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TeamLuby Update Week of April 28, 2014

Spring Street School

Mrs. Lubys class

I hope everyone had an enjoyable
and relaxing spring break. We have a great
deal to accomplish over the next several
weeks with the Biography Wax Museum,
Monster Exchange, Math MCAS, and our
regional social studies projects. Continue to
check your childs planner and make sure
homework is being returned to school each
day. With many out-of-school activities,
they will need your assistance staying on
top of their responsibilities.
Interested in volunteering? We
will need parent typists and project helpers
for our Midwest sub-region projects. If
you are available at any time on Mon., Wed.,
or Fri. from 2 -3 PM in the next couple of
weeks or Tues/Wed. afternoons from 1-2,
please let me know. We will be putting our
on-line books together!
Water, water, everywhere! Mrs.
Lividini is looking for photos/pictures of
rivers and lakes for an upcoming grade 4
Art project in conjunction with Mrs.
Lebeoufs Music program! If you have any
National Geographics or magazines that
might have pictures of rivers or lakes,
please send them in.
Our field Study to SELCO is Fri.,
5/9 permission slips will go home soon.

Wacky Wednesdays:
Which way to the beach? Wed., 4/30
Tropical/Beach Day - appropriate beach or
hot weather clothing Wed., 5/7
Sports Day

Reminders: PE Tuesday/sneakers;
Music Wednesday/recorders

Math Club Tuesday, April 29, TBA!

Now is the time to send in those
box tops! The first grade classes
came in first and second in April!
Our fourth grade class needs to bring it
back upstairs!
*Wednesday, 5/7 Grade 4 Concert
*SELCO field study- Fri., 5/9
*Monday, 5/12 Early Release Day
*Tues/Wed 5/13 & 14 Math MCAS
*Thursday, 5/22 Sing & Swing
*Friday, 5/30- SSS Field Day
*Thurs., 6/5 Biography Wax Museum
*Friday, 6/6 Professional Development
Day no school
*Fri., 6/13 Grade 4 Celebration
Date Assigned Due Date
Wax Museum Sign off form due 4/30
Biography Book Choice due 5/2
Read 20 minutes each night! If the
biography has been approvedget reading!
Math Packet 4-28 5-1
StoryWorks TBA
GregTang Math See planner for web
activities; Web site on TeamLuby Blog

Language Arts
The children are ready to share
their primary and secondary immigration
sources with the class as they jigsaw their
information on the immigrant experience. A
writing response will follow.
Wax Museum information was
previewed on Friday. We have Media on
Wed.; SPL also has a wide variety of
biographies to choose from.


Our Monster Exchange descriptive
writing pieces are now in UT-our partner
class has uploaded their illustrations.
There is a glitch on uploading our
illustrations some are up! See blog for
website-TeamLuby resources.
USERNAME: Luby18542. We will begin a
new narrative writing piece this week and
write our Midwest texts.

Before the break, we reviewed the
Mock MCAS and redid the open responses
in order to reinforce structure and
mathematical thinking. They will go home
this week. Next is Unit 11 that involves
weight, capacity, and 3-D shapes and
This weeks Math homework includes
an MCAS practice packet with pattern and
operation problems.
FAMILY LETTERS can be found on-line
this year! As in past years, they contain unit
vocabulary, activities, and selected homework
answers. You can find these newsletters at:
grade/famlly-leLLers/ If you cannot access them,
please let me know.

Social Studies
Sub-region projects continue. Small
groups are working to encourage people to
move back or visit the Midwest Region!

Science - from the desk of Mrs. Liporto
This week we will put our knowledge
of basic circuits to use in a mystery circuit
game. The students will have to find hidden
wires between two pieces of cardboard
without looking for them. We'll also be
taking our circuit investigations one step
further in the coming weeks. Well be
learning about two different types of
circuits, series and parallel. These circuits
allow you to use multiple electricity
receivers with just one electricity source.
We'll begin investigating series circuits
this week.
Class Tidbits!
Happy Birthday!
Rose 4-20
Rahul (& Rathika) 4-27
Carter 5-4
Reeya 5-6
Oscar 5-31
Art: Monday, 9:15-9:55 AM
Physical Education: Tues., 10:45 11:25 AM
Music, Wed, 11:25 12:05 PM
Health: Thursday, 10:45 11:25 AM
Chorus: Friday 10:00-10:40 AM
Media: Every other Wed. 9:10-9:30 AM
As always, your comments are welcome.
Please drop me an e-mail at school or at
Barbara Luby

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