >hen >e finish our business here&N -he t>o men >al?ed the rest of the $on$ourse! entered the main terminal! and found their >ay to the $urb! >here Lohanen hailed a $ab& 7e ga e a running $ommentary of the arious statues! fountains! ar$hite$ture! and sights that fle> by as the $ab made its >ay to>ard @ati$an City& ' short >hile later! Ma$ and Lohanen $limbed out of the $ab& Lohanen paid the fare& N-his >ay! Ma$Menzie&N Lohanen opened a de$orati e >rought iron gate that led to an en$losed rose garden& -hey made their >ay to the front door! >here Lohanen too? the gargoyle ?no$?er and stru$? it se eral times& -he door opened and Lohanen made the introdu$tions as 9ather -homas led them into the house& N7a e you been able to learn more about this man in 2e> Por?RN Lohanen as?ed& 9ather -homas nodded& N1rian 9itzpatri$? >as ordained almost ten years& 7e is a man of great intelle$t& 7e spea?s o er a dozen languages and holds t>o do$torate degrees& 7e is a linguist and is able to read! erbatim! from many an$ient manus$ripts& 7e also has a photographi$ memory& Cardinal 9iorre and he had >or?ed ery $losely until the day of his departure&N

N'nd he Eust left! in the middle of the resear$hRN Ma$ as?ed& 9ather -homas nodded! then the telephone rang and he eC$used himself to ans>er it& NGhat >ould ma?e a man lea e his $alling li?e thatRN Ma$ as?ed Lohanen& N/ am not $ertain! Ma$Menzie& / must admit it puzzles me&N 9ather -homas hurried ba$? into the room& Ma$ sa> that all of the $olor had drained from his fa$e& N7is 7oliness has Eust died!N the father blurted& 7is eyes filled >ith tears as he $rossed himself! bo>ed his head! and began to pray&

Nora dreamed she >as alone in a big $hur$h and there >ere many $andles& -hen a strong
>ind ble> the flames so that they started a fire that burned do>n the $hur$h& -hen she found herself in a small room >ith padded >alls and e ery time she tou$hed them she re$ei ed a sho$? of ele$tri$ity& 0he a>a?ened >ith a start and sat upright! her mind a Eumble of thoughts and ghostly images& -he sounds of a snoring man neCt to her brought her ba$?& Tha"3s ?erry, she told herself& 0he >ondered ho> she had gotten to bed the night before and $ouldn<t remember anything after sitting around the fire eating the tra$? rabbit& 0he rubbed her head! then noti$ed that a pat$h of her hair >as sha ed $lose to her s$alp and >ondered ho> it had happened& Creeping out of the $ard"board house! she loo?ed around& Most e eryone >as still sleeping eC$ept La erne! >ho >as hun$hed near the fire >hi$h she had ?ept going >ith the supply of papers and s$raps of >ood that Lerry and some of the others brought to her& 2ora didn<t li?e her be$ause she seemed to be ying for Lerry<s attention& 0he eyed the bottle of pills but de$ided not to ta?e one& 0he tiptoed out of the $amp and made her >ay out of the Condos and into the sub>ay tunnel& ' train approa$hed and she stayed $lose to the >all as it >ent by& 'fter>ard! she >al?ed do>n the length of tra$? to>ard the mouth of the tunnel! being $areful to a oid the third rail! >hi$h $arried the high oltage ele$tri$ity that po>ered the trains& Lerry had told her that he on$e sa> a man ele$tro$ute himself on it& -he man had been drun?! tripped! and landed >ith his eCposed arm on the third rail& -he bottle he had $arried bro?e and the liquid >et his arm& -here had been a sho>er of spar?s! the smell of burning flesh! and then it >as o er& 'll of the mole people had run a>ay& 2o one had e en bothered to go for help& 2ora shuddered and ?ept >al?ing! al>ays a>are of the third rail& 0he tou$hed the sha ed spot on her head again and thought about going ba$? to get a hat to $o er it! but de$ided against it& 7alf an hour later she >as at the entran$e to the tunnel& /t >as morning! and the $ity >as in the grip of rush hour as a pro$ession of $rammed $ommuter trains rushed by her li?e ghostly phantoms from another >orld& 0he >aited for another train to go by! then >al?ed out of the tunnel and s$rambled up the emban?ment that she and Lerry had slid do>n the day before& 0he hopped o er the fen$e and >al?ed through the a$ant lot& 't the smell of ba$on and eggs $oo?ing! her stoma$h gro>led& 0he slipped up the alley and sa> the stray dog that she had named 1oy& -he mangy"loo?ing animal >agged its tail but ?ept its distan$e from her& NCome on! 1oy!N she $alled! as she bent o er trying to $oaC him to her& -he dog!

ho>e er! remained steadfast and >ouldn<t budge& N/< e got stuff to do! 1oy& 0ee you >hen / $ome ba$?! and /<ll bring you somethin<!N she said as she left the alley& 2ora hurried to the par? >here she follo>ed a Eogging trail& 0he ?ept her eyes lo>! a oiding the glan$es of Eoggers >ho mo ed to the other side of the path to stay $lear of her as they ran by& 0he rea$hed the end of the trail and left the par?! hurrying past t>o >inos on a ben$h >ho >ere stirring from sleep& 't +0th 0treet she put her hands in her po$?ets and >al?ed qui$?ly! staying $lose to the buildings& -here >as a $lo$? to>er at the interse$tion! and she glan$ed at the time& Big hand on "he seven, she thought! and she realized that she had better >al? faster or she >as going to miss her opportunity& 0he qui$?ened her pa$e! rounded a $orner! and >al?ed for another half blo$?& '$ross the street >as an apartment building >ith a forest" green $anopy outside the lobby& ' se$urity guard >as stationed in front! >hile a doorman sat on a stool neCt to the door& 2ora >aited for the traffi$ to $lear and then >al?ed a$ross the street& 0he $rept $lose to the building and stopped fifty feet a>ay! then mo ed $loser until she >as behind the guard& N7ello! 2ora!N the guard said in a $heerful oi$e! e en though his ba$? >as turned from her& N7o> did you ?no> / >as hereRN 2ora as?ed! as she s$urried around to the front of the man& -he guard! >ho >as a retired do$?>or?er in his siCties! glan$ed at the $on eC mirrors that >ere pla$ed o erhead in the frame>or? of the $anopy! enabling him to see behind him& N/t<s magi$! 2ora!N he said& NGant a pie$e of gumRN 2ora giggled and held out her hand& -he guard ga e her a pa$? of Lui$y 9ruit! >hi$h she tore open qui$?ly! putting t>o sti$?s in her mouth& NPou be $areful upstairs! and use the ser i$e ele ator!N he said& 2ora nodded& N1ye! Mr& Len?ins!N she $alled! as she hurried around the side of the building do>n the alley to the ser i$e entran$e& -he door >as lo$?ed li?e al>ays! so she fished into her baggy pants and brought her lo$? pi$?s out& 0he sele$ted one and set it into the lo$?& Moments later she >as inside the building& 0he needed another pi$? to a$$ess the ele ator& 0he a$ti ated it! the doors opened! and she entered! pressing the button for the fourteenth floor& -he ele ator stopped at the tenth and a painter entered! pushing a $art filled >ith paint $ans! brushes! and other equipment& 2ora mo ed to the rear of the ele ator& -he doors $losed and it started its as$ent& Fn the ele enth floor it stopped! the doors opened! and he rolled his $art out& Ghen the doors opened on the fourteenth floor 2ora bolted do>n the plush $arpeted hall& 0he stopped at apartment *403 and loo?ed up and do>n the hall! noti$ing the ideo sur eillan$e $ameras on opposite ends of the hall& Bsing her lo$? pi$?s she opened the door and entered the apartment& 0he $losed the door! stood >ith her ba$? against it! and listened to the ti$?ing of an antique grandfather $lo$? a fe> feet a>ay& 7er eyes >andered o er the ri$h Friental $ar"pet that gra$ed the polished hard>ood floors& 'ntique $hairs! an ottoman made of an elephant<s foot! and se eral statues gra$ed the room! gi ing it an e$le$ti$ ri$hness& 2ora sniffed the air! smelling the >arm mustiness of

old boo?s& 0he mo ed a>ay from the door and ran her hand along the boo?$ase that lined one entire >all of the room& -hen she made a beeline for the ?it$hen& Fpening the refrigerator door! she stu$? her head in and began to sample the ariety of $old $uts and $heeses that >ere stuffed into the dra>ers& 0he tossed onto the floor se eral pa$?s of hot dogs! some $heese! and t>o loa es of bread (one of >hi$h she earmar?ed for 1oy)& -hen she turned her attention to the pantry! >here she grabbed numerous $ans of soup! egetables! and beans& Lea ing the ?it$hen! she >al?ed ba$? do>n the hall and opened a linen $loset! >here she grabbed a pillo>$ase& Reentering the ?it$hen! she gathered the food from the floor into the pillo>$ase! and >as about to lea e >hen she noti$ed a bo>l of fruit on the table& 0he >ent o er to it and too? se eral apples& 0he sat do>n! pla$ed them on the table in front of her! and then arranged them in a pattern! that of a $ross& 0he got up! loo?ed at her handi>or?! then thro>ing the plunder o er her shoulder! retra$ed her steps& 's she >as about to lea e the apartment she heard a noise on the other side of the door& -he mail slot opened! and a flood of letters! magazines! and bills fell to the floor& 2ora >aited a moment& 0he put her ear to the door and heard the mailman >al?ing a>ay& 0he then turned her attention to the mail on the floor& 0he sat do>n! $rossed her legs underneath her! gathered the mail! and set it on her lap& 0he started >ith a magazine! Biblical -rcheology Revie , and! not finding anything of mu$h interest! tossed it aside& 0he opened the telephone bill& 0eeing nothing but numbers on the paper! she $rumpled it into a ball and thre> it o er her head behind her& Fne letter in a manila en elope $aught her eye be$ause of the ro> of $olorful stamps& 0he brought it $lose to her and loo?ed at the stamps! slo>ly sounding out the >ord! N/t & & & a & & & ly&N 0he s$rat$hed at the $orner of one of the stamps! hoping to peel it off so she $ould sho> Lerry ba$? at the Condos& -he stamp >ouldn<t budge& 's she turned the en elope! she felt something hard inside and began to >onder >hat it >as& 0he pressed her dirty fingers against it and tra$ed the outline of it& 0he loo?ed around to ma?e sure no one >as >at$hing and then she tore the en elope open and! bringing it $lose to her fa$e! peered into it& 0he >as disappointed& 0he rea$hed in! too? out the bla$? square thing of plasti$! and stared at it& -hen she loo?ed again at the pretty stamps and >ondered to herself >hy there >as nothing fun inside& 0he turned the en elope upside do>n! and a folded letter fell to the floor! >hi$h she ignored& 0he then put the plasti$ thing ba$? into the en elope and! folding it in half! stuffed it into the po$?et that she ?ept her lo$? pi$?s in& -hen she got to her feet! pi$?ed up the bag >ith the food! and opened the door& Nobody, and "ha"3s good, she thought! as she peered do>n both >ays of the $orridor& 0he $rept out! $losed the door behind her! and ran to the ser i$e ele ator& Ghen it arri ed she hurried into it and pressed the NLN button o er and o er again until the doors finally $losed& -he ele ator lur$hed as it began its des$ent! and a fe> moments later it opened& 2ora got out! and at the entran$e to the ser i$e alley she >aited until Mr& Len?ins! the se$urity guard! had his ba$? turned& -hen she darted from the alley! una>are that Len?ins sa> her in the ideo monitor! and >as $hu$?ling to himself at that ery moment&


The MaEor hun$hed o

er his des? in his pri ate offi$e! deep underground in -el ' i & 7e rubbed at the $orners of his mouth >ith his fingers and spo?e into the phone that >as $radled bet>een his head and shoulder& N're you sure our ro$?ets ?illed e eryone in the $arRN NPes! sir! / am& Ge ha e $onfirmed it&N N%o the /ranians ?no> >hat has happenedRN N-hey ha e ne>s indire$tly& 1ut he shouldn<t ha e been in the $ar in the first pla$e&N NPes & & & yes &&& that is true! but it doesn<t $hange the fa$t that he as in the $ar and that he is no> dead&N 'nother phone rang& N7old on for a momentQ it<s the red line&N -he MaEor put do>n the re$ei er and pi$?ed up the red phone& NMaEor! this is the prime minister& / ha e ery disturbing ne>s& 7a e you heardR /29 for$es ha e ?illed an /ranian $leri$&N N/ ?no>! / am on the phone >ith our intel!N the MaEor replied& NPes! but do you ?no> >ho this $leri$ isRN the prime minister as?ed& N7e >as the number"t>o man in line neCt to their prime minister& 7e Eust re$ently $ame into prominen$e&N NGhat >as he doing here illegallyRN NGe don<t ?no>N N-he stri?e >as supposed to be on 7amas leadership in retaliation for the sui$ide bombing outside Mossad head"quarters a fe> days ago& Pou ?no> about our poli$y to eliminate their leadership& -he $leri$ >as in the >rong pla$e at the >rong time& Ghat are the /ranians sayingRN the MaEor as?ed& N-heir ambassador is li id! and there is tal? of unrestrained retaliation& / >ant you to drop e erything until >e<re out of the danger zone&N NPes! sir!N the MaEor replied! and the red phone line >ent dead& -he MaEor pi$?ed up the other phone& N-he prime minister said that the /ranians ?no> about >hat happened&N N-his might be the eC$use they ha e been loo?ing for to stri?e us&N -he MaEor thought a moment then said! N%ouble the patrols on the borders and put the reser es on standby&N 7e hung up the phone then opened the top dra>er of his des?& 7e pulled out a bottle of 2o"%oze and popped se eral of the pills into his mouth& !" is going "o be a long nigh"%%% a very long nigh"%


/itzpatri$? sat at the $onferen$e table >ith the $opy of the s$roll he had re$ei

ed from the 7ag in front of him& NGellRN Mary pressed! as she leaned $loser to the table to get a better loo? at the s$roll& 9itzpatri$? >anted to ignore her! but glan$ed in her dire$tion and ga e the briefest of smiles& N/< e ne er seen any"thing li?e it& 7ere<s the strange part& -he symbols don<t lin? >ith any of the an$ient 0emiti$ languages! li?e 0umerian or Chaldean& /t<s li?e they<re from an entirely ne> rootsto$?! a ne> language&N NCan you de$ipher itRN Loy$e as?ed& 9itzpatri$? shrugged& NGith enough $omputer time any"thing<s possible&N 7e turned to @innie& N7o> fast $an you load this inRN @innie toyed >ith the stubble on his po$?mar?ed fa$e! too? a bite of a donut! and mumbled! NMaybe an hour or t>o&N NKood!N 9itzpatri$? said& NLet<s get going on it! then&N NGhere did the 7ag get thisRN Mary as?ed& 9itzpatri$? shrugged& N/ don<t ?no>! but he thin?s that it<s important enough to get me do>n here after a three"day stint&N N2o mer$y!N Mary ?idded& N2one!N 9itzpatri$? agreed& Za$h! the group<s statisti$ian! tapped his e er"present me$hani$al pen$il against a >orn $lipboard& N/< e finished the $al$s you as?ed for! 9itz&N < 'nything of interestRN N Ghat $al$sRN Mary inquired& N-he probability that prophe$ies from different $ultures! >ritten in different $enturies from di erse religious and ethni$ $ultures! >ould someho> do etail together into >hat appears to be an Wend"of"the">orld"as">e"?no>"it< s$enario&N Mary nodded slo>ly& NCan you repeat thatRN 9itzpatri$? $hu$?led& N-hat<s quite a mouthful! Za$h& 0o >hat do you ha eRN N -he 2ati e 'meri$an 7opi /ndians belie e that it hap"pens during >hat they $all the 2inth 0ign& 'pparently the other eight ha e already happened! so >e<re in the time frame for it to happen no>& 'ny>ay! the 2inth 0ign tal?s of a d>elling pla$e in the hea ens that falls >ith a great $rash& /<m thin?ing the 0pa$e 0tation here&N 7e paused a moment! thumbing through the notes on his $lipboard! then began again& N-he Mayans gi e 20*2 as the date! and pinpoint it to $oin$ide >ith the >inter solsti$e& /n the year *,*4 #ope Leo /a said it >ould be another fi e hundred years! so that ma?es it 20*,8$lose to the Mayans< date&N N -hat<s only a de$ade a>ay! and /<m not e en married yet!N Mary remar?ed! glan$ing at 9itzpatri$?& Za$h ignored her& N9ather Mala$hy! a priest li ing in the t>elfth $entury! predi$ted all

of the popes in su$$ession until the end of the >orld&N N Pes! after this $urrent pope! / belie e >e ha e one left to go!N 9itzpatri$? replied& Za$h tapped his $lipboard& N:Ca$tly& 'nd that puts Mala$hy<s predi$tion ery $lose to the others / Eust mentioned& -he point is! >e ha e no $ollusion bet>een these people! and yet their predi$tions $on erge ery $lose in the time line& -hey all predi$t that something is going to happen! and don<t set your >at$h by it! but it loo?s li?e it may happensoon& 1y the >ay! >e may be loo?ing at the last in the line of 9ather Mala$hy<s popes& @innie pi$?ed up something earlier about the pope ha ing a stro?e&N 9itzpatri$? raised his eyebro>s& NReally! did he $he$? into it furtherRN Za$h shoo? his head& N-hat<s a big W/ don<t ?no>&< / >as up to my $erebral $orteC >ith this!N and he tapped his $lipboard& N1a$? to >hat you >ere saying!N 9itzpatri$? began again& NGhat are the $al$s of any of this happening anytime soon && & as far as you $an ma?e them outRN N/t<s off the $harts& -ry a number >ith about siCty zeroes after it& /t $ould happen at any moment&N N-hat<s sobering!N Loy$e said! under her breath& N-he end of the >orld is on our doorstep and / ha en<t started my Christmas shopping!N Mary Eo?ed& -he rest of the group remained silent! stunned by the sudden possible reality of >hat had only seemed li?e a ague! entertaining theory& NMaybe these seers! prophets! $ould someho> see through time!N 9itzpatri$? suggested& N-hey all tapped into the same e ent! but be$ause of their di erse ba$?grounds they ie>ed the same e ent in different >ays! filtered by their o>n >orld ie>&N Za$h shrugged& NGho ?no>s& 'ny>ay &&& /<ll gi e you the data after / load it all into the 1east and run the $al$s on it& 1ut it<s my gut feeling that >e<ll soon mo e the $lo$? to midnight&N -he 1east >as a super$omputer that had been espe$ially $onstru$ted for the -an?& /t >as lin?ed to all the maEor ne>s ser i$es so that as the day<s e ents unfolded! information >ould be sorted! analyzed! and then fa$tored into the miC& -he .iA >as the end result of all the data8spe$ifi$ally! ho> the e ents of the >orld >ould miC together to rea$h a $limaC! or! in other >ords! a li?ely end"of"the">orld s$enario& Ghen 9itzpatri$? had begun >or? at the -an?! the doomsday $lo$? had been set at t>enty minutes before midnight& Gith the ongoing tension in the Middle :ast! the instability of the former 0o iet Bnion! $i il unrest in many 'fri$an nations! the /raqi >ar! 2orth Morean nu$lear $apability! the ongoing /sraeli.#alestinian $onfli$t! and random a$ts of iolen$e by terrorists! the doomsday $lo$? had mo ed so it >as Eust ten minutes before midnight& NPeah! it should be interesting to see ho> it affe$ts the miC!N 9itzpatri$? replied& N-he 7ag >ill be ery interested in this!N Mary added& N0pea?ing of >hi$h! Mary told me that the 7ag in ited you to the gala!N Za$h said! as he >al?ed ba$?>ard a>ay from 9itzpatri$?& N-he 7agN >as the name that thin?"tan? members used to refer to their boss& -his negati e nom"de"plume >as besto>ed on the man due to se eral fa$tors! the least of >hi$h >as his horrifi$"smelling breath and li er spots that blot$hed the man<s fa$e! >hi$h he tried to hide >ith thi$? ma?eup& 9itzpatri$? nodded& N' first! / assure you&N N/ heard they get really >ild!N Za$h remar?ed! and he turned and >al?ed a>ay! not >aiting for an ans>er& 9itzpatri$? >ondered about the 7ag! the man >ho >as hosting the gala& ;hy o'ld

he invi"e .e8 ;ha" does he an"8 he thought& 7e >al?ed to>ard his des? and slid the Lapanese 0hoEi s$reen in pla$e for a modi$um of pri a$y& -a?ing a seat at his $omputer! he logged on using a ery elaborate pass>ord& 7is $omputer! li?e the others in the -an?! >or?ed on multile els of se$urity& Fne pass>ord allo>ed him a$$ess to the main"frame of the $omputer! but no farther& 'nother allo>ed him to na igate the Geb! another allo>ed sear$hes of go ernment files& -here >ere layers and layers of top"se$ret files! a >orld >ithin a >orld& 9itzpatri$? typed in a $ommand! and then authorization $odes allo>ing him a$$ess to se$ret go ernment files from *+40 to the present& 7e typed in the date *+4, and began to loo? at ery old bla$?"and">hite photographs of some of the 2azi hierar$hy& 2eCt to the pi$tures he found entries li?e 5eceased B9CD% <o'nd g'il"y a" "he N're.berg "rials and sen"enced "o dea"h% Believed "o have escaped "o +o'"h -.erica% &as" seen in -rgen"ina circa B9E5% 7e >as loo?ing for his boss8Golfgang @on 0$h erdt! the 7ag& 9itzpatri$? had been some>hat relu$tant at first to in estigate his employer& 1ut o er the months he had a gro>ing feeling that something >asn<t right& 7e $ouldn<t arti$ulate >hat it >as! but the feeling made him uneasy& ' de$ade earlier! he might ha e used religious terms to define that feeling! but he had abandoned his Christian& >orld ie> as being too dogmati$ and narro>& 7e no> embra$ed a potpourri of spirituality! belie ing all religions >ere! in fa$t! based on a synthesis of uni ersal truth& 7is ability to study and read an$ient do$uments had opened his eyes to >hat he had termed N-he Bni ersal -ruth of Man&N Kone >as his former dogmati$ thin?ing that a 0a ior! Lesus of 2azareth! >as the only >ay to sal ation& 7e had $ome to realize that through the ages human?ind had been gi en information& 7is resear$h had led him step"by"step to the unmista?able $on$lusion that there >as a for$e that seemed to meddle in the affairs of men& -his for$e had manifested itself in the li?es of 1uddha! Muhammed! and Mrishna& Fther manifestations >ere obs$ure! li ing in remote areas of the globe >ith only a small band of de otees& Pet! in$redibly! they all seemed to say the ery same thing: that Kod >as >ithin ea$h of us& 'll human?ind needed to do >as to someho> ma?e the lin? that >e >ere all! in fa$t! di ine& : en the >ords of Lesus e$hoed the ery same thing! didn<t theyR -hat Nthe Mingdom of Kod >as >ithin youN and Nyou >ill do greater >or?s than /NR 0upporting do$uments had $ome to light in the t>entieth $entury! su$h as the obs$ure manus$ript The Gospel o, Fn$e suppressed by the $hur$h! it >as no> being read by the $ommon man! $ausing the dogma and do$trines of all religions to be questioned& 7e felt that he >as $harting a $osmi$ diale$ti$! >here the $onfli$t of religious di ersity >as about to be resol ed in a synthesis8that synthesis being a ne> one">orld religion& 7e had put the pie$es together and published an arti$le through the uni ersity >here he had been employed at the time& 9rom that one arti$le he had been $onta$ted by the 7ag himself! and landed the head position in the -an?& 1ut after a year he >ondered >hat ends his talents >ere ser ing! >hi$h had gi en him the impetus to start his o>n in estigation on his enigmati$ employer & & & the 7ag& 9itzpatri$? had been able to pla$e the 7ag in Kermany during Gorld Gar //! but as of yet he had been unable to find any dire$t lin? >ith the 2azi party& 7e s$rolled do>n through another list of 2azis& 7e eCamined their fa$es! reading the $omments posted! and then! >hen he >as $ertain that there >as no resemblan$e! or that the person he >as loo?ing at didn<t quite fit the bill! he >ould note the entry! delete it from his database! and

mo e on to the neCt& -here had been se eral hits >here the 7ag might ha e been the man pi$tured& 9itzpatri$? had the fa$e aged! using the latest $omputer"imaging pro$ess! but so far his hunt had turned up nothing& 7o>e er! se eral days ago he had stumbled onto something that had $aught his attention& 7e had been loo?ing at Kerman s$ientists! >ho! after the >ar! be$ame in ol ed in the Bnited 0tates spa$e program& 7e realized that although one set of re$ords sho>ed that the men had been in ol ed in the death $amps! a later one seemed to ha e any su$h indi$ation of heinous a$ts remo ed from the files& 7e had $ross" $he$?ed his information se eral times! and noti$ed that on the top of the page t>o >ords had been typed: paper clip% 't first he had >ondered >hat it $ould mean! but after a brief sear$h he dis$o ered that the files of 2azis that had been differentiated >ith the $ode >ord paper clip had been integrated into the 'meri$an s$ientifi$ $ommunity& 0o no> 9itzpatri$? narro>ed his sear$h to the paper"$lip 2azis only! assuming that the 7ag had been a 2azi! >hi$h 9itzpatri$? >as in$lined to thin? he >as& -he telephone rang and 9itzpatri$? pi$?ed it up& N9itzpatri$? here!N he replied! as he $radled the phone >ith his $hin against his shoulder& 7is attention >as still on the s$reen and he had s$rolled do>n to the neCt name on the list& N7i! 9itz! it<s Mary&N 9itzpatri$? too? his hands off the ?eyboard& NGhat<s the s$uttlebuttRN N're you going to go to the 7ag<s party or are you $alling in si$? at the last minuteRN she as?ed& -here >as no mista?ing the flirtatious o ertones in her oi$e& N%o / ha e a $hoi$e hereRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed as his eyes flashed ba$? to the s$reen& N/ thought maybe >e $ould go together!N Mary suggested& 7a ing been a %omini$an priest! he had missed the basi$ rudiments of dating! so he >as ta?en aba$? by the >oman<s for>ardness& NGell! uh &&&N Mary interrupted! N-he 7ag is sending a $ar for me& / $ould pi$? you up&N @innie popped his head o er the 0hoEi s$reen& N9itz & & & the pope<s dead& /t<s offi$ial&N NMary! the pope Eust died& Meet me at the $onferen$e table!N and he hung up! glad to be off the hoo?& N/t<s offi$ial!N @innie started again as 9itzpatri$? got out from behind his des?& N/ mean! it<s offi$ial to us! but the media hasn<t gotten the intel yet&N NGhen is it supposed to brea?RN @innie loo?ed at his >at$h& NLess than half an hour&N 9itzpatri$? thought a moment& NKi e me a minute and /<ll meet you all at the table&N NKot it!N @innie $himed! and his head disappeared& 9itzpatri$? too? one last loo? at the 2azis on the s$reen of his $omputer! earmar?ing the file so that later he $ould return to the same spot and rene> his sear$h& 9ollo>ing the lin?s out of the database! he se$ured his terminal& ' moment later his s$reen sa er8an an$ient 0yria$ manus$ript8appeared! and 9itzpatri$? left his des?&

Nora tried to thro> the pillo> sa$? o
er the $hain"lin? fen$e that fen$ed in the a$ant lot at the end of the alley! but it >as too hea y for her and boun$ed off the fen$e ba$? at her& 0he tried again but met >ith the same results& -hen she remembered seeing a fe> dis$arded tires a little >ays ba$? do>n the path& 0he loo?ed around! ma?ing sure no one else >as near! and left the sa$? by the fen$e! then hurried do>n the path to >here the tires >ere& 0ele$ting one! she pi$?ed it up& /t >as filled >ith >ater and some of it splashed out and got her pants >et& 0he dropped it and pi$?ed up one end! allo>ing the rest of the >ater to drain& 0he heard a dog bar? and sa> 1oy at the end of the alley">ay! >agging his tail& <'ll right! 1oy! / got somethin< for ya! all right!N 2ora said! and she >ent o er to the sa$? and brought out the pa$?age of bread! opened it! and too? out a sli$e& 0he held it out in front of her& NCome and get it! 1oy!N she $oaCed& -he dog lay do>n! >agged his tail! and mo ed a foot or t>o to>ards her& NCome on! 1oy! you $an do it!N she said again& 1oy bar?ed at her and ?ept his tail >agging and mo ed another foot& 9inally! 2ora ga e up and thre> the bread at him& -he dog fielded it in his mouth and >as ba$? do>n the alley and out of sight in an instant& 0he >ent ba$? to the tire and pi$?ed it up again! rolling it do>n the path to the fen$e >here she propped it up against it! using it as a ma?eshift stepladder& 0he grabbed her sa$? and got up on the tire& /t ga e her the added height she needed to get the sa$? o er the top of the $hain lin?& 0he then s$rambled o er the top! snat$hed the sa$? up! and headed for the Condos& 't the entran$e of the sub>ay tunnel she stopped and listened as she let her eyes adEust to the dar?& -he sound of a train in the distan$e e$hoed eerily! and she $ould feel the slight trembling of the earth as it approa$hed& Ma?ing her >ay o er to the side of the tunnel! she ?ept >al?ing& ' minute later the train passed& 0he loo?ed at the $ommuters! in the brightly lit $ars that flashed by! li?e a ghostly intrusion& -urning into a $onne$ting tunnel she sa> someone $oming to>ard her& 0he held the hea y pillo>$ase tightly! ready to use it to fend off anyone >ho >ould try to ta?e it& ' fe> steps later! 2ora realized that it >as a >oman! and relaCed& 's she got $loser! she re$ognized Lizzie! a hea yset older >oman >ho didn<t li e in the Condos but had set up house nearby on a utility platform abo e the tra$?s& N7ey! Lizzie! that youRN 2ora $alled& Lizzie shuffled a fe> steps& 2ora heard the >oman $lear her throat& NGho >ants to ?no>RN a gra elly oi$e ans>ered& N/t<s me! 2ora&N N7ey! s>eetie! ho> you doin<!N Lizzie $alled ba$?& NPou goin< outRN 2ora as?ed& NPeah! / need some things& Can<t remember the last time / ate&N

2ora set her pillo>$ase do>n and opened it& NGant some of this stuffRN 0he too? out se eral of the $anned foods& Lizzie<s fa$e lit up& NPou gonna let me ha e <emRN N/ got plenty& Pou go <head and ta?e <em&N 'nd she slid the $ans o er to her on the $on$rete >al?>ay& Lizzie set do>n a >eather">orn shopping bag from 2ord"5troms! stuffed >ith useless mis$ellaneous items& 2ora loo?ed at Lizzie<s s>ollen dirty feet tu$?ed into bedroom slippers& -he heels >ere bloodied! and se eral toes sho>ed through the fabri$& N7o> you feelin<! LizzieRN Lizzie slo>ly bent o er and eCamined one of the $ans& NFh! yams! / lo e <em!N she said! and her smile re ealed missing teeth and bla$?ened gums& Lizzie pi$?ed the other $an up and loo?ed at the label& NKreen beans & & &N 0he loo?ed at 2ora >ith a dreamy eCpression& NGhen / >as a little girl! #appy >ould ma?e a gar"den in the summer and plant $orn an< tomatoes an< squash an< green beans! Eust li?e this& /<d go out in the e ening an< pi$? a handful an< Eust stand there at the edge of the garden! staring at the sun as it >as going do>n behind the trees at the end of the field& /<d loo? right into it as / shelled them beans and $he>ed <ern& My momma >ould see me starin< at the sun and she<d yell from the por$h! WLizzie! you gonna go blind if you ?eep doin< that&N< Lizzie stopped a moment and began to laugh! >hi$h e ol ed into a >heezing $ough& 0he $lut$hed her hand to her $hest! spat on the tra$?s! then $ontinued! N/<d yell ba$?! W/t<s all right! Momma! sun<s not so bright! /<m goin< to be fine&N 2ora >aited for the >oman to go on >ith the story! but she sa> moisture gather in the $orner of her eyes& NPou gonna $oo? those beans and eat <em as soon as you get home and that<s gonna ma?e you feel better! Lizzie!N 2ora offered& N/<ll >al? you ba$?&N Lizzie sighed and pi$?ed up her bag! and the t>o >omen started to >al? do>n the tunnel& NPou shouldn<t stay do>n here! 2ora!N Lizzie said! after they had >al?ed a >ays& N-his pla$e isn<t for you& Pou $an ma?e a go of it up there if you >ant to&N 2ora loo?ed at the >oman but remained silent& N/<m all used up and bro?en do>n! and / ain<t got no pla$e to go! but you! you<re still young enough to ma?e it all happen for you& Lust ha e to stay a>ay from the pimps and drugs! that<s all& :ither one of <em >ill >re$? your life! and / should ?no> be$ause that<s >hy /<m here&N NPou did that stuff &&& >ith the pimps and allRN Lizzie nodded& N/ $ame here right out of high s$hool& / >as tired of the little to>n in Gest @irginia / gre> up in& %idn<t ?no> beans about the big $ity& Gasn<t too long before / ran out of money and got do>n and out& -he neCt thing / ?ne>! some man offered me money for & & &N 0he paused a moment& NPou ?no>! the first time >as hard and / $ried after& 1ut after a >hile / got used to it& -hen $ame the drugs& 1ut! 2ora! you gotta ?no> that it ta?es your soul right out of your body& -hat<s >hat all of it does& /t ma?es you empty and ashamed and you need more of the drugs to ?eep you goin<& 'nd then one day you >a?e up and the men don<t >ant you no more be$ause you<re old& #retty soon the money<s gone and so has ten years of your life& / boun$ed aroun< for a >hile& %id a >aitress Eob& #ar?ed $ars! >or?ed in a gro$ery store& 1ut / didn<t stay too long at any of

<em! and one thing led to another& ' person has to sleep some>here & & & so here / am& 1ut! 2ora! you don<t ha e to be li?e me& 1etter get out no> >hile you $an& Pou ?no> 1ig LimRN 2ora nodded! thin?ing of a huge bla$? man that li ed in the tunnel belo> the Condos& N7e ain<t been out for years no>& 0ays he don<t e er >ant to again& 7e<s gi en up on goin< ba$? to the >orld of the light& 7e >ants the dar?ness and that<s the end of it for him& -hat<s >hat happens >hen you stay do>n here too long! 2ora&N N1ut you go out! Lizzie!N 2ora reminded the older >oman& NFnly >hen / has to& 'nd it happens less and less&N 0he had another $oughing fit and spat on the tra$?s again& NPou gotta promise me! 2ora! that you<re gonna get out of here&N 2ora >as silent& N#romise of Lizzie&N 2ora still didn<t ans>er and the t>o >al?ed a >hile in silen$e& -he sound of Lizzie<s shuffling feet! amplified by the tunnel! sounded li?e a sno> sho el s$raping on a dri e>ay& NLet<s ha e a smo?ie!N Lizzie said! and >ithout >aiting for an ans>er she stopped and leaned against the tunnel >all& -he >oman fished into her 2ordstroms bag and too? out a smaller! greasy bro>n bag& 0he opened it and pulled out a pa$?age of toba$$o and some rolling papers& 7olding one of the papers in one hand! she sprin?led the toba$$o so that it filled the paper e enly& -hen she rolled it bet>een the thumb and indeC fingers of both hands and finally sealed it >ith a li$? of her tongue& 0he handed it to 2ora! >ho too? it! and she repeated the pro$ess& -hen she rea$hed into the greasy bag again and brought out some >ooden mat$hes& 0he stru$? one on the >all of the tunnel! lit her $igarette! and then lit 2ora<s& -he >omen started >al?ing again& 2ora too? a puff but didn<t inhale& 0he didn<t li?e the taste but didn<t >ant to seem ungrateful to Lizzie& 0he ?ne> that mole people used $igarettes as a barter system! and this >as Lizzie<s >ay of ma?ing the s$ore some>hat e en for the $ans of food that 2ora had gi en her& -he end of Lizzie<s $igarette glo>ed as the >oman inhaled deeply& N-hese things are gonna ?ill me& / Eust ?no> it!N she said& N1ut maybe that ain<t su$h a bad thing&N 1efore 2ora $ould ans>er! they heard a loud moaning $oming from ahead of them& NGhat<s thatRN 2ora as?ed& N 0ounds li?e somebody<s hurt!N Lizzie ans>ered& NMight be a tri$? or something!N 2ora suggested& -hey heard the moaning again! and then after>ard a >himper& N0ounds li?e he<s s$ared&N Lizzie said& N-hin? you ?no> >ho it isRN 2ora as?ed! ?no>ing that Lizzie ?ne> Eust about e erybody in the tunnels& NCan<t ma?e it out Eust yet& Let<s get $loser and see&N -he >omen >al?ed to>ard >here they thought the sound >as $oming from& NGho<s up thereRN Lizzie $alled out! >hen they rea$hed the pla$e >here they thought they had heard the sound& /t >as a shelf not$hed into the >all and >as used as a $onne$tion pla$e for the hundreds of >ires and pipes that ran through the tunnel system& N0omeone<s under a blan?et there!N Lizzie said! as they rea$hed the spot& N7ey! you all rightRN she $alled&

-hey >aited a moment and then from under the blan?et they heard another >himper follo>ed by a thin raspy oi$e& NLizzieRN N/ thin? it<s Rastaman!N Lizzie said to 2ora& NRastamanR -hat youRN Lizzie $alled out& -he blan?et began to mo e and a head >ith hair matted into dar? dreadlo$?s appeared& NPa! Lizzie! it<s me! Rastaman&N 7e sat up and pulled the blan?et o er himself& NGhat happened to youRN Lizzie as?ed! as she del ed into her bag and produ$ed a $andle! >hi$h she set on the ledge& 2ora pulled out her lighter and lit it! then blin?ed her eyes a fe> times to get used to the light& 0he loo?ed up at Rastaman& 7e >as a tall! thin" as"a"rail bla$? man from Lamai$a >ho >as addi$ted to heroin& /n re$ent months he had be$ome si$?! and 2ora and the others had spe$ulated that he might ha e got"ten '/%0 from using infe$ted needles& Rastaman ro$?ed ba$? and forth on his haun$hes& N0ome"tin< got to me! mon! do>n there& 1urn my fa$e half off&N 7e nodded his head in the dire$tion belo> him! indi$ating that >hate er had happened had been in one of the lo>er tunnels& N7is fa$e!N 2ora said& N/t<s all red&N Lizzie pi$?ed up the $andle and held it out in front of her& NPeah! $riminey! he<s burnt or something!N Lizzie agreed& N0ome ?in< of monster did dis to me&N 7e groaned again& NPou better $ome >ith us to the Condos!N Lizzie suggested& N-he Mayor needs to ?no> about this& /t might not be safe for any of us until >e ?no> >ho did this&N 2ora agreed& NPeah! Rastaman! the Mayor >ill ?no> >hat to do& 7e<ll prote$t you&N N/ ne er get a long >it< da Mayor & & & he run me out! >hen he tin? / got da '/%0! mon&N NPou better $ome any>ay& -he Mayor needs to ?no>!N Lizzie said& N-here<s sometin< $omin< up from da deep pla$es in da earth&N 2ora shi ered! as her mind $onEured up some unearthly phantom lur?ing in the dar?& NCome do>n from there! Rastaman& Pou $ome >ith 2ora and me!N Lizzie ordered& 2ora >at$hed Rastaman pull the blan?et around his fa$e as if by doing so maybe they >ould go a>ay and lea e him alone& NCome on!N Lizzie $oaCed! Nyou $an<t stay out here by yourself& -hat burn<s got to be $ared for&N NPou right! Lizzie! but da Mayor! no li?e me mu$h& 0till! / got to do sometinNbout this!N and he pointed to his fa$e& Rastaman mo ed to the edge and lo>ered himself to the $on$rete >al?>ay& 7e >as taller than 2ora by at least a foot! and his dreadlo$?s hung do>n to his elbo>s& 2ora ble> out the $andle and handed it to Lizzie! >ho tu$?ed it safely a>ay in her bag& -hen the t>o >omen got on either side of Rastaman! and the three of them slo>ly began the >al? to the Condos& NPou gonna be all right! Rastaman!N Lizzie mumbled as she shuffled along& NPeah!N 2ora se$onded! Nyou<re gonna be all right&N

1en7assen sat in the MaEor<s offi$e at Mossad head"quarters in Lerusalem& NGhat about the %2' testingRN he as?ed& :lisha noti$ed the dar? $ir$les under the man<s eyes& N/t >as $onfirmed& 7e >as the /ranian $leri$& Ge< e offered our sin$erest apologies&N NPes! but this has stirred up a hornets< nest of hatred throughout the 'rab >orld&N -he MaEor rubbed the stubble on his $hin& NGe< e $losed the borders& Fn top of that! there >as a nasty s?irmish on the Lebanese border& Ge lost almost a dozen men& /t seems that the 7ezbollah >ere probing our defenses&N N%o you thin? they<re going to laun$h a full"s$ale in asion li?e in *+5,RN :lisha as?ed& -he MaEor shrugged& -he phone rang and the MaEor pi$?ed it up& :lisha >aited& -he MaEor su$?ed in his breath! and the $olor drained from his fa$e as he slo>ly put do>n the re$ei er& NGhat is itRN N-he prime minister has had a massi e heart atta$?& 7e isn<t eCpe$ted to re$o er&N N%oes the press ?no>RN N2ot yet &&& but they $an<t ?eep this hushed for ery long&N :lisha fro>ned and loo?ed at his old friend& N-he 'rabs >ill per$ei e this as the >ill of 'llah for ?illing the $leri$&N NPes! and they may also interpret it as a sign to atta$?& Ge should go to the >ar room&N :lisha got up from his $hair& N/<ll $all Bri! and /<ll meet you there&N -he MaEor nodded& :lisha left the room and headed do>n the hall>ay& 7e suddenly felt ery old&


I" >as half past four in the morning >hen 1rian 9itzpatri$?<s pri ate $ar dropped him off in front of his building& N7ello! sir!N the doorman greeted him as he opened the door to the building& NPour apartment had a isitor today&N ' >eary 9itzpatri$? nodded and made his >ay up the ele ator and do>n the hall to his apartment& 7e opened the door and s>it$hed on the light& -he first thing he noti$ed >as the mess of opened letters stre>n about at his feet& !3. "oo "ired "o deal i"h "his no , he thought as he made his >ay to the bedroom& Fn the >ay he noti$ed another mess in the ?it$hen! >here $ans of food and a fe> >ilted egetables lay on the floor& 'nd on the hall>ay floor by the linen $loset! to>els >ere piled in a dishe eled heap& -" leas" "he bedroo. is 'n"o'ched% 7e pressed a series of numbers on the digital se$urity lo$? pad on the door to his bedroom! >hi$h unli?e other lo$?s! $ouldn<t be pi$?ed& 7e >anted one room in the apartment >here his personal items! letters! resear$h material! and rare boo?s >ould remain sa$rosan$t& 'n inner san$tum! safe from prying eyes and eager hands& 7e >ent in! $losed and lo$?ed the door! and undressed and $ra>led into bed& 't +:30 he >as a>a?ened by the digital beeping alarm on his >at$h& 7e $limbed out of bed and headed to the sho>er& 'fter putting the linens and to>els that littered the floor ba$? in their appropriate pla$es! he sho>ered! then dressed in a $lean set of running s>eats! although he >asn<t planning on a run until later in the day& /n the ?it$hen! as he >aited for his $offee to bre>! he began to straighten up the mess& 7e noti$ed the arrangement of fruit on the table in the shape of a $ross& 7e stared at it a moment! then gathered the fruit and put it ba$? in the bas?et& 7e >ent to the li ing room! turned on the -@! and fli$?ed through a fe> $hannels& =very lens is on "he dea"h o, "he pope, he thought! as he ping"ponged bet>een the 9oC 2e>s $hannel and C22& 7e stared at the images fli$?ing on the s$reen& 0hots of @ati$an City! then 0aint #eter<s 1asili$a! then to a group of $ardinals! then to a multitude gathered in 0aint #eter<s 0quare& 'lready the pro$ess had begun to $hoose the su$$essor& 9itzpatri$?<s mind >hirled& Gas this the time of the bla$? pope! the one that the prophe$y has indi$ated! signaling the end of timeR 1ut >hat if the prophe$y >as >rongR Ghat if this >as another of the $ountless predi$tions that had failed in the pastR 7e refle$ted on se eral doomsday s$enarios that had $ome up short& 1ishop Kregory of -ours had predi$ted in ,+4 that the end >ould $ome bet>een 6++ and 405& 7e >as >rong& /n the fourteenth $entury! 0t& @in$ent 9errer set /taly! 0pain! 9ran$e! and :ngland to trembling >ith his predi$tions of the 'nti$hrist and the Last Ludgment& 7e too had been >rong& 7e paused a moment and rubbed his forehead& 7e ?ne> too mu$h! and >hat he ?ne> he found impossible to re$on$ile! to hold together! and to put in a semblan$e of order& 5oes so.e"hing eAis" "ha" is o'"side "he space:"i.e con"in''. %% % so.e"hing people call and label God8 +o.e"hing "ha" /no s "he end ,ro. "he beginning and "he beginning ,ro.

"he end8 7r as i" all "he i.personal .'sings o, a cos.ic conscio'sness8 9itzpatri$? pi$?ed himself up from the sofa and >ent to the mail slot! >here he gathered up the opened letters and bills and $arried them to the master bedroom& -he room >as spa$ious! almost a suite unto itself& 1efore he had mo ed in! he had hired a $ontra$tor to build t>o"sided boo?$ases >hi$h doubly ser ed as >alls and partitions for an area >ith a large pi$ture >indo> that loo?ed do>n on Central #ar?& 7e had pur$hased the to>nhouse for the ie>& ' forest of trees stret$hed belo> him& -he lea es >ere no> at the pea? of fall $olors: reds from maple trees! the yello> lea es of poplars and bir$hes! the oa?s turning bro>n! all miCed together! $reating a li ing portrait that dazzled his eyes& 7is des? >as in front of the >indo>! and behind it the $ustom shel ing housed a $olle$tion of boo?s& 7e eased himself into his $hair and loo?ed at the trees for a moment! then began to go through his mail& 0omething $aught his eye8a folded letter that he $ouldn<t mat$h up >ith an en elope& 7e opened it! sa> the seal of the @ati$an! and began to read the letter& My %ear 9itzpatri$?! /f you are reading this it $an only mean one thing: that / ha e died of natural $auses or! still >orse! su$$umbed to some e il deed of foul play& / pray to our Lord! in his mer$y! it >ill be the former& -here is not a day that goes by that / don<t thin? of you! and you must realize that / ?eep you in my prayers& -he tas? that >as gi en to us by 7is 7oliness! as of this >riting! has progressed in spite of your lea ing& 1ut / must admit to you! it >as ery hard going >ithout you! and finding a repla$ement has been impossible& / ha e been dra>n deeper into things that >e first del ed into8some of >hi$h ma?e my soul shudder& Ghat / ha e dis$o ered is almost too fantasti$! and / find that in terms of human understanding! it is almost too mu$h for me& / belie e / ha e un$o ered the identity of the man >ho is named in the holy 0$riptures the 'nti$hrist& /t is! as / ha e already stated! almost too fantasti$ to belie e8that >e $ould be at the end of days and that the 'nti$hrist $ould manifest himself and usher in the time of $haos& 1ut >hat is equally unsettling is that / ha e dis$o ered a net>or? of men and >omen >ho ha e $ommitted their li es to this man& Gho ha e helped prepare the >ay for him and are >illing! as in$redible as it seems! to lay do>n their li es for him& / >ould go into this no> in great detail! but / ha e en$losed a dis?! and it $ontains names and institutions that / belie e to be lin?ed together in an unholy fraternity& -here are people in high pla$es! >ealthy industrialists! heads of state! and! sadly! $hur$h offi$ials8se eral of >hom ha e a$$ess to 7is 7oliness& / ha e ta?en it upon myself to update the dis? on a bi>ee?ly basis so that you >ill ha e the most re$ent information& /t is all here! but / must >arn you that >hat it $ontains is eCplosi e& -here are those >ho >ould ?ill to ?eep >hat / ha e dis$o ered hidden& / am! as of this >riting! in the pro$ess of preparing the final teCt for 7is 7oliness& Pou must be on your guard! for there are for$es at >or? to ?eep in dar?ness >hat / >ould bring into the light& -he tas? falls to you to bring our >or? to its rightful fruition& -here is something else& ' man >ho goes by the name of Lohanen >ill most li?ely ma?e $onta$t >ith you& / ha e made arrangements to ha e another $opy of the dis? sent to him& 7e is someone >hom / >ould trust >ith my life& -reat him as

you >ould treat me& 7e >ill help you& -ogether you >ill finish >hat / ha e begun& / >ould as? that you >ould $onsider again the o>s you on$e made! and return to he >ho $alled you& 7e remains faithful! and his lo e is unbridled to>ard you& 1e on your guard& #ea$e be to you& Cardinal 9iorre -he ne>s sho$?ed him and he stared out the >indo>! not seeing the tapestry of $olors before him& ! b'ried hi. along i"h every"hing else "ha" ! le," % % % ano"her li,e, ano"her .an, 9itzpatri$? thought& 7e sorted through the other mail! sear$hing for the dis?ette that supposedly had $ome >ith the letter! but he $ouldn<t find it& 0uspe$ting >ho too? it! 9itzpatri$? admitted that the $han$es of e er seeing it again >ere slim& 7is >at$h rang! indi$ating that he should $onta$t the -an?& 9itzpatri$? got up and >ent o er to his des?! pi$?ed up his telephone! and after atta$hing a oi$e s$rambler! dialed the number& ->o rings later8N9itz! it<s Za$h& Pou been follo>ing the pope stuffRN N1riefly& -hey ha en<t $hosen a su$$essor yet& 't least they ha en<t made it publi$&N NGe ha e something happening in the Middle :ast / thought you might >ant to be a>are of&N N0u$h asRN N0yria! Russia! /ran! Lebanon! and -ur?ey seem to be positioning troops ery $lose to the borders&N N%o the /sraelis ?no>RN N-heir intel informed us&N <'ny spe$ifi$sRN N-an?s! missiles! se eral di isions& 1ut >hat<s gotten our attention is the Russians& -hey<re mo ing some pretty big stuff south & & & nu?es&N N-hey< e pi$?ed a good time to be doing it& : ery eye is on Rome! so they ha e the distra$tion&N 9itzpatri$? paused a moment& N/ suppose the Russian troop mo ement is a rea$tion to the ?illing of the /ranian $leri$&N NPep& Ge< e been monitoring the $hatter bet>een the t>o $ountries& -he /ranians are $alling for an all"out 1ihad in retaliation! and it appears mu$h of the /slami$ >orld is ready to Eump on the band>agon& 's you ?no>! the Russians ha e ba$?ed -ehran for years&N Za$h $hanged the subEe$t& NPou going tonight or $alling in si$?RN NMary<s pi$?ing me up at se en! so / don<t ha e mu$h of a $hoi$e&N NGell! good lu$?& 0ee you on Monday! or if something ne> de elops! /<ll $all&N Za$h hung up& 9itzpatri$? $radled the phone! his mind going to the 7ag again& )erhaps !3ll ,ind o'" so.e"hing "onigh"% - cl'e as "o ho he is and ha" he3s doing i"h "he in,or.a"ion ! provide ,or hi.% 7e spent the rest of the day reading! sorting through some papers! and then around four in the afternoon >ent on a long run! lasting more than t>o hours& 7e >as so absorbed >ith thoughts of the death of Cardinal 9iorre! the letter! and the missing dis?! that he lost tra$? of the time& 7e >as late in getting ba$? to his apartment! and >hen the $on$ierge at the front des? announ$ed that Mary had arri ed! 9itzpatri$? >as dripping >et from his sho>er& 7e dried qui$?ly and slipped on a pair of pressed sla$?s! a

turtlene$? s>eater! and a sport $oat& Ghen he finally stepped out of his building! a limo >as >aiting& -he rear door >as open and he $ould see Mary! dangling her long! sil?"en$ased legs in itingly out the door& +he loo/s s"'nning, he thought! amazed at her transformation& 7e made his >ay o er to the $ar and got in& NPou loo? &&& beautiful!N he said! as the doorman $losed the door of the $ar& 0he brought her red lips to his ear and >hispered! N-han? you! 9itz! /<m glad you noti$ed&N -hen she slid for>ard in her seat and opened the bar& N0omething to get you into the s>ing of things! help you forget the -an?RN -hey both ?ne>! of $ourse! that forgetting the -an? >as an impossibility& Fn$e you >ere in! you >ere in 24.6! 35, days a year& 9itzpatri$? sur eyed the generous assortment of >ines and liqueurs& N7o> about the Chardonnay&N Mary remo ed one of the bottles! retrie ed a $or?s$re>! and un$or?ed the bottle& 0he sele$ted t>o glasses and poured the >ine& 9itzpatri$? sampled it and settled ba$? in his seat& NPou< e ne er been to one of the 7ag<s bashes! rightRN Mary teased& 9itzpatri$? shrugged and too? a larger sip of his >ine& N/< e been able to a oid them& -hat is! until no>&N Mary laughed and 9itzpatri$? $aught a loo? in her eye that unsettled him& N/< e been to se eral& Pou ne er ?no> >hat to eCpe$t& 7e<s ery hedonisti$! >ith a strea? of de$aden$e that ri als Caligula& 'nd of $ourse he pours money into these things li?e there<s no tomorro>& 1e prepared for a ery e$le$ti$ guest list! e erything from bi?ers to ban?ers! hoo?ers to mo ie queens! and e erything else in bet>een& -he last one / attended had -ibetan mon?s perform some in$redible magi$ tri$?s& / had ne er seen anything li?e it& #eople >ere le itated right in front of my eyes&N 9itzpatri$? $hu$?led& N/t<s an old standby among magi$ians&N N/ ?no>! /< e $ome a$ross it in my resear$h >ith the C%C in /ndia& Li?e the /ndian rope tri$? or $ertain ariations of it! but this >as different& /t really happened& -hey had groups of people se eral feet abo e the ground&N N%id it happen to youRN N2o! / >as too far ba$? in the $ro>d! but you should ha e seen the eCpression on the people<s fa$es&N N:$stati$! euphori$! sublimeRN 9itzpatri$? offered& N:Ca$tly!N she agreed& N/t >as li?e they >ere ha ing a religious eCperien$e&N 9itzpatri$? $hanged the subEe$t& NZa$h $alled this morning >ith >ord about troop mo ements in the Middle :ast&N Mary ga e a shrug& N/ don<t >ant to tal? about any of that &&& not no>& Za$h<s holding do>n the fort till Monday! so if nothing maEor happens! >e get the rest of the >ee?end off&N 0he mo ed $loser to him& 9itzpatri$? drained the glass of >ine& W'notherRN Mary as?ed! an in iting smile on her fa$e& N7alf!N 9itzpatri$? stated& 1ut Mary filled it to the top in spite of his request& N/ don<t >ant to be sloshed before / get there&N Mary too? the last sip from her glass and laughed as she refilled her glass& N7a e you a$tually ever been sloshedRN N/ plead the fifth!N he shot ba$?&

Mary laughed again! this time spilling a little of the >ine on her dress& -hey dro e another hour as the limo brought them far out into the thi$? >ooded $ountryside! that! unbelie able as it seemed! >as not that far from 2e> Por? City& -hey dro e by spra>ling suburbs! $lustered illages! open stret$hes of farm"land! and finally stopped at an old gatehouse on$e used in another $entury to stable horse and buggies& Kas lanterns burned on either side of the hand$rafted >rought iron gates& -he gates >ere tipped >ith solid brass spi?es! and de$orating the $enter >ere t>o eagles! reminis$ent of Gorld Gar // 2azi regalia& 9itzpatri$? loo?ed out his >indo> and sa> a limo being stopped& 0e eral uniformed guards eCamined the o$$upants of the $ar and s$anned the bottom of it >ith >hat loo?ed li?e some ?ind of metal dete$tor& Fne of the guards signaled to another in the gatehouse and the gates began to s>ing in>ard! allo>ing the limousine to pass& N-ight se$urity! >hyRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& Mary shrugged& N2o party $rashers allo>ed! / guess&N -heir $ar pulled up and se$urity ran a $he$? on them! eCamining their in itations and s$anning underneath the limo& 'fter a moment they too >ere allo>ed to pass& 9itzpatri$? stared at the eagles as they dro e by& !s "his a coincidence8 !s i" a "ie "o his pas", a bla"an" procla.a"ion o, his "ies i"h "he Na4is8 -he limo >ound up a $obblestone dri e>ay past meti$ulously mani$ured grounds& 9itzpatri$? e en sa> a pair of pea$o$?s strutting around Eust off the dri e& N-here it is!N Mary eC$laimed! and 9itzpatri$? heard the eC$ited edge in her oi$e& 9itzpatri$? got his first loo? at the 7ag<s mansion and >asn<t prepared for >hat he sa>& 7e had eCpe$ted a stately mansion built in the late nineteenth $entury and $arefully maintained through generations& /nstead >hat lay before him >as one of the most daring ar$hite$tural stru$tures he had e er seen& 't first glan$e! it loo?ed li?e a series of immense i$i$les thrusting up from the ground& 0e eral of them to>ered into the night s?y! illuminated from belo> by hidden spot"lights re$essed into the ground& ' moat surrounded the eCterior of the house! and a dra>bridge of stainless steel and titanium alloy eCtended o er the >ater& N/n$redible! isn<t itRN Mary as?ed& N/t<s not >hat / eCpe$ted at all&N N: eryone says the same thing!N Mary said& N7e had the original stru$ture torn do>n& 9rom >hat / hear! he added se eral stories underground! maybe as many as se en& 1ut that<s only rumor&N N0e en stories undergroundRN N0ome of it<s for par?ing& Pou<ll see in a moment!N Mary said as the limo headed to>ard the moat& /t began to des$end and to 9itz<s amazement entered a glassli?e tunnel that led underneath the moat& N/n$redible!N 9itzpatri$? said as he stared at a s$hool of ?oi s>imming into the moat on the other side of the glass& N/t leads to the underground par?ing& 'nd he has an under"ground hangar >here he ?eeps his pri ate Eet& -here<s also sup"posed to be a floor that is housed >ith medi$al equipment as modern as any hospital& 7e ?eeps a small pri ate staff of do$tors and nurses at his disposal&N N9or >hat reasonRN N-his is rumor again! but supposedly he undergoes blood transfusions on$e a >ee?&

-hat! along >ith se eral drug $o$?"tails are s'pposedlyFand / stress that >ord8sta ing off the aging pro$ess& Fr at least slo>ing it do>n&N N1ut surely >ith all your ?no>ledge of medi$ine and your >or? >ith the C%C you don<t belie e itRN Mary lost her $arefree hilarity for a moment& NKood question! 9itz! and it<s something /< e tried to get more information on& Gith the 1east at our disposal! >e might as >ell get some use out of it&N N/ ?no>! / ha e my o>n queries >ith the 1east!N 9itzpatri$? $onfided& N/ ha en<t found mu$h!N Mary $ontinued! Nbut >hat / did find >as of interest& 7e imports some ery rare herbs from the 'mazon! also from the 7imalayas! -ibet! and Mongolia&N N0o you thin? there might be some truth to itRN N%on<t ?no>& 7o> old do you thin? he is! any>ayRN N/< e >ondered about that& 7e has to be at least in his eighties&N N/ agree!N Mary replied& N1ut there are times >hen /< e seen him >ith the itality of a siCty"year"old! and that might $oin$ide >ith his ingestion of some herbal $on$o$tions&N NPou might be on to something!N Mary agreed as the limo pulled into a large underground par?ing area >here a final team of se$urity guards opened their doors& 9itzpatri$? nodded to the man holding the door on his side& N-his >ay! sir! ma<am!N a uniformed butler said& 9itzpatri$? offered his arm to Mary& 0he too? it! and the $ouple follo>ed the man to one of three ele ators& Moments later the door opened and another butler greeted them >ith a slight bo> as they entered& 9itzpatri$? glan$ed at the number of buttons& 7e nudged Mary and pointed& Mary ga e a ?no>ing glan$e& -here >ere four upper floors follo>ed by se en lo>er ones& -he ele ator arri ed! and as the t>o sets of doors opened a li ely salsa number in aded their spa$e& -he gala >as in full s>ing& 9itzpatri$? stepped out onto an immense sea of tra ertine marble! en$ir$led by mat$hing $olumns that to>ered to the glass $eiling high o erhead& ' $handelier of mammoth pro"portions spar?led in the $enter of the room& Fff to the left >as the bandstand! >here a t>el e"pie$e band gyrated to the infe$tious salsa rhythms that they played& ' large ideo s$reen >as dire$tly behind them! and images flashed in syn$ >ith the beat& Light trees! strobes! and se eral hidden smo?e ma$hines >ere in full s>ing& N/n$redible! huhRN Mary as?ed! leaning $lose to him& 9itzpatri$? nodded as they made their >ay a$ross the marble tiles& ' group of boisterous re elers in $ostumes and mas?s s>irled around them! pre enting them from going a step further& NGhat<s going onRN 9itzpatri$? yelled to Mary& 0he shrugged an /"don<t"?no> ?ind of loo? and laughed& Lust then the $ro>d parted and a >oman dressed as a queen approa$hed& N/ see these intruders ha e not donned their appropriate attire!N the queen said in a high falsetto& 9itzpatri$? realized that the queen >as in fa$t a 6'een% !"3s a g'y, he thought& N0ee that these t>o are dressed in the appropriate manner!N the queen instru$ted& 9itzpatri$? and Mary >ere then pulled apart& 'lthough 9itzpatri$? began to protest! a mas? >ith the fa$e of former president Ri$hard 2iCon >as fastened to his head& Moments

later he >as returned to the $enter! >here Mary had been transformed >ith a huge pig<s head& N-hat<s the spirit of the thingJN the queen trilled! and pointed her s$epter to another $ouple farther do>n the ball"room floor! >ho! li?e 9itzpatri$? and Mary before! >ere in need of the Nappropriate attire&N -he group >as gone and 9itzpatri$? and Mary stared at ea$h other before they both bro?e into laughter& NCrazy! isn<t itRN Mary laughed! remo ing her pig<s head& 9itzpatri$? slipped his mas? off and they mo ed along the outer edge of the ballroom& ' spread of tables! ea$h attended by its o>n ser er! lay end to end along the pillared >all& 9itzpatri$? had ne er seen so mu$h food& -here >ere Maine lobsters on i$e! $rabs from the Chesapea?e 1ay! #a$ifi$ salmon! and shrimp that o erflo>ed from $hilled bu$?ets& 0tea?s as thi$? as a man<s forearm! barbe$ued ribs dripping in hot sau$e! fresh enison! buffalo! quail! and du$?& -hen there >as the bizarre $uisine: $ho$olate"$o ered ants! fried grasshoppers! and beetle >ings& ' >aiter offered them an appetizer! and they ea$h too? one from a polished sil er tray and nibbled& N2o> >hatRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& NGe party & & & >ant to dan$eRN N-o thisRN 9itzpatri$? motioned to the mass of gyrating! s>irling bodies pulsating to the salsa beat on the ballroom floor& N/ $an tea$h you!N Mary said! and she began to mo e her shoulders and step to>ard him in time >ith the musi$& N/ lo e to dan$e to salsa&N 9itzpatri$? shoo? his head and smiled& ' >aiter $ame by >ith a tray of $hampagne and 9itzpatri$? too? t>o glasses and handed one to Mary! than?ful to be spared a dan$ing lesson& N Loo?!N Mary said! pointing to a $luster of people& N0ena"tor Kable&N 9itzpatri$? nodded& <'nd there<s -im Roland! the a$tor& Ghat a hun?&N 9itzpatri$? noti$ed an 'fri$an $ouple in traditional 0>ahili dress& N/ thin? they<re the real thing!N he noted& N/ do too!N Mary agreed& N#robably ambassadors or state offi$ials&N 0e eral other dignitaries >ere dis$ussed! then a >ell"?no>n no elist! follo>ed by a ballerina& -hey $aught a glimpse of the mayor of 2e> Por? City! holding $ourt& N-here he is!N Mary said! gro>ing serious& NGhoRN 9itzpatri$? >asn<t sure >ho she >as pointing out& N-he 7ag!N Mary >hispered& 'lmost as if on $ue the 7ag noti$ed them& 9itzpatri$? immediately stiffened and $lut$hed his drin?& ' retinue of admirers surrounded the 7ag& 7e >a ed and began to ma?e his >ay to>ard Mary and 9itzpatri$?& NGhat $an he possibly >ant >ith usRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& Mary laughed& NPour soul! maybeRN NPou<re Eo?ing! but there are times >hen / thin? he >ants Eust that&N NLoo?s li?e he<s being delayed& Maybe >e $an dit$h himRN Mary suggested& 9itzpatri$? stared at the $ro>d that surrounded the 7ag& N%o you ?no> >hat a remora fish isRN he as?ed& N'ren<t they the fish that li e on a shar?<s body & & & li?e a parasiteRN

N#re$isely &&& and the 7ag has plenty of them&N 9itzpatri$? gestured to the throng& N7ello! Mary! 9itzpatri$?!N the 7ag said! finally rea$hing them& 9itzpatri$? noti$ed the rosy $olor of the man<s $hee?s! his $arefully $oifed hairpie$e! the tailored suit! but abo e all! the dangerous loo? in his eye! in spite of the >arm smile on his fa$e& Mary eCtended her hand and the 7ag too? it and ?issed it& ' flurry of remora gathered around them& 9itzpatri$? eCtended his hand and his host shoo? it& N:nEoying our little get"togetherR N he as?ed& 9itzpatri$? nodded politely! trying to loo? enthused& 7e >as $aught off guard as an eC$eptionally tall! thin >oman! >ith the palest s?in he had e er seen! snuggled up to him& 0he >ore a bird<s mas? a$ross her eyes& N-his is 0ene!N the 7ag introdu$ed the >oman& N0he<s ne> in to>n! 9itzpatri$?& / thin? she li?es you&N /mmediately the remora $horused a $ry of en$ouragement& N#erhaps you $ould be her es$ort! pro iding! of $ourse! that Mary >ould part >ith you for a >hileR PesRN 9itzpatri$? loo?ed at Mary! >ho shrugged good"naturedly& 9itzpatri$? sa> the 7ag nod to>ard a good"loo?ing body"builder type! one of the remora& N'nd this is 1runo& Mary! / pi$?ed him for you&N 9itzpatri$? >at$hed as the mus$ularly built man $ame up to Mary& Conga drums eCploded in a thunder of flurried rhythms& -he horns >ent >ild! a$$enting the beat! >hile the rest of the band added their instruments to the dynami$ sound& -he pla$e >ent nuts& 1runo grabbed Mary<s hand and t>irled her& 0he sent 9itzgerald a rueful grin! then a moment later they >ere on the dan$e floor! and she >as dan$ing for all she >as >orth& NGell! 9itzpatri$?! / trust you >ill sho> 0ene a good timeR ?a82 -he >oman had all but $oiled herself around 9itzpatri$?& 7e felt her slender body neCt to his! pressing against it& N7a e fun! you t>o!N the 7ag $alled! as the tide of dan$ing people began to $arry them a>ay from 9itzpatri$?& Fr >as 9itzpatri$? mo ing a>ay from the 7agR 7e >asn<t at all sure& 9itzpatri$? found himself pressed in the middle of the dan$ers >ith this silent blond >oman dan$ing almost hypnoti$ally in front of him& 7e >as Eostled from behind! then from the side! feeling li?e a pinball in a ma$hine& -he lights >ent out for a se$ond and >ere repla$ed by a barrage of intense strobe lights! turning the ballroom floor into a surreal sea of freneti$ der ish"li?e bodies& 9itzpatri$? found himself mo ing an arm and a leg! >ith no real sense of dan$e as he tired of the beat& 'nd there! in front of him! the >raithli?e >oman >rithed! >ith no eCpression on her fa$e or in her hidden eyes& 7er mo ements appeared >illo>y! but! li?e his o>n! seemed out of step >ith the musi$& 9itzpatri$? >iped his forehead! >hi$h >as dripping >ith s>eat& -he drums pounded! strobe lights flashed! trumpets blared! bodies s>irled! and a $a$ophony of laughter and >omanly shrie?s inundated 9itzpatri$? <s senses& 7o> long did he dan$eR 9i e minutesR -enR 9ifteenR 7e lost tra$? of time and his inhibitions began to slide a>ay& 9inally the musi$ began to slo> do>n into a light samba& Couples $ollapsed into ea$h other! >hile others made for the bal$ony& 9itzpatri$? $hose the latter! >ith the silent >oman beside him& NGhat ?ind of a name is 0eneRN he as?ed the >oman&

N/t is a name from the #leiades star $luster!N she responded& 9itzpatri$? listened to her a$$ent! different from anything he had e er heard& N/ $an<t quite pla$e your a$$ent& Ghere are you fromRN he as?ed& -he >oman loo?ed at him for a moment& 7e noti$ed her eyes through the tiny slits in the mas?8dar?! li?e the night! and >hat elseR -he absen$e of emotionR /s that >hat bothered himR 0he $ame $loser! >rapped her arms around his ne$?! and then found his mouth >ith hers& 9itzpatri$? began to pull a>ay but >as amazed at the strength >ith >hi$h she held him! 0he released him! the barest hint of a smile on her painted lips& NPou as? too many questions&N -hen she grabbed him by the hand and headed for a deserted spot on the bal$ony& ' >aiter $ame by >ith a tray of $hampagne& 0ene grabbed t>o glasses! her thin >hite fingers holding the stems as she offered one to 9itzpatri$?& 7e too? it and sipped eagerly& ' fe> minutes ti$?ed by& 9itzpatri$? began to feel dizzy! disoriented& 7e found himself laughing! but too loudly& 7e had another sip of the $hampagne& 0ene >as leading him by the hand& ;here8 5o n a li" hall ay8 No a door %%% ha"3s "ha"8gargoyle3s head8 9itzpatri$? loo?ed around& -he room s>irled in a flurry of fuzzy $olors! and al>ays before him the thin silent 0ene leading him on& 7e sa> the door $lose& 7eard it e$ho a fe> times& 7e heard himself $hu$?le at the sound! and it e$hoed too& 7e felt 0ene<s hands on him again! pulling him do>n to something soft &&& a bedR 7e >as dreaming! >asn<t heR -hen his ision slipped a>ay slo>ly! in a myriad of soft hues! and 0ene >as ta?ing off her mas?& 7e sa> her eyes for the first time: $oal bla$? and three times the size they should ha e been& 7e re$oiled at >hat he sa> and >anted to get a>ay from her! but then started to laugh again& -he last thing he felt >as her lips on his o>n as he lost $ons$iousness&



e arranged e erything!N 9ather -homas informed Lohanen and Ma$! as they hurried through the ast eCpanse of 0t& #eter<s 0quare to>ard the basili$a& N'nd >hat did Cardinal #es$olini say regarding our theory about Cardinal 9iorre<s murderersRN Lohanen as?ed& N7e >as ta?en aba$? by it! but >hen / eCpounded on the $ir$umstantial e iden$e! $ombined >ith the information you pro ided! he began to see the light&N N0o >ill he start an inquiryRN Ma$ as?ed& NGith the pope<s death! e erything >ill be on hold until a su$$essor is $hosen& Right no> he has ta?en o er many of the offi$ial duties! but he is anCious to see you again! Lohanen&N N0o you< e met him beforeRN Ma$ as?ed& NPears ago! Ma$Menzie& -he $ardinal and / ha e ?ept in tou$h! though& 7e is a great man of faith and ser ant of our Lord&N -he trio hurried up the broad >eathered steps that led to 0t& #eter<s 1asili$a& 1eside the elaborately hand"$ar ed entran$e doors stood t>o @ati$an guards shouldering spears and standing statueli?e! at attention& Ma$ >as the last to enter& -he >alls angled up>ard to>ard the dome high abo e his head& #i$tures in golden frames lined some of the >alls& F erhead an immense fres$o stret$hing a$ross the $eiling depi$ted arious bibli$al s$enes& Ma$ leaned to>ard Lohanen and >hispered! N/n$redible&N NPes! it is! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen >hispered& N/t is the best that man $an do! yet it is but a shado> of >hat the hea enly s$ene is li?e&N Ma$ thought about Lohanen<s ans>er and >ondered if the man >as tal?ing from firsthand eCperien$e& Has he ac"'ally seen ha" heaven loo/s li/e8 he >ondered& N-his >ay!N 9ather -homas said! as he >al?ed qui$?ly to>ard one of the side aisles& Ma$ eyed the fres$oes! the gold tapestries! and the marble floors! as he follo>ed behind Lohanen& 7e sa> a miCed group of $lergy tal?ing in hushed tones in a small al$o e neCt to the main altar off to Ma$<s left& 0tudying the group of men! he tried to ma?e sense of the style of dress that differentiated bet>een monsignor! bishop! $ardinal! or priest& -hen some"thing $aught his eye! and he stopped in his tra$?s and stared at the group of men& No" here %%% i" can3" be hi.% 7is heart s?ipped a beat& Lohanen and 9ather -homas >ere ten pa$es a>ay before Ma$ $alled to Lohanen& Lohanen ga e him a questioning loo? and Ma$ motioned for him to $ome& N Ghat is it! Ma$MenzieRN Lohanen as?ed! as he $ame up neCt to him follo>ed by 9ather -homas&

Ma$ had turned his ba$? to the group of $lergy by the altar& NLoo? at the group of men off to the left of the altar&N Ma$ sa> Lohanen<s eyes >iden in surprise& NGhat<s going onRN 9ather -homas as?ed! as he Eoined them& Ma$ deferred to Lohanen& N:C$use us a moment! 9ather -homas!N Lohanen ans>ered& N/t<s hi., Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen said! and there >as no mista?ing the miCture of surprise and urgen$y in the man<s oi$e& N1ut ha" is he doing hereRN Ma$ as?ed& N/ ha e an idea!N Lohanen responded& NGill you t>o let me in on >hat is going onRN -homas as?ed! some>hat be>ildered& N/t >ould ta?e mu$h too long to eCplain! but there is a man >ith that group of $lergy standing o er there that Ma$Menzie and / ?no> &&& is not human&N N2ot humanRN -homas repeated& NGhat do >e doRN Ma$ as?ed& NGe $onfront it and dri e it out of this san$tuary&N N1ut hy is he hereRN Ma$ as?ed& NGe >ill tal? of that later! Ma$Menzie! but no> / $all upon the 'n$ient of %ays to gi e us strength that passes human strength! and to prote$t us >ith his mighty 0pirit! and to shield us >ith hea enly >arriors& 0tay behind me! both of you! and >hate er happens! don<t loo? into its eyes&N -homas<s fa$e had turned ashen& -he man >as sha?en! unprepared for >hat >as ta?ing pla$e& Lohanen put his hand on the priest<s shoulder& N0tay here! -homas& 0tay and pray& -hat is >hat is best for you& Let us go to battle! Ma$Menzie&N Ma$ follo>ed Lohanen as they retra$ed their steps and then >al?ed up the $enter aisle to>ard the group of $lergy& Ma$ gritted his teeth together& No" again %%% no" no %% % no" here %%% 7e for$ed himself to pray& ! ill be s"rong in "he &ord %%% He is .y shield %%% .y s"reng"h %%% .y high "o er %%% ! a. s"rong in hi. %%% but part of him >ondered& Ma$ heard their footsteps e$ho as they bore do>n on the group& -hey >ere $losing fast& 9ifty feet &&& no> t>enty && & 0e eral of the men loo?ed up as they approa$hed and then glan$ed a>ay& Ma$<s eyes bore into the man that stood taller than the rest& Lohanen >as ten feet a>ay >hen he stopped and raised his hands abo e him& NPou un$lean thing& Lea e this pla$eJN Lohanen $ried out! and it sounded to Ma$ li?e a loud $lap of thunder a$$ompanied it& Ma$ sa> the group of men fall ba$?>ard to the marble floor! as if an unseen hand pushed them& -he man >hom Ma$ had eyed! the one that stood a head taller than the rest! remained >here he >as standing eC$ept that he $hanged shape& 't the sound of Lohanen<s $ommand! the human"loo?ing disguise that en$ased the $reature faded a>ay! re ealing in its pla$e its true identity& Ghere a man had been standing moments ago! no> a tall! >raithli?e $reature >ith spindly arms and legs and s$aly! lizardli?e s?in appeared& ' fallen angel! it had assumed its true reptilian form& 1ut it had the ability to transform itself into any form it >ished8a >oman! a man! an angel of light &&& in short! it >as a shapeshifter& -he men >ho had fallen to the floor >ere stunned and terrified& N/t<s 0atan himself!N an elderly bishop! his robes in disarray! gasped& NGhat is itRN another $ried& NLea e this pla$eJN Lohanen<s oi$e boomed! and the thunderli?e $lap a$$ompanied his

oi$e on$e again& -he shapeshifting reptilian stu$? out its elongated bla$? tongue and hissed at Lohanen and Ma$! then! >ith an agility that startled Ma$! it Eumped o er a ro> of pe>s and headed to>ard an open door at the end of a $olonnade of pillars& N9ollo> it! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen $alled out! and the t>o men ga e $hase& -he reptilian disappeared behind a pillar& N%id you see itRN Lohanen $alled out& NGhere did he goRN N%o>n there!N Ma$ said! and the t>o men ran for all they >ere >orth& 't the end of the $olonnade! a group of nuns >ere praying together in one of the many small $hapels adEa$ent to the main basili$a& 'll of them loo?ed up >ith startled eCpressions8all but one of the nuns at the ba$?! in a pe> by herself& N7e<s there!N Lohanen said& Ma$ loo?ed at the nun >ith her head bo>ed& - s"'dy in prayer, he thought& Fne of the nuns addressed them in /talian& Lohanen ans>ered and pointed to the nun sitting by herself& Ma$ sa> the nun raise her head& 0he >as young and beautiful! but the other nuns gasped >hen they sa> her! for it >as $lear that they didn<t ?no> her& NLea e this pla$eJ Pou are $ursedJN Lohanen boomed& -he nun transformed ba$? into the reptilian& Fne nun s$reamed& 'nother fainted& 0till others began to $limb o er the pe>s in an effort to get a>ay& -he reptilian $la>ed at the pe> in front of him& Ma$ >as transfiCed& 7e loo?ed into its eyes for a moment and felt a >a e of nausea o er$ome him& -hen its $la>s bit into the >ood as the foul thing grabbed hold of the pe> and ripped it from the floor! hurling it at Lohanen and Ma$& NLoo? outJN Lohanen yelled! as he grabbed Ma$ and pushed him out of the >ay& -he pe> landed on the marble floor >here the t>o men had been standing a moment ago! $ra$?ing the tiles& Ma$ sat up Eust in time to see the reptilian bound do>n the hall! turn into another $orridor! and anish from sight& NGe must hurryJN Lohanen pulled Ma$ to his feet& -he t>o men ran do>n the hall in hot pursuit& -hey found themsel es in a $orridor at the end of >hi$h >as a door that >as torn from its hinges& N-here!N Lohanen said! as the t>o men >ent through the door>ay& 7e pointed at the head of a set of stone steps that led do>n beneath the foundations of the basili$a& -he air >as musty and Ma$ felt a $ool breeze as the men des$ended the steps t>o at a time& N-his des$ends to the $ata$ombs!N Lohanen yelled! as he bounded do>n the steps& Ma$ $on$entrated on ta?ing the steps t>o at a time& 't the bottom of the stair$ase he too? in his surroundings for the first time& -here >ere four separate tunnels! ea$h >ith a string of ele$tri$ lights that bro?e off in different dire$tions& N7e $ould ha e gone any>here!N Ma$ stated& N1ut his footprints8or should / say $la>prints8are ery noti$eable&N Lohanen pointed to the dirt floor& N/t >ent through there&N Lohanen pointed to a large t>o"story $rypt fifty feet a>ay& -he t>o men mo ed to>ard the entran$e of the $rypt ! NGhat is this pla$eRN Ma$ as?ed& N/t is a ne$ropolis!N Lohanen began! Na resting pla$e for the dead Christians& Pou might ha e heard them $alled $ata$ombs& -hese date ba$? to the se$ond $entury!

Ma$Menzie&N Lohanen paused to $at$h his breath& N0ome of these tunnels stret$h for miles& -he bones of the martyrs lie buried here8thousands of men! >omen! and $hildren&N -hey rea$hed the entran$e to the $rypt and >ent inside& NLoo? here! Ma$Menzie& -here is an entran$e to another tunnel&N Lohanen pointed to the rear of the $rypt& N/t must ha e gone through there&N Lohanen qui$?ened his pa$e and Ma$ follo>ed& -hey passed ro>s of gra es $ut into the >alls of the tunnels& Many of the gra es >ere open and Ma$ $ould plainly see the s?eletal remains of people >ho had li ed $enturies ago& N-here! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen said! as he pointed out the sign of a fish that >as painted on a slab of marble& N/ remember someone telling me that Christians li ed in these $ata$ombs&N N2ot true! Ma$Menzie& -hey >ere for burial only&N -hey $ame to a pla$e >here se eral tunnels bran$hed out& N2o> >hereRN Ma$ as?ed! as this portion of the $ata$ombs had a tile floor& N'll >e need to do is find a tra$e of a footprint in the dust&N Lohanen ?nelt on the tile so that his fa$e >as almost tou$hing the floor and peered do>n the eCpanse of tile in front of him& N/ thin? there& -a?e a loo?! Ma$Menzie! and see for yourself& -here&N Ma$ ?nelt and follo>ed Lohanen<s eCample& N/ see it8let<s go&N -he t>o men >ere off again! trotting single file! >ith Lohanen leading& N7o> far do these tunnels goRN Ma$ as?ed& N0ome of them eCtend t>el e miles& -his one! if / remember $orre$tly! is only a fe> miles long! and / belie e it dead"ends& /< e spent some time in these tunnels through the $enturies&N -nd ha" happens i, e ,ind "he "hing8 Ma$ thought! and a shi er ran up his spine& 's if reading his mind! Lohanen said! NRemember! Ma$Menzie! >hen >e find the $reature! the Lord >ill do the >or?& Fur part >ill be to rebu?e it and $all upon him >ho is stronger than the foul thing! and send it ba$? >here it belongs&N N'nd >here is thatRN N-he abo'so% -he bottomless pit& 0ome belie e that it is an area deep >ithin the bo>els of the earth&N N1ut ho> &&&N N-he 'n$ient of %ays >ill do the >or?! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen ans>ered& -he ele$tri$ lights! >hi$h >ere pla$ed at t>enty"foot inter als on the >alls of the $ata$ombs! fli$?ered& Ma$ thought ba$? to that pla$e in the 2e ada desert! that top" se$ret! underground military base& 7e had had an en$ounter that mirrored >hat Lohanen had Eust tal?ed about& 7e had $alled out to the Lord and had seen an angel appear and $ast a fallen angel into a bottomless pit& -he lights fli$?ered on$e and then $ame ba$? on again! then >ent out altogether& Ma$Menzie found himself in total bla$?ness& NLohanen!N he >hispered! N/ $an<t see a thing&N N 2or /&N 0omething mo ed do>n the tunnel& NGhat >as thatRN N -a?e my hand&N Ma$ groped in the bla$?ness and found Lohanen<s hand& N2o> grab my shoulder and >al? behind me!N Lohanen >hispered&

0omething s$raped a tile and the sound e$hoed to>ard them& N/t<s $oming $loser!N Ma$ >hispered! as he mo ed behind Lohanen& Ma$ heard Lohanen sear$h for something in his po$?ets& -hen he heard a stri?ing sound of a mat$h& ' burst of light en eloped them& Lohanen rea$hed in and grabbed the leg bone from one of the open gra es! then >rapped the end of it >ith a se$tion of the gra e $loth& 7e put the mat$h to it and the $loth began to burn& Ma$ heard the sound of someone running a>ay from them& N/t is on the mo e again& Let us follo> it! Ma$Menzie& 0tay $lose! as this tor$h >ill not last long&N Ma$ follo>ed! his hand against the older man<s shoulder& -heir tor$h sputtered& Lohanen stopped! found another open gra e! and repeated the pro$ess of >rapping the gra e $loth around the leg bone& 7e produ$ed another mat$h and they started out again& 0oon they $ame to a large hall! o er t>o stories tall! and adorned >ith faded fres$oes& N/t<s beautiful! in a ma$abre sort of >ay!N Ma$ >hispered& Lohanen held his finger to his lips! motioning Ma$ to be silent& Ma$ held his breath and >aited& -he only sound >as the slight sputtering of the tor$h& ' fe> moments >ent by& -hen something slammed into Ma$! and he felt himself flying through the air& -hen something >as upon him! $la>ing at him! tearing his s?in& NLohanenJN Ma$ yelled& -he tor$h had been ?no$?ed out of Lohanen<s hand and lay on the floor of the tunnel& Ma$ struggled to defend himself! but it >as no useQ the reptilian >as so mu$h stronger& 7e did his best to $o er his fa$e >ith his arms! but he found himself rolling a$ross the floor entangled >ith the ile $reature& 7e smelled its foulbreath! sa> the glint of his yello> eyes! felt the grip of its $la>s tearing at his ba$?& -he tor$h sputtered! a moment of bla$?ness! then a faint glo> again& Lohanen<s oi$e suddenly rang out! sha?ing the pla$e >ith its po>er& Ma$ $ould not understand the >ords! for it >as in a language that he<d ne er heard before& -he ground began to sha?e and the >alls of the $ata$ombs ibrated& Ma$ felt the tiles $ra$?ing beneath him! and the ground began to open& ' fissure appeared and gre> >ider& Ma$ felt the reptilian<s hold >ea?en& Ma$ too? ad antage and pun$hed >ith e erything he had in him& 7e aimed at the $reature<s eye and su$$eeded in landing his fist squarely on tar"get& -he thing ho>led and bared its teeth at Ma$& -he ground $ontinued to sha?e so that some of the bodies in the $ata$ombs fell to the floor& Fne of them hit the reptilian! the distra$tion $ausing the thing to $la> >ildly at the air& 'nd through it all Lohanen<s oi$e $ontinued in the strange language& -he ground underneath Ma$ opened further& Ma$ gathered his strength and pun$hed again! aiming at the same eye& -he pun$h >ent >ild as the tor$h >ent out and Ma$ found himself in total dar?ness& -he ground began to $a e in& -he reptilian lost balan$e and fell into the ne>ly $reated hole& ->isting his body! Ma$ managed to $at$h the edge >ith his hand& 7e $ould hear the sound of >ater rushing by belo> him& -hen he felt Lohanen<s hand grabbing hold of him! pulling him to safety& N Ghat happened to itRN Lohanen as?ed as he pulled Ma$ up& N/t fell into the >ater

belo> us!N Ma$ said& Lights appeared in the far distan$e of the tunnel from >here they had $ome& -hen Ma$ heard oi$es& NLoo?s li?e >e ha e reinfor$ements&N <'re you hurt! Ma$MenzieRN Lohanen as?ed! as he lit a mat$h and held it in front of him& Ma$ held his arm up and found it >as bleeding from a large gash& Lohanen too? his arm and eCamined it& -hen! as he >rapped his hands around the >ound! he spo?e in the same strange"sounding language& Ma$ began to feel something li?e a penetrating heat! and for a moment >anted to pull his arm a>ay& -hen he reminded himself of ho he >as >ith and relaCed& 7e began to feel refreshed and strong! and for a moment felt li?e laughing& N-here! that should do it!N Lohanen said! as he released Ma$<s arm& Ma$ felt his arm& N-here<s nothing & & & the >ound is gone&N NKi e than?s to the 'n$ient of %ays! Ma$Menzie! for his po>er has healed you&N @oi$es $alled out in /talian! then another in :nglish that Ma$ re$ognized as 9ather -homas& NMa$Menzie & & & LohanenR Ghere are youRN Lohanen loo?ed at Ma$Menzie and >in?ed! then $upped his hands together and $alled ba$?! NGe are here! 9ather -homas&N Minutes later a group of @ati$an se$urity guards! >ith 9ather -homas! found them& NGhat happened hereRN 9ather -homas as?ed! as he and the se$urity guards gathered around the gaping hole in the floor& Ma$ sa> the guards edge $arefully to>ard the hole! their flashlights darting o er the area& -heir light $aught the fast"mo ing $urrent beneath them& They3re a,raid, Ma$ thought& -nd ho o'ldn3" be8 Fne of the guards spo?e up in bro?en :nglish! NGhat dida"you seeR ' monsterRN Ma$ loo?ed at Lohanen and >ondered ho> he >ould handle the query& Lohanen pointed to the hole& N-he monster! as you $all it! fell into the hole and >as s>ept a>ay by the $urrent&N -he guard >ho as?ed the question got do>n on his ?nees and shone his light around the inside of the hole& 7e got up and shoo? his head& N2othing&N 9ather -homas leaned $lose to Ma$ and >hispered! NGhat >as that thingRN Ma$ shot a glan$e to Lohanen and then the hole& N7o> about >e >ait until >e get out of here before / gi e you an ans>er&N NGe gonna ha e to $lose up"a this pla$e until repairs $an be made!N the guard said& NPes! >e >ouldn<t >ant someone to inad ertently stumble upon this!N 9ather -homas agreed& -he party of men retra$ed their steps! and at the door that the reptilian had ripped off its hinges! one of the men remained to stand guard& Ma$ too? one last glan$e at the long stair>ay! glad to be out of the dar?ness and ba$? into the >orld of light& GoG 'n hour later the three men entered the pri ate $hambers of Cardinal #es$olini& 7is :minen$e >as a portly man in his early se enties! >ith a prominent bald spot! li?e a tonsure! on the $ro>n of his head& Ma$ had ta?en an instant li?ing to #es$olini! >ishing he had met the man under

different $ir$umstan$es& NPou loo? the same as you did years ago! LohanenJN a startled #es$olini remar?ed! as he grasped Lohanen<s hand in his o>n& N/t<s li?e you ha en<t aged a day sin$e the last time >e met&N Ho ill he handle "his8 Ma$ thought& 'fter all! the truth >as that Lohanen hadn3" aged a day sin$e the last time they had met& Lohanen $hu$?led good"naturedly& N/ assure you! my friend! that time has ta?en its toll on me as >ell&N N-he years ha e been ?ind to you!N #es$olini remar?ed! still holding Lohanen<s hand and sear$hing the man<s fa$e! as if there >as a se$ret that might yield itself >ith $areful s$rutiny& #es$olini motioned for the men to sit! and Ma$ found himself sand>i$hed bet>een -homas and Lohanen& Cardinal #es$olini leaned for>ard in his $hair& NGe< e $losed the basili$a to the publi$! and our personnel $ontinue to sear$h the $ata$ombs forN8he thre> a glan$e at 9ather -homas8Nthe intruder&N N/ $an assure you! my old friend!N Lohanen said! Nthe $reature has made its es$ape! but it is not gone by any means& /t >ill return&N N/ ha e sent for the men >ho >ere meeting >ith it& 1ut >hy do you thin? it >as hereR Ghy no>RN -he men loo?ed at Lohanen& ;e all have "he sa.e 6'es"ion, Ma$ thought! as he loo?ed to Lohanen for an ans>er& N-here is mu$h at sta?e no>! >ith the $hoosing of a su$$essor to 7is 7oliness paramount in e eryone<s mind& Fur ad ersary! the %e il! is here to influen$e the $hoosing& #erhaps to e en put his o>n man in the 7oly 0ee&N Cardinal #es$olini shuddered and $rossed himself& NKod forbid that e er happens&N NPes! Cardinal! God forbid that& 1ut >e ?no> that the :nemy has managed to do mu$h damage& -hin? of the s$andals in 'meri$a regarding the molestation of young boys&N Cardinal #es$olini nodded somberly& N/t >ill ta?e years to regain the trust of some of those parishioners& 0ome of those families >ill ne er re$o er from the de astation&N NFnly our Kod $an heal a person from su$h a deep >ound!N Lohanen said& NGe must remember that e en their a$tions do not diminish the truth of the gospels! and $ertainly do not negate the >or? of the many good priests& 1ut the :nemy has $rept into the $hur$h! in aded her from >ithin! and not only Catholi$ but #rotestant as >ell& 7e is present in our ery ran?s& 7is emissaries are e ery>here! and >ho among us $an tell but that they are ra enous >ol es in sheep<s $lothingRN NPes! you<re right! Lohanen! but >hat of this & & & thingR -his $reatureR Ghat is itRN Lohanen loo?ed at Ma$Menzie& NMa$Menzie! >hy don<t you start by telling the $ardinal and 9ather -homas about your en$ounter >ith it in Pemen&N Ma$ >as $aught off guard by Lohanen<s request but he gathered his thoughts and began& N-he thing $an shape"shiftQ in other >ords! $hange its appearan$e at >ill& / re$ognized its human form from >hat / sa> in the Pemeni desert& Ghen Lohanen rebu?ed it! it re erted to its true shape8a reptilian"loo?ing $reature&N NPou<ll find that throughout history this being appears in this form& /n 0outh 'meri$a he appeared as a plumed serpent! Mu?ul$an!N Lohanen added&

N's >e $hased it! it $hanged appearan$e again! this time be$oming a nun!N Ma$ added& N1ut ma?e no mista?e& /t is one of the : il Fne<s emissaries! a fallen angel!N Lohanen $on$luded& N' fallen angelR 7ere! in this holy pla$eRN #es$olini shuddered again& N's / said earlier! / do not thin? any of it is an a$$ident& Cardinal 9iorre<s death! the fallen angel manifesting here& /t is all $onne$ted!N Lohanen stated& N9ather -homas told me of your theory regarding 9iorre<s death!N #es$olini said& NPes! / belie e he >as murdered and the original do$ument ta?en from him& 're you a>are of >hat Cardinal 9iorre >as >or?ing onRN Lohanen as?ed& #es$olini adEusted his bifo$als and ran his hand o er his balding forehead& N2o! 9ather -homas has remained in stri$t $onfidentiality on the matter! mu$h to his $redit! / may add&N Lohanen eCplained! NCardinal 9iorre resear$hed the possible identity of the 'nti$hrist! and those! both >ithin and outside the $hur$h! that might aid in his rise to po>er& 7e had assembled a good deal of information! apparently narro>ed the field to a handful of players! and un$o ered some of the leaders&N N9ather -homas said that he mailed you a $opyRN N/f he did! it ne er arri ed in my possession!N Lohanen said! Nor it >as inter$epted and destroyed by 0tephan! a man >ho re$ently betrayed me and then $ommitted sui$ide&N N'nd no $opy eCistsRN 9ather -homas $leared his throat& N/ sent a pa$?age >hi$h .ay ha e $ontained a $opy of the manus$ript on a floppy dis? to Cardinal 9iorre<s former resear$her and partner in 'meri$a&N N7a e you $onta$ted this personRN #es$olini as?ed& N/< e tried! but so far no $onta$t has been established!N -homas ans>ered& N/f >hat you say is true! and / am in$lined to belie e that it is! then >e must >arn this man& -he same people >ho might ha e murdered Cardinal 9iorre &&&N NMight go to the same lengths again!N Lohanen finished #es$olini<s thought& 0ilen$e for a moment& NLohanen!N #es$olini began somberly! N%o you thin? this is the time of the endRN Lohanen nodded slo>ly& NPes! old friend! / do! but it is also the time of the beginning& 9or the end of days >ill bring the glorious return of our Lord& -here >ill be pea$e and the healing of the nations& 'll people >ill be free! and he >ill rule from Lerusalem& ' 0$ripture $omes to mind8one of my fa orites& /n fa$t! / re$ite it se eral times a day! be$ause it gi es me a feeling of hope& /t is from /saiah 45 erses + and *0& /t says! WRemember the former things! those of long agoQ / am Kod! and there is no otherQ / am Kod! and there is none li?e me& / ma?e ?no>n the end from the beginning! from an$ient times! >hat is still to $ome& / say: My purpose >ill stand! and / >ill do all that / please&< N'll of this8>hat is happening on the earth8>as fore"told long ago& Fur Lord said in the Kospel of LohnN8Lohanen loo?ed at Ma$ and >in?ed at him8N2o> / tell you before it $omes! that >hen it does $ome to pass! you may belie e that / am he&N Lohanen >aited a moment then $ontinued! N7e ?no>s the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end& Cardinal! you must remember that e en though >e may be entering! as you put it! Wthe time of the end!< >e are not to lose hope! for >e ?no> that our redemption dra>s $lose& 'nd >hen he $omes! >e >ill rise in the air to meet him&N

Cardinal #es$olini as?ed for Lohanen<s blessing& ' startled 9ather -homas >aited a moment before follo>ing the older man<s eCample&

Nora heard the familiar >histle as she! Lizzie! and Rasta"man approa$hed the hole in
the sub>ay >all that led to the Condos& 2ora put her fingers in her mouth and ga e the appropriate response: three sharp >histles& ' fe> moments later they >ere met by one of the sentrys! a >hite man named 7arry! >ho approa$hed >ith a baseball bat slung o er his shoulder& 2ora sa> him sizing up the trio& NMayor don< >ant him <round here!N he said& 2ora stepped for>ard& NRastaman<s hurt8he needs help&N N-he Mayor say nobody $ome in <less somthin< gone >rong!N 7arry said! and he eyed the sa$? 2ora >as $arrying& N-hat<s >hat Rastaman said happened to him!N 2ora pleaded& NLoo? at his fa$e! 7arry& 0omething burned it&N 7arry mo ed $loser and eCamined Rastaman<s fa$e& N0ee!N 2ora said! Nsomethin< burned it&N N0ome ?ine of monster! mon!N Rastaman mumbled& Lizzie piped up& NListen! 7arry! Rastaman had somethin< happen to him that ain<t natural& 0o no> nobody<s safe here& Pou understandRN 2ora sa> that 7arry >as trying to de$ide >hat to do& 9inally the man dropped the bat from his shoulders& NCome on >ith me& -he Mayor >ill >ant to see you all&N 2ora ga e Rastaman an en$ouraging nudge and they follo>ed 7arry through the $ra$? in the sub>ay tunnel<s >all& /t led to a naturally formed $a ern that o er one hundred mole people $alled home& Clusters of ma?eshift huts! spread throughout the $a ern! >ere lit >ith lanterns and $andles& 2ora found herself outside the Mayor<s house! >hi$h >as one of the fe> stru$tures made almost entirely from s$raps of >ood& NGait here!N 7arry said! as he ?no$?ed on the door& NGho is itRN 2ora heard the Mayor $all out& NMe! 7arryN N/s it importantRN the Mayor $alled& NPeah & & & Rastaman<s here&N 2ora heard a shuffle inside the house! then the door opened! and a fifty"something >hite man stood before the group eyeing Rastaman suspi$iously& N7e sa> a monster!N 7arry said! and pointed to Rasta"man<s fa$e& -he Mayor too? a step $loser& NLet me get a lantern&N 7e >ent ba$? inside his house and $ame out holding an old Cole"man lantern& 7e held it up to Rastaman<s fa$e& NPou get burned >ith a$idRN he as?ed& N2o! mon! / don<t get burned >it< notin< &&& sometin< did dis to me & & & -here >as a hole in the da tunnel! ne er sa> it before! and dis light $ome out& 2eCt ting / remember / >as

layin< on the da ground and my fa$e >as burnin<&N -he Mayor regarded him for a moment& NPou better stay >ith us until >e figure out >hat<s do>n there!N he finally said& NPou too! Lizzie! tunnels ain<t safe right no>&N N0*< Lizzie $an ta?e $are of herself! but /<ll ta?e you up on the offer! Mayor&N NGhere<s he gonna stayRN 7arry as?ed! loo?ing at Rastaman& N7e $an stay >ith 2ora and Lerry& 'nd you mind the rules >hile you<re here&N -he Mayor eyed Rastaman& N2o funny stuff! rightRN Rastaman nodded& N/< e got stuff to do!N the Mayor said! and he disappeared inside his house& NLet<s go! Lizzie!N 2ora said! and she shoo? the sa$? >ith e $anned goods& Lizzie nodded and the three of them >al?ed a$ross the $a ern floor to 2ora<s house& -hey had gotten half>ay there >hen a $ommotion stopped them in their tra$?s& N0omebody help usJN 2ora froze as she re$ognized Lerry<s oi$e& N0omebody help &&& pleaseJN the $all rang out again& N-hat<s Lerry& / got to go& Pou guard this for me!N 2ora said! handing the bag to Lizzie! and she ran to>ard >here she thought Lerry >as! lea ing Lizzie and Rastaman to fend for themsel es& 1y the time she rea$hed Lerry! a small $ro>d had gathered around him& /t >as $lear that the man >as in sho$?& 7e >as trembling all o er& N Ghat happenedRN an old al$oholi$ named 1en as?ed& N/ seen something &&& >asn<t natural&N 7e shuddered again& -he $ro>d parted and the Mayor stood a fe> feet from >here Lerry >as holding his lantern& NKet ahold of yourself! Lerry!N he $ommanded! N-ell us >hat you sa>& ' senten$e at a time&N Lerry >rung his hands together! then he spotted 2ora and shoo? his head as if to tell her that >hate er he sa> had been really horrible& 7e tried to spea? se eral times! false starts& 7e too? a deep breath& N/ >as do>n on the se$ond le el loo?ing for tra$? rabbits& / >as gonna get one too& 'll of a sudden / see something near the tra$?s& / thought that maybe somebody had stepped on the third rail& 0o / got $loser and then / see that it<s a body! all right& 0o / get e en $loser to see >hat<s happened& Man! / got to tell you / ain<t ne er seen nothin< li?e this&N 7e stopped and started to sha?e again& N-a?e it easy!N the Mayor said& NPou<re gonna be all right& Pou<re here >ith us! rightRN 2ora sa> Lerry loo? around! >ide"eyed& NPou gonna be o?ay! Lerry!N she $alled from the edge of the $ro>d& Lerry $aught her eye and nodded& NGhat happened neCtRN the Mayor as?ed& NGell! li?e / said! / $alled out <$ause this man >as sittin< near the third rail& / thought the guy might be high or maybe he thin?in< on ?illin< himself& 0o / >ent up to him and $alled out again and he turned and loo?ed at me& 'nd it & & &N 7e stopped again and bit his lo>er lip& N/t >asn<t human & & & /t had these eyes that >ere open and they >as starin< at me &&& but they >as eyes that / ne er seen before & & & big! bla$? eyes && & almost li?e some inse$t& -hen / noti$ed the hands &&&N

NGhat about the handsRN the Mayor as?ed& N-here >as siC fingers on ea$h hand& -hat >as all / $ould ta?e and / Eust ran here! fast as / $ould& / nearly got hit by a train! / >as so s$ared&N N0o you thin? it<s still thereRN N/ didn<t loo? ba$? & & & but somethin< else& -here >as a tunnel >here there shouldn<t a been one& /t >as li?e somebody Eust made one o ernight! <$ause / >as do>n there the day before and it >asn<t there then&N NGhen >as the last time you hit upRN the Mayor as?ed& NLast night & & & but this ain<t got nothin< to do >ith any of that! Mayor &&& trust me&N : erybody loo?ed at the Mayor to see >hat should be done& !, anyone co'ld ,ig're o'" ha" "o do, i" as "he Mayor, 2ora thought& -,"er all, he as "he one ho discovered "he >ondos in "he ,irs" place, and .ade i" sa,e ,or "he o.en% The Mayor had set the rules for e erybody to follo> and pla$ed a guard at the entran$e to the Condos& 7e >ould see to it that all >as right in the end& N7arryRN the Mayor $alled& N-a?e Lerry and a $ouple of men and go see if there<s anything to his storyN N7ey&N Lerry $rossed his arms defiantly& N/ ain<t goin< ba$? do>n there and that<s for sure& 7arry and the others $an go! but nothin< gonna ma?e me&N 2ora sa> the Mayor $onsidering >hat Lerry had said& 7e stepped to>ard the man and pla$ed his hand on his shoulder& NPou don<t ha e to do it then &&& o?ay! LerryRN -he group began to go ba$? to their huts& 2ora $ame alongside Lerry and grabbed his arm& NCome on! Lerry / got supper for us&N 0he met up >ith Lizzie and Rastaman and led them all to her hut! shouldering the sa$? >ith the food8and the en elope >ith the dis?8 that she had ta?en from the apartment&


rolled o er in his bed! his mind lingering a moment on the last part of a strange dream& Mary >as in it and so >as the 7ag& /t >as then that he felt something that didn<t feel quite right against his s?in& +il/ shee"s, he thought! as he opened one eye and realized that! one! this >as no" his bedQ he hadn<t made it home from the gala& ->o! someone had drugged him& 7e ra$?ed his brain trying to remember& The "all, blond, +ene, he thought& The one i"h "he eyes % % % 5id ! see "ha"8 ;as i" real8 7e sat up in bed and his head pounded! li?e someone >as hammering on an an il inside it& 7e realized that he >as na?ed& 7e spotted his $lothes folded neatly o er a $hair by a Louis a/@ des?& )riceless an"i6'e, he thought! ha ing trouble fo$using his attention& Ge" a hold o, yo'rsel,, <i"4pa"ric/ %%% My head ,eels li/e i"3s spli""ing in " o% 5id "he Hag do "his8 ;here3s Mary8 5id she s"ay "he nigh" here "oo8 7is ision blurred and the room started spinning& 7h, boy %%% hold on "o yo'rsel, <i"4pa"ric/% 7e steadied himself >ith both hands on the bed& ;ho as "ha", +ene8 5id she do "his "o .e8 ;ha" happened8 7is thoughts >andered a moment and then he too? possession of them again! getting angry at himself for losing $ontrol& 7e $limbed out of the bed! steadied himself a moment! then >ent o er to fet$h his $lothes& 's he tried getting a leg into his pants he lost his balan$e and fell to the floor& 7e sat up and slipped his other leg into the pants& 's he got up the room began to spin again& +"eady%%% s"eady, he $autioned him"self& 7e got his shirt on but had trouble fo$using his eyes on the buttons! finally su$$eeding by feeling them into pla$e& 7e slipped his Ea$?et on! rubbed his eyes! and made his >ay out to the hall& -he opposite side >as a >all of glass and8Eudging from the position of the sun<s refle$tion8 he realized it >as $lose to noon& !3ve slep" "his la"e8 ;ha"ever i" as "hey gave .e "hre .e ,or a loop% ;ha" is going on8 ;hy dr'g .e8 7e >al?ed to>ard the spiral stair$ase! ma?ing sure ea$h foot >as planted firmly on the step before ta?ing another one& Rea$hing the ground floor! 9itzpatri$? stood a moment before starting a$ross the large ballroom! >here half a dozen ser ants >ere in the pro$ess of $leaning up from the night before& 7e stopped mid>ay and loo?ed around& -he 7ag >as no>here to be seen& 7e >ent o er to one of the ser ants& N7a e you seen @on 0$h erdtRN he as?ed a demure Friental girl& -he girl lo>ered her head and pointed to the end of the ballroom& N-hereRN 9itzpatri$? said! pointing to another stair$ase& -he girl nodded and returned to her >or?& 9itzpatri$? mo ed a$ross the floor! his head still foggy& ' c'p o, co,,ee o'ld be 1's" "he "hing ! need "o c'" "hro'gh "his, he thought as he neared the stair$ase& 7e listened again and thought he heard the familiar oi$e of the 7ag $oming from belo>& 7e >ent do>n the stairs! paused at the last step! and! listening again to get his bearings! turned to his left and started do>n a hall>ay in the dire$tion of the oi$e& 7e $ontinued until he $ame to t>o ornately $ar ed doors that he thought must ha e been

lifted from the entran$e to a :uropean $athedral& -he doors >ere open! and he paused at the threshold& -he 7ag sat in a ery large leather easy $hair! puffing a $igar! >hile a male nurse administered >hat appeared to be a blood transfusion& 1ut >hat stopped him and made his blood run $old >as a large 2azi flag that dominated the far >all& 9itzpatri$? loo?ed around& 2azi regalia >as e ery>here& ' life"sized bronze bust of 7itler& ' photo" Eournalisti$ display of the 9uehrer sho>ing his rise to po>er and the glory of the 2uremberg rallies& ' gun $ase! displaying the finest handguns and rifles that the ;er.arch", the Kerman army! had used during the >orld<s bloodiest $onfli$t& /ron $rosses! uniforms! armbands! s>asti?as! helmets! and the dreaded double 00 death<s head of the 2azi elite<s soldiers filled the room& N'h! 9itzpatri$?!N the 7ag greeted him! letting out a stream of smo?e& N/<m $hanging my oil! 1a82 7e thre> his head ba$? and laughed& Githout his ma?eup and toupee! he loo?ed dreadful& 7is Eo>ls sagged! and dar? li er spots mar?ed his fa$e& 9itzpatri$? stared& /t >as one of the most bizarre s$enes he had e er >itnessed& NCome in! $ome in!N the 7ag $oaCed& N7e<s almost through& 'nother fe> drops and then /<ll be good for another >ee? or so&N 9itzpatri$? too? a tentati e step into the room& 7e sa> the nurse fill a syringe! and after eCpelling the air! inEe$t the $on"tents into the /@ line that >as hoo?ed into the 7ag<s arm& NPou are as?ing >hat happened to me last nightR 'nd >hat did / do >ith 0ene &&& su$h an attra$ti e ah &&& girl&N 7e laughed again& 9itzpatri$? stared at the man! fighting the impulse to pummel the old 7ag >hile he sat in the $hair& NGhat<s your gameRN he as?ed in the most deta$hed! $asual manner he $ould muster& 7is instin$t >as to sound bold and $onfrontational& 1ut! seeing that he >as in a $ompromising position! he realized the 7ag >ould eCpe$t that ?ind of rea$tion& 0o he had opted for the opposite& N@ery good! 9itzpatri$?&N -he 7ag paused! sizing him up& N-here is a game! as you put it& 'nd you are a player in it! 1a82 -he 7ag pulled at his $igar& -he nurse finished the transfusion and >ithdre> the needle from the 7ag<s arm! then put a 1and"'id o er the spot& 7e >heeled his tray past 9itzpatri$?! >ho mo ed to the side! allo>ing him to pass& NClose the doors! >ill youRN the 7ag as?ed! and he got up from his $hair and >ent o er to a polished >alnut des? that had! engra ed in its front panel! an eagle per$hed on a s>asti?a& 9itzpatri$? loo?ed at the 7ag for se eral se$onds before turning to $lose the doors& -hen he >al?ed o er and sat in one of the $hairs that fa$ed the des?& NGhat do you >antR Ghy did you set me up >ith that girl and ha e me druggedR 'nd >here<s MaryR %id you do some"thing to her! tooRN -he 7ag sat >ith his hands in front of him! $reating a steeple >ith his indeC fingers& NMaryRN the 7ag repeated and $hu$?led as he shoo? his head& NMary is of no $onsequen$e&N N0o she<s not hereRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed! anger $oloring his spee$h& N%idn<t she ha e the pleasure of being drugged and iolated! thenRN -he 7ag sat impassi ely! ignoring 9itzpatri$?<s question& N/<m going to sho> you

things! some of >hi$h >ill sho$? you! 1a8 0ome of it >ill fit the puzzle you ha e been trying to put together&N 7e paused and an impish smile $rossed his lips& N/ ?no> about you trying to find out >ho / am&N 9itzpatri$? shifted in his $hair but didn<t deny the a$$usation& N9irst / >ant to sho> you something about >hat happened last night&N -he 7ag pulled out the top dra>er of his des? and pulled out a Eoysti$?& 7e pointed it at the flag! and a s$reen des$ended in front of it& 'nother $li$?! and the lights dimmed& ' ideo began& 9itzpatri$? leaned for>ard& -here >as no mista?ing >hat he sa>& -here he >as! $linging to 0ene! >ho >as leading him into the room& 7e sa> her $lose the door and bring him o er to the bed& 7e $ould see that e en then he >as slipping in and out of $ons$iousness& 7is head bobbed up and do>n& 7e sa> 0ene begin to ta?e his $lothes off& 7e >at$hed as she pushed him ba$? onto the bed& -he >oman too? off her feathered mas? that until no> had hidden her eyes from him& 7e gasped& 7er eyes >ere not human& -hey >ere almond"shaped! three times larger than that of a normal human! and had no eyebro>s& -he pupils >ere as bla$? as a lump of $oal& 9itzpatri$? >at$hed >ith a miCture of sho$? and horror& NGhat is itRN he >hispered& -hen he sa> the >oman rea$h up >ith both hands and remo e her hair& - ig%%% i"3s a ig, she3s no" h'.an% 7e stared at the bald >oman and began to realize that it >as a life form! but not of this earth& Ghat follo>ed neCt shamed him& -hen the ideo ended abruptly and the 7ag restored the lights to the room& 9itzpatri$? rushed to the door and found that someho> it had been lo$?ed& 9alling to his ?nees he omited on the #ersian rug& -he 7ag laughed& N2o>! no>! 9itzpatri$?& 2othing to be alarmed about& Pou should be honored! for you< e helped >ith their breeding program&N 9itzpatri$? omited again& 7e felt totally iolated! shamed! and un$lean& -here arose in the pit of his stoma$h a feeling of su$h dread that he began to dry"hea e& 7e $ried& NPou are so emotional! my friend& Li?e a >oman&N 0omething snapped in 9itzpatri$?& 7e pi$?ed himself from the floor and blindly staggered to>ard the des? >ith one thought& N/<ll ?ill you! you lousy &&&N 7e stopped in his tra$?s! $hest hea ing! fists $len$hed! mouth a$rid& -he 7ag had a gun pointed at his $hest& 7e sa> the red dot of a laser $ir$le near his heart as the 7ag mo ed the barrel of the gun& N/ thin? you had better sit do>n&N -he 7ag motioned to the $hair& 9itzpatri$? realized that he >as sha?ing& 7is ?nees felt >ea?& :asing himself o er to the $hair! he $ollapsed in it& -he 7ag pushed a button on his des? and! moments later! the doors opened behind him& ' mus$ular man entered in a tight -"shirt >ith arms the size of 9itzpatri$?<s $al es& - bodyg'ard% !sn3" "ha" "he sa.e g'y ho danced i"h Mary8 9itzpatri$? stared at the 7ag and >aited for >hat >ould happen neCt& N/ ha e mu$h to sho> you! 9itzpatri$?! and / $an<t be $on$erned >ith >hat you might do& 1runo >ill see that you beha e& Let<s begin! shall >eR Pou are as?ing yourself >hyRN Githout >aiting for a reply the 7ag $ontinued& N/t is be$ause / >ant to sho> you deeper things! the hidden mysteries! >hat ha e been ?ept in the se$ret pla$es for millennia! but no>! in our day! >ill be re ealed&N 9itzpatri$? glan$ed at 1runo then at the 7ag! realizing that there >as no $hoi$e but to listen& NLoo? at the s$reen! 9itzpatri$?!N the 7ag said! as he dimmed the lights ery lo>! but

not $ompletely dar? as before& 9itzpatri$? stared at the s$reen! a feeling of dread $oursing through his body li?e a poison& -he s$reen fli$?ered a fe> times! and then he sa> a bla$?"and">hite mo ie& -he quality >as poor! grainy& N-his >as ta?en in *+*6!N the 7ag began! Nin 9atima! #ortugal& -here is no sound! 9itzpatri$?! so if you don<t mind / >ill narrate for us& Pou see the $ro>dR F er se enty thousand people >ere gathered in 9atima& 'nd do you ?no> >hyR 1e$ause three $hildren $laimed to see an apparition of the 1lessed @irgin Mary& -hey had been told that she >ould appear and perform a mira$le& 0o on that day people gathered8peasants! >or?ers! farmers! the intelligentsia of the day! ne>spaper reporters& /t had been raining all morning! 9itzpatri$?& 1ut the Wpilgrims< remained igilant& -he mira$le >as supposed to happen at t>el e noon& 1ut the @irgin >as late& Can you imagine! lateRN 'nd he burst out laughing again& N0he finally sho>ed up an hour later& Fne of the $hildren pointed to >here she >as& Ff $ourse no one but the $hildren sa> anything& 1ut >at$h here! 9itzpatri$?& Pou see the film! ho> Eer?y it be$omesR /t is be$ause the $ameraman is pointing the $amera in a ne> dire$tion! to>ard the s?y& Loo?& -hes?y is parting! and >hat do you see no>R -he sun spinningR Gat$h &&& see it fall to the earth& 2o> the people fall to their ?nees& : eryone is terrified& -he >orld is $oming to an end& -he Wsun< is dan$ing and falling do>n to earth& Li?e your Chi$?en Little story&N 7e laughed again& N0tupid peasants& Ghat do you see! 9itzpatri$?R /t<s not the sun! is itR /t<s a dis?& Loo? at it refle$t the sun off its shiny eCterior& 0ee the >ay it $omes $lose to the $ro>d& : eryone >ho had been standing in the rain eCperien$ed his or her $lothes be$oming dry& 0ome e en reported mira$les& 'nd here<s something that you should ?no>& -his is the only film remaining of that day& : ery other photograph >as $onfis$ated& 're you a>are that a Catholi$ priest de oted his entire life to dis$o ering >hat really happenedR 7e is dead no>! and his >or? remains unpublished! $onfis$ated by the @ati$an& -hey ?no> >hat it >as and they don<t ?no> ho> to deal >ith it& 1ut >aitJ -his is Eust the beginning& / ha e another film to sho> you& 'nd the quality of this film eC$eeds e en the most ad an$ed film te$hniques of our day! yet it is almost t>o thousand years old&N 9itzpatri$? glan$ed at 1runo! sa> his deadpan eyes! and realized that the man had probably ne er ta?en his eyes off him for a moment& 9itzpatri$? turned ba$? to the s$reen& NLoo? at the Roman soldiers! 9itzpatri$?& 9as$inating! isn<t it& 'nd see the one that they are fastening to that >ooden $rossbeamRN 9itzpatri$? leaned for>ard! spellbound at >hat he sa>& -he 7ag >as right& -he hologram! if that<s >hat it >as! >as eCtraordinarily $lear& 9urther! the shot seemed to be ta?en from the air! abo e the e ent& 9itzpatri$? stared! mesmerized& -he ie> $hanged and began to pull ba$? from the s$ene& 9itzpatri$? sa> a $ro>d of people and then three $rosses being ere$ted on a hill& -he s$ene $hanged >ith a shudder! li?e a ripple on a pond of still >ater& ' $loseup fo$used on the man on the middle $ross& 7e is bloody! beaten almost beyond re$ognition! his beard pulled out in tufts& -hen the $amera mo ed a>ay! sho>ing the entire body& Ropes bind both hands >hile nails! dri en through the >rists! fasten the body to the >ooden $rossbeam& 9itzpatri$? $an s$ar$ely breathe& 'nother ripple& -he head hangs lifeless and rests on the man<s $hest& ' Roman soldier thrusts his spear into the man! but there is no mo ement& 'nother ripple& 7e is pla$ed in a tomb and the stone rolled in front by men! >hile mourning >omen loo? on& 'nother ripple& 2ight& ' bright light des$ends from the night s?y! and8to 9itzpatri$?<s astonishment8a B9F

lands near the site& 'liens mo e the stone by tele?inesis and enter the tomb& ' burst of light appears from the entran$e& Moments later Lesus emerges& /t appears that he has had $onta$t >ith these beings before as he embra$es them& -he film suddenly stopped& NGhy sho> you thisRN the 7ag as?ed rhetori$ally& N/ ?no> you on$e had faith in Kod! but you had questions& -hey gna>ed at your soul! ?ept you a>a?e at night! and finally >hen you $ouldn<t ans>er them! dro e you from the ery thing that you had gi en your life to& 0o / ha e pro ided you >ith the ans>ers you sought! but $ould not find8that of eCtraterrestrial inter ention& /t >as they all along >ho ga e birth to the religions of the >orld& -hey resurre$ted the Christ! $reated the mira$le of the sun at 9atima! and performed a host of other mira$les that >ould astound you& Ghat you Eust sa> >as a holographi$ film of the Cru$ifiCion! ta?en by them&N 9itzpatri$? >as stunned& /t >as almost more than his mind $ould handle& N/ ha e $hosen you& 0ene has $hosen you& -hey ha e $hosen you& -o help bring about the final $hanges >hi$h are about to ta?e pla$e on this planet& -here is something else you should ?no>& -here are men >ho >ould oppose us& -hey stand in their an$ient traditions! their dogma! and their ritual! and hold on to those things& -hey are afraid of losing po>er! position! and $ontrol& Fne of these men you on$e >or?ed >ith& 7e had information that >ould be ery damaging to us if it >ere re ealed& Ge sa> to it that he >ould not be able to publish it& / >ant you to >at$h something&N -he 7ag $li$?ed the Eoysti$? again& 9itzpatri$? settled ba$? in the $hair! brought both hands under his $hin! and >at$hed& -he s$ene rippled li?e the pre ious one! and 9itzpatri$? re$ognized Cardinal 9iorre& 7e sa> that there >ere t>o $reatures! similar to 0ene! that >ere in the same room >ith him& 7e sa> one of them stare into the eyes of the $ardinal& ' ripple& -hen the $ardinal grasped his $hest and he slumped o er onto the table& Con ulsing for a moment! he then lay still& 9itzpatri$? sa> that the $reatures gathered up a manus$ript and then left the s$ene& -he lights $ame up again& NGhy sho> me thatRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed! the anger rising in his oi$e& N/t is to sho> you >hat >ill happen to you if you $hoose the >rong side!N the 7ag stated& NPou ?illed an inno$ent man be$ause of his resear$h& -hat<s murder&N 9itzpatri$? began to rise out of his $hair& 7e felt 1runo<s hand $lamp on his shoulder and push him ba$? do>n& -he 7ag stood& N/ ?no> that you on$e >or?ed >ith the $ardinal >hen this proEe$t >as in its nas$ent form& / ?no>! from people that are in our organization at the @ati$an! that he sent you a $opy of his >or?& Ge must ha e that $opy& Pou must understand that >e ha e toiled for $enturies to arri e at this point& Pou >ere hired be$ause of your ?no>ledge! but you ne er understood >hat happened to the >or? that you did& /t >as to aid us in bringing about the $hanges that >ill sha?e the >orld to its foundations! bringing about a one">orld system of go ernmentJN 9itzpatri$? noti$ed that the 7ag had be$ome impassioned! bordering on the fanati$al& 0pittle formed around the $orners of his mouth as he pa$ed behind his des?& NGe tried to do this before& / helped >ith the first attempt! in Kermany& 7itler >as our essel! but he pro ed to be >ea?&

0o >e ha e >aited! and no> the time has $ome for another& -he sho>do>n is $oming &&& and >e >ill >in&N -he 7ag set both his hands on his des?& NLoin us!N he >hispered& 9itzpatri$? felt the man<s eyes bore into him& 7e held his gaze! then turned a>ay and eChaled a long breath of air& He /ills <iorre, "hrea"ens .e, and "hen as/s .e "o 1oin hi. %%% 9itzpatri$? >as dazed by the man<s auda$ity& -he 7ag $ontinued in soft! almost fatherly tones& N2ot no> & & & / understand& 0o mu$h has happened& 1ut later! >hen you ha e rested and sorted through it& -hen you >ill gi e me an ans>er! along >ith the information the $ardinal sent you& 1runo! see that he gets home&N 9itzpatri$? pi$?ed himself up from the $hair& 7e glan$ed on$e at the 7ag! then loo?ed at 1runo and follo>ed the man out of the room& 0e eral minutes later he $limbed into the ba$? of the limousine and $ollapsed into the seat& 7e felt li?e his mind had been shattered into a thousand pie$es& -he $ar pulled a>ay into the bright sunlight and headed to>ard 2e> Por? City&

Art Ma$Menzie found himself on$e again in an airplane& -his time he >as in the
$opilot<s seat of Lohanen<s pri ate Eet& -hey >ere mid>ay o er the 'tlanti$ F$ean! approa$hing 2e> Por?& N0o! ho> is MaggieR %id she understandRN Lohanen as?ed! as he $he$?ed his fuel gauge& NPeah! she<s being a real trooper about all of this& / promised that after >e finished our business in 2e> Por? /<d ta?e the neCt plane ba$? to Los 'ngeles&N <'nd if Kod gi es you other instru$tionsRN Lohanen probed& Ma$Menzie thought for a moment& NPou ?no> >hat /<d do! Lohanen& /<d obey&N N-he pa$e is pi$?ing up! Ma$Menzie& Loo? at the Middle :ast! for one& 2o> 7is 7oliness has died! >hi$h $reates more instability& 're you a>are that at this moment there are o er forty >ars being fought on the planetR Geather patterns are being disrupted! famines are global! disease is ?illing millions e ery year & & & the >orld is ripe for the 'nti$hrist to re eal him"self& / ha e said before that the time is near& 2o> / >ould amend that to "he "i.e is no %33% N0o this is itRN NPes! Ma$Menzie! it is&N W'nd you thin? that Cardinal 9iorre ?ne> >ho it >as! the 'nti$hristRN Lohanen fro>ned& N2o! / don<t thin? any one person ?no>s& -here must be an ind>elling by 0atan himself! and that has not happened as of yet&N N1ut you said that 9iorre had narro>ed the field&N NPes! his last $ommunique >ith me indi$ated that he had it narro>ed to a handful of $andidates&N N/ ha e a question!N Ma$ probed& N/t<s not related to >hat >e< e been tal?ing about! though&N N's? a>ay! Ma$Menzie! for as you ?no>! >e ha e a fe> hours before landing&N NGhen >e >ere in the basili$a! and you $hallenged the fallen angel! your oi$e thundered& / heard it& 'nd then the $lergy that >ere present fell to the ground& /t >as as if your oi$e had a for$e that pushed them o er& Ghat >as thatRN NGhen Lesus! or as / prefer to $all him! Peshua! >as in the garden and Ludas and the Le>ish leaders $ame to arrest him! they as?ed! WGhere is PeshuaR< Ghen Peshua ans>ered! he said! </ am he!< and all of those >ho had gathered to ta?e him fell ba$?>ard& 7e has gi en that same po>er to me! Ma$Menzie& /t is something that his 0pirit does through me& Ghen / spo?e! / released! by faith! his po>er& Pou sa> the result in human terms! >ith the $lergy falling ba$?>ard& 1ut / must tell you that in the realm of the 0pirit other e ents too? pla$e that you did not see&N

N0u$h asRN Ma$ pressed& N-here are $ertain things! Ma$Menzie! that are better left unsaid&N Ma$ ?ne> not to push the subEe$t! although be$ause he >as a Eournalist he >anted to& 7e restrained himself! turning the $on ersation in another dire$tion& 0e eral hours >ent by and Lohanen landed the Eet at La Kuardia airport& /t >as *:30 in the afternoon& -hey >ent through $ustoms qui$?ly! as Lohanen produ$ed a diplomati$ passport from /taly& -hey hailed a $ab and as?ed to be ta?en to the 2e> Por?er hotel in Manhattan& %e$iding to share a room! they unpa$?ed! got settled in! then got something to eat at a hole"in"the">all Kree? restaurant near the hotel& -hey stopped ba$? at their room to freshen up! then headed out again& N7o> >ell do you ?no> 2e> Por?! Ma$MenzieR N Lohanen queried! as they >aited for a $ab outside the lobby of the hotel& N2ot >ell at all!N Ma$ ans>ered& N/ >as on assignment here se eral times! >hen / >or?ed for the, but / depended on aides that >ere assigned to get me around&N Ma$ $ould see that he >asn<t paying any attention to his ans>er& NLohanenRN Ma$ as?ed! but the man remained still! his eyes unblin?ing! as if he >ere seeing something that only he >as pri y to& ' minute >ent by and still Lohanen remained transfiCed& Mu$h to Ma$<s dismay! se eral passersby also noti$ed& ' doorman $ame o er >ith a $on$erned loo?& N/s he all right! sirRN Ma$ nodded& N7e<s fine& Ki e us a minute &&& than?s for as?ing&N -he doorman ga e Ma$ a side>ays loo? and >al?ed a>ay& NLohanen!N Ma$ $alled& Lohanen finally mo ed& NReally! Ma$Menzie! you should ?no> by no> that e erything is as it should be&N N%o you realize that you >ere standing pra$ti$ally $omatose for se eral minutesR -he doorman e en $ame up and as?ed if you >ere all right&N N/ >as gi en a ision from the 'n$ient of %ays& 0omething has been added to our agenda&N Ma$ >aited for an eCplanation! ha ing no idea >hat he >as tal?ing about& ' $ab pulled up and they $limbed in& NGhere toRN the $abby as?ed! as he pun$hed the gas and the tires $hirped& NGall 0treet!N Lohanen ans>ered& N0o >hat happened ba$? thereRN Ma$ as?ed& N's / said! / had a ision! and the Lord sho>ed me a slight detour from our prime obEe$ti e& Ge are to meet a >oman at my ban?& 0he is in need of my help&N N-hat<s itR Pou ma?e it sound li?e >hat happened >as as $ommon as buying a loaf of bread&N N/ assure you! Ma$Menzie! the things of the Lord are ne er $ommonpla$e& 1ut it is sad that mu$h of the $hur$h today has denied the gifts of the 0pirit& / belie e this is a fulfillment of the prophe$y stating that in the latter days! they8meaning those >ho $all themsel es Christians8>ould ha e a form of religion! but deny its po>er& Ge >ere meant to ha e isions! to >al? in the po>er of the 7oly 0pirit! and that goes for you too! Ma$Menzie& 're you a>are of a 0$ripture that says! WFld men >ill dream dreams! and young men >ill see isions<RN NPou ma?e it sound li?e it<s a perfe$tly natural o$$urren$e&N N/t should be! Ma$Menzie& -hat is >hy the 'n$ient of %ays promised to send the

Comforter! the 7oly 0pirit! to all of us! to tea$h us in all things&N -here >as silen$e for a moment as Ma$ digested >hat Lohanen said& -hen Ma$ s>it$hed topi$s& NGhat do >e do >hen >e get to the ban?R Ghat happensRN Lohanen turned in his seat& NPou >ill >at$h and learn! Ma$Menzie& -here is a ne> saying that /< e heard as of late& @ery 'meri$an! / may add& /t goes li?e this: W-he things of the 0pirit are sometimes better $aught! than taught&N< Lohanen >aited a moment then $ontinued! N-he >oman in my ision is in desperate need of money& 1ut she is also ery ill! although she has done her best to hide this fa$t from her husband and family& -he :nemy has $ome against her& /n fa$t! Ma$Menzie! if you ?eep your eyes open! and the Lord allo>s! you might see some ery interesting things ta?e pla$e&N N/n the ban?RN Ma$ as?ed& Lohanen shrugged& NGhy not in a ban?! if that is >here the Lord $hooses to do his >or?&N -en minutes later they found themsel es in a traffi$ Eam >hi$h the parti$ipants hon?ed their horns and shouted nasty epithets to one another! enting their frustration at the snarl of $ars that stret$hed for blo$?s& NGel$ome to the 1ig 'pple!N the $abby quipped& Ma$ turned to Lohanen& N/s this going to thro> the timetable off >ith the >omanRN he as?ed& N2ot at all! Ma$Menzie& 1e anCious for nothing& Ge<ll arri e >hen >e<re supposed to&N NGhat if >e<re8N Lohanen thre> Ma$ a glan$e and Ma$ didn<t finish his question& -he traffi$ began to mo e! and a short time later the $ab pulled up at their destination& Lohanen paid the fare and the men >ent into the Chase Manhattan ban?& Ma$ too? a seat in a $luster of $hairs arranged in a $ir$le in a semipri ate al$o e! >hile Lohanen stood in line& There3s no one here "ha" ,i"s "he descrip"ion, he thought& 5id e .iss her8 Maybe she hasn3" co.e in ye"% ;ha" i, ?ohanen didn3" ge" i" righ"8 Lohanen >as behind an elderly gentleman in a >ell"fitting suit& -he line mo ed slo>ly! but after a fe> minutes Lohanen<s turn $ame! and he >ent to the >indo>& Ma$ stared at the doors to the ban?! then at Lohanen! then ba$? to the doors& -he >oman of the ision hadn<t sho>n her"self yet& ;ha" did ?ohanen say8 HBe anAio's ,or no"hing38 &i/e .os" "hings he "ells .e, i"3s easier said "han done% 9ed up >ith >aiting! Ma$ got up and >al?ed o er to the $ounter >here Lohanen >as transa$ting his business& -he teller! a middle"aged >oman >earing too mu$h ma?eup! glan$ed at Ma$ and ga e him a dirty loo?& NCan / help you >ith somethingRN she as?ed& N/<m >ith him!N Ma$ said! pointing to Lohanen& -he >oman loo?ed at Lohanen for $onfirmation& NPes! he is >ith me&N -he >oman thre> Ma$ another s$o>l and began to $ount from a >ad of one" hundred"dollar bills& 0he stopped $ounting >hen she rea$hed ten thousand! t>o hundred& -hen she too? a fifty"$ent pie$e from her tray& NGould you li?e this in an en elopeRN she as?ed& NPes! than? you!N Lohanen replied& -he >oman put the money in an en elope and handed it to Lohanen! then began to $ount out the rest of the money& 0he $ounted out another ten thousand in hundreds! and passed it to Lohanen&

N7ere you go! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen said! as he handed the $ash to Ma$! >hi$h brought another s$o>l from the teller& -he t>o turned to lea e& N0he<s not here yet!N Ma$ reminded Lohanen! as he tu$?ed the $ash in one of the deep po$?ets of his $argo pants& N're you sure! Ma$MenzieRN Lohanen as?ed! and Ma$ $aught a t>in?le in the man<s eye as he motioned to the doors of the ban?& ' >ell"dressed >oman entered! her dar? bro>n hair gathered in a ponytail behind her head& 0he stopped for a moment and sear$hed her purse& -hen she pulled out a $he$?boo?! a sa ings a$$ount boo?! and an offi$ial"loo?ing en elope& N/s that herRN Ma$ as?ed& NPes! it is!N Lohanen said! and the t>o men >al?ed o er to >here the >oman >as standing! stopping se eral feet from her& -he >oman >as startled and began to ba$? a>ay from them& N7ello! / am Lohanen! and / >ould li?e to gi e you ten thousand! t>o hundred dollars! and fifty $ents&N -he >oman stared >ide"eyed at Lohanen! her mouth open in sho$?& 9inally she managed! NGhat did you sayRN Lohanen laughed good"naturedly& N/ >ant to gi e you >hat you need to ta?e your house out of fore$losure& Ghat you ha e been praying about& -he Lord has ans>ered your prayers!N and he handed the >oman the en elope $ontaining the money& Ma$ sa> the >oman ta?e it! sa> her hands tremble& 0he loo?ed at Lohanen! spee$hless! tears gathering in the $orners of her eyes& N/ don<t ?no> >hat to8N NPou do not ha e to say anything at all!N Lohanen interrupted& N1ut / ha e a fa or to as?&N -he >oman fro>ned and mo ed to hand the en elope ba$?& N2o! nothing li?e that!N Lohanen said& N/ >ant to pray for you! to heal you&N -he >oman<s lip began to qui er& N7o> did you8N N-his >ay!N Lohanen said! as he too? the >oman<s arm and led her to the seat >here Ma$ had been sitting& -hen he laid his hands on the >oman<s head and began to pray in a strange language& -he >oman >himpered and then groaned as Lohanen<s prayer intensified& -he teller >ho had >aited on Lohanen >as eyeing e ery"thing they did& 0he lo$?ed her dra>er and >ent to >hat Ma$ assumed >as probably an assistant manager& 7e sa> her point to >here Ma$! Lohanen! and the >oman >ere& Ma$ did the only thing he $ould thin? of8he smiled and >a ed at them& Be anAio's ,or no"hing8 Ma$ thought! as the t>o approa$hed& Ma$ glan$ed at Lohanen! >ho >as no> holding the >oman<s hand in his! so that her hand rested on her stoma$h >hile his >as o er hers& More of the strange language from Lohanen! then he too? his hand slo>ly a>ay from the >oman& 0he sighed and opened her eyes& -he t>o ban? employees $losed in on them& -he teller as?ed! <'re you all right! ma<amR 're these men bothering you in any >ayRN -he >oman >as startled& NGhatRN 0he began to laugh& N 2o! not at all& Ghy! this man probably Eust sa ed my life&N -he ban? people s$o>led& N/ $an assure you both! e erything is fine!N Lohanen remar?ed&

-he >omen thre> one last dar? loo? at Ma$ and turned a>ay& Lohanen got up from his seat& NMay the Lord bless you&N NGhatR Pou<re lea ing no>RN the >oman stammered& NPes! but gi e than?s to him >ho has healed you! and tell your husband&N 'nd >ith that Lohanen turned to lea e& Ma$ follo>ed! loo?ing ba$? o er his shoulder as they left the ban? together& NGhy did you lea e so suddenlyRN NFur >or? >as done& -he Lord a$$omplished his purpose& / ha e learned that the longer one stays! the more one gi es the flesh a $han$e to rise up and ta?e the $redit&N N1ut a fe> minutes $ouldn<t ha e hurtRN Ma$ suggested& NLet me put it this >ay! Ma$Menzie& #i$ture a stage! if you >ill& /n the $enter is the lead a$tor& -he audien$e re$ognizes him as su$h& Can you imagine >hat it >ould be li?e if an a$tor >ith a minor part suddenly appeared from the >ings and stood in front of the lead a$torR 7o> ridi$ulous >ould that beR 7o> distra$tingRN N/ get the point&N NPes! Lesus is al>ays to be $enter stage& / $an assure you that at this moment the >oman >hom the Lord healed is gi ing than?s! and her fo$us is on the right person&N N0o >hat do >e do no>R -ry to ma?e $onta$t >ith 9itzpatri$?RN NPes! >e $an try to rea$h him on the $ell phone&N Lohanen too? a pie$e of paper from his shirt po$?et and dialed the number to 9itzpatri$?<s apartment& N'ns>ering ma$hine!N he informed Ma$& Lohanen left his name and number and as?ed 9itzpatri$? to $onta$t him as soon as possible& -hey >ent to the $urb and loo?ed for a $ab to hail&

Nora sat near a small $ampfire outside Lerry<s $ardboard hut& Gith her >ere Lizzie and a subdued Rastaman& Lerry had $ra>led into his hut and didn<t >ant to be disturbed& 2ora $ouldn<t remember >hen she had seen him so frea?ed"out before& 0he began to >onder >hat the sear$h party the Mayor had sent out >as going to dis$o er& Tha"3s ha" "he Mayor3s ,or% He3s"er "han everybody else do n here, and i, anyone can ge" "o "he bo""o. o, "his, he ill% -he thought ga e her $omfort& 0he rea$hed into the pillo>$ase! too? out se eral $ans! and set them neCt to the gro>ing line in front of her& Lizzie shoo? her head and $hu$?led& N2ora! you really are somethin<& Kood thing you bring us all o< this&N 2ora brought out a handful of fresh bro$$oli stal?s& NGe<ll ha e to eat those first! else they<ll spoil!N Lizzie said! as she >et a freshly rolled $igarette in her mouth& 2ora finished ta?ing the $ontents out of the pillo>$ase! but left the en elope >ith the dis? still inside! and then sat on it& NGhat are >e gonna $oo? upRN Lizzie as?ed! and >ithout >aiting for a reply she $ontinued! NLi?e / said! /<m thin?in< >e should $oo? the bro$$oli! an< put <em together >ith these yams here&N 'nd she too? the $an of yams from the lineup& NPou go <head an< open it!N 2ora said& N/<ll go an< get us some >ater&N 0he got up! too? the pillo>$ase! and entering the hut! set it on the blan?ets >here she slept& NGhat you got there! 2oraRN Lerry as?ed& N#retty stamps and some plasti$ thingy!N she replied as she sho>ed him the en elope& Lerry turned up the Coleman lantern a little and loo?ed at the stamps& N-his $ame from /taly!N he said! as he opened the en elope to see >hat the plasti$ thing >as& 7e found the dis?! loo?ed at it! and read the >riting that >as on it& N-he @ati$anJ Ghere<d you get this! girlR -his $ame all the >ay from the @ati$an &&& / bet it<s real important to somebody& /s this from the man >ho gi es you the pillsRN 2ora shrugged& NPeah&N NPou got to return this! 2ora& Cans of yams and beans is one thing &&& but shoot! girl! you $ould get e erybody in a >hole mess a trouble >i< this&N N%o / ha e to return the pretty stampsRN she as?ed& Lerry $hu$?led& N2a>! you $an ?eep them stamps! 2ora! but you got to go return the dis?! the plasti$ thingy! o?ayRN 2ora nodded then left the hut& 9et$hing the bla$?ened pot that they $oo?ed most e erything in! she headed off to $olle$t some >ater& 's she passed by se eral huts! she

o er"heard the same topi$ being dis$ussed as she passed ea$h one8>hat Lerry had seen and did it ha e anything to do >ith the burn mar?s on Rastaman<s fa$e& 0he made her >ay to the >ell8as it >as $alled by e ery"one >ho li ed in the Condos 8>hi$h >as a length of #@C pipe that one of the residents had Eerry"rigged into a >ater main& 2ora turned the fau$et! filled the pot! and then headed ba$? to Lerry<s hut! >al?ing in the e er"present t>ilight of the Condos& 'rri ing ba$? at the hut! she set the >ater neCt to the $ampfire! noti$ing that Lizzie had been busy preparing the egetables! and that Lerry >as no> sitting in the entran$e to the hut& Lizzie did the $oo?ing >hile 2ora! Lerry! and Rastaman >at$hed& 0he thre> e erything into the pot and then set it on the fire! $oo?ing it slo>ly until it be$ame a thi$? ste>& ' short time later they ate their fill and lay around the $ampfire! $on"tent to >at$h the glo> of the hot $oals& -he repose >as short"li ed! ho>e er! as a shout rang out from the Condo<s entran$e& N0ear$h party<s ba$?&N NLet<s go see >hat<s going on!N 2ora said! getting up& NPou go <head and tell us >hat<s happening!N Lizzie said& N/<m too full of food and / ain<t mo in< for nothin< or nobody&N 2ora loo?ed at Lerry& NLet<s go! girl!N he said& NMaybe they found out >hat<s goin< on&N -hey headed to>ard the Mayor<s house& Ghen they arri ed they sa> that a $ro>d had gathered outside& -he Mayor stood on a mil? $rate so that he >as higher than e ery"body else& -o his left >ere the men >ho had been sent on the sear$h party& -im! a @ietnam et >ho had be$ome the leader! had a taped"up baseball bat that he ?ept tapping against the palm of his hand& -he others sported different >eapons! in$luding a length of $hain and se eral ?ni es! >hi$h most all the mole people $arried for prote$tion& Fne of the men $arried an old gun that he had found along the tra$?s& /t >as no> rusted! and Lerry had told her! N: en if it >or?! / doubt the of fool $ould hit anything >ith it! <$ause he so high on 0terno all the time&N 0terno >as a staple among the mole people& -hey $oo?ed on it! used it to light their huts! >armed themsel es >ith it! and in this man<s $ase! drained off the al$ohol and dran? it to get high& -he Mayor raised his hands& N0hut up! e erybody&N -he $ro>d quieted do>n a bit! but not enough& N0hut up! e erybody & & & 2o>JN he said again& -he $ro>d be$ame as silent as a $hur$h ser i$e& -he Mayor turned to the men >ho had gone on the sear$h party& N-im! tell us >hat you and the men found&N -im too? a step for>ard! still slapping the baseball bat against the palm of his hand& 7e loo?ed at the $ro>d& Li?e most e erybody in the tunnels! -im had a past! and that past is >hat had dri en him to see? the shelter of the dar?ness! and the anonymity of the tunnels& Fne rule of the mole people >as that you didn<t as? about anyone<s past& /f they >anted to tell you! they >ould& Fther>ise! e erybody minded his or her o>n business& Lerry had told 2ora that -im >as one of the soldiers >ho had $ra>led in the @ietnam tunnels! loo?ing for the Cong that >ere hiding there& -im had told Lerry ho> he had had to ?ill somebody >ith Eust his bare hands& 0ometimes! at night! that dead person >ould $ome ba$? and haunt him in his dreams& N-hat<s >hy -im is here!N Lerry had said& 2ora sa> that -im had $ome out of his shell8that being in $harge of the sear$h party

had gi en him a ne> standing >ith the people of the Condos& 7e $leared his throat& NGe sear$hed from the Condos do>n to the ery bottom le el! the one that the trains don<t use anymore!N he began& NGe didn<t see anybody& 2o one<s do>n there! eC$ept 0atan and a lot of tra$? rabbits&N ' murmur ran through the $ro>d& 2ora had heard about the homeless man that e erybody $alled 0atan& 7e li ed alone do>n in the deepest le el of the tunnels and ga e all the mole people the $reeps& -hey pretty mu$h a oided him at all $osts& NGe did see something that shouldn<t ha e been there!N -im said& NGe sa> a ne>! large tunnel& /t >as perfe$tly round and big enough to dri e se eral $ars through! but there >as no railroad tra$?s or nothin< li?e that&N N2o tra$?sRN the Mayor e$hoed& -im shoo? his head& N2o tra$?s& Ge got to the opening and this ne> tunnel is at an angle that goes lo>er into the earth&N -he $ro>d >as heating up no>! and 2ora mo ed $loser to Lerry& N-ransit 'uthority didn<t ha e nothin< to do >ith this!N -im $ontinued& N-he >alls >as smooth li?e glass& -here >as no lights but >e $ould see that it >ent do>n a long >ay&N 2ora<s eyes! li?e e ery other set of eyes in the $ro>d! >ere on the Mayor& NGhat are >e supposed to do! MayorRN somebody $alled out& -he Mayor fro>ned as he rubbed the stubble of beard on his $hin& NGe<re gonna post a double guard on the entran$e& Ge<re gonna use the buddy system& Gomen espe$ially& 2o one goes out alone&N Murmurs of agreement rippled through the $ro>d& NFne more thing& 2obody goes do>n to the lo>er le els until >e figure out >hat<s goin< on&N NPou gonna tell the poli$e about itRN a >oman $alled out& -he Mayor shoo? his head& N2o poli$e! ne er& -hey<ll ?i$? us outta here! and then >here >ill >e beRN -he $ro>d murmured its agreement& N-hat<s it! e erybody& 2o> go home and lea e me alone&N -he Mayor stepped off the mil? $rate and anished into his house& Lerry nudged 2ora& NPou gotta be $areful! 2ora& /t ain<t li?e it used to be! and that<s a fa$t! girl& Pou betta stay >ith of Lerry& 2o more snea?in< off& /t<s too dangerous&N 2ora nodded& -hey rea$hed Lerry<s hut! and 2ora sensed that something >as >rong& Rastaman >asn<t around! and it appeared that someone had gone through their belongings! littering the front of the hut >ith their bedding& Lizzie! ho>"e er! >as $urled up in front of the fire! snoring& N/ ?ne> / $ouldn<t trust him!N Lerry said! s>earing& N/ >onder if he too? the plasti$ thingyRN 2ora as?ed! and she began to sear$h her stuff& 0he found it in the hut >here Rastaman had tossed it after de$iding it >as of little alue to him& NGhere did he run off toR 0hould >e >a?e up LizzieRN 2ora as?ed& Lerry shoo? his head& N2o point in doing that! she don<t ?no> nothin<&N NGhat did he ta?eRN 2ora as?ed as they began to put their fe> possessions ba$? in pla$e& NRastaman >as after drugs & & & -hat<s >hat / thin?!N Lerry said& N2ora! you find your pills any>heres yetRN

Nora had rearranged most of her belongings& 7er $lothes! bedding! and magazines >ere all a$$ounted for& -he only thing she $ouldn<t find >as her pills& N2o! / $an<t find <em&N N0hoot! girl& Ghen >as the last time you too? oneR Pou been ta?inNem li?e / told you toRN 2ora hung her head& N/ forgot to! Lerry!N she admitted& N/ bet ya Rastaman got <em and he<s shootin< up some>heres! N Lerry said& NGe better go and loo? for him& / got a feelin< he ain<t gone too far&N 2ora and Lerry set off to>ard the ba$? of the Condos& -his portion of the $a ern >as damp and stan? from se>age that seeped through from pipes abo e& /t >as also used as the $ommunal toilet area& -he Mayor had ere$ted se eral ma?eshift outhouses to ?eep people from defe$ating any">here they $hose& 2ora and Lerry >al?ed quietly! a trait that both had a$quired from stal?ing tra$? rabbits and from slip"ping a>ay unheard in the tunnels& Lerry motioned to the figure of someone huddling against the $a ern >all& N7ey! Rastaman!N Lerry $alled out to the huddled figure& -hey >aited for a reply but none $ame& NMaybe he<s sleeping!N 2ora suggested& Lerry too? a step $loser& N7ey! >e ?no> it<s you! Rastaman& Ghy<d you ta?e 2ora<s pillsRN 0till no ans>er& N0hoot! he<s passed out!N Lerry suggested! and >al?ed $loser& 7e yelled! NRastaman! you a thiefJN 2o response& Lerry put his hand on the man<s shoulder and shoo? it& 'nd as Rastaman slumped to the ground! turning so that he lay fa$e up! 2ora gasped& -he man >as staring at her! his eyes >ide open! a needle still stu$? in the ein of his arm& N'h! shoot! >e in for it no>!N Lerry said! N7e<s deadJ Loo? hereJN Lerry pi$?ed up the bottle that on$e $ontained 2ora<s pills& N7e shot the >hole mess up! an< it ?illed him& 0hoot! 2ora! >hat<s in those thingsRN 2ora shrugged& NGe better go get the Mayor!N Lerry said& -he t>o of them started off to the Mayor<s house& -he limo pulled up at the entran$e to 1rian 9itzpatri$?<s to>n house& 7e loo?ed through the >indo> and re$ognized the doorman and an elderly $ouple >ho resided in his building& Cons$ious of his >rin?led $lothes! the stubble on his $hin! and the residue of his o>n omit on his Ea$?et! he de$ided to be dropped off half a blo$? a>ay! at the ser i$e entran$e& 9itzpatri$? got out of the $ar and slammed the door! not bothering to than? 1runo! the

dri er! and made a beeline to the ser i$e ele ator& ?'s" .y d'.b l'c/, he thought! as he sa> that there >ere t>o painters >aiting for the ele ator& Coming alongside them he >aited& 7e o erheard one of the painters! a short guy >ith a sha ed head and a tattoo on his ne$?! say! in 0panish! NLoo?! this guy has the life& 7e<s been out partying all night&N -he other! taller! >ith a sha ed head and ba$?>ard baseball $ap! smir?ed and nodded his agreement& 9itzpatri$?! >ho >as fluent in the language! >as about to $omment in his defense! but opted against it& -he ele ator opened and the three men got in& -attoo started up again& N7ey! Chino! this guy loo?s li?e he<s had a tough night8too many >omen! ehRN 9itzpatri$? stared ahead >hile Chino! or Curly! as the man<s name >as translated to :nglish! played >ith his base"ball $ap and smir?ed again& N7ey! Chino! the guy $an<t hold his >ervesa%2 -attoo >as laughing openly no>! ma?ing fun of the >ay 9itzpatri$? smelled& -he ele ator arri ed at the floor >here the painters got off& 9itzpatri$? >aited until they >ere se eral feet a>ay and the doors began to $lose before he $alled out! in fluent 0panish! NPou boys better be $areful! the /20 is out front loo?ing for you&N -he t>o men stopped! turned around! and stared >ide"eyed at 9itzpatri$?& -attoo >as spee$hless and Chino loo?ed >orried& 9itzpatri$? >in?ed as the doors $losed and the ele ator $ontinued to the fourteenth floor& Ghen he arri ed he glan$ed do>n the hall! grateful that none of his neighbors >ere out! and bolted for his door& Rea$hing it! he fumbled >ith the ?eys! and on$e inside! lo$?ed the t>o deadbolts& -he apartment >as silent& Fne of the outstanding features that the ar$hite$tural firm had designed into the building >as substantial sound"proofing& ' foot of air spa$e bet>een the >alls >as pa$?ed >ith insulation then $o ered >ith the latest a$ousti$al tiles for additional sound"proofing& %ouble"paned glass >indo>s shut out a $al$ulated ninety" eight per$ent of the e er"present din of the $ity& 9itzpatri$? embra$ed the silen$e& 7e too? a deep breath! sighed! and headed for the bathroom& -here he too? the longest sho>er that he $ould remember! as if staying under the >ater >ould someho> >ash a>ay the soiled feeling that ate at his insides& 7e $leansed himself again! shampooed his hair! and stood >ith his head dire$tly under the spout! >ater $as$ading o er his body& 1ut no amount of >ashing made him feel bet"ter& 7e had been iolated& 7is $hastity had been stolen from him& 'lthough he had left the %omini$ans! he had ?ept his oath of $eliba$y8a fa$t that he had done his best to hide from Mary& 7e finally got out of the sho>er >hen he realized his hands had >rin?led to the point of loo?ing li?e t>o huge prunes& 7e dried himself and then sat on the bed staring into spa$e as his mind ra$ed o er >hat the 7ag had sho>n him& He /illed <iorre, or a" leas" had hi. /illed% He has "hrea"ened .e and allo ed .e only " en"y:,o'r ho'rs "o .a/e a decision% ;ha" a. ! s'pposed "o do8 Maybe i, ! r'n, "hings ill sor" "he.selves o'"% Gith that! he got up from the bed and put on his fa orite Eogging suit& 7e ?ne> he >as lying to himself! but opted for the run any">ay& 7e adEusted his >at$h to silent mode& No sense in being bo"hered by "he Tan/% 7e entered the par? and eased himself into a Eog& Running >as something familiar and at the present he needed it! $lung to it li?e a lifeline& 7e felt his body settle into the

rhythm and pi$?ed up his pa$e after the first mile! his breath! legs! and arms mo ing together! propelling him for>ard& N/ $an<t && & $hange the past &&& only shape &&& the future!N he said! o er and o er! in time >ith his legs as they mo ed along the trail& /t sounded in his mind li?e something a drill sergeant might use to moti ate the men under his $ommand& N/ $an<t &&& $hange the past &&& only shape &&& the future & & & / $an<t &&& $hange the past &&& only shape &&& the future &&&N /t >as late in the afternoon >hen he returned8s>eaty! eChausted! a$hing! but at least feeling that he had dealt >ith some of >hat had happened to him& 7e had deta$hed himself enough to $ome to grips >ith the unimaginable fa$t that he had been raped by an alien hybrid! and that his $hastity and his person had been iolated in the most deliberate >ay& 0eeing the film of 9iorre<s death made him realize that unless he played ball he >ould probably $ome to a similar fate& 7e >as being as?ed to Eoin a se$ret fraternity of8 >hat >ere theyR 0atanistsR MasonsR -rilateralistsR 'll three $ombinedR 7e ?ne> one thing: -he 7ag >as the ery essen$e of e il! and be$ause of that! regardless of the $onsequen$es! he >ould se er all $onne$tions to him! e en if it meant death& 7e began to thin? of a >ay to es$ape& B'" ha" abo'" Nora8 +he .'s" have "he dis/% ;hy does .y li,e have "o be lin/ed "o hers8 ;hy does she see. "o con"rol .y des"iny8 's al>ays >hen he thought of his sister! he felt a miCture of anger and hopelessness& 7e had mo ed to 2e> Por? City partly to help her! but he<d distan$ed himself too8not >anting to get too in ol ed! but feeling too guilty to Eust abandon her to the streets& 2o> that poli$y had $ome ba$? to haunt him& 7e sat at his des? and $he$?ed his messages& -here >ere three from the -an?! urging him to $all in! one from Mary! and last! a message from someone that he didn<t ?no>& -he man introdu$ed himself as Lohanen! $laimed to ?no> Cardinal 9iorre! and said it >as urgent that he $onta$t him& 7e left his telephone number and repeated his admonition to $all& This .an can help, 9itzpatri$? immediately thought! then >ondered >here su$h an idea had $ome from& God is dead, so i" can3" be ,ro. hi.% 0till! it bothered him that someho> the thought had Eust popped into his head! as if someone had put it there against his >ill& 7e had al>ays admired the >ay he had trained his mind& -he >ay he $ould hold! simultaneously! different ideas! ea$h EuCtaposed atop another& 1ut this un>anted thought! this unsoli$ited intrusion! distra$ted him! and made him! in some >ays! feel Eust as iolated as he had felt the pre ious night& 7e listened to the message left by Lohanen again! and this time Eotted do>n the phone number& )erhaps "his is serendipi"o's %%% ;ha" have ! go" "o lose8 -hen he remembered: Cardinal 9iorre had mentioned this man in the letter& +o, yo' see, "here is no"hing s'perna"'ral abo'" "his% 7e dialed the number& N7ello!N a oi$e ans>ered! $ell phone stati$ ma?ing it hard to hear& N-his is 1rian 9itzpatri$? &&& someone $alled Lohanen left this phone number& /s he a ailableRN NFh! yes! Eust a minute&N 9itzpatri$? listened to the noise of the phone $hanging hands! the sound of a $ar going by& NMr& 9itzpatri$?R -han? you for returning my $all& -his is Eohanen&N NGhat is this regarding! sirRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed! remaining guarded& N/ >as >ondering if you >ould Eoin my asso$iate and me for dinner& /t seems >e had

a mutual friend! Cardinal 9iorre&N NPes! / ?ne> the $ardinal&N 9itzpatri$?<s mind flashed to the ideo sho>ing the death of 9iorre! and he shuddered& N/ ha e some ery important things to as? you& 'nd this $an<t be done o er the phone& Gill you meet me and my asso$iate! Mr& Ma$Menzie! at %elmoni$o<s! at se en this e eningRN 9itzpatri$? paused for a moment! loo?ed at his >at$h& ,:30& NPes! / ?no> the pla$e& /<ll see you at se en&N NGe >ill arri e before youQ as? the maitre d< for our table& /t >ill be under my name! Lohanen&N N't se en then&N NPes&N -he phone >ent dead& 9itzpatri$? pi$?ed up the letter telling him of the death of his former partner and friend! and read the part mentioning Lohanen<s name& ;hy sho'ld ! "r's" hi.8 ! don3" /no ho "his .an is and ! agreed "o have dinner i"h hi. and his associa"e% ! .'s" be losing .y senses% 7is >at$h lit up on his >rist& The Tan/, he thought& ;ell, "hey3re 1's" going "o have "o do i"ho'" .e ,or a day or " o %%% !3ve go" "he ,l'%

Art Ma$Menzie and Lohanen sat a$ross from ea$h other at the table in their motel room&
-hey had set up a >or?station and both men >ere on the 0piral of Life Geb site& -heir $omputers had been $ustom built by Mnud! a faithful employee >ho li ed at Lohanen<s $astle in the 0>iss 'lps& -he $omputers had satellite lin?"up >ith a oi$e s$rambler atta$hed& Lohanen had >aited to use them until Mnud assured him that they >ere $lean and that 0tephan! the man >ho had betrayed Lohanen! had not sabotaged them in any >ay& Ma$Menzie >as resear$hing a lead that Lohanen had gi en him& 7e >as loo?ing at a Bnited 0tates de$lassified do$ument from Gorld Gar //& 0pe$ifi$ally! he >as sear$hing for an eC"2azi named Golfgang @on 0$h erdt& Mnud had found the name in 0tephan<s files& Ma$Menzie s$rolled do>n through a series of pi$tures of 2azis >ho had been transported to 'meri$a after the >ar& -hese men had been employed by the F00! the forerunner of the C/'& -hey brought >ith them some of the dar?er se$rets of the -hird Rei$h! and! in some $ases! >ere the ar$hite$ts of those se$rets& N/ thin? / got something!N Ma$ mumbled to Lohanen& N7old on a minute! Ma$Menzie! /<m on >ith :lisha&N Ma$ nodded and read the do$ument again& Ma$ heard Lohanen >ind do>n the $all& NPes! / >ill $all you ba$? in a little >hile& 0halom! :lisha&N 7e hung up! then as?ed! NGell! Ma$Menzie! >hat did you find of interestRN N@on 0$h erdt >as a general in the 00& 7e >as also in ol ed in a top"se$ret installation& /t >as $alled #eenemunde& '$$ording to the file! it >as >here the Kermans de eloped their @/ and @2 ro$?ets& 7e >as brought to 'meri$a! helped >ith the spa$e program& 1ut get this& -he rest of the file is bla$?ed out! so >hate er happened after>ard! until the present! remains a national se$urity ris?&N N0o @on 0$h erdt has sho>n his fa$e again&N Lohanen leaned ba$? in his $hair and ran a hand through his beard& NPou mean you ?no> this guyRN Ma$ as?ed! dumb"founded& NPes! Ma$Menzie& / ha e ?ept Wtabs!< as you 'meri$ans say! on him! and others of his il? for years! but after Mnud found the information on 0tephan<s $omputer! / be$ame more interested& -hat! and of $ourse! his $onne$tion >ith the stealing of the s$roll that >as gi en to you&N NPou mean you ?no> >ho stole itRN Ma$ >asn<t sure he >as hearing right& Lohanen smiled& NPes& / set it up personally! >ith the help of :lisha! of $ourse& -he real s$roll has been safe all along! and in fa$t! has been translated&N

Ma$ >as spee$hless& NPou see! Ma$Menzie! / ?ne> that the Cadre >ould ?no> of the s$roll& 0ome of their people had >itnessed the e ent! rightRN Ma$ nodded& NCameras >ere re$ording mu$h of >hat happened! yesR :lisha and / thought that they >ould $ome after it! and they did& Ge had small transmitters se>n into the fa?e par$hment& Ge >ere able to tra$? >here it >ent& / did not >ant to burden you >ith another se$ret! but no> is a good time to bring you up to speed&N N0o ho> does @on 0$h erdt $ome into playRN N7e has lin?s >ith the Cadre& / belie e he is in their inner $ir$le& 7e also may ha e ties to the underground base in 2e ada&N N-hat means he might ?no> about my father!N Ma$ said! and the thought flipped his stoma$h& NCertainly a possibility! Ma$Menzie& /f you a$$ess 0piral of Life and type in his name! you >ill find that Mnud has amassed quite a file on him&N N-hen >hy ha e me sear$h go ernment data ban?sRN Ma$ queried& N-o $ross"$he$? the information& -o see >hat $an be do$umented&N N0o he has a fa?e s$rollRN Ma$ as?ed& Lohanen nodded and a broad smile spread a$ross his fa$e& N0ometimes >e get the upper hand! Ma$Menzie&N N7o> did you get thisRN Ma$ as?ed& N/ requested that 0tephan<s files be $arefully sear$hed after his betrayal and subsequent sui$ide& Mnud sear$hed the hard dri e and $he$?ed e ery e"mail that he $ould& 7e hit the Ea$?"pot >hen he found a $le erly disguised file that had been relegated to the trash& 't first he thought it >as nothing! and almost emptied it along >ith other files that 0tephan had allo$ated there& -his file appeared as an ad for >hitening teeth& Mnud opened it and found that the file >as >hat it appeared to be& 7e almost dismissed it >hen something $aught his eye& /n the $enter of the ad! >here the produ$t >as displayed! >ere a series of numbers in a bar $ode& 2othing unusual in that! eC$ept that Mnud had re$alled the same series of numbers on se eral e"mails that he had re$o ered& Fne thing led to another! and he >as able to pie$e together >hat he belie ed >as the $onta$t that had Wbought< 0tephan! so that he >ould betray the organization and me& -he trail led to @on 0$h erdt& 7e may ha e also had a hand in the ?illing of Cardinal 9iorre&N Ma$ nodded& N'nything else you >ant to tell meRN Lohanen smiled again& N'$tually! Ma$Menzie! there is& / >as going to let you in on it soon! at least before dinner >ith 9itzpatri$?! so it >ould not $ome as a sho$?&N NGhat is itRN Ma$ pressed! sliding to the edge of his seat& N/t has to do >ith the man >e are going to meet for dinner! 1rian 9itzpatri$?& /t seems that 9itzpatri$? is employed by @on 0$h erdt&N NGhatR 2o >ay&N NPes!N Lohanen fired ba$?! N@on 0$h erdt $o ered all his bases& 7e ?no>s from those >ho are in his ser i$e at the @ati$an that at one time 9itzpatri$? >or?ed >ith Cardinal 9iorre& 7e sought him out and employed him in his pri ate thin? tan?&N N/ don<t belie e it!N Ma$ said& N0o / thin? that it >ould be safe to say that @on 0$h erdt ?no>s about the dis? that >as sent to 9itzpatri$?&N N0o >e $an<t really trust 9itzpatri$?! $an >eRN

Lohanen nodded& NCorre$t! and furthermore! something else might be de eloping here&N N'nd that is &&&N N@on 0$h erdt might be trying to re$ruit him! sho>ing him >hat the other side is li?e! the alien! or should / say Lu$iferi$! agenda that >e ha e been fighting against& 0>ay him to their side&N NGhy >ould he go for itR 'fter all! the man >as on$e a priest&N 27nce a priest! Ma$Menzie& 0omething happened to him& 's yet! / ha e been unable to ma?e any head>ay $on$erning that! e en >ith all the resour$es / ha e at my disposal& / belie e he has lost his faith& Ff that mu$h / am fairly $ertain& -hat! Ma$Menzie! is a dangerous pla$e to be& -he man<s spirit at one time >as open to the things of Kod& 7e has turned from that! and o er the years! / am sure has be$ome all but dead to the things of the 0pirit& -he spa$e that >as! for la$? of a better >ord! opened! must be filled >ith something& -he :nemy is trying to do that& -rying to turn him to be a tool for himself&N N0o do you thin? 9itzpatri$? >ill go for thatRN Ma$ as?ed& Lohanen leaned for>ard! putting his arms on the table& N/ don<t ?no>! Ma$Menzie& 1ut / ha e hope! seeing that the man is meeting us for dinner& 1ut >e must be >ary of him until >e ?no> for $ertain that he is not ser ing the : il Fne&N Ma$ loo?ed at his >at$h& N-hat<s in less than an hour!N he reminded him& N/ suppose then >e should get ready& / thin? a sho>er might be in order for these old bones!N Lohanen laughed! pushing himself a>ay from the table and heading for the bathroom& NFne thing you should be doing $ontinuously! Ma$Menzie &&&N NGhat<s thatRN N1e in prayer for the man! $onstantly& 7e is at a $ru$ial Eun$ture! and he is in need of all the inter$ession he $an re$ei e&N Ma$ nodded as he >at$hed Lohanen $lose the door& 7e made a $opy of the file he had been re ie>ing! and then $losed the $omputers do>n& -he information Lohanen had dumped on him >as mind"blo>ing& ;ha"3s, "his g'y <i"4pa"ric/ .ade o,8 ;hy didn3" he re"'rn "o his calling, and ha" abo'" his rela"ionship "o >ardinal <iorre8 ;hy did he 1's" drop every"hing and .ove bac/ "o "he +"a"es, ,orsa/ing "he pro1ec" "ha" he had spen" years on8 Ma$ admitted that he needed more information in order to see the big pi$ture& No "his #on +chverd" g'y in"o play, and ?ohanen "ells .e he bai"ed hi. i"h "he scroll "ha" ! received ,ro. =noch% 7e stopped a moment! $at$hing himself& 5o yo' reali4e ha" yo' are saying, Mac(en4ie8 =N7>H9 He3s been dead or living in heaven ,or ho:/no s:ho :long, and he sho s 'p in, ha" did ?ohanen call i", "he Mer/abah, "he divine "aAi% He is "hen spiri"ed a ay, b'" be,ore he leaves he hands .e a ,oo":ball %%% "he scroll9 !"3s n'"s% *<7s, .'rdered cardinals, shape:shi,"ing .ons"ers 'nder "he ca" o, "he #a"ican, ,or crying o'" lo'd% No Na4is "ha" by .y rec/oning sho'ld have been dead, ye" here "hey are, alive and ell and in "he ga.e% Ma$ >as mentally >inded& 7e sat a moment! then felt a $he$? in his spirit! something that he had $ome to realize >as Kod<s >ay of telling him things& 7e sat still and began to tal? to Kod& 7e tal?ed openly about his $onfusion! be>ilderment! fear! and >onder at >hat he had be$ome in ol ed in& 7e then thought of Maggie and the ?ids& 7e prayed for them& 7e >as reminded of 9itzpatri$?! and fired off a fe> more prayers& Lohanen had taught him to be ery spe$ifi$! and to spea? the things in faith that he >anted the Lord to bring about!

al>ays >ith the thought in mind! no" .y ill, b'" yo'rs, be done% Lohanen had said that! by belie ing >hat had not yet happened! and yet spea?ing li?e it had happened! he $ould eCer$ise his faith& 7e had learned to spea? the Lord<s blessing! fa or! $o ering! and prosperity! for all >hom the Lord had dire$ted him to pray& -he door of the bathroom opened and a $loud of steam >afted into the room! follo>ed by Lohanen! >ho! >ith only a to>el >rapped around his >aist! raised his finger in the air and said! N2eCt&N Ma$ got up and headed for the sho>er&

erdt sat in his pri ate offi$e! surrounded by 2azi memorabilia& ' ser ant >as busy $leaning the #ersian rug that the idiot 9itzpatri$? had omited on hours ago& -he horrid smell lingered& @on 0$h erdt breathed deeply& -h, yes, "he s.ell o, de,ea", o, hopelessness, o, dar/ness shado ing a .an3s so'l% Ho ! love i"% Leaning ba$? in his $hair! he dran? a horrible $on$o$tion that had been spe$ially prepared using a ariety of herbs flo>n in from all o er the >orld& 7e grima$ed at the taste but dran? slo>ly! to pre ent the gag refleC& 7e enEoyed! in a si$? sort of >ay! for$ing his body to do >hat it naturally >ould not& -he stuff smelled li?e a dead animal and tasted >orse& @on 0$h erdt li$?ed the last bit of it and held it in his mouth! letting his taste buds s$ream in rebellion& 9inally! he s>allo>ed& 7nce again ! have overco.e "he ea/ness o, .y ,lesh i"h "he po er o, .y .ind, he thought >ith triumph& 7e set the empty glass on the des? and obser ed the Friental >oman on her hands and ?nees! s$rubbing the $arpet& Li?e most of his household staff! the girl! >ho >as barely four"teen! had been sold by her parents to pay ba$? a debt they had in$urred in her nati e $ountry of -hailand& -hey had been told that! on$e the girl >or?ed off the debt! she >ould be returned to them& 2one of >hi$h had been true& Fn$e in @on 0$h erdt<s $ontrol! she be$ame! in fa$t! a sla e& /f a girl man"aged to last a year or t>o in his ser i$e she >ould then simply disappear! only to be repla$ed by another ersion of herself& /n fa$t! the unfortunate soul >ould then be sold! for a hefty pri$e! to a shei? in 0audi 'rabia! >ho had a$quired a taste for Friental girls& @on 0$h erdt belie ed that he >as pro iding a aluable ser i$e to these peopleQ after all! the girls that he a$quired >ere illiterate8so mu$h flotsam! $ast off from ba$?>ard third">orld $ountries& -he parents of the girls >ere e$stati$ to ha e their debt $an$eled& @on 0$h erdt and others li?e him enEoyed the endless labor pool& 'nd finally! the oil"ri$h shei? had the benefit of adding to his e er"eCpanding harem! >hile ma?ing @on 0$h erdt e en ri$her& @on 0$h erdt >aited until the girl >as finished! then >at$hed her lea e >ithout so mu$h as a >ord& Head do n, s'b.issive, 6'ie"%%% Good, bro/en already, he thought& 7e rea$hed for the Eoysti$? that $ontrolled a multitude of fun$tions in the room! e erything from the ideo s$reen and media $enter to the lo$?s on the t>o steel" reinfor$ed >ooden doors that bolted themsel es at the push of a button& 7e pushed the lo$? button and heard! to his satisfa$tion! the distin$t sound of the bolts sliding into pla$e& 7e >ent o er to a bust of 7itler and! ta?ing the head in his hand! pushed ba$? on it& %ire$tly behind it the >alnut paneling slid open! re ealing a hidden ele ator& @on 0$h erdt stepped into it and pressed another button! >hi$h $aused the paneling to return into pla$e& -he ele ator $ould a$$ommodate up to four people at a time& -he seating >as designed for three people to sit at the rear! >hile one person operated the $ontrols near

'olfgang @on 0$h

the doors& 7e too? the seat neCt to the $ontrol panel and belted himself in >ith a shoulder harness& 7e then pressed t>o buttons and >aited& 7e heard a lo> humming sound and then the hiss of the air bra?es& 7is head pressed against the $ushioned headrest as the ele ator began to free"fall do>n a tube! o er a mile deep! into the bo>els of the earth& 0e eral minutes passed and he felt the ele ator begin to slo>& Gaiting until it $ame to an almost imper$eptible stop! he then unfastened his shoulder harness& -he doors opened automati$ally! and he stepped out into a dimly lit! $ir$ular $orridor& F er t>el e feet tall! the $orridor<s sides loo?ed as if they had been fused together& Light emanated from the tunnel >alls themsel es! diffused units ha ing been built in >hen it >as first $ar ed out of the depths of the earth& 7e $ame to a door at the end! and neCt to it stood t>o uniformed guards& -hey stared at him >ith large almond"shaped eyes& -here >as no greeting bet>een the hybrids and himself! >hi$h @on 0$h erdt found annoying& 2o salute! no $li$?ing of heels! no lifting of the hand in the 2azi salute& 2othing but an emotionless stare& -he hybrids >ere both males >ith long hair and thin! frail bodies& -hey >ore dar? gray uniforms >ith the 00 death<s head emblem on the right slee e8a tou$h of the old days& Moments later the door"lo$?s $li$?ed and the door opened& 7e entered a ast underground room! li?e something out of a s$ien$e fi$tion no el& @arious alien.human hybrids mingled freely as they >al?ed along a $orridor& 7e sa> hybrid $hildren >ith almost normal! human"loo?ing eyes& ;e are ready% 7'r breeding progra. is a s'ccess% ;e have bred "he s', and he ill lead 's% &'ci,er ill be vic"orio's, and "he >hris"ian god ill a" las" be de,ea"ed% -he thought made him tremble& 7ere >as a lifetime of >or?Q in his $ase .ore than a lifetime! and it >as $oming to fruition& ' >illo>y figure approa$hed him that he re$ognized as 0ene& Githout her >ig and mas? she loo?ed ery alien& 0ene $ame up to him and they eC$hanged greetings! then $ontinued >al?ing& @on 0$h erdt related >hat he had sho>n to 9itzpatri$?& 0he! in turn! assured him that his seed had been $olle$ted and >ould be used in the near future& -hey turned into a room >ith a ast array of s$reens that fli$?ered on the >alls! their images $hanging! flipping from one to the neCt li?e a slide sho>& 0e eral hybrids monitored the s$reens& 7e stared at the images: ' riot at the Gailing Gall in Lerusalem& -he bloody $arnage left in the >a?e of a sui$ide bomber& /sraeli heli$opter gun ships firing missiles do>n on par?ed $ars! their o$$upants blo>n to pie$es& #alestinian prisoners being eCe$uted in the dar? of night by an /sraeli firing squad& 'ngry Muslim $leri$s foaming >ith hate against the Zionists and their o$$upation of #alestine& -roops mar$hing! tan?s rolling o er desert dunes& 9rom the north of /srael! a gathering of armies& /n Lebanon! troops massing on the border& /n /ran! nu$lear missiles that >eren<t supposed to eCist being readied& -ur?ey! no> under a Muslim go ernment! shifting its troops to>ard its southern border& -he former 0o iet republi$ of Russia redeploying t>o armored di isions in the area& N-hings are loo?ing >onderful!N @on 0$h erdt stated! rubbing his hands together& 'n eC$eptionally tall man >ith sli$?ed"ba$? hair and dar? eyes entered the room& @on 0$h erdt bo>ed lo>! as did 0ene and the other hybrids >ho sat at the $onsoles& NRise!N $ame the $ommand& @on 0$h erdt sa> the man $hange before his eyes to his true form: an emissary from the #rin$e of the #o>er of the 'ir& /t >as a reptilian"loo?ing $reature >ith a po>erfully built body and a head that reminded him of a lizard& @on 0$h erdt had met this $reature

>hen he had appeared in human form as Mr& Gyan o er se enty years ago& Gyan had initiated @on 0$h erdt into the se$ret -hule so$iety! one of the se$ret so$ieties that found a home in pre">ar Kermany& /t had been Gyan >ho had trained @on 0$h erdt! ta?en him under his >ing! and sho>n him the >or?ings of the mystery of la>lessness& Later >hen @on 0$h erdt had $ommitted his soul to Lu$ifer! Gyan had re ealed his true form! that of the fallen angel! 'zazel& /t >as 'zazel >ho had helped >ith the possession of 7itler& /t >as 'zazel >ho arranged for the sau$er te$hnology to be gi en to the -hird Rei$h! assuring them of i$tory& 1ut it had $ome too late& ;hy hadn3" -4a4el given "he. "he "echnology earlier8 They o'ld have on "he >ar& /t >as a question that haunted him e en no> after all these years& NPes! the i$ar of the Gea? Fne is dead!N 'zazel mo$?ed! Nand >ith him goes one of the :nemy<s last strongholds& Fur man is ready to assume his role& -he $hur$h is in turmoil8fragmented! di ided! ea$h se$t holding on to their pre$ious do$trines& :a$h $laiming to be the true >ay &&& ' house di ided against itself &&& 9or $enturies >e ha e manipulated! set in motion our planQ >ith $unning! foresight! deliberation! but al>ays pressing on& ' small i$tory here! a setba$? some">here else& 1ut >e $ontinue! united! sure of our out$ome! and no>! at last! e erything is ready& -he nations are gathering Eust as >e planned! and the >ar >ill terrify the >orld& Ge! of $ourse! >ill pro ide the ans>er! point the >ay to Lu$ifer! the god of this >orld! and man >ill >orship him&N @on 0$h erdt nodded enthusiasti$ally& N7a e you found the dis? yetRN 'zazel as?ed& @on 0$h erdt loo?ed a>ay& N/ am $lose to getting it& / ha e made a bargain >ith the fallen priest& / am sure he >ill $ome to our side& 0ene has had &&& $onta$t >ith him&N 'zazel remained silent for a moment& NPou ha e failed to get something as simple as the dis?! so / >ill pay a isit to the priest to see for myself and ta?e >hat / >ant& -he time gro>s short& / >ant the dis? no>&N N's you >ish!N @on 0$h erdt ans>ered& -hen he felt a stabbing pain in the pit of his stoma$h& /t >as! he ?ne>! from 'zazel& /t began to spread& @on 0$h erdt bit his lip! dropped to his ?nees! for$ed himself not to s$ream in pain& My .as"er is p'nishing .e beca'se ! ,ailed hi.9 7e bent o er until his forehead tou$hed the floor& 7is body began to sha?e as if e ery mus$le >as being ripped from his bones& 7is blood felt li?e it >as boiling& 7is s?in seemed on fire& 7e opened his mouth to s$ream! but managed to hold his oi$e ba$? so that nothing es$aped from his bloody lips& -hen 'zazel released him& @on 0$h erdt spra>led out in front of his master& N-han? you & & & than? you!N he sputtered& 'zazel motioned for 0ene to Eoin him! and @on 0$h erdt aguely obser ed the t>o of them lea ing the room& ' minute passed and he sat up! then glan$ed at one of the hybrids& NPou $ould be neCt &&& old man!N the hybrid stated& @on 0$h erdt ignored the statement& No, .y .as"er is .a/ing .e be""er "o s'i" his p'rposes %%% ha" po er he has9 Ho .agni,icen" he is9 7e got to his feet and left the room& 7e had to stop se eral times as his legs $ramped& 0lo>ly he made his >ay out of the $ompleC& 7e $ame upon a group of hybrid $hildren& 7e leaned against the >all for a moment as another $ramp hit him! almost doubling him o er& 7e grima$ed in pain& -he hybrids stared! emotionless! >ithout a tra$e of $ompassion& @on 0$h erdt began to laugh li?e a mad man& N/t<s the only thing that / $an do that

you $an<t &&& laugh & & & 1a82 7e sa> the hybrids mo e a>ay& 7e $ontinued until he >as ba$? in the tunnel and then in the ele ator& 7e $losed the doors& There is no la'gh"er in "his place, he thought as he strapped himself in and >aited for the ele ator to as$end& None%

Nora felt anCious as she stood neCt to Lerry& 0he glan$ed at the Mayor! then at -im! the
leader of the sear$h party! and a handful of people that the Mayor used as his $oun$il >hen something important >as going on& : eryone >as staring at the body of Rastaman& -he needle >as still in his arm& NGe< e got to mo e him right a>ay!N the Mayor said& N-im! get a $ouple of your men and get him out of here&N NGhere do / ta?e him toRN -im ans>ered& -he Mayor thought a moment& N-a?e him up to the upper le el and lean him against the tunnel >all & & & nobody<s gonna $are about one more Eun?ie ?illin< his self&N -im rubbed his $hin& N-hat<s a long >ay from here! Mayor& 7e<s a big man& / should ?no> <$ause in <2am / $arried a buddy &&& he got hit &&& blood >as all o er &&& $arried him nearly half a mile &&& he died any>ays &&&N -im<s oi$e trailed off and his eyes too? on a fara>ay loo?& N-hen ta?e him as far as you $an& Lust put him somepla$e >here a $ondu$tor >ill see him and get the poli$e to ta?e him& Lust ma?e sure it<s far enough a>ay from us& F?ayR -imRN -im hadn<t heard a >ord the Mayor said& N-imRN the Mayor repeated! this time a little louder& -he eC"Marine >o?e up as his body shuddered ba$? to the present& 7e rubbed his hand on the ba$? of his ne$?& N/ >as saying! -im! get him to a pla$e >here the train goes by and a $ondu$tor >ill see him& F?ayRN -im nodded& N0orry! Mayor& 0ometimes it feels li?e it >as yesterday that all of that happened &&& it<s hard to let it go && & real hard&N -he Mayor patted him on the shoulder& -im straightened up! gestured to a fe> men! and left& -he Mayor turned his attention to 2ora and Lerry& N/ ne er did trust that Rastaman& 7e<s not here a day and he goes and ?ills his self& Ghere did he get the drugsR LerryRN Lerry shoo? his head& N2o >ay! man! not me& 7e got <em from 2ora& -hey >as 2ora<s pills to begin >ith& 7e stole <em and shot the >hole mess up&N Fne of the Mayor<s $oun$il members! a >ino that had been one of the first to set up $amp in the Condos! piped up& N0he<s gonna bring the heat here and >e<ll lose our homes&N 2ora loo?ed to Lerry! hoping he >ould say something to set e erything all right& N2o> >ait a minute!N Lerry started! but >as interrupted by another $oun$il member!

ni$?named #o$"a"lips! a semi"$razy old $oot >ho had ta?en up residen$e in the tunnels be$ause he belie ed the end of the >orld >as $oming soon& N0he<s been nothin< but trouble sin$e you brought her here!N the man said& N1esides! she<s $razy! and you ?no> it&N N2o more $razy than you! #o$" a"lips man!N Lerry shot ba$?& N0hut up! all of you& Let me thin? for a minute!N the Mayor said& 0ilen$e follo>ed& 2ora sa> the Mayor gi e her a on$e"o er and didn<t li?e the eCpression on his fa$e& 0he grabbed Lerry<s arm! eCpe$ting something bad to happen! but not sure >hat& N0he<s gonna ha e to lea e! Lerry&N N1ut! Mayor!N Lerry started! Nshe<s my >ay of getting in and out of the < enien$e stores! and he$?! you been eatin< some of >hat<s >e get&N -he Mayor shoo? his head& N2othin< doin<! Lerry& 0he<s not one of us any>ay& 0he goes up more than all of us $ombined& 2o> >e ha e somebody dead <$ause of her& 0he has till the neCt >at$h $hanges to get out&N 2ora loo?ed at the Mayor then ba$? at Lerry! not sure of >hat >as happening& N/ gotta lea eRN she as?ed! a tear $oming to her eye& NCome on! Mayor! gi e the girl a brea?& 0he didn<t do nothin< >rong&N -he Mayor shoo? his head again and he and the $oun$il members began to >al? a>ay! lea ing Lerry and 2ora alone >ith the body of Rastaman& NCome on! Mayor! this ain<t fair and you ?no>s it!N Lerry $alled out& -he Mayor $alled ba$? o er his shoulder! N0orry! Lerry! but the $oun$il has de$ided! and you ?no> it<s for the best&N 2ora grabbed Lerry and pressed herself $lose to him& NPou heard the Mayor& -here<s nothin< / $an do about it either&N NGhere am / gonna goR -he monster might get me!N 2ora said! referring to >hate er -im<s sear$h party found& N0hoot! girl! /<ll ta?e you some>here >here you $an be safe fo< the night &&& but / ain<t your of man or nothin<!N Lerry said! putting distan$e bet>een him and her& NGhere<s that! LerryRN 2ora as?ed! $rying no>& Lerry gre> angry& NPou<ll see! 2ora& Let<s go an< get your stuff and get you outta here! <fore the Mayor thin?s different and ?i$?s me outta here too&N Lerry started to >al? a>ay& NCome on! girl&N 2ora follo>ed him ba$? to his hut& 0he sa> that Lizzie >as still sleeping& Maybe ! can live i"h her, she thought! as she follo>ed Lerry inside the hut& /t too? less than fi e minutes to $olle$t her things& NRoll up your sleeping stuff li?e / sho>ed ya!N Lerry instru$ted& 2ora too? her bedding and rolled it up! then tied it >ith a length of string& NPou got that dis? you stoleRN Lerry as?ed& 2ora nodded& N/ put it in my pants! along >ith the pretty stamps&N N-hat<s >here you gonna go& /t<s the same pla$e >here you get the pills! ain<t itRN 2ora nodded& N0o you gonna go ba$? there! say you<re sorry! and maybe they let you stay fo< a >hile&N 2ora thought about >hat Lerry said&

NCome on! girl& Let<s git goin<&N -hey >ent by the Mayor<s house& 2ora loo?ed at him! hoping for a reprie e& 2one $ame& N7ere you go! girl!N Lerry said! as they passed through the hole in the $on$rete retaining >all and left the Condos& NGe<re getting you to the upper le el as fast as / ?no> ho> to&N 2ora >al?ed after him& -hey made their >ay do>n the stret$h of tra$?s! mo ing out of the >ay >hen they heard the distant rumble of a train approa$hing& -hey rea$hed the upper le el8an area >here graffiti artists painted >alls >ith murals! some of >hi$h sho>ed more than a modi$um of talent& -hey rea$hed the entran$e to the sub>ay tunnels& /t >as night and it >as raining& 0e eral homeless men stood at the entran$e ?eeping dry! but being $areful not to enture too far into the >orld of the mole people& -he men ga e a start as they approa$hed from behind& Loo?s >ere eC$hanged& -he homeless men relaCed and began to pass a bottle around amongst them& N/t<s raining! Lerry!N 2ora said& N/ $an see that! 2ora& /<m thin?in<! that<s all!N Lerry responded& NGhere am / gonna goRN N/ told you! girl! you gonna go to that man >ho gi es you the pills and the food& 7e got to be ni$e! or he >ouldn<t be gi en< you all o< dat stuff&N N-oo far!N 2ora >hined& NGhat you mean! too farR 0hoot! girl! / seen you run for miles&N N-oo far!N 2ora >hined again& Lerry ?i$?ed a stone >ith his snea?er& N0hoot! girl! /<ll go >id ya& Come on&N Lerry put the hood of his s>eatshirt o er his head and stepped out into the rain >ith 2ora follo>ing! obli ious to the rain! a smile on her fa$e&


it is! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen announ$ed& NCro>ded as >as eCpe$ted&N -he $ab pulled up half a blo$? from %elmoni$o<s restaurant on 0outh Gilliam 0treet& ' $luster of $ars! limousines! and $abs o$$upied the $loser positions near the establishment& NPou sure this is o?ayRN the $abby as?ed& N-his is fine!N Lohanen said! then he paid the man the fare! and he and Ma$Menzie $limbed out of the $ab& N1usy pla$e!N Ma$ $ommented& <'l>ays& -he food is >onderful! the ser i$e friendly8not something one finds readily in 2e> Por?&N Ma$ laughed! ha ing been harangued by antagonisti$ 2e>Por? >aiters on pre ious trips& -hey >al?ed to>ard %elmoni$o<s in the $risp fall air as a light sprin?le of rain began to fall& ' lone figure in a faded red s?i par?a huddled on the stoop of a Ee>elry eC$hange that had lo$?ed up for the night& Ma$ noti$ed the patina of dirt and realized it >as one of 2e>Por?<s homeless: a bone"thin! grizzled"loo?ing old man& 's he got $loser he sa> the open bottle! smelled the $heap >his?ey! and! for a moment! met the man<s bleary stare& -hey >al?ed past him& NGe ?no> >ho you are!N the man $alled out! his spee$h slurred and raspy& Ma$ turned to see >ho the man >as tal?ing to& NPeah & & & >e ?no> >ho you are &&& you<re one of them & & thin? you gonna es$ape >hat<s $omin<! don<t youRN N%o not pay him any mind! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen admonished! and qui$?ened his pa$e& NGhat is he tal?ing aboutRN Ma$ as?ed& NFne of the :nemy<s spies! Ma$Menzie! gi ing us a reminder that >e are being >at$hed! and not so subtly& -he enemy gro>s bold! yesRN Ma$ glan$ed one last time at the man! >ho had thro>n a blan?et o er his head& Ma$ sa> him ta?e another hit from the bottle& -hey arri ed at the front doors of %elmoni$o<s& Lohanen ga e his name to the maitre d<! and moments later they >ere ushered to their table past $ro>ded $lusters of $hattering patrons& NGe are eCpe$ting a guest& 1rian 9itzpatri$?!N Lohanen informed the maitre d<& NGhen he arri es! >ill you ?indly sho> him to our tableRN NFf $ourse&N -he maitre d< smiled and in a moment >as gone& Ma$Menzie too? a seat in a $ir$ular booth that Lohanen had spe$ifi$ally requested& Lohanen had informed him that it >as his fa orite table be$ause it >as tu$?ed into a

$orner! neCt to a firepla$e! and >as pla$ed far enough a>ay from other tables so that it offered a good deal of pri a$y& Ma$ loo?ed at his >at$h& N0e en fifteen& 7e<s late&N Lohanen fro>ned& NPes! perhaps he has de$ided against the meeting& Let us hope that is not the $ase&N ' >aiter brought >ater and a bas?et of freshly ba?ed bread sti$?s& Ma$ too? one of the bread sti$?s! snapped it in half! and began to eat& NPou said that the homeless man on the side>al? >as one of the :nemy<s spies& Ghat did you mean by thatRN Ma$ as?ed& NGell! Ma$Menzie! it is li?e this& -he man has gi en himself o er to drin? to the point that he has lost his right mind& has opened himself! perhaps unintentionally! but opened self ne ertheless! to the :nemy& / doubt he is a>are that his eyes and ears are used by another that inhabits him&N N0o he<s possessedRN NMost $ertainly&N Ma$ sat for a moment& NCan he harm usR Ghat if he had de$ided to atta$? us >hile >e passed byRN N/ assure you! Ma$Menzie! that >e are prote$ted by some of hea en<s finest&N Lohanen<s eyes t>in?led& NMeaningRN NMeaning that >here er / go / am surrounded by a guard of angels8four of them! to be eCa$t& -heir leader<s name is 0myrna&N N0myrnaR 7o> do you ?no> thatR 7a e you e er seen himRN Ma$ as?ed& NFn o$$asion! >hen it suits the Lord<s purpose&N N/ still ha e trouble >ith your matter"of"fa$t manner >ith all of this&N 7e mimi$?ed Lohanen! lo>ering his oi$e! NWFn o$$asion! >hen it suits the Lord<s purpose&N Lohanen $hu$?led& N2ot a bad impersonation of me! Ma$Menzie&N Ma$ smiled& N-han?s&N 7e paused a moment! then as?ed! N1ut really! angelsR Pou tal? to them regularlyRN 7e lo>ered his oi$e& NGhen / sa> the angel8>hen it appeared at the underground base in 2e ada! / felt o er>helmed&N Lohanen nodded& N-hey $an ha e that effe$t& /t is different >ith 0myrna! though& 7e has been >ith me for $enturies&N Ma$ shoo? his head in disbelief& N/ ?no> >ho you are and ho> long you< e li ed! but sometimes / still $an<t belie e >ho it is /<m hanging out >ith& Lohn the apostle! for $rying out loud& Gho >ould belie e itRN NPes! but a man! Eust li?e you& Flder! perhaps >iser! but in the end! a man&N -hey >ere interrupted as the maitre d< led a tall! good"loo?ing man to>ard their table& N7ere you are! Mr& 9itzpatri$?!N the maitre d< said! >ith a flourishing gesture of his right hand to>ard Ma$ and Lohanen<s table& -hen a flash of a smile and the man >as gone& Lohanen and Ma$ stood up! and after introdu$tions >ere made! they too? their seats& N/ assume you are a>are of 7is 7oliness<s deathRN Lohanen as?ed& 9itzpatri$? nodded& N7e >as an in$redible indi idual&N NPes! / agree!N Lohanen said& N2o>! let me get right to business& / understand that Cardinal 9iorre and you >ere in ol ed in some ery interesting >or? & & & dealing spe$ifi$ally >ith the possible identity of the 'nti$hrist and the people >ho might be helping to bring him to the forefront on the >orld<s stage&N ' nod from 9itzpatri$?& NPes! the $ardinal and / >or?ed ery $losely until / left the

proEe$t >hile it >as still in its infan$y&N 9itzpatri$? too? a bread sti$? and toyed >ith it& N/t >as a de$ision that / regret! but one! unfortunately! that >as ne$essary at the time&N Lohanen thre> a glan$e Ma$<s >ay! as if to say! NMa?e a note of that! Ma$Menzie& N -hen Lohanen spo?e! NGe arri ed here ery re$ently from Rome! >here >e >ere in the $ompany of 9ather -homas& 7e is the person >hom Cardinal 9iorre designated to settle his affairs! in $ase of his death&N N/ re$ei ed his letter& -he $ardinal<s death $ame as quite a sho$?&N NPes! it >as for me too& 7e >as a good man!N Lohanen added& N7a e you loo?ed at the $ontents of the dis? yetRN 9itzpatri$? loo?ed a>ay! then tapped the bread sti$? a fe> times on the table& N/ don<t ha e it& /n fa$t! / ne er re$ei ed it& /t >as ta?en&N N1y >homRN 9itzpatri$? stared at the bread sti$? in his hand! rolling it bet>een his thumb and indeC finger& N/t<s a long story&N Ma$ sa> him loo?ing at Lohanen! sizing him up& He3s ondering i, he can "r's" 's, Ma$ thought& Lohanen pla$ed his hands on the table and leaned for">ard& N9rom >hat Mr& Ma$Menzie and / ha e dis$o ered! >e belie e that your life might be in danger& -his pertains dire$tly to the dis?&N Ma$ sa> 9itzpatri$?<s left eye t>it$h rapidly three times& )ay dir"% NLi?e / said! / ne er re$ei ed it& / got the letter from 9ather -homas! but the en elope and the dis? >ere stolen&N Lohanen fro>ned& NGhy Eust the en elope and the dis?R Ghy not the >hole pa$?ageRN 9itzpatri$? didn<t ans>er& &oo/s li/e an i.passe, Ma$ thought& N/ ?no> that you might be as?ing yourself! WGhy should / trust these menR< 'm / right in assuming thatRN Lohanen as?ed& 9itzpatri$? ga e Lohanen a half"hearted nod& NMaybe this >ill help8if / tell you that >e ?no> that the man you >or? for is an eC" 2azi! Golfgang @on 0$h erdt && & and that he has ties >ith >hat! for no>! / >ill $all an <eCtraterrestrial presen$e&N 9itzpatri$? stopped rolling the bread sti$?& N7o> did you ?no> thatRN N-he ho>! for the time being! is not important& 1ut / assume he threatened youRN 9itzpatri$? bro?e the bread sti$? and let it fall out of his hands to the table& NPou ha e no idea >hat /< e been through in the last t>enty"four hours&N Lohanen >aited a moment! allo>ing the man to gather his thoughts& NGhy not start by telling us >hat your in ol ement is >ith him&N 7e paused for a moment! then added! N/ assure you that Mr& Ma$Menzie and / are here to help you in all >ays&N 9itzpatri$? put his head in his hands! rubbing his fore"head! then seemed to loosen up as he began to tal?& Ma$<s eyes ne er left 9itzpatri$? as the man tal?ed through the $alamari appetizers that Lohanen had ordered& Most of them remained uneaten as 9itzpatri$? des$ribed his Eob at the -an?& 7e seemed $andid yet reser ed8as if he >ere telling them the fa$ts! but not all that he $ould& 's he tal?ed! Ma$ heard a $ommotion behind him& /t gre> louder& -he double doors that led into the ?it$hen burst open! and a >aiter fell to the floor! then got up and

stumbled to>ard the entran$e! blood pouring from his shoulder& NGhat on & & & !N Ma$ began& -hen a figure burst through the double doors leading to the ?it$hen& Ma$ sa> the dirty red s?i par?a! the one that the homeless man >ore8the dereli$t >ho had $alled to them from the side>al?& 7e seemed bigger! >ild and threatening! as he >a ed a but$her<s $lea er and glared at the startled people around him& 0ilen$e fell& -he patrons and >aiters froze! li?e >ary deer in a field! sensing the hunter<s pointed gun& -he homeless man raised the $lea er o er his head! and a banshee" li?e s$ream rose from his throat& -he pla$e bro?e into pandemonium& #eople s$rambled for the nearest eCit! ?no$?ing o er tables in their haste to es$ape& Ma$ Eumped up from the table& Lohanen follo>ed suit! >hile 9itzpatri$? remained dazed& -he homeless man sear$hed the $ro>d! and his head Eer?ed in their dire$tion as if it >ere dire$ted by an unseen for$e& Ma$<s eyes $onne$ted >ith the man<s& -he transient<s fa$e bro?e into a hideous grin! and he pier$ed the air >ith another >ild yell as he $harged to>ard their table& Ma$ began to ba$? a>ay and bumped into Lohanen& He3s a .aniac, Ma$ thought& N1ehind me! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen yelled! as he mo ed for>ard& Ma$ loo?ed at 9itzpatri$?! still sitting at the table! and yelled! NKet out&N 9itzpatri$? began to mo e& -he homeless man >as $losing fast! >ea ing his >ay through the restaurant and fleeing $ro>d! slashing the air >ith the $lea er& 7e o erturned a fe> of the tables! s$attering plates of food! >ine bottles! and $rystal to the floor& He has "he s"reng"h o, "en .en9 Ma$ thought& -he mania$ pi$?ed up a $hair and >ith one hand hurled it to>ard them& /t $ame faster than Ma$ anti$ipated! slamming into his shoulder! spinning him ba$?>ard! ta?ing 9itzpatri$? do>n >ith him onto the floor& -he mania$ laughed! a >ild! grating sound! and ho ered o er them! brandishing the $lea er in his dirty fist& -he mania$ gathered himself! ready to poun$e on the t>o of them! and Ma$ prepared to be ha$?ed to pie$es& -hen e erything slo>ed! and something happened to Ma$<s senses& 7e sa> the mania$ trying to Eump! but behind him >as the fuzzy! shado>y outline of a mu$h larger figure& /t gre> $learer! almost $ame into fo$us! and then faded a>ay again! lea ing Eust its silhouette& -n angel8 Ma$ >ondered& -he angel had his arms around the atta$?er! pre enting him from Eumping on Ma$ and 9itzpatri$?& -he mania$ bello>ed in rage at being restrained& Ma$ sa> a dar? figure $ome partially out of the man and try to do battle >ith the angel that restrained it& -hen he heard Lohanen! and his oi$e sounded li?e it >as right neCt to his ear e en though he >as se eral feet a>ay& N/n the name of Lesus! be stillJN 1efore his eyes! Ma$ sa> the shape disappear ba$? into the man& -he mania$<s eyes rolled up into his head! and his body gre> limp! yet he remained per$hed abo e them& Ma$ sa> the angel slo>ly let the man do>n! so that he $ame to rest on the table& 9or a moment the angel $ame into full ie>& 7e loo?ed at Ma$! >ho shielded his eyes& 7e felt o er>helmed! drained of all his energy& -hen it >as o er! and Ma$ heard >hat sounded li?e the rushing of >ind as he returned to his normal senses& 9itzpatri$? separated himself from Ma$ and stood& Ma$ also $limbed to his feet& N/t<s o er &&& are you all rightRN he as?ed 9itzpatri$?& N%id you see itRN N0ee >hatRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed! ashen"fa$ed and sha?en& N/ thin? you should lea e it

be for no>! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen said! $oming up beside him& NGe are not finished here yet&N Lohanen mo ed $loser to the mania$ and pi$?ed up the man<s head& N7elp me sit him up! Ma$Menzie&N Ma$Menzie too? hold of the mania$<s shoulder and propped him up& /n the distan$e sirens >ailed& N0ounds li?e the poli$e are on their >ay!N Lohanen said! as he loo?ed around the abandoned restaurant& NGhat happened to himR Ghy did he suddenly go limpRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N-he man has a demon! perhaps se eral of them!N Lohanen said& N/<m going to $ast it out& 1oth of you men pray&N 9itzpatri$? fro>ned and folded his arms in front of him! N/ don<t belie e in this anymore!N he said to Lohanen& Lohanen ignored him and addressed the limp body of the man& N/n the name of Lesus of 2azareth! e ery foul thing! e ery un$lean spirit! $ome out&N Ma$ began to pray >ith his eyes open& Lohanen laid the palm of his right hand on the man<s forehead& -he mania$<s eyes shot open& 9itzpatri$? gasped as the man reared ba$?>ard& NGe<re $oming for her!N the mania$ hissed! and then he spat to>ard 9itzpatri$?! >ho ba$?ed a>ay and $o>ered& N:noughJN Lohanen yelled! as Ma$ heard >hat sounded li?e a $lap of thunder and sa> the mania$<s body Eolt! as if an unseen hand had pun$hed it& N/n the name of Lesus! be silent!N Lohanen rebu?ed it& -he mania$<s fa$e $ontorted& 7e tried to tal?! but the >ords >ere $ut off& N1e still in the name of Lesus!N Lohanen $ommanded& -he mania$ relaCed and the man<s fa$ial eCpression $hanged& He3s in his righ" .ind, Ma$ thought! dis$erning the differen$e& Lohanen too? the man by his shoulder& N%o you >ant to be free of itRN he as?ed& -he man shuddered! trying to grasp >hat >as happening to him! to find his >ay through the years of numbness and debilitation brought about by al$ohol& 9inally he nodded as tears strea?ed do>n his fa$e& Lohanen leaned for>ard so that his lips >ere in$hes from the man<s ear& NPou ha e no right to this man!N he said& NPou must lea e! and the others >ith you& /n the name of Lesus of 2azareth! lea e&N 'nd he $lapped his hands loudly neCt to the man<s ear& -he man trembled& NGe<ll & & & ?ill & & & him &&& first&N ' shrill oi$e $ame from him! >hi$h >as $learly not his o>n& N0ilen$eJN Lohanen $ommanded& NLea e no> & & & in Lesus< name &&& lea e&N -hen Lohanen began to tal? in the strange language that he had spo?en before& ' lo> gro>ling noise $ame from deep in the man<s throat& Ma$ glan$ed at 9itzpatri$? to see a miCture of fear! denial! and $onfusion on his fa$e& NLea e him no>!N Lohanen $ommanded& -he old man<s body t>it$hed& -hen his mouth opened and a $ho?ing sound $ame from his throat& 7is eyes rolled ba$? in his head and his body >as lifted a foot in the air! as if it had been ?i$?ed from underneath& -hen it plopped ba$? do>n on the seat& 0pea?ing to the demons! Lohanen ordered! NLea e him! all of you! and return to the pit& /n Lesus< name&N

-he man<s body >ent stiff! then limp& Ma$ loo?ed at the old man& 0e eral days< gro>th of >hite stubble sprouted through the deep >rin?les on his >eather"beaten fa$e& 7is matted hair hung in damp! pat$hy $lumps! but Ma$ sa> a differen$e& N/s he sleepingRN Ma$ as?ed Lohanen& NPes! he<s sleeping!N Lohanen ans>ered& N7e is ery old& / thin? there is a possibility that he might not ma?e it&N ' $ommotion from the entran$e of the restaurant dre> their attention& N-he poli$e are here!N Lohanen said& NKo to them and let them ?no> that e erything is all right& 7a e them radio for an ambulan$e& Fh! and Ma$Menzie! ?eep your hands up so they don<t shoot you by mista?e&N Ma$ began >al?ing to>ard the entran$e >ith his hands up& 7e had gotten to >here the maitre d< had greeted them! near the entran$e! >hen t>o poli$emen rounded the $orner! guns dra>n& N7old it right there!N one of the poli$emen said& Ma$ sa> the maitre d< sand>i$hed bet>een t>o more $ops ten feet behind them& N7e<s a patron!N the man $alled out! his oi$e sha?y& N/<m 'rt Ma$Menzie!N Ma$ began& NGe apprehended the man& 7e<s not armed and >e thin? he may need an ambulan$e&N -he $ops loo?ed at ea$h other& NGhere is heRN one of them as?ed& NF er there&N Ma$ pointed >ith his raised hand& NCan / lo>er my handsRN 'nother of the $ops nodded and Ma$ dropped his hands& -hen he led the $ops to >here Lohanen! 9itzpatri$?! and the old man >ere& -he $ops sized up the situation and holstered their >eapons& N7e needs an ambulan$e!N Lohanen said& N/ belie e the man might ha e had a stro?e&N ' short time later the three men stood on the side>al? outside the restaurant& -he rain had intensified! but in spite of it! a $ro>d had gathered along >ith se eral ne>s reporters& -he $ro>d parted as se eral poli$e offi$ers a$$ompanied the gurney on >hi$h the old man lay& 'n oCygen mas? >as pla$ed o er his fa$e and an /@ line had been established& 1ut the man >as still un$ons$ious! ne er ha ing re$o ered from his eCor$ism& -hey put him in the ambulan$e and it pulled a>ay from the $urb! its siren >ailing& ' young aggressi e female reporter! >ith an umbrella being held o er her by an underling! sho ed a mi$rophone in Ma$Menzie<s fa$e& N0ir! >ere you in thereR %id you see >hat happenedRN Ma$ thre> a glan$e at Lohanen! then put his hand o er the mi?e and pulled it do>n& N/<m a reporter myself! &%-% 7ere<s your story& -he guy >ent nuts! tried to ?ill a fe> people! and >as then subdued&N 7e started to mo e a>ay& NGhat about you! sirRN the >oman pressed! sho ing the mi?e in Lohanen<s fa$e& N-he man >as demon"possessed!N he said >ithout hesitation& Ma$ sa> that the reporter >as ta?en aba$?& -he >oman put the mi?e do>n& N're you saying that >hat happened in there >as li?e something out of the =Aorcis"82 she as?ed >ith a smir?& Lohanen nodded and began to mo e a>ay& Ma$ started to follo>! >ith 9itzpatri$? bet>een them& N'nd >hat about youRN she as?ed 9itzpatri$?&

9itzpatri$? shoo? his head& N2o $omment!N and mo ed $loser to Ma$Menzie& -hey mo ed through the $ro>d until they >ere alone on the side>al?& NGhat did happen in thereRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N's / indi$ated to the reporter! the man >as demon"possessed& 7e >as sent to destroy you! or perhaps Ma$Menzie! or myself!N Lohanen said& Ma$ ?ept his eyes on 9itzgerald& He3s sha/en 'p and scared, he thought! as he turned up the $ollar of his Ea$?et& Lohanen strode to the $urb and hailed a passing $ab& -he taCi<s bra?e lights flashed and the three men ran to it& NGhere toRN the $abby as?ed& N'nother restaurantRN Lohanen suggested& N/<m not really that hungry after >hat >e Eust >ent &&&N 9itzpatri$? let his oi$e trail off& NGhat about our hotel roomRN Ma$ suggested& NGhy not $ome ba$? to my pla$eRN 9itzpatri$? offered& N/ $an fiC us something there! and besides! there are some things that / >ould li?e to sho> you&N N-han? you& Ge >ill a$$ept your gra$ious offer!N Lohanen said& NKo to Gest 2inety"9irst!N 9itzpatri$? said& NConsider it done!N the $abby replied as he headed to>ard Central #ar?&

is as far as / go! girl!N Lerry said! and he stopped on the side>al?& NPou promised that you<d help me find a pla$e!N 2ora reminded him& N0hoot! girl! / did& -here<s your pla$e <$ross the street! li?e you said it& 2o> get o er there and get yourself outta this rain&N 2ora $lut$hed her bedroll and other belongings that >ere no> soa?ed by the rain& N/ don<t >ant to& / >ant to stay >ith you&N Lerry fidgeted and shoo? his head& NCan<t do it! girl& Pou heard the Mayor&N 2ora >aited a moment! head do>n and her fa$e buried in her bedroll& NCan / $ome and isitRN N/ don<t ?no>!N Lerry said& 7e >as getting mad& NPou ha e to gi e that stuff ba$?& Ghere is itRN 2ora rea$hed into her pants po$?et and brought out the en elope >ith the dis? in it& N7ere!N she said! and then slid it ba$?& NPou gi e it ba$? to the man you stole it from! you hearRN Lerry said& 2ora hung her head and nodded& N1ye! Lerry!N she >hispered! as she started a$ross the street& ' $ar s>er ed out of the >ay! its horn blaring& NGhat you trying to do! girlR Ket yourself ?illed! or >hatRN Lerry yelled! as he grabbed her and pulled her ba$? onto the $urb& NPou ?no> better than that& Pou<re Eust playing >ith me &&& / ?no> your tri$?s&N 2ora didn<t say anything! but Eust loo?ed at him& N'll right! /<ll >al? you o er! but that<s it for me! and / mean it! girl&N 2ora too? his hand and they >ent to the $ross>al?! >here they $rossed the street& 1efore she $ould $hange her mind Lerry let go of her hand and ran ba$? a$ross to the other side& NPou promised! Lerry!N 2ora $ried out& 0he sa> him >a e on$e and then disappear behind a ro> of hedges that bordered the par?& 0he stood in the rain& 0e eral people hurried past! their umbrellas $o ering them& 0he sa> them stare at her and mo e to one side of the side>al? to distan$e themsel es from her& 2ora ran into the alley and >ent to the ser i$e ele ator& 7er pants >ere soa?ed and she had diffi$ulty getting her lo$? pi$?s out& 0he finally retrie ed them! and moments later the ele ator doors opened and she >ent in& 0he rode up to the fourteenth floor! ran to


the apartment >here she had stolen the food! and on$e again used her lo$? pi$?s to open the door& 0he >ent to the bathroom! opened the linen $loset! and $ra>led inside! >here she made a nest for herself >ith the to>els& 0he brought out the en elope >ith the dis? and! loo?ing at the pretty stamps! drifted off to sleep&


Lohanen! and 1rian 9itzpatri$? >armed themsel es in front of 9itzpatri$?<s firepla$e in his apartment >hile eating a stir"fry Chinese meal that 9itzpatri$? had >hipped up& N0o! >hat happened ba$? thereRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N-hat old man >as in the ser i$e of the :nemy80atan!N Lohanen said! setting his for? do>n a moment& 9itzpatri$? loo?ed at Ma$! >aiting for his ta?e on >hat had happened& NPou sa> it for yourself!N Ma$ began& N-he man >as demon"possessed& Pou heard the oi$es $oming out of him& -hen after Lohanen prayed >e sa> him $ome into his right mind! maybe for the first time in a long month of 0un"days& Pou sa> the $hange in him&N 9itzpatri$? toyed >ith his food as he tried to $ome to grips >ith >hat had happened& N/ read about this >hen / studied for the priesthood! but that >as years ago&N N '$ademi$s are one thingQ being fa$ed >ith a demonia$ that >ants to ?ill you is another!N Lohanen said& 2+o yo' believe the man >as possessedRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed again& Lohanen nodded& N7e may ha e been sent to stop you from tal?ing to us&N 9itzpatri$? shoo? his head in disbelief& N1ut >hyRN NGhat do you ?no> about the man you >or? for! 9itzpatri$?RN Lohanen as?ed& 9itzpatri$? isibly shuddered! then gathered himself and tried to be non$halant& N7e<s a bit of an enigma& / really don<t ?no> mu$h about him! eC$ept that he<s obsessed >ith his %oomsday Clo$? #roEe$t& -here are times >hen / thin? he >ants 'rmageddon to happen&N NKood $hoi$e of >ords!N Lohanen said& NGe belie e that the dis? from the $ardinal $ontains the names of a se$ret group >hose goal it is to bring about the rise of the superman! the 'nti$hrist! and thereby the destru$tion of the >orld& /s that your goal as >ellRN 'nd his eyes bore into 9itzpatri$?<s& 9itzpatri$? $olored and shoo? his head& N7ardly& / Eust li?ed the >or? itself8the intelle$tual $hallenge& 'nd he offered me a lot of money&N N/s that >hat made you lea e the priesthoodRN Lohanen pressed& -hey >aited as 9itzpatri$? stared into the fire& -he room >as quiet for o er a minute! then the eC"priest $leared his throat& N-here >ere other reasons!N he ans>ered e asi ely& N0ometimes it is good for a man to unburden his soul!N Lohanen said& 9itzpatri$? leaned ba$? in his $hair and sighed& N/ ha e a sister >ho is mentally ill!N he began& N0he has psy$hoti$ episodes& 0he doesn<t remember >hat she does during them! but she often harmed herself and those around her& My parents got her the best help they $ould find& 0he seemed to be doing all right as long as she too? her meds& 1ut >hen / >as

>or?ing for Cardinal 9iorre! she set the house on fire& My parents died in their bed& -hey burned to death&N N/ am ery sorry for you!N Lohanen said& N-han? you! but that >as a long time ago& /< e mo ed on >ith my life&N N/s that >hat $aused you to lea eRN Ma$ as?ed& 9itzpatri$? nodded& NPes! it >as the reason / left &&& my $alling& / $ouldn<t re$on$ile a good Kod >ith my parents burning to death& / didn<t understand >hy he >ould allo> both my mother and father to die at the hands of &&& of &&&N Ma$ sa> the bitter eCpression on the man<s fa$e& N0o she is still ali eRN Lohanen as?ed& 9itzpatri$? rubbed >earily at his forehead& NPes! she is& 0he<s the reason >hy / li e here! in the $ity&N NGhen >as the last time you sa> herRN Ma$ as?ed& N0e eral months ago! and then at a distan$e&N NGhat is your sister<s nameRN Lohanen as?ed& N2ora&N Lohanen $hanged the subEe$t& NGe ?no> that! before he died! Cardinal 9iorre sent you a $opy of a dis? $ontaining the proEe$t you<d been >or?ing on together& %id you re$ei e that dis?RN 9itzpatri$? shoo? his head& NBnfortunately! no& / re$ei ed his letter! but the dis? >as missing& /t<s possible that 2ora too? it&N N2oraRN Ma$ as?ed& NPes& 0he re$ently $ame to my apartment >hile / >as gone! to get food& 0in$e the letter >as left but the dis? and en elope >ere gone! she may ha e ta?en it&N NCan you lo$ate herRN Ma$ as?ed& N2ot really& 0he<s homeless! li es on the street& 0ometimes / see her in the par?& -here<s a >ino that ?no>s her and / slip him money e ery no> and then& 7e $an get >ord to her&N NCan you try to find herR Ma$Menzie and / >ill assist you in any >ay >e $an!N Lohanen offered& 9itzpatri$? nodded& N/ $an try to find the >ino and see >hat happens&N NMay / suggest that >e go at morning<s first light!N Lohanen said& N/ $ould do that&N 9itzpatri$? ans>ered! then hesitated& NPou said earlier that you belie ed my life >as in danger& 1efore today! / >ouldn<t ha e belie ed you& 1ut this morning / met >ith @on 0$h erdt and &&&N NGhat did he sayRN Lohanen prodded gently& N7e sho>ed me & & & things&N 9itzpatri$? paused a moment& N7e had >hat loo?ed li?e a holographi$ film of Cardinal 9iorre &&& his last minutes on earth&N Lohanen leaned in to>ard 9itzpatri$?& NGhat did you seeR Gas he murderedRN 9itzpatri$? nodded& NPes! /<m not sure ho>! but there >ere t>o &&& $reatures& -hey someho> $aused him to ha e a heart atta$?&N N-hey >ere t>o 2ephilim >ho entered his mind telepathi$ally and terrified him to the point of death!N Lohanen eCplained& N -he 2ephilimR 's in Kenesis siCRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& Lohanen nodded& NPes! the 2ephilim& -he hybrid offspring of an unholy union

bet>een fallen angels and the >omen of earth&N N/ find that almost unbelie able&N N2e ertheless it is true!N Lohanen remar?ed& 0ho$? and $onfusion passed o er 9itzpatri$?<s fa$e! and se eral beads of s>eat appeared on his bro>& N/ ha e to tell you& /<m afraid for my life& @on 0$h erdt re ealed something of his plans and as?ed me to Eoin him&N N'nd do you >ant toRN Lohanen as?ed& N'bsolutely not& 7e<s e il in$arnate& 1ut if / don<t &&&N Lohanen laid a hand $ompassionately on 9itzpatri$?<s arm& N-he Kod you ha e forsa?en has not forsa?en you& Pou must turn to him& 7e >ill help you defeat the :nemy&N 9itzpatri$? shoo? his head doubtfully& N-hat may be true! but >hat do / do no>RN NFur first tas? is to find the dis? from the $ardinal!N Lohanen de$lared& N'nd that >e $annot do till tomorro>&N Lohanen stood up and stret$hed himself& NGe must rest >hile >e $an& 're you ready! Ma$MenzieRN Ma$ felt a $he$? in his spirit and de$ided to oi$e his feeling& NLohanen! maybe 9itzpatri$? should $ome >ith us& Ghat if they try to get him hereRN Ma$ sa> Lohanen ponder his >ords and then loo? to>ard 9itzpatri$? for an ans>er& ' thin smile appeared on 9itzpatri$?<s fa$e& N-he se$urity here is one of the best in the $ity& / thin? /<ll be fine for tonight&N NMa$Menzie ma?es a good point!N Lohanen stated& NGe ?no> from eCperien$e that these fallen angels ha e the ability to $hange their appearan$e at >ill&N NGhat do you meanRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N-hey $an appear as your best friend if they >anted to!N Ma$ offered& N-hey $an appear e en as an angel of light!N Lohanen added& Ma$ sa> that 9itzpatri$? >as on un$harted ground& NLet me sleep on it& Ge<ll meet in the morning&N Lohanen said! NGe<ll $ome here first thing8say! at se enRN N0e en sounds fine& Ge<ll go to the par? a$ross the street and loo? for the >ino&N 9itzpatri$? sho>ed the men to the door& -hey eC$hanged fare>ells& /n the ele ator Lohanen inquired! NGell! Ma$Menzie! >hat did you thin? of all thatRN Ma$ thought a moment& N-he man is $aught up in some"thing that he doesn<t understand&N NPes! / agree& / fear for the man<s safety& / am hesitant to lea e this pla$e&N NGe $an<t stay in the hall>ay all night&N NFf $ourse not& 1ut >e might be able to station oursel es nearby&N -he ele ator door opened and Ma$ stepped into the lobby& <'ny ideasR -here<s not e en a donut shop nearby&N -hey made their >ay out of the lobby and stood under the $anopy& NKood e ening! gentlemen!N the doorman said& N0hould / hail a $ab for youRN N-hat >ill not be ne$essary& / thin? >e ha e other plans!N Lohanen said& Ma$ loo?ed at him& ;ha" is he going "o ge" 's in"o no 8 NMa$Menzie! if you >ill follo>N Lohanen smiled and set off do>n the street& Ma$ $aught up after a fe> pa$es& NGhat<s upRN NGell! here is the main entran$e to this pla$e! and as you $an see it is guarded by se$urity t>enty"four hours a day& Ge $an set up $amp o er there! in the par?&N 7e pointed

to a ben$h& N/t has a good ie> of the entran$e& /f anything hap"pens! at least >e >ill be here to help&N Ma$ too? a deep breath& NGho gets the first >at$hRN N/ propose you ta?e the first& /<ll $url up on the ben$h and get some rest& Ga?e me in three hours&N Ma$ shoo? his head& N7o> did / ?no> that >as $omingRN N-he 7oly 0pirit ga e you the $he$?! not me& PesRN Lohanen teased& -he men >al?ed into the par?& Lohanen found a folded ne>spaper in a trash $an and >iped the ben$h off before lying do>n on it& N7o> $an you possibly sleep on that thingRN Ma$ as?ed& NMa$Menzie&N 1y the tone of Lohanen<s oi$e Ma$ ?ne> he >as in for a le$ture& N'fter being a guest at the Mamertine prison in Rome! this! / assure you! is a luCury&N N-he Mamertine prisonRN Lohanen sat up& NKruesome pla$e& /t >as a prison in Rome& / spent some time there at the $lose of the first $entury in an inse$t"infested $ell! >here a man $ould not stand upright&N NFh!N Ma$ ans>ered& N/ spent se eral >ee?s there and then the guards $ame for me and / >as boiled in oil&N N1oiled in oilRN Lohanen nodded& N-hat is >hen / first began to realize that the Lord<s promise $on$erning me! that / should not die until his return! might! in fa$t! be literal&N NGhat happened neCtRN -hey brought me to the emperor and he eCiled me to the island of #atmos&N N'nd then >hat happenedRN NGell! Ma$Menzie! it >ould ta?e the rest of the night and then some if / >ere to elaborate! >ould it notRN 'nd he lay ba$? do>n on the ben$h& N1ut &&& !N Ma$ began& N2o! not no>! /<m Eust getting $omfortable&N N7ey! Lohanen&N N7mmmRN N/ thin? this is only the se$ond time /< e heard you use a $ontra$tion& Pou said /<m&N N/t happens >hen / get tired& -hree hours! Ma$Menzie&N 7e turned up the $ollar of his $oat and $o ered his head >ith the sports se$tion of the ne>spaper& Ma$Menzie loo?ed at the man and shoo? his head& No one o'ld believe i"% Ma$ put his hands in his po$?ets and began to pa$e in front of the ben$h! all the >hile ?eeping an eye on the front of 9itzpatri$?<s apartment building&

'olfgang@on 0$h

erdt rode in the ba$? of his Mer$edes and loo?ed at the rain"soa?ed streets of 2e> Por?& ' an$e at his >at$h& -l.os" " o in "he .orning% 7e >as headed to a se$ret meeting of men and >omen! >ho! li?e himself! >ere dedi$ated to bringing about the Chosen Fne! the one >hom Lu$ifer himself >ould one day inhabit! and >ith that possession! rule the earth& NCan you go faster! 1runoR / don<t >ant to be late!N @on 0$h erdt $alled& ' nod from 1runo and @on 0$h erdt felt the $ar in$rease its speed& ' short time later the $ar pulled onto Gall 0treet! the hub of the finan$ial >orld in the Bnited 0tates& /t then turned onto a small side street and entered an underground par?ing garage& 1runo put the $ar in par? and opened the door for @on 0$h erdt& N-han? you! 1runo!N @on 0$h erdt said& N/ >ill be ba$? in approCimately an hour! or t>o at the most&N Githout >aiting for a response @on 0$h erdt made his >ay to the ele ator& 7e stepped inside and inserted a spe$ial $ard& -he doors $losed and he >aited as the ele ator began its as$ent& @on 0$h erdt had been at meetings li?e the one he >as about to attend sin$e before the >ar! although then they had ta?en pla$e in Kermany& 7e thought >istfully of the old days! of >hen 7itler >as $oming to po>er& Ho pro'd e all ere, he thought& Ghen the doors opened! he >al?ed do>n a hall>ay& 0ome of the others in this elite group had already gathered& 7e surmised that the meeting had been $alled be$ause things had no" >or?ed out a$$ording to plan regarding Pemen& ;e .'s" ,ind ?ohanen, and be done i"h hi. a" las"9 he thought& ;e ere so close, 1's" a ,e .in'"es .ore %%% NKood e ening! @on 0$h erdt&N ' Lapanese man! slight of build! >ith a military"style hair$ut and round glasses! greeted him& @on 0$h erdt $li$?ed his heels together and bo>ed to the man& N Kood to see you again! Pamamoto!N @on 0$h erdt said& -he men >al?ed together past a banquet hall! >here a round table >as being prepared for a meal& :ntering a >indo>less room $o ered in $rimson draperies! they too? their pla$es at an ebony $onferen$e table inlaid in the $enter >ith an ouroboros! a red dragon! $urled in on itself >ith its head eating its tail& NGe failed in Pemen!N Pamamoto said& @on 0$h erdt shrugged& N2ot entirely& -he media $arried the sighting of the sign! something that >e had not intended! and it has e eryone tal?ing& Pou might be interested to ?no> that that one e ent! $ombined >ith the pope<s death and the massing of armies in the Middle :ast! has mo ed my dooms"day $lo$? to midnight&N N Ge ha e a good $han$e of putting our man for>ard as the pope!N Pamamoto said&

-hat is >hat / heard from Mr& Gyan!N @on 0$h erdt ans>ered& Ghile they tal?ed! other men and a fe> >omen entered the $onferen$e room until the seats >ere full! all eC$ept the one at the head of the table& -he room settled do>n and all eyes >ere on the a$ant seat& ' tall man! >ith sli$?ed"ba$?!bla$? hair and a deep s$ar abo e his left eye! entered the room& NMr& Gyan is here at last!N Pamamoto >hispered& @on 0$h erdt nodded >ith satisfa$tion& Gyan >ent to the head of the table but remained standing behind his seat& 7e paused for a moment and loo?ed e ery man and >oman in the eye& NGe ha e failed >here >e should not ha e failed!N he yelled! and brought his fist do>n on the table& @on 0$h erdt had seen Gyan<s temper and ?ne> that >hen ?indled! things $ould get ery dangerous and unpredi$table& N-he ery man that >e set the trap for in Pemen >as able to someho> turn e erything against us& 7e has $ost us time&N Gyan peered at the group and then began to >al? around the table! stopping at ea$h $hair! holding the ba$? of it >ith his hands for a moment before mo ing on to the neCt one& NGe almost su$$eeded in >hat >e had hoped to a$$omplish&N 7e stopped and mo ed to the neCt $hair! dire$tly a$ross from @on 0$h erdt& -he man >as a >ealthy industrialist! aging and battling s?in $an$er& Gyan set his hand on the man<s shoulder& @on 0$h erdt stared at the siC fingers on the large hand and sa> ho> he squeezed the man<s shoulder so that he >in$ed from the pain& Gyan mo ed to the neCt person and $ontinued his eC$oriation& NGe ha e >or?ed for $enturies to $reate this moment! >hen the >orld >ill embra$e us and the one >e ser e! and >hyR 1e$ause >e >ill promise them >hat eludes them && & pea$e& Ge ha e $hipped a>ay at the things that on$e >ere $alled good! blurred the lines so that the man on the street $an<t tell the differen$e bet>een right and >rong anymore& 'nd >e ha e gone one step further! as he no> thin?s that there is nothing that is absolute& Ge ha e positioned him to >here >e >ant him to be& 7e is outraged by the ?illing of baby seals but ?ills his o>n $hildren in their mothers< >ombs& /sn<t that >onderfulR Loo? ho> >e ha e t>isted them! slo>ly! from generation to generation! be$ause >e are not di ided in our $ause&N Gyan paused behind a good"loo?ing >oman& @on 0$h erdt sa> her press her lips together as Gyan played >ith a lo$? of her hair for a moment before mo ing to the neCt per"son& N-he $hur$h is more $on$erned >ith ba?e sales than it is >ith the de$eption that >e ha e laid all around them& -hey are poised at a $riti$al Eun$ture and are una>are of it& -he armies of our allies are poised to destroy /srael! to dri e e ery Le> into the sea and ?ill them& Ghen that is a$$omplished! >e >ill sho> oursel es to the >orld and they >ill mar el& NGe ha e t>isted the youth of the >orld& Confused and titillated them >ith las$i ious images! ta?en their inno$en$e from them and in its pla$e gi en them hopelessness and death& Ge ha e helped fashion the drums of >ar until e ery nation has learned to follo> their sedu$ti e beat and fashioned their ploughshares into s>ords to ?ill ea$h other& Fn su$h a grand s$ale >e ha e a$$omplished this! that millions >ill die at the tou$h of a button! and >e >ill be there to greet them as they lea e their rotting $orpses and go to meet our father in hell& Ge ha e seen plagues and ne> diseases ta?e the li es of millions! lea ing in their >a?e $ountless orphans >ho >e >ill train to be men and >omen >ho li e our pre$ious lie&

NGe ha e ta?en the life out of the $hur$h! dri en the 0pirit of our :nemy into the >ilderness! and made $ertain that our people! li?e >ol es in sheep $lothing! infiltrate its ran?s& Ge ha e >aited de$ades for a pastor or priest to fall& Ge ha e so>n the seeds of that fall and nurtured it slo>ly! >atering it >ith sedu$ti e isions of money! seC! or po>er& 2o> >e see s$ores fall daily& NGe ha e so>n hopelessness and death! $onfusion and anar$hy! disease and intoleran$e& Ge ha e har ested the souls of these >ret$hed! >orthless masses and fed them to the eternal fire of hell itself&N @on 0$h erdt felt himself getting eC$ited as Gyan eCpounded on all that he held sa$red& 7e felt li?e he >as ba$? in 2uremberg! listening to 7itler himself& Gyan stopped neCt to Pamamoto<s $hair& N-his is >hy >e >ill pre ail& Loo? at the :nemy<s ?ingdom! di ided in a thou"sand fragments! and >e $ontinue to di ide them& -hey hold their $oun$ils& 1ut little do they realize that >e ha e pla$ed our men and >omen neCt to them >ho >ill sub ert and >ea?en that ?ingdom further& /t is >hy! >hen Lu$ifer as$ends to his rightful pla$e! they >ill >orship him be$ause of his terrible po>er&N Gyan pla$ed his hands neCt to Pamamoto<s head! then >ithout >arning $hanged to his true form& -he $la>ed hands fastened themsel es to Pamamoto<s head and in an instant t>isted it! so that a loud snap re erberated in the room& -hen he se ered the head from the body& ' $olle$ti e gasp filled the room& -he >oman sitting a$ross from @on 0$h erdt $o ered her eyes& ' fe> men loo?ed ashen >hile others trembled! isibly sha?en by the gruesome spe$ta$le& @on 0$h erdt! ho>e er! trembled >ith eC$itement& My .as"er has sho n "he. ha" po er is %%% ho ,or"'na"e ! a.% Gyan rea$hed o er and set the head in the $enter of the inlaid dragon& NGhy ha e / ?illed one of your $olleaguesR Ghy ha e / made an eCample out of himR / >ill tell you& /t is be$ause he is >ea?! and Lu$ifer >ill not tolerate >ea?ness& 7o> >as he >ea?! you may as?R 7e >as more $on$erned for his o>n affairs! than the affairs of our Lord&N @on 0$h erdt stared for a moment at the se ered head on the table! its eyes >ide open and beginning to glaze o er& -he fa$e $ontorted in a loo? of surprise! terror! and agony& 7e loo?ed to his left at the headless $orpse ofPamamoto! noti$ed the elegant suit no> blood"stained and ruined& Gyan had returned to the head of the table& N: en though our mission in Pemen >as th>arted! the neCt phase of our plan >ill not be deterred& Ge >ill annihilate the sons of 'braham&N @on 0$h erdt began to $lap and soon the rest of the members at the table follo>ed suit& @on 0$h erdt rose from his seat! leading the >ay for a standing o ation& 's the applause filled the room Gyan re erted to his human"loo?ing form& 7e motioned for quiet& <'ll this has gi en me an appetite&N 7e smiled and >ith"out another >ord left the room& @on 0$h erdt loo?ed around at the other members! all of >hi$h eyed the se ered head that remained in the $enter of the dragon& There is no la'gh"er here, he reminded himself! and he left the table and follo>ed his master to the banquet room&

*ohanen! it<s time&N Ma$ shoo? the snoring figure! >ho stirred from the par? ben$h and sat up& NGhat time is it! Ma$MenzieRN he as?ed& Ma$ glan$ed at his >at$h& N'lmost four in the morning&N <'nything happen >hile / sleptRN Lohanen as?ed& Ma$ shoo? his head& <' patrol $ar shone its light on us! but nothing a$ross the street&N Lohanen get up and stret$hed& NPour turn! Ma$Menzie& 0ee! / ha e >armed the ben$h for you& Pou should than? me&N Ma$ lay do>n on the ben$h and tried to get $omfortable& 9irst he lay on his ba$? >ith a ne>spaper under his head& -he slats on the ben$h bottom $ut into his ba$?& -hen he tried his side! but his head >as lo>er than his shoulders and his ne$? started to hurt& N/ don<t ?no> ho> you do it!N he said! as he sat ba$? up& N%o >hat! Ma$MenzieRN Lohanen ans>ered! as he pa$ed in front of the ben$h& N0leep on the ra$?! for $rying out loud&N Lohanen $hu$?led& Ma$ spread both arms on the ben$h<s ba$? and $rossed his an?les in front of him& N/ $an<t sleep! and besides! / ha e a head full of questions&N N's al>ays!N Lohanen replied& N9eel li?e tal?ingRN Ma$ as?ed& Lohanen stopped >al?ing and loo?ed at the front of 9itzpatri$? <s building& N/ suppose &&& about >hatRN NGell! / ha e a question about this @on 0$h erdt guy&N N9ire a>ay! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen replied& N7o> $ould this guy be ali e todayR 7e >ould ha e to be >ell o er a hundred& 7o> is that possibleRN N/ belie e that the :nemy is prolonging his life! li?e that of your father&N Ma$ nodded! remembering the last time he sa> the body of his father! demented! possessed! gi en o er to the foul thing that inhabited it& N%o you thin? that @on 0$h erdt is possessed! li?e the man in the restaurantRN Lohanen shoo? his head& N/ am not sure! but the man is $ertainly under the $ontrol of the : il Fne& 7e is a >illing tool! a essel to $arry out the desires of the :nemy& 7e has made a ery deliberate $hoi$e and ser es the one he >orships&N N7o> did he get to 'meri$aR Gasn<t he >anted for >ar $rimesR 'nd >here did he get

the $learan$es to initiate a top"se$ret proEe$tRN N-his might ta?e a >hile! Ma$Menzie! and / do not ha e all the information! but >hat / do ha e / >ill share >ith you&N Ma$ slid to the end of the ben$h! ma?ing room for Lohanen to sit do>n& N/n Kermany during Gorld Gar //! a perni$ious e ent"transpired that left millions dead in its >a?e&N Ma$ thought for a moment& N-he 7olo$austRN N#re$isely!N Lohanen said& N1ut >hat is it that moti ated the 2azis to eliminate the Le>sR Ghy ha e modern historians eliminated the spiritual side of the 7olo$austRN Ma$ shoo? his head& N1e$ause something so terrible too? pla$e >ith su$h utmost deliberation that the human psy$he is repelled at the thought of it&N Ma$ shifted on the ben$h! glan$ed at the building entran$e! and >aited for Lohanen to $ontinue& N7istorians note that the 7olo$aust! the destru$tion of o er siC million Le>s! >as $arried out >ith the utmost effi$ien$y& Ghat they fail to realize is that the bodies! burned in the $rematoriums! >ere in fa$t a burnt offering to their >ould"be god! 0atan8a sa$rifi$e intended to bring about the rule of the 'nti$hrist& 're you a>are! Ma$Menzie! that the Kerman >ord holo/a's"ein is translated as Wburnt offering! as on an altar<RN Ma$ shoo? his head& N/ didn<t ?no> that&N N/t is true! Ma$Menzie& -he death of the Le>s >as a burnt offering& 'nd do you ?no> >hat the 2azis su$$eeded in a$$omplishingR -hey >ere able to $reate a door>ay! a portal! by >hi$h the fallen ones of old $ould return&N N%o you mean fallen angelsRN Ma$ as?ed& NPes! Ma$Menzie& -hey >ere gi en the ability to enter! and on$e they did! they ga e the 2azis a se$ret >eapon! the flying dis?& Fne of these men! Golfgang @on 0$h erdt! >as and is an o$$ult adept >ho helped usher in the fallen ones& 7e >as in ol ed in the death $amps& 7e helped or$hestrate the Lu$iferi$ sa$rifi$e& 7e >as 0atan<s >illing tool / tried to apprehend him Eust before the >ar<s end! but failed in my attempt&N NGhat happenedRN N/t is a long story! Ma$Menzie! and best told in detail another time! but he >as surrounded by legions of the :nemy& Pou must remember that the :nemy >as manifesting himself in our dimension at >ill! >ith no restraint& /t >as a demoni$ stronghold that / >as not able to penetrate&N N1ut / thought!N Ma$ began! but Lohanen interrupted& NPou thought that be$ause / had an inside line! as it >ere! to himN8and Lohanen pointed to the hea ens8Nthat some"ho> / >ould be i$torious in e ery situation&N NPeah! something li?e that! but >hy >eren<t youRN N7a e you read the boo? of %anielRN Ma$ nodded& N-hat<s another thing / >as going to as? you about&N NGell! do you remember >hen %aniel prays and then an angel! Kabriel! is dispat$hedRN Ma$ nodded& N%o you remember ho> long it too? for the angel to arri e to assist %anielRN N/ thin? it >as around a month&N N->enty"one days! to be eCa$t& Ghen he arri ed! he eCplained to %aniel that the

reason for this delay >as that he >as hindered by the e il prin$e of #ersia! a prin$ipality of 0atan! and that in order to brea? through! another angel! Mi$hael! >as dispat$hed to help him& My situation >ith @on 0$h erdt >as similar& / got $lose! but / >as restrained by the :nemy and >as pre ented from $arrying out my tas?& 7e >as then ta?en by the 'meri$ans& 're you a>are that mu$h of >hat the 2azis ushered in >as then embra$ed >illingly by the 'meri$ansRN N2o& 1ut >hy >ould they >ant to deal >ith someone as ruthless as @on 0$h erdtRN N7e had the te$hnology! the super>eapons& / >as able to as$ertain that he >as the head $ommander at the 2azi<s se$ret >eapon<s fa$ility in #eenemunde& -he name translates as Wfantasy >orld&N N/n$redible &&&N N@on 0$h erdt too? the se$ret te$hnology and migrated >ith it to the B&0&! >here he >as gi en $arte blan$he! and huge sums of money! to $arry out bla$? eCperiments&N NLi?e >hat >as ta?ing pla$e at the base in 2e adaRN NPes& Pou sa> for yourself the breeding program! Ma$Menzie& @on 0$h erdt >as the man responsible for seeing it to fruition& / belie e he is the one >ho $ontrolled the base in 2e ada&N Ma$ pondered for a moment& N/ >onder if the president is a>are of thisRN Lohanen shoo? his head& N2o! Ma$Menzie& -his is all ery se$ret and only ?no>n by a handful of people& -here is a shado> go ernment that is in ol ed in this! and they! li?e their prede$essors! are in ol ed in establishing the Lu$iferi$ ?ingdom on earth& -hey ma?e $ertain the president is ?ept out of the loop&N Ma$ glan$ed to the front of the apartment building! then ba$? to Lohanen& N0o @on 0$h erdt >as pardoned for his >ar $rimes! and allo>ed to migrate to the Bnited 0tates! all >ith"out impunity&N NPes! Ma$Menzie! that is the gist of >hat happened& 2o> >e ha e $losed in on him and others of his il?& Ge are a>are that their goal is to bring about the 'nti$hrist& Ge stopped their efforts in Pemen! and yet they $ontinue >ith their plan! undaunted by their failure&N NGe stopped them! but the media still pi$?ed up on the false sign& -he >orld is debating >hat they sa>&N NPes! the >orld is seeing >hat >as foretold $enturies ago! fearful signs in the hea ens! and "hey, the fallen ones of old! are manifesting themsel es be$ause these are the end of days& The "i.e is no %2 Ma$ glan$ed at the $anopied entran$e to the building for the umpteenth time& 7e >as about to glan$e a>ay >hen something $aught his eye& NLohanen! / thin? something<s up o er there&N Ma$ and Lohanen loo?ed at the entran$e& N/t<s hi., Gyan! the fallen angel& 7e<s tal?ing to the se$urity guard&N Gyan grabbed the guard and held him by the lapels in front of his fa$e& -he guard yelled as he tried to $o er his eyes& N2o>! Ma$MenzieJN Lohanen yelled! and the t>o men started running a$ross the street& Ma$ sa> the guard fall to the ground! holding his head and yelling& Gyan >al?ed $almly into the building and disappeared& ' $ar<s horn blared and Ma$ and Lohanen stopped as it s>er ed around them and $ontinued do>n the street& -hey rushed to the se$urity guard&

NMa?e it stopJ Ma?e it stopJN the guard shouted! terrified! as he thrashed on the $arpet under the $anopy& NGhat about GyanRN Ma$ as?ed& N0tay here and see if you $an $alm him do>n& #ray for him! Ma$Menzie& /f / do not lea e no>! 9itzpatri$? may $ome to a horrible end&N Ma$ nodded and >at$hed as Lohanen bolted to>ard the ele ator& -he guard moaned again and began to bang his head on the $on$rete& Ma$ began to pray aloud! and >hen he loo?ed up again Lohanen >as gone&

Nora a>a?ened >ith a start! at first not ?no>ing >here she >as! then remembering that
she >as in the bathroom linen $loset& 0he pressed her ba$? against the rear of the $abinet and listened& 0omeone >as yelling& 0he listened to the noise and thought! They3re no" gonna ge" .e %%% no ay% 0he re$ognized her brother 1rian<s oi$e& ;hy is he yelling8 ;ha"3s rong8 !s he .ad a" .e ,or "a/ing "hese8 0he loo?ed at the en elope >ith the pretty stamps& -hen she heard something slam into the >all! follo>ed by the pounding of a fist on the door& ;ha"3s going on8 2ora >ondered! and she opened the $abinet door and pee?ed out& 0he >as able to see do>n the hall>ay to her brother<s room& -here >as a ery tall man standing in front of the door! pounding on it >ith his fist& -o 2ora<s amazement! splinters of >ood fle> from the door& -he man >as brea?ing the door do>n >ith his fists& B'" ho co'ld "ha" be8 2ora thought! pulling the $abinet door shut again& N/< e got a gun & & & /< e got a gunJN 0he heard the franti$ $ry of her brother& -he man pun$hed the door again! then yelled! NKi e the dis? to meJN N/ mean itJ *<** shoot youJN 1rian yelled& -hen 2ora heard something else from the dire$tion of the front door& +o.eone is "rying "o ge" in, b'" "hey can3" beca'se "he door3s loc/ed% Maybe "hey3re here "o help% 2ora debated >hether she should lea e her hiding pla$e and open the door& N/<m not going to >arn you again8lea e this pla$e no or /<ll shoot!N 1rian yelled again& 2ora heard the front door burst open& Fpening her $abinet door a $ra$?! she sa> a man $ome running from the li ing room to the hall>ay& 7e started to yell something but >as dro>ned out by a pier$ing gro>l from the tall man& 2ora heard the gun go off& -he tall man spun around and $rashed into the hall>ay >all from the for$e of the bullet& 0he sa> the gun sti$? through the hole in the door& 0he sa> the flash of fire lea e the muzzle! and a loud eCplosion hurt her ears! but the bullet missed the man and buried itself in the $eiling& -he ne> person! the one >ith all the gray hair and the bright blue eyes! stopped at the entran$e of the hall& N9itzpatri$? && & it is Lohanen&N

' pier$ing s$ream from the tall man made 2ora Eump! and she hit her head on the top of the $abinet& 0he rubbed her head and pee?ed out again& Ghat she sa> terrified her& -he tall man had $hanged into a monster& NGhat is itRN 1rian s$reamed! as he fired another round& 2ora sa> the monster spin as the bullet glan$ed off its shoulder& - .ons"er, 1's" li/e ?erry said% 2ora heard the monster s$ream again as it $harged the man >ith the blue eyes& -he monster slammed into him& -hey began to >restle on the ground& Io' be""er r'n ,or i", girl, 2ora told herself! and she $rept out of the $abinet holding the en elope& 0he stood up in the door>ay and began to run for the front door& N2oraJ Come ba$? here &&& no>JN her brother yelled& 7is oi$e startled her and she dropped the en elope on the floor and the dis? slipped out and landed neCt to it& 0he bent do>n to pi$? it up and sa> that his bedroom door >as open and he >as standing in the door>ay! still holding the gun& N2ora lea e it &&& lea e it there!N her brother $alled& 0he >as $onfused and loo?ed at the man >ith the blue eyes& 't that moment the monster turned and sa> her& 0he grabbed the dis? and stuffed it ba$? into the en elope& -he monster gro>led and started to>ard her& -he man >ith the blue eyes ta$?led the monster! holding onto one of its legs& 2ora du$?ed into the hall>ay& ' $la>ed hand rea$hed out and tried to grab her! but she bro?e a>ay! her body hitting a $hair in the li ing room& N2ora! lea e the en elopeJN her brother shouted again& 2ora ran for all she >as >orth to>ard the front entran$e! holding the en elope tightly in her fist& 0he loo?ed ba$? as she left the apartment and >hat she sa> terrified her! be$ause the monster had bro?en free from the man >ith the blue eyes and >as $oming after her% 2ora rea$hed the ser i$e ele ator and pounded the but"ton! o er and o er again& -he monster >as flying to>ard her! >ith the other man Eust behind& -hen she sa> her brother in his door>ay as the ele ator doors began to open& 0he sa> him raise his gun and aim at the monster& 2ora didn<t >ait for the doors to open all the >ay& 0he Eumped in and began to push the first"floor button& -he monster >as getting $loser& -hen the man >ith the blue eyes leaped! his hands eCtended& Fne of them $aught the monster by the leg and it tumbled to the ground& -he ele ator doors began to $lose& 2ora sa> the thing $la>ing its >ay to>ard her! dragging the man >ith it& 0he pressed herself against the ba$? of the ele ator& ' hand rea$hed out and tried to stop the doors! but to 2ora<s relief they $losed! and the ele ator began its des$ent& 't the first floor she got off and ran into the alley& 7earing glass brea?ing high abo e her! she sa>! to her horror! that the monster >as on the fire es$ape& 0he darted out into the alley and onto the street! >here she >as almost hit by an on$oming $ar& Githout loo?ing ba$?! she headed to>ard the one pla$e >here she might find safety &&& the Condos&

Ma$Menzie heard the squeal of tires and an angry horn blaring up the street from >here
he >as& 7e peered up the street at >hat appeared to be a franti$ homeless >oman& 7e sa> her run into the par? and disappear& ;ha"3s going on8 he >ondered& -he doorman moaned& N Pou<re going to be o?ay!N Ma$ said! as he helped the man stand& N/ sa> things & & & horrible things &&&N NPou<re going to be all right!N Ma$ e$hoed again& N Ghat happened any>ayRN the doorman as?ed! still dazed from the en$ounter& Ma$ thought about telling the man the truth and realized that it >ould be better for the man not to ?no> any more than he had to& NLet<s get you inside!N Ma$ said! as he helped the man into the deserted lobby& N/ ne er belie ed in the de il& Pou ?no> &&& but >hate er it >as &&& / felt li?e / >as in hell &&& if there is su$h a pla$e&N -he man began to sha?e from fear as Ma$ helped him into a $hair& -he ele ator door opened and Lohanen appeared& N%id you see a >oman running out from the alleyRN he as?ed& ' $ouple of minutes ago but &&&N -hen it da>ned on him& N9itzpatri$?<s sister 2oraRN he gasped& NPes& Ge ha e got to follo> her if >e $an! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen said& NGho are youRN the doorman as?ed& N0omeone >ho >ill spea? pea$e into your life!N Lohanen said! as he laid his hand on the man<s forehead& -he man $losed his eyes as his head fell onto his $hest& N/s he all rightR Ghat did you doRN Ma$ as?ed& N1lessed him& 7e >ill be at pea$e&N NGhat happened to GyanRN Ma$ as?ed& N7e $hanged into his true form after he entered 9itzpatri$?<s apartment& / found him $la>ing his >ay through 9itzpatri$?<s door& 9itzpatri$? fired a $ouple of shots& / thin? he hit him on$e& Gyan pi$?ed up a fire eCtinguisher and hurled it at me! smashed a >indo>! and >ent do>n the fire es$ape&N NGas 9itzpatri$? hurtRN Ma$ as?ed& <'s far as / $ould tell! no& Ge must go to him no>! Ma$Menzie&N N1ut >hat about the sister and GyanR /sn<t he $hasing herRN NPes! and >hat is more &&& she has the dis? from Cardinal 9iorre& 1ut first >e >ill help 9itzpatri$?&N Ma$Menzie follo>ed Lohanen to the ele ator! but >hen it opened 9itzpatri$? himself

stepped out& NGhere is sheR Ghere<s 2oraRN he $ried& N0he<s es$aped for no>!N Ma$ said& NGhat as that thingRN he as?ed& N/t >as a fallen angel& Ge ha e dealt >ith him before& 7e $ame here to ?ill you&N 9itzpatri$? >rung his hands together& N/ >as &&& terrified& -hat<s >hy / grabbed the gun and started to shoot& / pani$?ed and didn<t ?no> >hat else to do&N N9allen angels are ery po>erful! but not in in$ible& Ge are strong in the Lord! and in his po>er >e $an defeat him! and indeed ha e done so in the past&N N/t >ent $razy >hen it sa> 2ora &&& sa> that she had the dis?!N 9itzpatri$? said& N7e ?no>s that it is the only $opy in eCisten$e& -hey<re going to ma?e a mo e ery soon! and that<s >hy the urgen$y to get the dis?&N NGhat do >e do no>RN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& NGe find 2ora before they do!N Lohanen stated& N/f >e $an find the dis? and get the information that is on it! perhaps >e $an ma?e a differen$e& 't the ery least >e $an sa e your sister&N N-o the par? then!N 9itzpatri$? said& -he men left the apartment Eust as sirens >ailed do>n the street! signaling the arri al of the poli$e&

Nora $ra>led o

er the fen$e! loo?ing ba$? through the rusted $hain lin?& The .ons"er .igh" be a,"er .e ye" %% % ! be""er h'rry and ge" ?erry% He3ll help .e% - fe> minutes later she >as in the tunnels& /t >as no> early morning and the $ommuter trains >ere frequent& 0he had to step aside se eral times and press herself against the >all as the trains rumbled by& 0he made her >ay to the Condos and >as greeted by -im! >ho along >ith se eral other residents of the Condos >as doing guard duty& NGhat you doin< ba$? hereRN -im as?ed! his baseball bat resting on his shoulder& N/ thought the Mayor told you! you had to go&N 2ora stared at her feet a moment& N/ ?no> >hat he said && & but / ha e to see Lerry& / got no>here else to go&N 2ora >aited for an ans>er& NPou >ait here >ith the guys and /<ll go and as? the Mayor&N 0e eral minutes >ent by and -im returned& N-he Mayor says you $an<t $ome ba$?! and Lerry hasn<t been seen sin$e he too? you out last night&N 2ora ro$?ed herself& NGhere am / gonna go thenR / got a monster that<s after me&N -im $hu$?led and $ir$led his temple >ith his indeC finger! the uni ersal sign for N$razy&N NPou $an<t stay here! 2ora& 2o> you better get out of here before the Mayor gets serious&N 2ora began to >al? a>ay& Ghen she >as fifty feet a>ay! she turned around and made an obs$ene gesture at -im and the other t>o guards& -hen she retra$ed her steps ba$? out of the tunnels and made her >ay ba$? to the par?! >here she sat on a ben$h and >ondered >hat she >as going to do& -he sun >as >arming the par?! turning a>ay the nip of fall air& 0he >as getting hungry and >anted to get something to eat! so she >ent to the trash $ans in the par? and sear$hed them for food& 0he found nothing in the first $an& +o.eone pic/ed "his one clean, she thought! as she rummaged through the trash& -he neCt $an >as more promisingQ she found a half"eaten sand>i$h in a ?id<s lun$h bag along >ith an apple& 0he too? her find ba$? to the ben$h! >here she ate it slo>ly& 0he too? out the dis? and the en elope! stared at them! then stuffed them ba$? into her pants po$?et >here she ?ne> they >ould be safe& ;ha" sho'ld ! do no 8 =verybody is a,"er .e and .y bro"her is .ad beca'se ! "oo/ his s"',, 0he sat on the ben$h and loo?ed at the lea es that sporadi$ally fell from the trees around her& 0he began to play a game! seeing if she $ould figure out >here the neCt leaf >ould fall& -he game made her

eyes hea y and she drifted off into an uneasy sleep& 0he >as a>a?ened by the noise of $hildren laughing nearby and at first she >asn<t sure >here she >as& 0he sat up and loo?ed around and then remembered& -he ?ids >ere noisy and t>o of them >ere fighting >ith ea$h other! so 2ora got up off the ben$h and mo ed a>ay& ;here do ! go no 8 0he started >al?ing >ithout a real destination& !3ll go bac/ "o "he "'nnels, b'" ! on3" go in% !3ll 1's" linger in ,ron" and .aybe !3ll see ?erry, or ! can go and see i, &i44ie ill le" .e s"ay i"h her% 0he mo ed a little faster no> that she had a plan! du$?ing into an alley that led to the a$ant lot near the Condos& -here >as an abandoned $ar in the lot and she >ent o er to it& -he front seats >ere gone as >ell as the >indshield! but the ba$? still had its seat as >ell as the rear >indo>s& 0he opened the door! >hi$h too? some effort! and tested the seat& /t >as slightly damp but other>ise in good $ondition& !, ! go and ge" so.e ood and o"her s"',, ! co'ld ,iA "his 'p and .aybe s"ay here% -he idea ga e her hope! and she loo?ed around the a$ant lot that li?e most pla$es of this sort attra$ted all ?inds of un>anted Eun? and refuse& 9inding se eral boards! she began to fashion a hut around the abandoned $ar& 0he too? an old mil? $rate and set it in front of the $ar for a table& 0he loo?ed at the sta$? of tires! some of >hi$h she had used the day before to help her get o er the fen$e& 0he rolled t>o of them o er to the $ar and thought about >hat she $ould use them for! be$oming absorbed in >hat she >as doing& -he stray dog appeared at the edge of the lot and stared at her& NCome here! 1oy!N she $alled& 1ut the dog stood his ground and >ouldn<t budge& 0he mo ed one of the tires! trying to see if it >ould ma?e part of the >all she >as trying to build& 0he loo?ed o er and the dog >as still there! loo?ing at her >ith its tongue hanging out the side of its mouth& NGhy don<t you $ome here! 1oyRN 2ora $alled& N/ >on<t hurt ya&N -he dog mo ed about a foot to>ard her! then sat do>n again& N0tupid dog!N she mumbled! and began to mo e the tire again inside the $ar& 0he propped it up against the t>o pie$es of >ood that she had >edged bet>een the $ar<s >indo>s& -ll ! need is so.e s"ring or ire and "his o'ld or/% ! co'ld "ie "he "ires "o "he ood and "hen ge" so.e cardboard "o ,inish i" o,,% 0he >ent sear$hing the lot for >ire and then remembered that she had seen some ele$tri$al >ire that somebody had >rapped around the fen$e to hold it to the pole& 0he >ent o er to the spot and started to >or? the rusted >ire! untangling it& -he dog gro>led behind her! startling her& 0he turned around& -he dog >as $rou$hed! all its hair bristling! its lips $urled ba$? sho>ing its teeth& /t bar?ed and lunged at a man& 2ora gasped as she re$ognized the man as being the one >ho had $hanged into the monster at her brother<s apartment& -he dog bit at the man! holding him at bay >hile 2ora s$rambled up the fen$e& Ghen she got to the top! before she Eumped to the other side! she glan$ed ba$? at 1oy& -he dog >as ?eeping the man from passing through the narro> opening that led into the lot& 0he dropped to the other side! and then she heard the dog let out a $ry! and then silen$e& 0he loo?ed on$e more and sa> that 1oy >as lying on his side in a pool of blood! his head t>isted unnaturally& -he man >as already $losing the distan$e bet>een them& 2ora slid do>n the $on$rete emban?ment and ran as fast as she $ould to>ard the opening of the tunnels&

Nora ran do>n an old line of tra$? that hadn<t been used in years& 0he >as terrified and
$onfused! as the monster >as $hasing her& 0he had gone past the Condos and ignored -im! >ho had yelled at her to stop& 0he had gone from le el to le el! finally arri ing at the lo>est& /t >as ery dar? in this part of the tunnels and most of the lighting >as burned out or bro?en& 0he stopped running for a moment and listened& He3s s"ill a,"er .e% 0he >as about to start running again >hen she heard something in front of her& 0he peered through the dar?ness trying to see >hat it >as& NGho<s thereRN she >hispered& NPou ?no> >ho it is!N a raspy oi$e ans>ered& 2ora >ished she had ?ept the ?nife that Lerry had gi en her to $arry for prote$tion& NLea e me alone! 0atan!N 2ora said! and tried not to >himper& 0atan >as the $razy man that the mole people tried to a oid at all $ost& N-he dar?ness is my friend! and it does >hat / tell it to do!N 0atan said& 2ora stared in the semidar?ness and then! emerging from a dar? shado>! 0atan appeared! a >hite man in his early thirties >ith a sha ed s?ull and tattoos o er mu$h of his body& -he most unsettling thing about him >as his eyes& 's he dre> $loser 2ora $ould see them! red and bloodshot& -hey seemed to glo> as the man stared at her& 2ora felt unable to mo e as the man approa$hed her& -he po>er of the man<s mind had someho> sent out unseen tenta$les that >rapped around her! ma?ing her immobile& N%ar?ness is my friend and it >ill hide you! if / tell it to!N the man hissed at her& 2ora began to tremble as the unseen for$e surrounded her& NPou<re in my ?ingdom no> &&& the ?ingdom of dar?ness& -he dar?ness is greater than the light& -he dar?ness >ill hide you if / tell it to&N NKo a>ay from me!N 2ora said& NListen!N the man said in a taunting oi$e! Nhe<s getting $loser& 7e<s $omin< for you! isn<t heRN 2ora realized to her horror that she >as trapped& /n front of her >as 0atan! taunting her! behind her! a monster that >as $oming $loser >ith e ery step& /t seemed to her that there >as no >ay out& 0atan too? a step $loser to her! and in the dar?ness he loo?ed li?e a phantom& Loo?ing behind him! 2ora spotted the tunnel that she had heard about! the one that -im had said had been made by somebody other than the -ransit 'uthority& ' faint light >as $oming from it&

0atan laughed at her and brought his hands in front of him& 7is fingernails had gro>n long and >ere filed into sharp $la>s& Githout >arning he $ame at her! his hands pa>ing to>ard her li?e a >ild animal& -errified! she >illed herself to mo e and managed to ta?e a step ba$?! but felt a >isp of her hair $at$h on the man<s nails as they s>ept by her fa$e& N0top itJN she s$reamed& 0he balled her fists and $harged the man! ?no$?ing him do>n as she hit him >ith the for$e of her body >hile her fists fle> >ildly in his fa$e& 0he brought a ?nee up and it found its >ay to the man<s groin& -he man yelled and she sa> him tumble out of the >ay and hit the ground& N-he dar?ness >ill s>allo> you!N he bello>ed& N-he dar?ness >ill s>allo> you and you >ill ne er see the light again&N 2ora ran >ith all she >as >orth to>ard the tunnel& 0he had to step up almost four feet to enter it& 0he hoisted herself up and loo?ed around& /t >as unli?e anything she had e er seen before& /ts >alls >ere li?e glass and someho> a faint light emanated from them& -he floor >as hard and seamless& 0he started to run! and after she felt sure that she had distan$ed herself! she loo?ed ba$? on$e and sa> that 0atan >as standing in the entran$e& 0he started running again and >ith ea$h step des$ended deeper into the earth&

Elisha 1en7assen sat neCt to the MaEor deep beneath the streets of -el '

i & 7e had been many times to the spe$ially designed bun?er that housed the /sraeli intelligen$e $ommunity and $ombined bran$hes of the armed for$es& -he brightest and most >ell trained men and >omen that the tiny $ountry $ould muster staffed this enormous underground room! maintaining a igilant >at$h on its neighbors& 1e$ause of the threat of missiles that $ould rea$h /srael in a matter of minutes! inter$epting Eets patrolled the /sraeli air spa$e and ta$ti$al antimissiles >ere dispersed in hidden lo$ations throughout the $ountry! both in the north and the south& 2u$lear submarines patrolled the /sraeli $oastline and had the $apability to inter$ept in$oming missiles! as >ell as laun$hing a preempti e stri?e& -he room >as buzzing! as it appeared that an unde$lared $oalition >as massing >eapons and troops for >hat appeared to be an all"out offensi e& -he $ountry had gone from a yello> alert! >here it had been for mu$h of the last de$ade! to a le el 3 R:%! indi$ating the strong possibility of an atta$?& Le el 2 R:% indi$ated a $on entional >ar had $ommen$ed& Le el * R:% indi$ated the unthin?able! a nu$lear or biologi$al eC$hange& N7o> $ertain are >e that the Russians ha e mo ed their mobile nu$lear missiles on the border of -ur?eyRN :lisha as?ed& NLoo? for yourself!N the MaEor said! and he used a laser pointer on the immense digital map in front of the room that sho>ed the latest satellite image of the Middle :ast& 7e pi$?ed up a phone& NKi e me a $lose"up on the for$e along the -ur?ish border!N he as?ed& -he pi$ture on the digital map $hanged to the $lose"up that the MaEor had requested& NPou $an see the mobile laun$hers sitting Eust off the road! yesRN the MaEor as?ed& :lisha stared at the map& N-hey<re not e en trying to $amouflage them!N he remar?ed& -here >as no doubt that some"thing >as happening& NGhat about the troop mo ements in /ranRN N-he /ranian ambassador has assured us that these are Eust eCer$ises& 1ut >e don<t belie e it&N N:spe$ially sin$e these >ar games are being $ondu$ted >ith the :gyptians! the 0yrians! and Lebanon&N N7as the prime minister $onsidered a preempti e stri?eRN :lisha as?ed& -he MaEor shoo? his head& N/t<s being dis$ussed! but the 'meri$ans are pressuring us to stand do>n& -hey< e had their diplomats $logging the phone lines for the last t>enty" four hours sin$e all of this began&N

N7o> mu$h time do >e ha e i, /ran laun$hes their missilesRN :lisha as?ed& NLess than eight minutes! but >e< e been prepared for that& Ge< e had our inter$epts on the ready sin$e they laun$hed their first su$$essful tests&N NGhat<s %amas$us sayingRN :lisha as?ed& N-hey<re feeding us the same line that /ran has gi en us& Gar eCer$ises! nothing more&N NMaEor!N :lisha began! N/ ?no> >e ha e had long dis$ussions o er the years about the Kod of our fathers& 'nd / ?no> that you are &&& agnosti$! and / $ertainly respe$t that! but / $an<t sit here loo?ing at this massing of troops and not thin? of a passage of 0$ripture&N -he MaEor smiled& NGe ha e ?no>n ea$h other sin$e our >ar of independen$e& Ge ha e fought side by side! buried our lo ed ones! and seen the su$$ession of t>o generations && & o er fifty years! and / ha e listened to you be$ause you and / are brothers& 0o! as al>ays! / am listening!N he quipped& :lisha began! N's / >as saying! there is a portion of 0$ripture that spea?s of a >ar against Lerusalem! >here a $oalition of armies that atta$? the $ity are defeated& 're you a>are that the >ay in >hi$h the armies of this $oalition are defeated sounds ery mu$h li?e a nu$lear eC$hangeRN -he MaEor shrugged& NPou< e mentioned this before! but not the parti$ulars&N N:ze?iel $hapter 34 tal?s about this gathering of armies and those armies des$ending upon Lerusalem& /n another 0$ripture! /saiah *6! it dis$usses the destru$tion of %amas$us& -here are those of us >ho ha e ?ept >at$h on this! a>are of the prophe$y foretold in these 0$riptures! and many of us belie e that they might be des$ribing the same e ent& 0till! in another portion of 0$ripture! Ze$hariah! it may des$ribe a $hilling portrayal of the e ent& -he enemy soldiers< eyes rot in their so$?ets and their tongues melt in their mouths >hile they are standing& Ghat does that sound li?e to youRN N' neutron bomb! but that >ould mean & & &N -he MaEor s$o>led& NPes!N :lisha interrupted! Nthat these 0$riptures >ritten thousands of years ago seem to foretell the time >e are li ing in& /t spea?s of >hat >e! in our time! >ould $onsider the unthin?able! and yet here it is! >ritten thousands of years ago! des$ribing the battle i idly&N -he MaEor loo?ed at the digital s$reen and then ba$? at :lisha& NGhat you are saying almost ma?es me >onder hy the Kod of 'braham! /saa$! and La$ob >ould allo> su$h a monstrous thing to happen& -hin? of the $arnage! of the thou"sands! perhaps millions! of li es that >ill be lost&N N/ agree!N :lisha said! Nbut it has to do >ith man<s free >ill& Kod is not for$ing the /ranians to go to >ar >ith us& PesRN -he MaEor fro>ned& N1ut if he is a lo ing Kod! as you al>ays assure me he is! then >hy does he allo> itR / sa> >hat happened in the $amps! in Kermany& /t is >hy / ha e said $ountless times! to anyone >ho >ill listen! Wne er again&< / >ill die >ith a rifle in my hands before / allo> >omen! $hildren! and old men to be $arted off and gassed li?e un>anted ermin&N N'nd / >ill do the same& 1ut you ?no> that is not >hat / am saying& -hese prophe$ies >ritten thousands of years ago are to sho> us that he does $are& 7e has told us things that >ill happen before they do! so >e $an belie e that he is a Kod that ?no>s the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning& -hin? of it this >ay& -hese >ritings are our heritage& 2o> that the 5iaspora is o er! >e ha e seen our people gathered from the four $orners of the earth& Ge ha e seen our $ountry reborn! the desert bloom >ith produ$e!

our language of 7ebre>! dead for almost t>o thousand years! no> spo?en on$e again! and our holy $ity! Lerusalem! under our $ontrol& 'll of this >as prophesied and mu$h of it has $ome to pass&N -ears >elled up in the MaEor<s eyes& N7o> $an a lo ing Kod allo> >hat happened to my family in Kermany at the $ampsRN :lisha set his hand on the MaEor<s hand& N/ lost lo ed ones there tooQ it is the reason / belie e >hat / do& %on<t $onfuse the >or?s of the : il Fne >ith Pah>eh& Remember the boo? of Lob&N -he MaEor >iped his eyes and eC$used himself& :lisha >at$hed him >al? out of the room& He loo/s old and "ired% - .an i"ho'" hope, he thought! and he returned to studying the map on the >all in front of him&

Ho> far is it from hereRN Ma$ as?ed as he! Lohanen! and 9itzpatri$? began to sear$h out
the only lin? they had to 2ora8that of a homeless person >ho made his home on a parti$ular par? ben$h& N2ot far& -he problem is! he $omes and goes& 0ometimes / see his shopping $art but he<s no>here in sight& 7e Eust lea es it and goes about >hate er his business is&N -he three men >al?ed along the Eogging path in sear$h of the homeless man& ' fe> early morning Eoggers! bundled up against the $old! ran by& Ma$Menzie pulled up the $ollar on his suit Ea$?et and >ished he had brought something >ith more substan$e to ?eep out the $hill of the fall air& -he men qui$?ened their pa$e and a short time later rea$hed the se$luded area that 9itzpatri$? des$ribed& -he dirt path sloped do>n">ards! running through a small $learing in the dense >oods& /t >as hard to imagine that su$h a rusti$ pla$e eCisted in the heart of the $ity& -here >as a par? ben$h and an o erturned trash $an! >ith trash spread out around it as if someone had been sorting through it& N7e<s not here!N Ma$ said as he loo?ed around& N7e probably >ent to a shelter be$ause of the rain last night!N 9itzpatri$? stated& NGe shall stay and hope he sho>s!N Lohanen said& N-here is not mu$h else >e $an do&N -he men stood together on the Eogging path& Ma$ loo?ed up and do>n! turning his head and shifting his >eight from one foot to the other to ?eep >arm and fight off sleep& 7is eyes felt hea y and his body needed rest& -hen something $aught Ma$<s eye& /t >as a group of boys! teenagers! $resting the hill and $oming do>n the Eogging path to>ard them& Ma$ loo?ed at 9itzpatri$?& N'm / supposed to be >orried by themR N he questioned! trying to a$t non$halant& Ma$ sa> 9itzpatri$?<s head go in the opposite dire$tion of >hat he had hoped the ans>er >ould be& N0tay $alm! gentlemen!N Lohanen said& N-here<s three of us and almost a dozen of them!N Ma$ said& -he boys approa$hed! and Ma$ sa> that their ages aried! the oldest being maybe eighteen! and the youngest on the edge of puberty& 7e singled out the leader8a ?id >ith a s$ra>ny beard! baggy pants! sha ed head! and a s>eatshirt! slee es $ut re ealing a $an as of tattoos on both arms& Ma$ bra$ed himself! >ondering >hat Lohanen had in

mind to get them out of >hat appeared to be imminent trouble& -he gang $ame up to them! and the leader >ith the sha ed head and tattoos snapped his fingers as the other guys spread out and $ir$led them& -he leader pulled out a gun& Ga ing it in their fa$es! he demanded! NKi e us e erything you got in your po$?ets&N 9itzpatri$? put his hand into his po$?et in $omplian$e >ith the leader<s >ishes >hile Lohanen folded his arms in front of him defiantly& N7ey you!N the leader said to Lohanen& NPou got ears or >hatRN N/f you are referring to >hether or not / heard your request for money the ans>er is yes &&& but / must >arn you that you are in gra e danger&N -he leader loo?ed $onfused& NGhat do you mean! manR -here<s nobody here but us& Io' guys are the ones in danger&N Ma$ heard the others in the gang laugh the ?ind of laugh that $omes from people >ho are enEoying the upper hand in a situation! thin?ing that they are in in$ible be$ause of their superior position& N2o! my friend! yo' are in danger& Pou are planning to rob us and then go ba$? to your apartment! but >hat you don<t realize is that there are others >ho are >aiting for you there& Pou o>e them money for drugs& 'nd they are going to ta?e >hat you ha e stolen from us and then ?ill you&N Ma$ sa> the leader<s Ea> drop and his fa$e gro> ashen& N7o> do you ?no> about &&&N N/ assure you! my friend! it >ill happen&N Ma$ loo?ed at the other boys! >ho seemed to ha e lost $onfiden$e! and they loo?ed to the leader for dire$tion& N/ >as gonna pay them dudes ba$?! man!N the leader stated& NPes! but those dudes that you refer to ha e lost patien$e >ith you and are high on methamphetamines& -hey ill ?ill you&N N7o> you ?no> <bout all this &&& you some ?ind of psy$hi$! manRN the leader as?ed! puzzled! but Ma$ sa> that he had tu$?ed the gun in his belt& N/ am no psy$hi$! as you put it! but / am a man >ho ?no>s the true and li ing Kod! and it is he >ho has told me these things&N NCome on! man! there ain<t no Kod >ho $ares about all that stuff&N N/ assure you! my friend! that he $ares about e ery hair on your head! e en if it has been sha ed off&N -he other gang members $ra$?ed up! and some of them relaCed their tough"guy stan$e& NGhat god are you tal?in< about! manRN N-he Kod >ho ?no>s that you ha e ne er met your o>n father! the Kod >ho ?no>s that your mother is an al$oholi$ and a prostitute! the Kod >ho is! and $an bring ne> life to you and turn you around&N 0ilen$e des$ended on the group& Ma$ held his breath but reminded himself that Lohanen had resour$es that >ere di ine in nature& NPou must $hoose!N Lohanen said softly& N' door is before you and you may enter& /t is! you see! a free">ill $hoi$e&N -he leader<s lo>er lip begin to qui er! then his head dropped to his $hest and he began to $ry& Lohanen stepped for>ard and >rapped his arms around him& Githin half an hour some of the group had follo>ed their leader<s eCample and had

$hosen the door that Lohanen set before ea$h one& -elephone numbers >ere eC$hanged >ith the promise that Lohanen >ould meet >ith them in a fe> days and sho> the rest of the gang ho> to get through the door& Ma$ loo?ed at 9itzpatri$?! >hose fa$e >as a pi$ture of astonishment and >onder& -he boys left and $alled out to Lohanen! reminding him to $all& 's they $leared the $rest of the hill! a dishe eled home"less man passed them& N-here he is!N 9itzpatri$? said& N0ee the little Mets< flag on the end of the shopping $artRN Ma$ loo?ed at Lohanen! >ho >in?ed at him and said! NKod<s timetable! Ma$Menzie& 7e is ne er late&N Ma$ sized up the homeless man& 7e loo?ed to be about siCty! >ith a dar? matted beard that hung do>n to his $hest and >ild bla$? hair& 7e >ore a >eather">orn army Ea$?et o er dirty o eralls& -he smell of al$ohol pre$eded the man as the >ind >as blo>ing from behind him& Ma$ sa> 9itzpatri$? ta?e a step to>ard him& 7e held a fi e"dollar bill in his hand& N7o> you doingRN he as?ed as he eCtended his hand that held the bill& -he man nodded and a loo? of re$ognition $rept into his bleary eyes& 7e rea$hed out! too? the fi e! and it disappeared into his pants po$?et& NCan you help me find 2oraRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N0he<s in trouble! and >e ha e to find her&N -he homeless man pushed his $art ba$?>ard& N/ don<t >ant no trouble!N he said! his spee$h slurred& Ma$ loo?ed at Lohanen! >ho had remained silent& ;hy doesn3" he do so.e"hing8 Ma$ >ondered& 9itzpatri$? produ$ed another bill and held it out in front of him& -he homeless man tried to grab it! but he >as too far a>ay& -he man pushed the $art for>ard! but 9itzpatri$? held the bill Eust out of his grasp& N/<ll gi e it to you if you sho> us >here 2ora is!N 9itzpatri$? said again& -he homeless man rubbed his eyes >ith both hands& N/ ha en<t seen her in a $ouple of days!N he said as he held his hand out& NCan you sho> us >here she staysRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed again! still holding the bill as bait& N0he<s one of them &&& mole people &&& li es in the sub">ays!N the man stated& NGhi$h sub>ayRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed again& -he homeless man pointed do>n the Eogging path& NGhere 60th 0treet $rosses o er Eust before it turns and runs do>n Kro er& -here<s an alley &&& and then a a$ant lot& /< e seen her go in there and then o er the fen$e to the sub>ay&N N%o you ?no> the pla$eRN Lohanen as?ed& NPes!N 9itzpatri$? ans>ered! N/ go by it on my runs&N 7e handed the man the money& NGhy you >ant to tal? to herR 0he<s $razy!N the homeless man as?ed& N0he needs our help!N 9itzpatri$? said! as he started off do>n the path at a steady Eog& -hirty minutes later Ma$ found himself in an alley that led to the a$ant lot the homeless man had des$ribed& NLoo? at that! Ma$Menzie! 9itzpatri$?!N Lohanen said! as he ?nelt do>n beside the body of a dead dog at the end of the alley& N-his has been done ery re$ently&N N/t loo?s li?e somebody t>isted the dog<s head and bro?e its ne$?!N Ma$ said&

NLoo? here!N 9itzpatri$? $alled from an abandoned $ar& N-his is her stuff! /<m positi e&N N/ thin? our enemy! Gyan! has been here!N Lohanen said& N2ora must ha e been here and he found her&N Ma$ follo>ed Lohanen to the $ar& N/t<s the same bedroll / sa> >hen she >as in my apartment!N 9itzpatri$? stated& NMaybe the dog >as trying to prote$t her!N Ma$ suggested& N/t does loo? that >ay! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen replied! as he >ent o er to the fen$e& N-his is >here she $limbed o er!N he said! pointing to the tires sta$?ed against the side of the $hain lin?& NLet us go&N 7e pulled himself o er the fen$e and dropped to the other side& 9itzpatri$? >as neCt& 7e struggled to get his balan$e and then tore his Ea$?et as it $aught on the top of the fen$e& Ma$ s$rambled o er the fen$e and Eoined the men on the $on$rete emban?ment& NGe ha e to go do>n thereRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed! pointing to the steep slide that led to the tra$?s& ' train rolled out of the tunnel and >ent past them thirty feet belo>& Ma$ sa> the top of the $ars as they sped by& N-his >ay! gentlemen!N Lohanen $alled! and >ithout >aiting for an ans>er! slid do>n the $on$rete& 7e landed on his feet and dusted himself off& NPou go!N Ma$ said& N/<ll bring up the rear&N 9itzpatri$? started off slo>ly trying to maintain $ontrol! >hi$h he lost after a fe> feet& 7e pi$?ed up speed and almost >ent o er headfirst! but $aught himself at the last minute& 7e s?idded the rest of the >ay on his ba$? and $ame to a stop at the bottom& Lohanen helped the man up& Ma$ follo>ed! sliding do>n the $on$rete emban?ment and landing squarely on both of his feet& N2o> >hereRN he as?ed& N/n there! / suppose!N 9itzpatri$? said! rubbing his hands! >hi$h >ere s$raped and a little bloody from the fall& Ma$ loo?ed at the dar? entran$e to the sub>ay tunnel& NLet<s do it!N he said& -he three men Eogged to>ard the entran$e& NGat$h out for the third rail!N Lohanen >arned as he eCplained the danger of the tra$? and ho> it $arried enough ele$tri$ity to ?ill a man& Ma$ entered the tunnel behind 9itzpatri$? and Lohanen! in single file! >al?ing at a bris? pa$e& -he first thing he sa> >as a large mural depi$ting a firing squad& 7e thought he re$ognized the painting& N-hat loo?s familiar!N he said& N/t<s Koya<s Third o, May,2 9itzpatri$? $alled o er his shoulder& NKood reprodu$tion! $onsidering it >as done >ith spray paint& Ge ha e some amazing graffiti artists&N N-rain!N Lohanen $alled& 7e led the men to the >all! >here they pressed their ba$?s against the $on$rete& Ma$ ie>ed the train as it sped by! its lighted >indo>s filled >ith morning $ommuters& -hey $ontinued on after it passed& -he smell of urine and fe$es >as ery strong near the entran$e! but lessened as the trio tra eled farther into the tunnels& This co'ld be any here, Ma$ thought! as they $ontinued e en deeper into the sub>ay system& N0omeone is $oming!N Lohanen said& -he men stopped and huddled together& Ma$ peered into the semidar?ness and sa> the silhouette of t>o men $oming to>ard

him! -he men >ere tal?ing rapidly! and they sounded agitated& -hey dre> $loser! and Ma$ noted that they >ere young bla$? men! maybe in their early t>enties! and both had the loo? of someone strung out on some miCture of nar$oti$s and al$ohol& N7ey man! >hat you guys doin< hereRN slurred one of the men! >ho seemed to ha e a glass eye& NPou under$o er $ops or somethin<RN said the other man! >earing a faded red bandanna& N2o!N Lohanen said! N>e are sear$hing for someone! a young >oman& 7er name is 2ora&N NGhat you >ant to ?no> <bout herRN Klass :ye as?ed& NGe are here to help her& 7er life is in danger!N Lohanen stated& Ma$ sa> the t>o men loo? at ea$h other for a moment& NGhat if >e tell you >e sa> some $razy $hi$? $ome runnin< through here <bout an hour agoRN 1andanna said& N0ome tall guy >as loo?in< for her& 0$ared e erybody real good! he did!N Klass :ye added& NGhy did the tall man s$are youRN Lohanen as?ed& N0hoot! man! the guy had a nasty loo? to him! big s$ar a$ross his eye and e erythin<& 7e frea?ed us out real good&N NKuy made my s?in $ra>l &&& nasty dude!N 1andanna added& N7e >as $hasing the >oman you mentioned! but she >as too smart for him& 0he du$? into one of the side tunnels and he didn<t see her do that&N N/< e seen her before!N Klass :ye said& N0he been hangin< out >ith a homie of ours! guy named Lerry&N Ma$ sa> 1andanna elbo> Klass :ye& N0hoot! man! you tellin< them too mu$h& Let<s get outta here& -hey prob<ly $ops or somethin<&N 1efore Lohanen $ould as? anything else the men had mo ed on& NGhi$h tunnel did she go intoRN 9itzpatri$? $alled& N-he one do>n the tra$?s a >ays &&& goes to the right!N 1andanna $alled out& Ma$ brought up the rear as the men hurried until they sa> the spur that headed off to the right& -hey follo>ed the ne> tunnel& -he lighting here >asn<t as good as the main tunnel >here they had entered! and many bulbs >ere missing or bro?en& -hey made their >ay $autiously for >hat seemed to be a half a mile or so! staying $lose to the side of the tunnel! and al>ays ta?ing $are to a oid the third rail& -he spur $onne$ted >ith another line! and here the isibility >as better& -hey follo>ed this line around a large $ur e and sa> a fire >ith a group of men gathered around it along the side of the tra$?s& -hey reminded Ma$ of igilantes! as the men held an array of >eapons: broom handles! baseball bats! and $hains& -hey >ere huddled around a fifty"gallon drum >ith a fire burning in it& NGe had better be $areful here!N Lohanen said! N0ome"thing has frightened them! and / am in$lined to thin? that they ha e had an en$ounter >ith Gyan&N -he three men approa$hed $autiously& NGho are youRN a oi$e $alled out from beside the burning drum& NGe are here to help you!N Lohanen ans>ered&

NPou the poli$eRN another oi$e $alled out& N<Cause right no> >e need help&N Ma$ heard a $horus of oi$es agree that >hat they needed >as the poli$e& N2o! >e are not the poli$e!N Lohanen said& <or once ! ish he o'ldn3" "ell "he "r'"h, Ma$ thought& -hey $ame >ithin t>enty"fi e feet of >here the fire >as& ' >hite man holding a baseball bat and >earing >orn military fatigues stepped for>ard& N-hat<s $lose enough!N he said& Ma$ stopped neCt to Lohanen& NGe are loo?ing for a >omanQ her name is 2ora&N Gith the announ$ement of 2ora<s name the $ro>d of armed men erupted into an angry murmur& N0he<s the one >ho brought us all the trouble in the first pla$e!N Ma$ heard someone $all from the $ro>d& -he murmuring gre> louder& NGhat do you >ant >ith her any>ayRN the man >ith the army fatigues and the baseball bat as?ed& N0he is in danger!N Lohanen replied& -he man too? another step to>ard them& N/<m -im! and /<m in $harge here& Pou boys ?no> >here you areR Mno> >ho it is you<re dealing >ithR -his is our >orld! and >e ha e a different set o< rules here& Pou better Eust go ba$? the >ay you $ame and lea e this pla$e&N NPour >orld is not so different from ours!N Lohanen said& Ma$ sa> -im fro>n as he tried to thin? of a $omeba$?& NGhat do you mean by thatRN -im as?ed& NPou ha e been hurt in the past and so ha e /!N Lohanen ans>ered& Ma$ sa> -im loosen his grip on the baseball bat& N0o & & >ho are you! misterRN N0omeone >ho >ants to help you and some of your friends here&N Lohanen loo?ed around& N' man named Mi$?ey has a really bad tootha$he&N Ma$ loo?ed at the $ro>d of men! >ho >ere spee$hless& N7e<s tal?in< to you! Mi$?ey!N -im said! as he pointed to one of the men in the rear& NCome here! Mi$?ey!N Lohanen said& NLet me ta?e the pain a>ay&N N7o> did he ?no> about Mi$?ey<s toothRN a fe> of the men as?ed ea$h other& -he man approa$hed li?e a >ary stray dog& NPeah! ho> did you ?no> <bout my tooth any>ayRN as?ed Mi$?ey! >hose fa$e >as $o ered by a bristle of >hite stubble& NCan<t afford no dentist! li?e / used to&N Lohanen too? the man by his arms! >hi$h brought about a fe> murmurs from the other men& N1e healed in the name of Lesus!N he said! as he laid his hand on the man<s $hee?& N7ey! / feel somethin< & & & hot li?e!N Mi$?ey said! his eyes opened >ide in astonishment& Lohanen $ontinued to pray& N/ don<t feel no pain no more!N Mi$?ey eC$laimed& N/t<s goneJN -he man<s fa$e lit up and he a$tually did a little Eig& N/ been dealing >ith my teeth for years&N 7e pulled his $hee? ba$?! eCposing his teeth& 0e eral >ere missing& -he men $ro>ded around Mi$?ey and loo?ed in his mouth& N2o more pain at allRN -im as?ed& N2o more& Pou a magi$ian or somethin<RN Mi$?ey as?ed& NGould you li?e to be free of the al$oholRN Lohanen as?ed&

-he $ro>d of men gre> silent& Mi$?ey loo?ed do>n at his feet& NPou $an be free& 7e >ill set you free if you let him& Lust li?e your tooth!N Lohanen $oaCed& N/ been on the sau$e for too long& 2othin< $an $hange that!N Mi$?ey said >oefully& N-hat is a lie that you belie e! and it has ?ept you in bondage for years!N Lohanen stated& Ma$ $aught 9itzpatri$?<s eye! >ho! >ith raised eyebro>s! indi$ated that he >as being stret$hed beyond anything he $ould imagine& N/ >ant to be free from it &&& but it ain<t possible&N Lohanen too? a step $loser to the man and put his hand on his shoulder& NPou $an be free! but you must $hoose& Pou must as? and belie e that you $an be& Pou must ha e faith&N Mi$?ey stared at his feet! then mumbled! N/ >ant to! but / don<t ha e no faith&N N-hen admit you don<t and as? for it and he >ill gi e it to you&N Ma$ heard the man mumble something! then sa> a tear fall from his $hee?& Lohanen rea$hed out his hand! pla$ed it on the man<s head! and began to sing in that strange language that Ma$ had heard before& Mi$?ey began to tremble! then s>ay as Lohanen $ontinued singing& -he man began to fall ba$?>ard and Lohanen grabbed him by the shoulders to let him to the ground gently& NGhat did you do to himRN -im as?ed& N/ did not do anything& -he po>er of the Lord<s 7oly 0pirit has o er$ome Mi$?ey& 7e >ill be all right in a minute or t>o& Right no> he is meeting his Lord&N 'll eyes >ere on Mi$?ey as he lay still on the $on$rete& Ma$ sa> a smile on the man<s glo>ing fa$e! but Ma$ >ondered if it >as a tri$? of the light from the fire& ' fe> minutes passed and Mi$?ey stirred& Ma$ >at$hed as the man opened his eyes! blin?ed them a fe> times! and then slo>ly sat up& N/ feel better! li?e / ain<t felt in years& 1efore / started to & & &N 'nd he burst into tears& NMno> that it >as Lesus >ho has healed you& /f the 0on ma?es you free! you shall be free indeed!N Lohanen said& Mi$?ey >rapped his arms around himself and nodded& NGill you help us find 2oraRN Lohanen as?ed& -im stepped for>ard! and his fa$e didn<t appear as harsh& NGe<ll help you!N he began! Nbut you got to understand that >hate er it >as that passed us by >as >i$?ed&N NPou are $orre$t!N Lohanen stated! N>hat $ame this >ay as >i$?ed! but you ha e also seen a po>er that is far greater than that $an e er be&N Ma$ sa> the men thin? about >hat Lohanen said& NF?ay& /<ll tell you >hat happened! then&N -im turned to the group! >ho ga e their appro al& N2ora $ame by& / sa> her and she >as running li?e she Eust seen the de il himself& / yelled to her! but she didn<t e en ans>er! Eust ?ept runnin<& Loo?ed li?e she >as goin< to the lo>er le els to try to get a>ay from >hate er >as $hasing her& ' fe> minutes later that tall man $ame and he started yellin< at me& 7e pi$?ed me up before / had a $han$e to do anything and put me up against the >all! Eust held me there >ith one hand& -hen his fa$e $hanged to some"thin< real horrible &&& li?e a sna?e or somethin<& / $losed my eyes and hollered and then he let me go and >as gone& 1ut li?e / said he >ent do>n the >rong tunnel& / >ent ba$? and got some help and then you all sho>ed up&N & Ma$ felt a tug on his shoulder& NGhat the he$? is going onRN 9itzpatri$? >hispered as he pulled him a>ay from the group&

NLohanen is healing& /t<s one of the gifts that the Lord has gi en him&N Ma$ sa> that 9itzpatri$? loo?ed $onfused& NPou don<t understand! those things died out in the first $entury! if they happened at all& /< e spent a lifetime studying this and other supernatural phenomena8N Ma$ $ut him off& NPou sa> >hat happened to the possessed man and to that gang and no> here to Mi$?ey& 7o> do you eCplain thatR /t<s not a magi$ sho>! you ?no>&N N7e<s using hypnosis or something&N N-al? to Lohanen about them!N Ma$ said! then! nodding to>ard Lohanen! indi$ated that they should reEoin him& -im >as spea?ing& NPou<ll need flashlights to go after her& /<ll send somebody ba$? to the Condos to get you a $ouple! so you $an find 2ora&N -im then ga e an order to one of the men! >ho left for the Condos& NGe appre$iate that! / assure you!N Lohanen said& N7o> far do these tunnels goRN -im loo?ed around at the other men& N-here<s somethin< goin< on do>n there& /t started happenin< a fe> days ago& 2e> tunnels appearing >here they shouldn<t be& 0trange stuff! and no> all this&N Lohanen loo?ed at Ma$& N/t appears that the :nemy is mu$h nearer than / had thought&N Ma$ ga e Lohanen an /"don<t"?no>">hat"you<re"tal?ing"about loo?& N/ mean that there might be a base here& -here ha e! after all! been sightings& Ghere do you thin? these tunnels lead to! Ma$MenzieRN he as?ed rhetori$ally& Ma$ loo?ed at 9itzpatri$?! >ishing on one hand that he >ere li?e him! ignorant of >hat a base >as! and ?no>ing the terror that a>aited them if they e er found themsel es in one& Fn the other hand! he also ?ne> that >ithout prote$tion! spiritual prote$tion! the eC"priest >as a dead man! and in that respe$t he >as glad that he >as under the aegis of Lohanen& -he runner for the flashlights returned! and -im too? them and handed them to Lohanen& N-hese >ill do you fine& /<m gonna go >ith you until the last le el! then you<ll be on your o>n&N NGe appre$iate your leading us! -im!N Lohanen said& NPou might need to eat somethin<& 2othin< do>n there but tra$? rabbits! and / doubt you >ant to eat those& Ge got a boC of $andy bars that somebody! ah! borro>ed& Ge been eatin< some of <em! but / >ant you to ha e the rest&N -im motioned to one of the men! >ho fet$hed the boC from the entran$e to the Condos& 7e handed them to Lohanen& N1efore / ta?e you to the lo>er le els! >ill you say some"thing to all of usR 0omethin< goodR /t<s been a long time sin$e >e heard somethin< good&N Lohanen beamed as he eCtended his hands o er the group of men and began to pray a blessing o er them&

1en7assen and his grandson Bri hurried do>n the $orridor leading to the underground $ontrol room of the /sraeli %efense and /ntelligen$e $ommand $enter& :lisha had been a>a?ened at 2:30 in the morning by Bri! >ho had informed him of further troop mo ements by $ountries that the /sraelis deemed hostile! regardless of the diplomati$ rhetori$ de$rying other>ise& Bri had dri en them from :lisha<s house! on the outs?irts of Lerusalem! to -el ' i & -hey had passed through se eral layers of se$urity and >ere no> deep under the streets of the $ity& -he bun?er! >hi$h housed the $ommuni$ation net>or? of all $ombined elements of the /sraeli military! had been $onstru$ted >ith the engineering eCpertise of 'meri$ans& -he $entral $ommand bun?er >as eCtremely deep and had been reinfor$ed >ith enough layers of steel and $on$rete to >ith"stand a dire$t nu$lear hit& Ff $ourse the bun?er eCisted to pre" ent that horrifi$ s$enario from e er o$$uring in the first pla$e& :lisha spotted the MaEor and made his >ay to>ard him& N0halom! shalom!N the MaEor $alled! as he $aught site of :lisha& :lisha qui$?ened his pa$e& N0halom! although / doubt that peace is in our immediate future&N ' tou$h of sar$asm edged his oi$e& 7e noted that the MaEor had deep bla$? $ir$les under his eyes& NGhen >as the last time you sleptRN he as?ed& NLoo? there!N the MaEor said! ignoring his question as he pointed to the large digital map that $o ered forty feet of >all in front of them& :lisha studied the enormous digital map that dominated the room! his eyes loo?ing o er the heads of almost one hundred men and >omen! >ho! sitting at their terminals! dire$ted ne> intel to the appropriate $hannels& #hones rang! en$rypted $ommuniques >ere re$ei ed! faC lines hummed& #ilots flying re$onnaissan$e reported their positions& 0atellites in geosyn$hronous orbit o er the Middle :ast ga e an up"to"the"minute pi$ture of the area& N-hat loo?s li?e it<s de eloping into something!N :lisha stated& -he MaEor nodded& NPou see >hat is happening& /t loo?s li?e the /ranians are preparing for an offensi e&N N/t >ill be sui$ide and they ?no> it!N :lisha stated& N-his isn<t <5,& : erything is $hanged&N N:gypt too!N Bri added& :lisha gazed at the map again& N2othing! $ompared to /ran&N N-rue!N the MaEor replied! Nbut our intel inside :gypt are relaying that something is bre>ing& -hey<re not sure ho> big! but they<re very ner ous about it&N N-he RussiansRN :lisha as?ed& N-heir president relayed a message to the 'meri$an president! >ho in turn tal?ed to our ambassador! >ho then relayed to the prime minister! that >ar games are under>ay bet>een the /ranians and the Russian army&N N #redi$table bedfello>s!N :lisha said& N/ >ouldn<t trust either of the t>o to play fair in a so$$er mat$h&N

-he men $hu$?led& N0o >hat do you thin? is happeningRN :lisha as?ed! ?no>ing that the MaEor >ould ne er ha e a>a?ened him unless something of great importan$e >as about to ta?e pla$e& -he MaEor fro>ned& -hen! ta?ing the laser pointer! he highlighted a portion of the map sho>ing the Russian border >ith -ur?ey& N-his is something ne>&N 7e handed :lisha a pi$ture& N-his >as ta?en t>enty"four hours ago from the satellite&N :lisha stared at the map& NLight infantry &&& maybe a fe> tan?s& 2othing serious&N NGait till you see >hat happens!N Bri remar?ed& N2o> loo? at the large map!N the MaEor said& 7e pi$?ed up a phone by his des?& NKi e me the latest infrared ie>N :lisha stared at the large digital map on the >all in front of him& -he image $hanged and he sa> a dar? mass of troops! tan?s! and equipment& NFur intel puts it at $lose to half a million men& -hey also ha e spotted o er t>o dozen mobile nu?es& -hey ha en<t had >ar games li?e this in almost t>o de$ades&N NGar games >ith the /raniansRN :lisha mo$?ed& NGhat if it<s the real thingR Ghat if it<s an in asion for$eRN -he MaEor nodded gra ely& N-hat<s one of the reasons you<re here! :lisha& -he other has to do >ith >hat you told me yesterday&N -he MaEor loo?ed a>ay for a moment& N'bout the passage in 0$ripture and the destru$tion of %amas$us&N NPes! of $ourse& Let<s hope that this is not the $ase!N :lisha said& 1ut he loo?ed at the map and >ondered! ;ill "his bring abo'" "he ,'l,ill.en" o, =4e/iel3s prophecy8

Von 0$h

erdt >as seated at a large table in the pri ate $onferen$e room of a group that >as ?no>n $olle$ti ely as the Cadre& 7e felt delighted that he >as so $lose to his long" anti$ipated goal of bringing about the manifestation of the one >ho the >orld >ould embra$e as the Man of #ea$e& /t >as only a matter of time before the ideology of the Ludeo"Christian god that had ensla ed the Gestern >orld >ould be toppled& Ff $ourse Lu$ifer! the true god of this >orld! >ould ta?e his rightful pla$e& -he other reason he felt delighted >as that he >as about to gi e orders for the destru$tion of his belo ed thin? tan? and e eryone inside& -he man he had $hosen for the tas? >as >aiting for his en$rypted telephone $all! >hen he >ould $arry out his orders& 7e remembered training 00 re$ruits long ago in Kermany& -he re$ruits had to raise a puppy from eight >ee?s old& -hey >ould eat >ith it! sleep >ith it! ta?e it on long >al?s! and play >ith it& Ff $ourse these men >ould e entually be$ome the elite of the Kerman army& -hey >ere trained to be mer$iless ?illing ma$hines! able to $arry out any order >ithout questioning it& /t had been Gyan himself >ho had told @on 0$h erdt >hat >as ne$essary to instill that ?ind of loyalty& 7e >ho had initiated the role of the puppy& -he re$ruit >ould train! and! o er time! harden both physi$ally and mentally& 7e >ould learn the art of sabotage and arious >ays of ?illing another human being& 'll the >hile the puppy >ould gro> and be$ome his faithful $ompanion& Fne day! to>ard the end of his training! his superior offi$er >ould appear in his quarters& -he re$ruit >ould snap to attention and then the superior >ould demand that the re$ruit ?ill the dog that he had raised and ta?en $are of for the last t>o years& /f the re$ruit hesitated! it >as a sign that he >as >ea?! and he >as dismissed from the 00& Most of the men unholstered their sidearms and destroyed the dog >ithout hesitation& /t >as that same spirit of death! of ?illing! that resided in @on 0$h erdt li?e a >el$ome $an$er& 0o >hen he had gi en the order to eliminate e eryone in the -an?! it >as done >ith anti$ipation and eC$itement& -here >as only one thing left to do! and that >as going to be a$$omplished by Gyan himself8the finding of the dis? that someho> had es$aped them& : en >ith his man in the @ati$an! Cardinal 9iorre had managed to get it past them! and no> loo? at the trouble it had $aused& 1ut @on 0$h erdt >as $onfident that his master! Gyan! >ould be i$torious& 7e >ould find the girl! destroy her! the dis?! and that >ea?ling! 9itzpatri$?& @on 0$h erdt turned his attention to the meeting! Eust beginning& -he lights dimmed and an 'meri$an member of the Cadre too? the floor& -he map sho>ed the area of the >orld ?no>n as the Middle :ast&

N's you $an see! our allied for$es are massed and ready to atta$? the nation of /srael& -hey! of $ourse! >ill be annihilated by the nu$lear arsenal of /srael! and after>ard our armada >ill Wsho>< itself! and the >orld >ill embra$e us! be$ause they >ant pea$e& Keneral! this >ill be a perfe$t 7egelian diale$ti$: $onfli$t! $ounter"$onfli$t! and then the resolution >e desire&N -he man deferred to @on 0$h erdt& @on 0$h erdt rose and $leared his throat& 7e had $onsidered >earing his old uniform for the o$$asion& -o >ait so longfor this day and not to be in uniform at this moment seemed li?e a gra e infra$tion& NKentlemen! >e are poised at the most momentous time in history& Pou ?no> about my proEe$t! the one that Mr& Gyan initiated years ago& / ha e been diligent in my pursuit! ha e hired the brightest minds! the most gifted s$holars! and no> e erything is ready& My resear$h has sho>n that the doomsday $lo$? has rea$hed midnight& /t is the instability >e ha e longed for& /t is the time of his $oming&N -hose at the table bro?e into spontaneous applause& @on 0$h erdt $li$?ed his heels together and bo>ed! then sat do>n as the meeting $ontinued& 7e pulled a $ell phone from his $oat po$?et and pun$hed in the teCt message >hi$h >ould initiate the eCplosion to destroy the building and e eryone inside& 7e ?ne> that it >ould be blamed on terrorists& 7e had gone out of his >ay to plant the ne$essary e iden$e! insuring that that $on$lusion >ould be rea$hed by the 91/ and any other agen$y brought in to in estigate& -he teCt message reply >as returned! indi$ating that his orders >ould be $arried out& @on 0$h erdt settled ba$? in his $hair and listened to the rest of the presentation& UUU !" all as very si.ple, really, the man in the 1MG thought& >ash .oney deposi"ed in a > !sland acco'n", a lis" o, .a"erials "ha" ere needed "o do "he 1ob% !5 cards, ,alse pass:por"s, and any"hing else ! .ay need, a" .y disposal% 7e had $he$?ed his a$$ount that morning and sa> that the money had been >ired in& 7e >as no> four million dollars ri$her& Fne thing bothered him! though& Fut of all the $ontra$ts he had e er ta?en! this guy! @on 0$h erdt! ga e him the $reeps& : en so! a Eob >as a Eob! and >ith this one he might be able to retire& 7e par?ed his 1MG a blo$? a>ay from the building near Gashington! %&C&! >hi$h he had >ired >ith eCplosi es a >ee? earlier& 7e opened the glo e $ompartment and too? out the radio transmitter that he had put there earlier& /t >as a pity he $ouldn<t get $loser to >at$h the fall! but >ith C22 and the 9oC 2e>s $hannel! he ?ne> he >ould get plenty of $o erage& /t >ould be good to >at$h all the $haos o er a beer in his hotel room& UoU Mary sat at her des? inside the -hin? -an?! >ondering >hat had happened to 9itzpatri$?& 0he hadn<t seen him sin$e the night of the 7ag<s party& /n fa$t! the last time she sa> him >as >ith that >oman the 7ag had introdu$ed him to& 0he $rossed her legs and played >ith a lo$? of hair& 0taring at her s$reen! she read data $on$erning a ne> outbrea? of :bola in 0ierra Leone& ! g'ess i" doesn3" .a""er, no "ha" "he cloc/ is already a" .idnigh" %%% ha"3s ano"her piece o, 'nse""ling ne s8 0he typed the rest of the information any>ay! and sent it to the 1east so that the $omputer $ould fa$tor it into the miC& 0he thought again of 9itzpatri$?! and >ondered >hy he ne er made a mo e to>ard her&

UoU -he man in the 1MG turned the transmitter on and then flipped the s>it$h& ' red light blin?ed three times! gi ing him thirty se$onds to abort before it stopped blin?ing& 7e ignored it& -he light stopped blin?ing and stayed on! bright red& 7earing a rumble in the distan$e! he felt the sho$? >a e hit the $ar and ibrate it out of its par?ing spot& 7e giggled li?e a boy on a roller $oaster& Loo?ing around! he sa> the pani$?ed fa$es of pedestrians and motorists& #eople >ere s>ept off their feet by the sho$? >a e& Cars $ollided into one another& -he side>al?s bu$?led! and t>o s$hoolgirls >ere thro>n to the ground! s$reaming& 0tarting the $ar! he made his >ay out onto the street! a>ay from the $atastrophe he had $aused& UoU Mary got up from her des? and headed to>ard the lounge >anting a refill on her $offee& 0he sa> Za$h seated at one of the t>o tables >ith his feet propped up on a $hair& 7is $lip"board >as in front of him and he >as ma?ing notes& /t >as then that she heard a rumble that seemed to $ome from dire$tly under her& 0he loo?ed at Za$h and opened her mouth! about to $omment on >hat the sound might be& -he floor shuddered! and the noise gre> louder& -hen the floor erupted in a bright flash! and Mary and Za$h! along >ith e erything around them! >ere in$inerated in a blinding ball of >hite"hot fire& UoU -he man in the 1MG >as stu$? in a traffi$ Eam he had helped $reate! and it too? him o er an hour to dri e a$ross to>n to his motel& 7e par?ed his $ar and entered his room! >here he ordered a beer from room ser i$e& 7e sat at the mirror and too? off his disguise& ' different nose! fat and bulbous! >as remo ed8his >as aquiline& ' bro>n >ig $ame off neCt! eCposing his sha ed head& 1ro>n"$olored $onta$tsQ his eyes >ere gray& 9alse teeth ga e his Ea> and mouth a different loo?& 7e >ashed his fa$e and patted some aftersha e on it& 7e sat on the bed! propped up a $ouple of pillo>s! and $hannel"surfed bet>een C22 and the 9oC 2e>s $hannel& -he $o erage >as eC$ellent on both& 'lready! fingers >ere pointing to another hit by al"Haida& 7e >as amazed at ho> fast the pundits and $ommentators $olle$ted8li?e ultures around a $ar$ass& 7e sa> $lose"ups of the de astation& 9ire tru$?s >ere still trying to get the flames under $ontrol& -he $ity streets >ere gridlo$?ed! and the Ghite 7ouse! the 0enate! and the 7ouse of Representati es had been e a$uated as a pre"$autionary measure& ' ?no$? sounded on his door and he rose from his $hair to ans>er it& NGho is itRN he as?ed& NRoom ser i$e!N a oi$e $alled out& 7e opened the door as he rea$hed in his pants po$?et for a tip! eyeing the beer longingly& 7e heard a tiny popping sound! felt something >hite"hot hit his midse$tion& 7e >as stunned as he stumbled ba$? through the door into the room& 7e sa> the porter ta?e the gun from the underside of the tray and point it at him& 7e held his stoma$h! >hi$h >as oozing blood& Kasping for air he man"aged to say! N2o! >ait& /< e got money&N -he man smiled and fired the gun again& -o his horror he realized that the hit man

>as toying >ith him as the bullet slammed into his ?nee$ap& 7e yelled and rolled on the floor& 'nother shot hit him in the arm& -he neCt shot hit him in the lo>er ba$?& 2o> all feeling >as gone& 7e tried to lift his arms and realized he $ouldn <t& 7e >as paralyzed& -he bullet had se ered his spinal $olumn& N2o & >ait &&&N -he hit man lingered a moment& -hen he rea$hed do>n for the beer and too? a long sip& NGait &&&N -he hit man raised his gun! fired on$e more! and the room >as suddenly ery still! eC$ept for the sound of a digital $am"era $li$?ing a>ay& UoU @on 0$h erdt >as seated in his limo& /t >as night& 7is radio >as on and the top story of the e ening >as the eCplosion of a go ernment building in Gashington! %&C& -he reporter >as blaming al"Haida for this most re$ent a$t of terrorism& @on 0$h erdt held the pi$tures 1runo had gi en him! loo?ing at ea$h one! enEoying the $lose"ups of the >ounds! the blood! the t>isted fa$e in agony at death& /t >as almost li?e >ar& Fh! ho> he missed itJ N@ery ni$e >or?! 1runo& -his >ill be your puppy dog! li?e >e used to say! 1a82 7e laughed as the $ar $ontinued out of the $ity to>ard his mansion&

Nora ran

farther do>n into the tunnel& -he thing seemed to go on fore er at a slight angle& This is easy beca'se i"3s all do nhill, she thought as she loped along& 0he stopped after a minute and listened! gasping a bit as she $aught her breath& 0ilen$e& Loo?ing at the inside of the tunnel! she rea$hed out and tou$hed the >alls for the first time& ;ho .ade "his "hing8 she >ondered& -he >alls >ere $ool to the tou$h! and someho> a faint light emanated from them! allo>ing her to see her >ay& 7er breathing ba$? to normal! she listened again& -his time she $ould hear the muffled hum of something lo>! sounding li?e it $ame from deep beneath her& 0he had the feeling that the tunnel >ould lead her to >hate er the noise >as& Leaning up against the >all! she >ondered >hat >as going to happen to her& 0he re$alled a memory that she >as ne er quite sure >as real& -here >as a fire in the house and somebody >as yelling& N7elp me & & & help me&N 0he hadn<t meant for the thing to get out of hand& /t had Eust happened& 0he didn<t understand about the lighter fluid& 0he had squirted it all o er the li ing room rug and then lit one end of it& 0he sa> the flames follo> the trail! gro>ing brighter and larger all the time& -here >as smo?e e ery>here! and the >alls >ere on fire& 0he sa> the paint peel off the >alls! the >allpaper smolder and turn bla$?& 7er stuffed toy >as engulfed in flames and she >anted to rea$h out to get it! but the fire ?ept her from doing so& -hen somebody grabbed her and $arried her out of the building& -hey left her all alone in a room for a long time& -here >as a table and they strapped her to it and put something on her head and she felt hot stuff $ourse through her body& 0he yelled and s$reamed and still it tingled e ery ner e& Fne day she found a bobby pin and used it to open the lo$? on a $loset door in the building& /t seemed to $ome naturally to her& 0he $ould feel the tumblers $li$?ing! and in a fe> minutes had the door open! and >as rummaging through its $ontents& 1ut here! in this tunnel! all the bobby pins in the >orld $ouldn<t help her get out& 0he felt the dis? thingy in her po$?et! and >ondered >hat all the fuss >as about it& -hen she heard something behind her again! far ba$? in the tunnel from >here she had $ome& 0he ?ne> >ho it >as! >hat it >as! and it terrified her& 0he had seen it ?ill 1oy! the dog! and ?ne> it >ould do the same to her& Gith that thought she bolted farther do>n the tunnel&

'yan s$anned the tunnel ahead and listened& -he girl had pro

ed to be elusi e! feral and $unning& 7e hadn<t anti$ipated su$h strong resistan$e! and to $ompli$ate matters! the :nemy had sent a nemesis to th>art his e ery mo e& 7adn<t Lohanen stopped him from >hat he needed to a$$omplish at the @ati$anR 7adn<t Lohanen >arned the eC"priest! prote$ting him from one of Lu$ifer<s minions in the restaurantR 'nd he had almost su$$eeded in ?illing the lost! unprote$ted soul in his apartment! before Lohanen $ame to his res$ue& 7e tou$hed the pla$e >here the bullet had entered his body and noti$ed! to his satisfa$tion! that the >ound had $ompletely healed itself& /t >as >onderful to be immortal& 2ot li?e the humans >ho had $heapened life by their sheer numbers& Gasn<t this the primary reason that the prin$e! Lu$ifer! had rebelledR -he idea that the gift of life >ould be besto>ed on something as tri ial as a human >as preposterous& 'fter all! he >asn<t mu$h more than an intelligent ape! >as heR 2o! Lu$ifer had been right& 7o> $ould he ha e belittled us so >ith su$h a $heap $reationR /t had been right to rebel and he >as glad of it& /n this >orld of men he >as ery po>erful! and >hen the $hange o$$urred he >ould ta?e his pla$e as one of those to be >orshiped by the seed of 'dam& 2eCt to Lu$ifer! he >ould be the highest& -he thought filled him >ith pride and made him e en angrier at not finding the girl& 7e let out a loud gro>l as he $hanged from Mr& Gyan to his true form! that of a reptilian" loo?ing $reature! 'zazel& 7e ran do>n the length of tunnel! eating up the distan$e bet>een himself and the girl he sought& 0niffing the air! 'zazel pi$?ed up the girl<s s$ent as >ell as another& 7e ran qui$?ly! his $la>s lea ing faint prints in the dirt neCt to the tra$?s& 'rri ing at the lo>est point of the tunnels! a pla$e >here the trains had not run in de$ades! he smelled the air again and $aught the s$ent of the other per"son& 7e did not dete$t fear in its smell! and then he ?ne>& -his person >as possessed by one of the lesser ones! a demon& 7e dre> $loser and distinguished the figure of a man approa$hing him& NGhat is your nameRN 'zazel as?ed >hen they >ere three feet apart& NGe are many here!N the man $ried out! and then fell to the ground! his head tou$hing the dirt& N%id she $ome this >ayRN NPes! master! she >as here& 2ot long ago&N NGhere did she goRN N/n there&N -he man pointed >ith his arm to>ard the ne> tunnel&

NKuard this pla$e& -here >ill be others >ho >ill follo>& 0top them any >ay you $an&N NPes! master!N the man said as he gro eled at 'zazel<s feet& NGe >ill guard it >ith our li es&N 'zazel leaped into the tunnel& This is good% +he is already o'rs, ,or she ill ,ollo "his pa"h 'n"il she reaches "he end, here ! ill have her and "he dis/% 'zazel! Mr& Gyan! the 9allen 'ngel! gathered air into his lungs and let out a deep gro>l that e$hoed through the tunnel to>ard the girl he ?ne> he >ould e entually find and ?ill&

Elisha 1en7assen sat at one of the $omputer terminals deep under -el '

i ! /srael& NGe ha e more mo ement from the /ranians!N he said to Bri! >ho o$$upied the terminal neCt to him& NPes! / see that! Krandfather& / re$ei ed a $all from our $onsulate >ho had $onta$t >ith the /ranians a fe> minutes ago& -hey assure us that this is Eust >ar games >ith the Russians&N NGhat are the 'meri$ans sayingRN :lisha as?ed the MaEor! >ho sat on his right at another terminal& -he MaEor<s Eo>ls t>it$hed as he shoo? his head& NGe ha e been in $onstant $onta$t >ith them& -hey tell us that their ambassador has $onta$ted his /ranian $ounterpart >ho assures us that &&& N :lisha Eoined in unison! N-hat it is Eust >ar games&N Bri $ontinued! NGhat is bothering me is the Russians& Ghy >ould they be sending so many troops to>ard usR Ghy so many tan?s and menRN -he MaEor loo?ed at his s$reen! then ans>ered! N/t has all the ma?ings of a full" fledged atta$?! although / $an<t imagine >hy they >ould do it&N Bri spe$ulated! N#erhaps a for$e that they don<t ?no> about is guiding this& 's / said earlier! if this is the fulfillment of :ze?iel<s prophe$y! then >e should see a $onfedera$y of armies& Ghat >orries me! though! is that the lineup is there& -he modern"day names for the $ountries mentioned in the prophe$y are /ran! -ur?ey! Libya! :thiopia! and! of $ourse! Russia& : eryone is a$$ounted for&N N7o> $an you be so sure that it is a$$urateRN the MaEor as?ed& NGe ha e the -orah and the %ead 0ea 0$rolls that sho> us that the >ording is the same& Ghat >as prophesied thousands of years ago might be unfolding before our eyes&N N/f you >ere me! >hat >ould you doR ' preempti e stri?eRN :lisha shoo? his head& N2o! that >ould start Gorld Gar ///& : ery 'rab in the >orld >ould mar$h against us! and >ho $ould blame themRN N1ut >e $an<t sit here and allo> them to position enough men to ?no$? us into the sea!N Bri stated& N%oes the -orah say anything about >hat >e should doRN the MaEor as?ed& :lisha fro>ned and pushed his trifo$als up on his nose& N2ot dire$tly& /t does dis$uss >hat happens after the battle& -he for$es are >iped out and no one tou$hes the bodies for siC months& 'fter that time! people are sent out to mar? >here the bones are& -hen others are sent to gather the bones and bury them&N N Pes! it sounds li?e the aftermath of a nu$lear eC$hange& 7o> long ago >as that >rittenRN the MaEor as?ed&

'bout three thousand! fi e hundred years ago!N :lisha replied& N7ere<s something else& Remember the s$roll that >as gi en to the 'meri$an! Ma$MenzieR /t >as translated this morning&N N1ut / thought &&& !N Bri began& N -hat it >as stolenRN :lisha interrupted& Bri nodded& NLohanen thought the Cadre >ould $ome after it& 7e s>it$hed the real one >ith a $ounterfeit& 2ot e en Ma$Menzie ?ne> of the ruse&N N0o &&& >hat does it sayRN Bri as?ed& NPes! do you ha e a $opy of the translationRN the MaEor said& N/ ha e a $opy here&N :lisha tou$hed the breast po$?et of his Ea$?et& N1ut >e should go some>here pri ate& Ghat is $ontained in the s$roll bolsters the idea of the Kreat %e$eption that Lohanen has tal?ed to me about for more than a de$ade&N NGhy >ould the Russians Eoin the frayRN the MaEor as?ed! as the men got up to find a se$ure lo$ation& N0$ripture tells us that Kod himself puts a hoo? in their Ea> and dra>s them into the fray!N :lisha said& N-he teCt ma?es it $lear that they are a relu$tant $ombatant& 2o> >ith the ?illing of the /ranian $leri$ and the Muslim >orld $alling for 1ihad, >e maybe loo?ing at the >indo> of time in >hi$h these things happen&N N-hey also supply /ran >ith mu$h of their military equipment!N Bri added& NGhi$h is >hy they >ill lose if they $ome up against us& Remember >hat happened to the M/K0RN the MaEor quipped& N: en so! the Russians >ill $ome! and they >ill be defeated&N -he men found a room and! going in! lo$?ed the door behind them& :lisha too? the paper from his po$?et& NGe<re not $ertain ho> old the s$roll is& Fnly that it predates the %ead 0ea s$rolls by almost one thousand years and is >ritten in a ery old style of 7ebre> lettering& -he author des$ribes the $ity of Lerusalem in the last days! telling of an in asion for$e that $omes against the $ity& 1ut >hat to me is the most $hilling is the last senten$e! >hi$h states: W7undreds of sil er dis?s fly o er the s?ies of Lerusalem at the end of the great battle&N -he MaEor rubbed his eyes! then >hispered! NB9Fs&N :lisha loo?ed into the eyes of the MaEor! then said! NMy Kod! may it not be so &&&N

'e<re almost there!N -im said! as he led Lohanen! 9itzpatri$?! and Ma$Menzie do>n the
labyrinth of tunnels& Ma$ follo>ed last& NGhen >as the last time these things >ere usedRN Ma$ as?ed& N-hey ha en<t had trains on <em sin$e before / $ame here and / been here a >hile no>!N -im ans>ered& <'ll this is unusedRN Ma$ as?ed& NPep& /t<s a dead line& Koes no>here no>&N N7o> far before >e get to this mystery tunnel you told us aboutRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N2ot far no>! but /<m gonna >arn you& Ge might run into 0atan8he<s the one / told you about earlier& 'll of us mole people stay a>ay from him& 7e<s nothin< but trouble&N NGe >ill see ho> he fares against the po>er of the li ing Kod!N Lohanen said& N-his is as far as / go& -he tunnel >e sa> earlier that shouldn<t be there! is Eust ahead! maybe a hundred feet or so!N -im stated& N-han? you! -im! you ha e been a great help to us!N Lohanen said& N0ome of us >as >ondering if you $ould $ome ba$? after you get done >ith >hate er it is you<re gonna do here& Ge >ould li?e you to $ome ba$? and! you ?no>! say something o er us again! li?e you did for Mi$?ey&N Ma$ nudged 9itzpatri$? >ith one of those are"you"listening"he<s"tal?ing"to"you nudges& 9itzpatri$? shrugged an indifferent shoulder& He s"ill doesn3" ge" ha"3s happening, Ma$ thought! and right there he prayed for the man& N/ promise / >ill return if / am at all able to!N Lohanen replied& N/t depends on >here this tunnel leads us and >hat a>aits us there&N N/ ?ne> you<d say that you<d $ome ba$?&N -im grinned& N0ome of the others didn<t thin? so! but / ?ne> you<d say yes& Pou<re a lot li?e >e heard Lesus >as li?e and that<s a good thing&N Lohanen laughed and then put his hand on the man<s shoulder& NLet me bless you! -im!N and he began to pray for him& Ma$ said good"bye to -im and >at$hed as the man disappeared into the dar?ness& N2o> >hatRN Ma$ as?ed& NGe go for>ard! Ma$Menzie! and see >hat a>aits us&N N/ ha e a question&N 9itzpatri$?! >ho had been a silent obser er! spo?e up&

N's? a>ay!N Lohanen replied! as he led the men for>ard& N7o> is it that you seem to be able to heal! and $ast out demons! and ?no> >ho someone is that you< e ne er met before! li?e the hoodlums in the par?& Gho are youRN N/ ha e faith& / ?no> >hat / ?no>! by eCperien$e >ith the one / ser e& /t is he >ho guides my steps&N NGho is he8 1uddhaR Confu$iusR MrishnaR MuhammadR 7o> do you ?no> ho it is! >ho guides your stepsRN 9itzpatri$? $hallenged& N's / said! / ?no> by eCperien$e& -hat is! / ?no> he >ho is behind the >or?s that you ha e seen manifest& / ha e been in his ser i$e a ery long time&N Ma$ $aught a ?no>ing glan$e from Lohanen& N1ut ho> are you able to do itRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& Lohanen shoo? his head and fro>ned& NMany years ago >hen you >ere in seminary you studied Kod<s Gord&N 7e >aited for 9itzpatri$? to nod in the affirmati e& NPou >ere $alled on$e! yesR 7eard his oi$eRN N1ut that >as &&&N N-hat is the oi$e of the one / ser e!N Lohanen $ut him off& NLesus $alled you in your heart and you responded& -hat >as real& 7e tou$hed you and you felt his tou$h& /t made you lea e e erything to be$ome a priest&N N0o >hat happened to meRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed! and e en in the semidar?ness Ma$ sa> the ire in the man<s fa$e& N-he flame of that eCperien$e >as slo>ly snuffed out by all the ?no>ledge you a$$umulated& 's 0$ripture says! <?no>ledge puffs up&< %o not misunderstand me here& / am not saying that ?no>ledge is bad& 7o> >ould do$tors ?no> ho> to do a heart transplant! or a pilot na igate >ithout itR Ghat / am saying is: Mno>ledge of Kod is no" the same as /no ing Kod& -he Kree? >ord genosco, >hi$h is one of my fa orite >ords! means /no by eAperience% /n fa$t! the first epistle of Lohn uses this >ord o er forty times&N Lohanen >in?ed at Ma$ as he $ontinued& NPou must understand that you had lots of ?no>ledge about Kod! but stopped trying to be >ith him in rela"ionship% /n plain >ords! you lost your first lo e&N 9itzpatri$? opened his mouth to reply! but he >as interrupted by a hideous s$ream& Ma$ mo ed $loser to Lohanen and he noti$ed that 9itzpatri$? did li?e>ise& NGell!N Lohanen began! N/ see that 0atan has $ome li?e a roaring lion! see?ing >hom he $an de our& 9ollo> me and stay $lose& 9itzpatri$?! you might $onsider that this >ould be a good time to learn to pray again&N

Nora ran for all she >as >orth! follo>ing the tunnel do>n into the bo>els of the earth&
'fter a >hile she $ame to the first interse$tion& -he tunnel she >as in bran$hed out and be$ame t>o& 0he peered do>n one and then the other! trying to ma?e up her mind >hi$h one she should tra el& -hey >ere both identi$al! enormous >ormholes $reated by >hom! and for >hat purposeR -he tunnel on her right loo?ed older& /t >as dar?er than the other! and the floor >asn<t as smooth& 9inally! she de$ided to ta?e the tunnel on her left! and began the des$ent& 's the air gre> >armer! she too? off her s>eatshirt and tied it around her >aist& /t >as getting harder to thin? $learly& Ghen >as the last time she had ta?en her pillsR 0he $ouldn<t remember& -he NslipN had $ome gradually& Right and >rong and good and bad had be$ome relati e! something to de$ide $apri$iously! on the spur of the moment& 1ut one thing >as ery $lear to her: Meep a>ay from the monster that she had seen at her brother<s apartment and again in the a$ant lot& Tha" as burned into her brain& 0he >asn<t going to lose sight of that! no matter ho> many pills she missed& 0he ?ept running for another hundred yards or so! and then stopped dead in her tra$?s& ;ha"3s a" "he end o, "his8 0he >ondered& Maybe "here are .ore .ons"ers and "hey3ll h'r" .e, or do so.e"hing orse% 0he loo?ed ahead and sa> that the tunnel seemed to stret$h to obli ion& 7ungry! she sear$hed the po$?ets of her o ersized pants to find a half"eaten 0ni$?er<s bar! >hi$h she ate& -he last part of the $andy bar >as still in her mouth >hen she spotted something far ahead! almost >here the tunnel $losed in on itself and be$ame a anishing point& -here it >as again! and it >as getting a little larger >ith e ery moment& -he image emerged! and she $ould see that it >as human! a $hild& ;ha" is a li""le child doin3 do n here8 she thought! as she started to >al? to>ard it! realizing that if she $ould see it then it $ould also see her& 's she dre> $loser 2ora ?ne> that she >as right! that it >as indeed a $hild! but a ery strange"loo?ing one& -he $hild<s head >as deformed! larger than the rest of its body! and its eyes >ere bigger than they should ha e been and almond"shaped& /ts >ispy hair >as blond! almost >hite! and long& /t had the >eirdest $olor of s?in 2ora had e er seen8a ery light gray8ma?ing the $hild loo? si$?& /t >ore a dirty! one"pie$e Eumpsuit that hugged its body li?e a se$ond layer of s?in& 2ora $ouldn<t de$ide >hether it >as a boy or a girl& 0he dre> a little $loser& N7ello!N she said! and her oi$e e$hoed o er and o er again in the distan$e& -he $hild held its s?inny finger to its thin lips in the uni ersal sign to be quiet& /t

turned and loo?ed ba$? at her! a silly grin on its fa$e! as it motioned for 2ora to follo>& 2ora started after it! and no matter ho> fast or slo> she >al?ed! the gap bet>een the t>o remained the same& /t almost seemed that it had eyes in the ba$? of its head& 2ora follo>ed for a long time& 0he rubbed the s>eat from her eyes and! for a moment! lost sight of the entity that she follo>ed& Ghen her ision $leared she sa>! to her amazement! that the $reature had stopped and >as >aiting for her& 0he >as about to say something >hen it ga e the signal to be quiet again& -hen it turned around and started off do>n the tunnel on$e more! 2ora trailing behind& 'fter a >hile another series of for?s lay in front of them& -he $hild entered a tunnel that appeared to be dar?er than the rest& 2ora >at$hed the >illo>y figure disappear! but she >as afraid to follo> it! and hesitated& 'fter a minute it reappeared& /t had the same goofy smile on its fa$e! and motioned for her to follo>& 2ora shoo? her head! the uni ersal sign for no& -hen something really >eird happened& -he $reature >as immediately standing beside her! but she hadn<t seen it mo e& /t >as almost li?e it had Eumped from one spa$e to another in an instant& 0tartled! 2ora tried to ta?e a step ba$?& -he $hild rea$hed out and too? her hand& 0he re$oiled at first from its tou$h& -he s?in >as soft and $lammy and the fingers seemed li?e they had no strength in them& ' pi$ture of her eating i$e $ream flashed in 2ora<s mind& Loo?ing do>n at the $hild! she realized that someho> it had put that thought into her mind& 0he giggled! and the being smiled at her& -hen the $hild produ$ed something that reminded her of $hal?& 1ending do>n! it dre> some strange letters on the floor of the tunnel& -hen it dre> a pi$ture of itself and offered the $hal? to 2ora& 0he tentati ely too? the $hal? and printed her name! $orre$tly spelled! eC$ept that the letter R >as re ersed& -he $hild smiled again! and 2ora noti$ed that it had only a fe> teeth and that these >ere small and pointed! li?e a puppy<s& -he $hild pointed to the letters that 2ora had >ritten and in a ery high and strange" sounding oi$e said! N2or"raRN 2ora giggled! >hi$h brought about a squeeze from the $hild! >ho again put a finger to its lips& /t pointed t>o fingers at itself and >hispered! NKee neh&N 2ora fro>ned and >ondered >hat ?ind of a name Geevneh >as& -hen Kee neh pointed to the tunnel >here it >anted to go& -his time 2ora felt at ease and follo>ed the little $hild into the tunnel&

Ma$ stared in front of him at the shado>y figure s>aying in the semibla$? passage>ay&
N-he dar?ness >ill blo$? your >ay and your light >ill be eCtinguished!N the figure $alled out& N Gait here!N Lohanen said as he $ontinued to press for">ard! stopping >hen he >as less than ten feet from the man that they had all been >arned about80atan& N Ghat is he going to doRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& Ma$ ga e a shrug and ran his hand through his hair& N/ ha e no idea& 1ut /<ll tell you one thing& -his guy is either going to be healed of the demons that possess him! li?e the guy in the restaurant! or he<s going to be rendered useless in some fashion&N Lohanen began praying in that strange un?no>n language that he spo?e& N Ghat is he sayingRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N/ don<t ?no>! eC$ept that e ery time he goes up against the :nemy he prays in another language&N N7o> are you holding upRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N/<m eChausted! but getting my se$ond >ind &&& but >ho ?no>s ho> long that<s going to lastR 7o> are you &&&N -hey heard a terrible s$ream& NGhat is thatRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed! mo ing $loser to Ma$& N/ thin? 0atan has met his mat$h&N N0ilen$e!N Lohanen thundered to the demonia$& 0atan stopped s$reaming at Lohanen<s $ommand! and then began to gag and $ho?e& NRelease him!N Lohanen $ommanded& NRelease him in the name of Lesus&N Ma$ too? a $ouple of steps to get a $loser loo?& 0atan had $ollapsed in a heap on the dirt by the entran$e to the ne> tunnel he had apparently been guarding& NGhat do you >ant >ith us! man of KodRN 0atan >hined& N0ilen$e is >hat / ha e $ommanded you!N Lohanen replied! as he mo ed $loser& 7e eCtended his hand and tou$hed the man >ho >as possessed& -he demonia$ started to $on ulse and then foam at the mouth& N/n the name of Lesus of 2azareth! lea e him no>!N Lohanen $ommanded& -he demon"possessed man bit his tongue and a $ombination of blood and foaming sali a drooled from his mouth& -he man<s eyes >ere opened >ide and unblin?ing& 7is hands >ere $urled in on themsel es and his legs shoo? on the floor li?e they >ere no more than mat$hsti$?s& NGe & & & >ill &&& not &&& lea e &&& him & & & !N a deep! guttural oi$e uttered& NPou >ho ha e held this man in bondage for all these years! lea e him in the name of LesusJN Lohanen $lapped his hands together& 0atan be$ame rigid li?e a $orpse& -hen the

man shoo? iolently and began to $on ulse again& Lohanen bent o er! grabbed the man<s head in his hands! and began spea?ing again in the strange language& NPou >ill lea e him& / stand in the gap for this man& / >ill be his ?insman redeemer&N Ma$ $rept up beside Lohanen! ?nelt! and began to pray& 7e sa> Lohanen nod en$ouragement to him& NPou must lea e him!N Lohanen repeated& Ma$ sa> the man stiffen again and for a moment he $ould ha e s>orn that 0atan<s body le itated off the floor for a fe>se$onds& -hen the man relaCed and pushed himself into a sitting position& 7e loo?ed at Ma$ and Lohanen& N7o> did / get hereR 0o many of them &&& so many of them &&&N 7e shuddered& <'re they goneR Gill they $ome ba$?RN N-hey are gone! but you must renoun$e them& Pou must not allo> them to $ome ba$? again& -hey >ill try! and >hen they do! it >ill be your faith in Lesus that >ill dri e them a>ay and ?eep them at bay&N NLesus & & & / sa> him here!N the man stuttered& N7e >as here and he $alled to me& 7e had a s>ord in his hand& 7e $ut me free from them &&&N Ma$ glan$ed ba$? at 9itzpatri$?! >ho! >ith arms folded o er his $hest! loo?ed disturbed and $onfused by >hat had Eust transpired& N/<m going to send you out of here& -his man<s name is Ma$Menzie! and he >ill lead you to a pla$e >here you $an rest&N Ma$ sa> the man nod and then try to stand on his feet& Lohanen helped him up& N%o you thin? you $an find your >ay! Ma$MenzieRN NPeah! / do& / $an also try to get some more food from -im >hen / rea$h the Condos&N N-hen ta?e him there and return as qui$?ly as you $an to 9itzpatri$? and me here& 'nd Ma$Menzie8pray o er him $ontinuously& 7urry no>&N N/<m Ma$Menzie!N Ma$ introdu$ed himself& W're you ready to goRN -he man rubbed his eyes& N/ don<t >ant to& / >ant to stay >ith him!N and he pointed to Lohanen& N/ >ill return to see you& / ha e also promised a man named -im that / >ould return to see him >hen / ha e finished my business here& Pou >ill be in his $are until / $ome& 2o> go >ith Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen said& Ma$ helped the man ta?e the first fe> steps& NLu$?y me!N Ma$ said! as he guided the man past 9itzpatri$?! >ho ga e him a relu$tant nod& Ma$ began to retra$e his steps to>ard the Condos! ne er on$e stopping his praying&


ran in long strides do>n the tunnel $hasing the girl! 2ora& 7e stopped for a moment and sniffed the air& The isn3" ,ar o,,% +he is ,ear,'l, and "ha" is good% <ear ill ea" a" her .ind and creep in li/e a vir's, cho/ing o'" any hope "ha" .ay re.ain% Continuing! he soon arri ed at the same P in the tunnel that 2ora had $ome to a >hile before& 7e sniffed the >ind and sa> that the >oman had ta?en the for? on the left! but he >asn<t eCa$tly $ertain >here that leg of the tunnel ran& 'lthough he had helped $reate the $ompleC of tunnels that ran under the earth! $onne$ting the $ontinents! these >ere ne> and had been made as probes into the >orld of men! to help in the breeding program& 9rom here people $ould be easily abdu$ted and no one >ould miss them& 7e ?ne>! to his satisfa$tion! that the breeding program >as $omplete& -hat they had $reated their ision! attained the perfe$t hybrid! and that he >as ery po>erful& 'zazel had abdu$ted the mother >hen she >as Eust a $hild! had $olle$ted her eggs and had bred her shortly after her first menstrual period& /t had been part of a deal he had made >ith $ertain men >ho longed for the toys he had dazzled them >ith& ?'s" li/e "ho'sands o, years ago% Ho li""le "he hi.s o, .en change %%% "hey ill sell "heir bir"hrigh" ,or a bo l o, porridge% 7e remembered ta?ing her to his ship at the end of her first trimester! ta?ing the $hild from her >omb& : en then he ?ne> that they had rea$hed their goal& -he $hild >as not li?e the others! si$?"loo?ing! or >ith abnormal"loo?ing eyes and malformations of the hands& -his $hild loo?ed normal and! as it gre>! it be$ame strong& -he mother<s name >as 7elen! and he had hoped to sa$rifi$e her! a present to his master& 7e had thought that nothing $ould stop him! as the helpless >oman >as drugged and laid on an altar ready to be sa$rifi$ed to Lu$ifer! the god of for$e and po>er& 1ut he had been stopped by his nemesis! Lohanen& Gell! no> he had >on& -he armies in the Middle :ast >ere gathered together and they >ould atta$?! >ith only a handful of men ?no>ing the real reason& 7e had fomented their anger! stirred their hate! and fueled their preEudi$e& 2o> the time had $ome& Gith the ?illing of the /ranian $leri$ the pre"$arious balan$e had been tipped& -his had been the flash"point that ignited the smoldering fire of hatred that he had helped build& 7e had >aited for the >orld stage to be readied! the breeding program fulfilled& 2o> he and the others >ere on the erge of >hat they had all sought: the >orship of men& -he >ar >ould annihilate entire armies! and! seeing the de astation >rought! the >orld >ould $ry out for pea$e& 7e and his superman >ould ha e the ans>ers& 'zazel pi$?ed up his pa$e& 7e >anted to get the girl and the dis?! and then hand her

o er to some of his underlings to ha e some fun >ith her& 7e gro>led loudly and felt satisfied as the for$e of it filled his ears&

Elisha 1en7assen sipped his $offee and stared at the digital map of the Middle :ast& 7e
had sorted through o er a hundred e"mails that had been sent to the MaEor from different bran$hes of intelligen$e that the /sraeli go ernment had s$attered all o er the globe& N/t is as / feared! Bri&N :lisha >a ed a sta$? of en$rypted e"mails at Bri& NMost of our people! embedded in the ery $ountries that $laim they are Eust doing >ar eCer$ises! are saying that they belie e an atta$? on our nation is imminent&N NLoo? at the latest satellite imagery!N Bri responded& N-hings loo? li?e they are heating up&N NGe ha e a ery interesting post from the Lordanian ?ing!N the MaEor began& N7e is being ery forthright! saying he belie es the /ranians are preparing to laun$h their missiles&N N1ut >hy >ould they do thatR ' nu$lear eC$hange is unthin?able&N :lisha slapped his palm do>n on the sta$? of e"mails& N-he ayatollahs run the $ountry& /t is their ersion of /slam& -hey hate us and >ant to see us annihilated& -he ne> ayatollah has >hipped the $ountry into a frenzy8Eust >hen it started to loo? li?e there might be some reform!N the MaEor replied& NMany students >ere ?illed and hundreds more imprisoned for protesting that repressi e regime!N Bri added& N0till! to imagine that they >ould ta?e the step from >hi$h there is no turning ba$? & & &N :lisha<s oi$e trailed off and the men >ere silent for a moment& N-he 'meri$ans are doing their best to hold e erything together! N the MaEor stated& NFur intelligen$e has it that there is some deal in the >or?s for billions&N N'nother ransom similar to >hat happened in 2orth MoreaRN :lisha as?ed& NPes! but there is one differen$e& /ran has huge oil reser esQ they don<t need the money& 0o far the deal is a no"go!N the MaEor stated& NGhat about %amas$usRN :lisha as?ed& N-hey<re in ol ed and so is Lebanon! -ur?ey! and! of $ourse! the Russians&N :lisha produ$ed a >orn 1ible from his $oat po$?et and turned to the boo? of :ze?iel& N/t<s all here!N he said! handing it to the MaEor& N-he names of the $ountries ha e $hanged! but the geographi$ lo$ations are the same! and so are the armies that are mentioned& -his $ould be it&N N0o ho> do you thin? this >ill play outRN he as?ed& N/s this the 'rmageddon that the Christian fundamentalists in 'meri$a are al>ays tal?ing aboutRN :lisha adEusted his trifo$als! sipped his $offee! and silently as?ed the Lord for >isdom& 9or the first time in o er fifty years the MaEor >as listening >ith a different ear! be$ause of the prophe$y that >as seemingly being fulfilled& :lisha $leared his throat and began& N-his is different from 'rmageddon& -his >ar

might be the >ar that allo>s the per"son >hom the 1ible $alls Wthe 'nti$hrist< to rise to po>er& -hin? of it this >ay & & &N 'nd he began to elaborate&

Nora follo>ed the $hild! Kee

neh! into a tunnel that bran$hed off from the main one they had been in& -his tunnel >as mu$h smaller! and 2ora had to du$? in se eral pla$es to ?eep from hitting her head& -hey $ame to the end! and 2ora >ondered >here Kee neh had led them& -he $hild pla$ed a hand on the ro$? >all and a door opened in front of them& -hey >al?ed through! and to 2ora<s surprise! found herself ba$? at the old tunnel! the one she had de$ided not to enter& 0he >ondered >hy she >asn<t afraid of this >eird" loo?ing $hildli?e $reature >ho >as leading her to >ho"?no>s">here& -he tunnel that she no> found herself in loo?ed to be older than the others she had tra eled through& -he >alls >ere dar?er and not as smooth& -he light that someho> shone from the tunnels< sides >as also dimmer& -he $hild! Kee neh! stopped and fa$ed 2ora& /t pointed to itself and said its name again! NKee neh&N 2ora >as ta?en aba$? by the >ay Kee neh<s oi$e sounded! so squea?y and set in su$h a high o$ta e that 2ora found it hard to hear& N2ora!N she said follo>ing suit& NPou &&& lostRN Kee neh said! its mouth barely mo ing! ma?ing it loo? really strange& 2ora thought for a moment& NPes! / don<t ?no> >here /<m going&N 0he o erpronoun$ed ea$h >ord! ma?ing sure that Kee neh understood& -hen the thought hit her and she oi$ed it& NGhat are yo' doing hereRN Kee neh hung its head! the straggly hair $o ering the dar? slanted eyes& N/ no one >ant to me!N Kee neh said& 2ora had trouble understanding& N0ay that again! >ill yaRN Kee neh pi$?ed its head up and stared at 2ora& 2ora suddenly felt un$omfortable and loo?ed a>ay! but before she did! se eral pi$tures filled her mind& %isturbing s$enes of tall beings ta?ing $are of smaller $reatures that loo?ed li?e Kee neh! but different& -hey >ere taller! healthier! and appeared almost human! >hereas Kee neh loo?ed li?e some"thing out of a frea? sho>& N%id you sho> me that pi$ture Eust no>RN 2ora as?ed! >ondering ho> Kee neh >as able to do su$h a thing& Kee neh nodded and then loo?ed in her eyes again& -his time 2ora held Kee neh<s gaze for maybe half of a minute! until her head started to hurt! ma?ing her loo? a>ay& #i$tures appeared in her mind! isions of another pla$e! an

alien pla$e! that seemed to be not of this >orld& 0he sa> many $hildli?e $reatures that >ere of all different ages& 0he sa> >hat loo?ed li?e a huge $a ern that >as under the earth! and inside >ere sil er dis?s! spa$e ships! that $ame and >ent in the underground $ity& 1ut the thing that really disturbed her and made her afraid >as that there >ere men and >omen li?e herself that appeared to ha e been ta?en against their >ill& -hese people >ere being eCperimented on by the $reatures& 2ora shuddered as she remembered being probed by lots of do$tors and undergoing test after test& -he >orst of all being the metal hat they had made her >ear! the hat that stung her and made e ery ner e in her body s$ream out in agony& -he people in the ision loo?ed s$ared& 0he >ondered if she! too! should be s$ared& 'fter all! this >as an a>ful lot li?e the monster that Lerry said he sa> by the tra$?s that one day& B'" i"3s 1's" a child, and i" can3" h'r" .e any ays, 2ora thought as she s$rutinized the frail $hild >ho barely $ame up to her shoulder& N2o >ant me!N Kee neh said! Ntoo different than you!N and it pointed a spindly finger at her& NPou<re not that different! are youRN 2ora said& -hen! peering more $losely at Kee neh she added! N/ guess you are a little different! but /<m different too& 0ome people thin? /<m $razy! and / suppose they<re right <$ause if / don<t ta?e my pills! then & & &N 0he stopped and loo?ed do>n the length of tunnel& N0mall e ery>here!N Kee neh said and used its hand to $ompare height >ith 2ora& 2ora loo?ed do>n! noti$ing for the first time that the $hild<s $lothes >ere >orn and dirty& -hey also appeared to be made out of a material that she hadn<t seen before& NPou $ome my home!N Kee neh said& N9ood&N 2ora nodded and rubbed her stoma$h& N9ood!N she repeated& -he t>o set off again do>n the tunnel! side by side& 0oon they found themsel es in a portion of the tunnel that had fallen in& -he roof had bu$?led and the sides seemed to ha e $ollapsed! li?e a $rushed soda $an& -he stuff the tunnel >as made of >as buried under a mound of dirt and ro$?s& 1ut a small tunnel had been made through the rubble& Kee neh got do>n and started to $ra>l through the opening! then motioned for 2ora to follo>& /t disappeared and 2ora >as left standing alone& 0he loo?ed into the pla$e >here Kee neh had $ra>led and sa> that it >as dar?& 0omeho> the light that had $ome from the tunnel >as bro?en and >hate er lay beyond >as submerged in dar?ness& 2ora hesitated! then heard a sound that made her s?in $ra>l& /t rolled through the tunnel system! filling e ery spa$e >ith its sound! splitting itself at the interse$tions >hile mo ing for>ard& /t seemed to 2ora that the sound >as loo?ing for her as it gre> louder& /t rang for a moment all around her! and then dissipated& Kee neh appeared beside her! agitated and! li?e herself! fearful of the sound& /t pulled at her $lothes and pointed to the opening that passed through the rubble& NKee neh sho> home & & & be safe&N 2ora sa> it s$amper through the opening and on$e again disappear& 0he didn<t hesitate this time! but do e in and s$ampered after it on her hands and ?nees& /n one pla$e she had to $ra>l on her belly as the passage>ay narro>ed e en more& 0he sa> that someone8 she assumed it must ha e been Kee neh8had sta$?ed the bro?en pie$es of the tunnel and used them for bra$ing& -he farther she >ent! the dar?er it be$ame! and she started to pani$ >hen she no

longer $ould see >here she >as going& NKee neh! /<m s$ared!N she $alled out& 0he felt in front of her! groping to see >hat >as ahead& 7er breath $ame in little pants of fear! and for a moment she stopped mo ing altogether& -hen! a burst of light shone at the end of the $ra>l>ay! and she sa> Kee neh holding >hat loo?ed li?e a sti$?! and from it $ame a steady stream of light& 0he started to $ra>l again! her $onfiden$e bolstered by the light! and soon she rea$hed the end& NLittle more >ay! then home!N Kee neh said! and started >al?ing do>n the portion of tunnel that >as still in good $ondition! eC$ept that no light $ame from its >alls& 2ora brushed herself off and follo>ed& -he tunnel turned sharply to the left! and at the turn 2ora sa> a round room! perhaps three times the >idth of the tunnel itself& -here >as a pla$e to sleep and it >as filled >ith the things that 2ora had seen lots of mole people use& /n fa$t! it loo?ed li?e a mole person li ed here& -he thought $ame to her that! in a >ay! Kee neh >as a lot li?e herself& 9or some reason that she didn<t quite understand! nobody >anted Kee neh either! be$ause of >hat it >as8small! deformed! and si$?ly loo?ing& Li?e her! it had found refuge in the tunnel! e en though "hese tunnels >ere unli?e anything she had e er seen& N7ere &&& food!N Kee neh said! as it >ent to a small shelf that had been $ut into the side of the tunnel& 2ora sa> that there >as a $ontainer made of a shiny metal& Kee neh set the light sti$? on the shelf! then opened the boC and too? out something that loo?ed li?e a $ra$?er& Kee neh bro?e it in t>o and handed a portion of it to her& 2ora too? it and nibbled at one $orner& /t didn<t taste li?e mu$h! sort of li?e a saltine >ith"out the salt! eC$ept that as she started to $he> it be$ame moist and eCpanded in her mouth& 0he too? another bite& N2ot too bad! Kee neh!N she said& -o 2ora it seemed that Kee neh >as happy that she >as here in its home& 0he finished the $ra$?er and felt full! although she >ould ha e preferred a Eui$y hamburger >ith onions and lots of ?et$hup& 0he still $ouldn<t tell >hat seC Kee neh >as& 0he thought it might be a>?>ard! but she de$ided to as? any>ay& N're you a boy or a girlRN Kee neh $o$?ed its head and then pointed to 2ora& NKirl! you! Kee neh other! boy&N 2ora felt more $omfortable >ith Kee neh! espe$ially after the $ra>l>ay& /f he had >anted to harm her that >ould ha e been a good pla$e to do it! $onsidering that she >as in the dar? and helpless& 0he leaned o er so she $ould get $loser! realizing that this >as the best >ay for Kee neh to sho> her >hat it >as he >anted to say& 7er mind eCploded >ith images! mu$h more ibrant and lifeli?e than before& 0he sa> the same underground $ity that she<d seen before! but this time she sa> that many $hildren Eust li?e Kee neh >ere standing in a line >aiting for some"thing& -here >ere se eral human >omen& Gomen of all ra$es! and most of them >ere young& 0he noti$ed that they >ere frightened and seemed disoriented! and loo?ed un$omfortable >here they >ere& 0he thought it ery odd that most of them >ere in their paEamas& -hey >ere herded into a room >here other $hildren! li?e Kee neh! >aited for them& -all gray beings >ith dar? slanted eyes o ersa> >hat >as going on& /n this ision! 2ora $ould hear some sound& 2ot a lot! but e ery no> and then a snat$h of $on ersation >ould a$$ompany the pi$tures that seemed so real in her mind& They all loo/ 'nhappy and scared, 2ora thought& -hen she sa> that the tall gray beings >ere sho>ing the >omen >hat they >anted them to do& Fne of the tall gray beings >ent o er to one of the $hildren! a si$?ly loo?ing girl& /t >rapped its spindly arms around the

little girl and held it& -hen it >ent ba$? o er to the >omen! and sele$ted a young bla$? >oman& -he >oman loo?ed s$ared! but she follo>ed the $reature and >ent o er to >here the little girl >aited& 0he too? the $hild in her arms and hugged it& -hen the s$ene $hanged and 2ora sa> herself holding Kee neh in her arms& -he ision ended& 2ora loo?ed at Kee neh& N/s that >hat you >antR Pou >ant me to hold you or somethin<RN Kee neh ga e her the same >eird smile and mo ed $loser to her& 2ora >rapped her arms around him& 7olding the frail $hild! suddenly she felt happy& 0he began to ro$? ba$? and forth on her feet! still holding the >eird! si$?ly loo?ing Kee neh in her arms&

)rian 9itzpatri$? relu$tantly stepped into the tunnel that loo?ed li?e something out of a
s$ien$e fi$tion mo ie& #eering do>n the perfe$tly symmetri$al tube! he pondered the e ents of his life that had led to this point& /t seemed li?e an eternity sin$e he had been at his des? in the -an?& 7e thought about the last t>enty"four hours& ;ha" as "ha" "hing in .y apar".en"8 7e had seen it transform into something hideous! the essen$e of e il& 7e felt that the mon s"er F ha" had ?ohanen called i", a ,allen angelR8>ould thin? nothing of destroying him and e ery li ing thing around it& Io' also sa a .an healed, didn3" yo', <i"4pa"ric/8 +o.e:"hing "ha" yo' had al ays an"ed "o see happen% Io' "ho'gh" "ha" s'ch "hings died o'" long ago i"h "he apos"les and only eAis"ed "oday in "he .inds o, so.e bac/ a"er, devian" deno.ina"ion o, >hris"iani"y .ore a/in "o a sna/e:handling c'l" "han "o "he Miracle ;or/er "ha" ,o'nded i"% 7e >ondered about 2ora& Ho long has i" been since she en" do n "his "'nnel ,ollo ed by "ha" %%% 7e hesitated be$ause if he $alled the thing a fallen angel then he >ould be admitting that Lohanen<s theology >as $orre$t& 7e resumed his thought& +he doesn3" s"and a chance agains" ha"ever i" is% -nd ?ohanen doesn3" see. "o be in a grea" h'rry "o con,ron" i"% Lohanen $alled him and he stirred out of his rumination& N9itzpatri$?! >ho do you thin? made this tunnelRN he as?ed! as he $ontinued >al?ing at a bris? pa$e& 9itzpatri$? ran his hand along the smooth surfa$e of the tunnel& N9rom >hat / learned >ith my little session >ith @on 0$h erdt &&& it has to be eCtraterrestrial&N NPou ?no>! 9itzpatri$?! some of these tunnels ha e been here for $enturies!N Lohanen $ountered& 9itzpatri$? felt li?e he >as in a ne> episode of the T iligh" Jone% N7o> do you ?no> thatRN he as?ed& N/ ha e been do>n some of these before& '$tually! there are many of them! and they $riss$ross the globe& 0$ripture spea?s of a realm that the fallen ones inhabit! and by Wfallen ones!< / mean the angels that rebelled against their Creator eons ago& 0ome of them ha e been sent to a pla$e8N NPes! the abo'so in Kree?& -he 'byss! / ?no>!N 9itzpatri$? $ut him off& N-he bottomless pit! mentioned in the boo? of Re elation&N Lohanen stopped and turned to fa$e him& N1ut >hat of thisRN Lohanen as?ed! as he ran his hand do>n the smooth surfa$e of the tunnel& 9itzpatri$? didn<t ans>er& N's / >as saying!N Lohanen started again! Nthe 'byss is real& 0ome of the fallen ones ha e been held in that pla$e sin$e the great flood& Fthers! for reasons / am not $ertain of!

ha e been allo>ed a $ertain latitude of freedom&N 7e started do>n the tunnel again& N/ >ill grant you that the flood legend,2 9itzpatri$? stressed the >ord! Nhas been dutifully re$orded in most e ery $ulture! and there seems to be a high degree of similarity bet>een the re$ords! but a meteor $rashing into the earth<s o$ean $ould ha e produ$ed the same $ata$lysmi$ e ent& 'fter>ard! the fe> sur i ors told the story to their offspring& -here >ere many W2oahs< and lots of resour$eful fol?s $linging to trees and >ho?no>s" >hat"else to ride out the flood >aters&N N' possible s$enario! but e en Lesus refers to 2oah and tells us that before he returns! the days on earth >ill be li?e those of 2oah& Pou must as? yourself! 9itzpatri$?& Ghat differentiates those days from any other in historyR /t is the presen$e of the fallen angels! the sons o, god, manifesting in the >orld of men& Ghat you are loo?ing at is e iden$e of the return of those beings&N 9itzpatri$? $leared his throat& N'll right! tell me this& 7o> did they reappear! and >hy no>RN 9itzpatri$? felt the hair on the ba$? of his ne$? stand on end as he heard a deep gro>ling sound re erberate through the tunnel& /t >as li?e a pun$tuation of Lohanen<s statement& NGhat the he$? is thatRN Lohanen stopped and loo?ed at 9itzpatri$?& N0omething that has found its >ay ba$? into the >orld of men!N he ans>ered& 9itzpatri$? listened as the noise slo>ly faded a>ay& -he sound eCpressed to them! loud and $lear: ;e3re bac/% N-hat noise is ery unsettling! to say the least!N Lohanen remar?ed& N -hat<s an understatement!N 9itzpatri$? mumbled! then $ontinued >ith his line of questioning& N0o ho> did they regain a$$ess to the >orld of menRN Lohanen resumed their >al?& NGhat / am about to tell you is fantasti$& 9or most men to e en $ontemplate it is li?e a soEourn into madness&N 9itzpatri$? s>allo>ed hard& 7e had $ome to realize that >hoe er Lohanen >as! he >as no" an ordinary man& 7e had a depth of soul and ?no>ledge that 9itzpatri$? had ne er imagined $ould ha e eCisted& 7e gestured to the >alls of the tunnel& N/ belie e /<m soEourning! to use your term&N NPes! you are! 9itzpatri$?!N Lohanen agreed& NLet me start by saying that @on 0$h erdt >as ery instrumental in >hat the >orld has $ome to ?no> as the 9inal 0olution! the 7olo$aust& 7e helped engineer it and did so ery deliberately& -he deaths of millions of souls ser ed as a sa$rifi$e to his god! Lu$ifer& 1y his a$tions the gates of hell >ere opened! and on$e again the fallen ones had a$$ess to the >orld of men&N <'re you saying that the 2azis & & & it<s too in$redible! N 9itzpatri$? said! his mind reeling at the thought& N2ot all of them ?ne>! of $ourse! but those at the top understood >hat they >ere trying to a$$omplish& -hey tried to manifest the one that 0$ripture $alls the 'nti$hrist! to them the superman &&& and they almost a$hie ed it& -hey >ere defeated in the >ar! but after>ard they su$$eeded in allo>ing the fallen ones ba$?& Many of them found ha en in 'meri$a and slo>ly sub erted those around them& Pou ha e seen some of it yourself& Pou ?no> that @on 0$h erdt is in league >ith them! and it seems that the time of their manifestation of the superman is no %N 1rian seemed in$redulous& N/n the -an?! >e $alled >hat"e er >as affe$ting the >orld Wthe miC&< / ?ne> that man?ind >as headed for some sort of sho>do>n! a flash point! but

>hi$h holy man! seer! or prophet $ould you hit$h your propheti$ >agon toR Ghi$h mythos >as truth! if in fa$t! truth eCists at allRN Lohanen stopped and sat do>n in the middle of the tunnel& NGhat are you doingRN 1rian as?ed& NGhat about 2oraRN N-here are things that / ?no> of that you don<t!N Lohanen ans>ered! and motioned for 9itzpatri$? to sit neCt to him& 9itzpatri$? eased himself do>n on the tunnel floor and $rossed his legs beneath him& N-his is $razy &&& 0houldn<t >e be trying to res$ue 2oraRN Lohanen didn<t ans>er& /nstead! he seemed to dis$onne$t from >hat >as around him for a moment! as if he >as loo?ing at something only he $ould see& N%o you remember long ago! >hen you first >ere $alledR %o you remember ho> you feltR 7o> you ga e up e erything to pursue him >ho $alled youRN 9itzpatri$? shifted his butto$?s on the floor of the tunnel& N/ remember! but that >as long ago! and applied to a different 1rian 9itzpatri$?8younger! gullible! nai e! and far too trusting! and perhaps some>hat delusional&N N#erhaps the former 1rian 9itzpatri$? is pre$isely the one you need to embra$e again!N Lohanen suggested& NPou eCperien$ed Kod on$e! didn<t youRN N/ don<t ?no> >hat / eCperien$ed& /t >as something good! / suppose! but it $ould ha e been that the boo?s / >as reading at the time had an undue influen$e on me&N N%o you really belie e thatRN 9itzpatri$? thought a moment& #art of him >anted to mar$h ba$? up the tunnel and lea e the >hole affair alone& 1ut then there >as 2ora! and as al>ays she >as the one de$iding fa$tor that pre ented him from doing so& 7e $ursed the life fate had gi en him and >ondered >hy he >asn<t able to Eust let his $razy sister go& 7a e the do$tors perform a lobotomy8it had been suggested after the fire8and ha e her permanently institutionalized& Ghy $ouldn<t he ta?e the step and do thatR Ghat pre ented himR 7e loo?ed at Lohanen >ho >as patiently >aiting for an ans>er& ;ha" do ! really believe abo'" ho ! as called8 he >ondered& 7e thought a moment as his mind >ent ba$? many years earlier to the time of his $alling& 7e remembered ho> o er>helming it had been& 7o> it had left him >ith a sense of purpose! of mission! and >ith an internal pea$e that he had ne er felt before& 7e remembered that he belie ed he $ould $onquer all the >rongs of the >orld& -hat he >ould be Kod<s manQ his life >ould ma?e a differen$e& N0omething happened!N he admitted relu$tantly! N/ thought it >as Kod& 1ut he $ertainly >as absent >hen my sister lit the house on fire and burned my parents to death! >asn<t heRN 9itzpatri$? glared at Lohanen! daring him to ans>er& Lohanen ans>ered simply! N/ >ant you to understand something! but to get there you must ans>er my question >ith a simple yes or no& %id you eCperien$e Kod >hen he $alled youRN 9itzpatri$? $lamped his lips together& -his man >ouldn<t let him off the hoo?& 7e ?ept pressing in and >ould not stop until 9itzpatri$? fa$ed the truth in himself& 7e >restled >ith that question! angry that he had to do so& 7e realized that if he admitted that Kod had spo?en to him! then he left himself >ide open for the follo>ing question! >hi$h might be something li?e! Then hy don3" yo' see/ hi. no 8 7is mind $hurned >ith ideas! quotations from a host of saints! seers! and theologians& /n the end he

?ne> that the memory of >hat had happened to him >as sa$rosan$t& /t remained in him tu$?ed a>ay! li?e a treasure in a sealed boC that >as put in the atti$ of a big house& 1ut in spite of a life"time<s heaping of $lutter >hi$h should ha e buried it! the treasure remained un$hanged& N's / told you!N he >hispered! N/ thought at the time that it really happened! that it >as Kod&N ' moment of silen$e passed& 9itzpatri$? heard his >ords e$ho do>n the tunnel& N/f it did happen! and for the sa?e of our $on ersation let us presume that it did! you still belie e that! be$ause you eAperienced it& Ghat happened to you >as so ery personal that e en no>! years after>ard! you $annot deny the reality of it& Gould you li?e to eCperien$e him againRN 9itzpatri$? >ondered >hat Lohanen $ould possibly mean by that& N7ere! in this pla$eRN Lohanen ga e a firm nod& NPes! right no>& Pou do belie e that he is omnipresent! is e ery>here! do you notRN 9itzpatri$? thought a moment& NGell! yes! but / don<t really ?no> >hether that<s true or not& -he $on$ept is a theologi$al one& 7o> $an it be pro edRN N'gain! for the sa?e of the moment let us assume that he is e ery>here and that he has heard our entire $on ersation& Gill you agreeRN 9itzpatri$? ga e a half"hearted smile and nodded& NKood& / >ant you to $lose your eyes for a moment&N N-here<s nothing s$riptural about the $losing of one<s eyes& /t<s not mentioned8N Lohanen interrupted! N/ am a>are of that& 1ut please! do it any>ay&N 9itzpatri$? shifted his >eight again and $losed his eyes! then opened them to protest! but one loo? from Lohanen and he shut them again& ! can3" believe !3. allo ing "his% ;ha" do ! eApec" "o happen8 God "o visi" 's here, in "his god ,orsa/en place8 7e heard Lohanen begin to spea? in that same un?no>n tongue! and had to resist as?ing >hat language it >as& N/ >ant you to as? the Lord to forgi e your unbelief!N Lohanen said& 9itzpatri$? felt Lohanen<s fingers on his forehead& 7e began to feel heat! a >arm sensation that spread out along his forehead and >or?ed its >ay to>ard his ne$?& Ho is he doing "ha"8 9itzpatri$? >ondered! and he thought of shamans and sor$erers from different $ultures! >ho! by tou$hing someone! $ould bring a similar sensation& N/ spea? pea$e into this man<s life!N Lohanen said& 9itzpatri$? felt nothing& N/ spea? pea$e into 9itzpatri$?<s life!N Lohanen stated again& 0uddenly! a great hea iness began to lea e him& /t felt li?e a >eight had been remo ed from his shoulders& 7e smiled and relaCed a bit& /t >as as if his fears! and the phantoms that haunted him! >ere lifted from him! ta?en a>ay by an unseen hand& -hen a erse of 0$ripture popped into his mind& 2My b'rden is easy, .y yo/e is ligh"%2 N/ spea? hope to this man and healing from the things of the past!N Lohanen spo?e& 9itzpatri$? felt Lohanen<s hand mo e from his head to his $hest area& 'gain! he felt the same >arm! heat"li?e sensation& Things o, "he pas", 9itzpatri$? repeated to himself! then he stiffened at the thought of his father burning ali e! at the dese$ration he<d eCperien$ed at the hands of 0ene and @on 0$h erdt& 'nger rose from deep >ithin him li?e the beginning of a tempest& -hen Lohanen began again! N/ spea? release from the bitterness that has held this man

in bondage for these many years&N 9itzpatri$? felt his stoma$h tighten in oluntarily and doubled o er from the pain& ;ha" is going on8 he thought& Lohanen<s hand steadied him& N/ $urse the spirit of bitterness and $ommand it to lea e!N Lohanen said! >ith authority& Fn$e again 9itzpatri$? felt li?e someone had ?i$?ed him in his stoma$h& 1ut at the same time he felt that something un$lean >hi$h he had in fa$t allo ed to reside >ithin him! lea e& N/ spea? pea$e and hope to this man in the name of Lesus of 2azareth& / spea? goodness to him! and may the fa or of the Lord rest upon him&N 9itzpatri$? remained ery still and on$e again >as >armed by the gentle heat $oming from Lohanen<s hands& N-he pea$e of the Lord be upon you!N Lohanen said& ' fe> moments passed! and then 9itzpatri$? opened his eyes& NGellRN Lohanen as?ed& N/ felt &&& / don<t ?no>& /t >as pea$eful!N he stated& N/t >as the Lord<s 0pirit!N Lohanen informed him& N7e is still here! all around us&N 9itzpatri$? $aught himself loo?ing around the tunnel and of $ourse $ouldn<t see anything other than Lohanen sitting in front of him& NGhy don<t you as? him to tou$h youRN Lohanen suggested& NGhat do you mean tou$h meR Pou mean here! sitting li?e thisRN NCertainly& 7e lo es you! 9itzpatri$?! but your years of bitterness ha e ?ept him apart from you& Pou ha e shut him out of your life and barri$aded the door of your heart&N 9itzpatri$? nodded& NPou see! 9itzpatri$?! all of these years you studied and learned about Kod! but forgot to eAperience him! the >ay you did >hen he first $alled you& Ghat happened Eust no>R Pou let your guard do>n and the 7oly 0pirit did some house"$leaning& Pou ha e been $arrying around things that you should not ha e! and no> they are gone& 1e $areful that you do not pi$? them up again&N 9itzpatri$? nodded as Lohanen stret$hed out his hand and tou$hed his forehead& 7e instin$ti ely shut his eyes! feeling soothing >armth des$end o er him& 7e felt li?e he >as about to fall o er and steadied himself to ?eep from falling& N/t is all right! /<ll $at$h you& Let go!N Lohanen >hispered& 9itzpatri$? resisted a moment! part of his mind >anting to question >hether or not Kod >ould a$tually do this& -hen he felt the presen$e again! stronger this time& /t o er$ame him and he ?ne> that if he >anted to! he $ould stop it! >ill it a>ay! $lose! on$e again! the door to his heart& 1ut he didn<t& 2o! this >as in$redible& 7e felt himself falling ba$? >hile he >as still sitting& -hen he felt Lohanen<s hand $at$h him by his shoulders and slo>ly let him do>n to the floor of the tunnel& 7e lay there feeling a pea$e that $oursed through him& ' thought entered his mind and he ?ne> it >as the Lord spea?ing to him& Res" in .e% 9itzpatri$? relaCed further! and it >as as if he >ere sin?ing into the tunnel& 7e then had a ision in his mind of galaCies spinning in spa$e& '>ed by the eCpanse of it! the s>irling $olors! the distant stars and planets! he felt so small! so in$onsequential& -hen a ne> thought entered his mind& ! crea"ed all o, "his% ! a. "he-lpha and "he 7.ega, "he 7ne ho /no s "he beginning ,ro. "he end% +erve .e% 9itzpatri$? >as afraid

to breathe& -he li ing Kod had spo?en to him& 0ho>n him part of his $reation& 'dmonished him to ser e& 7e lay still! afraid to mo e a mus$le! feeling the pea$e of the Lord& #ea$e that he had ne er ?no>n in his life& 7e didn<t >ant to get up from the tunnel<s floor& -hen he heard the same disturbing gro>l e$hoing its >ay from far beneath him& 9or a moment he >as afraid! then a thought floated to the forefront of his mind& Grea"er is he "ha" lives i"hin yo' "han he "ha" is in "he orld% He is de,ea"ed% ;al/ in peace% 7e relaCed again and lay still on the floor of the tunnel for &&& a minuteR 'n hourR 7e $ouldn<t tell! but he thought about 2ora and opened his eyes! sitting up& : erything had $hanged& 7e felt lighter! restored! forgi en& 7is mind >as $lear! and he felt a >ellspring of Eoy inside& N-hat >as in$redible!N he said! as $arefree as a little ?id& Lohanen nodded and smiled at him! then patted his shoulder& NGe ser e a good Kod! 9itzpatri$?& Gel$ome ba$?&N NGhat happenedRN Lohanen $hu$?led& NPou >ere o er$ome by the presen$e of the 7oly 0pirit& 7e let you feel his pea$e&N N/n$redible &&&N N/nstead of reading about him! you eAperienced him& 2o> you /no by eCperien$e that he is good! that he lo es you! and that he $ares for you&N NLohanen!N he murmured as the older man raised his eye"bro>s at him! N/ ha e made pea$e >ith &&& things that happened to me& -hey ma?e no sense that / ?no> of& 1ut the Lord impressed upon me that e en in the midst of that tragedy! he >as there&N NPes! he >as! 9itzpatri$?! and although it is hard for us to understand! >e ha e his promise that someday he >ill ma?e right all the hurt! all the suffering! that has happened sin$e 'dam fell& 7e >ill set things right be$ause he is a good Kod&N NLohanenRN 9itzpatri$? heard Ma$Menzie<s oi$e roll to>ard them and then $ontinue do>n the tunnel until it >as Eust a faint e$ho& NGe are here! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen $alled in return& ' short time later 9itzpatri$? sa> 'rt Ma$Menzie >al?ing to>ard them& N%id you get him ba$? to the CondosRN Lohanen as?ed& Ma$Menzie ga e a nod and a thumbs"up& N7e<s really $on"fused and had lots of questions& / don<t thin? he stopped tal?ing the >hole >ay&N 9itzpatri$? loo?ed at Lohanen! >ondering >hether or not he >ould say anything about >hat had transpired in Ma$Menzie<s absen$e& N/t is good that you are ba$? >ith us! Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen remar?ed! and started their tre? again& 9ollo>ing the $ourse of the tunnel! 9itzpatri$? realized he >as a $hanged man! a redeemed man! and he ga e than?s for the goodness of his Lord as he >al?ed bet>een Lohanen and Ma$Menzie&

Nora a>a?ened and >asn<t sure ho> long she had been asleep or >here she >as& -hen
she loo?ed do>n and remembered the >eird"loo?ing boy! Kee neh! that she held in her lap& Kee neh<s eyes >ere open and stared up at her& 0he started to mo e! but Kee neh held on tight and >ouldn<t let her go& NPou< e got to let me get up! Kee neh& / got to go right a>ay&N Kee neh shoo? his head and held her tighter& 2ora too? her hands and pulled the thin >ea? fingers off her >aist! but as soon as she let go Kee neh atta$hed them to her again& NKee neh say n0000!N and he snuggled $loser& Fne of Kee neh<s fingers dug into 2ora<s side! hurting her& 0he too? both his arms! yan?ed them off! and pushed him a>ay& Kee neh $rou$hed in front of her and bared his pointed teeth at her& NPou no go from Kee neh!N he said! and he suddenly loo?ed ery mena$ing& 2ora felt her head s>im >hen he loo?ed at her& -urning a>ay! she got up from >here she had fallen asleep& 0he started to ba$? her >ay out of the room to>ard the $a ed"in part of the tunnel& Kee neh follo>ed& 0he didn<t li?e the >ay he loo?ed at her >ith his little pointed teeth bared& 0he ?ept >al?ing ba$?>ard and stared at his feet so she >ouldn<t ha e to loo? at his eyes& -hen he >as beside her& 7e mo ed so fast& 0he $ontinued ba$?ing a>ay and ?i$?ed at him >ith her foot& 7e du$?ed to the side! then she felt him sin? his teeth into her arm& NFu$h! you little $reep&N 0he s>ung at him >ith her fist and su$$eeded in hitting him on the side of the head& Kee neh tumbled o er and s$reamed at her >ith su$h a loud! high"pit$hed sound that it made her ears hurt& 2ora turned and ran do>n the tunnel& 0he made her >ay to the $ollapsed part >here Kee neh had $reated the $ra>l"through! and do e& 0he >as almost half>ay through >hen she stopped! loo?ed do>n the $ra>l"through! and there! at the other end of the tunnel! sa> the head of the monster peering in the opening! >ith one red eye fiCed on her& 0he $ouldn<t turn around in the $ra>l"through! so she started to ba$? her >ay out& -he monster let out a loud gro>l that >as deafening& 0he held her ears and $losed her eyes for a se$ond! feeling her body tense >ith fear& 'nother gro>l! and she ba$?ed up as fast as she $ould& -hen she sa> the monster<s $la>ed arm rea$h into the tunnel! trying to grab her& 0he >as a good >ay from it! but it terrified her and made her mo e faster& -he monster grabbed part of the tunnel and pulled it a>ay! ma?ing the $ra>l"through larger as it began to dig its >ay to>ard her& 7er foot >edged itself in a small fissure& 9or >hat seemed li?e minutes but >as only a moment! she $ouldn<t mo e& #ulling her leg as hard as she $ould! she finally slid her

foot out of her shoe& 0he began ba$?ing out of the $ra>l"through again and rea$hed the pla$e >here her tennis shoe >as& 0he grabbed it and ?ept going& 'nother gro>l and then the monster spo?e& /ts oi$e >as s>eet and sounded li?e &&& she stopped and $ouldn<t belie e it& 7er fatherR %idn<t he die a long time agoR NKi e me the dis?! 2ora!N the oi$e of her father said& 2ora stopped mo ing& 0he >as panting! and she had perspired so mu$h that her $lothes >ere >et& N2ora! gi e me the dis? and then you $an ha e some i$e $ream!N her father said again& -hen 2ora heard another oi$e behind her& -his oi$e >as from the $hild! Kee neh& N2ora! you $ome me& 2o listen!N he said& ' loud gro>l thundered through the $ra>l"through and made her ears hurt& 0he realized that the monster had some"ho> impersonated her dead father& Ho did he do "ha"8 she >ondered& 2ora started to ba$? out of the $ra>l"through again& 0he rea$hed the other side and sa> that Kee neh loo?ed as s$ared as she did& 7e started to run ba$? up the old tunnel and motioned that 2ora should follo>& 2ora loo?ed ba$? and sa> that the monster >as ma?ing good progress in >idening the $ra>l"through& /t >as Eust a matter of time before it >idened enough to pass& 'nd then >hatR 2ora put her shoe on and follo>ed Kee neh qui$?ly up the tunnel& N%id you hear that! Ma$MenzieRN Lohanen as?ed& Ma$! gesturing to the four tunnels that bran$hed off into different dire$tions! replied! NGith all the e$ho in this pla$e it<s hard to tell eCa$tly >here that sound $ame from! but /<d put money that it<s from the one on the far left&N N/ agree& 7e is $lose& Ge must hurry!N Lohanen said& -he three men ran do>n the ne> tunnel and after a >hile stopped >hen they spied a pile of freshly mo ed earth& NGhat happened hereRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N/t appears he had to dig his >ay through!N Lohanen eCplained& N-his part of the tunnel system loo?s mu$h older than >hat >e< e been running through!N Ma$ offered& NMaybe it >as large enough for 2ora to get through but not the monster& -hat >ould eCplain all the digging&N -hey heard another gro>l! mu$h $loser than before! and then a >oman s$reaming& NGe must hurry!N Lohanen said! as he $harged into the opening& Ma$ on$e again follo>ed last& 7e >as bordering eChaustion and had felt for a >hile no> that he $ouldn<t go another step >ithout sleep& 1ut no>! >ith the urgen$y of 2ora<s s$ream! the adrenaline it produ$ed had gi en him the Eolt he needed& 7e $ame out of the ne>ly enlarged tunnel& 7e too? out one of the flashlights -im had gi en them that up until no> they hadn<t needed& Lohanen did the same! and the three men mo ed $autiously! $lose behind the reptilian monster& -he tunnel as$ended slightly and then le eled out& -he men mo ed along at a rapid trot! and the tunnel opened into a room& N7e has been here! loo?!N Lohanen $alled from ahead& 0omeone had ta?en residen$e in this pla$e! but e ery"thing had been o erturned& ' fe> $lothes! a metal boC >ith $ra$?er"li?e food $rumbled around it! and a pile of sti$?" li?e lights! se eral of >hi$h lit up the room& Ma$ stopped and pi$?ed up one that >as lit! and turned off his flashlight& /n the fe> se$onds it had ta?en to do that! Lohanen and 9itzpatri$? had put some distan$e bet>een themsel es and him& 7e sprinted after them!

not >anting to be left alone& -he tunnel began to turn to the right and the men follo>ed it& -hen Lohanen stopped suddenly& Ma$ almost ran into 9itzpatri$? and had to Eump to the side to a oid slamming into him& 7e loo?ed up and sa> the reason for the sudden stop& /n front of him lay a dar?! gaping ma>! des$ending straight do>n into the depths of the earth& -he hole >as huge! perhaps forty feet in diameter& 'round the top >as a t>o"foot rimli?e >al?>ay& Ma$ $ould see 2ora at the far side of it! standing neCt to a strange"loo?ing $hild! >hi$h he thought had to be a hybrid8a produ$t of an unholy union bet>een fallen angels and earthly >omen& Mo ing $loser to her loomed 'zazel! the fallen angel& Ghat happened neCt be$ame a $onfused nightmare of images& Lohanen $alled out to the $reature! then a primal roar in response resounded throughout the tunnel! boun$ing off the >alls and ma?ing Ma$ tremble& 2ora s$reamed and 9itzpatri$? shouted to her& 'zazel $rou$hed lo>! and then it leapt to>ards 2ora a$ross the opening! $la>s eCtended& Lohanen yelled again and a burst of blinding light filled the $a ern& Ma$ shielded his eyes& -he sound of 'zazel filled the $a ern! roaring in protest as the light blinded him& Ma$ opened his eyes in time to see the monster stagger and $rash into the side of the tunnel! >ith 2ora and the $hild bet>een it and the pit& 0liding on its side! it began to thrash for a handhold! and in doing so! ?no$?ed the $hild and sent him spra>ling along the rim& 'zazel rea$hed out and! grabbing 2ora by the an?le! sun? its $la>s into her& 0he s$reamed and tried to mo e a>ay& -here >as a moment >hen she bore the >eight of the po>erfully built reptile& 7elplessly! from a$ross the ast hole! Ma$ >at$hed her sear$h for something to grab onto! but the sides of the tunnel >ere smooth and offered nothing& -he monster<s grip >as firm as 2ora teetered for a moment& 9itzpatri$? yelled! N2oraJN Lohanen began running around the small >al?>ay& 2ora slid to>ard the edge& 0he $ouldn<t hold the >eight mu$h longer& -hen the hybrid $hild Eumped! and as he did! he let out a >ailing! high"pit$hed s$ream& 7e landed on 'zazel<s ba$? and began to pound on its head& -he added >eight tipped the balan$e and 2ora fell into the ma>! >ith the hybrid atop the fallen angel! a strange trio lin?ed together by $la> and fang& 9itzpatri$? let out a long! 2No:o:o:o92 Fne of the light sti$?s >as $aught in the tangle of limbs! and it shone brightly on them as they des$ended& -hen Lohanen turned to Ma$Menzie and said! N9ollo> the tunnel do>n as far as you $an& / >ill find you&N Gith that he Eumped in after 2ora& Ma$ $ried out! NLohanenJN but it >as too late& 7e sa> the man loo? up at him on$e as the bla$?ness s>allo>ed him& NLohanen!N Ma$ $ried out again! >ea?ly& 7e peered o er the side of the great hole& ' faint gro>ling noise $ame up from some>here far belo>& -hen there >as silen$e& N7e Eumped in to sa e herJN 9itzpatri$? eC$laimed& NGhyR Ghat $han$e does he ha e of sur i ingRN Ma$ loo?ed as far as he $ould into the great ma>& N/ don<t understand it & & & but he ?ne> >hat he >as doing&N <'nd 2ora & & & !N 9itzpatri$? began! and then bro?e do>n& 7e san? to the floor and! holding his head in his hands! began to $ry bitterly& Ma$ mo ed a fe> feet a>ay and stood silently& 7e >aited until 9itzpatri$? had finished and >as beginning to >ipe his eyes! loo?ing grim and bro?en&

N/ ?no> this might sound shallo>!N Ma$ began! Nbut Lohanen said that >e should go to the lo>est le el and he >ould find us there& / don<t ?no> >hat he has up his slee e! but / ?no> enough about him to ?no> this& 7e did that deliberately& 7e $alled to us Eust as he Eumped& 7e >ouldn<t ha e done that unless he ?ne> that someho> he >as going to sur i e! and 2ora >ith him&N 9itzpatri$? nodded half"heartedly& NGe need to retra$e our steps& -here<s more of these light sti$?s ba$? in that small $a ern& / say >e ta?e a fe> in $ase our flashlights run out! and then do as Lohanen instru$ted and see? the lo>est le el&N N/ suppose >e don<t ha e mu$h of a $hoi$e & & & Ma$Menzie! she >as so helpless& 0he didn<t stand a $han$e&N 9itzpatri$?<s eyes began to tear up again& N/ ?no>! but all might not be lost& Remember! Lohanen >ent in after her& /f anyone $an sa e her! it<s him&N -he t>o men retra$ed their steps through the $a ern >here Ma$ pi$?ed up se eral of the light sti$?s& 7e also found the $ra$?er"li?e >afers that had fallen out of the metal boC& 7e sampled one! found it nourishing! and both he and 9itzpatri$? stuffed their po$?ets >ith the items& -here >as no telling ho> long they >ere going to be do>n there& -hey made their >ay through the enlarged opening that 'zazel had madeQ and e entually found one of the main passage>ays and $ontinued their tre? do>n&

Nora fell in a tangle >ith the monster and the $hild in this horrible pla$e of dar?ness that
had s>allo>ed her >hole& 7er thoughts $ame in flashes one after the other& 1elo> her >as the monster that >as still painfully grasping her an?le& NLet goJN she >hined as the pain from the >ound shot up her leg& 0he felt its $la>s loosen a little as she struggled to get out of its grip& 0he sa> Kee neh ta?e one of his bony fingers and push it into the monster<s eye& /t let out a ho>l and then let go of her& 0he glan$ed abo e her and sa>! to her astonishment! a man falling >ith his arms outstret$hed to>ard her& 0he re$ognized him as the one >ith the blue eyes from her brother<s apartment& %uring her struggle! she had released the light sti$? and it floated near her! Eust out of rea$h! but she $ould see that the monster and Kee neh >ere mo ing belo> her& -hen something amazing happened& -he area around them >as suddenly lit up so brilliantly that she had to $lose her eyes& 0he felt her freefall start to slo> do>n! but then she realized that this >as impossible! so she for$ed her eyes open& 0he loo?ed at her an?le and >as amazed to see that the >ound had begun to $lose and the pain had all but anished& -he man >ith the blue eyes >as near& 0omeho> they >ere floating in the air and the light >as all around them glo>ing brilliantly& Kee neh and the monster >ere no>here to be seen& 0he felt herself being $aressed by >hate er it >as that >as holding her in midair& 0he started to laugh be$ause it >as easily the most amazing thing that had e er happened to her& -he man >ith the blue eyes $ame o er to her! almost as if he >ere flying& 0he giggled again& N're you all right! 2oraRN he as?ed as he tou$hed her shoulder >ith his hand& 2ora nodded& N7o> are >e doing this & & & >e >ere falling and no> &&&N -he man smiled at her and said! N7is angels guard you and >ill not let you fall! for they >ill $at$h you& Pou are surrounded by some of hea en<s finest! 2ora&N 2ora loo?ed around! and although she sa> the brilliant light! she didn<t see any of the angels that the man >as tal?ing about& 0he felt herself mo ing do>n again! but it >as a $ontrolled! slo> des$ent& Loo?ing all around her she noti$ed that they >ere $oming up to another interse$tion of tunnels that fed into the great ma>& Ghate er >as holding her up8if it really >as angels li?e the blue"eyed man said8began to anish! and the light dimmed as she found her feet tou$hing solid ground again& 0he instin$ti ely pulled a>ay from the edge& -he man >ith

the blue eyes >as let do>n neCt to her almost li?e he had stepped off an ele ator& 0he loo?ed at the light that en eloped him and to her amazement! sa> it mo e a>ay and then transform into a tall! good"loo?ing bla$? man and he! too! had the deepest blue eyes that she had e er seen& 7e follo>ed the man onto the rim of the $onne$ting tunnel& NGho are youRN she as?ed the >hite man >ith the blue eyes& N/ am $alled Lohanen! 2ora&N N7o> did you ?no> my nameR %id my brother tell youRN she as?ed& NPes! he did& 7e lo es you ery mu$h&N NGho<s heRN she as?ed! pointing to>ard the tall bla$? man& N7is name is 0myrna! and he has been a friend and guardian for a ery long time&N N -hat<s a funny name& / ne er heard anybody $alled that&N NPes! it is! 2ora!N Lohanen ans>ered& -hen he as?ed! N%o you ?no> >hy you >ere being $hasedRN N1y the monsterRN Lohanen nodded& NPes! 2ora! by the Wmonster!< as you put it&N 2ora rea$hed into her pants po$?et and pulled out an en elope& N/s this the reasonR -hey >ant thisRN NMay / ta?e a loo? at that! 2oraRN Lohanen as?ed& NPeah! sure! but Eust a loo?& / >ant the pretty stamps on the en elope!N she said as she handed it to him& 0he >at$hed as Lohanen unfolded it and too? out the plasti$ thingy& 7e handed her the en elope but held onto the plasti$ thingy& NCan / ?eep this! 2oraRN he as?ed as he held the dis? up so that she $ould see it& 2ora fro>ned a moment and then said! NPeah! o?ay& Pou sa ed me from the monster! so you $an ?eep it&N 0he enEoyed Lohanen<s smile as he tu$?ed the dis? a>ay in his top po$?et and buttoned it& NGell! 2ora! >e should try to get oursel es out of here! yesRN he as?ed& 2ora nodded& N1ut ho> are >e going to do thatRN NPou >ill see& /t is one of the reasons >hy my friend 0myrna is >ith us!N Lohanen said! and he gestured to the silent man neCt to him& 2ora! Lohanen! and 0myrna began to enture do>n the tunnel& 2ora >al?ed bet>een them and felt safe& 0omething else >as beginning to happen& 0he felt as if she had been ta?ing her pills again& 7er mind >as $learer than it had been only a fe> minutes ago& 0he >ondered >hy this should be so& 0he thought about the $hild Kee neh and pondered! as best as she $ould! >hether or not it had been bad or good& 0he turned to Lohanen and as?ed! NGhat happened to Kee nehR Ghy didn<t you sa e himRN N/s Kee neh the little $hild that Eumped onto the monster<s ba$?RN Lohanen as?ed& NPeah& 't first / li?ed him! but then he got mean and he bit me! but then he ?ind of tried to sa e me& %on<t you thin? he tried to sa e meRN NPes! he did try to help you >ith the monster!N Lohanen agreed& N0o >hat happened to himRN 2ora as?ed& N%id he die >ith the monsterRN N/ am not $ertain! 2ora&N NFh! >ell! / feel o?ay >ith you! and him&N 0he pointed at the silent bla$? man! as she grabbed Lohanen<s arm and $lut$hed it as they >al?ed do>n the tunnel&

Azazel >as falling and the nasty little hybrid >as be$oming a nuisan$e& 7e had seen his
nemesis Lohanen di e into the hole after him& 7eard him yell to his underling Ma$Menzie >hile the stupid eC"priest shouted to his half">it sister& -he thought angered him and in one motion he grabbed the hybrid! Eer?ed it from his ba$?! and t>isted its ne$? until he heard it snap& -hen he thre> the dead body against the side of the hole& -he horrible presen$e of the enemy blinded himQ they outnumbered him four to one! and it >as a relief that they had not pursued him& 7e >as than?ful for the dar?ness of the pit as he $ontinued to fall a>ay from the enemy! putting >anted distan$e bet>een them& 7e shape"shifted into a bat and! spreading his >ings! landed on the bottom of the pit& Changing ba$? into his true form! he loo?ed up and sa> the dim light of one of many $onne$ting tunnels that bran$hed from this main shaft& Kathering his body under him he leapt up>ard! $at$hing at the opening! then using his $la>s to pull himself up the rest of the >ay& 't the top he listened $arefully and then sniffed the air! smelling something familiar& 7e ran do>n the tunnel! anCious for e erything that lay ahead&

This is >hat >e ha

e been >aiting for! 1runo!N @on 0$h erdt said to his dri er from the ba$? of his limousine& NGe ha e put the pie$es ba$? together again from our pre ious failure in Kermany! >ith that >ea?ling 7itler& -he stage is set and no> >e >ill usher in the superman& / ha e seen him and he is terrible! >onderful! sa age! and $unning& -he >orld >ill >orship him&N NPes! sir!N 1runo ans>ered! and turned the $ar into the dri e>ay of @on 0$h erdt<s estate& /t >as $he$?ed by se$urity and then allo>ed to enter& @on 0$h erdt had 1runo let him off in front of the mansion! something he usually didn<t do! be$ause eCposure to dire$t sunlight >ould turn his s?in yello> from the $on$o$tion of drugs that $oursed through his eins& 7e stood on the dra>bridge and loo?ed around& 7e ?ne> that it >ould be a >hile before he >ould see any of this again& -he armies in the Middle :ast >ould $lash! and then the big surprise >ould $hange e erything& 7e $lasped his hands behind his ba$? and began to >al? o er the dra>bridge& #ausing a moment in the $enter! he admired the $lear >ater of the ?oi pond and the large fish that s>am belo> him& 7e >al?ed the rest of the >ay o er the bridge and stood in front of the t>o massi e bronze doors& 1runo >ould ha e $alled ahead so he anti$ipated the doors opening! and as he stood on the slate stoop! they did& Mu$h to his satisfa$tion! his 'sian ser ant girl greeted him& 0he bo>ed her head as @on 0$h erdt entered& 7e glan$ed at his >at$h! ignoring the girl! and headed straight to>ard his offi$e on the lo>er le el& 7e pressed the $ode! >hi$h allo>ed a$$ess to the offi$e! and then $arefully shut the doors behind him& 't his des? he pro$eeded to undress! folding his $lothes neatly and laying them $arefully o er the $hair& Gith Eust his under>ear on! he >al?ed to a door in a $orner of the room& Fpening it @on 0$h erdt stepped into a large >al?"in $loset >here there >ere tailored suits and a ariety of $ostumes! some of >hi$h he had >orn at his galas& 7e ignored these and >ent to the rear of the $loset >here a uniform >as prote$ted by a garment bag& 7e $arefully unzipped the bag and began to dress in a repli$a of the uniform that he had >orn fifty years earlier& 7e had paid a handsome amount of money to a tailor! instru$ting him to re$reate e ery detail of the original& 0atisfied to see ho> >ell it fit him! he buttoned his shirt! paying $areful attention to the death<s"heads $ufflin?s on the slee es& 7e then put on his pants! feeling a slight pin$h at his >aist as he buttoned them& 7e pulled his polished bla$? boots o er his bla$?"sto$?inged feet and $li$?ed his heels together on$e! bringing to his

lips a smile of satisfa$tion& 7e too? the last of the >rapping off the Ea$?et and the sight of his de$orations8his medals and the iron $ross8too? his breath a>ay& ' tear fell from his eye and his hands trembled as he re erently too? the Ea$?et off its hanger and $arefully slipped his arm into first one slee e! then the other& 7e buttoned it and stood before the mirror& 'dmiring his noble demeanor! he mused! ! a. ++7bergr'ppen,'ehrer #on +chverd", and ! have never s'rrendered% No" "o "he-.ericans, no" "o "he Bri"ish% They ere happy i"h "he "oys ! provided, and no .y ho'r has co.e% The goal has been reached9 Heil, Hi"ler% @on 0$h erdt thre> his hand out in the infamous 2azi salute! not saluting 7itler! but the spirit that had possessed the man& 7e $li$?ed his heels together and then mar$hed out of the $loset& Krabbing a loaded pistol! he fitted it into the holster at his >aist! then >ent o er to the bust of his ,'ehrer, 'dolph 7itler& 7e pulled the head ba$? and the se$ret panel opened& 7e stepped into the hidden ele ator and strapped himself into the seat& They ill loo/ 'pon .e i"h respec", he thought as the ele ator doors $losed and he felt it begin its dizzying des$ent into the bo>els of the earth&

Can you hear that lo>! almost inaudible humming soundRN Ma$ >hispered as he >al?ed neCt to 9itzpatri$?& -he man nodded his head& NPeah! and it seems li?e it<s getting louder the deeper >e go&N -he tunnel suddenly dipped do>n at a ery steep angle so that the t>o men slid on the smooth floor to the neCt le el& -hey had $ome to se eral interse$tions and had $hosen the tunnels that had the steepest des$ent& NGhat do you thin? these are forRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& Ma$ shrugged& N/ thin? they tra el in these&N NGith >hatRN NMaybe a small B9F"type $raft& Loo? at the >ay this tunnel bends at a slight angle to the left but al>ays heads do>n>ards& /t reminds me of an ant farm / had >hen / >as ?id&N 9itzpatri$? laughed& N/ had one of those! too&N NRemember ho> all the ant tunnels led to the one main se$tion of the $olonyRN 9itzpatri$? gre> serious& NPeah! and this might be no different&N ' ery lo> noise sounding li?e the heartbeat of some giant $reature rumbled through the tunnel& NPou hear thatRN Ma$ as?ed& 9itzpatri$? ga e him a >orried loo?& NPeah! and >hate er it is! it<s $oming our >ay&N N1a$? there! >here >e slid do>n! at the bottom! >as a slight indentation!N Ma$ said& -he t>o men ran! retra$ing their steps& Ma$ >as rightQ there >as a trough"li?e impression at the bottom of the slide& Ma$ loo?ed behind him& NKet do>n qui$?!N he >arned! as he do e into the trough& 9itzpatri$? thre> himself neCt to Ma$& -he sound gre> louder& Ma$ peered o er the lip and obser ed a slee?! sil ery"metalli$ $raft speeding to>ard him& /t lit up the tunnel >ith a bright orange $olor as it approa$hed them& NGhat the & & & !N 9itzpatri$? gasped& N%o>nJN Ma$ said! and he yan?ed 9itzpatri$?<s slee e& -hey lay >ith their fa$es against the bottom of the trough& Ma$ heard the $raft approa$h and then ho er a moment dire$tly o er them! bathing the area in a deep orange $olor& 7e pee?ed out again and sa> the $raft turn on its side as it negotiated the odd ?in? in the tunnel& Ghen it rea$hed the top it shot a>ay& N%id you see thatRN 9itzpatri$? said as he Eumped to his feet& N/ $an<t belie e itJ Ghere did it $ome fromRN N:asy! man!N Ma$ said& N-he guy that >as in your apartment! >ho tried to ?ill you! is

in $ahoots >ith >hoe er is flying that thing&N N/t >as beautiful though!N 9itzpatri$? said& NPeah! but / $an assure you from firsthand eCperien$e that you don<t >ant to mess >ith >hat<s inside it&N N Ghat do >e do >hen >e get to the bottomRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N/ guess >e >ait for Lohanen to find us&N N Ghat if he<s not ali eRN Ma$ thought about the question for a moment& N7e<s ali e! trust me& My gut tells me he is& 7e<ll find us&N

'here are >e going! LohanenRN 2ora as?ed in a sing"song

oi$e as she let her hand play o er the sides of the tunnel& NGell! 2ora! you are going to go >ith 0myrna out of these tunnels to a pla$e >here it is safe& 7e >ill ta?e you to the pla$e you $all the Condos& / am going on to meet your brother and my friend! 'rt Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen ans>ered& N-hen >hen >e are finished >ith our business! >e >ill Eoin you&N NGhere do you thin? they areR /s there a map that you $an loo? at to tell >here they areRN N2o! 2ora& -here is not a map! at least not one that is in my possession& 1ut >e >ill trust that >e >ill find our >ay! and >e ha e something better than a map&N Lohanen gestured to>ard the angel& N0myrna is going to help us&N 2ora loo?ed at the angel! >ho had someho> be$ome a man! and then as?ed! N7o> did he stop shining! li?e ba$? at the big holeRN 0he sa> Lohanen smile& N0myrna $an do that& /t is the >ay Kod $reated him& 0o be $areful! 2ora! sometimes you may be >ith angels and not be a>are of it&N 2ora thought about >hat Lohanen said! then loo?ed again at the tall bla$? man& 0he thought about the monster and shi ered! mo ing $loser to Lohanen& NGhat about the monsterR /s he deadRN N-he monster is not dead! 2ora! but he is far belo> >here >e are no>& / suggest that you ta?e those thoughts of fear from your mind&N 2ora fro>ned& N-he monster made me feel afraid& / ?no> he >as goin< to ?ill me if he got ahold of me&N NLi?e / said! 2ora! thin? about things that are good in your life& -hin? about the angels >ho $ame to sa e us both! about 0myrna being >ith you no>! and about ho> mu$h your brother lo es you&N 2ora ga e a qui$? nod& N/ understand!N she said! and her fa$e brightened& <'re you gonna gi e the dis? thingy ba$? to my brotherRN NPes! 2ora! / shall& Pou $aused a lot of trouble by ta?ing it! you ?no>&N N/<m sorry! Lohanen& /t >as Eust that the en elope had ni$e pretty stamps >ith lots of $olors on <em& / didn<t mean no harm by it&N N0ometimes >e do things and >e don<t realize the $onsequen$es of our a$tions& Pou ha e set things in motion! 2ora! but regardless of your intentions! >hether inno$ent or

not! Kod >ill bring about his perfe$t >ill& : en in the $ir$umstan$es >e no> fa$e be$ause of your $hoi$e&N 2ora fro>ned& N/<m not sure / understand >hat you are saying&N N/t is all right! 2ora& Maybe >hen you go >ith 0myrna he >ill ma?e it so you >ill understand& / ?no> that in your heart it is >hat you ha e al>ays >anted&N 2ora hung her head& N/ ?no> /<m not normal! li?e other people& -hat<s >hy they put me in those pla$es and ga e me pills and did other stuff& / tried to be o?ay! and my brother gi es me pills! and >hen / remember to ta?e them it ma?es me feel better& 1ut then / don<t remember to ta?e <em! and / start to slip! and the funny thing is! / don<t remember the stuff / do&N Lohanen put his arm around her and she snuggled $lose to him as they >al?ed do>n the tunnel& -hey $ame to a $ross se$tion >here three tunnels bran$hed out in different dire$tions& Lohanen loo?ed at 0myrna and then she heard the man spea? for the first time& N-his >ay! Lohanen&N 7e turned to the tunnel on the left& N7o> $ome he doesn<t tal? moreRN 2ora >hispered& Lohanen laughed& NPes! 0myrna! >hy is it that you do not engage in the art of $on ersationRN 2ora loo?ed up at 0myrna and >aited for the angel to ans>er& 7e spo?e& NRight no> / am listening to things that you $annot hear! and seeing things that you $annot see& / >ill guide you a>ay from here and ?eep you from harm<s >ay&N 2ora nodded! not really understanding >hat he >as tal?ing about& -hey >al?ed farther and 2ora noti$ed that this tunnel seemed to be going up>ards& -hey $ame to another interse$tion and the neCt one had four tunnels that $onne$ted in sort of a big room"li?e area& N/t is time!N 0myrna said! as he stopped in the middle of the $a ernous part& NGhi$h >ay am /to goRN Lohanen as?ed& 0myrna pointed to one of the tunnels& N9ollo> this one until it ends and then ta?e the tunnel on your far left& Pou >ill find those you see? there& 1ut hurry! Lohanen! 'zazel is also loo?ing for them&N Lohanen dropped to one ?nee in front of 2ora& N2ora! as / said before! you are to go >ith 0myrna& 7e >ill ta?e you no>& 'll rightRN 2ora bit her upper lip and nodded& N/<ll go! but you ha e to promise me you<ll $ome ba$? to see me at the Condos! o?ayRN Lohanen rea$hed out and too? her hand& NLet me bless you! $hild!N he said! as he put his other hand on her forehead& 0he $losed her eyes and listened as Lohanen prayed for her and blessed her& 0he felt a hot sensation flo> into her head and she felt $ompelled to giggle& -hen Lohanen finished and she opened her eyes& NCome! $hild!N 0myrna said as he >aited for her at the entran$e to the tunnel they >ere going to ta?e& 2ora >al?ed o er to him and she too? his hand& N1ye! Lohanen!N she $alled! and loo?ing ba$? realized that Lohanen had already gone into one of the tunnels& N/ >ill see you again soon! 2ora!N she heard him $all! and his oi$e e$hoed all around her& 0he snuggled up to 0myrna and thought for the first time about something that had

happened years ago& /t remained fuzzy! almost dreamli?e in her memory& 0he remembered the fire! and for the first time realized that she had ?illed her parents >ith it& 0he began to $ry silent tears as she >al?ed neCt to the angel&


and 9itzpatri$? mo ed $autiously do>n a long stret$h of tunnel that des$ended farther into the earth at a ery steep angle& 9or some reason this tunnel >as dar?er than the pre$eding one through >hi$h they had tra eled! although a faint light still emanated from the >alls& 1ut they still didn<t need to use either the flashlight -im had gi en them or the light sti$?s they had brought& N/ thin? >e<re getting $loser to >hate er it is that<s do>n here!N Ma$ stated& N/ agree!N 9itzpatri$? said& N-he sound is louder! and /<m feeling more ibration in the floor as >e >al?&N -hey had not seen any other $raft sin$e the one in$ident earlier& /t had been se eral hours sin$e Lohanen had di ed into the great ma> lea ing them >ith only his >ords for assuran$e that he >ould find them& N7o> far do you thin? >e< e $ome so farRN he as?ed 9itzpatri$?& NGell! >e< e been mo ing at a good pa$e&N 7e glan$ed at his >at$h& N/ set the stop>at$h >hen >e first entered the tunnel& Ge< e been do>n here almost siC hours! and most of the time >e< e been on the mo e& 0o do the math& Ge<re doing about three miles an hour& Multiply that by! let<s be $onser ati e! and say four hours& -hen let<s be e en more $onser ati e and say that >e< e lollygagged a bit here and there >hi$h affe$ts our speed! so! fa$toring all that in! /<d say >e< e gone maybe ten miles&N N-hat<s quite a >at$h you< e got there!N Ma$ $ommented! getting his first glimpse of it as it had been under 9itzpatri$?<s Ea$?et and therefore hidden from ie>& N-he 7ag! @on 0$h erdt! ga e them to all of us employed at the -an?& /t has a K#0 & & &N 7e stopped dead in his tra$?s& N' K#0!N Ma$ repeated! ?no>ing >hat impli$ations that had for them& 9itzpatri$? nodded! his fa$e grim& NGhat should / do >ith itRN N-a?e it off and stomp on it!N Ma$ suggested& 9itzpatri$? shoo? his head& N/t<s no good& /t<s made of a -itanium alloy! light and ery resistant to sho$?& /ts glass is also bulletproof and >atertight&N N-hen lea e it here or thro> it in the neCt tunnel >e $ome to!N Ma$ said& N%o you thin? they<re using this &&& to lo$ate usRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& NPeah! maybe that dis? >e sa> earlier >as no a$$ident& / don<t ?no>& Maybe it doesn<t >or? do>n here& 1ut >e $an<t ta?e any $han$es& Ge< e got to distan$e oursel es from it and qui$?&N 9itzpatri$? too? the >at$h off& N/<ll thro> it as far as / $an& N Ma$ ga e a nod of

support& NPeah! and then let<s get out of here&N 9itzpatri$? thre> the >at$h! but it hit the side of the tunnel after t>enty feet and fell to the floor& NLet me try!N Ma$ said! and he ran o er to it and pi$?ed it up& 7e hurled it as far as he $ould! >hi$h >as better than 9itzpatri$? had done! but $ertainly >asn<t going to put any distan$e bet>een them"sel es and anyone >ho >anted to a$$ess their position by global satellite& -he t>o men ran& 9itzpatri$? began to pull a>ay& Ma$ >as eChausted! and his body $ra ed sleep& N7ey & & & >ait up!N Ma$ said! already out of breath after a $ouple hundred yards& 9itzpatri$? stopped and >aited for Ma$Menzie to $at$h up& N%o you Eog or somethingRN Ma$ as?ed& 9itzpatri$? nodded& N's often as / $an& 'fter putting in ten" to t>el e"hour days at the -an? / need something to ta?e my mind off things& Li ing neCt to Central #ar?! it >as a natural&N NGhy don<t you go up ahead and >ait at the neCt interse$tion& Maybe s$out out the area! loo? for Lohanen&N N'nd lea e you aloneRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N/<m not alone! /<m right behind you&N Ma$ sa> 9itzpatri$? fro>n& NPou >at$h horror mo iesRN Ma$ >as ta?en aba$?& N2ot really! but /< e seen a fe>&N N Pou ?no> ho> the good guys al>ays seem to separate! or lea e the girl behind! aloneRN NPeah! soRN NGell! that<s >hen the bad stuff happens&N N-hose are mo ies! this is real life& /<ll be fine& Loo? for Lohanen& Ge need him&N NPou sureRN Ma$ ga e him an W/<m a big boy and $an ta?e $are of myself< loo?& Ma$ >at$hed 9itzpatri$? nod an o?ay! and a moment later he >as running do>n the $orridor at a good $lip& Ma$ >al?ed after him and half an hour later they met up at an interse$tion& N0ee! / told you!N Ma$ said >ith a $ertain amount of satisfa$tion& N/t >or?ed out fine&N N2o Lohanen here!N 9itzpatri$? $ommented& NGhat no>RN -hey both froze as they heard the sound of a >oman s$reaming& N-hat<s 2ora!N 9itzpatri$? said! and before Ma$ $ould respond! too? off in the dire$tion of the sound& N9itzpatri$?J GaitJN Ma$ yelled and started after him& N/t might be a tri$? &&& they $an mimi$ your sister<s oi$eJN Ma$ ra$ed after him! but it >as $lear that he >ould not be able to $at$h him& 7e bro?e into a s>eat and! finally! >hen his legs felt li?e rubber and his lungs a$hed! he stopped and leaned against the tunnel trying to get his breath& Maybe i, ! 1's" sa" do n ,ora .o.en"%%% Ma$ thought as he slumped to the floor and $losed his eyes && &


stood at his terminal >ith Bri on one side and the MaEor on the other& -he underground military $ompleC buzzed >ith heightened a$ti ity& ' short! dar?"haired >oman se eral ro>s do>n from :lisha shouted out! NGe ha e $onfirmation& /ran has laun$hed four of its missiles&N NCopy that & & & >e ha e them $lassed as R''% $ruise $ontrol missiles >ith self" guidan$e systems&N 'n /sraeli 'ir 9or$e $aptain tore the headset from his ears and announ$ed! NGe ha e $onfirmation! repeat! $onfirmation that the Russians ha e also laun$hed a half"dozen missiles&N 0e eral red lights began to flash in the front of the room on the large digital map on the >all& N-his is it!N Bri said& N/ $annot belie e this& -hey are starting Gorld Gar ///&N NGe< e laun$hed our antimissiles& /nter$ept time less than t>o minutes&N :lisha snat$hed his trifo$als from his fa$e and grabbed the MaEor<s arm& N/t<s happeningJ -his is madnessJN 7is hands began to sha?e and he sat do>n to $ompose himself! >iping some dry spittle from the $orner of his mouth& 7e heard a >oman begin to $ry se eral ro>s do>n from him& Kathering himself together! he sat upright! realizing that this >as the moment to be strong for his $ountry& -hat in spite of the $haos of the moment! someho> Kod >as still in $ontrol& 7e grabbed his yarmul?e from his $oat po$?et and slipped it onto his head! praying& NGe< e inter$epted three of the /ranian missiles!N the same dar?"haired >oman announ$ed& ' s$attering of $heers >ent up& 'll eyes >ere on the board in front as it sho>ed the proEe$ted targets of the Russian missiles& NGe ha e se eral di isions of troops that ha e begun to engage near the Kolan!N an /sraeli $aptain shouted& N're >e going to use the laser $annonRN Bri as?ed& NPes! Bri!N the MaEor replied! Nbut / am afraid the ground for$es >e ha e been monitoring are beyond the use of $on entional means to repel it&N NGe< e laun$hed our fighter planes!N an /sraeli $orporal announ$ed& -he MaEor motioned to another monitor! >hi$h sho>ed t>o squadrons of /sraeli 9l5s! 9l4s! and four 'G'Cs! used for radar& Fne squadron >as laun$hed from the south! the other from the north& /n moments they had $rossed Lordanian air spa$e! headed to>ard /ran& :lisha >at$hed the planes $lose in on their targets& 7e listened to the oi$es of the

$ommanders radioing ba$? >hat they >ere seeing& N-he Russians are laun$hing more missiles!N a young >oman yelled franti$ally& Controlled bedlam ensued& NGhat >ill >e doRN :lisha as?ed the MaEor& NGe >ill inter$ept their missiles >ith ours! then laun$h a $ounteroffensi e&N NGhat about the troopsR -heir for$es outnumber us&N -he MaEor rubbed his eyes and leaned $lose to :lisha& NGe ha e handled many >ar s$enarios! you ?no> that! :lisha& Ge thought that something li?e this might happen& Ge remember the <5, >ar! yesRN :lisha nodded& NBntil a fe> minutes ago our response >as $on entional! but &&&N 7is oi$e trailed off >hile he rubbed his eyes again and blin?ed them a fe> times to refo$us& N-he /ranians ha e $rossed a line & & & so ha e the Russians& Ge $annot fight a t>o"or three"front >ar >ith $on entional >eapons against su$h a great mass of troops& 0o & & &N 7e paused and too? a deep breath& NGe >ill fight >ith our nu$lear arsenal & & & use our neutron bombs& -he prime minister has already been informed of this &&&N :lisha glan$ed at the digital map in front of the room& N/t loo?s li?e our submarines ha e laun$hed their missiles to>ard 0yria&N NPes!N the MaEor replied! N>here a great mass of troops is beginning to pour o er the border into /srael&N N/t >ill be less than t>o minutes before impa$t&N :lisha glan$ed at his >at$h& -he room seemed to gro> quiet as he >at$hed the se$ond hand slo>ly s>eep around the fa$e of the >at$h& Fne minute passed& -hen another thirty se$onds& :lisha >at$hed the big hand as it $rept to>ard the top of the $lo$?& 1efore it rea$hed it they felt the ground tremble& :lisha loo?ed at the MaEor! his mouth open in horror& -he unthin?able had happened 8a nu$lear de i$e! more spe$ifi$ally! a neutron bomb! had been deployed& Ro$?ing ba$? and forth in his $hair! he thoughtQ The "i.e o, "he end has co.e% !" has s"ar"ed and "here is no "'rning bac/ no % !" is "he "i.e o, "he =vil 7ne, and so "he "i.e o, ?acob3s "ro'ble is 'pon 's% -he noise in the room seemed to fade a>ay as :lisha prayed as he had ne er prayed before&

Ma$Menzie felt something sha?e him& 7a

ing li ed in Los 'ngeles for most of his life! ear"h6'a/e >as the first thought that for$ed its >ay into his sluggish mind! >hi$h rebelled at the intrusion& 7e opened one eye& NMa$Menzie! >a?e up!N Lohanen said! and e en in Ma$<s stupefied state he re$ognized the urgen$y& NLohanenJN Ma$ said! rubbing his eyes& 7e loo?ed around& N9itzpatri$? &&& he thought he heard 2ora<s oi$e and ran ahead of me& / must ha e dozed off&N Lohanen pulled him up& N7e $an<t be too far! let<s go&N 1oth men started do>n the tunnel& 'fter a >hile it opened to a large room >here as many as a dozen tunnels $onne$ted& -he sound that Ma$ had been hearing from the moment that he entered the tunnel system >as mu$h louder no>! and he had to raise his oi$e so that Lohanen $ould hear him& N/ thought he >ould be here!N Ma$ shouted& N7e >as sup"posed to >ait at any interse$tion he $ame to&N NGait! Ma$Menzie! loo? there&N Ma$ loo?ed! and there $oming out of one of the tunnels >as 9itzpatri$?& 1ut >ith him >as someone else! and seeing it made the hairs on the ba$? of his head feel li?e they >ere on fire& Ma$ too? a step a>ay from Lohanen and ran to>ard 9itzpatri$?& NGho is thisRN he yelled& 9or standing neCt to 9itzpatri$? >as another Lohanen& NGhat<s going onRN 9itzpatri$? yelled& NGho<s >ith youRN Ma$ yelled& N/t<s Lohanen!N the Lohanen that stood neCt to 9itzpatri$? yelled& NMa$Menzie! you<re in dangerJ Hui$?! run o er hereJN N2o! Ma$! the man is an impostor& /t is 'zazel >ho is trying to de$ei e you and 9itzpatri$?!N the Lohanen that had a>a?ened him said& NMa$Menzie! trust me! your life is in danger! hurryJN -he Lohanen neCt to 9itzpatri$? yelled& NMa$! he found me! and Eust in time& 7e said 2ora >as fine!N 9itzpatri$? yelled& Ma$ loo?ed at one and then the other& ;hich one is real8 -hen from behind Ma$ a oi$e $alled out! N/n the name of Lesus of 2azareth be stillJN Ma$ felt the sho$? >a e from the oi$e pass through him and hit the other Lohanen that stood neCt to 9itzpatri$?& 7e sa> the man $hange as if a $ostume had been pulled suddenly from him to re eal the reptilian ?no>n as 'zazel&

1efore 9itzpatri$? $ould do anything the reptilian had him by the throat >ith a sharp $la> pointed at his Eugular ein& NPou ha e >hat / >ant and / >ill ?ill him unless you gi e it to me!N he spat at Lohanen& Ma$ loo?ed ba$? at Lohanen and >ondered >hy he didn<t $all on a host of angels to stop >hat >as going on& NGhat is your nameRN Lohanen<s oi$e thundered >ith authority& N/ am $alled 'zazel!N the reptilian yelled ba$?! his fa$e t>isted >ith hate& N/s this >hat you are loo?ing forRN Lohanen too? a dis? out of his po$?et"and held it in front of him& NKi e it to your underling to gi e to me and then / >ill release him!N the reptilian hissed& Ma$ sa> that 9itzpatri$? had turned ashen! and >ondered if the man >ould faint& N2o!N Lohanen said firmly! Nrelease him and / >ill gi e this to you personally&N NGhere is your god no>! LohanenR Ghy doesn<t he send his angelsR / suppose they are too busy else>here! or perhaps he has forgotten about you&N N2o! 9allen Fne! for it is >ritten! <7e that began a good >or? in me >ill be faithful to see it through&< /t is your master<s time! and so the one you ser e >ill manifest his delusion on men! but not >ithout the Lord<s $onsent&N 'zazel hissed and Ma$ sa> his finger pun$ture 9itzpatri$?<s throat! $ausing a tri$?le of blood to flo>& N-he >orld of men >illingly follo>s us! for >e ha e planted the seed of rebellion deep >ithin their hearts& 7o> easy it is for us to >ater it and >at$h it gro>& -hey >ill not >orship your god! the >ea?ling of the $ross& -hey >ill $hoose a god of po>er! of >ar! the superman& 9or >ho $an stand against the supermanRN the monster taunted! grasping 9itzpatri$? e en more tightly& N2o>! ha e your underling bring the dis? to me! or / >ill ?ill him&N Ma$ loo?ed at Lohanen& ;ha" is he going "o do8 ;hy hasn3" he called o'" ,or help8 NMa$Menzie!N Lohanen $alled to Ma$ in a steady oi$e& N-a?e the dis? to him! but do not allo> him to ta?e it until he releases 9itzpatri$?&N 's Ma$ >ent o er and too? the dis?! Lohanen >hispered! N7old it behind your ba$? so he $annot see it&N Ma$ >al?ed to>ard the reptilian and 9itzpatri$?& 7e stopped about ten feet a>ay& NRelease the man! no>!N Lohanen $alled& -he reptilian >ithdre> the point of his $la> from 9itzpatri$?! then sho ed him to>ard Ma$Menzie& Ma$ held out the dis? and too? a step $loser to the reptilian& 7e felt the dis? ibrate! then it fle> out of his hand and into the $la>s of the reptilian& 'zazel obser ed it for a moment and then his $la>ed hands $urled around the dis?! fleCing and shattering it into three pie$es& -he reptilian dropped it on the floor and ground the pie$es >ith its grotesque"loo?ing foot& NPou ha e lost! Lohanen& Pou realize that / $ould ?ill your friends e en no>& 1ut / ha e something better in mind& / >ant you to see >hat your defeat loo?s li?e& / >ant you to taste it& Rub your nose in it! as you humans say& Pes! Lohanen! follo> me do>n& -a?e the tunnel / sho> you& /t >ill lead you to a antage point and you >ill see for yourself >hat the future holds& Man?ind >ill begin its final des$ent into the 'byss! and our father >ill greet ea$h one as they >illingly $hoose to follo> him& Pou ha e failed! Lohanen&

Pour god has failed& Fbser e! old man! and as you $ontinue to >ander the earth and see the misery that is about to be unleashed! you >ill >ish for death& 1ut it >ill not $ome to you& Pour god has seen to that& 0o! Lohanen! follo> me do>n&N Ma$ >at$hed 'zazel turn around and then anish into one of the tunnels& ' moment later a peal of laughter rose abo e the loud droning! e$hoing through the tunnels& Ma$ turned to Lohanen! >ho remained stoi$& /ndeed! a faint smile $reased his fa$e& N're you all rightRN Lohanen $alled to 9itzpatri$?& N/ suppose & & & !N he ans>ered& Ma$ helped him up from the ground as Lohanen approa$hed them& <'re >e going to follo> the tunnel and see >hat he<s tal?ing aboutRN Ma$ as?ed& NCan >e trust himRN 9itzpatri$? added& N7e is full of pride! bombasti$ in his statements! but he is right about one thing& -his is the prelude to the time of La$ob<s trouble& ' time >hen the >orld >ill embra$e >hat 0$ripture $alls the 'nti$hrist& /t is the time of the :nemy d>elling amongst men to fuel their most base passions& 7o>e er! he has forgotten that there is .ore that is >ritten& 7e >ill be defeated& 7e and his master and their legions >ill be $ast into the la?e of fire&N N0o do >e follo> him and see >hat he<s tal?ing about! or go homeRN Ma$ as?ed& N Ma$Menzie!N Lohanen began! Nyou are anCious to see& /t is your reporter<s nose that pushes you& 1ut / >ill go be$ause it is something that / ha e been told to do! and no" by 'zazel& Let us see >hat lies ahead&N Ma$ brought up the rear as they follo>ed Lohanen into the tunnel into >hi$h the reptilian had anished&

Ma$Menzie! Lohanen! and 9itzpatri$? soon found themsel

es per$hed hundreds of feet abo e an enormous $a ern& -hey >ere $on$ealed behind a ?nee"high >all of ro$? that resembled a guardrail& 1elo> them spread an underground $ity& Ma$ gasped at >hat he sa>& 7uman.alien hybrids milled about the floor& 0ome had stringy >hite hair and long! deli$ate limbs& Fthers appeared more human! but >ith bla$?! elongated eyes& 0till others had giant"li?e traits and stood >ell o er ten feet tall! >ith siC fingers on ea$h hand& -he $lassi$ gray alien that had been popularized by -@ sho>s made up the maEority of >hat Ma$ assumed >as an in asion army! and there >ere thousands of them& Fff to one side! on a platform! >ere the fallen angels! se eral of >hom $on ersed >ith ea$h other >hile others ga e orders& 1ut >hat astounded him and made his s?in $ra>l and his stoma$h flip >as the ast array of sau$er"shaped $raft lined up in ro>s! ho ering Eust abo e the $a ern floor& Ma$ >hispered! N-here<s probably a $ouple of hundred spa$e $raft&N N/t loo?s li?e they<re getting ready for an in asion!N 9itzpatri$? $ommented& NPes!N Lohanen said& N/ ha e said to both of you that the time is no>! and as you $an see! my >ords ha e not been idle& -he Kreat %e$eption is unfolding before our eyes&N Ma$ spotted se eral humans and >ondered >hether they >ere ad an$ed hybrids or human $onspirators& NLoo? there!N Ma$ said! as he $aught sight of a man in uniform& NGhereRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& N0ee the grouping of four B9Fs at the side of the $a ernR -he ones that are not ho ering&N NPeah!N 9itzpatri$? said& NKo up a little >ay from there&N N2o& & & / $an<t belie e it!N 9itzpatri$? said! N/t<s the 7ag& @on 0$h erdt8in a full" blo>n 2azi uniform&N N/ see him too!N Lohanen stated& N2o> his day is here&N NGhat do you mean! <his day<RN Ma$ as?ed& N/ mean that this >as foretold thousands of years ago& / $an only assume that nu$lear >ar has bro?en out in the Middle :ast&N Lohanen pointed belo> them& NPou see before you an alien armada that >ill lea e this pla$e! tra el under the 'tlanti$ F$ean! and a fe> minutes later! arri e in /srael& /t is the beginning of the de$eption& Most people >ill belie e that >hat they are seeing are! in fa$t! eCtraterrestrials that ha e $ome to usher pea$e into the >orld& -he $ourse is set! and the 'nti$hrist >ill ta?e his pla$e as ruler of the >orld& 7e >ill be portrayed as a man of pea$e! but! in the end! he >ill bring destru$tion and misery& N/t $an be eCplained li?e this: -here are t>o ?ingdoms! ea$h >ith their o>n so"$alled <$urren$ies!< ea$h mutually eC$lusi e of one another& Fne ?ingdom is the Lord<s! and the

$urren$y in his ?ingdom is faith& -he other is the ?ingdom of the : il Fne finan$ed by fear& Man?ind >ill be terrified of >hat they see in the $oming >ee?s& -hen! be$ause fear has ta?en hold of their minds and poisoned them! they >ill belie e the lie8that the <aliens< are here to usher in a time of pea$e! that they ha e been here before! and that they are older and >iser than us8in fa$t! our $reators& NMan has reEe$ted faith! so! therefore! >ill d>ell in fear& 1ound and Eudged by his $hoi$es that >ere eCer$ised in his free >ill! man has doomed himself& 1ut be$ause of Kod<s great mer$y and gra$e! a promise has been made& ' date has been set >hen man >ill be allo>ed to eChaust his free >ill! and Kod >ill inter ene to res$ue him from himself and from his enemies& N-he Kreat %e$eption has started& 2ations ill rise against nation& -here ill be famine! pestilen$e! and earth"qua?es! and! as >e ha e seen re$ently! fearful signs in the hea ens& Kod $ould mo e no> and stop all of this& 1ut it is not of his $hoosing& 7e has his timetable! and >hen his 0on! Lesus! returns! e eryone >ill bend their ?nees and bo> their heads& Ghen the Lord returns e erything >ill $hange& -here >ill be no more disease! >ar! or famine& 7e >ill rule from the holy $ity! Lerusalem& Ghen that happens! the ?ingdom of hea en >ill be >ith men& Ge are seeing the preparation for that no>& 'gain / tell you! "he "i.e is no % ! ha e seen enough& Come! let us return to the >orld of the light& 's dim as it may be! it is better than this pla$e! for truly! no good thing d>ells here&N -he men mo ed a>ay from the edge! and! retra$ing their steps! reentered the tunnel&


later! Ma$ found himself on$e again abo e ground! and he >as than?ful to be there& 7e Eumped out of the tunnel and landed neCt to the railroad tra$?s& /t >as dar?! and Lohanen had pulled out his flashlight! lighting the area that had on$e been the lair of the demonia$ that had been deli ered! >hen! a lifetime agoR Ma$ stret$hed his arms o er his head and >or?ed his ne$? mus$les a fe> times& 9itzpatri$? >as anCious to see his sister! 2ora! so they pressed ahead! going from le el to le el! until they rea$hed the guard at the Condos& -he fifty"gallon drum had a slo> fire in it and there >as still a $ontingent of men gathered around it& NGho<s thatRN Ma$ re$ognized the oi$e as -im<s& N/t is /! Lohanen&N -he men hurried to greet them& NPou made it ba$?! huhRN -im as?ed! as the mole people gathered around them! eager to hear >hat had happened& N%id 2ora get ba$? safelyRN 9itzpatri$? as?ed& -he $ro>d of men gre> silent& Ma$ began to >onder if something had happened to her& NPeah! she got ba$?!N -im said& N0he<s a lot different no>& /t<s ?ind of spoo?ed us all&N N'h! yes& -hat >as to be eCpe$ted! -im!N Lohanen replied& NCan you ta?e us to herRN -im nodded& Ma$ follo>ed as $lose behind Lohanen as he $ould! as he >as surrounded by a huddle of men >ho Eostled to get $loser& 0oon they entered the home of the mole people& Gord had gone before them! so e eryone >ho li ed in the Condos had $ome out to greet them& Ma$ mingled >ith a $ro>d of homeless people >ho >ere >hispering amongst themsel es as they got their first loo? at Lohanen& -he $ro>d parted and a young >oman ran to>ard them& /t >as 2ora& NLohanen!N she $ried out! as she ran to meet them& Lohanen opened his arms and the >oman ran into them& N0myrna &&& made me >hole & & & /<m all right no>!N she said! and began to $ry& 9itzpatri$? stepped for>ard! trembling& N1rianRN 2ora $alled out& N2ora!N 9itzpatri$? >hispered& N/<m better no>! 1rian!N 2ora said! as she left Lohanen and ran to 9itzpatri$?<s arms& Ma$ >at$hed them embra$e& -he $ro>d of mole people began to tal?! and some of

them applauded! not ?no>ing >hat else to do& NGhat happened to herRN Ma$ as?ed! as he made his >ay o er to Lohanen& N0he >as >ith an angel8the one you sa> restrain the demonia$ >hen >e >ere in the restaurant& 7is name is 0myrna! and through the Lord<s po>er! he healed her& 0he is >hole and in her right mind for the first time in her life&N ' >oman started to yell from the ba$? of the $ro>d& N7ey! e erybody& Pou gotta listen to >hat<s goin< on&N Ma$ regarded the old >hite >oman >ith >ild hair! dressed in a tattered bathrobe& 0he held a small transistor radio >ith the earplug in one of her ears& NGe $an<t hear nothin< till you ta?e that earplug out your ear!N a toothless man near the >oman admonished& -he >oman pulled the earplug >ire from the radio& Ma$ heard the urgent oi$e of a female reporter& 0he >as mid"senten$e >hen the spea?er $ra$?led to life& N&&& reports that there are eCtraterrestrial $raft o er the $ity of Lerusalem& /t appears that this is a dire$t response to a sudden nu$lear eC$hange bet>een /srael and the former 0o iet Bnion and a $onfedera$y of 'rab states& 9irst reports indi$ate that there are &&&N -he reporter bro?e do>n and began to $ry& -here >as silen$e for almost a full minute! then the broad$ast resumed! this time >ith a male reporter& Ma$ >as stunned& 7e loo?ed at Lohanen! then at 9itzpatri$?& 1oth loo?ed sho$?ed and grim& Ma$ mo ed $loser to Lohanen& NGe< e got to get out of here and find out >hat<s going on&N N2ot so fast! Ma$Menzie& Listen! it<s starting again&N 'nother oi$e $ame o er the air>a es& NLadies and gentlemen! all normal radio broad$asting has been suspended due to the ongoing $ir$umstan$es in the Middle :ast& Ge eCpe$t the president of the Bnited 0tates to ma?e a statement shortly &&&N GoG :lisha 1en7assen sat! bleary"eyed! staring in disbelief at his $omputer s$reen& Bri >as beside him! his head resting on the des? in front of him and $o ered by his arms as if they might someho> ?eep out the star? reality of the last se eral hours& Fn the other side! the MaEor sat stoi$ally still! his fa$e ashen and >aC"li?e& Fn :lisha<s lap an open 1ible rested& /t >as open to /saiah! $hapter *6& 7e reread the passage! >anting it to say something else but ?no>ing that it >ouldn<t& ;ha" had "hey done8 he as?ed himself& 7e read it again& 2Behold, 5a.asc's ill cease "o be a ci"y and i" ill re.ain a r'ino's heap %%%2 '$$ording to reports that had found their >ay to :lisha deep belo> the streets of -el ' i ! %amas$us had been $ompletely destroyed& -he atta$?ing armies of /ran! Libya! :gypt! 0yria! Lebanon! -ur?ey! and Russia had been >iped out& Ghen it be$ame $lear that /srael had no remaining options! they then relied on their last resort& -hey did the unthin?able8laun$hed a nu$lear $ounteratta$? >ith neutron bombs! and annihilated hundreds of thousands of people >ithin a fe> minutes& -he remains of the ast armies lay dead on the mountains and plains bordering the tiny nation& :lisha ran his fingers o er the >orn leather edge of his 1ible& 7e felt the same hopelessness that he had felt after lea ing the death $amps so many years ago& -he o er>helming despair! as if life >as no longer >orth li ing! for the >orld >as a pla$e that had lost any semblan$e of order and sanity&

-he s$reen flashed and :lisha >ondered >hat >ould ta?e pla$e neCt& ;o'ld "he -.ericans en"er "he ,ray8 ;o'ld "he R'ssians re"alia"e i"h "he re.ainder o, "heir n'clear arsenal8 ;o'ld co'n"less hordes o, enraged M'sli.s ga"her "oge"her in a las" Eihad and s"or. across "he borders8 -he phone rang on the MaEor<s des?& -he MaEor t>it$hed! startled! then pi$?ed it up& :lisha >aited as the MaEor ended the $on ersation& N0omething is going on in Lerusalem & & & Ge should ha e a pi$ture in a minute& -hey<re >or?ing on it&N :lisha loo?ed to the large digital s$reen! >hi$h >as still bla$?ed out& /t fli$?ered a fe> times and then the pi$ture $ame into fo$us& :lisha nudged Bri! >ho sat up and rubbed his tear"stained eyes& N-hat<s Lerusalem! the Gestern Gall!N :lisha said& 7e sa> a mob of men and >omen in front of the >all! and although there >as no sound! he $ould tell that desperate $ries >ere e$hoing off the an$ient stones& -he $amera panned ba$? and :lisha sa> "he. for the first time& 7e had read about it from the s$roll that :no$h hadgi en Ma$Menzie& 0till! it sho$?ed him to his $ore& 7e glan$ed at Bri and then at the MaEor& 1oth men >ere spee$hless& 7e loo?ed ba$? at the s$reen again& -he s?y >as blue and $loud"less! and! ho ering o er the old $ity! >ere hundreds of B9Fs8Nsun dis?s!N as the an$ient s$roll had $alled them& NKod help us!N :lisha >hispered! and grabbed the hands of Bri and the MaEor and began to pray& -he Mayor emerged from his hut and $alled out to Lohanen and Ma$& NPou< e got to see this& Ket o er here&N -hey hurried o er and follo>ed the man inside& Ma$ too? a seat on a blue tarp neCt to Lohanen& /n front of him >as a small bla$?"and">hite tele ision set per$hed on a mil? $rate& Ma$ nudged Lohanen& N/t<s diffi$ult to belie e this is happening!N he said! as he stared at the s$reen& NPes! Ma$Menzie& Gith the nu$lear eC$hange in the Middle :ast the unthin?able has happened&N Ma$ nodded! >ishing the pi$ture >ere $learer& ' >ell"$oifed >oman reporter! ?nu$?les $urled in a death grip around the mi$rophone in her hand! >as spea?ing& N&&& of Lerusalem are in a state of pani$ be$ause of the eCtraterrestrial $raft that you sa> ba$? there&N 0he gestured ner ously behind her& -he pi$ture zoomed in on one of the $raft that drifted o er the old $ity of Lerusalem& N Bnbelie able!N Ma$ >hispered under his breath& -he >oman $ontinued! NGe ha e Eust re$ei ed >ord that the president of the Bnited 0tates is on his >ay to an emergen$y session at the Bnited 2ations&N -he $amera panned ba$? to the ho ering $raft! then to the $haos on the street& -he streets >ere Eammed >ith $ars& 7orns blared and some motorists stood on top of their hoods& Fthers had abandoned their $ars! engines running! doors flung open& 'n old rabbi stood on the $orner! his hand holding the -orah! and ro$?ed ba$? and forth as he prayed! ignoring the pani$?ed people around him& ' handful of /%9! /sraeli %efense 9or$e! ran into the area and tried to get traffi$ mo ing and to ?eep a semblan$e of order& -he tele ision set lost its re$eption and the Mayor slapped it! but the pi$ture >ouldn<t

$ome ba$? on& Lohanen got up! than?ed the Mayor! and motioned to Ma$ to follo> him& -hey left the Mayor<s house and mo ed a>ay from the $ro>d& NGell! Ma$Menzie! it is time for you to lea e this pla$e&N N'nd >hat are >e to do thenRN Ma$ as?ed& Lohanen shoo? his head& N2ot >e! Ma$Menzie& Pou& /t is time for you to do >hat you do best&N 7e paused& Ma$ thought a moment& NPou mean >riteRN he as?ed& Lohanen nodded& N/t is >hat you ha e been trained to do! Ma$Menzie& Pou ha e a perspe$ti e that fe> people! if any! ha e& Pou need to be a spo?esperson for the Lord&N N0o >hat are you going to doRN Ma$ as?ed& N9or the time being! stay here& 't least for a fe> days!N Lohanen replied& Ma$ hesitated for a moment& NGill / see you againRN he as?ed& Lohanen smiled& NPes! Ma$Menzie! if the Lord >ills it& 1ut for no> your >ife and $hildren need your attention! and / ha e business here and in other pla$es&N Ma$ mulled o er >hat Lohanen had said& NGhat about 9itzpatri$? and 2oraRN N-hey ha e mu$h $at$hing up to do& -hey need some time alone& 1ut let us gather them and lea e this pla$e&N Ma$ spotted 9itzpatri$? and 2ora seated a short distan$e a>ay& N-hey<re o er there!N he said! pointing to them& ' short time later Ma$! Lohanen! 9itzpatri$?! and 2ora stood at the entran$e to the tunnels& 1ehind them! -im and se eral of the other mole people gathered& -hey had es$orted them to the entran$e! but >ere afraid to ta?e them any farther& Ma$ loo?ed out of the mouth of the tunnel to the gray! o er$ast s?y& ' light drizzle >as falling& 7e turned up the $ollar of his Ea$?et&NGell! / guess this is good"bye!N Ma$ said to Lohanen& NPes! for no>! Ma$Menzie& Remember! you should do >hat you do so >ell& Grite about >hat is going on& -he >orld needs your perspe$ti e& /t may pro e to be $riti$al&N Ma$ nodded and then thre> his arms around his mentor! embra$ing him& 9itzpatri$? and 2ora ea$h too? their turns than?ing Lohanen and saying their good"byes& Ma$ turned to 9itzpatri$? and 2ora& NReadyRN 9itzpatri$? had his arm around 2ora! and the three of them started out of the tunnels& Ma$Menzie loo?ed ba$? on$e and sa> the sno>y >hite hair of Lohanen disappear into the perpetual t>ilight of the tunnels&

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