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Sea Water Desalination Project

1. According to the recent statistics of the UN which has been described in the declaration of Ban Ki Mun, that was prepared on the occassion of his redelegation 1.2 billion people on the Earth 1!.1 " of the total population# has no access to water, not to $ention that safet% drin&ing water is not pro'ided for 2 billion people 2(.) " of the population of the Earth#. *he $entioned facts lead to se'eral illnesses and health proble$s. 2. +io , 2- Konferencia would li&e to deal with the two $ost i$portant .uestion in priorit%/ water and cli$atic changes, and would li&e to find solutions to both topics as the% are the biggest challenges for $an&ind. 0. 1n consideration of the abo'e $etioned two proble$s we are in dispose of se'eral different facilities which could gi'e us a solution in the cheapest and the $ost en'iron$ental friendl% wa%, and also ensuring to be satisfactor% and econo$icall% friendl% in all wa%s. 2. Mainl% the $editerranian, sub3tropical and tropical areas of the Earth are in need of health% and safet% dring&ing water, where seas and oceans can be found e'er%where in accessible wa%s. *he bigger distance fro$ the seas are superable. *his can be considered as a co$pletel% sol'ed issue, because water can be deli'ered to an% distances and higher relief areas through pipelines. *he electricit% necessar% for the pu$ping could be ser'ed b% the special e.uip$ents designed for this purpose, which utili4e solar energ%. ). 5e ha'e prepared, the business, the i$ple$entation, the $anufacturing, and the return on in'est$ent plans. According to these calculations, due to the sea desalinator $achines prepared b% us 3 which wor& b% solar energ% the word6s $ost e7cellent drin&ing water can be produced, especiall% b% the solar plants that ha'ing the biggest si4e and output. *he production cost of 1 $0 drin&ing water is -.0- U89, which $eans that the total in'est$ent cost returns in 2- da%s if calculated for a 2-- EU+ in'est$ent under the cost of -.1 U89: liter. *his can be considered the biggest opportunit% not onl% at the $o$ent, but e'en $ore for the future, and 5;A* 18 M<+E, *;18 18 *;E B1==E8* ;UMAN1*A+1AN >;A+1*? @<+ MANK1N9. A. *here is an additional aspect needs to be ta&en into consideration when tal&ing about the introduction of sea desalination/ the co$parison of the pros and cons of the different $ethods. a. *he traditional ther$i& desalination is considered disused, since it necessitates the burning of disproportionatel% high a$ount of fuels, and the actuation necessitates the contribution of se'eral people, because a high a$ount of carbon3dio7ide and other har$ful $aterials gets into the air during the process. >onsidering all these $entioned aspects, this method is very expensive and very disadvantageous because of the emissions of harmful materials. b. *he $ethod based on the re'ersible os$osis is si$ilar to the Bcase of the 'eterinar% horseCin the conte7t that the base point of e'er% illnesses in this case e'er% fault# can be found. *he first step is the so called Bcold processC, where the .ualit% of the filters per$eators# define the .ualit% of the water co$ing through the filters. Unfortunatel% we cannot sa% that the drin&ing water deri'ing fro$ such $ethod has a good taste, e'en if the .ualit% of the filter is fine. As the second step, the re$ainig, harder salt3contained sea water 1)31( " of salt3contant# is read$ited to the sea where this high salt3 contant united with the continuousl% arri'ing hard solution is getting harder in such a wa% that it siste$aticall% leads to the co$plete desolation of each and e'er% creatures of the sea in huge co'erage of the sea, $a&es the sea a dead3sea. As the third step, these $achiner% consu$e lots of electricit%, while letting e7tra e$issions of har$ful $aterials into the air. As the forth step, if this &ind of water is used for irrigation, due to the higher salt3contant cu$$ulate in the soil, it beco$es unproducti'e after so$e %ears. @or the fifth step, the filter has to be changed regularl% because of their continuous fouling, therefore the production is under a brea& during this occasions. As a result, this process is the worst one ever, cannot be adviced even as an emergency option, because it is disproportionately expensive, causes huge, unreversible damages in the seas and the atmosphere, while the quality of the water is exceptionable. c. Our energy-efficient method for sea water desalination wor&s b% solar energ%, is the cheapest equipment method for preparing an excellent quaity of dinking water, which does not cause any damages neither in the atmosphere nor in the sea. The reason for the second is the drying of the hard sea water - which is rich in salt-contant - under the sun. 1 would li&e to &indl% as& %ou to ta&e these abo'e $entioned aspects into consideratin when $a&ing %our decision.

E7isting e.uip$ents.

1. Energ% pro'ision of flats and houses with solar energ% utili4ation 2. Energ% pro'iding e.uip$ents with solar energ% utili4ation used under te$perate 4one conditions 0. BMediterraneanC e.uip$ents utili4ing solar energ% 2. E.uip$ents pro'iding house bloc&s with energ% b% utili4ing solar energ% ). E.uip$ents pro'iding factories and other industrial establish$ents with energ% utili4ing solar energ% A. 8ea water desalination e.uip$ents utili4ing solar energ% !. 8olar power station (. ;eat storing e.uip$ents for storing energ% originating fro$ solar energ% D. 8toring e.uip$ent for the storage of electric energ% 1-. 9r%ing, dr%ing3roasting e.uip$ent operating with solar energ% 11. E'aporating, concentrating e.uip$ents operating with solar energ% 12. +eutili4ation e.uip$ent for har$ful wastes utili4ing solar energ% 10. Mirror3s%ste$ built on geos%nchronous path for dispersing clouds of tropical c%clons hurricanes, t%phoons#, tornados and hails 12. BEden =arden desert cit%C proEect 1). Utili4ation of the gra'itation energ% of water falls in power stations 1A. Frotection of airplanes against terror attac&s 1!. FroEect for the energ% pro'ision and life sustainance on a Moon base 1(. ;%drogen dri'er 1D. 8upertan& Flanned proEects/ 1. 2. 0. 2. ). A. !. (. D. New3t%pe wind power station Utili4ation of the wa'e.energ% of seas as a power ststion Fower station utili4ation of the current energ% of ri'ers Bod% cooling or heating e.uip$ent utili4ing wind or solar energ% E.uip$ent for re$o'ing sna&e poison Electronic notes +oc& de$olition in highl% populated cit% areas =eo$etric representation of a 09 i$age New3t%pe a'io3technological solution

Kind regards, 9r. =Gbor =Hde

project maneger, project owner

Production costs of the complete sea-water desalination equipment functioning with solar energy of 100 and 200 m daily capacity

Name of the part unit

For daily capacity of 100 m3 (No of pieces)

Total price of a complete part unit

For daily capacity of 100 m3 (No of pieces)

Total price of the complete part unit

Concrete foundation Concentrator of 20m diameter &tren'thenin' structure *ydraulic supportin'+mo,in' structure E,aporator -ody Electric current producin' e.uipment Ener'y storin' e.uipment &ea+/ater collectin' tan0 Condensation tan0 Collectin' tan0 for the distilled /ater &alt collectin' concrete reser,oir 1utomatic computer control Electromotors pumps2 ,al,es2 instruments 3rofit Reser,es Production cost, altogether

1 " " ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

EURO 2000 EURO 2!#"0 EURO ()!(20 EURO 1#(! 000 EURO 20!000 EURO 0!000 EURO 10!000 EURO $!000 EURO "!000 EURO 10!000 EURO $!000 EURO %!000 EURO 20!000 EURO 20 000 EURO 10!000 EURO 3 !" #$

1 1$ 1$ "0 1 2 1 1 2 2 1

EURO !000 EURO $ !%$0 EURO 11#!0 0 EURO 2%0!000 EURO 20!000 EURO 0!000 EURO 20!000 EURO $!000 EURO "!000 EURO 20!000 EURO 1)!000 EURO %!000 EURO #0!000 EURO #0!000 EURO 1(!000 EURO %&%"&'$

Additional costs of water sold as drinking and other water For equipments with a daily capacity of 100 m3 For equipments with a daily capacity of 200 m3

Local assem ly costs !i"ing tank for preparing drinking water #ottling$ automatic filling equipment %osts for creating an own transport capacity #uilding out protection against a storm Additional costs, altogether )ther daily costs in case of operating own equipments$ wages$ energy$ ta"$ etc+ Production costs$ altogether Total investment cost and operation cost Rounded sum The price for which the equipment is marketable Extra Profit

&'() *0+000 &'() 12+000 &'() 20+000 &'() *0+000 &'() ,0+000 EURO 212.000

&'() -*+000 &'() 12+000 &'() .0+000 &'() -0+000 &'() 1/0+000 EURO 357.000

&'() .+000 &'() 30-+010 EURO EURO EURO EURO 01.!10 02.000 #2.000 #0.000

&'() ,+000 &'() EURO EURO EURO EURO /,/+,20 "! .#20 "!5.000 #15.000 120.000

Production and sale plan for the sea-water desalination equipments operating with solar energy and having 100 m3 and 200 m3 daily capacity for 4 production years containing 5 % and 4,4 % of profit in case of a 200 million Euro credit (investment) In the first production year $o% of e!uipments produced #rofit for 1 e!uipment or e!uipment of 100 m" daily capacity 400 Euro &0%000 or e!uipment of 200m" daily capacity "00 E'() 120%000 E'() "*%000%000 E'() *&%000%000 #rofit altogether

#rofit due after the full production sold in the first Euro "2%000%000 year In the second production year $o% of e!uipments produced #rofit for 1 e!uipment or e!uipment of 100 m" daily capacity *00 E'() &0%000

or e!uipment of 200m" daily capacity 450 E'() 120%000 E'() 54%000%000

#rofit altogether

#rofit due after the full production sold in the E'() 4&%000%000 second year In the third production year $o% of e!uipments produced #rofit for 1 e!uipment

E'() 102%000%000

or e!uipment of 100 m" daily capacity &00 E'() &0%000

or e!uipment of 200m" daily capacity *00 E'() 120%000 E'() +2%000%000

#rofit altogether

#rofit due after the full production sold in the E'() *4%000%000 third year In the fourth production year $o% of e!uipments produced #rofit for 1 e!uipment or e!uipment of 100 m" daily capacity 1200 E'() &0%000

E'() 1"*%000%000

or e!uipment of 200 m" daily capacity &00 E'() 120%000 E'() ,*%000%000

#rofit altogether

#rofit due after the full production sold in E'() ,*%000%000 the fourth year

E'() 1,2%000%000

#rofit altogether after all the e!uipments produced in the 4 production years Euro 4,&%000%000%

-he return of the investment in case of functioning of the e!uipments in frame of o.n .ater plants from the income after the .ater sold can /e e0pected as follo.s1 -he good !uality drin2ing .ater sold in 1 liter /ottles for 1 E'()3liter it means for 400 e!uipments of 100 m3 capacity 4000100 4 40 000 m3 .ater, .hich ma2es 40 000 000 liter of .ater sold, and this /rings 40 million Euro income% In case of the "00 pieces of e!uipments .ith 200 m3 capacity, the production is "000200 4 *0 000 m3 , i%e% *0 000 000 liter of drin2ing .ater .hich ma2es an income of *0 million E'()s% -hus, the full income from the drin2ing .ater is 100 million E'()s daily% 5ince the total amount of the credit is 200 million E'()s 6 the a/ove costs emerging, the return time for the full sum is less than 2 and a half days, at calculating .ith a price of 1 E'()s3liter% 7t calculating .ith a price of 0%50 E'()s3liter, the return time is 5 days (.ith a price of 0%"0 E'()s, the return time of the investment ma2es , days )% If .e ta2e the price of the drin2ing .ater as 0%10 E'() (.hich is in a strict contradiction .ith today8s prices), the return time increases only to 20 days% It is not accidental that today the .ater is considered as an even more important strategic tool than oil, the importance of .ater is supported /y '$ statistics according to .hich one third of man2ind does not get enough drin2ing .ater%
9udapest, 11 o2t:/er 2012% 5incerely yours1

;r%<=/or <>de #atent o.ner and pro?ect manager

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